PRACTICE PROBLEMS – SECTION 1 I. Scenario 1: Business rules define two entities and one 1:M relationship. One Agent can sell one or more Houses, and each House will be sold by One agent. In the above scenario the two Entities are Agent and House. The two entities are related by a 1:M relationship. One Agent can have multiple houses, but every house will be listed with one Agent only. II. Scenario 2: Business rules define two entities and one 1:1 relationship. One User can register to the website by using One account and an Account belongs to one User only. In the above scenario the two Entities are User and Account. The two entities are related by a 1:1 relationship. One User can have only one Account, and every Account belongs to only one User. III. Scenario 3: Business rules define two entities and one M: N relationship. Each Employee can work on at least one Project, and each Project is completed by at least one Employee. In the above scenario the two Employee are Project and House. The two entities are related by a M:N relationship. One Employee can have multiple Projects, and every project involves multiple Employees. PRACTICE PROBLEMS – SECTION 2 I. A painter can paint many paintings. Each painting is painted by only one painter. The relationship between painter and painting is 1:M relationship. Painter and Painting are the two entities. II. A gallery can exhibit many paintings. Each painting is exhibited in only one gallery. III. The relationship between Gallery and painting is 1:M relationship. Gallery and Painting are the two entities. A painter can exhibit paintings at more than one gallery at a time. The relationship between painter and gallery is M:N relationship. Painter and Gallery are the two entities. PRACTICE PROBLEMS – SECTION 3 I. A painter can paint many paintings. Each painting is painted by only one painter. II. A gallery can exhibit many paintings. Each painting is exhibited in only one gallery. III. A painter can exhibit paintings at more than one gallery at a time.