TERM 2 EXAM GUIDE: 50 Marks Question 1: 20 Marks Instruction: Bala pale mme o arabe dipotso tse latelang (Read a story and answer questions) *Refer to Week 7- Lesson 9- Bosiu Bo sa kgolweheng. ___________________________________ Question 2: 10 Marks Instruction: Sheba se tshwantsho mme o arabe dipotso (Look at the picture and answer questions) *Refer to Week 6- Lesson 8- Boli, bolo hohle ___________________________________ Question 3: 10 Marks Instruction: Ngola kgutsofatso (write a summary) *Refer to Week Week 7- Lesson 9- Bosiu Bo sa kgolweheng. ___________________________________ Question 4: 10 Marks Puo (Language) *Refer to Wee 4- Lesson 6- Lekgathe lejwale letswelli & Lekgathe lefitile letswelli. *Refer to Week 2- Lesson 3&4 – Sehlongwapele le sehlongwanthao *Refer Week 4- Lesson 6- Lekgathe lejwale letswelli & Lekgathi lefetile letswelli) *Refer to Week 8- Lesson 10- Maetsi *TERM 1-Refer to Week 7- Lesson 8- TERM 1 ___________________________________