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Professional Education Preboard Exam - LEPT Review

1. This test booklet contains 150 test questions. Examinees shall manage to use the 3 hours.
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The most reliable measure of central tendency is:
A. Mean
B. Median
C. Mode
D. Standard Deviation
What can be inferred from a low standard deviation?
A. Scores are heterogenous
B. Scores are scattered
C. Scores are homogenous
D. Scores are far from the mean
What is meant by a difficulty index of one (1) for a test item?
A. Item is extremely difficult
C. Item is extremely easy
B. Item should be retained
D. Item is not valid
When a teacher jumps from one topic to another without assessing if the students are ready to absorb the
instructions. This practice depicts:
A. Dangling
C. Truncation
B. Thrust
D. Flip-flop
When a teacher is able to perform multiple/different activities at the same time, this shows:
A. Overlapping
C. With-it-ness
B. Stimulus-bounded
D. Short attention span
To ensure high standards of teachers’ personal and professional development, which of the following
measures must be implemented?
I. A school head plans the professional development of his/her teachers.
II. Every teacher formulates his/her own professional development plan
III. The implementation of what is learned in a training must be monitored.
A. I only
B. I and III
C. II and III
D. II only
According to Freud, with which should one be concerned if he/she has to develop in the students a correct sense
of right and wrong?
I. Super-ego
II. Ego
I and II
B. I only
C. II only
D. III only
Teacher Jeefrie have been tasked to prepare the curriculum of the year. He writes daily guide in implementing
the curriculum. In this situation he is a/an ______.
A. Planner
B. Implementor
C. Innovator
D. Writer
Bernadette enjoyed the roller coaster when he and her family went to Enchanted Kingdom.
The mere sight of a roller coaster gets her excited. Which theory explains Bernadette’s behavior?
A. Operant conditioning
B. Social Learning Theory
C. Attribution Theory
D. Pavlovian conditioning
10. William Glasser’s control theory states that behavior in inspired by what satisfies a person’s want at any given
time. What then must a teacher do to motivate students to learn?
A. Make teaching-leaning interactive
B. Avoid giving assignments
C. Organize a curriculum in a spiral manner
D. Make schoolwork relevant to students’ basic human needs.
11. Which encompasses the true essence of the term curriculum?
A. List of subjects to complete a course
C. List of courses for graduation
B. Sum total of all learning experiences
D. Never ending process in education
12. Bandura’s social learning theory, states that children often imitate those who
I. Have substantial influence over their lives
II. Belong their peer group
III. Belong to other races
IV. Are successful and seem admired
A. IV only
B. I and IV
C. I and II
D. II and IV
13. According to Erikson, what years are critical for the development of self-confidence?
A. High school years
B. College years
C. Preschool years
D. Elementary school years
14. Material development at the expense of human development points to the need to do more in school.
A. Learning to do
B. Learning to know
C. Learning to live together
D. Learning to be
15. On types of curriculum, which includes the course study, syllabi, and lesson plan?
A. Hidden curriculum
B. Written curriculum
C. Recommended curriculum
D. Supported curriculum
16. Which of the following laws prescribed licensure examination for teachers and will strengthen the regulation of
the practice of teaching in the Philippines?
A. P.D 1006
B. RA 7836
C. RA 9293
D. Batasang Pambansa Blg. 232
17. During the COVID virtual learning, what is missed by learners?
A. Face-to-face-teaching-learning
C. On-line instruction
B. Virtual interaction
D. Cyber interchange
18. A boy is closer to his mother and a girl is closer to his father. These instances are under:
A. Oral stage
B. Latent stage
C. Phallic stage
D. Genital stage
19. The task of setting up routine activities for effective classroom management is a task that a teacher should
A. as soon as the students have adjusted to their schedules
B. on the very first day of school
C. every day at the start of the session
D. every homeroom day
20. I want to teach concepts, patterns and abstractions. Which method will be MOST appropriate?
A. Discovery
C. Direct instruction
B. Indirect instruction
D. Problem solving
21. Teacher A teaches English as a Second Language. She uses vocabulary cards, fill-in-the-blanks sentences,
dialogues, dictation and writing exercises in teaching a lesson about grocery shopping. Based on this
information, which of the following is a valid conclusion?
A. The teacher wants to make her teaching easier by having les talk
B. The teacher emphasizing reading and writing skills
C. The teacher is teaching in a variety of ways because not all students learn in the same manner
D. The teacher is applying Bloom’s hierarchy of cognitive learning
22. Teacher A an experienced teacher, does daily review of past lessons in order to
A. introduce a new lesson
B. reflect on how he presented the previous lessons
C. provide his pupils with a sense of continuity
D. determine who among his pupils are studying
23. I combined several subject areas in order to focus on a single concept for interdisciplinary teaching. Which
strategy did I use?
A. Reading-writing activity
B. Thematic introduction
C. Unit method
D. Problem-centered learning
24. To teach the democratic process to the pupils, Biag Elementary School decided that the election of class officers
shall be patterned after local elections. There are qualifications set for candidates, limited period for campaign
and rules for posting campaign materials, etc. Which of the following did the school use?
A. Symposium
B. Simulation
C. Pole playing
D. Philips 66
25. Which are effective methods in teaching student critical reading skills?
I. Interpret editorial
II. Read and interpret three different movie reviews
III. Read a position paper and deduce underlying assumptions of the position papers
A. II and III
C. I and II
B. I and III
D. I, II and III
26. Student Marco pursues a degree in Engineering to fulfill his dream of becoming an Engineer. This action
demonstrates this kind of philosophy.
A. Realism
C. Reconstructionism
B. Perennialism
D. Progressivism
27. Who among believes that learning requires disciplined attention, regular homework and respect for legitimate
A. Essentialist
C. Reconstructionist
B. Existentialist
D. Progressivist
28. Despite of opposition from some school official, DepEd has continuously enforced the “no collection of fees”
policy during enrolment period in public schools. In this policy in accordance with EFA goals?
A. No, it violates the mandate of equality education
B. Yes, it somewhat eliminates gender disparities
C. Yes, it supports equitable access to basic education
D. No. it does not support parent of adult education
29. “Specialization is knowing more and more about less and less”. Hence, it is better to be a generalist, claims
Teacher Jenny. Which Philosophy does Teacher Jenny subscribe to?
A. Existentialism
B. Perennialism
C. Essentialism
D. Progressivism
30. Mencius believed that all people are born good. This thought on the innate goodness of people makes it easier to
our pupils.
A. Teach
C. Like
B. Respect
D. Motivate
31. Mrs. Castro, a Grade-7 teacher, noticed that as she corrects the misbehavior of one student, it can positively
influence the behavior of the other students in such a way that all of them would behave properly when one
student is being corrected. This situation exemplifies ___.
A. With-it-ness
B. Smoothness
C. Ripple-effect
D. Overlapping
32. The specialization requires of every professional teacher for him/her to be competent is in line with which pillar of
A. Learning to know
C. Learning to live together
B. Learning to be
D. Learning to do
33. Which of the following statements does NOT adhere to the philosophy of Essentialism?
A. Essentialism refers to the traditional or back-to-the-basics approach in education (3 R's).
B. This concerns with the fundamental value of hard work, perseverance, discipline and respect to authorities.
C. Students should be taught to think out of the box, practically, and creatively as this values choice.
D. Methods of teaching centers on giving regular assignments, drills, recitation, and testing.
34. Teacher Jenerose sees to it that her classroom is clean and orderly so her pupils will less likely disarrange seats
and litter on the floor. On which thought is her action based?
A. Existentialism
C. Behaviorism
B. Progressivism
D. Reconstructionism
35. Teacher Merlyn, delegates some of her responsibilities to the whole class. She assigns separate student
monitors for attendance, classroom cleaning, and distribution of learning materials, in which aspect is she good?
A. Instructional Planning
B. Classroom management
C. Value development
D. Classroom teaching
36. What is the first step in Goddell’s Reading Skills Ladder?
A. Basic sight words
C. Phonetic analysis
B. Vocabulary reading
D. use of dictionary
37. How would you characterize the moral attitude of Hispanic friars who taught religion but were unfaithful to their
vow by amassing the land properties of the natives?
A. Callous
C. Scrupulous
B. Pharisaical
D. Strict
38. Jenny goes to church for confession everyday to be free on any kind of sin. How do you characterized Jenny’s
moral attitude?
A. Strict
C. Scrupulous
B. Pharisaical
D. Callous
39. Is membership to the Accredited Professional Organization of teachers mandatory for all LET passers?
A. Yes, when the teachers are already teaching
C. Yes
B. No
D. No, only for LET passers who are not repeater
40. Can Hidilyn Diaz be given a special merit to teach weightlifting in a special school?
A. No, she is not a teacher education graduate
B. No, she didn’t passed the LET
C. Yes, she has exceed and gained international recognition
D. Yes, she is an ALS graduate
41. A school’s academic coordinator has been found to have engaged in gambling which has caused him to be
absent most of the time. Can his certificate of registration as a teacher be revoked?
A. Yes, because habitual gambling is dishonorable conduct and is against the practice of teaching
B. No, because he is protected by his right as a teacher
C. No, unless he’s proven guilty
D. Yes, because he’s incompetent
42. Is holding a rally to protest the delay of benefits due a person ethically acceptable?
A. Yes, when hold while on official time.
B. Yes, when hold outside the official time.
C. Yes, when hold with approval of the principal.
D. Yes, when hold together with parents and students.
43. Ms. Sanchez, a BSED graduate, has not passed the LET yet. On what capacity can she be hired?
A. Permanent status
B. Emergency status
C. Provisional for not less six months
D. Provisional for not less than one year
44. Teacher K teaches in a public school in her locality. Due to teacher shortage, her classroom teaching starts from
6 a.m and ends at 3 pm. Is the assignment given her just?
A. Yes, the situation demands that she render longer teaching hours.
B. Yes, as long as she signs a conforme letter to that effect.
C. No, rendering longer teaching hours would make the teacher tired and exhausted.
D. No, Magna Carta for Public School Teachers states that in the exigencies of service, any teacher may be
required to render more than six hours and n ot more than eight hours of actual classroom teaching a day.
45. Teacher L, a graduate of BSEd with majorship in Mathematics teaches in a national high school in her province.
Since she has been rated outstanding in her performance, can she be exempted from taking the LET?
A. Yes, that is a privilege that must be given to teachers whose performance is outstanding.
B. Yes, if approved by PRC.
C. No, RA 7836 states that no person shall practice or offer to practice the teaching profession in the Philippines
or be appointed as teacher to any position calling for a teaching position without having previously obtained a
valid certificate and a valid license from the Commission.
D. No, professional license is required of all teachers regardless of age and teaching performance.
46. Which of the following statements is NOT true about the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers?
A. The teacher must select which information to keep confidential
B. The teacher must demonstrate full commitment and devotion to duty
C. The teacher must manifest pride in the nobility of the teaching profession
D. The teacher must make no prejudice or discrimination against any learner
47. Which of the following could be the reason for the teacher's suspension from the practice of the teaching
A. Immoral, unprofessional or dishonorable conduct
B. Observing proper procedures in obtaining a certificate of registration
C. Faithfulness to the code of ethical and professional standards for professional teachers
D. Willingness to attend seminars, workshops, conferences and the like or the continuing education program
prescribed by the Board and the Commission.
48. Teacher M suffers from hypertension and experiences difficulty in speech. Which would be affected if he
continues teaching?
A. Personality
B. Punctuality
C. Effectiveness
D. Devotion to duty
49. What does free public secondary educational under the law mean?
A. Right of every student to enter public secondary schools
B. Free from being screened to enter pubic secondary schools
C. Free from payment of school fees identifies and authorized by law
D. Free from payment of tuition and other fees for students enrolled in public secondary schools
50. Teacher Jenerose is assigned in a rural area; Teacher Gracelle in a depressed community; Teacher Merlyn in a
hazardous area; and Teacher Jeefrie in a place where standard of living is high. Who is entitled to a hardship
A. Teacher Jenerose
B. Teacher Merlyn
C. Teacher Gracelle
D. Teacher Jeefrie
51. Teacher H contracted an illness that required rest for more than one year. Which leave should she apply for?
A. Sick leave
B. Personal leave
C. Vacation leave
D. Indefinite leave
52. What does "teachers are persons in authority" imply?
A. Teachers cannot be charged.
B. No person can assault a teacher.
C. Teachers have immunity from arrest.
D. Decisions made by teachers are deemed right.
53. Who among the following characterizes a professional teacher?
A. An education graduate who received honors
B. A teacher who has taught for at least six years
C. A teacher who has attended national seminars on teaching
D. A teacher who qualifies for a permanent position under RA 4670
54. Who are covered by RA 4670?
A. Teachers in all levels
B. Teachers in all public elementary schools
C. Teachers in both public and private schools
D. Teachers in public elementary and secondary schools
55. Teacher B has been in active service for 10 years when he decided to pursue higher studies. Under RA 4670,
what kind of leave of absence can s/he avail of?
A. Indefinite leave
B. Scholarship leave
C. Study leave
D. Vacation leave
56. When can teachers be required to work on assignment not related to their duties?
A. When on probation
B. When found inefficient
C. When lacking in educational qualifications
D. When compensated under existing laws
57. Teacher C has been teaching 7 straight years and therefore qualities for a study leave with pay for one year.
Should she pursue it, how much pay is she entitled to receive?
A. 50% of monthly salary
B. 60% of monthly salary
C. 70% of monthly salary
D. 100% monthly salary
58. Which of the following laws strengthens teacher education in the Philippines through the establishment of
centers of excellence?
A. RA 7722
B. RA 7796
C. RA 7784
D. RA 7834
59. The difficulty index of a test item is 1.0. What does this mean?
A. The test item is very good, so retain it.
B. The test item is very difficult.
C. The test item is extremely easy.
D. The test item is not valid.
60. Which is not a characteristic of authentic assessment?
A. focused on lifelike, meaningful, relevant types of student learning
B. offers opportunities to study problem intensively
C. easy to complete
D. fruitful in terms of genuine learning
61. Schools should develop in the students the ability to adapt to a changing world. This is adhereance to the
philosophy of _____.
A. Essentialism
B. Perennialism
C. Progressivism
D. Reconstructionism
62. The teacher’s first task in the selection of media in teaching is to determine the ______.
A. choice of the students
B. objectives of the lesson
C. availability of the media
D. technique to be used
63. With which goals of educational institutions as provided for by the Constitution is the development of work skills
A. To develop moral character
B. To teach the duties of citizenship
C. To inculcate love of country
D. To develop vocational efficiency
64. Median is to point as standard deviation is to _____.
A. area
B. distance
C. volume
D. square
65. Who is the forerunner of the presence of the Language Acquisition Device?
A. Watson
B. Chomsky
C. Gardner
D. Piaget
66. Which of the following statements best describes metacognition as a strategy for curriculum augmentation?
A. It is learning how to learn and thinking about how one thinks.
B. It is learning strategies for success.
C. It is learning through interaction with the environment.
D. It is learning through computer-aided instruction.
67. Which psychological theory states that the mind insists on finding patterns in things that contribute to the
development of insight?
A. Piaget's psychology
B. Kohlberg's psychology
C. Gestalt psychology
D. Bruner's psychology
68. Which is not a characteristic of an analytic learner?
A. learns whole to part
B. enjoys memorizing
C. works on details
D. sequences objects in order
69. The concepts of trust vs. maturity, autonomy vs. self-doubt, and initiative vs. guilt are most closely related with
the works of __________.
A. Erikson
C. Freud
B. Piaget
D. Jung
70. Ask to do a learning task, Joe hesitates and says "Mahirap. Ayaw ko. 'Di ko kaya!" (It's difficult. I don't like it. I
can't do it.) Is it possible to motivate this type of student?
A. Yes, he can do something with his ability.
B. Yes, he can change the nature of the job.
C. No, it is impossible to motivate a student who himself is not motivated.
D. No, motivation is totally dependent on the student. No person outside him can influence him.
71. As of the Republic Act 7836 the licensure exam for teachers is with the _____.
A. Commission on Higher Education
B. Professional Regulation Commission
C. Department of Education
D. Civil Service Commission
72. Filipinization is violated if _____.
A. an educational institution is owned by a corporation of which 40% of the capital is owned by Filipino Citizens
B. an educational institution owned by a religious order
C. an American serving as president of the educational institution
D. an educational institution owned by a charitable institution
73. What objectives do effective leaders foster?
I. Attainable
IV. Specific
V. Time-bound
A. II, III, and IV
B. I, II, III, IV, and V
C. I, IV, and V
D. I, II, III, and IV
74. Thomasites are _____.
A. the soldiers who doubted the success of the public educational system to be set in the Philippines
B. the first American teacher recruits to help establish the public educational system in the Philippines
C. the first religious group who came to the Philippines on board the US transport named Thomas.
D. the devotees of St. Thomas Aquinas who came to evangelize
75. Which is an underlying assumption of the social cognitive theory?
A. People are social by nature.
B. People learn by observing others.
C. People learn by trial-and-error.
D. People learn by association.
76. Researchers found that when a child is engaged in a learning experience, a number of areas of the brain are
simultaneously activated. What is an application of this in the teaching-learning process?
I. Make use of field trips, guest speakers
II. Do multicultural units of study
III. Stick to the "left brain and right brain" approach
A. II only
B. I only
C. I and III
D. I and II
77. The Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers stipulates that educational institutions shall offer quality education
for all Filipino citizens. How is quality education defined in R.A. 9155?
A. Relevance and excellence of education are emphasized to meet the needs and aspirations of an individual
and society.
B. All school-aged children should be provided free and compulsory education.
C. Children with special needs should be mainstreamed with regular classes in the public schools.
D. Public and private basic education schools should provide relevant education.
78. Teacher A discovered that his pupils are very good in dramatizing. Which tool must have helped him discover his
pupils’ strength?
A. Portfolio assessment
B. Performance test
C. Journal entry
D. Paper-and-pencil test
79. Which appropriate teaching practice flows from this research finding on the brain: The brain's emotional center is
tied into its ability to learn.
A. Create a learning environment that encourages students to explore their feelings and ideas freely.
B. Come up with highly competitive games where winners will feel happy.
C. Tell students to participate in class activities or else won't receive plus points in class recitation.
D. To establish discipline, be judgmental in attitude.
80. Your percentile rank in class is 60%. What does this mean?
A. You got 40% of the test items wrongly.
B. You scored less than 60% of the class.
C. You got 60% of the test items correctly.
D. You scored better than 60% of the class.
81. Which test item is in the highest level of Bloom's taxonomy of objectives?
A. Explain how a tree functions in relation to the ecosystem.
B. Explain how trees receive nutrients.
C. Rate three different methods of controlling tree growth.
D. Write a paragraph that observes coherence, unity, and variety.
82. In qualitative social and behavioral studies, "the investigator is a part of the study." What are implied in this
I. The researcher processes and analyzes the data himself.
II Data interpretation depends on the orientation of the researcher.
III. The investigator is the only source of information.
IV. Data gathering may be done by others but the analysis is done by the researcher.
A. I and IV
B. II and III
C. I, II, and IV
D. I, II, III, and IV
83. The observable manifestation of student's feelings, thoughts, or attitude are summed up as behavior. Every high
school teacher is expected to contribute to the assessment of the student's behavior but the grade is reflected in
A. Good Manners and Right Conduct
B. Values Education
C. co-curricular activities
D. curricular activities
84. Which must be present for self-evaluation to succeed?
A. consensus between teacher and student regarding evaluation results
B. teacher's approval of self-evaluation results
C. teacher's monitoring of self-evaluation process
D. student's intrinsic motivation to learn
85. The instructions for a test are made simple, clear and concise. This is part of which of the following
characteristics of a good test?
A. objectivity
B. economy
C. administrability
D. scorability
86. When do we need to evaluate the curriculum?
A. Every academic year
B. Every quarter
C. When somebody suggest
D. Whenever necessary
87. Mr. Robles teaches Science in the Junior High School. He taught the concept that sunlight is necessary for the
plants in the process of photosynthesis. Applying the philosophy of pragmatism, Mr. Robles should ______.
A. Show a Powerpoint presentation of photosynthesis
B. Ask the students to bring plant leaves in school
C. Draw the leaves of the plant and color this green
D. Ask the students to do a simple experiment about photosynthesis
88. What is the proper characterization for the power-point presentation to deliver a lesson?
A. Academics
B. Technology
C. Machinery
D. Culture
89. What characteristics show that a teacher has empathy towards learners/students?
A. Strength and conviction
B. Caring and love
C. Loyalty and affinity
D. Discipline and fortitude
90. Among communication indicators, which can ensure effective communication between teacher and learners?
A. Group dynamics
B. Two-way
C. Fun- learning
D. Technology-based
91. What is the descriptor for a numerical grade of 80 as level of proficiency?
A. Satisfactory
B. Outstanding
C. Fairly Satisfactory
D. Very Poor
92. Teacher Ana found that one item in her achievement test has a difficulty index of 1. This means that ___.
A. The item is very difficult.
B. The item is very easy.
C. The item was missed by everyone.
D. The item has high discriminating power.
93. Which of the following is a routine procedure in classroom management?
A. Experiment
B. Role-play
C. Roll-call
D. Research
94. On periods of development, what feature characterizes the child in early childhood?
A. High level of cognition
B. Independence
C. Readiness for schooling
D. Maturity
95. Teacher Alex wants his pupils to display their favorite poem among the poems each one composed. What type
of portfolio is Teacher Alex expecting to see?
A. Evaluation Portfolio
B. Development Portfolio
C. Showcase Portfolio
D. Assessment Portfolio
96. What assessment provides a total view of a student's performance?
A. Summative
B. Developmental
C. Placement
D. Formative
97. What are characteristics of a good management plan?
A. It's clear and simple
B. It's prepared by students
C. It is approved by parents
D. It comes from the principal
98. One half of the class scored very low. Teacher Janus gave another tests to determine where were the students
were weakest. What type of test is this?
A. Aptitude Test
B. Remedial Test
C. Diagnostic Test
D. Readiness Test
99. A teacher rewards a child for doing things correctly. This technique is called ___.
A. Chaining
B. Reinforcement
C. Conditioning
D. Fading
100. Clear and organize presentation of lecture and/or instruction can be done by means of ___.
A. diskette
B. acetate
C. Powerpoint
D. glass board
101. “No two individuals are the same,” is exemplified by the principle of ___.
A. conditioning
B. response differentiation
C. stimulus-response
D. individual differences
102. James, age 7, was removed from his class frequent fights with other children. He refused to be disciplined and
was to focus in class only for a very short time. He has also frequent tantrums. He is suffering from?
A. Mental retardation
B. Down Syndrome
D. Learning disability
103. What learning area utilizes the demonstration method as it is most suitable, effective, and useful vehicle for
A. Technical-vocational
B. General Education
C. Social Studies
D. Values Education
104. Among the activities below, which activity demonstrates collaborative learning?
A. Group project concept and application
B. Student group take drills
C. Student groups take a field trip
D. Teacher tutorial on students’ group
105. Which is true of LET passers?
A. The taking of Oath must be within one month from passing the LET
B. Taking the Professional Oath before practicing as a Professional Teacher is optional for LET passer
C. The Professional Oath can be taken before any Professional Teacher
D. Every LET passer shall be required to take the Professional Oath before practicing as a Professional Teacher
106. A teacher was found to be giving high grades to pupils who attend her church and low grades to those who are
not. What human right is she violating?
A. Right to life
B. Right to work
C. Right to worship
D. Right of expression
107. A child treats his friend highly aggressive. The reason behind this attitude in his past experience with his father
who is also highly aggressive. This is demonstrated on what theory.
A. Cognitive developmental theory
B. Operant conditioning
C. Social cognitive theory
D. Classical conditioning
108. What should Teacher Daisy do to ensure the suitability of her assessment tool?
A. Provide more items with similar content
B. Match test items to instructional objectives
C. Pay attention to scoring procedures
D. Make the test instructions clear
109. Your colleague has become a habitual borrower of money. How can you help her?
A. Request him to pay interest for money borrowed
B. Tell her to regularly bet in the lotto
C. Recommend your rich friend to her
D. Do not lend him anymore
110. Teachers often complain of numerous non-teaching assignments that adversely affect their teaching. Does this
mean that teachers must be preoccupied only with teaching?
A. Yes, because other community leaders, not teachers, are tasked to lead in community activities A. K-12
B. Yes, if they are given other assignments justice demands that they be properly compensated.
C. No, because every teacher is expected to provide leadership and initiative in activities for betterment of
D. Yes, because teaching is enough full time job
111. In the scientific process, what thinking skills is referred as the process of mentally analyzing and evaluating data
on evidence?
A. Constructive thinking
B. Creative thinking
C. Problem-solving
D. Interpretative thinking
112. You have been promised the next promotion but you strongly feel that your closest friend who was considered
for promotion is less qualified than you. You would like to complain but you do not want your best friend to know
it. What would you do?
A. Convince your friend not to accept the new position
B. Accept the arrangement anyway you are next in rank
C. Talk the principal and tell him/her how you feel about the matter
D. Discuss the problem directly with the principal and let him suggest a solution
113. All the examinees obtained scores below the mean. A graphic representation of the score distribution will be?
A. Perfect normal curve
B. Leptokurtic
C. Positively skewed
D. Negatively skewed
114. You can exhibit referent power on the first day of school by ___.
A. employing power-seeking strategies
B. giving your students a sense of belongingness and acceptance
C. making your students feel you know what you are talking about
D. enforcing your authority over your students
115. The self-assessment tool which is used nationwide is one of the bases in planning the ___ training of teachers.
A. Pre-service
B. Post-service
C. School-based
D. Division-based
116. Teachers are essential to the community. In what capacity can they contribute in terms of their examples and
A. Elders
B. Role Models
C. Village watchers
D. Superiors
117. Which is true of periodic merit exam for teacher provided for in RA 7836?
I. Consist of oral exam
II. Consist of written exam
III. May serve as additional basis for merit promotion in addition to performance rating.
IV. Taken with fee of P1000 per examinee
A. I only
B. I and IV
C. I, II and III
D. II only
118. Under learning to live together, which of the following instruments must be required to effectively understand
other people despite differences?
A. Insight
B. Competence
C. Communication
D. Response
119. Sequence the steps in guiding the students in the se of instructional materials.
I. Follow through sequence of activities
II. Prepare students
III. Prepare materials
IV. Prepare yourself (the teacher)
A. IV, II, III and I
B. I, II, III and IV
C. IV, I, II and III
D. III, II, I and IV
120. Of the following, which is LEAST authentic mode of student performance assessment?
A. Artistic production in art
B. Oral performance on communication skills
C. Experiment as a scientific method
D. Paper-pencil vocabulary test
121. MOOCs are considered as a course because ___.
A. they have a guide or syllabus that indicates content, objectives, activities, assessments
B. they are always given by a fully-recognized university in the world
C. they are a requirement for a Bachelor's degree
D. they are graded
122. According to PRC Revised Guidelines for Continuing Professional Development (Resolution No. 2013-774),
every professional teacher is required proof of ___ continuing professional development units for renewal of
professional identification card every three years.
A. 36
B. 45
C. 30
D. 4
123. What is the suggested plan of action in the process of curriculum evaluation?
I. Analyze information
II. Collect or gather information
III. Organize the information
IV. Recycle the information for continuous feedback
A. I, II, IV, and III
B. II, I, III, and IV
C. II, III, I, and IV
D. III, IV, I, and II
124. In Erikson’s Stage of Development questionnaire, which affirmation does not belong to the stage of Initiative vs.
A. People can be trusted
B. In difficulty, I will not give up
C. I feel what happens to me is the result of what I have done
D. I am prepared to take the risk
125. Which is the right attitude of a modern teacher towards the varied philosophies in the human history of ideas?
A. Adopt elements of philosophies that conform to the schools and country’s educational system
B. Reject past philosophies and adopt current philosophical thought
C. Adopt all philosophical system as good
D. Adopt new philosophies and leave the old aside
126. In which level in Bloom’s Taxonomy of objectives are questions that begin with “restate in your own words” and
“convert fractions into…” fall?
A. Analysis
B. Comprehension
C. Recall
D. Application
127. Which attribute belongs more to traditional assessment?
A. Performing a task
B. Direct evidence
C. Contrived evidence
D. Real life activities
128. Which attribute belongs more to traditional assessment?
A. Performing a task
B. Direct evidence
C. Contrived evidence
D. Real life activities
129. When asked about her order, a little girl tells the waiter, “yung kagaya kahapon.” With Piaget’s theory of mind,
what is the little girl’s behaviour called?
A. Pre-operational egocentrism
B. Conservation
C. Reversibility
D. Transductive reasoning
130. With the death threat over her head, Teacher Joy is directed to pass an undeserving student. What will a
utilitarianist do?
A. Pass the student. Why suffer the death threat?
B. Pass the student. That will be of use to the student, his parent and you
C. Don’t pass him and live with your principle
D. Don’t pass him. You will surely not like someone to give you a death threat
131. Presently, what has become the home library of students for vast and updated information?
A. Internet
B. Newspaper
C. Fan magazine
D. Facebook
132. Aspiring teachers undergoing undergraduate teacher education are undergoing this phase.
A. Teacher training
B. Career service
C. In-service
D. Pre-service
133. If you were to gluttonously eat an entire birthday cake, Freud would say that was caused by your ___.
A. Ego
B. Id
C. Superego
D. subconscious
134. The metacognition approach gives the students the opportunity to ___.
A. Learn on their own
B. Learn how to learn
C. Make use of laboratory apparatus
D. Apply the scientific method
135. Dr. Escoto, the school physician conducted a physical examination in Ms. Manuel's class. What concept best
describes the quantitative increase observed by Dr. Escoto among learners in terms of height and weight?
A. Development
B. Growth
C. Learning
D. Maturation
136. Which state of the psycho-sexual theory does young boys experience rivalry with their father for their mother's
attention and affection?
A. Oral
B. Anal
C. Phallic
D. Latency
137. How can you best describe the role of the teacher under the Pillar of Learning to Know?
A. Author
B. Facilitator
C. Instructor
D. Guidance counsellor
138. Why are routines helpful for classroom management?
A. To ensure order
B. To eliminate stress
C. To punish offenders
D. To reward performers
139. What is the correct sequence of prenatal stages of development?
A. Embryo, Germinal, Fetus
B. Germinal, Fetus, Embryo
C. Germinal, Embryo, Fetus
D. Embryo, Fetus, Germinal
140. In this kind of teaching style, the classroom atmosphere is fearful and punitive, as teachers in this category
exercise rigorous control but shows little interest in involvement.
A. Authoritarian
C. Detached
B. Permissive
D. Authoritative
141. A student knows that the examination is approaching, but instead of studying, he choose to spend his time
playing computer games. On the examination day itself, he opted to pray for miracles rather than studying.
Which attitude towards religion is being displayed?
Religion as magic
Religion as authentic
C. Religion as fake
D. Religion as real
142. A comprehension skill of higher-level which may be inferred or implied from reading is ___.
A. Picking out the main idea
B. Noting specific details
C. Following directions
D. Drawing conclusions
143. What is the main source of emotional support for most young people who are establishing independence from
their parents?
A. Older adolescents of the opposite sex
B. Older sibling
C. Teachers
D. Peer groups
144. Bruner said that there should be revisiting an old curriculum and for full understanding of ideas
A. Enrichment curriculum
B. Advanced organizers
C. Spiral Curriculum
D. Concept mapping
145. A teaching cycle is not complete without ________ of learning.
A. reviewing
B. recycling
C. planning
D. assessment
146. How does a novice learner acquire information?
A. Selected information
B. Important information
C. All the information
D. Meaningful information
147. What kind of knowledge processing was involved when teacher when teacher Jay asked his students to reflect
on themselves as self-learners?
C. Metacognition
D. Induction
148. The promulgation of Code of ethics for professional Teachers under Resolution 435 of the PRC expressly covers
teachers in all educational intuitions at the following levels, and implicitly at the ______.
C. Preschool and Primary
D. Secondary
149. How would you describe teacher J initiative in relating to everyone in class without playing favorite?
C. Constructive
D. Competitive
150. The professional standard in the PQF is best understood?
As by law
As by benchmark
C. As by ethical code
D. As by Civic conduct
65. B
66. A
67. C
68. A
69. A
70. A
71. B
72. C
73. B
74. C
75. B
76. D
77. A
78. B
79. D
80. D
81. D
82. A
83. B
84. D
85. C
86. B
87. D
88. B
89. B
90. B
91. A
92. B
93. C
94. C
95. C
96. A
97. A
98. C
99. B
100. C
101. D
102. C
103. A
104. A
105. D
106. C
107. C
108. B
109. D
110. C
111. C
112. D
113. C
114. B
115. A
116. B
117. C
118. C
119. A
120. D
121. D
122. B
123. C
124. A
125. A
126. B
127. C
128. C
129. A
130. B
131. A
132. D
133. B
134. B
135. B
136. C
137. B
138. A
139. C
140. A
141. A
142. A
143. D
144. C
145. D
146. C
147. C
148. B
149. B
150. B