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Networking & Educational System Design Document

Table of Content
Question 01
Question 02
Question 03
The hub is working interact with the wired network. And with the connected computers there
the hub is sharing its bandwidth as well. And there are computers that only transferring data
once in a time, with those computers that bandwidth is getting shared. For the devices like
hubs the wireless access points or ordinary access points can define as counter parts. The
access points are giving its service for the network users. But the process of work is similar. If
there are any users who transferring the data among access points (AP) at the same time it can
share the same bandwidth as well. And with that reason it can only take the speed between 20
Mbps to the speed of 50Mbps. And the connection can take in to its usual speed when it able to
use the connection of Ethernet.
It can increase its speed when it able to use Ethernet connection. WIFI can described as a
connection with half duplex. And with the wireless access point it can only one packet at a time.
It can have an instantaneous speed with this network’s 100 Mbps. But with the connection of
half duplex the usual speed is not getting more than the half of its speed. There will have a
collision and lost of packets if more than one node starts to transfer with the same time as well.
Therefore, with an occasion like that collision with the packets or a loss in packets can be
When designing this system for the children who has various kind of disabilities it should
concern about some points and issues to design and implement this system.
Should suitable for children
Because this system is specially designed for the children, the content and the
structure should suitable for the children. It should add a content that children can
easily understand. Some children will have to work with it without a guidance from an
adult. For a scenario like that it is better to design a simple structure for the software
and the system.
Should concern about blind users- there are some children with loss of sight, partially
or fully blinded. Therefore, the system should design and plan to them to use with
ease. The system architecture should not design to match with ordinary people, its
features should match with the requirements of blind children.
Should insert learning materials- since this an online learning platform it should insert
valuable learning materials with it. Most of the children who have get hospitalized
have to stop their education because of their illnesses. Therefore, this system should
have a target to provide those children with a good education.
Learning materials should in a way that children can understand well- this learning
system is specially designed for the children therefore, the content that is going o
publish with it should be a simple way that those children can easily understand. If the
content is more advance than their knowledge level those children getting difficulties
in understanding them as well.
Should categorize lessons with age groups and subjects
Examples that used in teaching should not related to scenarios regarding any
These children had face more different kind of accidents in their lives and still they
may the bad memories with them. therefore, the interface and the content should not
consist of any kind of examples that those children will get remind their bad
Should concern about the country are and city area children separately about their
There may have children with different areas such as country side or from city area.
Some of the children with country area may not have a proper education with them,
when those country side children compare with the city area children there can be
some differences with them. because of that the content should suitable for all level
of students.
Voice teaching should enable to blind children (Sanchez,2007)
Explain the concept of “Green ICT”.
The Green ICT or the green computing is based on the International Federation of Global and
Green CT than known as “IFGICT”. And it is a kind of project based on practice regarding
sustainable environment ICT or the computing process. The concept is also known as the
green ICT or the ICT sustainability as well.
The main targets of having this concept of Green ICT is similar to the targets of green
chemistry. And with that process it is targeting in reducing the usage of hazardous materials.
And with that it can maximize the efficiency regarding energy consumption within the life
time of the product. And another aim is to have recyclable or biodegradable version of
products to minimize the wastage within factories. And this relevant system Green ICT is
very important in all the type of systems. And it can categorize from small hand held systems
to huge size data centers. In these days most of the departments that related to the ICT field
are having Green ICT or this green computing concept to minimize the effect towards
environment from their activities such as ICT based operations. (Franklin,2013)
There are many more companies and their projects that already followed this Green ICT or
the green computing concept to minimize their bad effect towards the environment while
having various kind of IT related projects.
Climate Savers Computing Initiative can be introduced as an effort of minimizing the
consumption of electricity power that use by computers while in the both states of active and
inactive. Climate Savers Computing already has published their products with green concept
by their member organization. (Kimova,2016) And also, they have already provided the
details about minimizing the consumption of computer power. The project was started on
12th of December in year of 2007. The name which is Climate Savers Computing is extracted
from the program on climate savers that in world wild life fund. (Banerjee,2013)
The other projects that related to the concept of green ICT are the electronic product
environment assessment tool that advising buying of green computer products. And the
green grid also a global concept in working with green ICT as well.
[1.] Klincewicz, J., (1988), Hub location in backbone/tributary network design: a review
Online at: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0966834998000424
[2.] Sanchez, J., Elias, M., (2007), Science Learning by Blind Children through Audio-Based
Interactive Software
Online at: http://www.academia.edu/download/3437526/War_PTSD_A_VR_PreTrial_Case_Study.pdf#page=157
[3.] Banerjee, S., Sing, T., Chowdhury, A. and Anwar, H. (2013), Motivations to Adopt Green ICT:
A Tale of Two Organizations, pg.11
Online at: https://www.igi-global.com/article/motivations-to-adopt-green-ict/93594
[4.] Franklin, W., Stanley, O., Gregory, W. and Kebati O., (2013), Green ICT readiness model for
developing economies
Online at: http://erepository.kibu.ac.ke/handle/123456789/322
[5.] Klimova, A., Rondeau, E., Anderson, K., Porras, J., Rybin, A. and Zaslavsky, A. (2016), An
international Master's program in green ICT as a contribution to sustainable development
Online at: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0959652616307077