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Informal Email Writing: Communication Skills & Stress Management

How will I use
Communication Skills?
You will produce an
informal email.
Title: Informal Email
L.O: I will expand my
understanding of the RAFT strategy,
organize my ideas, write a clear
topic sentence, and produce an
informal email.
L.O: I will expand my understanding of the RAFT strategy, organize my ideas, write a
clear topic sentence, and produce an informal email.
What is the difference
between an informal
and a formal email?
How many differences
can you list?
 When sending an email to people you know put their
addresses in the To: field.
 When sending messages to many people who don’t know each
other, put their addresses in the Bcc: field.
Bcc- stands for ‘blind carbon copy’ and using this field means
that you’re not sharing the addresses with everyone on the
email list.
 Think before you send- once you send an email message, you
cannot take it back or make it disappear.
 Ensure that when you create your email- it mirrors an
authentic text.
Read the following email
 We begin an email
1. A greeting:
Dear Mary,
Hi Mark,
Hello Susa,
2. Introduction or first paragraph
Ask about health
Thank him/her for last email
Reason for writing
3. Body
It is the most important part of the email.
Main subject of the email
We talk about school/ family/ holidays, etc.
Each paragraph talks about a different subject:
It is the last paragraph
Closing remark:
say goodbye
ask the other person to write back soon
send him/her family your love…
5. Closing of email
Set phrases
Best wishes,
Lots of love,
Write soon,
 Date: 20th September 2020
 To: Maria.Smith@gmail.com
 Cc:
 Subject: Don’t stress!
 Attached: The dangers of long-term stress & the benefits of exercise for teenagers
 Hi Maria,
 I’m sorry it has taken me so long to reply, I have been exceptionally busy trying to meet
a number of deadlines this week. I understand how overwhelming and stressful preparing
for exams can be. My career guidance counselor shared some really informative articles
with my class a couple of months ago which I have attached for you to read in your own
time. In the meantime let me share some of my top tips with you!
Exercise boosts
blood flood to the
brain and helps it
receive oxygen
and nutrients.
benefits of exercise
Go for 30min run
before school.
Helps me clear my
mind and ensure
I’m more focused
for the day ahead.
Trying to cope
independently will
leave you feeling
restless, irritable,
Find someone to
confide in.
‘A problem shared
is a problem
talk to parents,
friends and
 I really hope that you find some of my
tips useful and you try to incorporate
them into your daily routine, they have
really worked for me. Stay positive, the
exams will be over soon and new
beginnings and wonderful possibilities are
just around the corner!
 Really looking forward to seeing you at
Jane’s party next month!
 Chat soon,
 Amy.
 Write an email to your friend
advising her not to get stressed
during examination time. In your
email, explain to your friend the
benefits of exercising in reducing
stress. You may also advise her to
seek the support of friends and
family in coping with stress.
 Criteria A- Language
 Criteria B-Message
 Criteria C- Conceptual Understanding
L.O: I will expand my understanding of the RAFT strategy, organize my ideas,
write a clear topic sentence, and produce an informal email.
Introduction-Include an
appropriate greeting.
Establish the tone by asking
a personal question. Make
the purpose of the email
very clear to the recipient.
Main Body 2-3 paragraphs –
1 point per paragraphinclude a linking sentence
to ensure your response is
relevant to the question
you’ve been asked.
Conclusion- Do not include
new information!
Summarize your reaction.
Sign off appropriately.
Exercise boosts
blood flood to the
brain and helps it
receive oxygen
and nutrients.
benefits of exercise
L.O: I will expand my understanding of the RAFT
strategy, organize my ideas, write a clear topic
sentence, and produce an informal email.
Go for 30min run
before school.
Helps me clear my
mind and ensure
I’m more focused
for the day ahead.
L.O: I will expand my understanding of the RAFT strategy, organize my ideas, write a clear topic sentence, and
produce an informal email.
Swap your e-mail with your partner and using the assessment criteria A, B, C assess
your partner’s first draft.
L.O: I will expand my understanding of the RAFT strategy, organize my ideas, write a clear topic sentence, and
produce an informal email.