1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Discuss main feature of spiral model. Discuss three stage division of waterfall model which model is not suitable of iterative applications and rigid in nature? which model is applicable when basic software requirements are required early? Differentiate between core product and slipped down versions. Differentiate between evolutionary and throwaway prototype which model is called Meta model and why? which model is used when rapid development is required? which model is used when tight market deadline have to meet. differentiate between portability, adaptability and transportation. Discuss User defined Compartments. Differentiate between active class & singleton class. 13. Which type of cohesion is most desirable? Explain its features. 14. What is the difference between context and overview DFD diagrams? 15. List down attributes of good software. 16. Differentiate between evolutionary and throwaway prototype. 17. How relative cost to repair a requirement error varies when detected at various development phases in a log scale. 18. Discuss methods of Asking Strategy for determining information requirements. 19. Discuss any four properties of an SRS. 20. What is coupling explain with example? 21. What are the main contents of SRS? 22. What is the difference between data and stamp coupling? 23. what is cohesion?List any two levels of cohesion. 24. Draw a diagram to illustrate the modularity and software cost. 25. Describe the Object-Oriented Design Concepts. 26. What are the symptoms of software crisis? Draw a hardware software cost graph. 27. Which model is not suited for iterative applications and rigid in nature? 28. What are the main classes of user requirements? 29. What is meant by settingthe scope of a project and identify main stake holders in this scenario? 30. Explain the concept of unary and binary relationships. Provide one example in each case. 31. Draw a diagram of layered architecture and identify different layers in it. 32. Differentiate between process and functional model. 33. Identify entities, attributes, relationships and associations from the following diagram. 34. List down any three functions of an SRS. 35. Draw context level DFD of an airline reservation system. 36. Discuss CIPO model with diagram. 37. If the perceived complexity of p1 is 0.5 & the perceived complexity of p2 is 0.75. How much effort is required to solve p1 and p2. 38. Write down any two crises for software development. 39. Discuss any four characteristics of waterfall model. 40. Elaborate the following diagram w.r.t software requirements. i. 41. List any two functional and two non-functional requirements. 42. What are relationship cardinalities? 43. Discuss any two types of design classes. 44. Differentiate between structural properties and extra functional properties of architectural design. 45. List down factors that influence coupling between two modules. 46. What is the relationship between interaction & class diagram? Discuss with the help of diagram. 47. What are the factors that influence coupling? Illustrate with diagram. 48. Differentiate between core products and slipped down version in any software model. 49. Elaborate the following graph in your words. i. 50. Briefly describe types of volatile requirements. 51. How requirement template partitioned. Elaborate its four divisions briefly. 52. Discuss Establishing Fit Criteria and its types. 53. Illustrate distinct tasks of requirement engineering. 54. How stakeholders work with collaboration during requirement elicitation. 55. Differentiate between throwaway prototyping and evolutionary prototyping. 56. Discuss three levels of elaboration culminating in a scenario-based representation. 57. Draw an ERD of hospital management system. 58. Discuss the following graph. 59. Draw context level DFD of flight management system. 60. Discuss phases of SDLC model. 61. Define software architecture w.r.t object oriented design 62. Discuss the objectives of design patterns. 63. If the perceived complexity of p1 is greater than the perceived complexity of p2, how much effort is required to solve p1 and p2. 64. Define the concept of refinement. 65. Which type of requirements captured in use case? 66. Illustrate different types of actors. 67. What is the relation between class diagram and domain model? 68. Define information hiding. 69. Differentiate between process model & functional model. 70. Define the concept of aspect. 71. Define sequential cohesion. 72. How Use case & System sequence diagram is interlinked. Discuss with the help of diagram. 73. Define Decoupling. Discuss the guidelines of decoupling. 74. Define design classes. Demonstrate the types of design classes. 75. Define Architectural Styles. Write down the steps to categorize architectural styles. 76. What is the relationship between interaction & class diagram? Discuss with the help of diagram. 77. What are the factors that influence coupling? Illustrate with diagram. 78. Discuss the relationship between modularity & software cost. 79. Define the concept of functional independence. 80. If the perceived complexity of p1 is 0.5 & the perceived complexity of p2 is 0.75. How much effort is required to solve p1 and p2? 81. Write down the steps to create domain model. 82. How to name system events and operations in SSD? 83. Differentiate between process class & persistent class. 84. Illustrate different types of actors. What is the relation between class diagram and domain model? Define information hiding. Differentiate between process model & functional model. Define the concept of aspect. Discuss the levels of cohesion proposed by Yourdon and Constantine. Discuss modular structure with diagram. What is abstraction? Define procedural and data abstraction.Define modularity. Draw a graph that show how modularity effect on total software cost & when we achieve total minimal cost. 93. Why call a domain model a visual dictionary? Is a domain model a picture of software business objects? 94. Discuss structural properties of architectural design. 95. What is a pattern? 96. What the designer can determine using pattern? 97. Define Refinement. 98. If the perceived complexity of p1 is 0.8 & the perceived complexity of p2 is 0.75. How much effort is required to solve p1 and p2? 99. Write down the steps to create domain model. 100. How to name system events and operations in SSD? 101. Differentiate between temporal cohesion & logical cohesion. 102. Discuss structural properties of an attribute. 103. How to show methods in class diagram? 104. Discuss the concept of information hiding. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92.