Uploaded by George Chandler

##VAW-120## Sensors Exam Review

VCS Timeouts and Temps"<b><div><br></div><div><table><tbody><tr><td><br></td><td><div><span style=""font-weight: 400; font-style: italic;"">Time Outs                     </span></div></td><td><div><span style=""font-weight: 400; font-style: italic;"">Temperature</span></div></td></tr><tr><td><div><span style=""font-weight: 400;"">Auto Preheat/Cool Mode     </span></div></td><td><div><span style=""font-weight: 400;"">6:34</span></div></td><td><br></td></tr><tr><td><div><span style=""font-weight: 400;"">Direct Cool Mode</span></div></td><td><div><span style=""font-weight: 400;"">2:04</span></div></td><td><div><span style=""font-weight: 400;"">48 – 69°F</span></div></td></tr><tr><td><div><span style=""font-weight: 400;"">Direct Heat Mode</span></div></td><td><div><span style=""font-weight: 400;"">10:00/30:00</span></div></td><td><div><span style=""font-weight: 400;"">65 – 90°F</span></div></td></tr><tr><td><div><span style=""font-weight: 400;"">VCS Normal Pressure</span></div></td><td><div><span style=""font-weight: 400;"">13-20 inches H</span><span style=""font-weight: 400;"">2</span><span style=""font-weight: 400;"">0</span></div></td><td><br></td></tr></tbody></table></div></b>"
"<b><div>What are EMIRS extension/retraction?</div><ul><li>{{c1::150-180 KCAS</li><li><div><span style=""font-weight: 400;"">15,000-30,400ft</span></div></li><li><div><span style=""font-weight: 400;"">+/- 5 AOB</span></div></li><li><div><span style=""font-weight: 400;"">Unaccelerated flight</span></div></li><li><div><span style=""font-weight: 400;"">No flat turns</span></div></li><li><div><span style=""font-weight: 400;"">limited to 3 cycles in 15 min period</span></div></li><li><div><span style=""font-weight: 400;"">No use in moderate/severe turbulence</span></div></li><li><div><span style=""font-weight: 400;"">Maximum safe extension for emergency landing is 1.5ft</span></div></li><li><div><span style=""font-weight: 400;"">No use in icing conditions</span></div></li>}}<br></ul></b>"
CPI(Coherent Pulse Interval)<br><br>A group of radar pulses at the same PRF
DWELLA group of CPIs that the DDP correlates together<br> - Period of time in which the main beam is pointed down a specific azimuth with a frame or scan area
PRF(Pulse Repetition Frequency)<br><br>Number of pulses per unit of time<br> - Measured in Hz
PRI(Pulse Repetition Interval)<br><br>Time from beginning of one pulse to beginning of next pulse<br> - AKA Interpulse Period
ScanTime to complete an entire sweep of a specific volume
Scan RateRate at which a scan is complete in degrees/second<br> - speed survaillance beam scanned thru surveillance volume
TARATowed Auxiliary Reciever Array
STAPSpace Time Adaptive Processing<br><ul><li>Rejects External Noise, ground clutter, and noise jamming</li><li>Compensation for flight induced ground clutter across the doppler spectrum</li></ul>
AAS Scan Rates/IntervalsMechanical<br> - 10, 12, 15 seconds
ESS Scan Rates/IntervalsMechanical<br> - 10, 12, 15 seconds
Full Frequency Range/Band406 - 450 MHz<br> - 41 Channels in 1 MHz increments
Middle Frequency Range/Band425 - 435 MHz
E-2D Radar operates in what band406 - 450 MHz<br> - B-Band
What does the B-Band provide?Good Target Resolution<br>Low atmospheric attenuation rate<br>Good, long range detection
Components of ARS(Adaptive Detection System Radar Segment)<br><ul><li>Transmitter</li><li>ADS-18 Antenna</li><li>Receiver Subsystem</li><li>Processor Subsystem</li></ul>
Components of CRS(Common Radar Segment)<br><ul><li>Radar Controller (RC)</li><li>Exciter</li><li>Detection Data Processor (DDP)</li></ul>
Types of Radar and TARA boots<ul><li>Parallel Boot - EMIRs ON within 3 sec. of turning RADAR ON</li><li>Series Boot - RADAR to ON, 360 sec. or ~ 6 min, then EMIRs to ON, wait 270 sec.</li></ul>
RADAR - OFF"<u><span style=""color: rgb(0, 170, 0);"">RSCP powered with 28VDC</span></u>"
RADAR - ON"Low-current power applied to power up <u><span style=""color: rgb(0, 170, 0);"">RADAR subsystems</span></u>"
RADAR - STBYlow current power applied to:<br><ul><li>radar subsystem</li></ul>High voltage power applied to:<br><ul><li>transmitter - transmit inhibited</li></ul>
RADAR - OPERlow current power applied to:<br><ul><li>radar subsystem</li></ul>High voltage power applied to:<br><ul><li>transmitter - functions under control of RC</li></ul>
EMIRS - ONPower applied to:<br><ul><li>TARA processor</li><li>Receiver B subsystem</li><li>TARA antenna</li><li>PTS</li></ul>
Radar/EMIRS TimeoutsRadar <br><ul><li>ON: 360 sec.</li><li>STBY: 20-27 sec.</li></ul><div>EMIRS - 270 sec.</div>
What creates test targets?Exciter (A5)
RSCP ColorsGreen: Current State except ALTN<br>Yellow: Current State for ALTN<br>Blue: Can be selected<br>Dark: Cannont be selected<br>Red: Status/Interlock Failure
RSCP Interlocks"Very Fat Guys Can't Get With Really/Hot Ladies<br><ul><li>VCS</li><li>Fuel Dump</li><li>GCU</li><li>Cabin Pressure</li><li>Gear Up</li><li>WOW</li><li>RPCS/HI FLO</li><li>LCS</li></ul>"
VCS Interlock"Vapor Cycle Cooling within limits<br> - <u><span style=""color: rgb(0, 170, 0);"">VCS failure reverts to OFF</span></u>"
Fuel Dump Interlock"Indicates when fuels being dumped<br> - <u><span style=""color: rgb(0, 170, 0);"">Reverts to STBY</span></u>"
GCU InterlockGenerator Control Unit within limits/both generator online<br> - GCU failure reverts to STBY 
Cabin Pressure Interlock"Cabin pressure is in excess of 8k<br> - <u><span style=""color: rgb(0, 170, 0);"">Reverts to STBY</span></u>"
Gear Up InterlockGear Up and Locked
WOW InterlockThere is no weight on wheels
RPCS/HI FLO"Atleast one engine is online and associated bleed air valve is open<br>Normal manifold pressure = LO FLO<br>Green HI FLO  = HI FLO available<br><u><span style=""color: rgb(0, 170, 0);""> - Reverts to STBY</span></u>"
LCS Interlock"Liquid cooling system within limits<br> <u><span style=""color: rgb(0, 170, 0);"">- Reverts to ON</span></u>"R
AHE HardwareCRS<br>ARS<br>TRSR
Known COMMS Fails<ul><li>MC to RADAR - RC detects a loss of comms with MC</li><li>RADAR to MC - DDP detects a loss of comms with MC</li><li>MC Comms Fail - both RC and DDP detect a loss of comms with MC</li><li>DDP Comms Fail - RC detects a DDP status failure</li></ul>
Define - AASAdvanced AEW Surveillance Mode<br><ul><li>360 deg. coverage</li><li>10sec/6rpm - 12sec/5rpm - 15sec/4rpm</li><li>DWELL time limited by mechanical rotation rate</li></ul>
Define - ESSEnhanced Surveillance Sector Mode<br><ul><li>3 frames - 1 primary sector, 2 secondary sectors</li><li>Longer DWELLS w/ enhanced radar focus, increasing detection in primary sector</li><li>Secondary sector reduced detection</li><li>Center ESS on geo-point, zone, track</li></ul>
Where all radar video comes from:<br><ul><li>Cancelled Mag - {{c1::SP}}</li><li>Uncancelled Mag - {{c1::SP}}</li><li>PSV - {{c1::DDP}}</li><li>RTSV - {{c1::DDP}}</li><li>EMI Mag - {{c1::ACM}}</li></ul>
Best Video for DetectionPSV
E2-D weapon system is designed for what type of turns?Flat Turns - (0.6 deg/sec)
Flat Turns - Pros/ConsPro - Maintain Radar Picture<br>Con - Takes a long time and a lot of room
Next best option to flat turnsWrap-It-Up Turns
Turn that is quickly performed no matter the degredation to radar systemWrap-It-Up Turns
Wrap-It-Up turns should not exceed {{c1::30 degree AOB}} when TARA deployed
Wrap-It-Up Turn - Pro/ConPro - Can be accomplished quickly and in a small area<br>Con - Lose Radar picture and TARA
Radar HI FLO needs what OAT< 90 degrees OAT
LCS Temps<br><ul><li>Med or High: {{c1::< 87 F}}</li><li>Low: {{c1::< 105 F}}</li><li>ON, STBY, ON DECK: {{c1::< 120 F}}</li></ul>
"<b>EMIRS - Fully Deployed</b><br><ul><li>{{c1::140-220 KCAS or 300 KTAS, which ever lower</li><li>15k to 30,400 ft</li><li>30 deg. AOB</li><li>No greater than 20 deg. AOB/sec</li><li>0.5 - 1.5 G's</li><li>Flat Turns allowed</li><li>No hail}}</li></ul>"
Cooling Sources:<br><br>LCS:<br><ul><li>{{c1::</li><li>Aux Rack A1</li><li>PAM A2/A3</li>}}<br></ul>VC:<br><ul><li>{{c1::</li><li>PAM A2/A3</li><li>Reciever A4</li><li>Exciter A5</li><li>Processor Rack A6</li>}}<br></ul>RPCS<br><ul><li>{{c1::</li><li>Rotary Coupler Assembly</li><li>HP RF Transmission Lines</li>}}<br></ul>TARA<br><ul><li>{{c1::Ambient Air}}</li></ul>
RCPS HI FLO requirements<ul><li>OAT < 90 F</li><li>No WOW</li><li>RADAR in STBY or OPER</li></ul>
Time switching between RADAR modes<br><ul><li>AAS/ESS to ETS = {{c1::15-20 seconds}}</li><li>ETS to AAS/ETS = {{c1::5-10 seconds}}</li></ul>
IFF Interrogator frequencies<br><ul><li>Transmit - {{c1::1030 MHz}}</li><li>Rvc - {{c1::1090 MHz}}</li></ul>
Military vs. Civilian Modes<br><ul><li>Military - {{c1::Modes 1, 2, 4, 5}}</li><li>Civilian - {{c1::Modes 3/C and S}}</li></ul>
Safety of Flight concern for putting A/C into closed loopATC cannot see us when we are in closed loop
Ways to put system into a closed loopClosed Loop Test<br>Ring Test
Ways to Zeroize mode 5Button on IIP enclosure<br>Mode IV control panel in CIC<br>Zeroize toggle on COMM/IFF panel in cockpit
IFF modes that give altitudeC<br>5<br>S
INCDS provides {{c1::altitude}} information to {{c1::IFF}} from the {{c1::ADCs}} through the master {{c1::AFMC}} and {{c1::1553B Nav Bus}}