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Judge: Atty. Llanes, call your first witness.
Atty. Llanes : May I call on our first witness, Dr. Jose G. Del Rosario to the witness
Judge: Swear in the witness.
Trial Director: Please state your name and your personal circumstances.
Dr. Del Rosario: I am Dr. Jose G. Del Rosario, 50 years old, single, and a resident of
San Jose, Zamboanga City.
Trial Director: Please raise your right hand. Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole
truth and nothing but the truth in this case?
Dr. Del Rosario: Yes, Ma’am
Trial Director: The witness is ready, your honor.
Judge: Your witness, Counsel.
Atty. Llanes: With the kind permission of this Honorable Court. Your honor, we are
offering the testimony of our first witness Dr. Jose G. Del Rosario to prove that he
examined both parties in this case, to prove that Defendant REZAMAR A. TANJIL is
suffering from psychological incapacity and that such incapacity existed at the time of
the celebration of the marriage between the parties; to prove that such psychological
incapacity is medically or clinically permanent or incurable; and to testify on other matter
germane to his principal testimony and allegations in the petition and judicial and
identify documents relative to his allegations.
May we proceed, your honor?
Judge: Proceed.
Atty. Llanes: Mr. Witness, what is your profession?
Dr. Del Rosario: I am a Clinical Psychologist and a Marriage Counselor by profession.
Atty. Llanes: How long have you been practicing as a Clinical Psychologist?
Dr. Del Rosario: I have been practicing my profession as early as 2010, so about 12
Atty. Llanes: Have you ever been called as a witness for any court proceedings before
this particular case?
Dr. Del Rosario: Yes sir, I have been called to court as a witness in about twenty cases
regarding the declaration of nullity of marriage due to psychological incapacity before.
Atty. Llanes: Your honor, we would like to manifest that the qualifications have been met
to consider our witness as an expert witness. With the kind permission of this Honorable
Court, may we proceed?
Judge: Proceed.
Atty. Llanes: Mr. Witness, do you remember also having executed a Judicial Affidavit in
relation to this case?
Dr. Del Rosario: Yes sir.
Atty. Llanes: If this Judicial Affidavit is shown to you, will you be able to identify it?
Dr. Del Rosario: Yes sir.
Atty. Llanes: How will you be able to identify it?
Dr. Del Rosario: I’ll be able to identify it also through my signatures sir.
Atty. Llanes: Mr. Witness, I am showing to you a six-page Judicial Affidavit executed by
one Jose G. Del Rosario, hereto marked as Exhibit “D”. What is this Judicial Affidavit
in relation to the one that you have mentioned earlier?
Dr. Del Rosario: This is the same Judicial Affidavit that I executed sir.
Atty. Llanes: Your honor, we pray that the Judicial Affidavit of the witness Jose G. Del
Rosario, hereto marked as Exhibit “D” serve as his direct testimony for this case.
May we proceed, your honor?
Judge: Proceed.
Atty. Llanes: Mr. Witness, in your Judicial Affidavit, you have mentioned having
executed a Psychological Report with respect to the parties in this case. If this
Psychological Report is shown to you, will you be able to identify it?
Dr. Del Rosario: Yes sir.
Atty. Llanes: How will you be able to identify it?
Dr. Del Rosario: I’ll be able to identify it through my signatures sir.
Atty. Llanes: Mr. Witness, I am showing to you a six-page Psychological Report
executed by one Jose G. Del Rosario previously marked as Exhibit “E”, what is this
Psychological Report in relation to the one that you have mentioned earlier?
Dr. Del Rosario: This is the same Psychological Report that I executed sir.
Atty. Llanes: That would be all for the witness, your honor.
Judge: Cross examination.
Judge: Re direct.
Judge: Re cross.
Judge:Counsel, do you have any more witnesses?
Atty. Llanes: Yes, your honor. With the kind permission of this Honorable Court, may we
call on our last witness, the Plaintiff in this case, Mrs. SARAH ROSE SALI TANJIL, to
the witness stand.
Judge: Swear in the witness.
Trial Director: Please state your name and your personal circumstances.
Sarah Rose S. Tanjil: I am Sarah Rose S. Tanjil, 34 years old, married, and a resident of
Tetuan, Zamboanga City.
Trial Director: Please raise your right hand. Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole
truth and nothing but the truth in this case?
Sarah Rose S. Tanjil: Yes, Ma’am
Trial Director: The witness is ready, your honor.
Judge: Your witness, Counsel.
Atty. Llanes: With the kind permission of this Honorable Court. Your honor, we are
offering the testimony of our second witnessSarah Rose S. Tanjil to prove that she is the
wife of Defendant REZAMAR A. TANJIL, to identify documents in relation to her petition,
and to testify on other matters germane to her principal testimony and allegations in her
May we proceed, your honor?
Judge: Proceed.
Atty. Llanes: Madam Witness, how are you related to this case?
Sarah Rose S. Tanjil: I am the wife of REZAMAR A. TANJIL and the plaintiff in this case.
Atty. Llanes: Madam Witness, do you remember having executed a Judicial Affidavit in
relation to this case?
Sarah Rose S. Tanjil: Yes, sir.
Atty. Llanes: If this Judicial Affidavit is shown to you, will you be able to identify it?
Sarah Rose S. Tanjil: Yes, sir.
Atty. Llanes: How will you be able to identify it?
Sarah Rose S. Tanjil: I’ll be able to identify it also through my signatures sir.
Atty. Llanes: Madam Witness, I am showing to you a six-page Judicial Affidavit executed
by one Jose G. Del Rosario, hereto marked as Exhibit “C”. What is this Judicial
Affidavit in relation to the one that you have mentioned earlier?
Sarah Rose S. Tanjil: This is the same Judicial Affidavit that I executed sir.
Atty. Llanes: Your honor, we pray that the Judicial Affidavit of the witness Sarah Rose S.
Tanjil, hereto marked as Exhibit “C” serve as her direct testimony for this case.
May we proceed, your honor?
Judge: Proceed.
Atty. Llanes: Madam Witness, earlier, and in your Judicial Affidavit, you have mentioned
of a Certificate of Marriage to prove that you are in fact married to Defendant
REZAMAR A. TANJIL. If this Certificate of Marriage will be shown to you, will you be
able to identify it?
Sarah Rose S. Tanjil: Yes, sir
Atty. Llanes: I am showing to you a Certificate of Marriage between SARAH ROSE
DEQUITO SALI and REZAMAR AQUINO TANJIL previously marked as Exhibit “A”.
What is this in relation to the Certificate of Marriage that you have mentioned?
Sarah Rose S. Tanjil: That is the same Certificate of Marriage sir.
Atty. Llanes: Madam Witness, also in your Judicial Affidavit, you have mentioned a
Certificate of Live Birth to prove that you had a daughter with Defendant REZAMAR A.
TANJIL. If this Certificate of Live Birth will be shown to you, will you be able to identify
Sarah Rose S. Tanjil: Yes, sir
Atty. Llanes: I am showing to you a Certificate of Live Birth of IRENE SALI TANJIL
previously marked as Exhibit “B”. What is this in relation to the Certificate of Live Birth
that you have mentioned?
Sarah Rose S. Tanjil: That is the same Certificate of Live Birth sir.
Atty. Llanes: That would be all for the witness, your honor.
Judge: Cross examination.
Judge: Re direct.
Judge: Re cross.
Judge:Counsel, do you have any more witnesses?
Atty. Llanes: That was our last witness, your honor. We are now resting our case.
Atty. Llanes: Your honor, with the kind permission of this Honorable Court, we pray that
we be allowed to formally offer our evidence.
Judge: Proceed.
Atty. Llanes: Your honor, we offer the following documents and the purpose for which
they are being offered, as follows:
Exhibit “A” Certificate of Marriage of SARAH ROSE DEQUITO
SALI and REZAMAR AQUINO TANJIL is offered to prove that the parties are married,
and thus proper parties for this case.
Exhibit “B” Certificate of Live Birth of IRENE SALI TANJIL is
offered to prove that the parties in this case had borne a child.
Exhibit “C” Judicial Affidavit of Plaintiff SARAH ROSE S. TANJIL
is offered to serve as her direct testimony in this case.
Exhibit “D” Judicial Affidavit of Expert Witness Dr. JOSE G. DEL
ROSARIO is offered to serve as his direct testimony in this case.
Exhibit “E” Psychological Report of Expert Witness Dr. JOSE G.
DEL ROSARIO is offered to prove the material allegations in the Petition that the
Defendant’s psychological incapacity is present and incurable.
Atty. Llanes : That would be all for the Plaintiff, your honor.