New York City College of Technology Lab Report Experiment #9 The Common-Collector Amplifier Emt 1255L (D712) Faisal Tariq 06/19/2019 Page 1 Table of Contents 1. Objective-------------------------------------------------------- page 3 2.Materials Used------------------------------------------------- page 3 3.Procedure------------------------------------------------------- page 3-4 4.Scematic--------------------------------------------------------- page 5-6 5. Data and Results---------------------------------------------- page 7-9 6. Conclusion------------------------------------------------------ page 10 7. Laboratory Data Sheet------------------------------------(Attached) Page 2 Objective: The Objective of this experiment is to be able to computer the dc and ac parameters for a common-collector amplifier. Measure the dc and ac parameters including input resistance and power gain. Test the effect of different load resistors on the ac parameters. Materials Used: Resistors: two 1.0kΩ, One 10kΩ, one 33kΩ Capacitors: one 1.0µF, 10µF One 10 kΩ potentiometer One 2N3906 pnp transistor. Procedure: 1. First we compared the resistor’s nominal value to their measured values to their measured values and recorded the collected data onto the data table. 2.Next we analyzed the CC Amplifier configuration and computed the DC parameters of the circuit. After constructing the circuit, we measured and collected the DC voltages on a table. 3. After measuring the DC parameters we turned on the function generator to measure all AC parameters of the circuit. Before making any measurements, we calculated each AC parameters to check if our measurements are close to the calculated value when measured. For the calculations we assumed the bac is equal to 100 Page 3 4. Next, we analyzed the CE Amplifier configuration and computed the DC parameters of the circuit. After constructing the circuit we measured and collected the DC voltages on a table. 5.Afterwards we computed the AC parameters of the following diagram, Then we constructed the circuit using a signal generator and measured the AC parameters. 6. Next when we compare the relationship between input and output waveforms. Our phase relationship between VIN AND VOUT is no change. 7. In Step 7 we reduce RL to 1.0k Ω. We Observe the ac signal voltage at the transistor’s base, emitter, and collector and measure the voltage gain of the amplifier when RL is reduced, we observed that we are getting positive clipping. 8. In step 8 when we change the RL by playing with the potentiometer, we observe that as we increase the resistance the clipping comes down. Page 4 Schematic: Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Data Results: Table 9-1 Resistor Table 9-3 R1 Listed Value 33 k Measured Value 31.5 kΩ R2 10 k 9.70 kΩ RE 1.0 k 1.0 k 982 Ω RL Table 9-2 DC Parameter VB AC Parameter Vb Ve re 981 Ω Computed Value 2.84 V Measured Value 3V VE 3.54 V 3.69 V IE 8.61 mA VCE 3.54 V Computed Value 1.0 Vpp Measured Value 350 mVpp 2.90 Ω 343 mVpp 1.0 Vpp Av 0.99 0.97 Rin(tot) 6.5 kΩ 7.98 kΩ 6.5 8.13 Ap 3.67 V Table 9-4 Trouble VB DC Predictions VE VCE DC Measurements VB VE VCE R1 open* 0.69 V 1.39 V 1.39 V R2 open 12.0 V 12.0 V 12.0 V 12.06 V 12.06 V 12.0 V 12.0 V 12.0 V 12.06 V 12.06 V 2.84 V 0.0 V 0.0 V 2.80 V 0.0 V R1 shorted RE open open collector 10.2 V 10.9 V 10.9 V open emitter 2.84 V 12.0 V 12.0 V 0.36 V 1.08 V 10.3 V 11.07 V 0V 0V Effect of Trouble on Vout Little effect on 1.65 V waveform 12.06 V No output. 12.06 V No output. 0.0 V No output. 0 V V Output Reduced No output. Sample Calculations 𝑉𝐵 = R2 9.7kΩ 𝑉𝐸𝐸 = ∗ 12𝑉 = 2.84𝑣 R1 + R2 31.3kΩ + 9.7kΩ 𝑉𝐸 = 2.844 + 0.7V = 3.54V VRE=VEE-VE=12V-3.54V=8.46V VRE 8.46𝑉 𝐼𝐸 = = = 8.61𝑚𝐴 R 982Ω Page 8 Page 9 1. In step 6, you observed the phase relationship between the input and output waveforms. Is the phase relationship you observed the same for an npn circuit? Explain. Answer: The input and output are in phase for both types of transistors since the phase relation is a function of the common terminal of the transistor in this case it’s a common-collector. 2. Is the statement true if the cc circuit had been constructed with an npn transistor? Why or why not? Answer: In the equivalent NPN circuit, positive clipping occurs when the transistor has maximum conduction, that’s why it is saturation clipping. 3.The circuit used in this experiment used voltage-divider bias (a) compared to base bias, what is the advantage? (b) what disadvantages does it have? Answer: (a) Compared to base bias, voltage-divider bias has a more predictable and stable Q-point (b) Voltage-divider bias requires an additional resistor. Page 9 Page 10 4.Common-collector amplifiers do not have voltage gain but still provide power gain. Explain.? Answer: The output voltage is always smaller than the input voltage, but the output current is larger than the input current, that’s why afterall there is a power gain. 5.Figure 9-4 shows a CC amplifier with voltage-divider bias. Assume Bac=Bdc=100 Compute the dc and ac parameters listed below for the circuit ? Answer: Dc parameter Ac parameters VB=+10.9V re=29.7 VE=+11.6V AV=0.994 IE=0.84mA Rin(tot)=34.3kΩ VCE=-11.6V Ap=6.8 Page 10 Page 11 Conclusion: In this laboratory we were able to test the DC parameters and to make sure that there were no faults in a common collector amplifier, and if there were to fix the inputs to make sure that in the output everything is correct. We also found out how to visually find the power gain and the AC input resistances. Overall the lab was easy to build. Page 11