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Siddhartha 180 Days Fixed Deposit

Press Release
Siddhartha Bank launches "Siddhartha 180 Days Fixed Deposit"
October 23, 2016
Siddhartha Bank has launched a new fixed deposit account – ‘Siddhartha 180 Days Fixed Deposit’
targeting the individual customers. Siddhartha 180 Days Fixed Deposit is a short term deposit product
with an attractive interest rate of 7.5 % per annum, thereby, offering comparatively higher returns to the
customers for their deposits. The Bank believes that with this new fixed deposit product, it shall be able to
serve its customers with a fixed deposit account that offers them the benefits of higher interest rate as well
as several other attractive features.
Currently, Siddhartha Bank has been providing customer oriented and quality banking services through
its network of 64 branches, 81 ATMs and 66 branchless banking locations spread all over the country,
with plans of further expansion in the future.
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