Introduction to Development Geography Development Indicators Human Development Index Human Development Index (HDI) considers levels of life expectancy, literacy and education and income and uses these to rank countries in tiers of Human Development. 0 indicates the worst possible quality of life. 1 indicates the best possible quality of life. Gini-Coefficient The Gini-Coefficient establishes the level of inequality between the rich and the poor. 0 indicates complete equality. 1 indicates complete inequality. Factors that Influence Development Introduction to International Trade Trade Relationships Trade Barriers Tariffs are taxes placed on imported goods, which make them more expensive than if you were to buy them locally. Quota is a limit to the amount of imported goods that may enter a country, during a fixed period. Sanctions are economic penalties implemented by a government to ‘punish’ another country. Customs are taxes placed on imported and exported goods. Subsidy is financial assistance paid to an industry to stimulate business, create employment and reduce imports. Globalisation Developmental Aid