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Cooking Meat Cuts (Beef) Lesson Plan

Quarter 4 Week 2- Cooking Meat Cuts (Beef)
1.Classify the different
cooking meat cuts of beef;
2.Identify the different types
of marinating and cooking
beef; and
3.Cite procedures in cooking
meat products.
Activity 1
 Arrange the scrambled letters to form
the correct word/s. Each word will be
given a couple of second to show you
and guess the correct word/s.
Background Information for Learners
Meat is a term for the flesh of cattle (beef
and veal), sheep(lamb) and pigs (pork).
Meat comprises water, protein, fat, and
various amount of minerals and vitamins
Beef is very popular and is used across the
globe. This meat is obtained from cow and is
one of the much south- after types of red
Background Information for Learners
Beef is divided into large sections called primal cuts.
These beef primal cuts or “ primal” are then broken
down further into individual steak and other retail
A “side” of beef is literally one side of the beef
carcass that is split through the backbone. Each
side is then halved between the 12th and 13th
ribs into sections called the forequarter and
Beef is very popular and is used across the globe.
This meat is obtained from cow and is one of the
much south- after types of red meat.
Background Information for Learners
Pork is divided into large sections called
primal cuts. These primal cuts are then
broken down further into individual retails
Pork is another choice, as far as meat types
are concerned. Pork is derived from pig and
is classified as red meat.
Background Information for Learners
Sheep meat is also staple food in some parts of
the world and is consumed in many regions.
Sheep meat is otherwise known as mutton
(meat of mature sheep) or lamb(immature
sheep )also classified as red meat.
Composition of Meat
1. Water – 70% of muscle tissue.
Water Content of Meat and Poultry
Product Name
Percentage Water
Chicken Fryer, whole
White meat chicken, with skin
Dark meat chicken, with skin
Ground beef, 85% lean
Ground beef, 73% lean
Beef, eye of round
Composition of Meat
2. Protein – 20% of muscle tissue. Protein
coagulates when it is heated. It becomes
firmer and loses moisture. When protein
has coagulated to the desired degree, the
meat is said to be done.
3. Fat – 5% of the muscle tissue. The fat in
meat contributes to:
Juiciness Marbling is fat that is deposited
within the muscle tissue. Surface fats protect
the meat from drying out during cooking.
Adding surface fat is called barding.
Tenderness Marbling separates muscle
fibers, making meat easier to chew.
Flavor- Fat is the main source of flavor in
Composition of Meat
Carbohydrates – it plays a necessary part
in the complex reaction, called the maillard
reaction, which takes place when meats are
browned by roasting, broiling or sautéing.
Without carbohydrates, desirable flavorappearance of browned meats would not be
Red and White meat
Red Meat
The color depends on the concentration of myoglobin in
muscle fiber. When myoglobin is exposed to oxygen reddish
color appears.
Redness depends on species, animal age, and narrow
muscle fibres.
Examples :
Red meats L: Beef, veal, lamb, mutton, carabeef
White Meat
White meat may also refer to any lighter-colored
It is believe that white meat is healthier than red
pork, poultry and game, fish and
Meats from Diff. Animals
Pork – pig/hog
Beef – cow/cattle
Chevron – goat
Venison – deer
Lamb (less than 1 yr.)
mutton- sheep (more than 1
Carabeef - carabao
Structure of Meat
1. Muscle fibers
Lean meat is composed of long, thin muscle
fibers bound together in bundles. These
determine the texture or grain of a piece of meat.
Fine – grained meat is
composed of small fibers.
Course – textured meat has
large fibers.
Structure of Meat
2. Connective tissue
These are network of proteins that bind the muscle fibers together.
Connective tissue is tough. Meats are high in connective tissue if the
muscles are more exercised like meat from legs and the meat comes
from older animals.
Structure of Meat
Two Kinds of Connective Tissue
A. Collagen – white connective tissue that dissolves or breaks down by long,
slow cooking with liquid. Moist-heat cooking methods at low temperature
are not effective for turning a meat high in connective tissue into a tender,
juicy finished product. Acid helps dissolve collagen.
B.Elastin – yellow connective tissue and is not broken down
in cooking. Tenderizing can be accomplished only by
removing the elastin, by pounding and by slicing and
Market Forms of Meat
1 Fresh Meat –
this is meat
after slaughter,
3 –
Chilled Meat
is meat that has
been cooled to
a temperature
just above
freezing (1-3°)
within 24 hours
after slaughter.
Frozen Meat –
are meat cuts
frozen to an
temperature of
20°C (-40°C).
Market Forms of Meat
Cured Meat – are meat products that have been
treated with a curing agent solution like salt, sodium
nitrate (salitre), sugar, and spices.
Canned Meat – are cooked meat products and only
requires to be reheated.
Dried Meats – dehydrated meats.
Six Stages of Doneness:
very rare - red, juices blood, soft, jelly-like
rare -raw red portion of meat is small, around is
pink brown outer surface, juices are red
medium rare –interior portion is rich pink. Meat is
plump and firm
medium – modified rose, pink juices are less
medium well – pink color disappears, juices are
clear gray, firm to touch
Well - gray inside and out, shrunken, little or no
juice appear, brown and dry.
Analysis ( with Values Integration)
Answer the following questions?
1. What are the different market forms of meat?
2. How will you cut meat ( beef)?
3. Why is it important to determine the cuts of meat
before cooking?
Abstraction (English Integration)
Write the words on the map that relates to the
focal word.
Make a documentary research of market forms of meat
and saves it in our google shared drive.