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Life is a gift from God

Life is a gift from God. Every day when He allows you to wake up, you have something meaningful to
do. At times it may not seem like it. You may wander aimlessly, feeling lost, believing that your life
has no purpose. You may be stuck in a "rut" where you know you should do more with the life God
has given you, but you don't know where to start. You often wonder what God wants you to do with
the life He's given you.
1. He wants you to live a life filled with purpose.
God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life filled with a distinct purpose. Every day God
allows you to wake up; He has work for you to do. Whether it's on your job, in your church home, or
in your neighborhood, you have a purpose. When you know your purpose in God, you live and walk
with integrity. God wants you to live and walk in clarity. Knowing your purpose will help you live
intentionally. It will give you a reason to live passionately every day.
2. He wants you to live a life filled with worship for Him.
We were created to worship God. When we worship God, we declare His worth to us. We are letting
Him know who He is in our lives. There are many ways you can praise God. You can begin your day
with God by intentionally praying to Him. You can learn more about Him by reading, meditating, and
studying His Holy Word. You can engage in private devotion with Him. No matter what you decide to
do, make sure your worship is focused on God and your thankfulness to Him.
3. God wants you to work in the fields where He has gifted you.
God gives believers gifts of the spirit upon the point of conversion. Wisdom, teaching, preaching,
and prophesying are just a few. Many believers have more than one gift of the spirit that should be
used to build God's kingdom. If you don't know where God has gifted you, take an inventory to
discover what gifts you have. Once you have this knowledge, pray and ask God to guide you to work
where your gifts can flourish for His glory.
4. He wants you to live a life filled with peace and joy.
God wants your life to be filled with peace that only He can bring. This peace is a state of inner
tranquility and calmness that comes from drawing near to God. Living a life of peace means we trust
God for who He is. We believe that He is our refuge and covering and that we don't have to worry
about our daily lives. When you know that God is your refuge and you trust Him wholeheartedly, you
will begin to experience joy. Experiencing the joy of the Lord comes from communicating with Him in
prayer, focusing on who He is, and engaging in healthy interactions with members of the Christian
5. He wants you to trust Him with your life.
God created you. He knows who you are better than we know yourself. He understands your
strengths and weaknesses. He is the beginning and the end. So why is it so difficult for you to trust
Him with your life? Or better yet, why is it so difficult for you to trust Him with the life He gave you?
Believe it or not, many Christians struggle with trusting God. Why? We often plan our lives and
create outcomes we believe are best for us. When things go awry, we often blame or question God.
When we experience a loss of any kind, trust in God can often waiver. However, no matter what
happens in our lives, God wants us to trust Him because He knows the outcome and knows that
everything will work out for your good. He designed it that way.
6. He wants you to have meaningful relationships.
As a member of the body of Christ, God wants you to have relationships that fill your life with joy
and prosperity. Everyone needs each other for something, whether it's prayer, encouragement,
correction, or direction. God wants you to have relationships that will draw you closer to Him and fill
your spirit with joy.
7. He wants you to live abundantly in His grace.
Living in abundance can mean several things. Spiritually, God wants you to have an abundance of
peace, love, and joy in a full relationship with Him. He also wants you to experience an abundance of
gratefulness for who He is and what He's done. Many people believe that the primary focus of living
in abundance is to have an excessive amount of material things. However, God wants you to
experience an abundance of life from His perspective in the spirit. In turn, this will bring about more
than you could ever imagine for your life.
8. He wants you to step out on faith.
Faith is having hope and trust in God. It is asking and believing that God will provide all your needs.
It's knowing and understanding that God will exceed your heart's desires according to His will for
your life. God wants you to step out on faith in Him for all things in your life. He wants you to set
high expectations for yourself and meet them. He wants you to set high goals for yourself. He wants
you to take a leap of faith in Him for the big things He wants to do in your life.
9. He wants you to take care of your body.
Your body is the temple God gave you to live the life He gave you. In order to live the life God wants
you to, you must be healthy. Adopting healthy eating habits, creating a sleep routine, workout
routine, and engaging in spiritual and mental health activities should be a part of your daily regimen.
If you struggle with this, get an accountability partner you trust to help you start or reset a healthy
lifestyle. You only get one body. Take care of it as you're led to.
God wants the best for us. He wants us to live life to the fullest with Him as our guide. If you struggle
with knowing what God wants for your life, take the following steps and move forward as God wants
you to.
How do you discover what God wants you to do?
Ask Him through prayer. Ask God what He wants you to do with the life He has given you. Patiently
wait for His response and begin walking in His will for your life.
Dig into the Spiritual Gifts He's given you. Once you know where you are gifted, use those gifts for
others so that God is pleased with you.
Work where He directs you. Go where God directs you. People tend to work in areas where they
want to go, and then they are miserable. Always pray and God where He wants you to go and what
He wants you to do.
Listen to wise counsel. Everyone needs help. If you want to discover what God wants you to do, ask
trusted friends or members of the body of Christ for help with understanding what God wants from
your life.
As you continue on this journey, I pray that God reveals to you what He wants from your life. I pray
that your life is filled with the abundance of His will for you each day and that you walk confidently
in knowing that God always wants what is best for you.