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Anthropology, Sociology, Political Science Notes

Nature, Goals and Perspectives in/of Anthropology,
Sociology and Political Science
Wednesday, August 31, 2022
12:44 PM
Nature, Goals and Perspectives in/of Anthropology,
Sociology and Political Science
Social Sciences
• Deals with human behavior which is focused on the social and cultural aspects of society
Branches of Social Sciences
• Anthropology
○ Study of culture
○ Physical Anthropology
▪ Organisms with biological variations
○ Cultural Anthropology
▪ Contrasting ways groups of people think, feel, and behave
○ Biological Anthropology
▪ Gathering info to connect our lives from past to present - Artifacts and materials
○ Linguistics
▪ Communication system; passed on
• Sociology
○ Study of society
○ Durkheim Emile - study suicide; various factors that affects a person's way of thinking
○ Relationship between a private experience and wider society
○ Actions and experiences are relevant to the actions of the people around you
• Differences of Sociology and Anthropology
○ Culture - beliefs and practices of a group
○ Society - the people that share common beliefs and practices
○ There would be no culture when there are no society and there would be no society when there are no culture
• Political Science
○ examines the way people govern themselves
• 2 major power
○ Central power
▪ Executive branch - President, VP, Cabinet members - implementing laws
▪ Legislative branch - Senate and House of the Representatives - modify and writing laws
▪ Judicial Branch - Supreme Court = interpret the law
○ Local power
▪ Implements the gov't programs
▪ Governors
▪ Mayors
▪ Brgy. Captains
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