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MTCT 109 Course Syllabus - Math Fundamentals

St. Clair College - MTCT 109 - Course Syllabus
Note: This outline is a guide only. Changes from week to week may occur.
Week 1
Section 1: Common Fractions and Decimal Fractions
1.1 Introduction to common Fractions and mixed numbers
1.2 - 1.5 Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of common fractions and mixed numbers
1.6 Combined operations of common fractions and mixed numbers
1.7 Computing with a calculator: fractions and mixed numbers
1.9 Introduction to decimal fractions
1.10 Rounding decimal fractions and equivalent decimals and common fractions
1.11 – 1.13 Addition, Subtraction, multiplication, and division of decimal fractions
Week 2
1.14 & 1.15 Powers and roots
1.16 Table of decimal equivalents and combined operations of decimal fractions
1.17 Computing with a calculator: decimals
Section 2: Ratio, Proportion, and Percentage
2.20 Ration and proportions
2.21 Direct and Inverse proportions
Week 3
2.22 Introduction to precents
2.23 Basic Calculations of Percentages, percents, and rates
2.24 Percent practical applications
Section 3: Linear Measurement: Customary (English) and Metric
3.26 Customary (English) units of measure
3.27 Metric units of linear measure
Week 4
Handout: Conversion of Celsius to Fahrenheit and vice-versa
Review for Test A
Test A: 20%
Week 5:
Section 4: Fundamental Algebra
4.39 Symbolism and Algebraic Expressions
4.40 Operations with signed numbers
4.41 Algebraic operations of addition, subtraction, and multiplication
4.42 Algebraic operations of division, powers, and roots
4.43 Introduction to equations
4.44 – 4.46 Solutions of Equations
4.47 Application of Formulas to cutting speed, revolutions per minute, and cutting time
Week 6:
Section 5: Fundamentals of Plane Geometry
5.50 Lines and angular measure
5.52 Types of angles and angular geometric principles
5.53 Introduction to triangles
5.54 Geometric principles for triangles and other common polygons
Week 7:
5.55 Introduction to circles
5.56 Arcs and angles of circles, tangent circles
Section 6: Geometric Figures: Areas and Volumes
6.59 Areas of rectangles, parallelograms, and trapezoids
6.60 Areas of triangles
Week 8:
6.61 Areas of circles, sectors, and segments
6.62 Volumes of prisms and cylinders
6.63 Volumes of pyramids and cones
6.64 Volumes of spheres and composite solid figures
Section 7: Trigonometry
7.66 Introduction to trigonometric functions
Week 9:
7.67 Analysis of trigonometric functions
Review and test B
Test B: 20%
Week 10:
7.68 Basic calculations of angles and sides of right triangles
7.69 Simple practical machine applications
7.70 Complex practical machine applications
Week 11:
7.71 Oblique triangles: Law of sines and law of cosines
Section 8: Compound Angles
8.74 Introduction to compound angles
8.75 Drilling and boring compound-angular holes: Computing angles of rotation and Tilt using given
Week 12:
8.76 Drilling and boring compound-angular holes: Computing angles of rotation and Tilt using given
8.77 Machining compound-angular surfaces: Computing angles of rotation and tilt
8.78 computing angles made by the intersection of two angular surfaces (With the availability of time
Week 13:
8.79 Computing compound angles on cutting and forming tools (With the availability of time)
Review and Test C
Test C: 20%
Week 14:
Review for the Exam
Week 15:
Exam: 20%
Note: There will be 8 in-class assignments (Quizzes) throughout the semester. Quizzes will be given in
the second hour of Thursday’s class except for the 1st and 12th weeks. No Quizzes during test weeks.
1. Academic misconduct, including cheating of any kind, will not be tolerated. Consequences may
include but not be limited to a warning, a grade of 0 on the assignment/examination, or a failing
grade in the course.
(Code of Students' Rights and Responsibilities: Section 4.3 & 5.3)
All students and employees of this College have a right to study and work in an environment that
is free from harassment and discrimination.
2. Missed Test
If you are going to miss a test, or have missed a test, due to religious, medical, or compassionate
grounds, or due to extenuating circumstances, you must:
1) Notify the professor, preferably by email, before the test if possible, or within 3 working
days of the test.
2) Provide original documentation to the professor within 3 working days of the test that
supports your absence and is dated within 3 days of the absence.
3) In the event of extenuating circumstances, explain your reason for missing the test to the
satisfaction of the professor.
If the above conditions are met, then the professor will record your choice of:
1) Writing the test or a make-up test on a day and time scheduled by the professor, provided
the test has not been handed back to the class.
2) Writing a make-up test at a day and time scheduled by the professor; or
3) Moving the weight of the missed test to the comprehensive final exam, provided no other
missed test has been handled this way.
All the statements above also apply to make-up and rescheduled tests.
Professor: Mulugeta Tedla, Office: 400F, Ext.: 4429
E-mail: mtedla@stclaircollege.ca