A ‘Character Moment’ is a demonstration of who a character is through their words or actions. Through their dialogue or what they do, the audience is shown who this character is, as opposed to being told who this character is. For example: Jane gave her last five dollars to the homeless man at the train station. Despite being troubled financially, Jane was very generous. Briefly, let’s analyse the difference between these two statements: the first explicitly mentions that these ‘five dollars’ are her ‘last’, which suggests that she is in financial trouble herself, and yet, she still gives it to the homeless man, who she perceives to be in greater need of the money than she is; the second delivers this same information but it does not give an example of her generosity - it just blankly tells the reader ‘trust me bro, she’s generous fr fr’. Jennifer was incredibly naive. As the dark, black car pulled over, a husky voice came from the window: ‘get in the car; I’ll take you to McDonald’s’. Without hesitation, Jennifer opened the back door and hopped in. As discussed, character moments can be shown through dialogue as well as action, which can be shown through both what they say and how they say it: ‘Only someone like you would try and make a profit from a charity’ Through this example, we learn both about the speaker and the listener: the speaker is singling out the listener and their intentions from normal society, which is seen through ‘only’; the listener is clearly willing to indulge in immoral actions as they seek to ‘make a profit from a charity’. The way that someone says something can also have a dramatic effect on the way we see a character: ‘Sit down on the sofa’ she ordered. ‘Sit down on the sofa’ she mumbled. How are these different? Let’s try and think of ways to show the following characters through dialogue or action: 1. Shy student on the first day of school 2. A man on a train who doesn’t care about what the other passengers think of him 3. A parent who enjoys disciplining their child 4. Someone who is cheap with their money 5. Someone who takes good care of their guests