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assignment 1 esm 402-1

ESM 402
1 (a) (i) Explain why risk assessment for exposure of workers to Diesel Engine Exhaust
Emissions (DEE) is important at Kunaishe Mine workshop garage which is enclosed
garage as shown in the appendix (5)
Risk assessments help in identifying, recognizing and describing the risks that might prevent
Kunashe Diesel Exhaust Engine Emission achieving the appropriate air circulation through the
metal concertina door which moves the outdoor air into the garage which helps in diluting the
pollutants originating from the diesel emissions in the garage then the air bricks lets in the
cooler air in and hot air rises and exit through the vent on the top part of the garage door. When
there is hot air in the garage, it then rises up and helps in setting the turbines in motion thereby
letting out air.
It also helps in identifying the measures that can be put in place to prevent land pollution from
oil spillages and also prevent the skin contact with the hazardous substances, the eye irritation
and breathing difficulties caused by the fumes in the garage, if trapped, fatal injuries from
smoke inhalation/burns, burns from contact with battery acid while charging, exploding of
batteries if is overcharged and electrical shocks or burns from faulty electrical equipment or on
Analysing the nature of the risks at Kunashe Mine Workshop Garage and their characteristics
including, where appropriate the level of the risks by considering the uncertainties, risk sources,
consequences, likelihood, events, scenarios, controls and their effectiveness can also be
achieved by doing risk assessments.
Risk assessment helps in risk evaluation which helps in support decisions of controlling the
hazards which include air pollution by oil spillage. This can be done through comparing the
results of the risk analysis with the established risk criteria.
Risk assessment plays a vital role in selecting the most appropriate risk treatment options at
Kunashe Mine Workshop Garage so that there will not be the reoccurrence of the same risks at
the garage .
(ii) What should be considered when making a suitable and sufficient risk assessment exposure
of workers at the Garage to DEE (20).
Firstly, the methods and procedures used in the processing, handling or storage of the
substances should be considered when making a suitable and sufficient risk assessment.
Supervisor to start keeping a check that gloves are being used, the risks from dermatitis and
skin cancer to be explained to worker, the manager to arrange training on use of extinguishers
for all workers, annual fire drill to be carried out, brief workers on safe working with petrol.
Refer to HSE’s, manager to assess suitability of replacing 240 V tools with air-powered or 110
V alternatives, brief workers on safe handling of air bags, manager to arrange manual handling
training for the workers in the store and also, briefing workers on handling tires, refer to HSE
publication and detailed assessment must be done using HSE publication.
In addition to that, a risk assessment to sufficient and effective, the actual and the potential
exposure of the workers for example how many workers may be exposed, what the exposure
limit is, what the exposure will be and how often will they be exposed must be considered. The
exposures which must be included at Kunashe can include, skin contact with the hazardous
substances over a long period can lead to severe dermatitis and skin cancer, the fumes may
cause eye irritation and breathing difficulties, if trapped, workers and customers could suffer
fatal injuries from smoke inhalation/burns, workers could suffer burns from contact with
battery acid while charging, particularly if battery is overcharged and explodes, workers could
get electrical shocks or burns from faulty electrical equipment or on installation, electrical
faults can also lead to fires workers suffer serious injury from unguarded moving parts of
machinery, workers can also get cut on sharp edges or scald themselves on hot parts and failure
of a car lift, jack or other lifting equipment may cause severe crush injuries to an employee.
The measures and procedures necessary to control the hazards at Kunashe which is by means
of engineering controls, work practices, and hygiene practices and facilities must also be
included in making a risk assessment sufficient and effective. At Kunashe Company,
extinguishers provided and inspected under contract, special fire exits not needed as all work
areas have immediate access to outside, fuel retriever used to empty vehicle fuel tanks outside,
spillages cleared immediately Component cleaning in recirculating paraffin system, not petrol,
LPG fueled vehicles parked in safe places, workers trained in hazards of LPG, fire risk
assessment done and necessary action taken, proprietary charger, installed by electrician, is
used in accordance with instructions, acid-resistant gloves and goggles supplied and used, lowvoltage 24 V hand lamps used, residual current device (RCD) built into main switchboard. A
few 240 V tools are used, all have industrial plugs and leads, testing carried out annually on all
portable 240 V tools and workers are trained to carry out pre-use visual checks and report
How a person would react in a particular situation for example, what could be the most common
reaction by a person if the machine failed or has malfunctioned?
The duration of the frequency of the task that is how long and how often a task is done at
Kunashe Mine
The location of the task that is being done
The machinery, tools, materials and items which are being used at the garage in the operation
and how they are used for example, the physical state of a chemical, or lifting heavy loads for
a distance should not be left out when doing a suitable and effective risk assessment of Kunashe
Mine Workshop Garage.
Any possible interactions with other activities in area and if the task could affect others like the
cleaners and the visitors must be considered when making a risk assessment at Kunashe Mine
Workshop Garage.
The lifecycle of the product, process or the service which include the design, construction,
used, decommissioning.
Education and training the workers have been received for it is crucial for Kunashe
development and success. Training is fruitful to both the employers and the employees of an
organization. When trained, an employee will become more efficient and productive if trained
B (i) Describe how the air movements provide ventilation in the diagram shown below
The door, windows move outdoor air into the garage, and distributes the air within the garage.
Its purpose is to provide healthy air for breathing by both diluting the pollutants originating
from the diesel emissions in the building and removing the pollutants from it.
The bricks vents are installed bottom sides of the garage, to act as the intake vent which lets in
cooler outside air. The hot air rises and exits through the vent on the top part of the garage door.
Hot air is lighter than cold air and it rises up and this upward movement of hot air within a
garage, is enough to set the roof turbines in motion. Any wind will further increase the
effectiveness of the Roof Wind Turbine.
The fan sucks the air inside the garage and passes it to the outside via a ducting through the
Passive roof vents use the natural movement of air. The warm air moves out of the garage to
the exteriors. It is replaced by cold air from the garage wall vents or the garage door. The fan
blade curves are designed such that the roof vent acts like a one way valve. Air can go out but
cannot come in.
b (ii)Consider how ventilation in Appendix affects the exposure of workers to DEE (5)
Ventilation system in appendix 1 affects the exposure of workers at Kunashe Garage to the
diesel Exhaust Emissions to a greater extend. The mechanism of the garage gives the allowance
of polluted air to circulate in the garage because there are no exhaust pipes that helps in the
letting of the exhaust out of the building at the moment they are being exhausted. Also, the
bottom air bricks are not enough, the garage was supposed to have the bottom to let in the cold
air and the upper air bricks to let out the hot air. There is one window at the garage which is
not enough for air circulation.
C(i)Describe the features of the ventilation system shown in appendix
There is a portable exhaust pipe which is attached to the car exhaust to exhaust fan which is an
engineering control which directly control a hazard or a risk directly from the source. These
pipes are attached to the car exhaust pipe to the filters and then to roof fans and chimney to be
vented out. The pipes collect air direct from the exhaust pipe before it gets into the garage
assisted by the pressure from the engine to the chimneys and exhaust fans and disposed to the
The door and windows move outdoor air into the garage, and distributes the air within the
garage. Its purpose is to provide healthy air for breathing by both diluting the pollutants
originating from the diesel emissions in the building and removing the pollutants from it.
The bricks vents are installed bottom sides of the garage, to act as the intake vent which lets in
cooler outside air. The hot air rises and exits through the vent on the top part of the garage door
The fan sucks the polluted air inside the garage and passes it to the outside via a ducting through
the wall.
(ii)Outline the arrangements the mine would need to out in place for this type of ventilation
system to maintain effectiveness (5)
Eliminating the potential hazards at Kunashe by keeping the workshop garage free from
recognized physical and chemical hazards and make sure it is in compliance with OSHA
standards, rules, and regulations. To achieve this, the use your digital signage systems to
remind employees about proper body mechanics, safe backing, what PPE is necessary, and
ways they can avoid hazards. Workers at Kunashe should be encouraged to identify and report
potential problems and safety violations and take immediate steps to have those issues resolved.
Making sure all workers are properly trained
Kunashe Company must provide all workers with safety training using language they can
understand. The training should be given to all new employed workers, with refresher courses
offered for existing workers or when workers change jobs within the garage and to use
electronic message boards to reinforce safety training, serving it up in bite-sized messages.
Making sure workers have proper equipment
Make sure Kunashe Company employees have and use safe tools and equipment and properly
maintain this equipment they will be using in servicing the cars at the garage.
There must be some on job inspections at Kunashe Mine Workshop Garage to help prevent
risk and when you carrying out a workplace inspection, you are critically examining the
workplace to identify and report potential hazards that can be removed or avoided.
Maintenance schedule
Having a maintenance plan is directly related to higher productivity, which is linked to
achieving the objectives set by the company’s management. And for this equation to deliver
favorable results, reliability is a decisive factor because it provides the conditions to seek
optimization of operations, bringing together human talent, optimization of processes and
assets, and management strategies to achieve the proposed goals.
Planned job observation
Purposes of Planned Job Observation helps Kunashe Garage to pinpoint practices that could
cause accidents, injuries, damage, inefficiency and waste, determine specific needs for
coaching and training, learn more about work habits of your people and check adequacy of
existing job/task method sand procedures.
Bench marking
Benchmarking helps in making continuous improvements and implement changes in business
products, methods and services, therefore, benchmarking practices provide a better
understanding of customer wishes and expectations. This is because the customers are the most
important data source at every stage of comparison.
Brain storming
Brainstorming allows people to think more freely, without fear of the judgment. It also
encourages open and ongoing collaboration to solve problems and generate innovative ideas
and helps teams generate a large number of ideas quickly, which can be refined and merged to
create the ideal solution.
Fundamentals of Industrial Hygiene. 5th Ed. Plog, Barbara and Patricia Quinlain. Chicago, IL:
National Safety Council, 2001.
Hathaway, Gloria J., Nick H. Proctor, and James P. Hughes. Proctor and Hughes' Chemical
Hazards in the Workplace. 4th Ed. New York, NY: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 2006.
The Occupational Environment Its Evaluation and Control. 2nd Ed. Dinardi, Salvatore. Fairfax,
VA: American Industrial Hygiene Association, 2003.
Occupational Medicine. 3rd Ed. Zenz, Carl, O. Bruce Dickerson, Edward P. Horvath.
Milwaukee, Wisconsin: Mosby, 2014. Provides information on occupational medicine
principles and practice as well as on specific hazards and agents.
Physical and Biological Hazards in the Workplace. Wald, Peter and Gregg M. Stave. New
York, NY: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 2001.
On the Practice of Safety. Manuele, Fred A. 3rd Ed. New York, NY: Wiley-Interscience, 2003.
Discusses basic principles and aspects of safety as an evolving discipline.
Patty's Industrial Hygiene. 5th Ed. New York, NY: John Wiley and Sons Inc., 2000. set.