.. (G.C.P.) Ra 2518 (9,000--7-2005 FORM 'A' [Spl. S.B.-l6-e Registration No . See Rules 26 & 41 of Boiler Operation Engineer 2011 & Rules 26 & 42 of Boiler Attendant's rules, 2011. THE BOILERS ACT, 1923 (V OF 1923) Application for Examination of the Certificate of Competency as Boiler Attendant or Boiler Operation Engineer. Application for the endorsement of validity of a Certificate of the applicant. Part I:Name,etc. of the applicant 1 Name in Full (First Surname) :­ 2 Father's Name (First Surname) :­ 3 Nationality :­ 4 Date of Birth :­ 5 Place of Birth :­ 6 Permanent Address :­ --7 50mm -E-- Affix 50mm X 65mm size photograph duly signed by candidate. (Colour photo with white background) I 65 mm 1 :- Pin Code: I I I I I I Whether appeared in any previous examination If so, Details of date & Place Part IT : Particulars of all Certificates submitted Place ofIssue Number of Certificate Class of Certificate (Details of Certificate) Date of issue If at any time suspended or cancelled, and if so state by whom Date of suspension or cancellation Reasons of suspension or cancellation PART ill: LIST OF TESTIMONIALS AND STATEMENTS OF SERVICE (the testimonials to be numbered serially corresponding to the numbers given in column (1) below Date of Serial Number of testimonials testimonials Name & designation of person signing the testimonials Name & Address of factory or Workshop where employed Number, type and heating surface of boilers worked on Designation in which employed Service of Applicant Date of Commencement Not to be filled by the applicant Period for which employed Date of termination Years Months Days Initial of Verifier Remarks 2 3 4 5 n 7 Total Service Service Period for which certificates are produced "­ Service Period for which no certificates are produced :­ Part IV : DECLARATION TO BE MADE BY THE APPLICANT I do hereby declare that the statements made in Part I, II and III of this Form are correct and true to the best of my knowledge and belief; and that the papers enumerated in Part II and submitted with this form are true and genuine documents and further that the copies of the documents submitted with this form are true and correct. I further declare that the statements made in Part III contain a true and correct account of the whole period of my service without exception, and I made this declaration conscientiously believing the same to be true. Dated at this day of 20 Signature of the applicant Present Address: Pin Code: LJI[TT ---------------- Note: ---- 1) Every application must be accompanied with the requisite fee. Fees paid in to the Govt.Treasury by E-payment through www.GRAS.mahakosh.gov.in 2) Two copies of recent bust photograph of the applicant (50mm x 65mm) must accompany the application with applicant's and signature on the back of one copy. 3) Any, person making a false statement for the purpose of the admission to the examination renders himself1iable to prosecution. 4) Incomplete application is liable to be rejected. Part V: (Not to be filled by the applicant) Certified that Soo has been examined for Certificate of Proficiency as Boiler Operation Engineer/Competancy as a First or Second Class Boiler Attendant and that he has passed/failed in the examination held during . Issue of Certificate of Proficiency as Boiler Operation Engineer/Competency as a First or Second Class Boiler Attendant when certified to have passed. Personal description of applicant 1) Height: Centi Metres: 2) Marks of Identification:­ 1) 2) Certificate No.:­ Issued on :­ and duplicate recorded. Outward No.:­ (Secretary) Board of Examiners