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Persuasive Essay Checklist & Exit Slip

Persuasive Essay Checklist
 I stated my point of view clearly in the introduction and the conclusion
 I backed each argument with relevant evidence and detail
 My argument is mainly in the present Tense
 I used if conditional
 structure the argument: first, finally
 link ideas within the argument: because, consequently, so, therefore,
 Facts and Statistics: ‘More than 50%.....’
 Expressive language; strong adjective
 Rhetorical questions: ‘Are we to believe that ….’
Persuasive Essay Checklist
 I stated my point of view clearly in the introduction and the conclusion
 I backed each argument with relevant evidence and detail
 My argument is mainly in the present Tense
 I used if conditional.
 structure the argument: first, finally
 link ideas within the argument: because, consequently, so, therefore,
 Statistics: ‘More than 50%.....’
 Expressive language; strong adjective
 Rhetorical questions: ‘Are we to believe that ….’
Persuasive Essay Rubric
Persuasive Essay
Exit Slip
Can I ……………..
Set out my main arguments clearly, linking
them with connecting words or phrases?
Use my conclusion to sum up my ideas?
Use all the persuasion techniques?
Persuasive Essay
Exit Slip
Can I ……………..
Set out my main arguments clearly, linking
them with connecting words or phrases?
Use my conclusion to sum up my ideas?
Use all the persuasion techniques?