REVIEW OF THE PAST LESSON Join our quizziz space using this class code: E_____i__ What comes to your mind when you hear the word EVOLUTION? MODULE 6 : EVOLUTION THROUGH NATURAL SELECTION HOW THE THEORY OF EVOLUTION ITSELF EVOLVED? Hinduism (Brahma as creator) Source:https://www.speakingt Greeks (Tales about Gaea and titans vs. Olympians Source:https://historylink101.c om/2/greece2/titans.htm Christianity, Judaism and islam Source: eation-by-brahma Japan’s Izanagi and Izanami Source:https://historylink101.c om/2/greece2/titans.htm Greeks • Anaximander and Empedocles Pierre-Louis Moreau • Theory of Origins de Maupertuis Georges- Louis Leclerc Erasmus Darwin Carolus Linnaeus • Spontaneous generation from organic molecule th 18 • Published zoonomia book century • Variation among species and used this to create his taxonomy The Theory of Inheritance of Acquired Characteristics of Lamarckism • Elephant trunks • Human Body Parts • Giraffe necks Jean-Baptiste de monet, chevalier de Lamarck Source: Source: THE THEORY OF EVOLUTION BY NATURAL SELECTION Relies on the idea of interrelatedness of species. There should be genetic variation. Charles Darwin Source: On the origin of species “survival of the fittest” DARWIN SAW PATTERNS, AND PROVIDED THESE EXAMPLES TO SUPPORT HIS THEORY: Fossil bones from large extinct animals in Argentina Galapagos Islands observations on finches Giant sloths Source: REVIEW OF THE PAST LESSON Join our quizziz space using this class code: Gregor Mendel Source: Dominant- trait that is observed or shown. Recessive- gene that can be masked by a dominant gene. MENDEL’S EXPERIMENT WITH PEA He observed seven traits in his monastery’s garden peas. “Father of Genetics” GERM PLASM THEORY/NEODARWINISM Germplasm- reproductive tissue or cells that produce gametes Somatoplasm- other cells in the body and are not related to sexual reproduction. August Weismann Source: Source: nn&tbm=isch THEORY OF EVOLUTION BY MUTATION/MUTATIONISM Mutationism- opposed natural selection First coined the term mutation Hugo De Vries Source: 00wm COMBINING GENETICS AND DARWIN : THE SYNTHETIC THEORY OF EVOLUTION Theodosius Dobzhansky published his book Genetics and the origin of species. Unification later known as the synthetic theory of evolution Source: DIFFERENT TYPES OF EVOLUTION DivergentDeveloping dissimilar traits Parallel- common ancestor, live in different place, similar traits. Convergent-different organism , similar traits. Divergent evolution Parallel evolution convergent evolution SUMMARY Evolution is the main theory on biological diversity. There are many variations in nature as observed by human throughout time has resulted in several theories of evolution. Theory of inheritance of acquired characteristics Theory of Natural Selection Mendel’s work on genetics filling in the gaps in Darwin’s theory Neo-Darwinism Mutationism Divergent- Developing dissimilar traits Parallel- common ancestor, live in different place, similar traits. Convergent-different organism , similar traits.