RAGHU INSTITUTION OF TECHNOLOGY POSITIVE FEEDBACK AMPLIFIER BY guided by spandana madam V.ANIRUDH ECE-C 193J1A04G9 CONTENTS • what is amplifier? • Definition of feedback • Types of feedback • application of positive feedback amplifier • advantages of positive feeddback amplifier • disadvantage of postivie feedback amplifier WHAT IS AMPLIFIER? • It is an electronic device that increases the voltage,current,orr poweer of a signal. • amplifiers are used in wireless communnications and broadcasting and in audio equipment of all kinds • They can be categorized as either weak-signal ampliers or power ampliers DEFINITION OF FEEDBACK • The process in which a part of output signal is returned back to the input • The output is fed back to the input • The fed back signal can be in phase or out of phase with the original input signal • amplifier that operates on the principle f feeedback is know as FEEDBACK AMPLIFIER TYPES OF FEEDBACK 1. positive feedback amplifier 2. negative feedback amplifier • If the feedback signal and innput signal is in phase that it is called positive feedback amplifier • if these two signals are out of the phase then the feedback is called negative feedback APPLICATIONS OF FEEDBACK AMPLIFIER • fm radio • Tv broadcasting • oscillators ADVANTAGES • increase in overallgain. • Positive feedback develops performance. • Positive feedback is cost-effective. APPLICATIONS • positive feedback is used in oscillators where an output of the frequency is needed • it is also used to generate hysteresis in an amplifier • it allows as amplifier to produce smooth signal from noisy inputs REFERENCES • www.jntua.ac.in • referred in https://www.oreilly.com.library • https://www.allaboutcircuits.com/textbook/semico nductors CONCLUSION • finally ,i conclude by saying that positive feedback is used in many ways in our daily life because its output goes more in the direction of the output therefore,the information will spread accurately if there is no interactions DISADVANTAGES • very prone to oscillation • poor frequency responce • more distortion • more drift THANK YOU!