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Technology, Spy Cameras & Cybercrime: A Presentation

What is Technology
➢ Technologies are artifacts made and used through a systematic
application of knowledge in order to reach practical goals.
➢ They are widely used in medicine, science, industry,
communication, transportation, and daily life. Technologies
include physical objects like utensils or machines, as well as
intangible tools like software
Is Technology Illegal or Legal ?
➢ Technology is Never Illegal, the
individual person who is using that
technology will decide whether he
is using it for Good or Bad will
decide illegal or not.
➢ Technology is having 2 Faces, it’s
purely depending on person usage
Misusing Information Technology
➢ Misuse of Technology means that
people using the technology with
many techniques to harm other
people and did unwholesome
➢ Misuse of Technology include Spy
camera, Data Transfer , Fake
profiles, Hacking etc.,
Spy Camera
➢ A spy camera is a device that records video and audio. It usually
looks like an everyday object such as a pen, clock, or smoke
detector. It is also called hidden camera, covert cameras, and
nanny cams
Advantages of Spy Camera
➢ Some of the many advantages of spy cameras are worth peeking
if you have found the right purpose to use one.
➢ Crime Control
➢ Monitoring Activities
➢ Help in Taking Decisions
➢ Self Protection
Disadvantages of Spy Camera
➢ Disadvantages of Spy Cameras have been
listed based on the recent contradictions.
➢ Using it has hidden camera in
shopping malls, Washrooms, Hotel
rooms etc.,
➢ Easily available in many marketplaces
➢ Very less price (starts from 300/- also)
➢ No control on these devices any one
can buy and use it illegally
Spy Camera’s
How to Identify Spy Camera’s
Scan the environment carefully for spy cams
Check for keyholes, holes or unusual objects
Detect hidden cameras with a radio frequency detector
Use a cell phone camera to find hidden cameras
Use a flashlight to find hidden cameras
How to Detect Hidden Camera in Mirrors
Look for a lens
Check for a reflection
Listen for a noise
Look for wires
Use a flashlight
How to Detect Normal Mirror or 2-way
Apps & Hardware devices for Hidden Cams Detection
Spy Hidden Camera Detector
Hidden Camera Detector Free (Available in Play store)
Hidden Spy Camera Detector (Available in Play store)
Glint Finder
Hidden Camera Detector Pro
How Hackers using Cell phone / Systems to Spy
➢ Hackers try to hack into your cell
phones by sending phishing links or
try to install malicious apps.
➢ They can use your webcam to live
stream on some illegal websites
Preventive measures to take:
➢ Never Click on unwanted links in
your cell phone / emails / SMS.
➢ Don’t Install untrusted Applications in
your system / Mobiles.
➢ Don’t Trust in this digital world.
Most Common Social Media Cyber Crimes
➢ Attackers are smart enough to get your data from many
online resources
Websites & Apps:
WhatsApp ,Telegram
Dating Sites
Gaming Apps, Loan Apps
How to protect
➢ Cyber Awareness is the Best Solution for all
➢ Don’t Tempt for free Gift’s & click on
unknown links
➢ Don’t trust anyone in online / offline
(unknown people)
➢ Don’t install Apps / attachments from unknown
➢ Check admin privileges / permissions in Cell
➢ Cyber Education for kids is mandatory from
their school's life
➢ Check all Hotel rooms and trail rooms for Spy
Case Studies on Spy camera
➢ https://indianexpress.com/article/cities/pune/neurologist-arrestedfor-installing-spy-cameras-in-apartment-shared-by-two-womandoctors-7403276/
➢ https://www.hindustantimes.com/cities/pune-news/hidden-camerasfound-in-doctor-s-accommodation-case-registered101625758705237.html
➢ https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/dehradun/tourists-findhidden-camera-in-uttarakhand-hotelroom/articleshow/69552283.cms