Uploaded by Rodrigo C. Baiño, Jr.

Nuclear Chemistry

Nuclear chemistry
is the study of nuclear reactions, with an emphasis on their uses in
chemistry and their effects on biological systems
Nuclear reaction, where matter changes originating in its nucleus
When nuclei change spontaneously, emitting radiation, they are said
to be radioactive
We recall first, that two subatomic particles reside in the nucleus are protons
and neutron
We will refer these particles as nucleons
Also that all atoms of a given element have the same protons; that
determines the atomic number of an element
However, atoms of a given element can have different number of neutrons
and therefore different mass numbers
Atoms with the same atomic numbers but different mass numbers are known
as isotopes
The different isotopes of an element is distinguished by their mass umbers
Some nuclei are unstable; they emit particles and/or electromagnetic
radiation spontaneously. The name for this phenomenon is radioactivity.
All elements having an atomic number greater than 83 are radioactive. For
example, the isotope of polonium, polonium-210 ( 210
84𝑃𝑜), decays
spontaneously to ( 206
82𝑃𝑏) by emitting an ∝ particle.
Indeed, the nuclear properties of an atom depend on the number of protons
and neutrons in its nucleus.
The term nuclide applies to a nucleus with a specified number of protons and
Nuclei that are radioactive are called radionuclides, and atoms containing
these nuclei are called radioisotopes
Nuclear Reaction
Most nuclei in nature are stable and remain intact indefinitely.
Radionuclides, however, are unstable and spontaneously emit particles and
electromagnetic radiation.
Emission of radiation is one of the ways in which an unstable nucleus is
transformed into a more stable one that has less energy.
The emitted radiation is the carrier of the excess energy.
Nuclear Reaction
In balancing any nuclear equation, we observe the following rules:
The total number of protons plus neutrons in the products and in the
reactants must be the same (conservation of mass number).
The total number of nuclear charges in the products and in the reactants
must be the same (conservation of atomic number).
Nuclear Reaction
What product is formed when radium-226 undergoes alpha decay?
Which element undergoes alpha decay to form lead-208?
Types of Radioactivity
Alpha Decay
Beta Decay
alpha radiation consists of a stream of helium-4 nuclei known as alpha particles,
which we denote as 42He or 42∝
Beta radiation consists of streams of beta (β) particles, which are high-speed
electrons emitted by an unstable nucleus. Beta particles are represented in
nuclear equations by −10𝑒 or sometimes by −10𝛽
Gamma Radiation
Gamma (𝜸) radiation (or gamma rays) consists of high-energy photons (that is,
electromagnetic radiation of very short wavelength). It changes neither the atomic
number nor the mass number of a nucleus and is represented as either 00𝛾 or simply
Types of Radioactive Decay
Positron Emission
 0
is a particle that has the same mass as an electron (thus, we use the letter e
and superscript 0 for the mass) but the opposite charge (represented by the
In general, positron emission has the effect of converting a proton to a neutron,
thereby decreasing the atomic number of the nucleus by 1
Electron Capture
is the capture by the nucleus of an electron from the electron cloud surrounding
the nucleus
electron is consumed rather than formed in the process, it is shown on the
reactant side of the equation. Electron capture, like positron emission, has the
effect of converting a proton to a neutron
Types of Radioactive Decay
Write nuclear equations for (a) mercury-201 undergoing electron capture; (b)
thorium-231 decaying to protactinium-231.
Write a balanced nuclear equation for the reaction in which oxygen-15
undergoes positron emission.
Balance the following nuclear equations (that is, identify the product X):
82Pb +
Nuclear Transmutation
Nuclear Transmutation
Another type of radioactivity that results from the bombardment of nuclei by
neutrons, protons, or other nuclei
An example of a nuclear transmutation is the conversion of atmospheric 147N to 146C
and 11H, which results when the nitrogen isotope captures a neutron (from the sun).
In some cases, heavier elements are synthesized from lighter elements. This type
of transmutation occurs naturally in outer space, but it can also be achieved
Nuclear Transmutation
Nuclear Transmutation
Nuclear Stability
The principal factor that determines whether a nucleus is stable is the
neutron-to proton ratio (n/p). For stable atoms of elements having low
atomic number, the n/p value is close to 1. As the atomic number increases,
the neutron-to-proton ratios of the stable nuclei become greater than 1.
This deviation at higher atomic numbers arises because a larger number of
neutrons is needed to counteract the strong repulsion among the protons and
stabilize the nucleus.
Nuclear Stability
The type of radioactive decay that a particular radionuclide undergoes depends
largely on how its neutron-to-proton ratio compares with those of nearby nuclei
that lie within the belt of stability. We can envision three general situations:
Nuclei above the belt of stability (high neutron-to-proton ratios). These
neutron-rich nuclei can lower their ratio and thereby move toward the belt of
stability by emitting a beta particle because beta emission decreases the
number of neutrons and increases the number of protons
Nuclear Stability
Nuclei below the belt of stability (low neutron-to-proton ratios). These
proton-rich nuclei can increase their ratio and so move closer to the belt of
stability by either positron emission or electron capture because both decays
increase the number of neutrons and decrease the number of protons.
Positron emission is more common among lighter nuclei. Electron capture
becomes increasingly common as the nuclear charge increases.
Nuclei with atomic numbers ≥ 𝟖𝟒 . These heavy nuclei tend to undergo
alpha emission, which decreases both the number of neutrons and the number
of protons by two, moving the nucleus diagonally toward the belt of stability.
Nuclear Stability
The following rules are useful in predicting nuclear stability:
Nuclei that contain 2, 8, 20, 50, 82, or 126 protons or neutrons are generally more
stable than nuclei that do not possess these numbers. For example, there are ten
stable isotopes of tin (Sn) with the atomic number 50 and only two stable isotopes
of antimony (Sb) with the atomic number 51.
Nuclei with even numbers of both protons and neutrons are generally more stable
than those with odd numbers of these particles
All isotopes of the elements with atomic numbers higher than 83 are radioactive.
All isotopes of technetium (Tc, Z=43) and promethium (Pm, Z=61) are radioactive.
Predict the mode of decay of (a) carbon-14, (b) xenon-118.
Predict the mode of decay of (a) plutonium-239, (b) indium-120.
Radioactive Decay
Radioactive decay series
is a sequence of nuclear reactions that ultimately result in the formation of a
stable isotope
Half life
is the time required for half of any given quantity of a substance to react
Radiometric Dating
Because the half-life of any particular nuclide is constant, the half-life can
serve as a nuclear clock to determine the age of objects. The method of
dating objects based on their isotopes and isotope abundances is called
radiometric dating.
When carbon-14 is used in radiometric dating, the technique is known as
radiocarbon dating. The procedure is based on the formation of carbon-14 as
neutrons created by cosmic rays in the upper atmosphere convert nitrogen-14
into carbon-14
Kinetics of Radioactive Decay
As noted earlier, radioactive decay is a first-order kinetic process. Its rate,
therefore, is proportional to the number of radioactive nuclei N in a sample:
Rate = kN
The first-order rate constant, k, is called the decay constant.
The rate at which a sample decays is called its activity, and it is often
expressed as number of disintegrations per unit time.
The becquerel (Bq) is the SI unit for expressing activity. A becquerel is
defined as one nuclear disintegration per second.
An older, but still widely used, unit of activity is the curie (Ci), defined as
disintegrations 3.7x 1010 per second, which is the rate of decay of 1 g of
Kinetics of Radioactive Decay
Kinetics of Radioactive Decay
A rock contains 0.257 mg of lead-206 for every milligram of uranium-238. The
half-life for the decay of uranium-238 to lead-206 is 4.5x 109 yr. How old is
the rock?
A wooden object from an archaeological site is subjected to radiocarbon
dating. The activity due to 14C is measured to be 11.6 disintegrations per
second. The activity of a carbon sample of equal mass from fresh wood is 15.2
disintegrations per second. The half-life of 14C is 5715 yr. What is the age of
the archaeological sample?
Energy Changes in Nuclear Reactions
Einstein’s celebrated equation relating mass and energy:
𝐸 = 𝑚𝑐 2
E stands for energy
m for mass, and
c for the speed of light,
C=2.9979x108 m/s
Energy Changes in Nuclear Reactions
This equation states that the mass and energy of an object are proportional.
If a system loses mass, it loses energy (exothermic); if it gains mass, it gains
energy (endothermic).
Because the proportionality constant in the equation, c2, is such a large
number, even small changes in mass are accompanied by large changes in
The mass changes and the associated energy changes in nuclear reactions are
much greater than those in chemical reactions.
Nuclear Binding Energy
Nuclear binding energy
The energy required to separate a nucleus into its individual nucleons
This quantity represents the conversion of mass to energy that occurs during an
exothermic nuclear reaction.
The concept of nuclear binding energy evolved from studies of nuclear
properties showing that the masses of nuclei are always less than the sum of
the masses of the nucleons, which is a general term for the protons and
neutrons in a nucleus.
Mass Defect
The mass difference between a nucleus and its constituent nucleons
Relativity theory tells us that the loss in mass shows up as energy (heat) given
off to the surroundings
Nuclear Power: Fission
Nuclear Fission
Heavy nuclei gain stability and therefore give off energy if they are fragmented
into two midsized nuclei
is the process in which a heavy nucleus (mass number > 200) divides to form
smaller nuclei of intermediate mass and one or more neutrons
Because the heavy nucleus is less stable than its products (see Figure 23.2), this
process releases a large amount of energy.
Nuclear Power: Fission
Nuclear chain reaction
a self-sustaining sequence of nuclear fission reactions
The number of fissions and the energy released quickly escalate, and if the process
is unchecked, the result is a violent explosion.
For a fission chain reaction to occur, the sample of fissionable material must
have a certain minimum mass. Otherwise, neutrons escape from the sample
before they have the opportunity to strike other nuclei and cause additional
Nuclear Power: Fission
Critical mass
The amount of fissionable material large enough to maintain a chain reaction with
a constant rate of fission
When a critical mass of material is present, one neutron on average from each
fission is subsequently effective in producing another fission and the fission
continues at a constant, controllable rate.
The critical mass of uranium-235 is about 50 kg for a bare sphere of the metal.
Supercritical mass
If more than a critical mass of fissionable material is present, very few neutrons
escape. The chain reaction thus multiplies the number of fissions, which can lead
to a nuclear explosion.
A mass in excess of a critical mass
Nuclear Power: Nuclear reactors
Nuclear power plants use nuclear fission to generate energy.
The core of a typical nuclear reactor consists of four principal components:
fuel elements, control rods, a moderator, and a primary coolant
The fuel is a fissionable substance, such as uranium-235.
The fuel elements contain enriched uranium in the form of UO2 pellets
encased in zirconium or stainless steel tubes.
The control rods are composed of materials that absorb neutrons, such as
cadmium or boron. These rods regulate the flux of neutrons to keep the
reaction chain self-sustaining and also prevent the reactor core from
Types of Nuclear Reactors
Light Water Reactors
Nuclear reactors that use light water (H O) as a moderator are called light water
reactors because 1H is the lightest isotope of the element hydrogen.
Heavy Water Reactors
Another type of nuclear reactor uses D O, or heavy water, as the moderator, rather
than H2O. Deuterium absorbs neutrons much less efficiently than does ordinary
The main advantage of a heavy water reactor is that it eliminates the need for
building expensive uranium enrichment facilities. However, D2O must be prepared
by either fractional distillation or electrolysis of ordinary water, which can be very
expensive considering the amount of water used in a nuclear reactor.
Types of Nuclear Reactors
Breeder Reactors
A breeder reactor uses uranium fuel, but unlike a conventional nuclear reactor, it
produces more fissionable materials than it uses.
In a typical breeder reactor, nuclear fuel containing uranium-235 or
plutonium- 239 is mixed with uranium-238 so that breeding takes place within
the core.
For every uranium-235 (or plutonium-239) nucleus undergoing fission, more
than one neutron is captured by uranium-238 to generate plutonium-239.
Nuclear Power: Fusion
In contrast to the nuclear fission process, nuclear fusion, the combining of
small nuclei into larger ones, is largely exempt from the waste disposal
Biological Effect of Radiation
When matter absorbs radiation, the radiation energy can cause atoms in the
matter to be either excited or ionized. In general, radiation that causes
ionization, called ionizing radiation, is far more harmful to biological systems
than radiation that does not cause ionization.
The latter, called nonionizing radiation, is generally of lower energy, such as
radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation or slow-moving neutrons
When living tissue is irradiated, water molecules absorb most of the energy of
the radiation. Thus, it is common to define ionizing radiation as radiation that
can ionize water, a process requiring a minimum energy of 1216 kJ>mol.
Alpha, beta, and gamma rays (as well as X-rays and higher-energy ultraviolet
radiation) possess energies in excess of this quantity and are therefore forms
of ionizing radiation.
The damage produced by radiation depends on the activity and energy of the
radiation, the length of exposure, and whether the source is inside or outside
the body
Gamma rays are particularly harmful outside the body because they
penetrate human tissue very effectively, just as X-rays do.
Consequently, their damage is not limited to the skin. In contrast, most alpha
rays are stopped by skin, and beta rays are able to penetrate only about 1 cm
beyond the skin surface
Neither alpha rays nor beta rays are as dangerous as gamma rays, therefore,
unless the radiation source somehow enters the body. Within the body, alpha
rays are particularly dangerous because they transfer their energy efficiently
to the surrounding tissue, causing considerable damage.
In general, the tissues damaged most by radiation are those that reproduce
rapidly, such as bone marrow, blood-forming tissues, and lymph nodes. The
principal effect of extended exposure to low doses of radiation is to cause
Cancer is caused by damage to the growth-regulation mechanism of cells,
inducing the cells to reproduce uncontrollably.
Leukemia, which is characterized by excessive growth of white blood cells, is
probably the major type of radiation-caused cancer.