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Novel Analysis Assignment: Instructions & Guidelines

For each novel, you will be analyzing without the help of a guide. You will use
notebook paper and start with eight separate pages with the following titles:
1. Title, author, publication date
● Record important historical background information and/or
author information. Point of view
2. Setting(s)
● List new major settings and describe
3. Main Plot Points
● You must record five plot points about what you read each
week. Ask yourself what was important, why, what moved the
plot forward, new settings or new characters?
4. Major Characters
● See Character Log below
5. Themes
● What ideas, points, story lines keep repeating? Write examples
from the plot when you see this occur
6. Symbols
● Keep a list of symbols as you see them. Explain what they
mean. For example: Eagles (rescue from the Goblins). They
symbolize freedom, courage, honesty and truth.
7. Important Quotes
● See Quote Log below. Must have one per week.
8. Conflict
● List areas of conflict as you come across them. Look for man v.
man, man v. self, man v. society and man v. nature. For
example: Bilbo is in conflict with himself as the Took side of
him battles with the Baggins side. Should he go on the
adventure or not?
Any words you don’t know the meaning of make a notation in the novel or your
Character Log
At the top of the page write Characters, and keep a list of major characters you
meet as you read. Under each character’s name note the following things:
● Physical description of character
● Character traits and examples from the novel where trait is seen
● Relationship to other characters
● Questions you have for the character as you read
● Protagonist, antagonist or neither
● Round/flat and static/dynamic
Example: Bilbo Baggins
Short, Hobbit, curly hair, hairy feet, 50 years old
Fearful - scared of going with dwarves, doesn’t like adventures
Clever - helps dwarves escape from the elves, outsmarts the trolls
Compassionate - has empathy, dwarves have lost their home, wants to
help them
Friends with Gandalf, Took side of family is adventurous but Baggins side
stays home
What finally makes Bilbo leave the comfort of his home and join Thorin to
take back the mountain from Smaug? Why doesn’t he tell anyone he has
found the ring?
Protagonist. The story revolves around him.
Round/Dynamic. Bilbo totally becomes a brand new Hobbit by the end of
the novel. He is no longer fearful and finds his courage. He is a fully
developed character.
Quote Log
Each week choose one quotation you find to be important. Write the quote, page #,
and explain why you chose it. This is important!!! Remember, a quote does not
have to be someone speaking. All direct words from the text are considered
Your notebook will continue to grow as you progress through each novel. Be sure
and add to it each week. I will be checking;)