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Spanish Colonial Philippines: Abuses, Revolts, Nationalism

The Spanish Colonial Government
The abuses of the Spaniards in the Philippines
Bandala-Compulsary sale of agricultural products to the
Polo-force labor
Encomienda system-Sum of money or piece of land given to
Spanish officials as a reward for their loyal services to the king.
Galleon trade-trade relation between Manila and Acapulco, Mexico
Maltreatment of filipinos by the Spaniards
Struggle for rights and freedom
1. Revolt of Lakandula and Sulayman (1574)
Cause:Lavezaris reversal of Legaspi’s Policy
2. First Pampanga Revolt (1585)
Cause:Abuses of Encomenderos
3. The Tondo Conspiracy (1587-1588)
Cause:Regain Lost Freedom
4. Magalat’s revolt in Cagayan (1596)
5. Revolt of the Igorot (1601)
Cause:Refusal to Accept new religion
6. Revolt of the Irrayas, Northern Isabela in Cagayan Valley region (1621)
Cause: Oppression of /Spanish Officials
7. Revolt of Tamblot in Bohol (1621-1622)
Cause:Return to native religion
8. Bankaw’s revolt in Leyte (1622)
Cause:Return to native religion
9. Ladia Revolt (1643)
Cause: Spanish oppression
10. Revolt of the Davao (1650s)
Cause:Controversial decree to send carpenters to the Cavite shipyard
11. Dagohoy revolt (1744-1829)
Cause:Refusal of Spanish friars to give his brother a Christian burial.
Others: Sumuroy, Maniago, Andres Malong, Gumapos, Almazan, Tapar, silang,
Palaris, Basi, Bayot, Hermano Pule, Muslim war etc.
Reasons of Filipino Defeat in the different uprisings
1. Absence of a national leader
2. Lack of unity and cooperation
3. Absence of amunitions to match the superior arms of the Spaniards
4. Absence of nationalism
The rise of Filipino Nationalism (Factors)
1. Spread of liberalism
2. Sentiments against the principalEs
3. Racial Prejudice
4. Cultural changes
5. Secularization Controversy
6. Cavite mutiny
7. The Opening of Suez Canal
8. The death of Goburza - FRANCISCO ZALDUA
The Propaganda movement
-a unified nationalist movement purposely to seek reforms from Spain through
peaceful means
1. Make the Philippines a regular province of spain.
2. Equality of Filipinos and Spaniards before the law.
3. Restoration of the Philippine representation in the Spanish Cortes.
4. Secularization of the Philippine Parishes and the expulsion of the Spanish friars in
the Philippines
5. Human rights for the Filipinos such as Speech, Press and petition the government
for redress of grievances.
La Solidaridad- Official Publication of the Propaganda movement
The La Liga Filipina- a sort of mutual aid and self help society dispensing scholarship
fund and legal aid, loaning capital and setting up cooperatives
The founding of the KKK
July 7, 1892- Bonifacio and some of his friends met secretly at Deodato Arellanos
house at # 72 Azcarraga Street (now Claro M. Recto) near El Cano Street in
Tondo Manila, purposely to form the secret Society.
Aims of the KKK
1. To fight the Spaniards through a bloody revolution
2. To secure Philippine independence
Women- Incharge in the recuritment of more members.
-They guarded secret documents of the society.
Three grades of membership
1. Katipun /associate
2. Kawal/soldier
3. Bayani/Patriot
Kartilya ng Katipunan- Primer of the Secret Society which consist of 13 teachings.
Decalogue of the Katipunan (sampung utos na dapat sundin ng mfga katipunero)
was written by Andres Bonifacio.
Kalayaan- The official publication of the KKK
June 15, 1896- Andres Bonifacio sent Pio Valenzuela to Dapitan to get Rizal’s
support for the armed revolution. Raymundo Mata was a blind man who
need the medical services of Rizal was brought by Valenzuela to personally
meet rizal.
Rizal- Rejected the revolution about to be launch telling Aguinaldo that they are
not yet well equipped and financially capable for the revolution.
The Discovery of the Katipunan
August 19, 1896-Teodoro Patino confided to his sister regarding the secret society
and the later confessed it to Father Mariano Gil.
-The civil guards rushed to the Diario de Manila and were able to discover
copies of the Kalayaan.
The Civil guards attacked where the Katipuneros were being positioned and
conducted massive arrests to the suspected members of the secret society in
the community.
The Cry of Balintawak- In response to the actions made by the Spanish civil guards,
the remaining Spaniards held a meeting at Bahay Toro, Pugadlawin,
Balintawak North of Manila, The Katipuneros tore their cedulas signifying
their non recognition of the King of Spain as their colonizer as they shouted
“Long live the Philippines, Long Live Katipunan.
August 30, 1896- Andres Bonifacio together with his men attacked Polverin (powder
depot) in San Juan in retaliation to the Spaniards. This is known as the “Battle
of Pinaglabanan” where many of his men died for they are outnumbered.
Afternoon of August 30- Gov General Ramon Blanco declared a State of War in the 8
provinces represented by the eight rays of the sun in the Philippine Flag.
- Amnesty was also offered and pardon be given for those who would
voluntarily surrender except the leaders of the Katipunan. However those who
surrendered were only subjected to torture and were forced to squeal info
about the KKK.
Reign of terror- Blanco executed 4 members of KKK at Bagumbayan, the 13 martyrs
of Cavite were executed, 22 prominent residents of Manila were imprisoned
at Fort Santiago, 150 Filipinos were loaded on SS Manila bound for Cartagena,
Spain and later to Africa for their Exile. (This resulted to a more intense attack
and fighting for the Filipinos felt the need for them to fight.)
The Rivalry of Magdalo and Magdiwang
Magdalo- Headed by Emilio Aguinaldo Became so popular because of series of
victory in their fights against the Spaniards.
Magdiwang- headed by Andres Bonifacio experienced several blows of defeat against
the Spaniards.
Magdalo Council -Hosted a meeting but magdalo and magdiwang failed to agree at
a common point of establishing a revolutionary government to be headed by
a newly elected leaders.
The Tejeros Convention- Second convention which resulted to the election of
Andres Bonifacio as Director of the Interior.
Daniel Tirona- Question the qualification of Andres Bonifacio to act as Director of
the Interior.
-In anger, Bonifacio declared the result of the election null and void as he left
the convention together with his men.
The council of war- Gave the verdict of death penalty to the Bonifacio Brothers
when Pio del Pilar testified against them regarding their secret meetings
endangering the solidarity of the Katipunan.
The Biak na Bato Republic- It was inaugurated on June 24, 1897
Gov. General Primo de Rivera – Since he could no longer stop the uprisings he sent
Pedro Paterno for a peaceful negotiation in Biak na Bato which commenced
in August and ended on December.
The Provisions of the Pact of Biak na Bato
1. Exile of Aguinaldo and other revolutionary leaders to Hongkong.
2. Payment of 1,700,000 pesos by Spain as an indemnity to the Filipino revolutionist.
3. Granting of amnesty to the Filipino revolutionists
4. Surrender of fire arms
5. Granting of reforms.
-Both The Spaniards and the KKK violated the provisions of the Pact of Biak na
The Spanish American War
Two reasons for American entry in the Pacific affairs
1. The sinking of US warship Maine.
2. Cuban struggle for independence.
Dr. Jose Rizal- Applied as a voluntary doctor in the Cuban War and was granted.
-However, he was arrested due to suspected involvement in the on going Philippine
Emilio Aguinaldo-Secretly met with high American officials regarding their support to the
Philippine revolution.
-in retaliation to the sinking of the Maine, Commodore George Dewey
proceeded to Manila with his fleet consisting of four armored cruise with his
flagship olympia purposely to destroy the Spanish fleet based in Manila Bay.
Patricio Montojo- His 12 ships with flagship reina Cristina was defeated and were
sank by the mighty American squadron.
Emilio Aguinaldo- Bought more arms and ammunition in Hongkong and were
shipped to Manila after giving an information to the filipino revolutionists
that war against the Spaniards will resume in support for America.
The mock battle of Manila bay- Aguinaldo and his men heard exchange of gun fire in
manila but no idea if what’s going on.
-Through the intercession of a Belgian Consul, it tried to convince the
Spaniards and Americans to settle their dispute in the table.
-Thus the Americans and the Spaniards sent their representatives to the
Treaty of Paris.