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ASME VIII Div.1 Pressure Vessel Design Questionnaire

ASME VIII Div.1 – 2021 Edition and Company’s QC Manual
Questions for Engineers / Designers
1) What is the minimum thickness for Shell and Heads of a Pressure Vessel using Part UCS material
for steam service.
Answer: …………………………….. Code Paragraph : ……………………….
2) A pressure vessel is designed with corrosion allowance. The ID of the Vessel is 500mm. Can you
use 2 x DN 50 pipes for inspection openings.
Answer : ……………………………. Code Paragraph : ………………………
3) Can a manufacturer ( Certificate Holder) supply a Vessel designed with a Manhole flange
without the Blind Flange and the Bolt / Nuts.
Answer : ................................ Code Paragraph : ..........................
4) A 20m tall column is to be pressure tested using water in the horizontal position. The calculated
test pressure 1.3 x 1 Mpa ( MAWP) x 1 ( LSR) = 1.3 Mpa. The pressure gauge at the top of the
Vessel in the test position shows 1.3 Mpa. Is this acceptable ?
Answer : .................................. Reason : .....................................................................................
5) What is the efficient (E) for calculation of seamless shell or heads involving circumferential stress
When the Category B welds connecting seamless vessel sections or heads are Type No. 3, Table
Answer : ................................... Code paragraph : .......................................................................
6) A welded head is used on a vessel which is not PWHT. The head is PWHT after welding due to
forming strain.
What should be marked on the Vessels nameplate. Answer:.......... Code Paragraph..........
7) A seamless head is used on a vessel which is not heat treated. The head is heat treated after
forming due to forming strain. Should PHT be marked on the vessel’s nameplate :
Answer : ....................................... Code paragraph :.......................................................................
8) A vessel is design for Spot RT as per UW-11(b) plus spot RT as per UW-11(a)(5)(-b). What RT
markings should be on the vessel’s name plate.
Answer :......................................... Code paragraph :.......................................................................
9) A vessel is designed for Spot RT as per UW-11(b) and to be marked RT-3 on the name plate.
During fabrication, the customer requested for additional RT. The addiitional RT now does not
comply to RT-3. It also do not comply to RT-1 and RT-2. What should be the marking on the
name plate ? Answer : RT-3, RT-4, None.......................................... Code paragraph: ...................
10) How do you calculate thickness of a B16.9 cap when used as a Head.
Answer:............................................ Code Paragraph: .....................................................................
11) If a B16.5 flange is used for a Handhole or Manhole, what type of Nuts are required for the
boltings to the Blind Flange .
Answer :.................................................................... Code Paragraph: ............................................
12) A vessel is desiged using SA-240 – 316L ( plates ) and SA-312 TP 316L ( pipes). For flanges due to
pressure/ temperature ratings in B16.5 , SA-182 F316 will be acceptable. The customer request
that SA-182 F 316/ 316L be used and to be stated in the drawings. Is this acceptable .
Answer : ................................................ Code paragraph : .............................................................
13) A vessel is designed with a Manhole. The manhole flange is designed using pressure/
temperature in B16.5. The customer request the use of SA-193 – B7M for the bolts. Is this
accetable without addional calculations .
Answer :................................................... Code paragraph:.............................................................
14) A vessel is designed using SI units for dimensions. Can the dimensions of Bolt and Nuts of a
Manhole (B16.5) flange be ordered and used in SI units.
Answer : ................................................... Code paragraph :............................................................
15) An engineer is designated by his company as a Responsible Charge . He only reviews and
approves design calculations prepared by other designers under his responsible charge. Is this
acceptable ? Answer :................................ Code pragraph : ............................................................
16) Is impact test required for austenitic ferritic duplex steels . MDMT : - 30 deg C, thk: 10mm
Answer : ........................................... Code paragraph :....................................................................
17) Is a commercially available computer program which is to be used for preparation design
calculations for Sect.VIII Div.1 need to be verified to ensure it has the capablity to produce
acceptable calculations.
Answer : .......................................... Code paragraph :...................................................................
18) Which paragraph of the company’s QC Manual address the use of computer programs for
preparaing design calculations. Answer :......................................................................................
19) In the company’s QC Manual, who is responsible for review and approval of design documents
for Code compliance. Answer :......................................................................................................
20) In the Company’s QC Manual or Procedure, who is responsible to designate the Responsible
Charge . Answer :...................................................................................................................