Page 301 Turboencabulator Dec. 31, 1962 (Phota 2904401) Fig. 1. PUBLICATION THIS CONTAINS INFORMATION ON THE FOLLOWING® RATINGS & OPERATION ® APPLICATION ® TECHNICAL FEATURES ® ACCESIQRIES ® Turboan<sbulator FUNCTION ADDITIONAL INFORMATION mmm + DATA o SPECIFICATIONS 8 DIMENSIONS ® EXTERNAL WIRING oe PRICE AND ORDER DATA—Reler to Factory. TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS WHERE TO BUY Se¢e Handbpok Section No, 8006, or contuct person listed below. Order [rom nearest General Electric Apparatus Sales Office or Distributor. WHERE TO GET SERVICE COR REPAIR See Hundbook Section No. 8009, or ¢ontact person listed below, Copies of this (Soles Engineer's or Diswributor's aii oon ' publication... 0 HEX 8350 Specification Guide Faring (Nonrestrictive) with copy of GenNone eral Electric Specifications, printed herein. Namy and Address; ae aaa Manual... aaa ay ieee i o.oo... Installation Insuoetions, ooo iiar nos Operation and Service INIrUCLions. | Service Owerhaul Not Aflustrasd Parts Breakdown. orc eno GENERALE Naw ELECTRIC A7Y Tabs Recommended Spare Parts List, Renewal Parts Bulletin... 0 RAE EE ee 8 None iirrr an None cocoa ain coi iia oa None iia None Nane Data subject lo change without notice information. cwi0, | None ooo iia 5 NES Instructions. None | HBK-8359 INSTRUMENTS Page 802 Turboencabulator Le Deg, 31, 1962 a Included Qty. 6 NO-BLOJ fuses. t Includes Magnaglas circuit breaker contacts polykrapolene-coated with rated 75A Wolfram. t Reg. "T.M. Little Gem Fuse Blower Corp. * FUNCTION To measure inverse reactive current in unilateral phase detractors with display of percent realization. OPERATION may be obtained fram: Torricelli Barometer Works, Ltd. Toroidal Turboencabulator Dept. (TTD-3) London W.C. 1, England. In Canada address request to: Based on the principle of power genACCESSORIES Turboencabulateurs eration by the medial interaction of 1. B Canadien-Francais ounces 5 per cent Tetracthyliododirect and capacitive magnetoreluctance 468 Jean de Quen, Quebec 10, P.Q, tracer 0.01N with Halogen hexamine ‘ance, the Turboencabulator negates the solution, Reference Texts relative motion of conventional conducInterelectrode diffusion integrator. Zeitschrift fur Physik tors and Auxes, It consists of a baseplate \. inverse ¢on2, Nonminductive-wound of prefabulated Amulite, surmounted by Der Zerfall ven Dunge LEM-) box. black in little control ductance H. Sturtzkampflieger, Berlin a malleable logarithmic casing in such a 4, Analog to digital converter with re1. Svenska Teckniska Skatologika Laro. way that the twe main spurving bearings Aected levorstatory BCID output (bi varken are sligned with the pentarnetric fan, nary-coded decimal ie; 7, 4, 2, 1), 121-—G. Petterson & Six gyro-controlled antigravic marzel. Dagblad oscillator regeneration $. Quasistatic Stockholm W. vanes are attached to the ambifacient Johannsen, 17.8 of milwith output conductance internal Francaise precesI'Academie shafts to prevent de 3, Journaux wane {imhos. sion. Along the top, adjacent to the Numero 506B T. L'Quverture, Paris panandermic semi-boloid stator slots, are APPLICATION Szkola Polska 4, forty-seven manestically spaced grouting Reactive Current. Inverse Measuring Turboencabulatorskiego brushes, insulated with Glyptal-impregof CAUTION: Because the replenernated, cyanoethylated kraft paper bushQgloszenie 1411-7 Bow characteristics of positive ative Bogumisl Wroblyski, Warszawa, ings. Hach one of these feeds into the ions in unilateral phase detractors, non-reversible the via Inst. of Turboencabulation slip-stream, Texas 5. rotor the use of the quasistatic regensraBull, 312-52, J. J. Fleck, Dallas. differential tremie pipes, 2 5 per cent AITE if recommended is oscillator tion solution of reminative TetracthyliodoTurboencabulator is used in explohexamine, the specific pericosity of which SPECIFICATIONS sive atmospheres. is “C" is given by P=2.5C."" where = 1 per cent of point Accurdey: Sinuscidal Depleneration of Reduction Cholmondeleys annular grillage coeffi== Ji per cent ealishould be Repeatability: the —Before system eveolute use, diaghetical the cient and 3 ft*-hrs/mo than less Drift: Sine-Wave with a gyro-controlied of retrograde temperature phase dig- brated Director, the output of which should be Maintenance Reguired: Bimonthly treat. pasition, ment of Meter covers with Shure Stat. The two panel meters display inrush of the cathode follower type,Directors (Standard): None Ratings are Cosine-wave current and percent realization. In addi- Note: If only (Optional): All first fed be Ratings must their output available, rion, whenever a barescent skor motion Voltg-120,/240/480/550 a-¢ Power: with parametric tnput into a Phase Inverter is required, it may be employed with a A Amps—10/5/2.5/2.2 Caution: compensators, negative-time the reduce reciprocating dingle arm to W Watts—1200 with an concutput sinusoidal depleneration in nofer trun: ‘Only Phase Inverters Lee, E> | ‘nis nions. Solutions are checked by Zahn Viscosimetry techniques, Exhaust orifices receive standard Blevinometric tests, There is no known Orth Effect. TECHNICAL FEATURES ® Panandermic semi-boloid stator slots @ Panel meter covers treated with Shure Stat (guarznteed to build up electrocharge in less than 1 second). ® Manestically spaced grouting brushes @ Prefabulated Amulite baseplate ® Pentametric fan STANDARD RATINGS New Computer Insensitive old Catalog No. Rating Catalog No. static 0-1000 6060606G6" 125387GLC1Y ductance of 17.8 &=1 millimboes should be employed so za to match the characteristics of the quasistatic regeneration oscil- lator. Voltage Levels---Above 750V Da Net Use Caged Resistors to get within self-contained rating of Turboencabulater. De Use Sequential Transformers, Sec HBK8005. Multiple Ratings-~Optionally available inmultiplesof (3.141593) and (2.71828), If binary or other number-base systems ratios are required, refer to factory for availability and pricing. Gonicmetric Deta—Upaon request, curves are supplied, at additional charge, for regions wherein the melecular MFF (Mean free path) is between 1.6 and 19.62 Angstrom units. Curves, relevant to regions outside the above-listed range, Wave Shape—Sinuseidal Cosinusoidal, Tangential or Pipusoidal, Operating Environment: Temperature 32F to 150F (0C to 66C) Max Magnetic Field: 13 Mendelsohns (1 Mendelsohn = 32.6 Statoersteds) Casa: Material: Amulite; Tremie-pipes are of Crapaloy——{tungsten cowhide) Weight: Net 134 1bs,; Ship 213 1bs. DIMENSION DRAWINGS On delivery. EXTERNAL WIRING On delivery. Data swhjve! te chenge withou! nelite d-ed (3M)