Writing a Winning Analysis 1. Read it fully - If you are wondering how to analyse poetry, the first step you can’t go without is carefully reading the chosen poem multiple times and, preferably, out loud. 2. Always double-check the meanings - When reading a poem, don’t forget to check for the meanings of unknown (and known as well) words and phrases. 3. Collect all the details you need - To write a compelling essay, you need to study the poem’s structure, contents, main ideas, as well as other background details. 4. Explore hidden meanings - When analyzing poem, be sure to look beyond the words. Instead, focus on finding broader, hidden ideas that the author wanted to share through his piece. 5. Make an outline - Once you have analyzed poem, outline your essay and write it following the plan. 6. Proofread and edit - Finally, once your essay is ready, take your time to revise and polish it carefully. Structure you essay! Introduction Name of Poem Name of Poet Date of Publication Background or any relevant information Form of poem Structure of poem Rhyme of poem Meaning of poem Overall meaning How can we relate the poem to our life Poetic Techniques Literary devices Context of Poem Cultural, historical and literary contexts