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Georgia & Federal Government Study Guide

The legislatures of the federal government and Georgia <div><div>GA House of representatives </div></div><div><div>GA State Senate </div></div><div><div>GA U.S. Representatives in Congress </div></div><div><div>GA U.S. Senators</div></div>
The upper and lower chambers of those two legislatures Senate (upper) House Representatives (lower) 
The heads of the executive branches of the federal government and Georgia government <div><div>Governor </div></div><div><div>Lieutenant Governor </div></div><div><div>Dozens of bureaucratic agencies </div></div><div><div>Secretary of state </div></div><div><div>Attorney general </div></div><div><div>State school superintendent </div></div><div><div>The commissioners of agriculture, insurance and labor </div></div>
The highest courts in the judicial branches of the federal government and Georgia government <div><div>The supreme court of Georgia </div></div><div><div>Court of Appeals of Goergia </div></div>
Which branch of government are bureaucratic agencies a part of: legislative, executive, or judicial? Executive branch 
What does it mean to have “legitimate authority”? According to the textbook, do all governments justify their claim to legitimate authority the same way? Or do they vary in how they do so?  <div><div>A right to issue commands and punish those who do not comply with the commands </div></div><div><div>No, Governments vary in how they seek to claim legitimate authority </div></div>
What does the “power of the sword” mean? According to the textbook, do all governments claim to have legitimate authority to wield this power, or is it only certain kinds of government that claim that power? <div><div>The government’s ability to influence behavior by using or, threatening to use physical force through police or military </div></div><div><div>Yes, all governments have the power of the sword </div></div>
<div><ul><li><div>All governments claim sovereignty over a particular territory. What does “sovereignty” mean in this context? </div></li></ul></div><div><div> </div></div>To have the highest authority to rule over a given territory
What does “relational power” mean (as in “A has power over B”)?The ability to get a person or group to do what they otherwise would not do 
What does “power of the purse” mean? Influence behavior by using money through taxing and/or spendind as a positive or negative incentive 
How is it different from “power of the sword”? Power of the sword uses physical force and power of the purse uses money to influence 
Be able to recognize the difference between government using the power of the purse as “positive incentives” versus as “negative incentives.”<div><div>Positive incentives motivates behavior by instilling the hope </div></div><div><div>Negative incentives motivates behavior by instilling fear </div></div>
Why is using the power of the purse not a part of the definition of government?Because governments are far from being the only human organizations that use money to exercise power over others 
What does it mean for government to seek to exercise power by “affecting hearts and minds”? So people are persuaded, or genuinely feel a desire or duty, to do what they would otherwise not do 
Why is affecting hearts and minds not a part of the definition of government? Because the government is not the only one using them 
What does “propaganda” mean? According to political philosopher Jason Stanley, is it necessarily a bad thing? Is a form of persuasive communication that urges people to a political goal by manipulating their irrational biases and concealing from them things they reasonably should consider 
According to the textbook, what did Martin Luther King, Jr. think citizens need to avoid being manipulated by propaganda and to discern truth from falsehood?How to recognize it and use critical thinking to avoid being manipulated 
The textbook asserts there are certain public goods that all governments provide. What are these public goods?  <div><div>Fireworks </div></div><div><div>Security </div></div>
a form of democratic government in which all the citizens directly participate in making and enforcing laws Democracy
the idea that all citizens, including government officials, are bound by laws Rule of Law
moral rights thought to be universally held by all human beings, regardless of race, sex, nationality, ethnicity, language, religion or any other status. Human rights
The principle of government that means legislative, executive and, judicial powers are exercised by separate branches of government consisting of distinct institutions that are staffed by officials who serve in only one institution at a time.Separations of powers
Principle of government that means the different branches of government are given enough power over one to keep each within their proper constitutional limits Checks and balances
Principle that holds government must be empowered to serve its legitimate purposes, but it must also be limited and controlled in its powers so that it does not pose an unacceptable threat to the fundamental rights and interests of the governedLimited Government
What’s the difference between a “representative democracy” and a “direct democracy”? What kind of democracy is American government? In a direct democracy, the people decide on policies without any intermediary or representative, whereas in a representative democracy people vote for representatives who then enact policy initiatives 
governments that are uncontrolled by the people because the people are not empowered by institutions and legal rights to exercise such control Authoritarian government
How’s an authoritarian/autocratic government different from a democratic government?<div><div>And the difference between an autocratic and a democratic government is that  </div></div><div><div>An autocratic government all the power is concentrated in one person alone while in a democratic government the power is controlled by  the people </div></div>
An association that seeks to influence government to benefit members of the association or advance a cause they share belief in Interest Group
An organization that seeks to influence government by getting members elected to office and by coordinating the actions of elected officials in government Political Part
governments that are effectively bound by fundamental laws Constitutional Governments
Document with fundamental “laws” that allegedly blind a particular government but that, in reality are routinely violated by the government sham constitution
In the American system of separation of powers, which branch of government wields the power of the sword and which branch has the power of the purse? <div><div>The congress </div></div><div><div> </div></div><div><div>The president </div></div>
Principle of government that means authority is partly divided and shared between the federal government and the state governments federalism