organization's objectives NURSING LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT Resources influencing group maintenance and gestures LEADERSHIP is a function of: Effective and efficient GOAL Theories and principles KNOWING yourself, having a VISION that is communicated, Management process and functions Conceptual paradigm of leadership and management 7 Ms (resources): 1. MAN (important resources) Without man the hospital cannot function 2. MOMENT (very crucial resources) 3. MONEY Nurses can be entrepreneur Good nursing care attracts patients 4. MATERIAL 5. MACHINE Suction machines, bp app 6. METHOD (strategy) Strategy in doing things right, how to do things smoothly How do you deal with the staff Collaborating with the staff and in reporting 7. MANAGER Monitoring and supervising LEADERSHIP a social influence or a person's ability to have other people to act. ability to direct or motivate an individual or group to achieve set goals it is an influence involving determination of the groups or organization's objectives motivating task behavior of the BUILDING trust among colleagues TAKING EFFECTIVE ACTION to realize your own leadership. NURSING LEADERSHIP The process where the nurse influence one or more persons to achieve specific goals in the provision of nursing care of one or more patients. Is a multidiversional process where the learned and inherited characteristics of the leader is combned with situational, interactional, goal directed dimensions of the leadership theories. THE NURSE CAREGIVER'S LEADERSHIP SKILLS a.) AREAS OF LEADERSHIP Leadership should be approached like any other new role or skills; slowly and carefully Nursing students and beginning nurses should be prepared with all of the necessary tools or skills of the leadership theories. b.) PATIENT CARE COORDINATION Nursing leadership begins with nursing care of the individual patient Through interpersonal skil!s and effective communication techniques, nurses lead their patients in acquiring: New knowledge Solving problems Changing behaviors c.) EMPLOYEE RESPONSIBILITIES These are determined by the plan and objectives of the health care agency. d.) MANAGERIAL DELEGATION RESPONSIBILITIES AND e.) NURSING DEPARTMENT Nurses should have an interest in the functional of the department f.) SUPPORT FOR LEADERSHIP TRAINING COURAGE - establish themselves as indeoendent critical thinkers and will fight for what they believe is right. DIFFERENCES BETWEEN A LEADER AND A MANAGER Leader g.) MENTORSHIP Is a relationship in which an experienced individuals advises and assist a its experienced individual (potege) It is variable in all types of nursing positions May/may not have official appointment to the position Vested power and authority by the group Influence others toward goal setting Interested in risk taking and exploring new ideas. h.) PRECEPTORSHIP The preceptor is selcted to introduce an employee to new responsibilities Relates to people personality Feels rewarded by personal achievement f.) CONTINUING EDUCATION j.) EMPLOYMENT INTUITIONS OR AGENCY All nurses at all levels need to be knowledgeable about the administrative structure and functions of employing intuition of agency k.) SUPPORT FOR LEADERSHIP TRAINING May/may not managers be as successful as Manager Officialy appointed Vested power organization and authoritgby the Implements predetermined goals, policies, rules and regulations SWOT ANALYSIS: Measures the risks to be taken in line with the expected resulys, hence, an orderly, controlled performance must be carried out. Strength Weaknesses Opportunity Relates to people according to their roles Threat Leader efforts for maximum impact and competence centers on mastering skills that will be useful to the organization Feels rewarded when accomplishing organizational mission goals Follower Situation Effective followers: SELF MANAGEMENT - the key to being a good follower is to think for one self and to work well without close supervision COMMITMENT - are committed to something beyond themselves, making progress toward achieving goals COMPETENCE AND FOCUS - focus their Are managers as long as the appointment holds. LEADERSHIP PATH a.) Begin with yourself b.) Know how c.) Apply yourself d.) Evaluate your gains and reflect on losses e.) Change yourself ELEMENTS OF LEADERSHIP 1.) VISION Provides direction to the influence process must be communicated to the followers a major tool in enlisting its members towards defined objective. Critical component to make the vision work The leader/head of organization Members of the organization request f.) SANCTION - form of influence hinged on the promise of punishment in the case of non-cooperation and a reward in case of cooperation. g.) EXCHANGE - offering a favor or personal sacrifice as an incentive for the performance of the request h.) UPWARD APPEAL - involves obtaining support from higher-up to push someone into action. Environment in which they function 2.) INFLUENCE 3.) POWER The ability to obtain followers, compliance or request Power triangle The ability to efficiently and effectively exercise authority control through personal, organizational and social strength. Capacity of "A" to influence the behavior of "B" so that "B" does things he/she would not otherwise do Communication A influence B = BEHAVIOR ORGANIZATIONAL POWER - the capacity to influence others through the control over needed resources Power Recognition Caring practices by the nurse to empower clients Influence In conflicting and contradictiry use of nurses time Doctrs KINDS OF INFLUENCE a.) ASSERTIVENESS - one sends direct messages to others and is able to stand up for her own rights without violating those of others b.) INGRATIATION - individual makes another feel important or good before making a request c.) RATIONALITY - involves convincing someone of the merits of a detailed plan supported by information, logic, reasoning d.) BLOCKING - a hostile form of influence where an individual achieves the goal of influencing another person with a threat. e.) COALATION - a collective form of influence where a person gets several coworkers to "back her up" when making a Patients Other heakthcare proffessionals