aaa Project Job no. Calcs for Start page no./Revision 1 aaa aaa Calcs by aaa Calcs date T Checked by Checked date Approved by Approved date 19/02/2022 BOLTED COVER PLATE SPLICE CONNECTION TO BS5950-1:2000 TEDDS calculation version 1.0.08 520 50 3 x 60 60 3 x 60 50 120 60 30 2 x 50 25 150 25 30 30 60 30 120 BOLTED COVER PLATE SPLICE CONNECTION TO BS5950-1:2000 TEDDS calculation version 1.0.08 Connection loads Design moment; M = 50 kNm; Axial force in member; N = -40 kN Shear force in member; V = 40 kN UB 203x133x30; Steel section grade; S275 Steel plate grade; S275; Bolt slip factor; µ = 0.50 Bolt classification; M16 (Torqued General Grade HSFG) Steel beam details Beam classification; General connection details Flange plate details – plates bolted to one side of each flange Thickness of plates; tfp = 10 mm; Width of plates; bfp = 120 mm Length of plates; lfp = 520 mm Bolts per row; nfb_p = 2 Flange bolting details - each side of joint Rows of bolts; nfb_r = 4; Longitudinal flange bolt spacing Lateral flange bolt spacing Between rows of bolts; Sf = 60 mm Between rows at joint; Sfc = 60 mm; Between bolts at joint; Sflc = 60 mm At end of plates; Sfe = 50 mm; At edge of plates; Sfle = 30 mm Thickness of plates; twp = 10 mm; Length of plates; lwp = 150 mm Width of plates; bwp = 120 mm Web plate details aaa Project Job no. Calcs for Start page no./Revision 2 aaa aaa Calcs by aaa T Calcs date Checked by Checked date Approved by Approved date 19/02/2022 Web bolting details - each side of joint Rows of bolts; nwb_r = 3; Bolts per row; nwb_p = 1 Longitudinal web bolt spacing Lateral web bolt spacing Between rows of bolts; Sw = 50 mm; Between bolts at joint; Swlc = 60 mm At end of plates; Swe = 25 mm; At edge of plates; Swle = 30 mm Step 1 - Distribution of forces in member flanges Force in the flange; Ff = 274 kN Step 2 - Calculate distribution of forces in member flanges Check area of flange Minimum flange area; Ff / pys = 995 mm2; Effective flange area; Aef = 1128 mm2 PASS - Effective flange area is adequate Ff / pyp = 995 mm2; Effective plate area; Aep = 1008 mm2 PASS - Effective flange plate area is adequate Check area of flange plates Minimum plate area; Step 3 - Design of flange bolts No. of bolts required; nfb_req = 5.4; No. of bolts used; nfb = 8 PASS - Flange plate bolting is adequate Step 4 - Design of web plates and bolts Check web plate in shear Shear force in plates; V = 40 kN; Shear capacity of plates;pv = 444 kN PASS - Effective web plate area is adequate in shear Mwp = 1.2 kNm ; Moment capacity; Mcap = 13.9 kNm PASS - Effective web plate area is adequate in bending Fr = 17.9 kN; Bolt capacity; Check web plate in bending Moment in web plate; Check web plate bolts Resultant bolt load; Ps = 70.7 kN PASS - Web plate bolting is adequate Connection summary Beam classification; UB 203x133x30 Bolt classification; M16 (Torqued General Grade HSFG) Flange plates; 520 mm x 120 mm x 10 mm to the outside of each flange Flange bolting; 16 No. total per flange - 4 No. rows of 2 No. bolts on each side of the joint Web plates; 150 mm x 120 mm x 10 mm on each side of the web Web bolting; 6 No. total - 3 No. rows of 1 No. bolts on each side of the joint