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Burger (2009) Study Evaluation: Social Psychology

Unit 1: Social Psychology
Topic: Unit1: Social
Title: Burger (2009) Study
Learning Objective:
Explain and evaluate
Burger’s (2009) Study
*Picture for effect 
Today you be hard workers
and demonstrate practice in
knowledge. You will also be
analysers and show logical
and critical thinking skills.
Evaluate Burger’s Study
Topic: Unit1: Social
Evaluate Burger’s Study
Title: Burger (2009) Study
Learning Objective:
Explain and evaluate
Burger’s (2009) Study
*Picture for effect 
*Generalisability - basically, can the findings of the study be generalised to
the general population? Here are some questions to consider when writing
about this…
where was this study conducted and can it be generalised to other
how large was the sample size?
how many males and females took part in the study?
were the participants of varied ages?
Task: Answer this questions in your book. Was Burger’s study generalizable?
Today you be hard workers
and demonstrate practice in
knowledge. You will also be
analysers and show logical
and critical thinking skills.
When writing down strengths and
weaknesses, use exam format.
Identify then justify
Burger sampled 29 males and 41 female adults between 20-81years old,
This makes the study more generalizable to a wide population of adults in America.
Topic: Unit1: Social
Evaluate Burger’s Study
Title: Burger (2009) Study
Learning Objective:
Explain and evaluate
Burger’s (2009) Study
*Picture for effect 
Today you be hard workers
and demonstrate practice in
knowledge. You will also be
analysers and show logical
and critical thinking skills.
*Reliability - if the study were to be repeated, how likely is it that you’d get
the same results?
how much control did the researcher have over the experiment?
was is it a lab, field or natural experiment?
were there any extraneous variables?
were these allowed to develop into confounding variables?
Applications - how can a study be used to support theories?
does it provide evidence for a specific theory?
can the information be used to explain a real life phenomenon?
Topic: Unit1: Social
Evaluate Burger’s Study
Title: Burger (2009) Study
Learning Objective:
Explain and evaluate
Burger’s (2009) Study
*Picture for effect 
Today you be hard workers
and demonstrate practice in
knowledge. You will also be
analysers and show logical
and critical thinking skills.
*Validity - how likely is it that the independent variable influenced the
dependent variable? (Alternatively, you can look at ecological validity,
which refers to how closely the study resembles real life - personally I find this
what other variables were present?
(was it a lab, field or natural experiment?)
(are the activities carried out in the experiment something the participants
would do in their everyday lives?)
(how familiar were the participants with the environment the study was
conducted in?)
Topic: Unit1: Social
Evaluate Burger’s Study
Title: Burger (2009) Study
Learning Objective:
Explain and evaluate
Burger’s (2009) Study
*Picture for effect 
Ethics - did the researches stick to the ethical guidelines?
did participants give informed consent?
were participants given the right to withdraw?
could participants be at risk of psychological harm as a result of the experiment?
were participants debriefed after the experiment?
were the researchers competent enough to carry out the study?
were participants deceived during the study?
*Credibility – means the strengths of a theory: what makes it believable?
Today you be hard workers
and demonstrate practice in
knowledge. You will also be
analysers and show logical
and critical thinking skills.
Is the research believable
Is the research reliable
Is the person conducting the research reliable (an expert in their field)
Topic: Unit1: Social
Burger’s Study
Title: Burger (2009) Study
Learning Objective:
Explain and evaluate
Burger’s (2009) Study
*Picture for effect 
Today you be hard workers
and demonstrate practice in
knowledge. You will also be
analysers and show logical
and critical thinking skills.
If, in an evaluation, you’ve covered all of these points correctly, then you’ve
usually written enough to gain decent marks. It’s very rare than a study is
100% perfect - if a study is reliable then it may lack ecological validity ie. a
lab experiment had tight controls so is therefore reliable but not ecologically
valid as it was conducted in an unfamiliar environment - so make sure you
include both strengths and weaknesses of the study.
Topic: Unit1: Social
Title: Burger (2009) Study
Learning Objective:
Explain and evaluate
Burger’s (2009) Study
Burger sampled 29 males and 41 female adults
between 20-81years old, This makes the study more
generalizable to a wide population of adults in
*Picture for effect 
The results from Burger’s (2009) study were almost the
same as Milgram’s original experiment showing high
reliability in his findings. He also used standardized
procedure to his study is also highly replicable.
Today you be hard workers
and demonstrate practice in
knowledge. You will also be
analysers and show logical
and critical thinking skills.
Topic: Unit1: Social
Title: Burger (2009) Study
Learning Objective:
Explain and evaluate
Burger’s (2009) Study
*Picture for effect 
Burger used an electric shock voltage task for
teachers and learners, however this lacks task
validity as people do not normally use electrocution
as a punishment for poor learning.
Today you be hard workers
and demonstrate practice in
knowledge. You will also be
analysers and show logical
and critical thinking skills.
Lacks task validity
The sample of participants were screened for
mental health concerns prior to taking part but this
does not make the study fully ethical as
Topic: Unit1: Social
Title: Burger (2009) Study
Learning Objective:
Explain and evaluate
Burger’s (2009) Study
Exam practice Questions
If, in an evaluation, you’ve covered all of these
points correctly, then you’ve usually written
enough to gain decent marks.
*Picture for effect 
Today you be hard workers
and demonstrate practice in
knowledge. You will also be
analysers and show logical
and critical thinking skills.
It’s very rare than a study is 100% perfect - if a
study is reliable then it may lack ecological
validity ie. a lab experiment had tight controls
so is therefore reliable but not ecologically
valid as it was conducted in an unfamiliar
environment - so make sure you include both
strengths and weaknesses of the study.
Topic: Unit1: Social
Title: Burger (2009) Study
Learning Objective:
Explain and evaluate
Burger’s (2009) Study
*Picture for effect 
Today you be hard workers
and demonstrate practice in
knowledge. You will also be
analysers and show logical
and critical thinking skills.
Exam practice Questions
Topic: Unit1: Social
Title: Burger (2009) Study
Learning Objective:
Explain and evaluate
Burger’s (2009) Study
*Picture for effect 
Today you be hard workers
and demonstrate practice in
knowledge. You will also be
analysers and show logical
and critical thinking skills.
Exam practice Questions
Topic: Unit1: Social
Title: Burger (2009) Study
Learning Objective:
Explain and evaluate
Burger’s (2009) Study
*Picture for effect 
Today you be hard workers
and demonstrate practice in
knowledge. You will also be
analysers and show logical
and critical thinking skills.
Exam practice Questions
Topic: Unit1: Social
Title: Burger (2009) Study
Learning Objective:
Explain and evaluate
Burger’s (2009) Study
*Picture for effect 
Today you be hard workers
and demonstrate practice in
knowledge. You will also be
analysers and show logical
and critical thinking skills.
Exam practice Questions
Topic: Unit1: Social
Title: Burger (2009) Study
Learning Objective:
Explain and evaluate
Burger’s (2009) Study
*Picture for effect 
Today you be hard workers
and demonstrate practice in
knowledge. You will also be
analysers and show logical
and critical thinking skills.
Test Yourself!
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