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CrossFit Open Training Template - Barbell Medicine

“If we could give every individual the right amount of nourishment and
exercise, not too little and not too much, we would have found the safest
way to health.”-Hippocrates
Published October 11, 2019 by Barbell Medicine
Written by:
Jordan Feigenbaum, MD, MS
Table of Contents
Open Template Overview ............................................................................................ 4
Who should use this template?.............................................................................................................. 5
What’s Next? ............................................................................................................................................. 5
The Program ................................................................................................................... 6
Week 1 ................................................................................................................................... 6
Week 2 ................................................................................................................................... 7
Week 3 ................................................................................................................................... 8
Week 4 ................................................................................................................................... 9
Week 5 ................................................................................................................................. 10
How To Download ....................................................................................................... 10
Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE) Notes ............................................................................................. 12
Frequently Asked Questions....................................................................................... 13
Exercise Demos ........................................................................................................... 16
Press Exercises .................................................................................................................... 16
Deadlift Exercises ................................................................................................................ 16
Squat Exercises ................................................................................................................... 17
Resources and Contact .............................................................................................. 18
Open Template Overview
Welcome to the Barbell Medicine’s CrossFit Open Template!
The Open is upon us and we wanted to put together a free template for those
of you who will be participating this year, but who want to maintain or improve
their strength and conditioning.
This template includes:
• 4-5 training days
• 2 dedicated Open workout testing slots- 1 for the initial test and 1 for a retest. We think that if you’re going to participate in the Open, then the
performance on these workouts should be prioritized. Subsequently, the
weekly training is designed to make sure the athlete is relatively fresh for
the Open workouts.
• 5-6 strength elements are programmed over the week in order to
maintain or improve strength during the testing time. The volume is
significantly lower in order to reflect a priority shift towards Open workout
• 2-3 metabolic conditioning (MetCon) workouts are programmed in
addition to the 2 Open workouts. Given the reduction in strength training
volume and focus on Open workout performance, we feel that
increasing exposure to the sports-specific demands are reasonable.
• 2-3 conditioning workouts per week are also programmed to maintain or
improve overall conditioning and work capacity, which is designed to
complement the metabolic conditioning workouts.
Overall, the template is designed for 4-6 days of activity per week that can be
broken down like this:
• Monday – Open workout retest + strength element + aerobic
• Tuesday – Day 2 lifting and short MetCon + interval conditioning
• Wednesday-Off
• Thursday – Day 4 lifting and short MetCon
• Friday – Open workout test and aerobic interval conditioning
• Saturday- Day 6 lift (every other week) and MetCon
• Sunday- Off
It is 100% okay to mix and match elements of the training week to fit your
Who should use this template?
This is our preferred training template for those participating in the Open who
have completed our Titan template or those who have been training CrossFit for
over a year. If you’re not competing in the Open, but want to pair an intelligent
strength program with CrossFit, we’d recommend our Titan template. If you’ve
already completed the original Titan template, you can rerun that template if
you saw good results from it or move to our Titan II template, as it has additional
training volume and resources dedicated to further developing the more
experienced lifter.
What’s Next?
After completing this template, the trainee is in a position to choose what
they want to do next with their programming depending on their goals.
One option is to run the Titan or Titan II Template and continue to pair
intelligently programmed strength and conditioning work with CrossFitstyle workouts.
Alternatively, you could move to one of our other templates if you’ve
identified a particular interest like powerlifting, Olympic Weightlifting,
hypertrophy, conditioning, etc. Our bias would be to move on to the
Strength I, Powerbuilding I, Olympic, Endurance, or Hypertrophy I
templates after completing The Titan II Template.
If you’re comfortable with what’s been laid out so far, you are ready to
get started training! Thanks again and happy training!
The Program
Week 1
CrossFit Open
•Open Retest
• 10 min cool down on rower/bike
•High bar squat w/ belt -6 reps @ RPE 7, 6 reps @ RPE 8, 6 reps @ RPE 9. No Back off sets
•Row 35 min @ RPE 6
•Clean High Pull + Power Clean x 2 reps @ RPE 6, 2 reps @ RPE 7, 2 reps @ RPE 8 Repeat 2 @ 8 x 2 sets of 2 reps
•Overhead Press -6 reps @ RPE 7, 6 reps @ RPE 8, 6 reps @ RPE 9. No back off sets
•6 rounds of:
15 Cal Air Bike
15 Wall balls (20lbs/15lbs men/women ) to 10' target
• Every 2nd minute x 24 minutes- push or pull heavy sled 100' (30s) @ RPE 8
1 minute rest between rounds
•Snatch: 1 rep EMOM x 12 minutes (Start @ 70 and add weight every 2 consecutive makes)
•Deadlift - 6 reps @ RPE 7, 6 reps @ RPE 8, 6 reps @ RPE 9. No Back off sets
• AMRAP in 12 minutes of:
20 box step ups to 24"/20" with dumbbells (45lbs/25lbs men/women)
20 KB swings (55lbs/35lbs men/women)
10 burpees
•Cool down with 10 minutes on bike at conversational pace
•Open Workout
• 10 min cool down on rower/bike
•Run 3 min @ RPE 8. Rest 2 minutes. 4 Rounds
•Bench Press- 6 @ 7, 6 @ 8, 6 @ 9. -4-6% from 6 @ 9 x 2 sets of 6
•For Time
10-9-8-7….1 of each of the following:
KB swings (35lbs/75lbs for women/men)
15 min cap for MetCon
Airdyne Calories
Week 2
CrossFit Open
•Open Retest
• 10 min cool down on rower/bike
•High bar squat w/ belt -6 reps @ RPE 7, 6 reps @ RPE 8, 6 reps @ RPE 9.. -5-8% from 6 @ 9 x 1 set of 6
•Airbike 35 min @ RPE 6
•Clean High Pull + Power Clean x 2 reps @ RPE 6, 2 reps @ RPE 7, 2 reps @ RPE 8 Repeat 2 @ 8 x 2 sets of 2 reps
•Overhead Press -6 reps @ RPE 7, 6 reps @ RPE 8, 6 reps @ RPE 9. -5-8% from 6 @ 9 x 1 back off set of 6
•AMRAPin 10 minutes
10 Box jumps (24"/20" men/women)
10 R arm DB Snatch (55lbs/35lbs men/women)
10 strict pull ups
10 L arm DB Snatch (55lbs/35lbs men/women)
• Run 200m @ RPE 8. Rest 3 minutes. Repeat 5x (6 total)
•Snatch: 1 rep EMOM x 12 minutes (Start @ 73% and add weight every 2 consecutive makes)
•Deadlift - 6 reps @ RPE 7, 6 reps @ RPE 8, 6 reps @ RPE 9. -5-8% from 6 @ 9 x 1 set of 6 reps
• Row 10 minutes @ RPE 8. Rest 3 minutes. Repeat 1x (2 times total)
•Cool down with 10 minutes on bike at conversational pace
•Open Workout
• 10 min cool down on rower/bike
•50 Cal Row @ RPE 8. Rest time it takes to complete. Repeat 3 more times (4x total)
•For Time:
50 double unders
20 DB Thrusters (45lbs/25lbs -men/women)
50 double unders
15 DB Thrusters (45lbs/25lbs -men/women)
50 Double Unders
10 DB Thrusters (45lbs/25lbs -men/women)
50 double unders
5 DB Thrusters (45lbs/25lbs -men/women)
cap: 15 minutes
Week 3
CrossFit Open
•Open Retest
• 10 min cool down on rower/bike
•High bar squat w/ belt -6 reps @ RPE 7, 6 reps @ RPE 8, 6 reps @ RPE 9.. -5-8% from 6 @ 9 x 1 set of 6
•Run 35 min @ RPE 6
•Clean High Pull + Power Clean x 2 reps @ RPE 6, 2 reps @ RPE 7, 2 reps @ RPE 8 Repeat 2 @ 8 x 2 sets of 2 reps
•Overhead Press -6 reps @ RPE 7, 6 reps @ RPE 8, 6 reps @ RPE 9. -5-8% from 6 @ 9 x 1 back off set of 6
•12 minute cap, for time:
50 calorie row
10 burpees
30 calorie row
20 burpees
10 calorie row
30 burpees
• Every 2nd minute x 24 minutes row 30 sec @ RPE 8
•Snatch: 1 rep EMOM x 12 minutes (Start @ 76% and add weight every 2 consecutive makes)
•Deadlift - 6 reps @ RPE 7, 6 reps @ RPE 8, 6 reps @ RPE 9. -5-8% from 6 @ 9 x 1 set of 6 reps
•AMRAP in 10 minutes:
7 chest-to-bar pull ups
14 walking lunges with 45lb/25lbs (men/women) overhead
28 double-unders
•Cool down with 10 minutes on bike at conversational pace
•Open Workout
• 10 min cool down on rower/bike
•Airbike 3 min @ RPE 8. Rest 2 minutes. 4 Rounds
•Bench Press- 6 @ 7, 6 @ 8, 6 @ 9. -4-6% from 6 @ 9 x 2 sets of 6
5 rounds of:
10 Squat Snatches (95lbs/65lbs -men/women)
10 Toes To bar
200m Run
Cap: 14 minutes
Week 4
CrossFit Open
•Open Retest
• 10 min cool down on rower/bike
•High bar squat w/ belt -6 reps @ RPE 7, 6 reps @ RPE 8, 6 reps @ RPE 9.. -5-8% from 6 @ 9 x 1 set of 6
•Row 35 min @ RPE 6
•Clean High Pull + Power Clean x 2 reps @ RPE 6, 2 reps @ RPE 7, 2 reps @ RPE 8 Repeat 2 @ 8 x 3 sets of 2 reps
•Overhead Press -6 reps @ RPE 7, 6 reps @ RPE 8, 6 reps @ RPE 9. -5-8% from 6 @ 9 x 1 back off set of 6
•AMRAP in 12 minutes of
10 goblet squats 70lbs/50lbs (men/women)
20 pull ups
30 situps
• Every 2nd minute x 24 minutes push or pull heavy sled 100' ( 30 sec) @ RPE 8
•Snatch: 1 rep EMOM x 12 minutes (Start @ 78% and add weight every 2 consecutive makes)
•Deadlift - 6 reps @ RPE 7, 6 reps @ RPE 8, 6 reps @ RPE 9. -5-8% from 6 @ 9 x 1 set of 6 reps
• Airbike 10 minutes @ RPE 8. Rest 3 minutes. Repeat 1x (2 times total)
•Cool down with 10 minutes on bike at conversational pace
•Open Workout
• 10 min cool down on rower/bike
•Run 400m @ RPE 8. Rest time it takes to complete. Repeat 5 more times (6x total)
•AMRAPin 12 minutes
15 Box jump overs
16 Front rack walking lunge 85lbs/115lbs (women/men)
10 strict pull ups
Week 5
CrossFit Open
•Open Retest
• 10 min cool down on rower/bike
•High bar squat w/ belt -6 reps @ RPE 7, 6 reps @ RPE 8, 6 reps @ RPE 9.. -5-8% from 6 @ 9 x 1 set of 6
•Airbike 35 min @ RPE 6
•Clean High Pull + Power Clean x 2 reps @ RPE 6, 2 reps @ RPE 7, 2 reps @ RPE 8 Repeat 2 @ 8 x 3 sets of 2 reps
•Overhead Press -6 reps @ RPE 7, 6 reps @ RPE 8, 6 reps @ RPE 9. -5-8% from 6 @ 9 x 1 back off set of 6
•AMRAP 6 min:
3 clean and jerks @ 60% 1RM
6 toes to bar
9 handstand push ups
•scale HSPU for pike pushups, strict dips, or parallette pushups
• Row 250m @ RPE 8. Rest 3 minutes. Repeat 5x (6 total)
•Snatch: 1 rep EMOM x 12 minutes (Start @ 78% and add weight every 2 consecutive makes)
•Deadlift - 6 reps @ RPE 7, 6 reps @ RPE 8, 6 reps @ RPE 9. -5-8% from 6 @ 9 x 1 set of 6 reps
•10 minute Cap
4 rounds of:
10 air squats
10 ring dips
5 strict pull ups
1 min rest between rounds
•Cool down with 10 minutes on bike at conversational pace
•Open Workout
• 10 min cool down on rower/bike
•Run 3 min @ RPE 8. Rest 2 minutes. Repeat 3 more times (4x total)
•Bench Press- 6 @ 7, 6 @ 8, 6 @ 9. -4-6% from 6 @ 9 x 2 sets of 6
For time: 5k Row @ RPE 8-9
How To Download
1. Using the link included in your email receipt (make sure to check the spam
folder if you don’t see it), download the zip file onto your computer. Some
phones and tablets will allow you to unzip a “.zip” file, however we cannot
guarantee that this will work 100% of the time. We recommend using a
desktop or laptop computer to unzip the file.
2. Within the zip file you should have an instruction manual and at least one
template. Some zip files contain multiple templates, i.e. a kilogram and
pound-based template in many cases, or a number of different templates in
the Master Bundle download.
3. We recommend duplicating the template you’re planning on using and
saving it under a new name. We also recommend saving the templates you
just downloaded in a safe and secure location so you have fresh one ready
to go in future.
4. All of our templates are designed to be used in Microsoft Excel. They will also
work using the “Google Sheets” application on Android and Apple
products. Below are some links to these items:
a. Online version of Microsoft Excel
b. Desktop version of Microsoft Excel
c. Google Sheets
5. Open the template and head to the first tab, which is located all the way to
the left at the bottom of the screen. In the red cell, F5, enter Sunday’s date
of the week you’re going to start the template.
Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE) Notes
The Titan II Template uses RPE for most of its strength training and
conditioning components. While there’s a full description RPE in the
Weight Selection section, there are two unique RPE scales we
recommend using during Olympic Weightlifting and conditioning.
Olympic Weightlifting RPE Scale
More boring than hard. Easy to sustain.
Fairly easy pace that can be sustained
Moderate effort activity that is somewhat difficult to maintain.
Hard effort that is very difficult to maintain.
Maximum effort that cannot be maintained.
Respiratory Rate
Can speak in full sentences without difficulty.
Can speak in short sentences, but not sing.
Can speak in 1-2 word phrase sonly.
Cannot speak during activity.
Cannot speak during activity.
Brisk walking. Easy cycling or light rowing.
Light jogging or running, rowing, or cycling at 70% max pace.
Fast jogging or running, rowing, or cycling at 80% max pace.
Fast running, rowing, or cycling at 90% max pace.
Maximum-effort sprints, rowing, or cycling at 100% max pace.
Conditioning RPE Scale
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Who do I contact about technical problems?
Send an email to support@barbellmedicine.com
2. When should I use a belt?
We recommend using a belt on all exercises labeled as “with belt” or
“competition.” Alternatively, you are free to use a belt any exercise
variation you want to. However, our stock recommendation is to go
beltless on all other variations if possible.
3. I have an injury, what do?
Start here:
You may also post a question on our Facebook group or Pain/Injury forum
to get specific recommendations to any injury-related problem you may
Facebook Group:
Forum: https://forum.barbellmedicine.com/forums/pain-and-rehab-q-awith-dr-derek-miles-and-dr-michael-ray
That being said, don’t panic. Remain calm. Us the above resources and
your doctor, if needed, to determine the correct course of action.
4. What should I do when I don’t know my max for a particular exercise?
We recommend using RPEs to arrive at the correct workload for the day.
After using RPE for the initial exposure to the exercise, you will have an
estimated 1RM to work from.
5. What should I do if I don’t want to use RPE?
We include percentages where we can, but we feel that using some
intrinsic metric of difficulty is very important and we encourage you to
give RPE a little time before writing it off.
If you absolutely will not use it, you can run the templates based solely on
the percentages correlated with the specific Rep and RPE prescriptions.
Head over to the calculator tab and plug in 100 for your 1RM. Then you
will see all the percentages associated for each RPE and rep prescription.
6. Can I substitute ____ for ____?
Unfortunately, it is not possible to provide substitutions for all exercises.
However, if you have an injury or equipment issue, substitute the exercise
programmed for a different exercise within the same "class." In other
words, if it's a squat type of movement, replace the programmed
exercise with another kind of squat or if it's a bench or press, replace with
another type of pressing exercise.
For equipment limitations, please replace whatever you don't have or
cannot do (due to prior injury or other limitations) with something similar,
e.g. for leg press/belt squat/front squat- you could theoretically do a
regular back squat or lunges. Please don't buy another gym membership
because of me!
7. What supplements do you recommend?
See here: https://forum.barbellmedicine.com/forums/nutrition-q-a-with-drjordan-feigenbaum/15180-supplement-what-when-why-and-how
8. What are AMRAP?
AMRAP means "as many reps as possible” and you’ll see it programmed in
various contexts throughout many of our templates. The idea is to perform
the prescribed exercise for as many reps as you can without failing a
repetition. In other words, stop just before failure. We repeat, stop just
before failure.
For GPP work like upper back, trunk, and arm work, this means
SUBMAXIMAL SETS, e.g. try and leave at least 1 rep in the tank.
If you cannot do unassisted chin ups or pull ups, use a band or assisted
pull up machine (Gravitron). Alternatively, you can do lat-pull downs and
I'd argue that if you're good at chins/pull ups already- you might take a
""chin holiday"" for a few weeks here and work on the lat-pull down or a
row variation.
9. What are Myo-Reps?
Myo-Reps are a type of rest-pause training where we obtain near
maximal volitional motor unit recruitment via the activation set (the first
set) and capitalize on that by performing multiple back off sets on short
rest thereafter.
Myo-Reps are typically written as “12-15 @ RPE 8, 3-5.”12-15 denotes the
rep range of the activation set. Select a weight that you predict you can
do for 12-15 reps at approximately RPE 8. This is ~58-65% of a 1RM, when
The 3-5 denotes the rep range for the back-off sets, which are performed
after the activation set. The larger number, 5 in this case, represents the
cap for reps performed per back-off set. In other words, only perform 5
reps per back-off set. The smaller number, 3 in this case, represents the
cut-off for completing the Myo-Rep. Once any set is performed for 3
repetitions or less, you’re done with the Myo-Rep. Move on.
Here’s a brief explanation on Myo-Reps:
The activation set works you up to the prescribed rep range @ RPE 8. The
idea is that this set should be taken to near failure. So, if you are
completely guessing on the weight and happen to get to 12 or 15 reps
and are not near failure (RPE 8) then you should continue the set until
reaching that point. In other words, it is okay to do 20, 25, or even 30+ reps
for your activation set. The idea is that the intraset fatigue builds up and
causes maximal motor unit recruitment, which is then leveraged to
produce hypertrophy on the subsequent back off sets that are performed
on short rest. The motor unit recruitment is only maximized when using the
lighter load in a Myo-Rep if the activation set is taken to near failure.
After your activation set, rack the bar and take 5 deep breaths. Then do
3-5 reps, aiming for 5 reps. Re-rack the weight and take another 5 breaths,
The first time you hit 2 reps less than the first set of 3-5, e.g. you hit 5 reps
the first set and you hit 3 on the 2nd set, you're done. If you hit 4-4-3, you're
done after the set of 3. If you hit 3-3-3-2, you're done after the double.
Exercise Demos
Press Exercises
Classic Press:
Push Press:
2 Count Paused Bench:
Touch and Go Bench:
Close Grip Bench:
Floor Press:
Close Grip Floor Press:
Pin Bench:
How to Bench: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1FWDde2IEPg
Deadlift Exercises
How to Deadlift:
Common Deadlift Errors:
Barbell Row:
Rack Pull, Mid Shin:
Romanian Deadlift:
Stiff Legged Deadlift:
2” Deficit Deadlift:
2 Count Paused Deadlift:
Lever Row:
Squat Exercises
How to Squat:
Common Squat Errors:
2 Count Paused Squat:
3-0-3 Tempo Squat:
5-3-0 Tempo Squat:
Pin Squat: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B13AZVWchA&feature=youtu.be
Front Squat:
Resources and Contact
For all technical issues, please send us an email to
Find all of our articles, videos, and more at www.barbellmedicine.com
Forum: www.forum.barbellmedicine.com/
Social Media
Find us on social media:
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/c/BarbellMedicine
For our research review, apparel, supplements, seminars, and more
templates head to: