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College Glossary

College Glossary!
All the terms that you’ll encounter in college and things associated with each.
this person is your “counselor” in your specific college, they will help guide you
through a (each college has a different set of academic advisors:
graduation plan, make sure you are on track to graduate on time, can help you
find scholarships, and anything else you want to pursue. They are also who you go
to for anything related to your major/minor.
allows a student to take a class without the benefit of credit for a course.
the different “schools” on your campus may be separated into different colleges
(i.e. sciences, law, business, etc.)
Credits &
Course Load
Each course is allotted a number of credits.
Decides if you are FULL TIME or a PART TIME student, this influences your
financial aid.
Needs to be filled out on time every year. It always opens on October 1st.
Even if you don’t qualify for the Pell Grant, you should submit FAFSA to qualify
for over scholarships
Major &
Your major is your field of study. This will put you in your “college.” (i.e. if you’re a
biology major, you will be in the College of Sciences. Or if you’re a computer
science major, you will be in the College of Engineering).
You can have a minor, not mandatory, that can relate to your major but doesn’t
have to.
Courses that are required before you can start your major-related classes.
Should be done in your first 2 years of college. Take that time to explore the
classes you enjoy, or think you’d like.
Aka: pre-reqs
Every college has a Registrar’s Office. They are responsible for your registration
and keeping your academic records/transcripts.
Room and
Housing, usually dorms on campus. There are many positives to living on campus
like the experience, but there are caveats that are mostly financial. Housing
prices can cost 10k on top of your tuition a year, and you will be required to buy a
meal plan for the Dining Commons (DC) on campus.
You can move from one institution to another. Many in a Community College will
do this to go to a 4-year university. Those who are already at a 4-year can still
decide what is right for them and transfer to a different college by talking to an
academic advisor. (things to think about before transferring: which credits are
going to be counted, financial aid, and if it is the right decision for you)
Every school has a different time you are allowed to drop classes. No shame in
dropping a class that doesn’t work for you.
Be aware of your full-time vs part-time status to ensure you continue receiving financial
aid. (Different from Auditing a class)
Aka: Dropping
Any questions? Contact me!
Colleen Narayan, educpnarayan@gmail.com
Term Systems (varies by school)
Semester System:
Slower paced, 2 semesters a year (Fall and Spring,
not including summer), each session is 15-18
weeks long.
Quarter System:
Fast paced, consists of 3 mandatory sessions (fall,
winter, spring), each session lasts 10 weeks.
Full-Time vs Part-Time Student Status (will influence financial aid)
Semester: 12+ credits
Quarter: 9+ credits
Semester: 11 credits and under
Quarter: 8 credits and under
Scholarships vs. Grants
Merit-based, not to be paid back, usually need to
do something to receive them (essays,
volunteering, etc)
Need-based, not to be paid back, and shouldn’t
need many requirements for eligibility.
Unsubsidized vs. Subsidized:
Subsidized - usually based on FAFSA and has
relatively low interest rates
Unsubsidized - not based on financial need and
Interest rates are higher
Usually high interest rates, strict repayment
Companies include: Sallie-Mae, Navient,
Discover, and many others.
Should be the last resort option if possible.
Types of Degrees
- Undergraduate
- 2-year degree
- Undergraduate
- 4-year degree
- Graduate
- Varies in time
- Graduate
- Varies in time
Any questions? Contact me!
Colleen Narayan, educpnarayan@gmail.com