Uploaded by Richard Beckler

Endangered Species Project Directions and Grading Rubric

Endangered Species Project Directions and Grading Rubric
Have you ever heard that an animal is an Endangered Species?
Do you know what that means?
How does a species end up on this list?
Well, in this activity, you are going to be looking for the answers to these questions. You will be
researching an endangered species of your choice using the E-Species Facts Sheet. The link is
below along with directions for where to click when you go to the website. You may use google
to find pictures of your chosen species, but they all must be cited. You will create a Google
slide presentation to demonstrate your knowledge about your chosen endangered species. The
Google slides with instructions for each slide is attached.
Good Luck and I hope you enjoy your journey!
Click on the link above and this is what you will see!
You then need to click on the Wildlife tab.
You will then see this screen with pages of
endangered species to choose from!! Pick
the one that most interests you! I suggest
picking a specific species rather than a
group. For example pick a specific bird or
large cat rather than picking all the
amphibians or all the bats. You will get
better and more specific results.
This is your major project for this unit so read directions on each
slide carefully and do not forget to cite your pictures!!
Grading Rubric Below -
Slide 1-Title Slide
Species Common Name
Animal Photo
Citation for photo
Scientific Name
Student Name
Period Number
Slide 2
Description of Color of the species
Picture or Photo
Citation of picture
Size/ Weight
Group Classification
Slide 3
Habitat Description
Slide 4
Picture/Photo of food
Citation of photo
Slide 5
3 Interesting Facts
Slide 6
Reasons animal is endangered
Photo that depicts reasons
Citation of photo
Slide 7
Current Population Size
Citation of photo
Slide 8
List all the levels of classification
Slide 9
Conservation Efforts
Slide 10
Individual/Society Effort
Layout & Design
No Typos or Errors
Slides are descriptive and informational.
Slides are eye-catching, not too wordy