PROTECTIVE RELAY SETTING & COORDINATION STUDY Timor-1 Coal Fired Steam Power Plant 2 X 50 MW (Timor-1 CFSPP Project) Consortium of PT IKPT - PT PP (Persero) Tbk. - ITOCHU Corporation Sumitomo Heavy Industries, Ltd. - PT Medco Power Indonesia Date: Log in CIVIL Comm No: REVIEW B ELECTRICAL APPROVED NOTED APPROVED AS C ☐ NOT APPROVED I ☐ INFORMATION Date: Log out SUPPORT T1-PP-000-ELE-STU-00003 PLN UIP NUSRA (HO) PLN UPP TIMOR REVIEWED DOES NOT RELIEVE CONTRACTOR FROM RESPONSIBILITY FOR ERROR OR DEVIATIONS FROM CONTRACT REQUIREMENTS By: PLN DOC. NO.: I&C CONTRACTOR DOC. NO. : Date: DISTRIBUTION ☐ ☐ A MECHANICAL PLN PUSENLIS (JKT) ✓ CONTRACT NO. : 0389.PJ/DAN.02.01/010000/2019 JAYA CM (SITE) CONTRACTOR (JKT) ✓ CONTRACTOR (SITE) Comm No: Note: 0 2022-09-05 REV DATE Issued for Approval PURPOSE OF ISSUE PREPARED CHECKED APPROVED AUTHORIZED PROTECTIVE RELAY SETTING & COORDINATION STUDY Timor-1 CFSPP Project Issued 2022-09-05 Project Document No: T1-PP-000-ELE-STU-00003 REVISION HISTORY REV. NO. DATE 0 2022-09-05 DESCRIPTION Issued for Approval REV. 1 Page 2 of 17 PROTECTIVE RELAY SETTING & COORDINATION STUDY Timor-1 CFSPP Project Issued 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 2022-09-05 Project Document No: T1-PP-000-ELE-STU-00003 REV. 1 Page 2 of 17 TABLE OF CONTENT GENERAL .................................................................................................................................................... 4 CODE AND STANDARD ............................................................................................................................. 4 REFFERENCE DOCUMENT ....................................................................................................................... 4 LANGUAGE AND SYSTEM OF UNITS ...................................................................................................... 4 PRINCIPLES OF PROTECTIVE RELAY APPLICATION ........................................................................... 4 DESIGN BASIS ............................................................................................................................................ 4 COORDINATION RELAY ............................................................................................................................ 5 METHODOLOGY AND CALCULATION CRITERIA................................................................................... 7 8.1 Study Case .......................................................................................................................................... 10 CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................................................. 17 ATTACHMENT ATTACHMENT 1. : SINGLE LINE DIAGRAM ATTACHMENT 2. : TABLE SETTING FOR PROTECTION RELAY ATTACHMENT 3. : COORDINATION CURVE PROTECTIVE RELAY SETTING & COORDINATION STUDY Timor-1 CFSPP Project Issued 1. 2022-09-05 Project Document No: T1-PP-000-ELE-STU-00003 REV. 1 Page 2 of 17 GENERAL This document covers the calculation of protection relay coordination study and shall constitute the setting of each breaker and relays for TIMOR-1 CFSPP (2 x 50 MW) at Kupang, Nusa Tenggara Timur Province, Indonesia. The result of the calculation is used to determine the setting rating relay. 2. CODE AND STANDARD All calculation shall be in accordance with: International Standards IEEE Std. 141-1993 IEEE Std. 399-1997 : Recommended Practice for Electric Power Distribution for Industrial Plants : Recommended Practice for Industrial and Commercial Power System Analysis IEEE Std. 242-1986 : Recommended Practice for Protection and Coordination of Industrial and Commercial Power Systems IEEE C37.101-1993 : Guide for AC Generator Ground Protection IEEE C37.102-1987 : Guide for AC Generator Protection IEC 60909 : Short Circuit Current Calculation in Three-phase A.C. Systems IEC 60255 : Measuring Relays and Protection Equipment 3. REFFERENCE DOCUMENT The electrical system configuration and load data are based on the list below: a. Electrical Load Data Calculation (T1-PP-000-ELE-CAL-00002) b. Overal Single Line Diagram (T1-PP-000-ELE-SLD-00002) c. SLD For MV 6.3 kV Medium Voltage System (T1-PP-000-ELE-SLD-00003) d. SLD For LV 400/230 V AC Low Voltage System (T1-PP-000-ELE-SLD-00004) 4. LANGUAGE AND SYSTEM OF UNITS All units of measurement shall be in the metric system. All documents to be submitted shall be written in English. 5. PRINCIPLES OF PROTECTIVE RELAY APPLICATION This power load flow study is performed using computer software analysis program ETAP. The calculations using load flow analysis which is based on Newton-Raphson method. Load Flow Analysis calculates the bus voltages, branch power factors, currents, and power flows throughout the electrical system. 6. DESIGN BASIS Protection is arranged to cover the electrical power system completely, leaving no parts unprotected. When fault occurs, the protection is required to selectivity to trip only the nearest circuit breakers. This concept of protection is so called discrimination or selectivity. For time graded protection as presented in this report, the tripping time is inversely proportional to the fault current level for any given protective gears and the actual characteristic is a function of both the time and current settings. The protective gears in the successive zones are set to operate in time, which is graded through the sequence of equipment, such that upon the occurrence of a fault, only the protective gear nearest of the fault will complete the tripping function although more than one protective gear will response. PROTECTIVE RELAY SETTING & COORDINATION STUDY Timor-1 CFSPP Project Issued 7. 2022-09-05 Project Document No: T1-PP-000-ELE-STU-00003 REV. 1 COORDINATION RELAY The overall protective element used in the system is summarized below: a. Incoming 150 kV to GT (HV) Differential Protection Relay Circuit Breaker (CB) 50 kA, 150 kV, 300 A. Protective elements: b. • Line Differential Transformer Protection (87L) • • • • • • • • Differential Transformer Protection (87T) Restricted Earth Fault (64 REF) Over Current (50/51) Earth Fault (50N/51N) Transformer Over Winding Temperature (49 WT) Transformer Over Oil Temperature (49 OT) Transformer Gas Protection/Buchholz For Main Tank and OLTC (63) Transformer Over Flux Protection (24) Incoming 150 kV to GT (LV) Differential Protection Relay Circuit Breaker (CB) 50 kA, 15 kV, 4000 A. Protective elements: • • • c. Restricted Earth Fault (64 REF) Over Current (50/51) Earth Fault (50N/51N) Outgoing 15 kV to UAT (HV) Differential Protection Relay SF6 Circuit Breaker (SF6CB) 50 kA, 15 kV, 630 A. Protective elements: • • • • • • • • d. Differential Transformer Protection (87 UAT) Restricted Earth Fault (64 REF) Over Current (50/51) Earth Fault (50N/51N) Transformer Over Winding Temperature (49 WT) Transformer Over Oil Temperature (49 OT) Transformer Gas Protection/Buchholz for Main Tank and OLTC (63) Standby Earth Fault for NGR (SBEF) Outgoing 15 kV to UAT (LV) Differential Protection Relay SF6 Circuit Breaker (SF6CB) 25 kA, 6,3 kV, 1600 A. Protective elements: • Restricted Earth Fault (64 REF) Page 2 of 17 PROTECTIVE RELAY SETTING & COORDINATION STUDY Timor-1 CFSPP Project Issued 2022-09-05 • • Project Document No: T1-PP-000-ELE-STU-00003 REV. 1 Page 2 of 17 Over Current (50/51) Earth Fault (50N/51N) e. Incoming 15 kV from Generator Generator Protection relay SF6 Circuit Breaker (SF6CB) 50 kA, 15 kV, 4000 A. Protective elements: f. • • • • • • • • • • • • • Generator 100% Stator Earth Fault Protection (59G) Generator Differential Protection (87G) Generator Negative Phase Sequence Protection {46) Generator Loss of Excitation Protection (40) Generator Over-Excitation (V/Hz) Protection (24) Generator Reverse Power Protection (32) Generator Overvoltage Protection (59) Generator Under voltage Protection (27) Generator Voltage Controlled Over current relay (51V) Generator Rotor Earth Fault (64F) Impedance Protection (21) Voltage Balance Protection ("60) Frequency Protection (81) • • Generator Out of Step Protection (78) Generator Stator Thermal Protection ( 49) Over current and Earth Fault Protection (50/51: 50N/51 N) Incoming 6.3 kV from UAT SF6 Circuit Breaker (SF6CB) 25 kA, 6.3 kV, 1600 A. Protective elements: • • • • • • • • Differential Transformer Protection (87 UAT) Restricted Earth Fault (64 REF) Over Current (50/51) Earth Fault (50N/51N) Transformer Over Winding Temperature (49 WT) Transformer Over Oil Temperature (49 OT) Transformer Gas Protection/Buchholz for Main Tank and OLTC (63) Standby Earth Fault for NGR (SBEF) g. Incoming 150kV, UAT, and Generator • Overall Differential Protection (87O) h. Medium Voltage System Protection - i. Outgoing 6.3 kV to Electric Motor Air Circuit Breaker (ACB) 63 kA, 400 V, 2000 A Protective elements : • Excessive starting time and locked rotor (48-51LR) • Over Current (50/51) • Over Load (49) • Phase imbalance (46) • Under Voltage (27) • Ground Fault (50N/51N) Low Voltage System Protection PROTECTIVE RELAY SETTING & COORDINATION STUDY Timor-1 CFSPP Project Issued 2022-09-05 Project Document No: T1-PP-000-ELE-STU-00003 - Incoming 400 V from Power Distribution Transformer Feeder Protection Relay Air Circuit Breaker (ACB) 63 kA, 400 V, 2000 A Protective Elements: • Instantaneous / time delay current relay (ANSI 50/51) • Earth Fault Relay (ANSI 50N/51N) • Over voltage (ANSI 59) - Outgoing 400 V to Power Feeders Molded Case Circuit Breaker (MCCB) Protective elements: • Instantaneous Over Current Protection (ANSI 50) - Outgoing 400 V to Electric Motor Molded Case Circuit Breaker (MCCB) Protective elements: • Instantaneous Over Current Protection (ANSI 50) REV. 1 Page 2 of 17 PROTECTIVE RELAY SETTING & COORDINATION STUDY Timor-1 CFSPP Project Issued 8. 2022-09-05 Project Document No: T1-PP-000-ELE-STU-00003 REV. 1 Page 2 of 17 METHODOLOGY AND CALCULATION CRITERIA 8.1 Study Case The study is based on the data and parameter as performed by ETAP Power System Analysis Software ver. 12.5.0C which has provided some characteristic curved used as parameter in this project as follow: • • • • • • Transformer thermal damage and inrush current curve Cable thermal damage curve Protection Device (Circuit Breaker, MCCB) curve Motor Starting Curve (if any) Thermal Overload relay Curve (if any) Protective Relay Curve For initial setting, the protection devices used are listed as below: • • • • Circuit Breaker ACB Relay VCB Relay Electronic Motor Protection Relay Time grading between protective devices is determined with the following consideration: • • • Circuit Breaker Operating Time Retardation Time Safety Margin : 80 ms : 20 ms : 100 ms Therefore, minimum time grading is considered at 0.2 s to achieve acceptable breaker operating time. In case time grading is not applied, current grading shall be concerned. In this study, time grading for upstream and downstream of feeder and transformer are only applied for low set overcurrent only, high set overcurrent setting is not considered within this stage. Protection relays setting which are considered in this study is listed below, • • • 49 – Thermal Overload Relay 50/51 – Instantaneous/Overcurrent Relay 50N/51N – Earth Fault Relay 8.2 Protection for Line Differential This setting is to protect overhead line cable. This setting should be defined as the minimum pickup differential current to operate the element under the normal load conditions and steady state CT error during no load condition. There are, however, conditions, which may result a differential current even when there would be no fault. Therefore, it is important to take care of these conditions while calculating this setting. Following conditions shall be considered: Errors due to the CT Inaccuracy: Ierror = 0.05 * 1 = 0.05 pu [10] Cable Charging Currents :. X1line_capacitive = DC resistance * length = 1/(2*3.14*50*0.143) *0.35 km = 11.13 Ω Since the capacitance is too small, the setting is not applicable. PROTECTIVE RELAY SETTING & COORDINATION STUDY Timor-1 CFSPP Project Issued 2022-09-05 Icharging Project Document No: T1-PP-000-ELE-STU-00003 REV. 1 Page 2 of 17 =(Vline-ground)/(X1line_capacitive) = (86 KV)/11.13Ω = 7.72 A (0.003 pu) And since charging current is too small, it can be negligible. Therefore, the pickup setting equation could be: Pickupdifferential=Ierror+Itap_changer+SafetyMargin In this case, Itap changer is 10% and assuming safety margin is 5% Pickupdifferential=0,05+0,1+0,05 = 0,2pu 8.3 Protection for Overall Differential Overall differential protection is required to protect big generator-transformer units. For this particular application this maximum power corresponds to the following base currents on three different voltage levels connected to the relay : - At 150 kV : Ifl = 281 A. This corresponds to 0,937 A on the secondary side 300/1 CT. - At 15 kV : Ifl = 2853 A. This corresponds to 0,71325 on the secondary side 4000/1 CT. - At 15 kV : Ifl = 1066 A. This corresponds to 1,6931 on the secondary side of 630/1 CT. Above currents will be the base current for each side. Overall differential protection can be set to minimum pick up 20%. All other settings for the operating characteristic can be left to defaultvalues. 8.4 Protection for LV Feeder Molded Case Circuit Breaker (MCCB) or Siemens 7SJ80 relay is used to protect outgoing 400 V Power Feeder. Feeder protection to be provided by manufacturer to provide the following protection elements: - 50/51 – Instantaneous/Time Delay Overcurrent (MCCB) ➢ ➢ Thermal Trip: 100% x FLA Magnetic Trip: 500% x FLA - 50/51 – Instantaneous/Time Delay Overcurrent (Siemens 7SJ80) ➢ ➢ Overcurrent Setting: 110% x FLA Instantaneous Setting: 500% x FLA - 50N – Instantaneous Ground Overcurrent (Siemens 7SJ80) ➢ Current Setting: 20% x FLA ➢ Time Delay: 0.1 s PROTECTIVE RELAY SETTING & COORDINATION STUDY Timor-1 CFSPP Project Issued 2022-09-05 Project Document No: T1-PP-000-ELE-STU-00003 REV. 1 Page 2 of 17 8.5 Protection for LV Motor Multifunction motor protection relay and Molded Case Circuit Breaker (MCCB) is used to protect outgoing 400 V Motor. Minimum protection relay to be provided by manufacturer is specified as follow: - 49 – Thermal Overload ➢ ➢ ➢ This function is used to protect motor against overload based on measurement of current consumed. The protection gives a trip when the temperature reaches setting limit. Thermal class selected is Class 10, by considering Lock Rotor Current is 6xFLA (to be revisited after receiving vendor motor data Current Setting: 110% x FLA - 50/51 – Instantaneous/Time Delay Overcurrent (MCCB) ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ This protection will be covered by MMC,B to protect cable and motor from short circuitcurrent Current setting of instantaneous overcurrent is mainly determined by the maximum short circuit current and starting current of motor Current Setting (with DOL Starter): 800%-1000% x FLA Current Setting (with Soft Starter): 500%-700% x FLA Time Setting: 0.2 s 8.6 Protection for 6.3/0.4 kV Power Distribution Transformer Multifunction feeder protection relay is used to protect transformer. Minimum protection relay to be provided by manufacturer is specified as follow: • • • • 50 – Instantaneous Overcurrent Relay 51 – Time Inverse Overcurrent Relay 50N – Instantaneous Ground Overcurrent Relay (only in Y connection) 87T – Transformer Differential Relay In this study, the basis coordination setting for this function is as follow: Secondary Side (0.4 kV) - 50 – Instantaneous Overcurrent ➢ ➢ - 51 – Time Inverse Overcurrent ➢ - Current Setting: 300% x FLA (LV Side) Time Delay: time graded 0.2 second from downstream protection. Current Setting: 110% x FLA (LV Side) 50N – Instantaneous Ground Overcurrent Relay ➢ ➢ Current Setting: 20% x FLA (LV Side, if it is Y connection) Time Delay: time graded 0.2 second from downstream protection. Primary Side (6.3 kV) - 50 – Instantaneous Overcurrent ➢ ➢ - Current Setting: 300%* x 110% x FLA (HV Side) Time Delay: no time grading with downstream incomer required. 51 – Time Inverse Overcurrent ➢ Current Setting: 110% x 110% x FLA (HV Side) PROTECTIVE RELAY SETTING & COORDINATION STUDY Timor-1 CFSPP Project Issued 2022-09-05 - REV. 1 Page 2 of 17 50N – Instantaneous Ground Overcurrent Relay ➢ ➢ - Project Document No: T1-PP-000-ELE-STU-00003 Current Setting: 20% x FLA (HV Side, if it is Y connection) Time Delay: no time grading with downstream incomer required. 87T – Differential Transformer ➢ Pickup Setting: 20% 1. * → Shall be above transformer inrush current value, to be updated during detailed design Note: 8.7 Protection for MV Motor Multifunction motor protection relay used to protect outgoing 6.3 kV motor. Minimum protection relay to be provided by manufacturer is specified as follow: - 49 – Thermal Overload ➢ ➢ ➢ This function is used to protect motor against overload based on measurement of current consumed. The protection gives a trip when the temperature reaches setting limit. Thermal class selected is Class 10, by considering Lock Rotor Current is 6xFLA (to be revisited after receiving vendor motor data Current Setting: 110% x FLA - 50 – Instantaneous Overcurrent ➢ Current Setting (with DOL Starter): 800%-1000% x FLA ➢ Current Setting (with Soft Starter): 500%-700% x FLA ➢ Time Delay: 0.2 s - 51 – Time Inverse Overcurrent ➢ Current Setting: 110% x FLA - 50N – Instantaneous Ground Overcurrent Relay ➢ ➢ Current Setting: 20% x FLA (if it is Y connection) Time Delay: 0.5 s 8.8 Protection for MV Feeder Multifunction protection relay used to protect outgoing 6.3 kV feeder. Minimum protection relay to be provided by manufacturer is specified as follow: - 50 – Instantaneous Overcurrent ➢ Current Setting (with DOL Starter): 500% x FLA ➢ Time Delay: time graded 0.2 second from downstream protection. - 51 – Time Inverse Overcurrent ➢ Current Setting: 110% x FLA - 50N – Instantaneous Ground Overcurrent Relay ➢ ➢ Current Setting: 20% x FLA Time Delay: time graded 0.2 second from downstream protection. PROTECTIVE RELAY SETTING & COORDINATION STUDY Timor-1 CFSPP Project Issued 2022-09-05 Project Document No: T1-PP-000-ELE-STU-00003 REV. 1 Page 2 of 17 8.9 Protection for 15/6.3 kV Unit Auxiliary Transformer Multifunction feeder protection relay is used to protect transformer. Minimum protection relay to be provided by manufacturer is specified as follow: • • • • 50 – Instantaneous Overcurrent Relay 51 – Time Inverse Overcurrent Relay 50N – Instantaneous Ground Overcurrent Relay (only in Y connection) 87T – Transformer Differential Relay In this study, the basis coordination setting for this function is as follow: Secondary Side (6.3 kV) - 50 – Instantaneous Overcurrent ➢ ➢ - 51 – Time Inverse Overcurrent ➢ - Current Setting: 110% x FLA (LV Side) 50N – Instantaneous Ground Overcurrent Relay ➢ ➢ - Current Setting: 300% x FLA (LV Side) Time Delay: time graded 0.2 second from downstream protection. Current Setting: 20% x FLA (LV Side, if it is Y connection) Time Delay: time graded 0.2 second from downstream protection. 87T – Differential Transformer ➢ Pickup Setting: 20% 8.10 Protection for 150/15 kV Generator Transformer Multifunction feeder protection relay is used to protect transformer. Minimum protection relay to be provided by manufacturer is specified as follow: • • • 51 – Time Inverse Overcurrent Relay 50N – Instantaneous Ground Overcurrent Relay (only in Y connection) 87T – Transformer Differential Relay In this study, the basis coordination setting for this function is as follow: Primary Side (150 kV) - - - 51 – Time Inverse Overcurrent ➢ Current Setting: 110% x FLA (HV Side) ➢ TMS: set to get 0.3 time graded with transmission line protection 50N – Instantaneous Ground Overcurrent (only in Y connection) ➢ Current Setting: 20% x FLA (HV Side) ➢ Time Delay: set to get 0.3 time graded with transmission line protection 87T – Differential Transformer ➢ Pickup Setting: 20% 1. * → Shall be above transformer inrush current value, to be updated during detailed design Note: PROTECTIVE RELAY SETTING & COORDINATION STUDY Timor-1 CFSPP Project Issued 2022-09-05 Project Document No: T1-PP-000-ELE-STU-00003 REV. 1 Page 2 of 17 8.11 Protection for Generator Multifunction protection relay is used to protect generator. Minimum protection relay to be provided by manufacturer is specified as follow: • • • 51 – Time Inverse Overcurrent Relay 50N – Instantaneous Ground Overcurrent Relay 87T – Transformer Differential Relay Within this study, only relay 50/51 are coordinated with the following setting: - - - 51 – Time Inverse Overcurrent ➢ Current Setting: 110% x FLA (HV Side) ➢ TMS: set to get 0.3 time graded with GT protection 50N – Instantaneous Ground Overcurrent ➢ Current Setting: 10% x FLA (HV Side) ➢ Time Delay: set to get 0.3 time graded with GT protection 87T – Differential Transformer ➢ 8.12 Pickup Setting: 20% Protection for Emergency Diesel Generator (EGD) Multifunction protection relay is used to protect generator. Minimum protection relay to be provided by manufacturer is specified as follow: • 50 – Instantaneous Overcurrent Relay • 51 – Time Inverse Overcurrent Relay Within this study, only relay 50/51 are coordinated with the following setting: - 50 – Instantaneous Overcurrent ➢ ➢ - 51 – Time Inverse Overcurrent ➢ - Current Setting: before generator steady state short circuit curve Time Delay: time grading 0.2 second from downstream protection. Current Setting: 110% x FLA 50N – Instantaneous Ground Overcurrent ➢ Current Setting: 20% x FLA (HV Side) ➢ Time Delay: time graded 0.2 second from downstream protection PROTECTIVE RELAY SETTING & COORDINATION STUDY Timor-1 CFSPP Project Issued 2022-09-05 8.13 Project Document No: T1-PP-000-ELE-STU-00003 REV. 1 Page 2 of 17 Study Case 1. Case 1 – Motor Type Load Relay Coordination on 0.4 kV Essential MCC Bus Picture.1 – Coordination Relay Case – 1 • • • • For example, coordination relay for Jacking Oil Pump 1A motor with CB Incoming 0.4 kV Essential MCC Bus Coordination motor relay (Over Load Relay /Thermal Overload) with Incoming protection relay (Over current Relay). Fault from downstream. Trip Sequence Motor Protection 1 MCCB for Motor 2 Relay Protection for Incoming CB 3 PROTECTIVE RELAY SETTING & COORDINATION STUDY Timor-1 CFSPP Project Issued 2022-09-05 Project Document No: T1-PP-000-ELE-STU-00003 REV. 1 Page 2 of 17 2. Case 2 – Feeder Type Load Relay Coordination on 0.4 kV Essential MCC Bus Picture.2 – Coordination Relay Case – 2 • • • • For example, relay for feeder Generator Anti-Cond Heater with CB Incoming 0.4 kV Essential MCC Bus Coordination feeder protection relay (Include with CB) with Incoming protection relay (Over current Relay). Fault from downstream. Trip Sequence MCCB for Feeder 1 Relay Protection for Incoming CB 2 3. Case 3 – Motor Type Load Relay Coordination on 0.4 kV MCC Bus Picture.3 – Coordination Relay Case – 3 PROTECTIVE RELAY SETTING & COORDINATION STUDY Timor-1 CFSPP Project Issued 2022-09-05 • • • • Project Document No: T1-PP-000-ELE-STU-00003 REV. 1 Page 2 of 17 For example, coordination relay for motor Bottom Ash Shieving Equipment with CB Incoming 0.4 kV MCC Bus Coordination feeder motor relay (Over Load Relay /Thermal Overload) with Incoming protection relay (Over current Relay). Fault from downstream. Trip Sequence Motor Protection 1 MCCB for Motor 2 Relay Protection for Incoming CB 3 4. Case 4 – Feeder Type Load Relay Coordination on 0.4 kV MCC Bus Picture.4 – Coordination Relay Case – 4 • • • • For example, coordination relay for feeder Fuel Feeding Line with CB Incoming 0.4 kV MCC Bus Coordination feeder protection relay (Include with CB) with Incoming protection relay (Over current Relay). Fault from downstream. Trip Sequence MCCB for Feeder 1 Relay Protection for Incoming CB 2 PROTECTIVE RELAY SETTING & COORDINATION STUDY Timor-1 CFSPP Project Issued 2022-09-05 Project Document No: T1-PP-000-ELE-STU-00003 REV. 1 Page 2 of 17 5. Case 5 – Motor Type Load Relay Coordination on 0.4 kV SWGR Bus Picture.5 – Coordination Relay Case – 5 • • • • For example, coordination relay for motor Vacuum Pump 1A with CB Incoming 0.4 kV SWGR Bus Coordination feeder motor relay (Over Load Relay /Thermal Overload) with Incoming protection relay (Over current Relay). Fault from downstream. Trip Sequence Motor Protection 1 MCCB for Motor 2 Relay Protection for Incoming CB 3 6. Case 6 – Feeder Type Load Relay Coordination on 0.4 kV SWGR Bus PROTECTIVE RELAY SETTING & COORDINATION STUDY Timor-1 CFSPP Project Issued 2022-09-05 Project Document No: T1-PP-000-ELE-STU-00003 REV. 1 Page 2 of 17 Picture.6 – Coordination Relay Case – 6 • • • • For example, coordination relay for feeder ESP Package – 1 with CB Incoming 0.4 kV MCC SWGR Coordination feeder protection relay (Include with CB) with Incoming protection relay (Over current Relay). Fault from downstream. Trip Sequence MCCB for Feeder 1 Relay Protection for Incoming CB 2 7. Case 7 – Motor Type Load Relay Coordination on MV Switchgear Bus Picture.7 – Coordination Relay Case – 7 • • • • For example, coordination relay for Primary Air Fan 1A motor with CB Incoming 6.3 kV MV Switchgear Coordination feeder motor relay (Over Load Relay /Thermal Overload) with Incoming protection relay (Over current Relay). Fault from downstream. Trip Sequence Motor Protection 1 MCCB for Motor 2 Relay Protection for Incoming CB 3 8. Case 8 – Power Distribution Transformer Protection Coordination Picture.8 – Coordination Relay Case – 8 • For example, coordination relay for CB Outgoing 6.3 kV MVSG-1A with CB Incoming 0.4 kV LVSG-1A. PROTECTIVE RELAY SETTING & COORDINATION STUDY Timor-1 CFSPP Project Issued 2022-09-05 • • • Project Document No: T1-PP-000-ELE-STU-00003 REV. 1 Page 2 of 17 Coordination Outgoing protection relay (Over Current Relay) with Incoming feeder protection relay (Over current Relay). Fault from downstream. Trip Sequence Relay Protection for Incoming CB 1 Relay Protection for Outgoing CB 2 9. Case 9 – MV Switchgear Protection Coordination Picture.9 – Coordination Relay Case – 9 • • • • For example, coordination relay for CB Outgoing 6.3 kV MVSG-1A with CB Incoming 6.3 kV MVSG-1A. Coordination Outgoing protection relay (Over Current Relay) with Incoming feeder protection relay (Over current Relay). Fault from downstream. Trip Sequence Relay Protection for Incoming CB 1 Relay Protection for Outgoing CB 2 PROTECTIVE RELAY SETTING & COORDINATION STUDY Timor-1 CFSPP Project Issued 2022-09-05 Project Document No: T1-PP-000-ELE-STU-00003 REV. 1 Page 2 of 17 10. Case 10 – Interconnecting Cable (MVSG & MVSG Common) Protection Coordination Picture.10 – Coordination Relay Case – 10 • • • • For example, coordination relay for CB Incoming 6.3 kV MVSG – 12A Common with CB Incoming 6.3 kV MVSG-1A. Coordination Incoming protection relay (Over Current Relay) with Incoming feeder protection relay (Over current Relay). Fault from downstream. Trip Sequence Relay Protection for Incoming CB (MVSG-12A Common) 1 Relay Protection for Incoming CB (MVSG-1A) 2 11. Case 11 – Feeder Type Load Relay Coordination on MV Switchgear Common Bus Picture.11 – Coordination Relay Case – 11 • • For example, coordination relay for CSU Trans. T001 Feeder with CB Incoming 6.3 kV MVSG-12A Common Bus. Coordination Incoming protection relay (Over Current Relay) with Incoming feeder PROTECTIVE RELAY SETTING & COORDINATION STUDY Timor-1 CFSPP Project Issued 2022-09-05 Project Document No: T1-PP-000-ELE-STU-00003 protection relay (Over current Relay). • Fault from downstream. • Trip Sequence REV. 1 Relay Protection for outgoing Feeder CSU Trans. T1001 1 Relay Protection for incoming CB (MVSG-12A Common) 2 12. Case 12 – Generator and UAT Protection Coordination Picture.12 – Coordination Relay Case – 12 Page 2 of 17 PROTECTIVE RELAY SETTING & COORDINATION STUDY Timor-1 CFSPP Project Issued 2022-09-05 • • • • Project Document No: T1-PP-000-ELE-STU-00003 REV. 1 Page 2 of 17 Coordination relay for CB Incoming 15 kV Bus (Generator – 1) with CB Incoming 6.3 kV MVSG-1A. Coordination Incoming protection relay (Over Current Relay) with Incoming feeder protection relay (Over current Relay). Fault from downstream. Trip Sequence Relay Protection for Incoming CB (UAT) 1 Relay Protection for Incoming CB (Generator) 2 13. Case 13 – Generator and GT Protection Coordination Picture.13 – Coordination Relay Case – 13 • • • • 9. Coordination relay for CB Incoming 15 kV Bus (Generator – 1) with CB Outgoing 150 kV Bus (HV Side GT(Generator Transformer)). Coordination Incoming protection relay (Over Current Relay) with Outgoing feeder protection relay (Over current Relay). Fault from downstream. Trip Sequence Relay Protection for Incoming CB (Generator) 1 Relay Protection for Outgoing CB (GT) 2 CONCLUSION Based on these above calculations, the relays setting should be followed as attachment. PROTECTIVE RELAY SETTING & COORDINATION STUDY Timor-1 CFSPP Project Issued 2022-09-05 Project Document No: T1-PP-000-ELE-STU-00003 ATTACHMENT 1 SINGLE LINE DIAGRAM REV. 0 One-Line Diagram - OLV1 (Edit Mode) 150 kV EXISTING SWITCHYARD GT-1 GT-2 CBGRID5 CBGRID6 CBGRID3 CBGRID4 SWITCHYARD 150 kV SWITCHYARD SWITCHYARD CBHV1 CBGRID1 CBGRID2 CBHV2 GT-1 73 MVA GT-2 73 MVA BUS-100 15 kV BUS-200 15 kV BusDuct3 BusDuct2 BusDuct7 BusDuct6 GCB-1 GCB-2 UAT-1A 16 MVA UAT-2A 16 MVA BusDuct1 BusDuct5 BusDuct15 Gen1 CB1100 CB10-1 63 MW MVSG-1A 6.3 kV CB10-11 CB1118 CB1104 CB1105 CB1106 CB1110 CB1111 CB1112 CB1113 CB1114 CB1115 CB1002 CB1003 CB1004 CB1006 CB1007 CB1008 CB1009 Cable0MV1 Cable0MV2 Cable0MV3 Cable0MV4 Cable0MV6 Cable0MV7 Cable0MV8 Cable0MV9 Bus0MV2 Bus0MV4 Bus0MV7 CB1217 Bus2MV1 CB1212 CB1213 CB0LV10 CB0LV11 CB0LV12 CB0LV13 CB0LV20 CB0LV21 Open LVSG-2B 0.4 kV CB0LV22 CB0LV23 CB0LV24 CB0LV18 CB0LV19 CB2LV3 CB0LV6 CB2LV4 CB2LV5 CB2LV6 Cable2LV2 Cable2LV3 CB2LV11 CB2LV13 CB2LV7 CB2LV12 CBCHLV2 Cable1LV1 Cable1LV2 Bus1LV1 Bus1LV2 Cable1LV3 Cable0LV4 Bus0LV2 Cable0LV5 Bus0LV8 Cable0LV6 Bus0LV10 Cable0LV7 Bus0LV4 Cable0LV14 0.4 kV LV SWI MCC Cable0LV15 Cable0LV16 Bus0LV12 Cable0LV18 Bus0LV14 Cable0LV12 Bus0LV15 Bus0LV6 0.4 kV LV ESP 2 MCC NET_LV-2 ESS MCC Open CB34 CB39 Open Cable17 CB45 Open Cable28 Open Cable30 CB36 CB41 CB47 CB2LV10 Open HP AIR FAN 3 - 2 149 kW CB2LV9 Bus2LV4 HP AIR FAN 2 - 2 149 kW CB2LV8 Open Bus2LV2 Cable2LV4 HP AIR FAN 1 - 2 149 kW CB0LV9 Bus2LV1 ESP PACKAGE 2 282.4 kVA CB33 LVSG EDG 0.4 kV LV-1 ESS MCC LV-12 ESS COMMON MCC LV-2 ESS MCC Project File: Timor1-CFSPP-2x50MW 0.4 kV LV WTP-WWTP MCBCus0LV3 NET_LV-2AB MCC EDG 1600 kW Aug 28, 2022 Cable2LV1 Cable30 NET_LV-12AB COMMON MCC EDG 10:15:33 Cable0LV3 NET_LV CH MCC Cable28 NET_LV-1AB MCC Cable0LV13 WTP & WWTP 276.5 kVA RF at TH 110 kVA TRANS + SERV AIR 3 171.6 kVA TRANS + SERV AIR 2 171.6 kVA TRANS + SERV AIR 1 171.6 kVA NET_LV-12 ESS COMMON MCC Cable17 Cable0LV17 Bus0LV13 DB LP 411.8 kVA SWI & CHLOR 77.07 kVA HVAC at STG 110 kVA AIR COMP 3 117.6 kVA AIR COMP 2 117.6 kVA CB0LV8 Bus0LV9 AIR COMP 1 CB0LV7 Cable0LV2 117.6 kVA CB1LV10 Open HP AIR FAN 3 149 kW HP AIR FAN 2 149 kW NET_LV-1 ESS MCC page 1 Bus0LV1 Bus1LV4 HP AIR FAN 1 149 kW ESP PACKAGE 1 CB1LV9 Cable0LV1 Cable1LV4 0.4 kV LV ESP 1 MCC 282.4 kVA CB1LV8 Bus1 0.4 kV CB1216 CW Pump 2B 580 kW CB0LV5 CB1215 CW Pump 2A 580 kW CB0LV4 CE Pump 2B 160 kW CB1LV12 CE Pump 2A 160 kW BFW Pump 2C 950 kW CB2LV2 LVSG-2A 0.4 kV LV-CH MCC 0.4 kV CB0LV3 CB1LV7 CB1214 Interface Busbar 2B Interface Busbar 2A CB2LV1 LVSG-12B COMMON 0.4 kV CB1211 BFW Pump 2B 950 kW BFW Pump 2A 950 kW ID FAN 2B 680 kW CB1LV13 ID FAN 2A CB1LV11 CB1210 PDC-CH2 Open LVSG-12A COMMON 0.4 kV CB1LV3 CB1LV6 CB1206 CBCHLV4 Open CB0LV2 680 kW CB0LV1 Open CB1205 SECONDARY AIR FAN 2B 250 kW PDC-CH1 CB1204 CB1218 Bus2MV2 LV-CH MCC CBCHLV1 CB1203 SECONDARY AIR FAN 2A 250 kW Interface Busbar CH-2 CB1202 PRIMARY AIR FAN 2B 650 kW PDC-2A 1.6 MVA PDC-CH2 0.8 MVA CB1201 PRIMARY AIR FAN 2A 650 kW TRANS/RECT B 235.3 kVA LV-CH MCC SHIP UNLOADER B 563.8 kVA Interface Busbar 12B Interface Busbar 12A Interface Busbar CH-1 Cable0MV11 Bus0MV10 PDC-CH1 0.8 MVA Gen2 CB1200 63 MW Bus0MV8 Bus0MV6 PDC-12B 2 MVA STACKER RECLAIMER 574.7 kVA PDC-1B 1.6 MVA TRANS/RECT A 235.3 kVA PDC-12A 2 MVA Bus0MV5 SHIP UNLOADER A 563.8 kVA CW Pump 1B 580 kW CW Pump 1A 580 kW CE Pump 1B 160 kW CE Pump 1A 160 kW BFW Pump 1C 950 kW BFW Pump 1B 950 kW BFW Pump 1A 950 kW ID FAN 1B 680 kW ID FAN 1A 680 kW SECONDARY AIR FAN 1B 250 kW SECONDARY AIR FAN 1A 250 kW PRIMARY AIR FAN 1B 650 kW PRIMARY AIR FAN 1A 650 kW CB1LV2 LVSG-1B 0.4 kV CB1LV5 CB1011 Interface Busbar 1B CB1LV1 LVSG-1A 0.4 kV CB1LV4 Bus0MV3 Bus0MV1 Bus1MV2 Interface Busbar 1A CB1001 Open MVSG-2A 6.3 kV CB1116 Bus2 6.3 kV PDC-1A 1.6 MVA CB10-2 Open Cable33 CB1103 CableMV18 CableMV17 6 B.u3sk1V MV1 CB1102 CB10-12 MVSG-12B COMMON 6.3 kV C able2MV17 CB1101 BusDuct8 CB10-10 MVSG-12A COMMON 6.3 kV Open CB1117 BusDuct16 BusDuct9 BusDuct4 PDC-2B 1.6 MVA PROTECTIVE RELAY SETTING & COORDINATION STUDY Timor-1 CFSPP Project Issued 2022-09-05 Project Document No: T1-PP-000-ELE-STU-00003 ATTACHMENT 2 TABEL SETTING FOR PROTECTION RELAY REV. 0 FLA Full Load Ampere (in Ampere) Isc Short Circuit Current or Breaking Capacity of Breaker MF Margin Factor (in percent) Ipick-up Pickup current set (in p.u.) Tabel A Summary Setting Proteksi VT Ratio (V) Circuit Breaker Tag Panel Location Voltage Device CB 40 kA, 150 kV, 300A 150kV 7UT86 IEC 61850 Existing Setting Protection Prim. Incoming 150 kV to GT (HV) CT Ratio (A) Protocol 150000 Sec 100 Prim. 300 Overall Incoming, GT, UAT - 15 kV REX640 IEC 61850 15 kV 300 15000 100 4000 15000 100 630 87L Definite Time 20%xIpckup 0s Differential Transformer Protection 87T Definite Time 20%xIpckp 0s Distance Relay Protection Z1 21 Definite Time 0s 200 ms Distance Relay Protection Z2 21 Definite Time 0,10 ohm 0.4 s 600 ms 2.6 s 64 REF Definite Time 0.1 Time Delay Overcurrent 50 IEC - SIT Table Definite Time Table Definite Time Table Definite Time Table 1 Instataneous Overcurrent 15 kV 7UT86 IEC 61850 15000 100 630 RET615 IEC 61850 15000 100 630 49 WT Definite Time mechanic 0s via CO 0s via CO Transformer Gas Protection/Buchholz 63 Definite Time mechanic 0s via CO Transformer Over Flux Protection 24 Definite Time 115% V/f 1s Definite Time 20%xIpckup 0.2 s 1 1 Overall Differential Protection 87O 1 1 Differential Transformer Protection 15kV 51N Definite Time mechanic Instataneous Ground Overcurrent VCB 40 kA, 15 kV, 630 A 50N 49 OT Time Delay Ground Overcurrent Outgoing 15 kV to UAT (HV) 51 Transformer Over Oil Temperature Instataneous Overcurrent GCB 50 kA, 15 kV, 4000 A 0,07 ohm Restricted Earth Fault Time Delay Overcurrent Incoming 150 kV to GT (LV) Time Dial (s) Line Differential Protection Transformer Over Winding Temperature 100 Remarks Set Point (A, V, Hz) Instataneous Ground Overcurrent 150000 Curve Sec Time Delay Ground Overcurrent 150 kV ANSI Code 1 Time Delay Overcurrent Instataneous Overcurrent 50 51 50N 51N 87 UAT 50 51 IEC - SIT Table Definite Time Table Definite Time Table Definite Time Table Definite Time 20%xIpckp 0s IEC - SIT Table Definite Time Table VT Ratio (V) Circuit Breaker Tag Panel Location Voltage Device CT Ratio (A) Existing Setting Protocol Protection Prim. Sec Prim. Transformer Over Winding Temperature Transformer Over Oil Temperature Transformer Gas Protection/Buchholz Restricted Earth Fault Over Current 6,3kV RET615 IEC 61850 6300 100 1600 2 Earth Fault VCB 50 kA, 15 kV, 4000A 15kV REX640 IEC 61850 15000 100 4000 50N 51N Time Dial (s) Definite Time Table Definite Time Table 49 WT Definite Time mechanic 0s via CO 49 OT Definite Time mechanic 0s via CO 63 Definite Time mechanic 0s via CO Definite Time 0.1 2.4 s - - - Table - - - Table 64 REF 50/51 50N/51N SBEF Definite Time 0.18 A 1.3 s Generator 100% Stator Earth Fault Protection 59G Definite Time 6 V 1.5 s Generator Differential Protection 87G Definite Time 20%xIpckup 0s Generator Negative Phase Sequence Protection 46 IEC - SIT 0,05 A 2s Gcc Generator Loss of Excitation Protection 40 IEC - SIT 0,66 ohm 50 ms Gcc Generator Over-Excitation (V/Hz) Protection 24 Definite Time 120% V/Hz 6s Gcc Generator Reverse Power Protection 32 Definite Time 8Vph 30 s Generator Overvoltage Protection 59 Definite Time 110Vph 600 ms 10 s 1 Generator Under voltage Protection 27 Definite Time 80Vph 600 ms 10 s Generator Rotor Earth Fault 64F Definite Time 0.1 A 2s Voltage Balance Protection 60 Definite Time 80%Unp Overfrequency 81H Definite Time 51,5 Hz >> 52,5 2s >> 6 s Underfrequency 81L Definite Time 48,5 Hz >> 48,5 2 s >> 4 s Generator Out of Step Protection 78 ON Generator Stator Thermal Protection 49 IEC - LTI Time Delay Overcurrent 50 Standby Earth Fault for NGR Incoming 15 kV from Generator Remarks Set Point (A, V, Hz) Instataneous Ground Overcurrent VCB 25 kA, 15 kV, 1600 A Curve Sec Time Delay Ground Overcurrent Outgoing 15kV to UAT (LV) ANSI Code 1,05 A delay ? 1s Gcc Table VT Ratio (V) Circuit Breaker Tag Panel Location Voltage Device CT Ratio (A) Existing Setting Protocol Protection Prim. Sec Prim. Instataneous Ground Overcurrent Differential Transformer Protection Restricted Earth Fault Over Current 1600 6.3 kV 7UT82 IEC 61850 6300 1 Earth Fault 100 1600 7SJ80 IEC 61850 400 100 2500 Air Circuit Breaker (ACB) 65 kA, 400 V, 2500 A 400 V 7SJ80 IEC 61850 400 100 2500 OFF 87 UAT 64 REF 50/51 50N/51N Definite Time 0.1 2.1 s - - - Table - - - Table via CO Transformer Over Oil Temperature 49 OT Definite Time mechanic 0s via CO Transformer Gas Protection/Buchholz 63 Definite Time mechanic 0s via CO SBEF OFF 48-51LR 50/51 - - - Table 49 IEC - LTI 1,05 A 500 ms Table 46 Define Time 0,2 A 2s 27 Definite Time 80 Vph 400 ms Over voltage 59 Definite Time 110 Vph 400 ms Ground Fault 50N/51N - - Time Delay Phase Overcurrent 51 Table Instantaneous Phase Overcurrent 50 Table Time Delay Ground Overcurrent 51N Table Instantaneous Ground Overcurrent 50N Table Phase imbalance Under Voltage Incoming 400 V from Power Distribution Transformer Table 51N 0s 2 Standby Earth Fault for NGR 1 Table 50N Definite Time mechanic Overloadgp 6.3 kV Table 51 49 WT Over Current ACB 6.3 kA, 400 V, 1600 A Time Dial (s) Transformer Over Winding Temperature Excessive starting time and locked rotor Outgoing 6.3 kV to Electric Motor Remarks Set Point (A, V, Hz) Time Delay Ground Overcurrent VCB 25 kA, 6.3 kV, 1600 A Curve Sec Instataneous Overcurrent Incoming 6.3 kV from UAT ANSI Code - 1s Table 1 Under Voltage Over voltage 27 Definite Time 80 Vph 200 ms 2.3 s 59 Definite Time 110 Vph 200 ms 1s VT Ratio (V) Circuit Breaker Tag Panel Location Voltage Device CT Ratio (A) Protocol Existing Setting Protection Prim. Sec Prim. ANSI Code Curve Remarks Set Point (A, V, Hz) Sec Time Dial (s) Outgoing 400 V to Power Feeders Molded Case Circuit Breaker (MCCB) 400 V MCCB 400 100 2500 1 Instantaneous Over Current Protection 50 Table Outgoing 400 V to Electric Motor Molded Case Circuit Breaker (MCCB) 400 V MCCB 400 100 2500 1 Instantaneous Over Current Protection 50 Table Overcurrent Setting Tabel B.1 Overcurrent Setting Outgoing GT No Tag No. Low Set O/C Relay ProtectionType CT Rated FLA (A) ISC Max (kA) MF x FLA (A) Pick-Up GT1 7UT86 300/1 281 40 309 1.03 GT2 7UT86 300/1 281 40 309 1.03 GT1 7UT86 3000/1 2810 40 3090 1.03 GT2 7UT86 3000/1 2810 40 3090 1.03 MF x FLA (A) Pick-Up Type TMS 3138.30 0.8 0.36 3138.30 0.8 IEC LTI IEC LTI MF x FLA (A) - 0.36 - Load Discription Type High Set O/C Relay PickType Up TMS MF x FLA (A) 0.31 - - 0.31 - 0.31 0.31 High Set GF PickType Up Time Delay MF x FLA (A) Time Delay - - 56 0.19 Definite 2.00 - - - 56 0.19 Definite 2.00 - - - - 562 0.19 Definite 2.00 - - - - 562 0.19 Definite 2.00 MF x FLA (A) 571 571 Note 150 kV (HV) Side 1 2 11BAT01GT001 12BAT01GT001 IEC LTI IEC LTI 15 kV (LV) Side 1 2 11BAT01GT001 12BAT01GT001 IEC LTI IEC LTI Tabel B.2 Overcurrent Setting Incoming 15 kV Generator Bus No Tag No. Load Discription ProtectionType CT Rated FLA (A) 1 11BAY01BR001 Gen-1 REX640 4000/1 2853 ISC Max (kA) 40 2 12BAY01BR001 Gen-2 REX640 4000/1 2853 40 Low Set O/C Relay High Set O/C Relay PickType Up - - Time Delay - - - - High Set GF PickType Up 0.14 Definite 0.14 Definite Time Delay 2.30 Note 2.30 Tabel B.3 Overcurrent Setting Outgoing UAT No Tag No. 1 11BBA01BR001 2 12BBA01BR001 Low Set O/C Relay ProtectionType CT Rated FLA (A) ISC Max (kA) MF x FLA (A) Pick-Up UAT-1 RET615 630/1 677 40 820 1.30 UAT-2 RET615 630/1 677 40 820 1.30 Load Discription Type High Set O/C Relay PickType Up TMS MF x FLA (A) 0.5 2235 3.55 0.5 2235 3.55 0.5 4839 0.5 4839 High Set GF PickType Up Time Delay MF x FLA (A) Time Delay Definite 0.8 135 0.22 Definite 0.7 Definite 0.8 135 0.22 Definite 0.7 3.02 Definite 0.8 323 0.20 Definite 0.7 3.02 Definite 0.8 323 0.20 Definite 0.7 Note 15 kV (HV) Side IEC LTI IEC LTI 6.3 kV (LV) Side 1 11BBA01BR001 UAT-1 RET615 1600/1 1613 25 1774 1.11 2 12BBA01BR001 UAT-2 RET615 1600/1 1613 25 1774 1.11 IEC LTI IEC LTI Tabel B.4 Overcurrent Setting Incoming 6.3 kV Switchgear No Tag No. A 1 Low Set O/C Relay High Set O/C Relay PickType Up ProtectionType CT Rated FLA (A) ISC Max (kA) MF x FLA (A) Pick-Up Type TMS MF x FLA (A) 7UT82 1600/1 1612.9 25 1774.21 1.11 IEC LTI 0.50 4838.7 3.02 7UT82 1600/1 1612.9 25 1774.21 1.11 IEC LTI 0.50 4838.7 3.02 High Set GF PickType Up Time Delay MF x FLA (A) Time Delay Definite 0.80 323 0.20 Definite 0.70 Definite 0.80 323 0.20 Definite 0.70 6.3 kV Switchgear Unit 1 11BFT01GT001 B 1 Load Discription UAT-1 6.3 kV Switchgear Unit 2 12BFT01GT001 UAT-2 Note C 1 6.3 kV Switchgear Common 12A 10BBB01GS001 D 3 PDC-12A 7SJ80 630/1 527.3 25 580.06 0.92 IEC LTI 0.70 2636.7 4.19 Definite 0.60 105 0.17 Definite 0.70 7SJ80 630/1 527.3 25 580.06 0.92 IEC LTI 0.70 2636.7 4.19 Definite 0.60 105 0.17 Definite 0.70 6.3 kV Switchgear Common 12B 10BBB01GS001 PDC-12B Tabel B.5 Overcurrent Setting Outgoing 6.3 kV Switchgear No Tag No. A Load Discription Overload Relay Setting (49) Type Starting Type ProtectionType CT Rated FLA (A) ISC Max (kA) MF x FLA (A) Class MF x FLA (A) Low Set O/C Relay PickType Up High Set O/C Relay PickType Up TMS MF x FLA (A) 0.50 358.95 0.90 0.50 358.95 0.90 0.50 583.28 2.92 0.50 583.28 2.92 0.50 228.18 2.28 0.50 228.18 2.28 0.50 621.46 3.11 0.50 621.46 3.11 0.50 802.27 4.01 0.50 802.27 4.01 0.50 802.27 4.01 0.50 146.50 1.47 0.50 146.50 1.47 0.50 556.57 2.78 0.50 556.57 2.78 0.50 358.95 0.90 0.50 358.95 0.90 0.50 583.28 2.92 0.50 583.28 2.92 0.50 228.18 2.28 0.50 228.18 2.28 0.50 621.46 3.11 0.50 621.46 3.11 0.50 802.27 4.01 0.50 802.27 4.01 0.50 802.27 4.01 0.50 146.50 1.47 0.50 146.50 1.47 0.50 556.57 2.78 0.50 556.57 2.78 0.70 467.26 1.17 0.50 225.34 0.56 High Set GF PickType Up Time Delay MF x FLA (A) 0.40 21.8 0.05 0.40 21.8 0.05 0.20 14.6 0.04 0.20 14.6 0.04 0.20 5.7 0.01 0.20 5.7 0.01 0.20 15.5 0.04 0.20 15.5 0.04 0.20 20.1 0.05 0.20 20.1 0.05 0.20 20.1 0.05 0.20 3.7 0.01 0.20 3.7 0.01 0.20 13.9 0.03 0.20 13.9 0.03 0.40 21.8 0.05 0.40 21.8 0.05 0.20 14.6 0.04 0.20 14.6 0.04 0.20 5.7 0.01 0.20 5.7 0.01 0.20 15.5 0.04 0.20 15.5 0.04 0.20 20.1 0.05 0.20 20.1 0.05 0.20 20.1 0.05 0.20 3.7 0.01 0.20 3.7 0.01 0.20 13.9 0.03 0.20 13.9 0.03 0.40 28.3 0.28 0.40 13.7 0.14 Time Delay 6.3 kV Switchgear Unit 1 3 11BFA01GS001 PDC-1A - - ABB 400/1 108.8 25 - - 131.62 0.33 4 11BFA01GS002 PDC-1B - - ABB 400/1 108.8 25 - - 131.62 0.33 5 11HLB11AN101-M01 Primary air fan 1 M DOL ABB 200/1 72.9 25 80.20 10 80.20 0.40 6 11HLB12AN101-M01 Primary air fan 2 M DOL ABB 200/1 72.9 25 80.20 10 80.20 0.40 7 11HLB21AN101-M01 Secondary air fan 1 M DOL ABB 100/1 28.5 25 31.37 10 31.37 0.31 8 11HLB22AN101-M01 Secondary air fan 2 M DOL ABB 100/1 28.5 25 31.37 10 31.37 0.31 9 11HNC10AN201-M01 ID Fan 1 M DOL ABB 200/1 77.7 25 85.45 10 85.45 0.43 10 11HNC20AN201-M01 ID Fan 2 M DOL ABB 200/1 77.7 25 85.45 10 85.45 0.43 11 11LAC11AP001-M01 BFW Pump A M DOL ABB 200/1 100.3 25 110.31 10 110.31 0.55 12 11LAC12AP001-M01 BFW Pump B M DOL ABB 200/1 100.3 25 110.31 10 110.31 0.55 13 11LAC13AP001-M01 BFW Pump C M DOL ABB 200/1 100.3 25 110.31 10 110.31 0.55 14 11LCB11AP001-M01 Condensate Extraction Pump A M DOL ABB 100/1 18.3 25 20.14 10 20.14 0.20 15 11LCB12AP001-M01 Condensate Extraction Pump B M DOL ABB 100/1 18.3 25 20.14 10 20.14 0.20 16 11PAC11AP101-M01 Cooling Water Pump (CWP) A M DOL ABB 200/1 69.6 25 76.53 10 76.53 0.38 17 11PAC12AP101-M01 Cooling Water Pump (CWP) B M DOL ABB 200/1 69.6 25 76.53 10 76.53 0.38 B IEC LTI IEC LTI IEC LTI IEC LTI IEC LTI IEC LTI IEC LTI IEC LTI IEC LTI IEC LTI IEC LTI IEC LTI IEC LTI IEC LTI IEC LTI Definit e Definit e Definit e Definit e Definit e Definit e Definit e Definit e Definit e Definit e Definit e Definit e Definit e Definit e Definit e Definit e Definit e Definit e Definit e Definit e Definit e Definit e Definit e Definit e Definit e Definit e Definit e Definit e Definit e Definit e 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 6.3 kV Switchgear Unit 2 3 12BFA01GS001 PDC-1A - - ABB 400/1 108.8 25 - - 131.62 0.33 4 12BFA01GS002 PDC-1B - - ABB 400/1 108.8 25 - - 131.62 0.33 5 12HLB11AN101-M01 Primary air fan 1 M DOL ABB 200/1 72.9 25 80.20 10 80.20 0.40 6 12HLB12AN101-M01 Primary air fan 2 M DOL ABB 200/1 72.9 25 80.20 10 80.20 0.40 7 12HLB21AN101-M01 Secondary air fan 1 M DOL ABB 100/1 28.5 25 31.37 10 31.37 0.31 8 12HLB22AN101-M01 Secondary air fan 2 M DOL ABB 100/1 28.5 25 31.37 10 31.37 0.31 9 12HNC10AN201-M01 ID Fan 1 M DOL ABB 200/1 77.7 25 85.45 10 85.45 0.43 10 12HNC20AN201-M01 ID Fan 2 M DOL ABB 200/1 77.7 25 85.45 10 85.45 0.43 11 12LAC11AP001-M01 BFW Pump A M DOL ABB 200/1 100.3 25 110.31 10 110.31 0.55 12 12LAC12AP001-M01 BFW Pump B M DOL ABB 200/1 100.3 25 110.31 10 110.31 0.55 13 12LAC13AP001-M01 BFW Pump C M DOL ABB 200/1 100.3 25 110.31 10 110.31 0.55 14 12LCB11AP001-M01 Condensate Extraction Pump A M DOL ABB 100/1 18.3 25 20.14 10 20.14 0.20 15 12LCB12AP001-M01 Condensate Extraction Pump B M DOL ABB 100/1 18.3 25 20.14 10 20.14 0.20 16 12PAC11AP101-M01 Cooling Water Pump (CWP) A M DOL ABB 200/1 69.6 25 76.53 10 76.53 0.38 17 12PAC12AP101-M01 Cooling Water Pump (CWP) B M DOL ABB 200/1 69.6 25 76.53 10 76.53 0.38 C IEC LTI IEC LTI IEC LTI IEC LTI IEC LTI IEC LTI IEC LTI IEC LTI IEC LTI IEC LTI IEC LTI IEC LTI IEC LTI IEC LTI IEC LTI Definit e Definit e Definit e Definit e Definit e Definit e Definit e Definit e Definit e Definit e Definit e Definit e Definit e Definit e Definit e Definit e Definit e Definit e Definit e Definit e Definit e Definit e Definit e Definit e Definit e Definit e Definit e Definit e Definit e Definit e 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 6.3 kV Switchgear Common 12A 1 10BFA01GS001 PDC-12A - - ABB 400/1 141.6 25 - - 171.33 0.4 2 10BFA03GS001 PDC-CH1 - - ABB 400/1 68.3 25 - - 82.63 0.2 IEC LTI IEC LTI Definit e Definit e Definit e Definit e 0.50 0.50 Note 3 10EAA1112AF001T001 CSU Transformer T001 F - ABB 400/1 56.6 25 - - 62.30 0.2 4 10EAF10AF001 Stacker Reclaimer F - ABB 400/1 48.5 25 - - 53.34 0.1 5 11GH302A Stepdown transformer for rectifier transformer of electrolyser A F - ABB 400/1 24.0 25 - - 26.35 0.1 D IEC LTI IEC LTI IEC LTI 0.50 283.16 0.71 0.50 242.44 0.61 0.50 119.79 0.30 0.70 467.26 1.17 0.50 225.34 0.56 0.50 283.16 0.71 0.50 119.79 0.30 Definit e Definit e Definit e 0.20 11.3 0.11 0.20 9.7 0.10 0.20 4.8 0.05 0.40 28.3 0.28 0.40 13.7 0.14 0.20 11.3 0.11 0.20 4.8 0.05 Definit e Definit e Definit e 0.50 0.50 0.50 6.3 kV Switchgear Common 12B 3 10BFA01GS002 PDC-12B - - ABB 400/1 141.6 25 - - 171.33 0.4 4 10BFA03GS001 PDC-CH2 - - ABB 400/1 68.3 25 - - 82.63 0.2 5 10EAA1112AF001T201 CSU Transformer T201 F - ABB 400/1 56.6 25 - - 62.30 0.2 6 11GH302B Stepdown transformer for rectifier transformer of electrolyser B F - ABB 400/1 24.0 25 - - 26.35 0.1 IEC LTI IEC LTI IEC LTI IEC LTI Definit e Definit e Definit e Definit e Definit e Definit e Definit e Definit e 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 Tabel B.6 Overcurrent Setting Incoming 0.4 kV Switchgear No Tag No. Incomer Discription Low Set O/C Relay High Set O/C Relay High Set GF Note Protection-Type CT Rated FLA (A) ISC Max (kA) MF x FLA (A) Pick-Up Type TMS MF x FLA (A) Pick-Up Type Time Delay MF x FLA (A) Pick-Up Type Time Delay A 1 0.4 kV Switchgear Unit 1A PDC-1A ABB 2500/1 1713.2 63 1884.51 0.8 IEC - LTI 0.50 5140 2.1 Definite 0.40 343 0.14 Definite 0.30 B 1 0.4 kV Switchgear Unit 1B PDC-1B ABB 2500/1 1713.2 63 1884.51 0.8 IEC - LTI 0.50 5140 2.1 Definite 0.40 343 0.14 Definite 0.30 C 1 0.4 kV Switchgear Unit 2A PDC-2A ABB 2500/1 1713.2 63 1884.51 0.8 IEC - LTI 0.50 5140 2.1 Definite 0.40 343 0.14 Definite 0.30 D 1 0.4 kV Switchgear Unit 2B PDC-2B ABB 2500/1 1713.2 63 1884.51 0.8 IEC - LTI 0.50 5140 2.1 Definite 0.40 343 0.14 Definite 0.30 E 1 0.4 kV Switchgear Common 12A PDC-12A ABB 3000/1 2230.1 63 2453.14 0.8 IEC - LTI 0.70 6690 2.2 Definite 0.40 446 0.15 Definite 0.30 F 1 0.4 kV Switchgear Common 12B PDC-12B ABB 3000/1 2230.1 63 2453.14 0.8 IEC - LTI 0.70 6690 2.2 Definite 0.40 446 0.15 Definite 0.30 Tabel B.7 Overcurrent Setting Outgoing 0.4 kV Switchgear No Tag No. 1 11BFA02GS001 2 11BMA01GS001 4 5 11BJA01GS001 11HHM01AN601M01 11HHM02AN601M01 1 11BFA02GS001 2 11HHM03AN601M01 3 4 5 11BFA02GS001 11BMA01GS001 11BJA01GS001 11HHM01AN601M01 11HHM02AN601M01 1 11BFA02GS001 2 11HHM03AN601M01 F - ABB 630/5 461.9 F - ABB 630/5 F - ABB HP air fan 1 M DOL HP air fan 2 M DOL 0.4kV UNIT-1 MCC F HP air fan 3 Overload Relay Setting (49) Low Set O/C Relay or Thermal Trip MCCB MF x FLA (A) Class MF x FLA (A) PickUp 63 - - 508.13 0.81 388.6 63 - - 427.43 0.68 800/5 654.4 63 - - 719.85 0.90 MCCB 400 270.2 63 297.21 10 - - MCCB 400 270.2 63 297.21 10 - - - ABB 630/5 461.9 63 - - 508.13 M DOL MCCB 400 270.2 63 297.21 10 F - ABB 630/5 461.9 63 - F - ABB 630/5 388.6 63 - High Set O/C Relay or Magnetic Trip MCCB High Set GF TMS MF x FLA (A) PickUp Type Time Delay MF x FLA (A) PickUp Type Time Delay 0.10 2309.66 3.67 Definite 0.20 92.39 0.15 Definite 0.10 0.50 1942.85 3.08 Definite 0.20 77.71 0.12 Definite 0.10 0.10 3272.06 4.09 Definite 0.20 130.88 0.21 Definite 0.10 - - 2161.52 5.40 Definite 0.10 - - - - - - 2161.52 5.40 Definite 0.10 - - - - 0.81 IEC LTI 0.10 2309.66 3.67 Definite 0.20 92.39 0.15 Definite 0.10 - - - - 2161.52 5.40 Definite 0.10 - - - - - 508.13 0.81 0.10 2309.66 3.67 Definite 0.20 92.39 0.15 Definite 0.10 - 427.43 0.68 0.50 1942.85 3.08 Definite 0.20 77.71 0.12 Definite 0.10 Type 0.4kV UNIT-1 MCC 0.4kV ESSENTIAL UNIT1 MCC Electrostatic Precipitator (ESP) Unit-1 IEC LTI IEC LTI IEC LTI 0.4kV UNIT-2 MCC 0.4kV ESSENTIAL UNIT2 MCC Electrostatic Precipitator (ESP) Unit-2 IEC LTI IEC LTI IEC LTI F - ABB 800/5 654.4 63 - - 719.85 0.90 0.10 3272.06 4.09 Definite 0.20 130.88 0.21 Definite 0.10 HP air fan 1 M DOL MCCB 400 270.2 63 297.21 10 - - - - 2161.52 5.40 Definite 0.10 - - - - HP air fan 2 M DOL MCCB 400 270.2 63 297.21 10 - - - - 2161.52 5.40 Definite 0.10 - - - - 0.4kV UNIT-2 MCC F - ABB 630/5 461.9 63 - - 508.13 0.81 IEC LTI 0.10 2309.66 3.67 Definite 0.20 92.39 0.15 Definite 0.10 HP air fan 3 M DOL MCCB 400 270.2 63 297.21 10 - - - - 2161.52 5.40 Definite 0.10 - - - - F ABB 630/5 457.3 63 - - 503.07 0.80 0.10 F ABB 630/5 408.6 63 - - 449.41 0.71 F F F MCCB MCCB MCCB 250 250 250 190.9 190.9 190.9 63 63 63 - - 250.00 250.00 250.00 F MCCB 250 198.5 63 - - 0.4 kV Switchgear Common 12A E 10BFA02GS001 2 10BMA01GS001 3 4 5 10QEA10AN701 10QEA20AN701 10QEA30AN701 6 STG-HPDB-101 7 10BFA04GS001 8 Hold 0.4kV COMMON-12 MCC 0.4kV ESS COMMON-12 MCC Air compressor #1 Air compressor #2 Air compressor #3 HVAC Distribution Board Panel for Switchgear room (at STG Building) SWI & CHLORINATION PACKAGE Electrical Pump F 2286.70 3.63 Definite 0.20 91.47 0.15 Definite 0.10 0.70 2042.77 3.24 Definite 0.20 81.71 0.13 Definite 0.10 1.00 1.00 1.00 IEC LTI IEC LTI FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED 954.61 954.61 954.61 3.82 3.82 3.82 FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED 38.18 38.18 38.18 0.38 0.38 0.38 Definite Definite Definite 0.10 0.10 0.10 250.00 1.00 FIXED FIXED 992.32 3.97 FIXED FIXED - - - - 0.10 1236.36 4.95 Definite 0.20 49.45 0.20 Definite 0.10 - 2024.02 6.75 FIXED FIXED 50.60 0.51 Definite 0.10 IEC LTI - ABB 250/5 247.3 63 - - 272.00 1.09 MCCB 300 253.0 63 278.30 10 - - F ABB 630/5 457.3 63 - - 503.07 0.80 IEC LTI 0.10 2286.70 3.63 Definite 0.20 91.47 0.15 Definite 0.10 F MCCB 250 190.9 63 - - 250.00 1.00 FIXED FIXED 954.61 3.82 FIXED FIXED 38.18 0.38 Definite 0.10 F MCCB 250 190.9 63 - - 250.00 1.00 FIXED FIXED 954.61 3.82 FIXED FIXED 38.18 0.38 Definite 0.10 F MCCB 250 190.9 63 - - 250.00 1.00 FIXED FIXED 954.61 3.82 FIXED FIXED 38.18 0.38 Definite 0.10 M DOL 0.4 kV Switchgear Common 12B F 1 ISC Max (kA) 0.4 kV Switchgear Unit 2B D 1 FLA (A) 0.4 kV Switchgear Unit 2A C 2 CT Rated / MCCB Capacit y 0.4 kV Switchgear Unit 1B B 1 ProtectionType Type 0.4 kV Switchgear Unit 1A A 3 Startin g Type Load Discription 10BFA02GS001 2 10QEA60AN701 3 10QEA70AN701 4 10QEA80AN701 0.4kV COMMON-12 MCC Air compressor for transport air + service air A Air compressor for transport air + service air B Air compressor for Note No Tag No. 5 STG-HPDB-001 6 10BFA05GS001 Load Discription transport air + service air C Distribution Board Panel for Roof Fan at Turbine Hall WTP & WWTP PACKAGE ProtectionType CT Rated / MCCB Capacit y FLA (A) ISC Max (kA) F MCCB 250 198.46 F ABB 630/5 480.7 Type Startin g Type Overload Relay Setting (49) MF x FLA (A) 63 63 Low Set O/C Relay or Thermal Trip MCCB Class MF x FLA (A) PickUp Type - - 250.00 1.00 - - 528.74 0.84 High Set O/C Relay or Magnetic Trip MCCB TMS MF x FLA (A) PickUp FIXED FIXED 992.32 IEC LTI 0.10 2403.37 High Set GF Type Time Delay MF x FLA (A) PickUp Type Time Delay 3.97 FIXED FIXED 39.69 0.40 Definite 0.10 3.81 Definite 0.20 96.13 0.15 Definite 0.10 Note Tabel B.8 Overcurrent Setting Incoming 0.4 kV MCC No Tag No. Incomer Discription Low Set O/C Relay MF x FLA (A) Pick-Up Type Protection-Type CT Rated FLA (A) ISC Max (kA) ABB ABB 630/1 630/1 461.9 461.9 63 63 508.13 508.13 0.8 0.8 High Set O/C Relay Pick-Up Type TMS MF x FLA (A) Time Delay IEC - LTI IEC - LTI 0.1 0.1 2309.7 2309.7 3.67 3.67 Definite Definite 0.20 0.20 A 1 2 11BFA01GS001 11BFA01GS002 0.4 kV MCC UNIT-1 0.4 kV Switchgear Unit 1A 0.4 kV Switchgear Unit 1B B 1 2 12BFA01GS001 12BFA01GS002 0.4 kV MCC UNIT-2 0.4 kV Switchgear Unit 2A 0.4 kV Switchgear Unit 2B ABB ABB 630/1 630/1 461.9 461.9 63 63 508.13 508.13 0.8 0.8 IEC - LTI IEC - LTI 0.1 0.1 2309.7 2309.7 3.67 3.67 Definite Definite 0.20 0.20 C 1 2 10BFA01GS001 10BFA02GS001 0.4kV MCC COMMON 12 0.4 kV Switchgear Common 12A 0.4 kV Switchgear Common 12B ABB ABB 630/1 630/1 457.3 457.3 63 63 503.07 503.07 0.8 0.8 IEC - LTI IEC - LTI 0.1 0.1 2286.7 2286.7 3.63 3.63 Definite Definite 0.20 0.20 0.4kV MCC CH PDC-CH1 PDC-CH2 ABB ABB 1250/1 1250/1 1075.5 1075.5 40 40 1183.05 1183.05 0.9 0.9 IEC - LTI IEC - LTI 0.1 0.1 5377.5 5377.5 4.30 4.30 Definite Definite 0.20 0.20 D 1 2 E 1 11BMA01GS001 0.4kV MCC ESP UNIT-1 0.4 kV Switchgear Unit 1A ABB 630/1 654.4 63 719.85 1.1 IEC - LTI 0.1 3272.1 5.2 Definite 0.20 F 1 12BMA01GS001 0.4kV MCC ESP UNIT-2 0.4 kV Switchgear Unit 2A ABB 630/1 654.4 63 719.85 1.1 IEC - LTI 0.1 3272.1 5.2 Definite 0.20 G 1 10BMA01GS001 0.4kV MCC SWI & CHOLORINATION 0.4 kV Switchgear Common 12A ABB 250/1 247.3 63 272.00 1.1 IEC - LTI 0.1 1236.4 4.9 Definite 0.20 H 1 10BMA01GS001 0.4kV MCC WTP & WWTP 0.4 kV Switchgear Common 12A ABB 630/1 480.7 63 528.74 0.8 IEC - LTI 0.1 2403.4 3.8 Definite 0.20 Note Tabel B.9 Overcurrent Setting Outgoing 0.4 kV MCC Unit 1 No A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Tag No. STEAM TRUBINE PACKAGE Steam Turbine Unit 1 11PAH20GH001 Condenser Cleaning System 11PAH10AT010-M01 Actuator Screen 11LCM21AP110-M01 Drains Condensate Pump 1 Motor 11LCM22AP110-M01 Drains Condensate Pump 2 Motor 11MAJ51AP110-M01 Vacuum Pump 1 Motor 11MAJ52AP110-M01 Vacuum Pump 2 Motor 11MAM65AN110-M01 Waste Steam Condenser Suction Fan 1 Motor 11MAM65AN120-M01 Waste Steam Condenser Suction Fan 2 Motor 11MAX10AH110 Control Oil Tank Heating 11MAX21AP110-M01 Control Oil Pump 1 Motor 11MAX22AP110-M01 Control Oil Pump 2 Motor 11MAX51AN110-M01 Control Oil Cooler Fan 1 Motor 11MAX51AP110-M01 Control Oil Cooler Pump 1 Motor 11MAX52AN110-M01 Control Oil Cooler Fan 2 Motor 11MAX52AP110-M01 Control Oil Cooler Pump 2 Motor 11PUE10AP110-M01 Vacuum Pump Water Box Condenser Motor Turbine Subdistrib. 220V DC, Socket Outlet, 11BUC10 Lighting 11CHA10 Generator Protection, Socket Outlet, Lighting 11CJJ10 Central I&C Cabinet, Socket Outlet, Lighting Automatic Voltage Regulation, Socket Outlet, 11CJN10 Lighting 11MKA10GA050 IRIS FLUX TRAC II-R and exciter hood lighting B 1 2 3 Load Discription 11PAC21AP101-M01 11PAC22AP101-M01 11PAC21AT001 C 1 2 11QCC11AP001-M01 11QCC12AP001-M01 3 4 11QCA11AP001-M01 11QCA12AP001-M01 5 6 11QCD11AP001-M01 11QCD12AP001-M01 D Type Starting Type Protection-Type CT Rated / MCCB Capacity Overload Relay Setting (49) FLA (A) MF x FLA (A) Class Low Set O/C Relay or Thermal Trip MCCB Thermal Set Pick-Up (A) Type TMS High Set O/C Relay or Magnetic Trip MCCB Magnetic Set Pick-Up (A) Type Time Delay ` F M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M DOL DOL DOL DOL DOL DOL DOL DOL DOL DOL DOL DOL DOL DOL DOL MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB 16 6 6 6 100 100 6 6 25 25 25 6 6 6 6 16 12.00 1.60 4.41 4.41 81.55 81.55 2.26 2.26 10.83 14.26 14.26 0.99 3.17 0.99 3.17 5.65 1.76 4.85 4.85 89.71 89.71 2.48 2.48 11.91 15.68 15.68 1.09 3.49 1.09 3.49 6.21 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 1.00 - 16.0 - FIXED FIXED - 5 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 80 48 48 48 800 800 48 48 200 200 200 48 48 48 48 128 FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED F - MCCB 16 10.23 - - 1.00 16.0 FIXED FIXED 5 80 FIXED FIXED F F - MCCB MCCB 16 16 10.23 10.23 - - 1.00 1.00 16.0 16.0 FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED 5 5 80 80 FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED F - MCCB 16 10.23 - - 1.00 16.0 FIXED FIXED 5 80 FIXED FIXED F - MCCB 6 0.15 - - 1.00 6.0 FIXED FIXED 5 30 FIXED FIXED F - MCCB 25 36.08 - - 1.00 25 FIXED FIXED 5 125 FIXED FIXED M M F DOL DOL - MCCB MCCB MCCB 32 32 16 26.10 26.10 7.56 28.71 28.71 - 10 10 - 1.00 16 FIXED FIXED 8 8 5 256 256 80 FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED M M DOL DOL MCCB MCCB 6 6 4.89 4.89 5.38 5.38 10 10 - - - - 8 8 48 48 FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED M M DOL DOL MCCB MCCB 6 6 1.06 1.06 1.17 1.17 10 10 - - - - 8 8 48 48 FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED M M DOL DOL MCCB MCCB 6 6 1.06 1.06 1.17 1.17 10 10 - - - - 8 8 48 48 FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED MOV Distribution Panel Unit 1 F - MCCB 120 132.53 - - 1.00 120 FIXED FIXED 5 600 FIXED FIXED GCB LOAD LV Cubicle & Resistor CMK Motor F M DOL MCCB MCCB 25 6 23.85 0.74 0.82 10 1.00 - 25 - FIXED FIXED - 5 8 125 48 FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED COOLING WATER (CW) AND AUXILIARY COOLING WATER (ACW) SYSTEM CWP Unit-1 ACW Booster Pump A ACW Booster Pump B Debris Filter to Condenser and ACW CHEMICAL INJECTION COMMON Phosphate Injection Package Phosphate Injection Pump Unit 1 Phosphate Injection Pump Unit 1 Hydrazine Injection Package Hidrazine Injection Pump Unit 1 Hidrazine Injection Pump Unit 1 Ammonia Injection Package Ammonia Injection Pump Unit 1 Ammonia Injection Pump Unit 1 E 1 2 Hold Hold F 1 2 3 4 11HAC70AA152-M01 11HAH01AA152-M01 11HAH40AA102-M01 11HAH40AA152-M01 STEAM DRUM Water Cooled Hanger Tubes Saturated steam Steam Cooled Convection Cage Steam Cooled Convection Cage M M M M DOL DOL DOL DOL MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB 6 6 6 6 0.24 0.24 0.50 0.24 0.26 0.26 0.55 0.26 10 10 10 10 - - - - 8 8 8 8 48 48 48 48 FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED G 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 11HAH41AA102-M01 11HAH41AA104-M01 11HAH41AA152-M01 11HAH42AA102-M01 11HAH42AA104-M01 11HAH42AA152-M01 11HAH81AA152-M01 11HAH81AA102-M01 SUPERHEATER Convective Superheater I Convective Superheater I Convective Superheater I Convective Superheater II Convective Superheater II Convective Superheater II Intrex Superheater Intrex Superheater M M M M M M M M DOL DOL DOL DOL DOL DOL DOL DOL MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 0.50 0.24 0.24 0.50 0.50 0.24 0.24 0.48 0.55 0.26 0.26 0.55 0.55 0.26 0.26 0.53 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 - - - - 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED Note No Tag No. 9 10 11HAH82AA152-M01 11HAH82AA102-M01 Intrex Superheater Intrex Superheater M M DOL DOL MCCB MCCB CT Rated / MCCB Capacity 6 6 H 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 11HCB01AA101-M01 11HCB10AA101-M01 11HCB10GH001 11HCB10GH002 11HCB10GH003 11HCB10GH004 11HCB10GH005 11HCB10GH006 11HCB20AA101-M01 11HCB20GH001 11HCB20GH002 11HCB20GH003 11HCB20GH004 11HCB20GH005 11HCB20GH006 11HCB20GH007 11HCB20GH008 11HCB20GH009 11HCB20GH010 11HCB20GH011 11HCB20GH012 11HCB20GH013 11HCB20GH014 11HCB20GH015 11HCB20GH016 11HCB20GH017 11HCB20GH018 11HCB20GH019 11HCB20GH020 SOOTBLOWING STEAM Sootblowing steam hp Sootblowing steam, 1 back pass Sootblowing steam, 1 back pass Sootblowing steam, 1 back pass Sootblowing steam, 1 back pass Sootblowing steam, 1 back pass Sootblowing steam, 1 back pass Sootblowing steam, 1 back pass Sootblowing steam, 1 back pass Sootblowing steam, 1 back pass Sootblowing steam, 1 back pass Sootblowing steam, 1 back pass Sootblowing steam, 1 back pass Sootblowing steam, 1 back pass Sootblowing steam, 1 back pass Sootblowing steam, 1 back pass Sootblowing steam, 1 back pass Sootblowing steam, 1 back pass Sootblowing steam, 1 back pass Sootblowing steam, 1 back pass Sootblowing steam, 1 back pass Sootblowing steam, 1 back pass Sootblowing steam, 1 back pass Sootblowing steam, 1 back pass Sootblowing steam, 1 back pass Sootblowing steam, 1 back pass Sootblowing steam, 1 back pass Sootblowing steam, 1 back pass Sootblowing steam, 1 back pass M M F F F F F F M F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F DOL DOL DOL - MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB I 1 2 3 4 11HDA12AF301-M01 11HDA11AF301-M01 11HDA51AF201-M01 11HDA52AF201-M01 BOTOM ASH Bottom ash from Furnace, line 1 Bottom ash from Furnace, line 2 Bottom ash from Furnace Bottom ash from Furnace M M M M VFD VFD VFD VFD J 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11HHE10GH001-E11 11HHE10GH010-E11 11HHE11AF101-M01 11HHE21AF101-M01 11HHE31AF101-M01 11HHE41AF101-M01 11HHE20GH001-E11 11HHE30GH001-E11 11HHE40GH001-E11 11HHH10AN601-M01 FUEL SYSTEM Fuel line 1 (Coal Feeder LCP) Fuel line 1 (Heat Tracing LCP) Fuel feeding line 1 Fuel feeding line 2 Fuel feeding line 3 Fuel feeding line 4 Fuel line 2 (Coal Feeder LCP) Fuel line 3 (Coal Feeder LCP) Fuel line 4 (Coal Feeder LCP) Bed material silo F F M M M M F F F M K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 11HHM01AN401-M01 11HHM01AN601-E11 11HHM02AN401-M01 11HHM02AN601-E11 11HHM03AN401-M01 11HHM03AN601-E11 11HLA11AA701-M01 11HLA12AA701-M01 11HLB11AN101-E11 11HLB12AN101-E11 11HLB21AN101-E11 11HLB22AN101-E11 11HLE11AA701-M01 11HLE12AA701-M01 11HNA61AA701-M01 FAN UNIT HP air fan 1 HP air fan 1 HP air fan 2 HP air fan 2 HP air fan 3 HP air fan 3 Primary air to fan 1 Primary air to fan 2 Primary air fan 1 Primary air fan 2 Secondary air fan 1 Secondary air fan 2 Secondary air to fan 1 Secondary air to fan 2 Flue Gas Duct To/From ID Fan 1 M F M F M F M M F F F F M M M Load Discription Type Starting Type Protection-Type Overload Relay Setting (49) FLA (A) Low Set O/C Relay or Thermal Trip MCCB MF x FLA (A) Class Thermal Set Pick-Up (A) 0.24 0.48 0.26 0.53 10 10 - 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 2.87 0.50 1.51 1.51 1.51 1.51 1.51 1.51 0.50 1.51 1.51 1.51 1.51 1.51 1.51 1.78 1.78 1.78 1.78 1.78 1.78 1.78 1.78 1.78 1.78 1.78 1.78 1.78 1.78 3.15 0.55 0.55 - 10 10 10 - MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB 6 6 6 6 3.42 3.42 3.42 3.42 3.76 3.76 3.76 3.76 FR FR FR FR DOL MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB 6 50 32 32 32 32 6 6 6 6 2.96 32.26 21.45 21.45 21.45 21.45 2.96 2.96 2.96 5.65 DOL DOL DOL DOL DOL DOL DOL DOL MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 1.65 1.81 1.65 1.81 1.65 1.81 0.09 0.09 1.74 1.74 1.74 1.74 0.12 0.12 0.69 High Set O/C Relay or Magnetic Trip MCCB Type TMS Magnetic Set Pick-Up (A) Type Time Delay - - - 8 8 48 48 FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED 8 8 5 5 5 5 5 5 8 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 48 48 30 30 30 30 30 30 48 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED 10 10 10 10 - - - - 3 3 3 3 18 18 18 18 FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED 23.59 23.59 23.59 23.59 6.21 10 10 10 10 10 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 - 6 50 6 6 6 - FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED - FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED - 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 8 30 250 160 160 160 160 30 30 30 48 FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED 1.82 1.82 1.82 0.10 0.10 0.13 0.13 0.76 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 - 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 - FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED - FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED - 8 5 8 5 8 5 8 8 5 5 5 5 8 8 8 48 30 48 30 48 30 48 48 30 30 30 30 48 48 48 FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED Note No Tag No. 16 17 18 19 20 11HNA61AA702-M01 11HNA62AA701-M01 11HNA62AA702-M01 11HNC10AN201-E11 11HNC20AN201-E11 Flue Gas Duct To/From ID Fan 1 Flue Gas Duct To/From ID Fan 2 Flue Gas Duct To/From ID Fan 2 ID Fan 1 ID Fan 2 M M M F F DOL DOL DOL - MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB CT Rated / MCCB Capacity 6 6 6 6 6 L 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11HRB11AF501-M01 11HRB12AF501-M01 11HRC11AN601-M01 11HRC12AN601-M01 11LAB60AA101-M01 11LAB60AA102-M01 11LAB61AA101-M01 11LAB61AA102-M01 11LBA10AA102-M01 LIMESTONE Limestone feeding line 1 Limestone feeding line 2 Limestone feeding fluidization air fan 1 Limestone feeding fluidization air fan 2 Feedwater main valve group area Feedwater main valve group area Feedwater main valve group bypass Feedwater main valve group bypass Main HP steam M M M M M M M M M VFD VFD DOL DOL DOL DOL DOL DOL DOL MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB M 1 Hold COOLING FAN FOR GT-1 Cooling Fan for GT-1 M DOL N 1 Hold AIR COMPRESSOR FOR IPB-1 Air Compressor for IPB M O 1 Hold FEED WATER SYSTEM Debris Filter for BFW F Load Discription Type Starting Type Protection-Type Overload Relay Setting (49) FLA (A) Low Set O/C Relay or Thermal Trip MCCB MF x FLA (A) Class Thermal Set Pick-Up (A) Type 0.69 0.69 0.69 1.74 1.74 0.76 0.76 0.76 - 10 10 10 - 1.00 1.00 6 6 6 6 80 80 16 16 16 16 6 1.31 1.31 53.51 53.51 11.36 11.36 11.36 11.36 0.71 1.44 1.44 58.86 58.86 12.49 12.49 12.49 12.49 0.78 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 - - - MCCB 6 2.15 2.37 10 - - DOL MCCB 6 1.08 1.18 10 - - - MCCB 6 14.88 - - 1.00 6 TMS High Set O/C Relay or Magnetic Trip MCCB Type Time Delay 8 8 8 5 5 48 48 48 30 30 FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED - 3 3 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 18 18 640 640 128 128 128 128 48 FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED - - 8 48 FIXED FIXED - - 8 48 FIXED FIXED 5 30 FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED Magnetic Set Pick-Up (A) Note Tabel B.10 Overcurrent Setting Outgoing 0.4 kV MCC Unit 2 No A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Tag No. STEAM TRUBINE PACKAGE Steam Turbine Unit 2 12PAH20GH001 Condenser Cleaning System 12PAH10AT010-M01 Actuator Screen 12LCM21AP110-M01 Drains Condensate Pump 1 Motor 12LCM22AP110-M01 Drains Condensate Pump 2 Motor 12MAJ51AP110-M01 Vacuum Pump 1 Motor 12MAJ52AP110-M01 Vacuum Pump 2 Motor 12MAM65AN110-M01 Waste Steam Condenser Suction Fan 1 Motor 12MAM65AN120-M01 Waste Steam Condenser Suction Fan 2 Motor 12MAX10AH110 Control Oil Tank Heating 12MAX21AP110-M01 Control Oil Pump 1 Motor 12MAX22AP110-M01 Control Oil Pump 2 Motor 12MAX51AN110-M01 Control Oil Cooler Fan 1 Motor 12MAX51AP110-M01 Control Oil Cooler Pump 1 Motor 12MAX52AN110-M01 Control Oil Cooler Fan 2 Motor 12MAX52AP110-M01 Control Oil Cooler Pump 2 Motor 11PUE10AP110-M01 Vacuum Pump Water Box Condenser Motor Turbine Subdistrib. 220V DC, Socket Outlet, 12BUC10 Lighting 12CHA10 Generator Protection, Socket Outlet, Lighting 12CJJ10 Central I&C Cabinet, Socket Outlet, Lighting Automatic Voltage Regulation, Socket Outlet, 12CJN10 Lighting 12MKA10GA050 IRIS FLUX TRAC II-R and exciter hood lighting B 1 2 3 Load Discription 12PAC21AP101-M01 12PAC22AP101-M01 12PAC21AT001 C 1 2 12QCC11AP001-M01 12QCC12AP001-M01 3 4 12QCA11AP001-M01 12QCA12AP001-M01 5 6 12QCD11AP001-M01 12QCD12AP001-M01 D Type Starting Type Protection-Type CT Rated / MCCB Capacity Overload Relay Setting (49) FLA (A) MF x FLA (A) Class Low Set O/C Relay or Thermal Trip MCCB Thermal Set Pick-Up (A) Type TMS High Set O/C Relay or Magnetic Trip MCCB Magnetic Set Pick-Up (A) Type Time Delay ` F M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M DOL DOL DOL DOL DOL DOL DOL DOL DOL DOL DOL DOL DOL DOL DOL MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB 16 6 6 6 100 100 6 6 25 25 25 6 6 6 6 16 12.00 1.60 4.41 4.41 81.55 81.55 2.26 2.26 10.83 14.26 14.26 0.99 3.17 0.99 3.17 5.65 1.76 4.85 4.85 89.71 89.71 2.48 2.48 11.91 15.68 15.68 1.09 3.49 1.09 3.49 6.21 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 1.00 - 16.0 - FIXED FIXED - 5 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 80 48 48 48 800 800 48 48 200 200 200 48 48 48 48 128 FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED F - MCCB 16 10.23 - - 1.00 16.0 FIXED FIXED 5 80 FIXED FIXED F F - MCCB MCCB 16 16 10.23 10.23 - - 1.00 1.00 16.0 16.0 FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED 5 5 80 80 FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED F - MCCB 16 10.23 - - 1.00 16.0 FIXED FIXED 5 80 FIXED FIXED F - MCCB 6 0.15 - - 1.00 6.0 FIXED FIXED 5 30 FIXED FIXED F - MCCB 25 36.08 - - 1.00 25 FIXED FIXED 5 125 FIXED FIXED M M F DOL DOL - MCCB MCCB MCCB 32 32 16 26.10 26.10 7.56 28.71 28.71 - 10 10 - 1.00 16 FIXED FIXED 8 8 5 256 256 80 FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED M M DOL DOL MCCB MCCB 6 6 4.89 4.89 5.38 5.38 10 10 - - - - 8 8 48 48 FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED M M DOL DOL MCCB MCCB 6 6 1.06 1.06 1.17 1.17 10 10 - - - - 8 8 48 48 FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED M M DOL DOL MCCB MCCB 6 6 1.06 1.06 1.17 1.17 10 10 - - - - 8 8 48 48 FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED MOV Distribution Panel Unit 2 F - MCCB 120 132.53 - - 1.00 120 FIXED FIXED 5 600 FIXED FIXED GCB LOAD LV Cubicle & Resistor CMK Motor F M DOL MCCB MCCB 25 6 23.85 0.74 0.82 10 1.00 - 25 - FIXED FIXED - 5 8 125 48 FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED COOLING WATER (CW) AND AUXILIARY COOLING WATER (ACW) SYSTEM CWP Unit-2 ACW Booster Pump A ACW Booster Pump B Debris Filter to Condenser and ACW CHEMICAL INJECTION COMMON Phosphate Injection Package Phosphate Injection Pump Unit 2 Phosphate Injection Pump Unit 2 Hydrazine Injection Package Hidrazine Injection Pump Unit 2 Hidrazine Injection Pump Unit 2 Ammonia Injection Package Hidrazine Injection Pump Unit 2 Hidrazine Injection Pump Unit 2 E 1 2 Hold Hold F 1 2 3 4 12HAC70AA152-M01 12HAH01AA152-M01 12HAH40AA102-M01 12HAH40AA152-M01 STEAM DRUM Water Cooled Hanger Tubes Saturated steam Steam Cooled Convection Cage Steam Cooled Convection Cage M M M M DOL DOL DOL DOL MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB 6 6 6 6 0.24 0.24 0.50 0.24 0.26 0.26 0.55 0.26 10 10 10 10 - - - - 8 8 8 8 48 48 48 48 FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED G 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 12HAH41AA102-M01 12HAH41AA104-M01 12HAH41AA152-M01 12HAH42AA102-M01 12HAH42AA104-M01 12HAH42AA152-M01 12HAH81AA152-M01 12HAH81AA102-M01 SUPERHEATER Convective Superheater I Convective Superheater I Convective Superheater I Convective Superheater II Convective Superheater II Convective Superheater II Intrex Superheater Intrex Superheater M M M M M M M M DOL DOL DOL DOL DOL DOL DOL DOL MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 0.50 0.24 0.24 0.50 0.50 0.24 0.24 0.48 0.55 0.26 0.26 0.55 0.55 0.26 0.26 0.53 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 - - - - 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED Note No Tag No. 9 10 12HAH82AA152-M01 12HAH82AA102-M01 Intrex Superheater Intrex Superheater M M DOL DOL MCCB MCCB CT Rated / MCCB Capacity 6 6 H 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 12HCB01AA101-M01 12HCB10AA101-M01 12HCB10GH001 12HCB10GH002 12HCB10GH003 12HCB10GH004 12HCB10GH005 12HCB10GH006 12HCB20AA101-M01 12HCB20GH001 12HCB20GH002 12HCB20GH003 12HCB20GH004 12HCB20GH005 12HCB20GH006 12HCB20GH007 12HCB20GH008 12HCB20GH009 12HCB20GH010 12HCB20GH011 12HCB20GH012 12HCB20GH013 12HCB20GH014 12HCB20GH015 12HCB20GH016 12HCB20GH017 12HCB20GH018 12HCB20GH019 12HCB20GH020 SOOTBLOWING STEAM Sootblowing steam hp Sootblowing steam, 1 back pass Sootblowing steam, 1 back pass Sootblowing steam, 1 back pass Sootblowing steam, 1 back pass Sootblowing steam, 1 back pass Sootblowing steam, 1 back pass Sootblowing steam, 1 back pass Sootblowing steam, 1 back pass Sootblowing steam, 1 back pass Sootblowing steam, 1 back pass Sootblowing steam, 1 back pass Sootblowing steam, 1 back pass Sootblowing steam, 1 back pass Sootblowing steam, 1 back pass Sootblowing steam, 1 back pass Sootblowing steam, 1 back pass Sootblowing steam, 1 back pass Sootblowing steam, 1 back pass Sootblowing steam, 1 back pass Sootblowing steam, 1 back pass Sootblowing steam, 1 back pass Sootblowing steam, 1 back pass Sootblowing steam, 1 back pass Sootblowing steam, 1 back pass Sootblowing steam, 1 back pass Sootblowing steam, 1 back pass Sootblowing steam, 1 back pass Sootblowing steam, 1 back pass M M F F F F F F M F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F DOL DOL DOL - MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB I 1 2 3 4 12HDA12AF301-M01 12HDA11AF301-M01 12HDA51AF201-M01 12HDA52AF201-M01 BOTOM ASH Bottom ash from Furnace, line 1 Bottom ash from Furnace, line 2 Bottom ash from Furnace Bottom ash from Furnace M M M M VFD VFD VFD VFD J 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12HHE10GH001-E11 12HHE10GH010-E11 12HHE11AF101-M01 12HHE21AF101-M01 12HHE31AF101-M01 12HHE41AF101-M01 12HHE20GH001-E11 12HHE30GH001-E11 12HHE40GH001-E11 12HHH10AN601-M01 FUEL SYSTEM Fuel line 1 (Coal Feeder LCP) Fuel line 1 (Heat Tracing LCP) Fuel feeding line 1 Fuel feeding line 2 Fuel feeding line 3 Fuel feeding line 4 Fuel line 2 (Coal Feeder LCP) Fuel line 3 (Coal Feeder LCP) Fuel line 4 (Coal Feeder LCP) Bed material silo F F M M M M F F F M K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 12HHM01AN401-M01 12HHM01AN601-E11 12HHM02AN401-M01 12HHM02AN601-E11 12HHM03AN401-M01 12HHM03AN601-E11 12HLA11AA701-M01 12HLA12AA701-M01 12HLB11AN101-E11 12HLB12AN101-E11 12HLB21AN101-E11 12HLB22AN101-E11 12HLE11AA701-M01 12HLE12AA701-M01 12HNA61AA701-M01 FAN UNIT HP air fan 1 HP air fan 1 HP air fan 2 HP air fan 2 HP air fan 3 HP air fan 3 Primary air to fan 1 Primary air to fan 2 Primary air fan 1 Primary air fan 2 Secondary air fan 1 Secondary air fan 2 Secondary air to fan 1 Secondary air to fan 2 Flue Gas Duct To/From ID Fan 1 M F M F M F M M F F F F M M M Load Discription Type Starting Type Protection-Type Overload Relay Setting (49) FLA (A) Low Set O/C Relay or Thermal Trip MCCB MF x FLA (A) Class Thermal Set Pick-Up (A) 0.24 0.48 0.26 0.53 10 10 - 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 2.87 0.50 1.51 1.51 1.51 1.51 1.51 1.51 0.50 1.51 1.51 1.51 1.51 1.51 1.51 1.78 1.78 1.78 1.78 1.78 1.78 1.78 1.78 1.78 1.78 1.78 1.78 1.78 1.78 3.15 0.55 0.55 - 10 10 10 - MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB 6 6 6 6 3.42 3.42 3.42 3.42 3.76 3.76 3.76 3.76 FR FR FR FR DOL MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB 6 50 32 32 32 32 6 6 6 6 2.96 32.26 21.45 21.45 21.45 21.45 2.96 2.96 2.96 5.65 DOL DOL DOL DOL DOL DOL DOL DOL MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 1.65 1.81 1.65 1.81 1.65 1.81 0.09 0.09 1.74 1.74 1.74 1.74 0.12 0.12 0.69 High Set O/C Relay or Magnetic Trip MCCB Type TMS Magnetic Set Pick-Up (A) Type Time Delay - - - 8 8 48 48 FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED 8 8 5 5 5 5 5 5 8 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 48 48 30 30 30 30 30 30 48 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED 10 10 10 10 - - - - 3 3 3 3 18 18 18 18 FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED 23.59 23.59 23.59 23.59 6.21 10 10 10 10 10 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 - 6 50 6 6 6 - FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED - FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED - 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 8 30 250 160 160 160 160 30 30 30 48 FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED 1.82 1.82 1.82 0.10 0.10 0.13 0.13 0.76 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 - 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 - FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED - FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED - 8 5 8 5 8 5 8 8 5 5 5 5 8 8 8 48 30 48 30 48 30 48 48 30 30 30 30 48 48 48 FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED Note No Tag No. 16 17 18 19 20 12HNA61AA702-M01 12HNA62AA701-M01 12HNA62AA702-M01 12HNC10AN201-E11 12HNC20AN201-E11 Flue Gas Duct To/From ID Fan 1 Flue Gas Duct To/From ID Fan 2 Flue Gas Duct To/From ID Fan 2 ID Fan 1 ID Fan 2 M M M F F DOL DOL DOL - MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB CT Rated / MCCB Capacity 6 6 6 6 6 L 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 12HRB11AF501-M01 12HRB12AF501-M01 12HRC11AN601-M01 12HRC12AN601-M01 12LAB60AA101-M01 12LAB60AA102-M01 12LAB61AA101-M01 12LAB61AA102-M01 12LBA10AA102-M01 LIMESTONE Limestone feeding line 1 Limestone feeding line 2 Limestone feeding fluidization air fan 1 Limestone feeding fluidization air fan 2 Feedwater main valve group area Feedwater main valve group area Feedwater main valve group bypass Feedwater main valve group bypass Main HP steam M M M M M M M M M VFD VFD DOL DOL DOL DOL DOL DOL DOL MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB M 1 Hold COOLING FAN FOR GT-1 Cooling Fan for GT-1 M DOL N 1 Hold AIR COMPRESSOR FOR IPB-1 Air Compressor for IPB M O 1 Hold FEED WATER SYSTEM Debris Filter for BFW F Load Discription Type Starting Type Protection-Type Overload Relay Setting (49) FLA (A) Low Set O/C Relay or Thermal Trip MCCB MF x FLA (A) Class Thermal Set Pick-Up (A) Type 0.69 0.69 0.69 1.74 1.74 0.76 0.76 0.76 - 10 10 10 - 1.00 1.00 6 6 6 6 80 80 16 16 16 16 6 1.31 1.31 53.51 53.51 11.36 11.36 11.36 11.36 0.71 1.44 1.44 58.86 58.86 12.49 12.49 12.49 12.49 0.78 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 - - - MCCB 6 2.15 2.37 10 - - DOL MCCB 6 1.08 1.18 10 - - - MCCB 6 14.88 - - 1.00 6 TMS High Set O/C Relay or Magnetic Trip MCCB Type Time Delay 8 8 8 5 5 48 48 48 30 30 FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED - 3 3 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 18 18 640 640 128 128 128 128 48 FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED - - 8 48 FIXED FIXED - - 8 48 FIXED FIXED 5 30 FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED Magnetic Set Pick-Up (A) Note Tabel B.11 Overcurrent Setting Outgoing 0.4 kV MCC 12 No Tag No. A 1 10EMK20AF001 2 10EMK20AT001 3 10ETD10GH601 B 1 2 3 4 5 6 10HRA11AP701-M01 10HRA11AP701 10HRA12AP701-M01 10HRA12AP701 10HRA13AP701-M01 10HRA13AP701 C 1 2 10QEA91AT001 10QEA92AT001 D Load Discription BOILER Limestone Handling System Big Bag Pneumatic Panel Limestone Silo Limestone Silo Vent Filter PLC PANEL & HMI SYSTEM FOR LIMESTONE FEED SYSTEM CT Rated / MCCB Capacity FLA (A) Overload Relay Setting (49) MF x FLA (A) Class Low Set O/C Relay or Thermal Trip MCCB Thermal Set Pick-Up (A) Type TMS High Set O/C Relay or Magnetic Trip MCCB Magnetic Set Pick-Up (A) Type Time Delay - MCCB MCCB MCCB 6 6 6 1.80 7.25 1.44 - - 1.00 1.00 1.00 6.0 6.0 6.0 FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED 5 5 5 30 30 30 FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED SNCR Ammonia Supply Pump-1 Ammonia Pump-1 Stroke Adjustment Ammonia Supply Pump-2 Ammonia Pump-2Stroke Adjustment Ammonia Supply Pump-3 Ammonia Pump-3Stroke Adjustment M F M F M F DOL DOL DOL - MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB 6 6 6 6 6 6 1.83 0.22 1.83 0.22 1.83 0.04 2.01 2.01 2.01 - 10 10 10 - 1.00 1.00 1.00 6.0 6.0 6.0 FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED 8 5 8 5 8 5 48 30 48 30 48 30 FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED COMPRESSED AIR SYSTEM Air dryer #1 Air dryer #2 F F - MCCB MCCB 16 16 16.95 16.95 - - 1.00 1.00 16.0 16.0 FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED 5 5 80 80 FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED M F DOL - MCCB MCCB 6 16 4.85 17.39 5.33 - 10 - 1.00 16.0 FIXED FIXED 8 5 48 80 FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED M DOL MCCB 10 4.85 5.33 10 - - - - 8 80 FIXED FIXED M DOL MCCB 10 4.85 5.33 10 - - - - 8 80 FIXED FIXED M M M M F DOL DOL DOL DOL - MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB 50 50 10 10 10 36.44 36.44 7.32 7.32 31.06 40.08 40.08 8.06 8.06 - 10 10 10 10 - 1.00 10.0 FIXED FIXED 8 8 8 8 5 400 400 80 80 50 FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED F F - MCCB MCCB 50 125 36.08 134.03 - - 1.00 1.00 50.0 125.0 FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED 5 5 250 625 FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED F - MCCB 32 24.06 - - 1.00 32.0 FIXED FIXED 5 160 FIXED FIXED F - MCCB 32 24.06 - - 1.00 32.0 FIXED FIXED 5 160 FIXED FIXED F F F F - MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB 50 50 40 16 15.46 28.87 18.76 10.10 - - 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 50.0 50.0 40.0 16.0 FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED 5 5 5 5 250 250 200 80 FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED 5 5 5 30 30 30 FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 128 128 48 48 128 128 48 48 48 48 48 FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED 3 E 1 2 3 4 5 10EGC11AP501-M01 10EGC12AP501-M01 10EGC11AP502-M01 10EGC12AP502-M01 10EGC10AP501 F 1 2 LMS-OHC-01 STG-OHC-01 3 SF-MH-01 2 Starting Type Protection-Type F F F CHEMICAL INJECTION COMMON Phosphate Injection Package 10QCC10AM001-M01 Agitator Phosphate Tank 10QCA10GH201 LCP Injection Package Hydrazine Injection Package 10QCA10AM001-M01 Agitator for Oxygen Scavenger Tank Ammonia Injection Package 10QCD10AM001-M01 Agitator for Ammonia Tank 1 1 Type FUEL OIL SYSTEM Fuel Oil Supply Pump A Fuel Oil Supply Pump B Fuel Oil Unloading Pump A Fuel Oil Unloading Pump B Fuel Oil Dispenser OVERHEAD CRANE LIMESTONE BUILDING OVERHEAD CRANE FOR STG Hoist for Sand Feeding/ Bed Material Filling 1 Hoist for Sand Feeding/ Bed Material Filling 2 JB for Exhaust Fan Ash Compressor Building OVERHEAD CRANE FOR CWP OVERHEAD CRANE FOR CWP PIT OVERHEAD CRANE FOR WORKSHOP 4 SF-MH-02 5 6 7 8 JB-ASH-EF-01 Hold Hold Hold G 1 2 3 11LBG20AA101 10GHC21AA101 10GHC22AA101 MOV Aux Steam Header (Unit #1) To (Unit #2) Demin Water Distribution to CCW Expansion Tank Demin Water Distribution to CCW Expansion Tank F F F - MCCB MCCB MCCB 6 6 6 0.68 0.78 0.78 - - 1.00 1.00 1.00 6.0 6.0 6.0 H 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Hold 10GUC40AP401 10GUC40AP402 10GUC30AP401 10GUC30AP402 10GMC11AP401 10GMC11AP402 10GMC13AP401 10GMC13AP402 10GMC15AP401 10GMC15AP402 10GMC17AP401 Collecting Pit/Pump Ash Run Of Pump A Ash Run Of Pump B Coal Run Off Pump A Coal Run Off Pump B Chem. Cleaning Pump A Chem. Cleaning Pump B Chem. Waste Water Pump 1 A Chem. Waste Water Pump 1 B Chem. Waste Water Pump 2 A Chem. Waste Water Pump 2 B Chem. Waste Water Pump 3 A M M M M M M M M M M M DOL DOL DOL DOL DOL DOL DOL DOL DOL DOL DOL MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB 16 16 6 6 16 16 6 6 6 6 6 4.62 4.62 1.15 1.15 2.60 2.60 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 5.08 5.08 1.27 1.27 2.86 2.86 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 - - - - Note No Tag No. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 10GMC17AP402 10GMC19AP401 10GMC19AP402 10GMC22AP401 10GMC22AP402 10GMC24AP401 10GMC24AP402 10GMC26AP401 10GMC26AP402 Hold Hold Hold Hold I 10GCK20AP303-M01 J 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1100NLP001 1130NLP001 1040NLP001 1150NLP001 1070NLP001 119NLP001 1170NLP001 1090NLP001 1000LP001 1000LP002 1010NLP001 1240NLP001 Chem. Waste Water Pump 3 B Chem. Waste Water Pump 4 A Chem. Waste Water Pump 4 B Chem. Waste Water Pump 5 A Chem. Waste Water Pump 5 B Chem. Waste Water Pump 6 A Chem. Waste Water Pump 6 B Oily Waste Pump 1 A Oily Waste Pump 1 B Oily Waste Pump 2 A Oily Waste Pump 2 B Oily Waste Pump 3 A Oily Waste Pump 3 B M M M M M M M M M M M M M DOL DOL DOL DOL DOL DOL DOL DOL DOL DOL DOL DOL DOL MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB CT Rated / MCCB Capacity 6 6 6 16 16 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Demin Start-up Pump Demin Start-up Pump M DOL MCCB 80 78.02 85.82 10 - - - - 8 640 FIXED FIXED LIGHTING, RECEPTACLE & HVAC FOR BUILDING LIMESTONE BOILER AIR COMP RWT & DEMIN PUMP HOUSE MOSQUE ADMIN BUILDING HSD TANK CANTEEN STREET LIGHTING STREET LIGHTING TURBINE HOUSE POWER BLOCK F F F F F F F F F F F F - MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB 10 40 16 25 63 100 25 100 25 25 50 100 8.66 36.08 4.33 21.65 43.30 72.17 18.76 50.52 10.10 8.66 28.87 72.17 - - 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 10.0 40.0 16.0 25.0 63.0 100.0 25.0 100.0 25.0 25.0 50.0 100.0 FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 50 200 80 125 315 500 125 500 125 125 250 500 FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED Load Discription Type Starting Type Protection-Type Overload Relay Setting (49) FLA (A) Low Set O/C Relay or Thermal Trip MCCB MF x FLA (A) Class Thermal Set Pick-Up (A) 0.09 0.09 0.09 2.09 2.09 1.59 1.59 1.59 1.59 1.59 1.59 1.59 1.59 0.30 0.30 0.30 2.30 2.30 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 - High Set O/C Relay or Magnetic Trip MCCB Type TMS Magnetic Set Pick-Up (A) Type Time Delay - - - 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 48 48 48 128 128 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED Note Tabel B.12 Overcurrent Setting Outgoing 0.4 kV MCC CH Load Discription Type CT Rated / MCCB Capacity FLA (A) MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB 63 12 12 10 10 50 6 6 250 DOL DOL MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB DOL No Tag No. Starting Type Protection-Type A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10EAC13AF101 10EAC14AF101 10EAU13AF101 10EAU14AF101 10EAC13AT101 10EAC14AT101 10EAN13AT101 10EAY13AA101 10EBM01KT101 COAL HANDLING SYSTEM Belt Conveyor BC-01A Belt Conveyor BC-01B Coal Sampler CS-01A Coal Sampler CS-01B Magnetic Separator MS-01A Magnetic Separator MS-01B Dust Collector DC-01 Dust Suppresion TT01 Vacuum System (VS-01) M M F F F F F F F DOL DOL 10 11 12 13 14 15 10EAC11AF101 10EAC12AF101 10EAC11AA101 10EAN11AT101 10EAY11AA101 10EBM02KT101 Belt Conveyor BC-02A Belt Conveyor BC-02B Discharge Gate DG-01 Dust Collector DC-02 Dust Suppresion TT02 Vacuum System VS-02 M M F F F F 16 17 18 10EAC20AF101 10EBA20AJ101 10EAC10AJ101 Emergency Stacking Conveyor BC-03 Telescopic Chute TC-01 TT02-Yard Conveyor BC-04 M F M 19 20 21 22 23 24 10EAA20FY101 10EBA20AJ101 10EAC10AA101 10EAC10AA102 10EAN10AT101 10EAY10AA101 On Ground Feeder OGF-01 Emergency Reclaim Conveyor BC-05 Discharge Gate DG-02 Discharge Gate DG-03 Dust Collector DC-03 Dust Suppresion TT03 F M F F F F DOL DOL Overload Relay Setting (49) Low Set O/C Relay or Thermal Trip MCCB MF x FLA (A) Class Thermal Set Pick-Up (A) 45.32 45.32 11.52 11.52 23.08 23.08 29.37 0.63 8.39 49.85 49.85 - 10 10 - 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 250 6 50 6 12 100 198.71 198.71 1.90 29.37 0.63 8.39 218.58 218.58 - 10 10 - MCCB MCCB MCCB 16 320 16 71.12 11.25 198.71 78.24 218.58 MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB 50 6 6 50 6 6 71.67 22.80 3.79 3.79 20.98 0.63 25.08 - High Set O/C Relay or Magnetic Trip MCCB Type TMS Type Time Delay 12.0 10.0 10.0 50.0 6.0 6.0 250.0 FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED 8 8 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 504 96 60 50 50 250 30 30 1250 FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 50.0 6.0 12.0 100.0 FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED 8 8 5 5 5 5 2000 48 250 30 60 500 FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED 10 10 1.00 - 320.0 - FIXED FIXED - 8 5 8 128 1600 128 FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED 10 - 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 50.0 6.0 50.0 6.0 6.0 FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED 5 8 5 5 5 5 250 48 30 250 30 30 FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED Magnetic Set Pick-Up (A) Note MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB 63 10 10 6 6 63 63 50 10 50 45.32 45.32 10.49 10.49 0.63 0.63 64.40 64.40 20.98 6.29 49.85 49.85 - 10 10 - 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 10.0 6.0 6.0 63.0 63.0 50.0 10.0 50.0 FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED 8 8 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 504 80 50 30 30 315 315 250 50 250 FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED F MCCB 12 6.29 - - 1.00 12.0 FIXED FIXED 5 60 FIXED FIXED F F MCCB MCCB 6 100 8.39 8.39 - - 1.00 1.00 6.0 100.0 FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED 5 5 30 500 FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED DOL DOL MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB 100 50 6 10 50 58.40 58.40 20.98 2.90 8.39 64.24 64.24 - 10 10 - 1.00 1.00 1.00 6.0 10.0 50.0 FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED 8 8 5 5 5 800 400 30 50 250 FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED DOL DOL MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB 50 16 16 6 6 6 6 6 6 50 6 6 6 22.80 22.80 11.52 11.52 2.27 2.27 2.27 2.27 2.27 2.27 29.37 8.39 8.39 25.08 25.08 - 10 10 - 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 16.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 50.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED 8 8 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 400 128 80 30 30 30 30 30 30 250 30 30 30 FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED F MCCB 200 251.75 - - 1.00 200.0 FIXED FIXED 5 1000 FIXED FIXED F F F F F F F F MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB 16 16 16 100 50 50 50 200 10.10 7.22 14.43 72.17 31.75 34.64 38.97 151.55 - - 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 16.0 16.0 16.0 100.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 200.0 FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 80 80 80 500 250 250 250 1000 FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED Tag No. 25 10EBM03KT101 Vacuum System VS-03 F 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 10EBA11AF101 10EBA12AF101 10EAC11AT101 10EAC12AT101 10EAC13CU101 10EAC14CU101 10EBA11AJ101 10EBA12AJ101 10EAN11AT102 10EAY11AA102 M M F F F F F F F F 36 10EAY11AA103 37 38 10EBM04KT101 10EBM04KT102 Belt Conveyor BC-06A Belt Conveyor BC-06B Magnetic Separator MS-02A Magnetic Separator MS-02B Metal detector MD-01A Metal detector MD-01B Crusher CR-01A Crusher CR-01B Dust Collector DC-04 Dust Suppresion Crusher House Dust Suppression System Conveyor Crusher House (Wetting Agent) Vacuum System VS-04A Vacuum System VS-04B 39 40 41 42 43 10EBA19AF101 10EBA20AF101 10EAN19AT101 10EAY19AA101 10EBM05KT101 Belt Conveyor BC-07A Belt Conveyor BC-07B Dust Collector DC-05 Dust Suppresion TT04 Vacuum System VS-05 M M F F F 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 10EBA21AF101 10EBA22AF101 10EAU19AF101 10EAU20AF101 10EAC22AA101 10EAC22AA102 10EAC22AA103 10EAC21AA101 10EAC21AA102 10EAC21AA103 10EAN21AT101 10EBM06KT101 10EBM06KT102 Belt Conveyor BC-08A Belt Conveyor BC-08B Coal Sampler CS-02A Coal Sampler CS-02B V-Plough Scrapper PS-01A V-Plough Scrapper PS-02A V-Plough Scrapper PS-03A V-Plough Scrapper PS-01B V-Plough Scrapper PS-02B V-Plough Scrapper PS-03B Dust Collector DC-06 Vacuum System VS-06A Vacuum System VS-06B M M F F F F F F F F F F F B 1 Hold Barge Moving System Barge Moving Panel LIGHTING, RECEPTACLE & HVAC FOR BUILDING GARAGE COAL HANDLING B3 & CHEMICAL STORAGE COAL YARD TRANSFER TOWER & BELT CON 1 TRANSFER TOWER & BELT CON 2 JETTY WORKSHOP & WAREHOUSE C 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1080MCC0001 1070NLP002 1160NLP001 1060NLP001 100NLP001 100NLP002 1110NLP001 1180NLP001 Load Discription CT Rated / MCCB Capacity 63 No Type Starting Type Protection-Type DOL DOL Overload Relay Setting (49) FLA (A) Low Set O/C Relay or Thermal Trip MCCB Thermal Set Pick-Up (A) Type TMS High Set O/C Relay or Magnetic Trip MCCB MF x FLA (A) Class Type Time Delay 8.39 - - 1.00 63.0 FIXED FIXED 5 315 FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED Magnetic Set Pick-Up (A) Note Tabel B.13 Overcurrent Setting Outgoing 0.4 kV MCC ESP Unit 1 No Tag No. A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11HDE15GH001 11HDE15GH002 11HDE15GH003 11HDE15GH004 11HDE15GH005 11HDE12AN001 11HDE12AH001 11HDE13GH001 11HDE13GH002 11HDE13GH003 Load Discription Electrostatic Precipitator (ESP) Unit-1 Trans Rect Control Cabinet A Trans Rect Control Cabinet B Trans Rect Control Cabinet C Trans Rect Control Cabinet D Purge Air Blower Purge Air Heater Hopper Heater Power Distribution Panel 1 Hopper Heater Power Distribution Panel 2 Hopper Heater Power Distribution Panel 3 Type F F F F M M M M M Starting Type Protection-Type DOL DOL DOL DOL DOL MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB CT Rated / MCCB Capacity FLA (A) Overload Relay Setting (49) 320 320 320 320 16 160 16 16 16 278.64 278.64 278.64 278.64 10.86 69.28 6.50 6.50 6.50 MF x FLA (A) Class 11.95 76.21 7.14 7.14 7.14 10 10 10 10 10 Low Set O/C Relay or Thermal Trip MCCB Thermal Set Pick-Up (A) 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 - 320.0 320.0 320.0 320.0 - Type TMS FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED - FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED - High Set O/C Relay or Magnetic Trip MCCB Magnetic Set Pick-Up (A) 5 5 5 5 8 8 8 8 8 1600 1600 1600 1600 128 1280 128 128 128 Type Time Delay FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED Note No Tag No. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 11HDE13GH004 11HDE13GH005 11HDE13GH006 11HDE13GH007 11HDE13GH008 11HDE15GH006 11HDE11AE001 11HDE13CY001 11HDE13CY002 11HDE13CY003 11HDE13CY004 11HDE13CY005 11HDE13CY006 11HDE13CY007 11HDE13CY008 11HDE13CY009 11HDE15GH007 11HDE13GH103 B 1 11ETD10GH602 2 3 4 5 11ETD10AF101A 11ETD10AF101B 11ETD10AF102A 11ETD10AF102B 6 7 11ETB10AT101 11HSP03GH601 8 11ETG10GH601 9 11ETG10AF101 10 11ETH10AT101 11 11ETG10GH602 12 11HSP01GH601 13 11ETD10GH601 C 1 1210NLP001 Load Discription Hopper Heater Power Distribution Panel 4 Hopper Heater Power Distribution Panel 5 Hopper Heater Power Distribution Panel 6 Hopper Heater Power Distribution Panel 7 Hopper Heater Power Distribution Panel 8 Rapper Control Panel Electric Hoist Hopper Vibrator 1 Hopper Vibrator 2 Hopper Vibrator 3 Hopper Vibrator 4 Hopper Vibrator 5 Hopper Vibrator 6 Hopper Vibrator 7 Hopper Vibrator 8 Hopper Vibrator 9 Auxiliary Power for PLC Panel Auxiliary Power for Level Switch Local Box Ash Handling System Unit-1 Bottom Ash Handling System LOCAL CONTROL PANEL FOR BOTTOM ASH HANDLING SYSTEM Drag Chain Conveyor A Drag Chain Conveyor B Vibrating Screen-A Vibrating Screen-B Bottom Ash Silo System Bottom Ash Silo Vent Filter Bottom Ash Silo Hopper Heater Fly Ash Handling System LOCAL CONTROL PANEL FOR FLY ASH HANDLING SYSTEM Rotary Feeder for Fly Ash Outlet Fly Ash Silo System Fly Ash Silo Vent Filter UPS Power Disturibution Panel for Fly Ash Handling System Fly Ash Silo Hopper Heater Ash Handling Control System PLC Panel for Bottom & Fly Ash Handling System LIGHTING, RECEPTACLE & HVAC FOR BUILDING ESP BUILDING MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB CT Rated / MCCB Capacity 16 16 16 16 16 16 25 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 MCCB 16 7.09 - - 1.00 16.0 MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB 16 16 6 6 14.18 14.18 1.93 1.93 15.59 15.59 2.13 2.13 10 10 10 10 - - MCCB MCCB 16 25 7.25 21.65 - - 1.00 1.00 16.0 25.0 MCCB 16 7.82 - - 1.00 16.0 MCCB 16 8.90 9.79 10 - - F MCCB 16 7.25 - - 1.00 16.0 F MCCB 16 10.87 - - 1.00 16.0 F MCCB 32 21.65 - - 1.00 F MCCB 16 6.52 - - F MCCB 125 72.17 - - Type M M M M M F F M M M M M M M M M F F Starting Type Protection-Type DOL DOL DOL DOL DOL DOL DOL DOL DOL DOL DOL DOL DOL DOL F M M M M DOL DOL DOL DOL F F F M DOL Overload Relay Setting (49) FLA (A) 6.50 6.50 6.50 6.50 6.50 6.93 15.31 0.77 0.77 0.77 0.77 0.77 0.77 0.77 0.77 0.77 13.31 6.65 Low Set O/C Relay or Thermal Trip MCCB MF x FLA (A) Class Thermal Set Pick-Up (A) 7.14 7.14 7.14 7.14 7.14 0.84 0.84 0.84 0.84 0.84 0.84 0.84 0.84 0.84 - 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 - 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 High Set O/C Relay or Magnetic Trip MCCB Type TMS 16.0 25.0 6.0 6.0 FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED 8 8 8 8 8 5 5 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 5 5 Type Time Delay 128 128 128 128 128 80 125 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 30 30 FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED 5 80 FIXED FIXED 8 8 8 8 128 128 48 48 FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED 5 5 80 125 FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED 5 80 FIXED FIXED 8 128 FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED 5 80 FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED 5 80 FIXED FIXED 32.0 FIXED FIXED 5 160 FIXED FIXED 1.00 16.0 FIXED FIXED 5 80 FIXED FIXED 1.00 125.0 FIXED FIXED 5 625 FIXED FIXED - - - - Magnetic Set Pick-Up (A) Note Tabel B.14 Overcurrent Setting Outgoing 0.4 kV MCC ESP Unit 2 No Tag No. A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 12HDE15GH001 12HDE15GH002 12HDE15GH003 12HDE15GH004 12HDE15GH005 12HDE12AN001 12HDE12AH001 12HDE13GH001 12HDE13GH002 12HDE13GH003 12HDE13GH004 12HDE13GH005 12HDE13GH006 12HDE13GH007 12HDE13GH008 12HDE15GH006 12HDE11AE001 12HDE13CY001 12HDE13CY002 12HDE13CY003 12HDE13CY004 12HDE13CY005 12HDE13CY006 12HDE13CY007 12HDE13CY008 12HDE13CY009 12HDE15GH007 12HDE13GH103 B 1 12ETD10GH602 2 3 4 5 12ETD10AF101A 12ETD10AF101B 12ETD10AF102A 12ETD10AF102B 6 7 12ETB10AT101 12HSP03GH601 8 12ETG10GH601 9 12ETG10AF101 10 12ETH10AT101 11 12ETG10GH602 12 11HSP01GH601 13 12ETD10GH601 C 1 100NLP003 Load Discription Electrostatic Precipitator (ESP) Unit-2 Trans Rect Control Cabinet A Trans Rect Control Cabinet B Trans Rect Control Cabinet C Trans Rect Control Cabinet D Purge Air Blower Purge Air Heater Hopper Heater Power Distribution Panel 1 Hopper Heater Power Distribution Panel 2 Hopper Heater Power Distribution Panel 3 Hopper Heater Power Distribution Panel 4 Hopper Heater Power Distribution Panel 5 Hopper Heater Power Distribution Panel 6 Hopper Heater Power Distribution Panel 7 Hopper Heater Power Distribution Panel 8 Rapper Control Panel Electric Hoist Hopper Vibrator 1 Hopper Vibrator 2 Hopper Vibrator 3 Hopper Vibrator 4 Hopper Vibrator 5 Hopper Vibrator 6 Hopper Vibrator 7 Hopper Vibrator 8 Hopper Vibrator 9 Auxiliary Power for PLC Panel Auxiliary Power for Level Switch Local Box Ash Handling System Unit-2 Bottom Ash Handling System LOCAL CONTROL PANEL FOR BOTTOM ASH HANDLING SYSTEM Drag Chain Conveyor A Drag Chain Conveyor B Vibrating Screen-A Vibrating Screen-B Bottom Ash Silo System Bottom Ash Silo Vent Filter Bottom Ash Silo Hopper Heater Fly Ash Handling System LOCAL CONTROL PANEL FOR FLY ASH HANDLING SYSTEM Rotary Feeder for Fly Ash Outlet Fly Ash Silo System Fly Ash Silo Vent Filter UPS Power Disturibution Panel for Fly Ash Handling System Fly Ash Silo Hopper Heater Fly Ash Silo System PLC Panel for Bottom & Fly Ash Handling System LIGHTING, RECEPTACLE & HVAC FOR BUILDING ESP AREA CT Rated / MCCB Capacity FLA (A) MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB 320 320 320 320 16 160 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 25 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 278.64 278.64 278.64 278.64 10.86 69.28 6.50 6.50 6.50 6.50 6.50 6.50 6.50 6.50 6.93 15.31 0.77 0.77 0.77 0.77 0.77 0.77 0.77 0.77 0.77 13.31 6.65 MCCB 16 7.09 MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB 16 16 6 6 14.18 14.18 1.93 1.93 MCCB MCCB 16 25 7.25 21.65 - MCCB 16 7.82 MCCB 16 8.90 F MCCB 16 7.25 F MCCB 16 10.87 F MCCB 32 F MCCB F MCCB Type Starting Type Protection-Type F F F F M M M M M M M M M M F F M M M M M M M M M F F DOL DOL DOL DOL DOL DOL DOL DOL DOL DOL DOL DOL DOL DOL DOL DOL DOL DOL DOL F M M M M DOL DOL DOL DOL F F F M DOL Overload Relay Setting (49) Low Set O/C Relay or Thermal Trip MCCB MF x FLA (A) Class Thermal Set Pick-Up (A) 11.95 76.21 7.14 7.14 7.14 7.14 7.14 7.14 7.14 7.14 0.84 0.84 0.84 0.84 0.84 0.84 0.84 0.84 0.84 - 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 - 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 - - 15.59 15.59 2.13 2.13 10 10 10 10 High Set O/C Relay or Magnetic Trip MCCB Type TMS Type Time Delay 320.0 320.0 320.0 320.0 16.0 25.0 6.0 6.0 FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED 5 5 5 5 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 5 5 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 5 5 1600 1600 1600 1600 128 1280 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 80 125 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 30 30 FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED 1.00 16.0 FIXED FIXED - - 5 80 FIXED FIXED 8 8 8 8 128 128 48 48 FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED - 1.00 1.00 16.0 25.0 FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED 5 5 80 125 FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED - - 1.00 16.0 9.79 10 - - FIXED FIXED 5 80 FIXED FIXED 8 128 FIXED FIXED - - 1.00 16.0 - - 1.00 16.0 FIXED FIXED 5 80 FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED 5 80 FIXED 21.65 - - 1.00 FIXED 32.0 FIXED FIXED 5 160 FIXED FIXED 16 6.52 - - 1.00 16.0 FIXED FIXED 5 80 FIXED FIXED 16 72.17 - - 1.00 16.0 FIXED FIXED 5 80 FIXED FIXED - - - - Magnetic Set Pick-Up (A) N+J11:T12ote Tabel B.15 Overcurrent Setting Outgoing 0.4 kV MCC SWI & Cholorination No Tag No. A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 11AP301A-M01 11AP303A-M01 11AP302A-M01 11AP301B-M01 11AP303B-M01 11AP302B-M01 11AP304A-M01 11AP304B-M01 11-LCP11-1 11AN601A-M01 11AN601B-M01 11AP306-M01 11AP305-M01 B 1 Hold C 1 10GAF10AP101 2 10GAF10AP102 3 4 Hold Hold E 1 1100NLP002 Load Discription CT Rated / MCCB Capacity FLA (A) MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB 10 16 50 10 16 50 6 6 6 10 10 6 6 MCCB VSD M M M Type ELECTROCHLORINATION SYSTEM Booster Pump A Hypochlorite Continous Dosing Pump A Hypochlorite Shock Dosing Pump A Booster Pump B Hypochlorite Continous Dosing Pump B Hypochlorite Shock Dosing Pump B Acid Cleaning Pump A Acid Cleaning Pump B Local Control Panel Auxilary Power Supply Air Blower A Air Blower B Sump Pump Caustic Pump M M M M M M M M F M M F F WATER INTAKE SYSTEM WATER INTAKE SYSTEM F LOCAL PANEL INTAKE SEAWATER PUMP Raw Water Pump with Positive Suction direct to Filtration system A Raw Water Pump with Positive Suction direct to Filtration system A Sump Pit Pump 01 Sump Pit Pump 02 LIGHTING, RECEPTACLE & HVAC FOR BUILDING SWI & CHLORINATION M Starting Type Protection-Type Overload Relay Setting (49) Low Set O/C Relay or Thermal Trip MCCB Class 5.77 10.66 30.92 5.77 10.66 30.92 3.82 3.82 5.43 3.18 3.18 4.85 2.26 6.35 11.72 34.02 6.35 11.72 34.02 4.20 4.20 3.50 3.50 - 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 - 1.00 1.00 1.00 6.0 6.0 6.0 FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED 8 3 8 8 3 8 8 8 5 8 8 5 5 150 73.99 - - 1.00 150.0 FIXED FIXED MCCB 100 64.15 70.57 10 - - - VSD MCCB 100 64.15 70.57 10 - - DOL DOL MCCB MCCB 6 6 0.64 0.64 0.71 0.71 10 10 - - MCB 25 43.30 - - 1.00 25.0 CT Rated / MCCB Capacity FLA (A) DOL VSD DOL DOL VSD DOL DOL DOL DOL DOL F Thermal Set Pick-Up (A) Type TMS High Set O/C Relay or Magnetic Trip MCCB MF x FLA (A) Type Time Delay 80 48 400 80 48 400 48 48 30 80 80 30 30 FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED 5 750 FIXED FIXED - 3 300 FIXED FIXED - - 3 300 FIXED FIXED - - 8 8 48 48 FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED 5 125 FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED Magnetic Set Pick-Up (A) Note Tabel B.16 Overcurrent Setting Outgoing 0.4 kV MCC WTP & WWTP No A 1 Tag No. Load Discription Type PANEL INTAKE SEAWATER PUMP Backwash Pump M B PANEL Seawater RO SystemCapacity 35 m3/h (train 1) C D 10GBR10AP301 Starting Type Protection-Type MF x FLA (A) Class Low Set O/C Relay or Thermal Trip MCCB Thermal Set Pick-Up (A) Type TMS High Set O/C Relay or Magnetic Trip MCCB Magnetic Set Pick-Up (A) Type Time Delay 100.00 500 32.08 35.28 10 1.00 100.0 FIXED FIXED 3 300 FIXED FIXED M MCCB MCCB 355.49 - - 1.00 500.0 FIXED FIXED 8 4000 FIXED FIXED PANEL Seawater RO SystemCapacity 35 m3/h (train 2) M MCCB 500 347.90 - - 1.00 500.0 FIXED FIXED 8 4000 FIXED FIXED PANEL Brackish Water RO System 10 m3/h (train 1) M MCCB 60 29.37 - - 1.00 60.0 FIXED FIXED 8 480 FIXED FIXED E Panel Brackish Water RO System 10 m3/h ( train 2) M MCCB 60 25.81 - - 1.00 60.0 FIXED FIXED 8 480 FIXED FIXED F PANEL Deminerallizer (train 1) M MCCB 25 8.13 - - 1.00 25.0 FIXED FIXED 8 200 FIXED FIXED G PANEL Deminerallizer (for 1 train x2) M MCCB 25 8.13 - - 1.00 25.0 FIXED FIXED 8 200 FIXED FIXED H WWTP M MCCB 320 211.59 - - 1.00 320.0 FIXED FIXED 8 2560 FIXED FIXED LIGHTING, RECEPTACLE & HVAC FOR BUILDING WTP & WWTP F MCB 50 10.10 - - 1.00 50.0 FIXED FIXED 5 250 FIXED FIXED I 1 113NLP001 VSD Overload Relay Setting (49) Note Tabel B.17 Overcurrent Setting Incoming 0.4 kV Essential MCC Protection-Type CT Rated FLA (A) ISC Max (kA) MF x FLA (A) Pick-Up Type 0.4 kV ESSENTIAL MCC UNIT-1 0.4 kV Switchgear Unit 1A 0.4 kV Switchgear EDG 7SJ80 7SJ80 630/1 630/1 388.6 388.6 63 63 427.43 427.43 0.7 0.7 IEC - LTI IEC - LTI 0.5 0.5 12BMA01GS001 0.4kV ESSENTIAL MCC UNIT-2 0.4 kV Switchgear Unit 2A 0.4 kV Switchgear EDG 7SJ80 7SJ80 630/1 630/1 388.6 388.6 63 63 427.43 427.43 0.7 0.7 IEC - LTI IEC - LTI 10BMA01GS001 0.4kV ESSENTIAL MCC COMMON 12 0.4 kV Switchgear Common 12A 0.4 kV Switchgear EDG 7SJ80 7SJ80 630/1 630/1 408.6 408.6 63 63 449.41 449.41 1.0 1.0 IEC - LTI IEC - LTI No Tag No. Incomer Discription A 1 2 11BMA01GS001 B 1 2 C 1 2 Low Set O/C Relay High Set O/C Relay TMS MF x FLA (A) Pick-Up Type Time Delay 1942.8 1942.8 3.1 3.1 Definite Definite 0.20 0.20 0.5 0.5 1942.8 1942.8 3.1 3.1 Definite Definite 0.20 0.20 0.7 0.7 3268.4 3268.4 5.2 5.2 Definite Definite 0.20 0.20 Note Tabel B.18 Overcurrent Setting Outgoing 0.4 kV Essential MCC Unit 1 No Tag No. A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11MAA16AH110 11MAV10AH110 11MAV15AN110-M01 11MAV15AN120-M01 11MAV21AP110-M01 11MAV22AP110-M01 11MAV71AP110-M01 11MAV72AP110-M01 11MKA10AH110 10 11CJJ11 11 11CRU13 Load Discription STEAM TRUBINE PACKAGE Steam Turbine Unit 1 Casing Heating Lube Oil Tank Heating Oil Mist Separator Fan 1 Motor Oil Mist Separator Fan 2 Motor Lube Oil Pump 1 Motor Lube Oil Pump 2 Motor Jacking Oil Pump 1 Motor Jacking Oil Pump 2 Motor Generator Anti-Condensation Heater Server Cabinet, Socket Outlet, Lighting, Heating, Fan (if applicable) Printer Type Starting Type Protection-Type CT Rated / MCCB Capacity FLA (A) Overload Relay Setting (49) MF x FLA (A) Class Low Set O/C Relay or Thermal Trip MCCB Thermal Set Pick-Up (A) M M M M M M M M M DOL DOL DOLH DOLH DOL DOL DOL DOL DOL MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB 25 16 6 6 50 50 100 100 16 10.25 7.22 3.26 3.26 32.11 32.11 66.13 66.13 5.77 11.27 7.94 3.59 3.59 35.32 35.32 72.75 72.75 6.35 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 - - F - MCCB 16 23.09 - - 1.00 16 F - MCCB 6 8.66 - - 1.00 6 CLOSED COOLING WATER SYSTEM CCW Unit-1 Closed Cooling Water Pump A Closed Cooling Water Pump B M M DOL DOL MCCB MCCB 200 200 100.48 100.48 110.53 110.53 10 10 - - BOILER ELEVATOR Boiler Elevator Unit-1 F - MCCB 100 144.34 - - 1.00 100 UPS DISTRIBUTION PANEL FOR DCS AND CEMS Unit 1 CEMS Panel Termina E2 Sampling Rack 1 (Thermal Control Unit) F F - MCCB MCCB 25 25 36.08 36.08 - - 1.00 1.00 25 25 Type TMS - - High Set O/C Relay or Magnetic Trip MCCB Magnetic Set Pick-Up (A) Type Time Delay 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 200 128 48 48 400 400 800 800 128 FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED 5 80 FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED 5 30 FIXED FIXED 8 8 1600 1600 FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED 5 500 FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED 5 5 125 125 FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED B 12 13 11PGC11AP101-M01 11PGC12AP101-M01 C 14 JC101A D 15 16 11HNE10GH601 11QUU10 E 17 11HAD03AA101-M01 STEAM DRUM Steam Drum Overflow M DOL MCCB 6 0.48 0.53 10 - - - - 8 48 FIXED FIXED F 18 19 20 11LBH10AA101-M01 11LBH10AA201-M01 11LCQ10AA101-M01 LIMESTONE Start-up steam system Start-up steam system Continous Blow-down tank M M M DOL DOL DOL MCCB MCCB MCCB 16 16 6 7.45 3.72 0.50 8.19 4.10 0.55 10 10 10 - - - - 8 8 8 128 128 48 FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED G 21 22 Hold Hold PROTECTION & TARIFF METERING PANEL Transformer & Differential Protection Panel-1 Tariff Metering Panel-1 F F - MCCB MCCB 10 6 14.43 8.66 - - 1.00 1.00 10 6 FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED 5 5 50 30 FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED - - 23 11BRA01GS001 PDP UPS-1 F - MCCB 250 360.84 - - 1.00 250 FIXED FIXED 5 1250 FIXED FIXED 24 11BUA01GS001 PDP BC-1 A F - MCCB 25 36.08 - - 1.00 25 FIXED FIXED 5 125 FIXED FIXED 25 11BUA01GS001 PDP BC-1 B F - MCCB 25 36.08 - - 1.00 25 FIXED FIXED 5 125 FIXED FIXED Note Tabel B.19 Overcurrent Setting Outgoing 0.4 kV Essential MCC Unit 2 No Tag No. Load Discription 11 STEAM TRUBINE PACKAGE Steam Turbine Unit 2 12MAA16AH110 Casing Heating 12MAV10AH110 Lube Oil Tank Heating 12MAV15AN110-M01 Oil Mist Separator Fan 1 Motor 12MAV15AN120-M01 Oil Mist Separator Fan 2 Motor 12MAV21AP110-M01 Lube Oil Pump 1 Motor 12MAV22AP110-M01 Lube Oil Pump 2 Motor 12MAV71AP110-M01 Jacking Oil Pump 1 Motor 12MAV72AP110-M01 Jacking Oil Pump 2 Motor 12MKA10AH110 Generator Anti-Condensation Heater Server Cabinet, Socket Outlet, Lighting, Heating, Fan (if 12CJJ11 applicable) 12CRU13 Printer B 12 13 12PGC11AP101-M01 12PGC12AP101-M01 C 14 JC101B A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Type Starting Type Protection-Type CT Rated / MCCB Capacity FLA (A) Overload Relay Setting (49) MF x FLA (A) Class Low Set O/C Relay or Thermal Trip MCCB Thermal Set Pick-Up (A) M M M M M M M M M DOL DOL DOLH DOLH DOL DOL DOL DOL DOL MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB MCCB 25 16 6 6 50 50 100 100 16 10.25 7.22 3.26 3.26 32.11 32.11 66.13 66.13 5.77 11.27 7.94 3.59 3.59 35.32 35.32 72.75 72.75 6.35 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 - - F - MCCB 16 23.09 - - 1.00 16 F - MCCB 6 8.66 - - 1.00 6 CLOSED COOLING WATER SYSTEM CCW Unit-2 Closed Cooling Water Pump A Closed Cooling Water Pump B M M DOL DOL MCCB MCCB 200 200 100.48 100.48 110.53 110.53 10 10 - - BOILER ELEVATOR Boiler Elevator Unit-2 F - MCCB 100 144.34 - - 1.00 100 UPS DISTRIBUTION PANEL FOR DCS AND CEMS Unit 2 CEMS Panel Termina E2 F - MCCB 25 36.08 - - 1.00 25 Type TMS - - High Set O/C Relay or Magnetic Trip MCCB Magnetic Set Pick-Up (A) Type Time Delay 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 200 128 48 48 400 400 800 800 128 FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED 5 80 FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED 5 30 FIXED FIXED 8 8 1600 1600 FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED 5 500 FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED 5 125 FIXED FIXED - - D 15 12HNE10GH601 E 16 12HAD03AA101-M01 STEAM DRUM Steam Drum Overflow M DOL MCCB 6 0.48 0.53 10 - - - - 8 48 FIXED FIXED F 17 18 19 12LBH10AA101-M01 12LBH10AA201-M01 12LCQ10AA101-M01 LIMESTONE Start-up steam system Start-up steam system Continous Blow-down tank M M M DOL DOL DOL MCCB MCCB MCCB 16 16 6 7.45 3.72 0.50 8.19 4.10 0.55 10 10 10 - - - - 8 8 8 128 128 48 FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED G 20 21 Hold Hold PROTECTION & TARIFF METERING PANEL Transformer & Differential Protection Panel-2 Tariff Metering Panel-2 F F - MCCB MCCB 10 6 14.43 8.66 - - 1.00 1.00 10 6 FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED 5 5 50 30 FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED 22 12BRA01GS001 PDP UPS-2 F - MCCB 250 360.84 - - 1.00 250 FIXED FIXED 5 1250 FIXED FIXED 23 12BUA01GS001 PDP BC-2 A F - MCCB 25 36.08 - - 1.00 25 FIXED FIXED 5 125 FIXED FIXED 24 12BUA01GS001 PDP BC-2 B F - MCCB 25 36.08 - - 1.00 25 FIXED FIXED 5 125 FIXED FIXED Note Tabel B.20 Overcurrent Setting Outgoing 0.4 kV Essential MCC Common 12 No Tag No. A 1 Type ProtectionType CT Rated / MCCB Capacit y FLA (A) Overload Relay Setting (49) Low Set O/C Relay or Thermal Trip MCCB High Set O/C Relay or Magnetic Trip MCCB MF x FLA (A) Class Thermal Set Pick-Up (A) Type TMS Magnetic Set Pick-Up (A) Type Time Delay HVAC STG-HPDB-201 B C 1 Load Discription Starting Type HVAC Control Room (at HVAC room STG Building) F - MCCB 320 378.89 - - 1.00 320 FIXE D FIXE D 5 1600 FIXE D FIXED EMERGENCY LIGHTING & RECEPTACLE FOR BUILDING F - MCCB 200 154.44 - - 1.00 200 FIXE D FIXE D 5 1000 FIXE D FIXED M DOL MCCB 25 19.34 21.28 10 - - - - 8 200 FIXE D FIXED FIRE FIGTHING Hold Jockey Pump Note No Tag No. Load Discription Type Starting Type ProtectionType CT Rated / MCCB Capacit y FLA (A) Overload Relay Setting (49) Low Set O/C Relay or Thermal Trip MCCB High Set O/C Relay or Magnetic Trip MCCB MF x FLA (A) Class Thermal Set Pick-Up (A) Type TMS Magnetic Set Pick-Up (A) Type Time Delay D 11BRA01GS001 PDP UPS-1 F - MCCB 250 144.19 - - 1.00 250 FIXE D FIXE D 5 1250 FIXE D FIXED E 12BRA01GS001 PDP UPS-2 F - MCCB 250 144.19 - - 1.00 250 FIXE D FIXE D 5 1250 FIXE D FIXED Note Tabel B.21 Overcurrent Setting Outgoing EDG No A 1 B 1 2 3 Protection-Type CT Rated FLA (A) ISC Max (kA) MF x FLA (A) Pick-Up Type Incomer EDG ABB 1500/1 1698.0 63 1867.80 1.2 IEC - LTI 0.7 Outgoing 0.4kV Essential MCC Unit 1 0.4kV Essential MCC Unit 2 0.4kV Essential MCC COMMON 12 ABB ABB ABB 630/1 630/1 630/1 388.6 388.6 408.6 63 63 63 427.43 427.43 449.41 0.7 0.7 1.0 IEC - LTI IEC - LTI IEC - LTI 0.5 0.5 0.7 Tag No. 11BMA01GS001 12BMA01GS001 10BMA01GS001 Discription Low Set O/C Relay High Set O/C Relay TMS MF x FLA (A) Pick-Up Type Time Delay 8490.0 5.7 Definite 0.40 1942.8 1942.8 3268.4 3.1 3.1 5.2 Definite Definite Definite 0.20 0.20 0.20 Note Tabel B.22 Overcurrent Setting EDG No 1 Tag No. Discription EDG Protection-Type CT Rated ABB 2500/1 ISC Low Set O/C Relay High Set O/C Relay High Set GF FLA (A) Max Note MF x FLA (A) Pick-Up Type TMS MF x FLA (A) Pick-Up Type Time Delay MF x FLA (A) Pick-Up Type Time Delay (kA) 1698.0 63 1867.80 0.7 IEC - LTI 0.7 8490.0 3.4 Definite 0.40 169.8 0.1 Definite 0.60 PROTECTIVE RELAY SETTING & COORDINATION STUDY Timor-1 CFSPP Project Issued 2020-11-12 Project Document No: T1-PP-000-ELE-STU-00003 ATTACHMENT 3 COORDINATION C URVE REV. 0 Amps X 100 LV-1 ESS MCC (Nom. kV=0.4, Plot Ref. kV=0.4) .5 1 3 5 10 30 50 100 300 500 1K 3K 5K 10K 1K 1K CEssMcc1-7 Ampacity 500 500 300 CBEss1Mcc1-7 300 100 Siemens 3VF3 (Adj.) Size = 100 Amps Thermal Trip = 100% Magnetic Trip = 6 100 Relay 1 - P OC1 50 10 OL 1 - OL 30 Relay 1 10 LV-1 ESS MCC 5 5 3 3 CEssMcc1-7 - P 1 CBEss1Mcc1-7 1 1 - 3/C 35 mm² Copper XLPE Tc = 90C Plotted - 1 x 35 mm² .5 R Seconds Seconds ± Siemens 7SJ80 CT Ratio 630:1 IEC - Long Inverse Pickup = 0.7 (0.1 - 4 Sec - 1A) Time Dial = 0.5 3x = 30 s, 5x = 15 s, 8x = 8.57 s Inst = 3.1 (0.1 - 35 Sec - 1A) Time Delay = 0.2 s 30 CB1LV8 50 OL 1 .5 .3 .3 .1 ∆ 0.195 s Jacking Oil Pump 1 Motor-100% .05 .05 37 KW .03 .03 .01 .5 1 3 5 10 30 50 100 300 500 1K Amps X 100 LV-1 ESS MCC (Nom. kV=0.4, Plot Ref. kV=0.4) Project: Location: Contract: Engineer: Filename: Timor-1 CFSPP Project Kupang, NTT, Indonesia 0389.PJ/DAN.02.01/010000/2019 YHN D:\File Penting Nafis\Kerja Bismillah !!\PLN - gawe\Koordinasi Proteksi Relay PLTU Date: 08-28-2022 SN: Rev: Base Fault: Phase 3K 5K .01 10K ETAP Star 19.0.1C Jacking Oil Pump 1 Motor 37 kW .1 Amps X 100 Bus1LV1 (Nom. kV=0.4, Plot Ref. kV=0.4) .5 1 3 5 10 30 50 100 300 1K 1K 3K 5K 10K 1K CEssMcc1-14 Ampacity 500 500 98.6 Amps 300 300 CBEss1Mcc1-14 Siemens 3VF3 (Adj.) Size = 100 Amps Thermal Trip = 100% Magnetic Trip = 1 100 50 30 ± 30 5 1 .5 .3 .1 3 1 .5 .03 1 3 5 10 30 50 100 300 1K 3K 5K .01 10K Amps X 100 Bus1LV1 (Nom. kV=0.4, Plot Ref. kV=0.4) ETAP Star 19.0.1C Project: Location: Contract: Engineer: Filename: Timor-1 CFSPP Project Kupang, NTT, Indonesia 0389.PJ/DAN.02.01/010000/2019 YHN D:\File Penting Nafis\Kerja Bismillah !!\PLN - gawe\ Date: 08-28-2022 SN: Rev: Base Fault: Phase 71.43 kVA .05 .03 .5 CEssMcc1-14 1-4/C 35 .1 CEssMcc1-14 - P .01 CBEss1Mcc1-14 .3 ∆ 0.196 s .05 Relay 1 Boiler Elevator Unit-1 Siemens 7SJ80 CT Ratio 630:1 IEC - Long Inverse Pickup = 0.7 (0.1 - 4 Sec - 1A) Time Dial = 0.5 3x = 30 s, 5x = 15 s, 8x = 8.57 s Inst = 3.1 (0.1 - 35 Sec - 1A) Time Delay = 0.2 s 3 LV-1 ESS MCC 10 Relay 1 - P OC1 5 R 50 Seconds Seconds 10 CB1LV8 100 Amps X 100 Bus1LV2 (Nom. kV=0.4, Plot Ref. kV=0.4) .5 1 3 5 1K 10 30 50 100 300 500 1K 3K 5K 10K 1K CableMCC1-4 Ampacity 500 500 110.8 Amps Relay 3 - P OC1 300 100 Vacuum Pump 1 Motor-100% 45 KW 50 300 Siemens 7SJ80 CT Ratio 630:1 IEC - Long Inverse Pickup = 0.8 (0.1 - 4 Sec - 1A) Time Dial = 0.1 3x = 6 s, 5x = 3 s, 8x = 1.71 s Inst = 3.67 (0.1 - 35 Sec - 1A) Time Delay = 0.2 s 30 100 50 CB1LV9 30 OL3 - OL Siemens 3UF7 Class 10 (3-pole) Pickup = 89.71 (10 - 100 Primary) 10 ± R 10 Relay 3 Siemens 3VF3 (Adj.) Size = 100 Amps Thermal Trip = 100% Magnetic Trip = 6 5 3 5 3 .5 1 .1 .05 .05 .03 .03 .01 3 5 10 30 50 100 300 500 1K Amps X 100 Bus1LV2 (Nom. kV=0.4, Plot Ref. kV=0.4) Project: Location: Contract: Engineer: Filename: Timor-1 CFSPP Project Kupang, NTT, Indonesia 0389.PJ/DAN.02.01/010000/2019 YHN D:\File Penting Nafis\Kerja Bismillah !!\PLN - gawe\Koordinasi Proteksi Relay PLT Date: 09-05-2022 SN: Rev: Base Fault: Phase 3K 5K .01 10K ETAP Star 19.0.1C Vacuum Pump 1 Motor .1 45 kW .3 1 OL3 .5 .3 .5 LV-1AB MCC CBMCC1-4 CableMCC1-4 - P 1 - 3/C 35 mm² Copper XLPE Tc = 90C Plotted - 1 x 35 mm² 1 Seconds Seconds CBMCC1-4 Amps X 10 Bus1LV2 (Nom. kV=0.4, Plot Ref. kV=0.4) .5 1 3 5 10 30 50 100 300 500 1K 3K 5K 10K 1K 1K 500 Condenser Cleaning System FLA CableMCC1-1 Ampacity 300 500 9.02 Amps 300 59.7 Amps Relay 3 - P OC1 Siemens 7SJ80 CT Ratio 630:1 IEC - Long Inverse Pickup = 0.8 (0.1 - 4 Sec - 1A) Time Dial = 0.1 3x = 6 s, 5x = 3 s, 8x = 1.71 s Inst = 3.67 (0.1 - 35 Sec - 1A) Time Delay = 0.2 s CBMCC1-1 100 Siemens 3VF3 (Fixed) Size = 16 Amps Thermal Trip = Fixed Magnetic Trip = Fixed 50 30 100 CB1LV9 50 ± 30 R Relay 3 10 10 5 5 CableMCC1-1 - P 1 - 4/C 16 mm² Copper XLPE Tc = 90C Plotted - 1 x 16 mm² 3 3 Seconds Seconds LV-1AB MCC CBMCC1-1 CableMCC1-1 1-4/C 16 1 .5 .5 .3 .3 .1 .1 .05 .05 .03 .03 .01 .5 1 3 5 10 30 50 100 300 500 1K Amps X 10 Bus1LV2 (Nom. kV=0.4, Plot Ref. kV=0.4) Project: Location: Contract: Engineer: Filename: Timor-1 CFSPP Project Kupang, NTT, Indonesia 0389.PJ/DAN.02.01/010000/2019 YHN D:\File Penting Nafis\Kerja Bismillah !!\PLN - gawe\Koordinasi Proteksi Relay PLT Date: 09-05-2022 SN: Rev: Base Fault: Phase 3K 5K .01 10K ETAP Star 19.0.1C Condenser Cleaning System 6.25 kVA 1 Amps X 100 Bus0LV1 (Nom. kV=0.4, Plot Ref. kV=0.4) .5 1 3 5 10 30 50 100 300 500 1K 3K 5K 10K 1K 1K 500 500 CEssMcc0-1 Ampacity 300 300 Relay 9 - P OC1 653.1 Amps HVAC Control Room FLA Siemens 7SJ80 CT Ratio 630:1 IEC - Long Inverse Pickup = 1 (0.1 - 4 Sec - 1A) Time Dial = 0.7 3x = 42 s, 5x = 21 s, 8x = 12 s Inst = 5.2 (0.1 - 35 Sec - 1A) Time Delay = 0.2 s 378.9 Amps 100 50 30 100 50 30 CB0LV7 CBEssMcc0-1 10 R 5 10 5 3 3 CEssMcc0-1 - P 2 - 4/C 240 mm² Copper XLPE Tc = 90C Plotted - 1 x 240 mm² 1 .3 .1 .1 .05 .05 .03 .03 .01 5 10 30 50 100 300 500 1K Amps X 100 Bus0LV1 (Nom. kV=0.4, Plot Ref. kV=0.4) Project: Location: Contract: Engineer: Filename: Timor-1 CFSPP Project Kupang, NTT, Indonesia 0389.PJ/DAN.02.01/010000/2019 YHN D:\File Penting Nafis\Kerja Bismillah !!\PLN - gawe\Koordinasi Proteksi Relay PLT Date: 09-04-2022 SN: Rev: Base Fault: Phase 3K 5K .01 10K ETAP Star 19.0.1C CEssMcc0-1 2-4/C 240 HVAC Control Room .3 3 CBEssMcc0-1 262.5 kVA .5 1 LV-12 ESS COMMON MCC 1 .5 .5 Relay 9 Seconds Seconds ± Siemens 3VF5 (Adj.) Size = 315 Amps Thermal Trip = 100% Magnetic Trip = 1 Amps X 100 LVSG-1A (Nom. kV=0.4, Plot Ref. kV=0.4) .5 1 3 5 10 30 50 100 300 500 1K 3K 5K 10K 1K 1K Cable1MCC52 Ampacity 500 500 300 100 CB1LV11 50 Siemens 3VF5 (Adj.) Size = 400 Amps Thermal Trip = 100% Magnetic Trip = 4 30 Siemens 7SJ80 CT Ratio 2500:1 IEC - Long Inverse Pickup = 0.8 (0.1 - 4 Sec - 1A) Time Dial = 0.5 3x = 30 s, 5x = 15 s, 8x = 8.57 s Inst = 2.1 (0.1 - 35 Sec - 1A) Time Delay = 0.4 s 100 50 R Relay 6 CB1LV1 LVSG-1A 10 Siemens 3UF7 Class 10 (3-pole) Pickup = 297.2 (63 - 630 Primary) CB1LV11 5 3 3 Seconds 5 ± 30 OL16 - OL 10 Seconds 300 Relay 6 - P OC1 OL16 Cable1MCC52 - P 2 - 3/C 185 mm² Copper XLPE Tc = 90C Plotted - 1 x 185 mm² 1 HP AIR FAN 1-100% 149 KW .5 1 .5 .3 .1 .1 .05 .05 .03 .03 .01 .5 1 3 5 10 30 50 100 300 500 1K Amps X 100 LVSG-1A (Nom. kV=0.4, Plot Ref. kV=0.4) Project: Location: Contract: Engineer: Filename: Timor-1 CFSPP Project Kupang, NTT, Indonesia 0389.PJ/DAN.02.01/010000/2019 YHN D:\File Penting Nafis\Kerja Bismillah !!\PLN - gawe\Koordinasi Proteksi Relay PLT Date: 09-05-2022 SN: Rev: Base Fault: Phase 3K 5K .01 10K ETAP Star 19.0.1C HP AIR FAN 1 149 kW .3 Amps X 10 Bus1MV1 (Nom. kV=6.3, Plot Ref. kV=6.3) .5 1 3 5 10 30 50 100 300 500 1K 3K 5K 10K 1K 1K Cable1LV1 Ampacity 500 500 1235 Amps 300 300 PDC-1A FLA - AN 60 2309.401 Amps 100 Siemens 7SJ80 CT Ratio 2500:1 IEC - Long Inverse Pickup = 0.8 (0.1 - 4 Sec - 1A) Time Dial = 0.5 3x = 30 s, 5x = 15 s, 8x = 8.57 s Inst = 2.1 (0.1 - 35 Sec - 1A) Time Delay = 0.4 s 50 30 10 Relay 2 - P OC1 5 3 1 50 Interface Busbar 1A ± CB1LV1 1.6 MVA (Secondary) 6 %Z Delta-Wye Solid Grd Curve Shift = 0.58 3 1.6 MVA (Secondary) 6 %Z Delta-Wye Solid Grd Curve Shift = 1 .3 PDC-1A Inrush Cable1LV1 - P .03 .01 10 30 50 100 300 500 1K Amps X 10 Bus1MV1 (Nom. kV=6.3, Plot Ref. kV=6.3) Project: Location: Contract: Engineer: Filename: 3-3/C 300 CB1LV8 ± .05 3 - 3/C 300 mm² Copper XLPE Tc = 90C Plotted - 1 x 300 mm² .03 5 Relay 2 Cable1LV1 .1 Multiplier = 8 xFLA (18475.21 Amps @ 0.4 kV) Duration = 6 Cycles 3 ± R .3 1 LVSG-1A 1 .5 .5 Relay 6 CB1LV4 PDC-1A .5 .05 R 10 5 .1 0A 30 PDC-1A Siemens 7SJ80 CT Ratio 630:5 IEC - Long Inverse Pickup = 3.39 (0.5 - 20 Sec - 5A) Time Dial = 0.5 3x = 30 s, 5x = 15 s, 8x = 8.57 s Inst = 15.42 (0.5 - 175 Sec - 5A) Time Delay = 0.2 s PDC-1A 1.6 MVA Seconds Seconds 100 Relay 6 - P OC1 Timor-1 CFSPP Project Kupang, NTT, Indonesia 0389.PJ/DAN.02.01/010000/2019 YHN D:\File Penting Nafis\Kerja Bismillah !!\PLN - gawe\Koordinasi Proteksi Relay PLT Date: 09-06-2022 SN: Rev: Base Fault: Phase 3K 5K .01 10K ETAP Star 19.0.1C LV-1 ESS MCC Amps X 10 Bus3 (Nom. kV=6.3, Plot Ref. kV=6.3) .5 1 3 5 10 30 50 100 300 500 1K 3K 5K 10K 1K 1K PDC-12A FLA - AN 60 500 Cable0LV1 Ampacity 300 500 2886.751 Amps 300 616.9 Amps Relay 11 - P OC1 Siemens 7SJ80 CT Ratio 3000:1 IEC - Long Inverse Pickup = 0.8 (0.1 - 4 Sec - 1A) Time Dial = 0.7 3x = 42 s, 5x = 21 s, 8x = 12 s Inst = 2.2 (0.1 - 35 Sec - 1A) Time Delay = 0.4 s 100 50 30 Seconds 5 3 30 10 PDC-12A 2 MVA (Secondary) 6 %Z Delta-Wye Solid Grd Curve Shift = 0.58 5 3 PDC-12A 2 MVA (Secondary) 6 %Z Delta-Wye Solid Grd Curve Shift = 1 1 1 .5 .5 .3 .3 Seconds Siemens 7SJ80 CT Ratio 630:1 IEC - Long Inverse Pickup = 0.71 (0.1 - 4 Sec - 1A) Time Dial = 0.7 3x = 42 s, 5x = 21 s, 8x = 12 s Inst = 3.24 (0.1 - 35 Sec - 1A) Time Delay = 0.2 s 10 PDC-12A 2 MVA 50 Interface Busbar 12A Relay 10 - P OC1 100 0A ± R CB0LV1 Relay 11 LVSG-12A COMMON CB0LV4 ± R Relay 10 ∆ 0.2 s PDC-12A Inrush .1 .1 Multiplier = 8 xFLA (23094.01 Amps @ 0.4 kV) Duration = 6 Cycles .05 .05 .03 2 - 3/C 185 mm² Copper XLPE Tc = 90C Plotted - 1 x 185 mm² .01 .5 1 3 5 10 30 50 100 300 500 1K Amps X 10 Bus3 (Nom. kV=6.3, Plot Ref. kV=6.3) Project: Location: Contract: Engineer: Filename: CB0LV7 ± Cable0LV1 - P .03 Cable0LV1 Timor-1 CFSPP Project Kupang, NTT, Indonesia 0389.PJ/DAN.02.01/010000/2019 YHN D:\File Penting Nafis\Kerja Bismillah !!\PLN - gawe\Koordinasi Proteksi Relay PLT Date: 09-06-2022 SN: Rev: Base Fault: Phase 3K 5K .01 10K ETAP Star 19.0.1C 2-3/C 185 Amps X 10 MVSG-1A (Nom. kV=6.3, Plot Ref. kV=6.3) .5 1 3 5 10 30 50 100 300 500 1K 3K 5K 10K 1K 1K 500 PDC-1A FLA - AN 60 CableMV17 Ampacity 2309.401 Amps 1814 Amps 500 Relay 7 - P OC1 300 300 Siemens 7SJ80 CT Ratio 400:1 IEC - Long Inverse Pickup = 0.33 (0.1 - 4 Sec - 1A) Time Dial = 0.5 3x = 30 s, 5x = 15 s, 8x = 8.57 s Inst = 0.9 (0.1 - 35 Sec - 1A) Time Delay = 0.4 s 100 50 30 100 CB1117 50 ± R 30 Relay 7 10 Siemens 7SJ80 CT Ratio 2500:1 IEC - Long Inverse Pickup = 0.8 (0.1 - 4 Sec - 1A) Time Dial = 0.5 3x = 30 s, 5x = 15 s, 8x = 8.57 s Inst = 2.1 (0.1 - 35 Sec - 1A) Time Delay = 0.4 s 5 3 10 PDC-1A 5 1.6 MVA (Secondary) 6 %Z Delta-Wye Solid Grd Curve Shift = 1 3 Seconds Seconds 4 - 3/C 300 mm² Copper XLPE Tc = 90C Plotted - 1 x 300 mm² Relay 6 - P OC1 CableMV17 CableMV17 - P 4-3/C 300 Bus1MV1 PDC-1A 1.6 MVA 1 1 .5 .5 .3 .3 Interface Busbar 1A 0A ± R PDC-1A .1 CB1LV1 1.6 MVA (Secondary) 6 %Z Delta-Wye Solid Grd Curve Shift = 0.58 PDC-1A Inrush .1 Multiplier = 8 xFLA (18475.21 Amps @ 0.4 kV) Duration = 6 Cycles .05 .03 .05 .03 .01 .5 1 3 5 10 30 50 100 300 500 1K Amps X 10 MVSG-1A (Nom. kV=6.3, Plot Ref. kV=6.3) Project: Location: Contract: Engineer: Filename: Timor-1 CFSPP Project Kupang, NTT, Indonesia 0389.PJ/DAN.02.01/010000/2019 YHN D:\File Penting Nafis\Kerja Bismillah !!\PLN - gawe\Koordinasi Proteksi Relay PL Date: 09-05-2022 SN: Rev: Base Fault: Phase 3K 5K .01 10K ETAP Star 19.0.1C LVSG-1A Relay 6 Amps X 100 Bus3 (Nom. kV=6.3, Plot Ref. kV=6.3) .5 1 3 5 10 30 50 100 300 500 1K 3K 5K 10K 1K 1K 500 500 Cable0MV1 Ampacity 300 300 269.9 Amps Relay 12 - P OC1 Siemens 7SJ80 CT Ratio 3000:1 IEC - Long Inverse Pickup = 0.8 (0.1 - 4 Sec - 1A) Time Dial = 0.7 3x = 42 s, 5x = 21 s, 8x = 12 s Inst = 2.2 (0.1 - 35 Sec - 1A) Time Delay = 0.4 s 2886.751 Amps 50 30 10 .5 .3 Cable0MV1 - P 1 - 3/C 120 mm² Copper XLPE Tc = 90C Plotted - 1 x 120 mm² .1 .1 PDC-12A Inrush .05 .05 Multiplier = 8 xFLA (23094.01 Amps @ 0.4 kV) Duration = 6 Cycles .03 .03 .01 .5 1 3 5 10 30 50 100 300 500 1K Amps X 100 Bus3 (Nom. kV=6.3, Plot Ref. kV=6.3) Project: Location: Contract: Engineer: Filename: R Timor-1 CFSPP Project Kupang, NTT, Indonesia 0389.PJ/DAN.02.01/010000/2019 YHN D:\File Penting Nafis\Kerja Bismillah !!\PLN - gawe\Koordinasi Proteksi Relay PLT Date: 09-06-2022 SN: Rev: Base Fault: Phase 3K 5K .01 10K ETAP Star 19.0.1C Relay 12 Cable0MV1 1-3/C 120 PDC-12A 2 MVA Interface Busbar 12A .3 ± 1 2 MVA (Secondary) 6 %Z Delta-Wye Solid Grd Curve Shift = 1 .5 CB1001 30 3 PDC-12A 1 50 5 2 MVA (Secondary) 6 %Z Delta-Wye Solid Grd Curve Shift = 0.58 3 MVSG-12A COMMON 10 PDC-12A 5 100 Seconds Seconds Siemens 7SJ80 CT Ratio 400:1 IEC - Long Inverse Pickup = 0.4 (0.1 - 4 Sec - 1A) Time Dial = 0.7 3x = 42 s, 5x = 21 s, 8x = 12 s Inst = 1.17 (0.1 - 35 Sec - 1A) Time Delay = 0.4 s Relay 11 - P OC1 PDC-12A FLA - AN 60 100 CB0LV1 0A ± R Relay 11 LVSG-12A COMMON Amps X 100 MVSG-1A (Nom. kV=6.3, Plot Ref. kV=6.3) .5 1 3 5 10 30 1K 100 300 1K 3K 5K 10K 1K 500 Siemens 7SJ80 CT Ratio 1600:1 IEC - Long Inverse Pickup = 1.11 (0.1 - 4 Sec - 1A) Time Dial = 0.5 3x = 30 s, 5x = 15 s, 8x = 8.57 s Inst = 3.02 (0.1 - 35 Sec - 1A) Time Delay = 0.8 s 160.2 Amps 300 PRIMARY AIR FAN 1A-100% 650 KW 100 300 100 50 Siemens 7SJ80 CT Ratio 200:1 IEC - Long Inverse Pickup = 0.4 (0.1 - 4 Sec - 1A) Time Dial = 0.5 3x = 30 s, 5x = 15 s, 8x = 8.57 s Inst = 2.92 (0.1 - 35 Sec - 1A) Time Delay = 0.2 s 30 10 MVSG-1A 10 5 Relay 8 - OL Siemens 7SJ80 CT Ratio 200:1 Thermal Overload Pickup = 0.401 (0.1 - 4 xCT Sec) Time Constant (min) = 1 Ipre/(k*In) = 0.01 3 1 .5 Relay 15 CB1MV1 30 3 CB1101 Seconds 5 ± R Relay 8 - P OC1 50 Seconds 500 Relay 15 - P OC1 Cable1MV1 Ampacity 500 50 ± R Bus2 Relay 8 1 .5 ∆ 0.6 s .3 .3 .1 1 - 3/C 50 mm² Copper XLPE Tc = 90C Plotted - 1 x 50 mm² .05 .05 .03 .03 .01 .5 1 3 5 10 30 50 100 300 500 1K Amps X 100 MVSG-1A (Nom. kV=6.3, Plot Ref. kV=6.3) Project: Location: Contract: Engineer: Filename: Timor-1 CFSPP Project Kupang, NTT, Indonesia 0389.PJ/DAN.02.01/010000/2019 YHN D:\File Penting Nafis\Kerja Bismillah !!\PLN - gawe\Koordinasi Proteksi Relay PLT Date: 09-04-2022 SN: Rev: Base Fault: Phase 3K 5K .01 10K ETAP Star 19.0.1C PRIMARY AIR FAN 1A 650 kW Cable1MV1 - P .1 Amps X 100 MVSG-1A (Nom. kV=6.3, Plot Ref. kV=6.3) .5 1 3 5 10 30 50 100 300 500 1K 3K 5K 10K 1K 1K 500 PDC-1A FLA - AN 60 CableMV17 Ampacity 2309.401 Amps 1814 Amps 300 500 300 UAT-1A FLA - ONAN 65 Relay 7 - P OC1 1466.286 Amps Siemens 7SJ80 CT Ratio 400:1 IEC - Long Inverse Pickup = 0.33 (0.1 - 4 Sec - 1A) Time Dial = 0.5 3x = 30 s, 5x = 15 s, 8x = 8.57 s Inst = 0.9 (0.1 - 35 Sec - 1A) Time Delay = 0.4 s 100 50 30 30 0A BusDuct4 ± 10 Siemens 7SJ80 CT Ratio 1600:1 IEC - Long Inverse Pickup = 1.11 (0.1 - 4 Sec - 1A) Time Dial = 0.5 3x = 30 s, 5x = 15 s, 8x = 8.57 s Inst = 3.02 (0.1 - 35 Sec - 1A) Time Delay = 0.8 s 1.6 MVA (Secondary) 6 %Z Delta-Wye Solid Grd Curve Shift = 1 3 R Relay 15 CB1MV1 5 3 Seconds Seconds PDC-1A UAT-1A 16 MVA 50 Relay 15 - P OC1 10 5 100 MVSG-1A CB1117 ± 1 R 1 CableMV17 .5 .5 .3 PDC-1A UAT-1A 1.6 MVA (Secondary) 6 %Z Delta-Wye Solid Grd Curve Shift = 0.58 16 MVA (Secondary) 12.5 %Z Delta-Wye Resistor Grd Curve Shift = 1 4-3/C 300 .3 Bus1MV1 .1 .1 .05 .03 PDC-1A 1.6 MVA PDC-1A Inrush UAT-1A Inrush Multiplier = 8 xFLA (18475.21 Amps @ 0.4 kV) Duration = 6 Cycles Multiplier = 8 xFLA (11730.29 Amps @ 6.3 kV) Duration = 6 Cycles .05 CableMV17 - P 4 - 3/C 300 mm² Copper XLPE Tc = 90C Plotted - 1 x 300 mm² .03 .01 .5 1 3 5 10 30 50 100 300 500 1K Amps X 100 MVSG-1A (Nom. kV=6.3, Plot Ref. kV=6.3) Project: Location: Contract: Engineer: Filename: Timor-1 CFSPP Project Kupang, NTT, Indonesia 0389.PJ/DAN.02.01/010000/2019 YHN D:\File Penting Nafis\Kerja Bismillah !!\PLN - gawe\Koordinasi Proteksi Relay PLT Date: 09-05-2022 SN: Rev: Base Fault: Phase 3K 5K .01 10K ETAP Star 19.0.1C Relay 7 Amps X 100 MVSG-1A (Nom. kV=6.3, Plot Ref. kV=6.3) .5 1 3 5 10 30 50 100 300 500 1K 3K 5K 10K 1K 1K Cable0MV1 Ampacity 500 500 269.9 Amps 300 300 Relay 14 - P OC1 Siemens 7SJ80 CT Ratio 630:1 IEC - Long Inverse Pickup = 0.92 (0.1 - 4 Sec - 1A) Time Dial = 0.7 3x = 42 s, 5x = 21 s, 8x = 12 s Inst = 4.19 (0.1 - 35 Sec - 1A) Time Delay = 0.6 s PDC-12A FLA - AN 60 100 2886.751 Amps 50 30 MVSG-1A 100 50 BusDuct15 0A 30 Relay 12 - P OC1 5 3 10 Relay 14 ± R 5 3 Seconds Seconds CB10-11 Siemens 7SJ80 CT Ratio 400:1 IEC - Long Inverse Pickup = 0.4 (0.1 - 4 Sec - 1A) Time Dial = 0.7 3x = 42 s, 5x = 21 s, 8x = 12 s Inst = 1.17 (0.1 - 35 Sec - 1A) Time Delay = 0.4 s 10 MVSG-12A COMMON CB1001 Relay 12 ± 1 1 .5 .5 R Cable0MV1 ∆ 0.2 s .3 .3 PDC-12A PDC-12A 2 MVA PDC-12A 2 MVA (Secondary) 6 %Z Delta-Wye Solid Grd Curve Shift = 0.58 2 MVA (Secondary) 6 %Z Delta-Wye Solid Grd Curve Shift = 1 .1 .05 PDC-12A Inrush .03 Multiplier = 8 xFLA (23094.01 Amps @ 0.4 kV) Duration = 6 Cycles .1 Cable0MV1 - P .05 1 - 3/C 120 mm² Copper XLPE Tc = 90C Plotted - 1 x 120 mm² .03 .01 .5 1 3 5 10 30 50 100 300 500 1K Amps X 100 MVSG-1A (Nom. kV=6.3, Plot Ref. kV=6.3) Project: Location: Contract: Engineer: Filename: Timor-1 CFSPP Project Kupang, NTT, Indonesia 0389.PJ/DAN.02.01/010000/2019 YHN D:\File Penting Nafis\Kerja Bismillah !!\PLN - gawe\Koordinasi Proteksi Relay PLT Date: 09-06-2022 SN: Rev: Base Fault: Phase 3K 5K .01 10K ETAP Star 19.0.1C 1-3/C 120 Amps X 100 BUS-100 (Nom. kV=15, Plot Ref. kV=15) .5 1 3 5 10 30 50 100 300 500 1K 3K 5K 10K 1K 1K 500 500 300 Relay 15 - P OC1 UAT-1A FLA - ONAN 65 300 Siemens 7SJ80 CT Ratio 1600:1 IEC - Long Inverse Pickup = 1.11 (0.1 - 4 Sec - 1A) Time Dial = 0.5 3x = 30 s, 5x = 15 s, 8x = 8.57 s Inst = 3.02 (0.1 - 35 Sec - 1A) Time Delay = 0.8 s 1466.286 Amps 100 50 50 Relay 14 - P OC1 30 3 ± 5 3 UAT-1A 16 MVA (Secondary) 12.5 %Z Delta-Wye Resistor Grd Curve Shift = 1 1 0A BusDuct4 10 Seconds 5 UAT-1A 16 MVA 30 Siemens 7SJ80 CT Ratio 630:1 IEC - Long Inverse Pickup = 0.92 (0.1 - 4 Sec - 1A) Time Dial = 0.7 3x = 42 s, 5x = 21 s, 8x = 12 s Inst = 4.19 (0.1 - 35 Sec - 1A) Time Delay = 0.6 s 10 Seconds 100 R Relay 15 CB1MV1 MVSG-1A 1 ∆ 0.2 s .5 .5 .3 .3 0A BusDuct15 CB10-11 Relay 14 ± R .1 .1 UAT-1A Inrush MVSG-12A COMMON Multiplier = 8 xFLA (11730.29 Amps @ 6.3 kV) Duration = 6 Cycles .05 .03 .05 .03 .01 .5 1 3 5 10 30 50 100 300 500 1K Amps X 100 BUS-100 (Nom. kV=15, Plot Ref. kV=15) Project: Location: Contract: Engineer: Filename: Timor-1 CFSPP Project Kupang, NTT, Indonesia 0389.PJ/DAN.02.01/010000/2019 YHN D:\File Penting Nafis\Kerja Bismillah !!\PLN - gawe\Koordinasi Proteksi Relay PLT Date: 09-06-2022 SN: Rev: Base Fault: Phase 3K 5K .01 10K ETAP Star 19.0.1C Amps X 1000 BUS-100 (Nom. kV=15, Plot Ref. kV=15) .5 1 3 5 10 30 50 100 300 500 1K 3K 5K 10K 1K 1K Relay 17 - P OC1 UAT-1A FLA - ONAN 65 500 1466.286 Amps 300 Gen1 No Load Compound Excitation = 250% AC Fault Current 100 500 Siemens 7SJ80 CT Ratio 4000:1 IEC - Long Inverse Pickup = 0.8 (0.1 - 4 Sec - 1A) Time Dial = 0.36 3x = 21.6 s, 5x = 10.8 s, 8x = 6.17 s 300 100 50 50 30 30 Gen1 63 MW Relay 15 - P OC1 10 0A Relay 17 10 Gen1 5 Gen1 3 63 MW (I2)^2 t = 30 ± GCB1 Seconds Seconds I^2t = 62.5 5 3 BusDuct1 R 0A BUS-100 0A BusDuct3 ∆ 1.47 s 1 1 .5 .5 .3 16 MVA (Secondary) 12.5 %Z Delta-Wye Resistor Grd Curve Shift = 1 R Gen1 No Load Compound Excitation = 250% Total Fault Current UAT-1A Inrush .1 .05 Multiplier = 8 xFLA (11730.29 Amps @ 6.3 kV) Duration = 6 Cycles .03 .03 .01 .5 1 3 5 10 30 50 100 300 500 1K Amps X 1000 BUS-100 (Nom. kV=15, Plot Ref. kV=15) Project: Location: Contract: Engineer: Filename: BusDuct4 ± .1 .05 UAT-1A 16 MVA 0A UAT-1A .3 BusDuct2 Timor-1 CFSPP Project Kupang, NTT, Indonesia 0389.PJ/DAN.02.01/010000/2019 YHN D:\File Penting Nafis\Kerja Bismillah !!\PLN - gawe\Koordinasi Proteksi Relay PLT Date: 09-05-2022 SN: Rev: Base Fault: Phase 3K 5K .01 10K ETAP Star 19.0.1C CB1MV1 Relay 15 Amps X 1000 BUS-100 (Nom. kV=15, Plot Ref. kV=15) .5 1 3 1K 5 10 30 50 100 300 500 500 280.977 Amps UAT-1A FLA - ONAN 65 300 1K 3K 5K 10K 1K GT-1 FLA - ONAF 65 1466.286 Amps 100 Relay 16 - P OC1 500 Siemens 7SJ80 CT Ratio 300:1 IEC - Long Inverse Pickup = 1.03 (0.1 - 4 Sec - 1A) Time Dial = 0.31 3x = 18.6 s, 5x = 9.3 s, 8x = 5.31 s 300 50 CBHV1 50 ± Relay 15 - P OC1 30 30 Siemens 7SJ80 CT Ratio 1600:1 IEC - Long Inverse Pickup = 1.11 (0.1 - 4 Sec - 1A) Time Dial = 0.5 3x = 30 s, 5x = 15 s, 8x = 8.57 s Inst = 3.02 (0.1 - 35 Sec - 1A) Time Delay = 0.8 s 10 5 3 GT-1 73 MVA 10 5 3 Relay 16 R Seconds Seconds 100 BUS-100 ∆ 1.16 s 1 1 UAT-1A .3 16 MVA (Secondary) 12.5 %Z Delta-Wye Resistor Grd Curve Shift = 1 BusDuct3 0A GT-1 .5 .5 73 MVA (Secondary) 13 %Z Delta-Wye Solid Grd Curve Shift = 1 UAT-1A 16 MVA .3 GT-1 73 MVA (Secondary) 13 %Z Delta-Wye Solid Grd Curve Shift = 0.58 .1 .05 .03 UAT-1A Inrush GT-1 Inrush Multiplier = 8 xFLA (11730.29 Amps @ 6.3 kV) Duration = 6 Cycles Multiplier = 8 xFLA (2247.817 Amps @ 150 kV) Duration = 6 Cycles .1 .05 .03 0A BusDuct4 ± Relay 15 R .01 .5 1 3 5 10 30 50 100 300 500 1K 3K 5K .01 10K CB1MV1 Amps X 1000 BUS-100 (Nom. kV=15, Plot Ref. kV=15) 2.273K 5K 10K 30K 50K 100K 300K 500K 1000K 3000K Amps (Plot Ref. kV=3.3) Project: Location: Contract: Engineer: Filename: Timor-1 CFSPP Project Kupang, NTT, Indonesia 0389.PJ/DAN.02.01/010000/2019 YHN D:\File Penting Nafis\Kerja Bismillah !!\PLN - gawe\Koordinasi Proteksi Relay PLT 1E+04K 4.545E+04K ETAP Star 19.0.1C Date: 09-05-2022 SN: Rev: Base Fault: Phase Amps X 1000 BUS-100 (Nom. kV=15, Plot Ref. kV=15) .5 1 3 5 10 30 50 100 300 500 1K 3K 5K 10K 1K 1K Gen1 FLA = 2853 500 500 300 300 Relay 16 - P OC1 Siemens 7SJ80 CT Ratio 300:1 IEC - Long Inverse Pickup = 1.03 (0.1 - 4 Sec - 1A) Time Dial = 0.31 3x = 18.6 s, 5x = 9.3 s, 8x = 5.31 s 100 50 Gen1 GT-1 FLA - ONAF 65 30 63 MW (I2)^2 t = 30 280.977 Amps Gen1 R 30 Siemens 7SJ80 CT Ratio 4000:1 IEC - Long Inverse Pickup = 0.8 (0.1 - 4 Sec - 1A) Time Dial = 0.36 3x = 21.6 s, 5x = 10.8 s, 8x = 6.17 s 5 3 BUS-100 5 3 GT-1 73 MVA (Secondary) 13 %Z Delta-Wye Solid Grd Curve Shift = 0.58 1 .3 .03 Gen1 .3 .05 .03 .01 1 3 5 10 30 50 100 300 500 1K Amps X 1000 BUS-100 (Nom. kV=15, Plot Ref. kV=15) Project: Location: Contract: Engineer: Filename: 0A BusDuct1 .1 No Load Compound Excitation = 250% Total Fault Current .5 Relay 17 .5 GT-1 Inrush Gen1 .05 GCB1 R GT-1 73 MVA (Secondary) 13 %Z Delta-Wye Solid Grd Curve Shift = 1 No Load Compound Excitation = 250% AC Fault Current BusDuct2 0A ± .5 .1 GT-1 73 MVA 10 ∆ 0.316 s 1 Relay 16 ± Seconds Seconds CBHV1 50 Relay 17 - P OC1 I^2t = 62.5 10 100 Timor-1 CFSPP Project Kupang, NTT, Indonesia 0389.PJ/DAN.02.01/010000/2019 YHN D:\File Penting Nafis\Kerja Bismillah !!\PLN - gawe\Koordinasi Proteksi Relay PLT Date: 08-28-2022 SN: Rev: Base Fault: Phase 3K 5K .01 10K ETAP Star 19.0.1C Gen1 63 MW Amps X 100 LVSG EDG (Nom. kV=0.4, Plot Ref. kV=0.4) .5 1 3 5 10 30 50 1K Cable30 Ampacity 500 EDG FLA = 1698 616.9 Amps 100 300 500 1K 3K 5K 10K EDG 1K No Load Compound Excitation = 250% Total Fault Current 500 300 300 Relay 27 - P OC1 100 50 Relay 24 - P OC1 30 Siemens 7SJ80 CT Ratio 630:1 IEC - Long Inverse Pickup = 1 (0.1 - 4 Sec - 1A) Time Dial = 0.7 3x = 42 s, 5x = 21 s, 8x = 12 s Inst = 5.2 (0.1 - 35 Sec - 1A) Time Delay = 0.2 s 5 3 .3 30 ± R CB33 Open EDG I^2t = 62.5 5 3 EDG 1000 kW (I2)^2 t = 30 Siemens 7SJ80 CT Ratio 630:1 IEC - Long Inverse Pickup = 0.7 (0.1 - 4 Sec - 1A) Time Dial = 0.5 3x = 30 s, 5x = 15 s, 8x = 8.57 s Inst = 4.39 (0.1 - 35 Sec - 1A) Time Delay = 0.2 s .5 50 10 Relay 22 - P OC1 1 EDG 1000 kW 1 Seconds Seconds 10 100 Siemens 7SJ80 CT Ratio 1500:1 IEC - Long Inverse Pickup = 1.2 (0.1 - 4 Sec - 1A) Time Dial = 0.7 3x = 42 s, 5x = 21 s, 8x = 12 s Inst = 5.7 (0.1 - 35 Sec - 1A) Time Delay = 0.4 s LVSG EDG Cable17 .3 .03 .1 1 3 5 10 2 - 3/C 185 mm² Copper XLPE Tc = 90C Plotted - 1 x 185 mm² .05 .03 30 50 100 300 500 1K Amps X 100 LVSG EDG (Nom. kV=0.4, Plot Ref. kV=0.4) Project: Location: Contract: Engineer: Filename: 2-3/C 185 2-3/C 185 CB3 CB2 Timor-1 CFSPP Project Kupang, NTT, Indonesia 0389.PJ/DAN.02.01/010000/2019 YHN D:\File Penting Nafis\Kerja Bismillah !!\PLN - gawe\Koordinasi Proteksi Relay PLT ± 2-3/C 185 CB4 Date: 09-08-2022 SN: Rev: Base Fault: Phase 3K 5K .01 10K ETAP Star 19.0.1C Open ± R Cable17 - P .01 .5 Cable30 Open Siemens 7SJ80 CT Ratio 630:1 IEC - Long Inverse Pickup = 0.7 (0.1 - 4 Sec - 1A) Time Dial = 0.5 3x = 30 s, 5x = 15 s, 8x = 8.57 s Inst = 4.39 (0.1 - 35 Sec - 1A) Time Delay = 0.2 s .05 Cable28 .5 Relay 25 - P OC1 .1 Relay 27 Relay 22 Open ± R Relay 24 R Relay 25 Amps X 10 LVSG-1A (Nom. kV=0.4, Plot Ref. kV=0.4) .5 1 3 5 10 30 50 100 300 500 1K 3K 5K 10K 1K 1K Cable1LV1 Ampacity 500 500 1235 Amps 300 300 Relay 6 - G OC1 100 100 Siemens 7SJ80 CT Ratio 2500:1 Inst = 0.07 (0.05 - 35 Sec - 1A) Time Delay = 0.3 s 50 30 PDC-1A 1.6 MVA 50 0A 30 Interface Busbar 1A ± R 10 CB1LV1 Relay 2 - G OC1 5 5 Siemens 7SJ80 CT Ratio 630:5 Inst = 0.31 (0.25 - 175 Sec - 5A) Time Delay = 0.1 s 3 3 Seconds Seconds 10 Relay 6 LVSG-1A CB1LV4 1 1 ± R .5 .5 .3 .3 Relay 2 Cable1LV1 3-3/C 300 ∆ 0.2 s .1 .1 .05 .05 .03 .03 CB1LV8 ± .01 .5 1 3 5 10 30 50 100 300 500 1K Amps X 10 LVSG-1A (Nom. kV=0.4, Plot Ref. kV=0.4) Project: Location: Contract: Engineer: Filename: Timor-1 CFSPP Project Kupang, NTT, Indonesia 0389.PJ/DAN.02.01/010000/2019 YHN D:\File Penting Nafis\Kerja Bismillah !!\PLN - gawe\Koordinasi Proteksi Relay PLT Date: 09-06-2022 SN: Rev: Base Fault: Ground 3K 5K .01 10K ETAP Star 19.0.1C LV-1 ESS MCC Amps X 10 LVSG-12A COMMON (Nom. kV=0.4, Plot Ref. kV=0.4) .5 1 3 5 10 30 50 100 300 500 1K 3K 5K 10K 1K 1K Cable0LV1 Ampacity 500 500 616.9 Amps 300 300 Relay 11 - G OC1 Siemens 7SJ80 CT Ratio 3000:1 Inst = 0.07 (0.05 - 35 Sec - 1A) Time Delay = 0.3 s 100 50 100 PDC-12A 2 MVA 50 30 30 Siemens 7SJ80 CT Ratio 630:1 Inst = 0.06 (0.05 - 35 Sec - 1A) Time Delay = 0.1 s 5 10 5 3 3 1 1 .5 .5 .3 .3 Seconds Seconds 10 Interface Busbar 12A Relay 10 - G OC1 0A ± R CB0LV1 Relay 11 LVSG-12A COMMON CB0LV4 ± R Relay 10 .1 .1 Cable0LV1 CB0LV7 ± .05 .05 .03 .03 .01 .5 1 3 5 10 30 50 100 300 500 1K Amps X 10 LVSG-12A COMMON (Nom. kV=0.4, Plot Ref. kV=0.4) Project: Location: Contract: Engineer: Filename: Timor-1 CFSPP Project Kupang, NTT, Indonesia 0389.PJ/DAN.02.01/010000/2019 YHN D:\File Penting Nafis\Kerja Bismillah !!\PLN - gawe\Koordinasi Proteksi Relay PLT Date: 09-06-2022 SN: Rev: Base Fault: Ground 3K 5K .01 10K ETAP Star 19.0.1C 2-3/C 185 Amps X 10 MVSG-1A (Nom. kV=6.3, Plot Ref. kV=6.3) .5 1 3 5 10 30 50 100 300 500 1K 3K 5K 10K 1K 1K CableMV17 Ampacity 500 1814 Amps 300 300 Relay 7 - G OC1 100 100 Siemens 7SJ80 CT Ratio 400:1 Inst = 0.05 (0.05 - 35 Sec - 1A) Time Delay = 0.5 s 50 30 CB1117 50 R CableMV17 5 3 Seconds 3 Relay 7 10 Siemens 7SJ80 CT Ratio 2500:1 Inst = 0.07 (0.05 - 35 Sec - 1A) Time Delay = 0.3 s 5 ± 30 Relay 6 - G OC1 10 Seconds 500 4-3/C 300 Bus1MV1 PDC-1A 1.6 MVA 1 1 .5 .5 .3 .3 Interface Busbar 1A 0A ± R CB1LV1 .1 .1 .05 .05 .03 .03 .01 .5 1 3 5 10 30 50 100 300 500 1K Amps X 10 MVSG-1A (Nom. kV=6.3, Plot Ref. kV=6.3) Project: Location: Contract: Engineer: Filename: Timor-1 CFSPP Project Kupang, NTT, Indonesia 0389.PJ/DAN.02.01/010000/2019 YHN D:\File Penting Nafis\Kerja Bismillah !!\PLN - gawe\Koordinasi Proteksi Relay PL Date: 09-05-2022 SN: Rev: Base Fault: Ground 3K 5K .01 10K ETAP Star 19.0.1C LVSG-1A Relay 6 Amps X 10 MVSG-12A COMMON (Nom. kV=6.3, Plot Ref. kV=6.3) .5 1 3 5 10 30 50 100 300 500 1K 3K 5K 10K 1K 1K Cable0MV1 Ampacity 500 500 269.9 Amps 300 300 Relay 12 - G OC1 100 100 Siemens 7SJ80 CT Ratio 400:1 Inst = 0.07 (0.05 - 35 Sec - 1A) Time Delay = 0.5 s 50 30 MVSG-12A COMMON 50 CB1001 30 ± Relay 11 - G OC1 Siemens 7SJ80 CT Ratio 3000:1 Inst = 0.07 (0.05 - 35 Sec - 1A) Time Delay = 0.3 s 10 5 5 3 1 1 .5 .5 ∆ 0.2 s .3 .3 .1 .1 .05 .05 .03 .03 .01 .5 1 3 5 10 30 50 100 300 500 1K Amps X 10 MVSG-12A COMMON (Nom. kV=6.3, Plot Ref. kV=6.3) Project: Location: Contract: Engineer: Filename: Timor-1 CFSPP Project Kupang, NTT, Indonesia 0389.PJ/DAN.02.01/010000/2019 YHN D:\File Penting Nafis\Kerja Bismillah !!\PLN - gawe\Koordinasi Proteksi Relay PLT Date: 09-06-2022 SN: Rev: Base Fault: Ground 3K 5K .01 10K ETAP Star 19.0.1C 1-3/C 120 PDC-12A 2 MVA Interface Busbar 12A 3 Relay 12 Cable0MV1 10 Seconds Seconds R CB0LV1 0A ± R Relay 11 LVSG-12A COMMON Amps X 10 MVSG-1A (Nom. kV=6.3, Plot Ref. kV=6.3) .5 1 3 5 10 30 50 100 300 500 1K 3K 5K 10K 1K 1K Cable1MV1 Ampacity 500 500 160.2 Amps 300 300 Relay 15 - G OC1 Siemens 7SJ80 CT Ratio 1600:1 Inst = 0.1 (0.05 - 35 Sec - 1A) Time Delay = 0.9 s 100 50 100 ± R 50 30 Relay 8 - G OC1 MVSG-1A Siemens 7SJ80 CT Ratio 200:1 Inst = 0.05 (0.05 - 35 Sec - 1A) Time Delay = 0.5 s 10 5 10 5 3 3 1 CB1101 Seconds Seconds Relay 15 CB1MV1 30 ± R Bus2 Relay 8 1 ∆ 0.4 s .5 .3 .3 .1 .1 .05 .05 .03 .03 .01 .5 1 3 5 10 30 50 100 300 500 1K Amps X 10 MVSG-1A (Nom. kV=6.3, Plot Ref. kV=6.3) Project: Location: Contract: Engineer: Filename: Timor-1 CFSPP Project Kupang, NTT, Indonesia 0389.PJ/DAN.02.01/010000/2019 YHN D:\File Penting Nafis\Kerja Bismillah !!\PLN - gawe\Koordinasi Proteksi Relay PLT Date: 09-04-2022 SN: Rev: Base Fault: Ground 3K 5K .01 10K ETAP Star 19.0.1C PRIMARY AIR FAN 1A 650 kW .5 Amps X 10 MVSG-1A (Nom. kV=6.3, Plot Ref. kV=6.3) .5 1 3 5 10 30 50 100 300 500 1K 3K 5K 10K 1K 1K CableMV17 Ampacity 500 500 1814 Amps 300 300 Relay 15 - G OC1 100 100 Siemens 7SJ80 CT Ratio 1600:1 Inst = 0.1 (0.05 - 35 Sec - 1A) Time Delay = 0.9 s 50 30 UAT-1A 16 MVA 50 30 0A BusDuct4 Relay 7 - G OC1 5 10 R Relay 15 CB1MV1 5 3 3 Seconds Seconds ± Siemens 7SJ80 CT Ratio 400:1 Inst = 0.05 (0.05 - 35 Sec - 1A) Time Delay = 0.5 s 10 MVSG-1A CB1117 ± 1 R 1 CableMV17 ∆ 0.4 s .5 .5 .3 .3 4-3/C 300 Bus1MV1 .1 .1 PDC-1A 1.6 MVA .05 .05 .03 .03 .01 .5 1 3 5 10 30 50 100 300 500 1K Amps X 10 MVSG-1A (Nom. kV=6.3, Plot Ref. kV=6.3) Project: Location: Contract: Engineer: Filename: Timor-1 CFSPP Project Kupang, NTT, Indonesia 0389.PJ/DAN.02.01/010000/2019 YHN D:\File Penting Nafis\Kerja Bismillah !!\PLN - gawe\Koordinasi Proteksi Relay PLT Date: 09-05-2022 SN: Rev: Base Fault: Ground 3K 5K .01 10K ETAP Star 19.0.1C Relay 7 Amps X 10 MVSG-1A (Nom. kV=6.3, Plot Ref. kV=6.3) .5 1 3 5 10 30 50 100 300 500 1K 3K 5K 10K 1K 1K Cable0MV1 Ampacity 500 500 269.9 Amps 300 300 Relay 14 - G OC1 100 50 30 BusDuct15 0A 30 CB10-11 10 Siemens 7SJ80 CT Ratio 400:1 Inst = 0.07 (0.05 - 35 Sec - 1A) Time Delay = 0.5 s 5 Relay 14 ± R 5 3 3 Seconds Seconds 50 Relay 12 - G OC1 10 MVSG-1A 100 Siemens 7SJ80 CT Ratio 630:1 Inst = 0.08 (0.05 - 35 Sec - 1A) Time Delay = 0.7 s MVSG-12A COMMON CB1001 Relay 12 ± 1 R 1 Cable0MV1 ∆ 0.2 s .5 .5 .3 .3 PDC-12A 2 MVA .1 .1 .05 .05 .03 .03 .01 .5 1 3 5 10 30 50 100 300 500 1K Amps X 10 MVSG-1A (Nom. kV=6.3, Plot Ref. kV=6.3) Project: Location: Contract: Engineer: Filename: Timor-1 CFSPP Project Kupang, NTT, Indonesia 0389.PJ/DAN.02.01/010000/2019 YHN D:\File Penting Nafis\Kerja Bismillah !!\PLN - gawe\Koordinasi Proteksi Relay PLT Date: 09-06-2022 SN: Rev: Base Fault: Ground 3K 5K .01 10K ETAP Star 19.0.1C 1-3/C 120 Amps X 10 MVSG-1A (Nom. kV=6.3, Plot Ref. kV=6.3) .5 1 3 5 10 30 50 100 300 500 1K 3K 5K 10K 1K 1K 500 500 300 300 Relay 15 - G OC1 100 100 Siemens 7SJ80 CT Ratio 1600:1 Inst = 0.1 (0.05 - 35 Sec - 1A) Time Delay = 0.9 s 50 50 30 Relay 14 - G OC1 10 Siemens 7SJ80 CT Ratio 630:1 Inst = 0.08 (0.05 - 35 Sec - 1A) Time Delay = 0.7 s 5 3 0A BusDuct4 10 ± 5 3 Seconds Seconds UAT-1A 16 MVA 30 R Relay 15 CB1MV1 MVSG-1A 1 1 ∆ 0.2 s .5 .5 .3 .3 0A BusDuct15 CB10-11 Relay 14 ± R .1 .1 MVSG-12A COMMON .05 .05 .03 .03 .01 .5 1 3 5 10 30 50 100 300 500 1K Amps X 10 MVSG-1A (Nom. kV=6.3, Plot Ref. kV=6.3) Project: Location: Contract: Engineer: Filename: Timor-1 CFSPP Project Kupang, NTT, Indonesia 0389.PJ/DAN.02.01/010000/2019 YHN D:\File Penting Nafis\Kerja Bismillah !!\PLN - gawe\Koordinasi Proteksi Relay PLT Date: 09-06-2022 SN: Rev: Base Fault: Ground 3K 5K .01 10K ETAP Star 19.0.1C Amps X 100 BUS-100 (Nom. kV=15, Plot Ref. kV=15) .5 1 3 5 10 30 50 100 300 500 1K 3K 5K 10K 1K 1K 500 500 300 300 100 100 Relay 17 - G OC1 50 Siemens 7SJ80 CT Ratio 4000:1 Inst = 0.07 (0.05 - 35 Sec - 1A) Time Delay = 2.3 s 30 Relay 15 - G OC1 Siemens 7SJ80 CT Ratio 1600:1 Inst = 0.1 (0.05 - 35 Sec - 1A) Time Delay = 0.9 s 5 Gen1 63 MW 30 0A Relay 17 10 BusDuct1 R 5 3 3 ± GCB1 Seconds Seconds 10 50 0A BUS-100 BusDuct2 0A ∆ 1.4 s BusDuct3 1 1 .5 .5 .3 .3 UAT-1A 16 MVA 0A BusDuct4 ± R .1 .1 .05 .05 .03 .03 .01 .5 1 3 5 10 30 50 100 300 500 1K Amps X 100 BUS-100 (Nom. kV=15, Plot Ref. kV=15) Project: Location: Contract: Engineer: Filename: Timor-1 CFSPP Project Kupang, NTT, Indonesia 0389.PJ/DAN.02.01/010000/2019 YHN D:\File Penting Nafis\Kerja Bismillah !!\PLN - gawe\Koordinasi Proteksi Relay PLT Date: 09-05-2022 SN: Rev: Base Fault: Ground 3K 5K .01 10K ETAP Star 19.0.1C CB1MV1 Relay 15 Amps X 10 SWITCHYARD (Nom. kV=150, Plot Ref. kV=150) .5 1 3 5 10 30 50 100 300 500 1K 3K 5K 10K 1K 1K 500 500 300 300 Relay 16 - G OC1 Siemens 7SJ80 CT Ratio 300:1 Inst = 0.09 (0.05 - 35 Sec - 1A) Time Delay = 2 s 100 50 100 CBHV1 50 ± 30 30 R Relay 15 - G OC1 Siemens 7SJ80 CT Ratio 1600:1 Inst = 0.1 (0.05 - 35 Sec - 1A) Time Delay = 0.9 s 5 GT-1 73 MVA 10 5 3 3 Seconds Seconds 10 Relay 16 BUS-100 ∆ 1.1 s 1 1 .5 .5 .3 .3 .1 .1 BusDuct3 0A .05 .05 .03 .03 UAT-1A 16 MVA 0A BusDuct4 ± Relay 15 R .01 .5 1 3 5 10 30 50 100 300 500 1K 3K 5K .01 10K CB1MV1 Amps X 10 SWITCHYARD (Nom. kV=150, Plot Ref. kV=150) 227.3 500 1K 3K 5K 10K 30K 50K 100K 300K 500K Amps (Plot Ref. kV=3.3) Project: Location: Contract: Engineer: Filename: Timor-1 CFSPP Project Kupang, NTT, Indonesia 0389.PJ/DAN.02.01/010000/2019 YHN D:\File Penting Nafis\Kerja Bismillah !!\PLN - gawe\Koordinasi Proteksi Relay PLT 1000K 4545K ETAP Star 19.0.1C Date: 09-05-2022 SN: Rev: Base Fault: Ground Amps X 10 SWITCHYARD (Nom. kV=150, Plot Ref. kV=150) .5 1 3 5 10 30 50 100 300 500 1K 3K 5K 10K 1K 1K 500 500 300 300 Relay 17 - G OC1 Siemens 7SJ80 CT Ratio 4000:1 Inst = 0.07 (0.05 - 35 Sec - 1A) Time Delay = 2.3 s 100 Relay 16 - G OC1 50 100 CBHV1 50 Siemens 7SJ80 CT Ratio 300:1 Inst = 0.09 (0.05 - 35 Sec - 1A) Time Delay = 2 s 30 Relay 16 ± R 30 10 10 5 5 3 3 GT-1 73 MVA ∆ 0.3 s 1 1 Seconds Seconds BUS-100 BusDuct2 0A GCB1 Relay 17 ± R .5 .5 .3 .3 .1 .1 .05 .05 .03 .03 .01 .5 1 3 5 10 30 50 100 300 500 1K Amps X 10 SWITCHYARD (Nom. kV=150, Plot Ref. kV=150) Project: Location: Contract: Engineer: Filename: Timor-1 CFSPP Project Kupang, NTT, Indonesia 0389.PJ/DAN.02.01/010000/2019 YHN D:\File Penting Nafis\Kerja Bismillah !!\PLN - gawe\Koordinasi Proteksi Relay PLT Date: 08-28-2022 SN: Rev: Base Fault: Ground 3K 5K .01 10K ETAP Star 19.0.1C 0A BusDuct1 Gen1 63 MW Generator Protection Settings 7UM85 Timor-1 Coal Fired Steam Power Plant 2 X 50 MW (Timor-1 CFSPP Project) Consortium of PT. IKPT - PT. PP (Persero) Tbk. - ITOCHU Corporation - Sumitomo Heavy Industries, Ltd. - PT. Medco Power Indonesia Log Date: in Comm No: CIVIL PLN DOC. NO. : MECH B APPROVED APPROVED AS NOTED REVIEW ELECT A I&C CONTRACTOR DOC. NO. : SUPPORT T1-IK-200-ELE-INF-00003-AXGI01 GENERAL CONTRACT NO. : 0389.PJ/DAN.02.01/010000/2019 C NOT APPROVED Purchase Order Number: I INFORMATION REVIEWED DOES NOT RELIEVE CONTRACTOR FROM RESPONSIBILITY FOR ERROR OR DEVIATIONS FROM CONTRACT REQUIREMENTS By: Date: Date: Log Comm in No. DISTRIBUTION PLN UIP NUSRA (HO) AC025800 Purchase Order Description: COMPLETE STEAM TURBINE GENERATOR PLN UPP TIMOR PLN PUSENLIS (JKT) MR Number: AXGI01 Vendor Docs Number: 0-76620-BB2284A-30 JAYA CM (JKT) CONTRACTOR (JKT) REV B Equipment Tag No: VENDOR REVIEW CODE↓ Sta Stts Code Description tus Code CONTRACTOR (SITE) Note: 1 2 3 4 Z APPROVED APPROVED AS NOTED. WORK MAY PROCEED SUBJECT TO INCORPORATON OF CHANGES INDICATED NOT APPROVED. TO BE REVISED & RESUBMITTED. WORK MAY NOT PROCEED INFORMATION ONLY. REVIEW NOT REQUIRED. WORK MAY PROCEED CERTIFIED FINAL / AS BUILT / ACCEPTED AS FINAL “Code 1”, “Code 2” and “Code Z” endorsed on Supplier data by CONSORTIUM and/or OWNER shall not relieve the Supplier from full responsibility for any errors or omissions, therein, or limit the Supplier’s obligations for conformance to Specification and Purchase Order or Contract requirements. Reviewing Engineer's/PEM/PE/PIC/PM Name (IN BLOCK LETTERS), Sign and Date Name: Sign: Date: 1 2021-04-15 Issued for information Fiebig Eidner Eidner 0 2021-03-15 Issued for information Fiebig Eidner Eidner REV DATE PURPOSE OF ISSUE PREPARED CHECKED APROVED AUTHORIZED based on Std. Rev. Q Transmittal, reproduction, dissemination and/or editing of this document as well as utilization of its contents and communication thereof to others without express authorization are prohibited. Offenders will be held liable for payment of damages. All rights created by patent grant or registration of a utility model or design patent are reserved. Siemens restricted, Copyright (C) Siemens AG, 2013 ECCN : N LKZ: DE Goods labeled with "AL” not equal to "N” are subject to European or German export authorization when being exported out of the EU. Goods labeled with "ECCN” not equal to “N" are subject to US reexport authorization. Even without a label, or with label "AL:N" or "ECCN:N", authorization may be required due to the final end-use and destination for which the goods are to be used. AL : N Siemens Energy Steam Turbine B A - - Revision Sheet Klass.Nr.: Dok.-Art: Handling 2021-04-12 2021-03-12 Generator Protection Settings 7UM85 Timor Fiebig Fiebig Date prepared for internal use only Eidner Eidner reviewed Voelkel Eidner released Original of: Rev.: Format Ident-Nummer/Unterlagen-Nummer Revision A4 0-76620-BB2284A-30 B B Short circuit power of the grid First revision for 7UM85 Description of Change Classifiction: Language INT Sheet EN 1/ 70 Contents 3 8 15 21 24 26 28 29 34 37 40 41 42 44 46 48 50 52 53 57 60 61 65 67 Input Data Group Power System Impedance Protection (ANSI 21) Overexcitation Protection (ANSI 24) Undervoltage Protection 3ph. (ANSI 27) Reverse Power Protection (ANSI32R) Turbine Overload Protection (ANSI 32T) Underexcitation Protection (ANSI 40) Unbalanced Load Protection (ANSI 46) Thermal Over Load Protection (ANSI 49) Definite Time Overcurrent Protection (I>>, ANSI 50) Inadvertent Energization (ANSI 50/27) Breaker Failure Protection (ANSI 50BF) Sensitive Earth Fault Protection (ANSI 51GN) Definite Time Overcurrent Protection (I>, ANSI 51V) with Undervoltage Seal-In Inverse-Time Overcurrent Protection (ANSI 51V) Overvoltage Protection (ANSI 59) 90% Stator Earth Fault Protection (ANSI 59N) 100% Stator Earth Fault Protection (ANSI 64G) Rotor Earth Fault Protection R, fn (ANSI 64R) Trip Circuit Supervision (ANSI 74TC) Out-of-Step Protection (ANSI 78) Frequency Protection (ANSI 81) Differential Protection (ANSI 87G) Ident-No. 0-76620-BB2284A-30 Sheet Blatt Revision Classification 2 / 70 B INT Input Data General Options Connection to network Unit Type of starpoint earthing Grounding Transformer Differential protection zone Generator Protection redundancy Yes Excitation system Rotating Rectifier Generator rated power range 50 .. 200MVA Connection of the CT's Side 2 Side 1 G3~ CT CT Ident-No. 0-76620-BB2284A-30 Sheet Blatt Revision Classification 3 / 70 B INT Input Data Scope of Protection Function ANSI Status Impedance Protection 21 Enabled Overexcitation Protection 24 Enabled Undervoltage Protection 3ph. 27 Enabled Reverse Power Protection 32R Enabled Turbine Overload Protection 32T Enabled Underexcitation Protection 40 Enabled Unbalaced Load Protection 46 Enabled Thermal Over Load Protection 49 Enabled Definite-Time Overcurrent Prot. I>> 50 Enabled Inadvertend Energization Protection 50/27 Enabled Breaker Failure Protection 50BF Enabled Sensitive Earth Fault Protection 51GN Enabled Sensitive Earth Fault Protection REF 51GN Disabled Definite-Time Overcurrent Prot. I> + U< 51V Enabled Inverse-Time Overcurrent Protection 51V Enabled 59 Enabled 90% Stator Earth Fault Protection 59N, 67G Enabled Sensitive Rotor Earth Fault 1-3Hz 64R Disabled 100% Stator Earth Fault Protection 64G Enabled Rotor Earth Fault Protection R, fn 64R Enabled Power Swing Blocking 68 Disabled Trip Circuit Supervision 74TC Enabled Out of Step Protection 78 Enabled Frequency Protection 81 Enabled 81R Disabled 87 Enabled 87TN Disabled Overvoltage Protection Rate of Frequency Change Protection Differential Protection Earth Current Differential Protection Ident-No. 0-76620-BB2284A-30 Sheet Blatt Revision Classification 4 / 70 B INT Input Data Current Transformers Addr. Parameter Value Unit - CT-starpoint Line side towards generator YES - CT rated primary current Line side 4000 A - CT rated secondary current Line side 1 A - CT-starpoint Neutral side towards generator YES - CT rated primary current Neutral side 4000 A - CT rated secondary current Neutral side 1 A - I-1 ph 1 CT rated primary current 200 A - I-1 ph 1 CT rated secondary 5 A - I-1 ph 2 CT rated primary current 1 A - I-1 ph 2 CT rated secondary 1 A - I-1 ph 3 CT rated primary current (spare) - A - I-1 ph 3 CT rated secondary (spare) - A Value Unit 15000 V 100 V Voltage Transformers Addr. Parameter - V-3 ph 1 Rated primary voltage - V-3 ph 1 Rated secondary voltage (ph-ph) - V-1 ph 1 Rated primary voltage 8660.00 V - V-1 ph 1 Rated secondary voltage 200.00 V - V-1 ph 2 Rated primary voltage 220.00 V - V-1 ph 2 Rated secondary voltage 86.00 V - V-1 ph 3 Rated primary voltage (spare) - V - V-1 ph 3 Rated sec. voltage (spare) - V - Ident-No. 0-76620-BB2284A-30 Sheet Blatt Revision Classification 5 / 70 B INT Input Data Generator - General Data Parameter Addr. Value Unit 15000 V - Rated primary voltage generator - Positive nominal machine voltage tolerance 5 % - Negative nominal machine voltage tolerance 5 % - Rated apparent power of the generator 74.14 MVA - Power factor 0.85 - - Rated frequency 50 Hz - Sustained short circuit current 4300 A - P1/Q1 from Generator capability diagram 0.00 -0.49 p.u. - P2/Q2 from Generator capability diagram 0.44 -0.49 p.u. - P3/Q3 from Generator capability diagram 0.90 -0.44 p.u. Generator - Thermal Settings Parameter Addr. Value Unit - Thermally continuous permissible current 2996 A - Permissable long term thermal inverse IMN 10 % - Asymmetry factor 10.00 s - Minimal thermal time constant 418 s Value Unit Generator - Excitation Settings Addr. Parameter - Excitation voltage (no-load) 63 V - Excitation voltage (rated load) 163 V - Voltage divider transformation ratio 20 - Generator - Reactances Addr. Parameter Value Unit - Direct-axis synchrounous reactance unsat. xd 189 % - Direct-axis synchrounous reactance sat. xd 170 % - Direct-axis transient reactance unsat. xd' 24.9 % - Direct-axis transient reactance sat. xd' 22.4 % Ident-No. 0-76620-BB2284A-30 Sheet Blatt Revision Classification 6 / 70 B INT Input Data Neutral Grounding Transformer - Load Resistor Parameter Addr. Value Unit - Nominal earthing transformer voltage (prim) - Nominal earthing transformer voltage (sec) 500 V - Overload capacity of earthing transformer 10 s - Resistance of load resistor 5.00 Ω - Short Time load resistor current (t Load) 100 A - Overload capacity of load resistor 10 s Value Unit 15000 / √3 V Unit Transformer Parameter Addr. - Nominal transformer voltage (gen. side) 15000 V - Nominal transformer voltage (grid side) 150000 V - Rated apparent power of the transformer 73 MVA - Transformer short-circuit-ratio usc 13 % - Transformer reactance on gen. MVA base 0.132 p.u. Value Unit 2650 MVA Grid Data Parameter Addr. - Rated short circuit power of the grid - Nominal grid voltage 150000 V - Grid reactance on generator MVA base 0.0303 p.u. - Grid R/X ratio 0.125 p.u. Ident-No. 0-76620-BB2284A-30 Sheet Blatt Revision Classification B 7 / 70 B INT Group Power System General At each third measurement input, a second phase-to-phase voltage (voltage VBC) is connected which — together with each first voltage allows the phase sequence to be checked - with parameter .101 Phase sequence . Address Parameter .101 Phase sequence Setting Options Presetting Value (secondary) Comments ABC ABC Phase sequence check ABC ACB Meas. Point I-3 ph 1 (Line side) At address .101 Rated primary current , the primary current of CT of side 1 is entered for correct primary representation of the measured values. Address .102 Rated secondary current represents the secondary current of CT of side 1. The best sampling frequency of measuring point will be adjusted if parameter .127 Tracking = active. The direction of neutral point of CT must be set in parameter .116 Neutr.point in dir of ref obj. Inverted phases parameter .114 Inverted phases is used for special application only. Magnitude correction for CT1, CT2 and CT3 can be done for highly precise measurements only via .103 Magnitude correction parameter. Connected phase is shown via .117 Phase parameter for CT1, CT2 and CT3 according Measuring points routing. Setting Options Presetting Value (secondary) Comments active active Active tracking recommended Address Parameter .127 Tracking .101 Rated primary current 1.0…100000.0 A 1000.0 A .102 Rated secondary current 1 or 5 A .116 Neutr.point in dir. of ref. obj .114 Inverted phase active inactive yes no none AC/BC/AB 4000.0 A Rated primary current of CT 1A 1 A Rated secondary current of CT yes yes Direction of neutral point of CT in direction of reference object none none No inverted phase for current measurement active active Active tracking recommended MP disconnection .173 Current check .112 I<threshold active inactive 10.0 % secondary percent 10.0 % 0.100 A primary 400.0 A Min threshold for current check function CT1 .103 Magnitude correction 0.010…10.000 1 1.000 .117 Phase IA IA IA Ident-No. For corrections for highly precise measurements only. Connected phase 0-76620-BB2284A-30 Sheet Blatt Revision Classification 8 / 70 B INT CT2 Value (secondary) Address Parameter Setting Options Presetting .103 Magnitude correction 0.010…10.000 1 1.000 .117 Phase IB IB IB .103 Magnitude correction 0.010…10.000 1 1.000 .117 Phase IC IC IC Comments For corrections for highly precise measurements only. Connected phase CT3 For corrections for highly precise measurements only. Connected phase Supv. balan. I .1 Mode .101 Release threshold on off percent off 50.0 % Activation of Current-balance supervision off 50.0 % secondary 0.500 A primary 2000.0 A .102 Threshold min/max 0.10 … 0.95 0.50 .6 Delay failure indication 0.00…100.00 s 5.00 s Min threshold for magnitude supervision function 0.50 Magnitude supervision function 5.00 s Time delay before failure of Subv. balan. I will be indicated. Supv. ph. Seq. I on Mode .6 Delay failure indication 0.00…100.00 s 5.00 s percent 50.000 % 50.0 % .102 Release threshold secondary 0.500 A primary 2000.0 A off off Enable Phase rotation supervision. .1 on Time delay before failure of phase sequence will be indicated. 5.00 s Min threshold for magnitude supervision function Meas. Point I-3 ph 2 (Neutral side) Setting Options Presetting Value (secondary) Comments active active Active tracking recommended Address Parameter .127 Tracking .101 Rated primary current 1.0…100000.0 A 1000.0 A .102 Rated secondary current 1 or 5 A .116 Neutr.point in dir. of ref. obj .114 Inverted phase active inactive yes no none AC/BC/AB 4000.0 A Rated primary current of CT 1A 1 A Rated secondary current of CT yes yes Direction of neutral point of CT in direction of reference object none none No inverted phase for current measurement Ident-No. 0-76620-BB2284A-30 Sheet Blatt Revision Classification 9 / 70 B INT MP disconnection .173 Current check active inactive I<threshold active Active tracking recommended 10.0 % secondary 0.100 A primary 400.0 A percent .112 active 10.0 % Min threshold for current check function CT1 .103 Magnitude correction 0.010…10.000 1 1.000 .117 Phase IA IA IA .103 Magnitude correction 0.010…10.000 1 1.000 .117 Phase IB IB IB .103 Magnitude correction 0.010…10.000 1 1.000 .117 Phase IC IC IC For corrections for highly precise measurements only. Connected phase CT2 For corrections for highly precise measurements only. Connected phase CT3 For corrections for highly precise measurements only. Connected phase Supv. balan. I .1 Mode on off percent .101 Release threshold off 50.0 % Activation of Current-balance supervision off 50.0 % secondary 0.500 A primary 2000.0 A .102 Threshold min/max 0.10 … 0.95 0.50 .6 Delay failure indication 0.00…100.00 s 5.00 s Setting Options Presetting Value (secondary) off on Min threshold for magnitude supervision function 0.50 Magnitude supervision function 5.00 s Time delay before failure of Subv. balan. I will be indicated. Supv. ph. Seq. I Address Parameter .1 Mode .6 Delay failure indication .102 Release threshold on off 0.00…100.00 s 5.00 s percent 50.000 % Comments Enable Phase rotation supervision. Time delay before failure of phase sequence will be indicated. 5.00 s 50.0 % secondary 0.500 A primary 2000.0 A Ident-No. Min threshold for magnitude supervision function 0-76620-BB2284A-30 Sheet Blatt Revision Classification 10 / 70 B INT Meas. Point I-1 ph 1 At address .101 Rated primary current , the primary current of CT of side 1 is entered for correct primary representation of the measured values. Address .102 Rated secondary current represents the secondary current of CT of side 1. The best sampling frequency of measuring point will be adjusted if parameter .127 Tracking = active. The direction of neutral point of CT must be set in parameter .116 Term. 1,3,5,7 in dir. of obj. Magnitude correction for CT1, CT2 and CT3 can be done for highly precise measurements only via .103 Magnitude correction parameter. Connected phase is shown via .117 Phase parameter for CT1, CT2 and CT3 according Measuring points routing. Address Parameter Setting Options Presetting .101 Rated primary current 1.0…100000.0 A 1000.0 A .102 Rated secondary current 1 or 5 A .116 Term.1,3,5,7 in dir. of obj .105 Tracking yes no active inactive Value (secondary) Comments 200.0 A Rated primary current of CT 1A 5 A Rated secondary current of CT yes yes Direction of neutral point of CT in direction of reference object active active Active tracking recommended CT1 .103 Magnitude correction 0.010…10.000 1 1.000 .117 Phase IA IA IA For corrections for highly precise measurements only. Connected phase Meas. Point I-1 ph 2 Address Parameter Setting Options Presetting .101 Rated primary current 1.0…100000.0 A 1000.0 A .102 Rated secondary current 1 or 5 A .116 Term.1,3,5,7 in dir. of obj .105 Tracking yes no active inactive Value (secondary) Comments 1.0 A Rated primary current of CT 1A 1 A Rated secondary current of CT yes yes Direction of neutral point of CT in direction of reference object active active Active tracking recommended CT1 .103 Magnitude correction 0.010…10.000 1 1.000 .117 Phase IA IA IA Ident-No. For corrections for highly precise measurements only. Connected phase 0-76620-BB2284A-30 Sheet Blatt Revision Classification 11 / 70 B INT Meas. Point V-3 ph 1 At address .101 Rated primary voltage , the primary transformer rated voltage of 3 phase voltage transformer is entered for correct primary representation of the measured values. Address .102 Rated secondary voltage represents the secondary VT rated voltage. Parameter .106 Inverted phases is used for special application only. The best sampling frequency of measuring point will be adjusted if parameter .111 Tracking = active. Magnitude correction for VT1 and VT2 can be done for highly precise measurements only via .103 Magnitude correction parameter. Connected phase needs to be selected within measuring point routing and can be checked via .108 Phase parameter. Phase rotation supervision can be enabled via parameter .1 Mode and the time delay before indication can be changed with parameter .6 Delay failure indication . Value (secondary) Address Parameter Setting Options Presetting .101 Rated primary voltage 0.20…1200.000 kV 400 kV .102 Rated secondary voltage 80…230 V 100 V 100 V .106 Inverted phase none none No inverted phase for voltage measurement .111 Tracking active active Active tracking recommended none AC/BC/AB active inactive Comments 15.000 kV Rated primary voltage of VT Rated Secondary Voltage of VT VT1 .103 Magnitude correction 0.010…10.000 1 1.000 For corrections for highly precise measurements only. .108 Phase VA VA VA Connected phase to be selected .103 Magnitude correction 0.010…10.000 1 1.000 For corrections for highly precise measurements only. .108 Phase VB VB VB Connected phase to be selected .103 Magnitude correction 0.010…10.000 1 1.000 For corrections for highly precise measurements only. .108 Phase VC VC VC Connected phase to be selected VT2 VT3 Supv. balan. V .1 Mode .101 Release threshold on off percent off 50.0 % Activation of Voltage-balance supervision off 50.0 % secondary 50.000 V primary 7.500 kV .102 Threshold min/max 0.58…0.95 0.75 .6 Delay failure indication 0.00…100.00 s 5.00 s Min threshold for magnitude supervision function 0.75 Magnitude supervision function 5.00 s Time delay before failure of Subv. balan. V will be indicated. Ident-No. 0-76620-BB2284A-30 Sheet Blatt Revision Classification 12 / 70 B INT Meas. Point V-3 ph 1 Supv. Ph. Seq. V .1 Mode .6 Delay failure indication on off 0.00…100.00 s off 5.00 s Enable Phase rotation supervision. off Time delay before failure of phase sequence will be indicated. 5.00 s Supv. sum V .1 Mode .101 Tthreshold .6 Delay failure indication on off off Activation of Voltage-sum supervision off percent 25.0 % secondary 14.434 V primary 2.165 kV Min Threshold for Voltage-sum supervision 0.00…100.00 s 5.00 s 5.00 s Time delay before failure of voltagesum will be indicated. 0.00…0.03 s 0.00 s 0.02 s Response time for VT miniature CB VT miniature CB .101 Response time Meas. Point V-1 ph 1 At address .101 Rated primary voltage , the primary transformer rated voltage of 1 phase voltage transformer is entered for correct primary representation of the measured values. Address .102 Rated secondary voltage represents the secondary VT rated voltage. Parameter .103 Tracking = inactive for 1 phase voltage transformers. Magnitude correction for VT1 can be done for highly precise measurements only via .103 Magnitude correction parameter. Connected phase needs to be selected within measuring point routing and can be checked via .108 Phase parameter. Value (secondary) Comments Address Parameter Setting Options Presetting .101 Rated primary voltage 0.20…1200.00 kV 400 kV 8.660 kV Rated primary voltage of VT .102 Rated secondary voltage 80…230 V 100 V 200 V Rated Secondary Voltage of VT .103 Tracking active inactive active active Active tracking recommended VT1 .103 Magnitude correction 0.010…10.000 1 1.000 For corrections for highly precise measurements only. .108 Phase VX VX VX Connected phase to be selected 0.00…0.03 s 0.00 s 0.00 s Response time for VT miniature CB VT miniature CB .101 Response time Ident-No. 0-76620-BB2284A-30 Sheet Blatt Revision Classification 13 / 70 B INT Meas. Point V-1 ph 2 At address .101 Rated primary voltage , the primary transformer rated voltage of 1 phase voltage transformer is entered for correct primary representation of the measured values. Address .102 Rated secondary voltage represents the secondary VT rated voltage. Parameter .103 Tracking = inactive for 1 phase voltage transformers. Magnitude correction for VT1 can be done for highly precise measurements only via .103 Magnitude correction parameter. Connected phase needs to be selected within measuring point routing and can be checked via .108 Phase parameter. Value (secondary) Address Parameter Setting Options Presetting .101 Rated primary voltage 0.20…1200.00 kV 400 kV .102 Rated secondary voltage 80…230 V 100 V 86 V Rated Secondary Voltage of VT .103 Tracking active active Active tracking recommended active inactive 0.220 kV Comments Rated primary voltage of VT VT1 .103 Magnitude correction 0.010…10.000 1 1.000 For corrections for highly precise measurements only. .108 Phase VX VX VX Connected phase to be selected 0.00…0.03 s 0.00 s 0.00 s Response time for VT miniature CB VT miniature CB .101 Response time Ident-No. 0-76620-BB2284A-30 Sheet Blatt Revision Classification 14 / 70 B INT Impedance Protection (ANSI 21) Machine impedance protection is used as a selective time graded protection to provide the shortest possible tripping times for short-circuits in the synchronous machine, on the terminal leads as well as in the unit transformer. It thus also provides backup protection functions to the main protection of a power plant or protection equipment connected in series like generator, transformer differential and system protection devices. Functional Description PICKUP Pickup is required to detect a faulty condition in the power system and to initiate all the necessary procedures for selective clarification of the fault: - Start the time relays for the final stage - Determination for the faulty measuring loop - Enabling of impedance calcualtion - Indication/output of the faulty conductor(s). Undervoltage Seal-In With excitation systems powered from the network, excitation voltage can drop during a local short circuit, resulting in decreasing short-circuit current which, in spite of the remaining fault, can undershoot the pickup value. In such cases the impedance protection pick-up is maintained for a sufficiently long period by means of an undervoltage controlled seal-in circuit using the positive sequence voltage U1. Tripping Characteristic The tripping characteristic of the impedance protection is a polygon. As long as the pickup criteria are met, impedance calculation is done continuously using the current and voltage vectors derived from the loop selection measured values. If the calculated impedance is within the tripping characteristic, the protection sends a tripping command according to the specified delay time. Since the impedance protection is multi-stage, the protected zones can be chosen such that the first stage (ZONE TZ 1) covers faults in the generator and the lower voltage side of the unit transformer. The ZONE TZ 2(B) is used in case of open Unit CB as a short time trip because a detected fault in this zone must be on HV side of the unit transformer before the Unit CB. The Zone TZ 3 must be coordinatied with the 1. zone of the distance protection in the electrical power system. Ident-No. 0-76620-BB2284A-30 Sheet Blatt Revision Classification 15 / 70 B INT Impedance Protection (ANSI 21) Settings Symbol UNM Value Comments 15.00 kV Nominal machine voltage INM 2854 A Nominal machine current UNT 15.00 kV Nominal transformer voltage (machine side) SNT 73 MVA Nominal transformer apparent power uSC 13.0 % Relative transformer short-circuit-voltage kRZ1 70 % Protection zone 1 reach kRZ2B 110 % Protection zone 2B reach kRZ3 100 % Protection zone 3 reach Ratio VT 15000 V 100 V Ratio of voltage transformer Ratio CT 4000 A 1 A Ratio of current transformer ΔUNM- 5 % Negative nominal machine voltage tolerance PICKUP The maximum load current during operation is the most important criterion for setting overcurrent pickup. A pickup by an overload must be excluded! For this reason, the .104 Overcurrent Threshold pickup value must be set above the maximum (over) load current to be expected. Adequate setting: 120% of the maximum permissible continuous generator current (at minimum continuous permissible voltage tolerance of generator). The pickup logic corresponds to the logic of the UMZ I> definite timeovercurrent protection. i> Overcurrent threshold 105 100 = 1.26 * INM * IN CT sec IN CT prim = 1.20 * = i> = 1.26 * 2854 A * 1 4000 Ident-No. A A = 0.90 0-76620-BB2284A-30 A Sheet Blatt Revision Classification 16 / 70 B INT Impedance Protection (ANSI 21) If the excitation is derived from the generator terminals with the short circuit current possibly falling below the pickup value .106 V-seal-in theshold due to the collapsing voltage, the undervoltage seal-in feature of the pickup is used, i.e. address .105 Undervoltage seal in is switched to yes. The undervoltage seal-in setting .106 V-seal-in theshold is set to a value just below the lowest phaseto-phase voltage occurring during operation, e.g. = 70 % of the nominal voltage. The seal-in time .107 Duration of V-seal-in time must exceed the maximum fault clearance time in a back-up case (recommended 4 s ). V-seal-in theshold = 0.80 * UN VT sec √3 = 0.80 * 100 V √3 V = 46.2 V Impedance Stages The protection has the following characteristics which may be set independently: 1. Zone (fast tripping zone TZ 1) with parameters ZONE TZ1 … Reactance = reach, TZ 1 … = 0,3 s Therefore ZONE TZ 1 is normally set to a reach of approx. 70 - 90 % of the protected zone (i.e. about 70 - 90 % of the transformer reactance), with short time delay (TZ 1 = 0.3 s). Protection then covers faults on this distance after its operating time. If a tap changer is available, the fault impedance changes with the tap position - thus for the safe side the setting range of 70 % shall be implemented. 2. Overeach zone TZ 2(B), externally controlled via binary input with parameters ZONE TZ 2(B) ... Reactance = reach, TZ 2(B) ... = 0,3 s For ZONE TZ 2(B) the reach can be set from 110 % to 200 % of the transformer reactance. Standard setting value will be 110 %. During commissioning this value will be measured exactly and setting shall be revised accordingly. The corresponding ZONE TZ 2(B) time stage is set to 0.3 sec. 3. Zone (fast tripping zone TZ 3) with parameters ZONE TZ3 … Reactance = reach, TZ 3 … = 0,5 s For ZONE TZ 3 the reach is set to 100 % of the transformer reactance. The corresponding ZONE TZ 3 time stage is set to 0.5 sec. Ident-No. 0-76620-BB2284A-30 Sheet Blatt Revision Classification 17 / 70 B INT Impedance Protection (ANSI 21) Recommendation for Impedance setup: 4000 A = 1 A CT ratio: X/R1prim uSC = 100% * 4000 UNT² SNT kR Z1 * 15000 V 100 V VT ratio: 100% / √3 = / √3 150 = ( 15.00 kV )² 70 % 13.0 % * * 100% 73 MVA 100 % = 0.2805 Ω X/R2Bprim = uSC UNT² * 100% SNT * kR Z2B 100% = ( 13.0 % * 100% 15 73 kV )² 110 % * MVA 100 % = 0.4408 Ω X/R3prim = uSC UNT² * 100% SNT * kR Z2 100% = ( 13.0 % * 100% 15 73 kV )² 100 % * MVA 100 % = 0.4007 Ω X/R1sec = Z1prim * üCT üVT = 0.2805 Ω * 4000 150 = 7.48 Ω X/R2Bsec = Z1Bprim* üCT üVT = 0.4408 Ω * 4000 150 = 11.75 Ω = Z2prim * üCT üVT = 0.40068 Ω * 4000 150 = 10.68 Ω X/R3sec Recommendation for R/X-ratio: R/Xratio = 1 2 = 0.50 Ident-No. 0-76620-BB2284A-30 Sheet Blatt Revision Classification 18 / 70 B INT Impedance Protection (ANSI 21) General Address Parameter .1 Mode .102 Loop selection .104 Overcurrent Threshold Setting Options on off / test Current-dependent All loops Presetting Values Comments on on Stage must be activated All loops Current-dependent Current dependent recommended percent secondary 1.3 A primary yes 126.00 % 0.90 A 3595.60 A Threshold for current criterion .105 Undervoltage seal in .106 V-seal-in threshold secondary Duration of V-seal-in 0.00 … 60.00 s 4.00 s Address Parameter Setting Options Presetting Values Comments .1 Mode on on TZ 1 stage must be activated .2 Operate & flt.rec. blocked yes no no If yes - TZ 1 stage has reporting effect only. percent 70 % .102 X reach (ph-g) secondary 2.5 Ω .107 no no percent yes Stage must be activated 80.0 46.2 V primary % 46.19 V 6.928 kV 4.00 s Threshold for V-seal-in criterion T U< Time Delay TZ 1 on off / test no primary .103 X reach (ph-ph) R reach (ph-g) 70 % secondary 2.5 Ω 35 % secondary 2.5 Ω R reach (ph-ph) percent 35 % secondary 2.5 Ω primary .109 Directional mode .6 Operate delay non-directional forward / reverse 0.00 … 60.00; ∞ s reverse 0.30 s Impedance Zone TZ 1 X Ω % 7.479 Ω 0.280 percent primary .105 Ω 0.280 percent primary .104 % 7.479 Impedance Zone TZ 1 X Ω % 3.740 Ω 0.140 Ω Impedance Zone TZ 1 R % 3.740 Ω 0.140 Ω For generator applications nondirectional must be selected non-directional 0.30 s Ident-No. Impedance Zone TZ 1 R TZ 1Time Delay 0-76620-BB2284A-30 Sheet Blatt Revision Classification 19 / 70 B INT Impedance Protection (ANSI 21) TZ 2 (B) Address Parameter .1 Mode .2 Operate & flt.rec. blocked .102 X reach (ph-g) Setting Options on off / test yes no Presetting Values Comments on on TZ 2 (B) stage must be activated no no If yes - TZ 2 (B) stage has reporting effect only. percent 110 % secondary 2.5 Ω primary .103 X reach (ph-ph) percent 110 % secondary 2.5 Ω primary .104 R reach (ph-g) percent 55 % secondary 2.5 Ω primary .105 R reach (ph-ph) 11.75 Ω 0.441 Ω 55 % secondary 2.5 Ω primary Ω 0.441 Ω Impedance Zone TZ 2 (B) X % 5.88 Ω Impedance Zone TZ 2 (B) R Ω % 5.88 Ω 0.220 Ω Impedance Zone TZ 2 (B) R For generator applications nondirectional must be selected .109 Directional mode .6 Operate delay 0.00 … 60.00; ∞ s 0.30 s Address Parameter Setting Options Presetting Values Comments .1 Mode on off TZ 3 stage may be activated on grid request .2 Operate & flt.rec. blocked no no If yes - TZ 3 stage has reporting effect only. forward / reverse reverse Impedance Zone TZ 2 (B) X % 11.75 0.220 percent non-directional % non-directional 0.30 s TZ 2 (B)Time Delay TZ 3 .102 X reach (ph-g) on off / test yes no percent 100 % secondary 2.5 Ω primary .103 X reach (ph-ph) percent 100 % secondary 2.5 Ω primary .104 R reach (ph-g) percent 50 % secondary 2.5 Ω primary .105 R reach (ph-ph) 50 % secondary 2.5 Ω primary .109 Directional mode .6 Operate delay forward / reverse 0.00 … 60.00; ∞ s 10.68 Ω 0.401 Ω reverse 0.30 s Impedance Zone TZ 3 X % 10.68 Ω 0.401 Ω Impedance Zone TZ 3 X % 5.34 Ω 0.200 percent non-directional % Impedance Zone TZ 3 R Ω % 5.34 Ω 0.200 Ω For generator applications nondirectional must be selected non-directional 0.50 s Ident-No. Impedance Zone TZ 3 R TZ 3 Time Delay 0-76620-BB2284A-30 Sheet Blatt Revision Classification 20 / 70 B INT Overexcitation Protection (ANSI 24) Overexcitation protection is used to detect inadmissibly high induction in generators and transformers, especially in power station unit transformers. The protection must intervene when the limit value for the protected object (e.g. unit transformer) is exceeded. The transformer is endangered, for example, if the power station block is disconnected from the system from full-load, and if the voltage regulator either does not operate or does not operate sufficiently fast to control the associated voltage rise. Similarly a decrease in frequency (speed), e.g. in island systems, can lead to an inadmissible increase in induction. Functional Description The overexcitation protection feature servers to measure the U/f voltage / frequency ratio, which is proportional to the induction (B) and puts it in relation to the nominal induction (BN). In this context, both voltage and frequency are related to nominal values of the object to be protected (generator, transformer). B ~ U f B BNM U UNM ~ f fN = U f Overexcitation protection includes two staged characteristics and one thermal characteristic for approximate modeling of the heating of the protection object due to overexcitation. As soon as a first pickup threshold (Thermal stage U/f >) has been exceeded, a warning delay time is started. On its expiry a warning message is transmitted. At the same time an integrator is activated when the pickup threshold is exceeded. This weighted counter is incremented in accordance with the current U/f value resulting in the trip time for the parametrized characteristic. A trip signal is transmitted as soon as the trip counter state has been reached. The trip signal is retracted as soon as the value falls below the pickup threshold and the counter is decremented in accordance with a parametrizable cool-down time. The thermal U/f characteristic of the generator is specified by 8 value pairs for overexcitation U/f (related to nominal values) and trip time t. Ident-No. 0-76620-BB2284A-30 Sheet Blatt Revision Classification 21 / 70 B INT Overexcitation Protection (ANSI 24) Settings The limit-value setting at address . 3 Threshold thermal stage U/f > is based on the induction limit value relation to the nominal induction (B/BN) as specified by the generator manufacturer. A pickup message is transmitted as soon as the induction limit value U/f > set at address .3 Threshold thermal stage is exceeded. A warning message is transmitted after expiry of the corresponding .103 Warning delay . The .3 Threshold U/f >> trip stage characteristic serves to fast trip particularly strong overexcitations if .6 Operate delay is expired. A thermal characteristic is superimposed on the trip stage characteristic. For this purpose, the temperature rise created by the overexcitation is approximately modeled. Not only the already mentioned pickup signal is generated on exceedance of the U/f induction limit set at address .3 Threshold U/f < thermal stage, but in addition a counter is activated additionally which causes the tripping after a length of time corresponding to the set characteristic (see following diagram). 10000 Duration Generator Duration AVR-Limiter Duration Protection 1000 not permitted permitted 100 10 1 1.00 1.10 1.20 1.30 1.40 1.50 The trip times t of the overexcitation values U/f = 1.05; 1.10; 1.15; 1.20; 1.25; 1.30; 1.35 and 1.40 are read out from the generator data sheet referred to as "short time voltage/frequency capability" and entered at the addresses .108 Operate char. curve t(U/f=1.05) to t(U/f=1.40) with an offset of + 2% of the time independent U/f. The protection device interpolates linearly between the points. Ident-No. 0-76620-BB2284A-30 Sheet Blatt Revision Classification 22 / 70 B INT Overexitation Protection (ANSI 24) U/f >> Address Parameter Setting Options Presetting Values Comments .1 Mode on on U/f >> stage must be activated .2 Operate & flt.rec. blocked yes no no If yes - stage has reporting effect only. .3 Threshold 1.00 …1.40 1.40 1.40 .6 Operate delay 0.00 … 60.00 s 1.00 s 3.00 Setting Options Presetting Values Comments on on U< stage must be activated no no If yes - stage has reporting effect only. on off / test no U/f >> Threshold s U/f >> Operate Time delay Therm. stage Address Parameter .1 Mode .2 Operate & flt.rec. blocked on off / test yes no .3 Threshold 1.00 …1.20 1.10 1.07 .101 Warning delay 0.00 … 60.00 s 10.00 s 10.00 s Thermal stage warning delay .102 Cooling time replica 0 … 100 000 s 3600 s 3600 s Cooling time thermal replica Operate curve .108 Operate char. curve Thermal stage Threshold 8 No. of points t(U/f = 1.05) 1300 s U/f = 1.05 Time Delay t(U/f = 1.10) 640 s U/f = 1.10 Time Delay t(U/f = 1.15) 270 s U/f = 1.15 Time Delay t(U/f = 1.20) 125 s U/f = 1.20 Time Delay t(U/f = 1.25) 52 s U/f = 1.25 Time Delay t(U/f = 1.30) 24 s U/f = 1.30 Time Delay t(U/f = 1.35) 11 s U/f = 1.35 Time Delay t(U/f = 1.40) 5 s U/f = 1.40 Time Delay Ident-No. 0-76620-BB2284A-30 Sheet Blatt Revision Classification 23 / 70 B INT Undervoltage Protection 3ph. (ANSI 27) The undervoltage protection function detects voltage dips on electrical machines and prevents inadmissible operating states and a possible loss of stability. Two-pole short circuits or ground faults cause a dip in asymmetrical voltages. Functional Description Undervoltage protection consists of up to three stages definite-time and two stages inverse-time. Two stages definite-time undervoltage protection will be used. A pickup is signalled as soon as selectable voltage threshold parameters .3 Threshold are undershot. A trip signal is transmitted if a voltage pickup exists for a selectable time according parameters .6 Operate delay. The drop-out ratio can be adapted in small steps to the operating conditions at address .4 Dropout ratio . Default setting is 1.05. Parameter .6 Operate delay for U< stage is set to 6s. This ensures that voltage dips which would affect operating stability are disconnected. On the other hand, the time delay is large enough to avoid disconnections during admissible short-time voltage dips. In order to ensure that the protection does not accidentally pick up due to a secondary voltage failure, each stage can be blocked individually or both stages together, via binary input(s), e.g. using a voltage transformer miniature circuit breaker. Also the integrated Fuse-Failure Monitor will block the two stages as well as the .104 current-flow criterion . Settings Symbol UNM Value 15.00 kV Nominal machine voltage INM 2854 A Nominal machine current Ratio VT 15000 Ratio CT 4000 Threshold I> V A Comments 100 1 = 0.05 * V Ratio of voltage transformer A Ratio of current transformer INM 2854 * IN CT sec = 0.05 * IN CT prim 4000 A * 1 A A = 0.04 A (secondary) The pickup value of U< will be set to 70% and U<< to 60% of nominal machine voltage. U< stage = 0.70 * UNM * UN VT sec UN VT prim = 0.70 * 15.00 kV * 100 V = 70.0 V 15 kV (secondary) U<< stage = 0.60 * UNM * UN VT sec UN VT prim = 0.60 * 15.00 kV * 100 V = 60.0 V 15 kV (secondary) General Address Parameter Setting Options .104 Current-flow criterion off .101 Threshold I> secondary .103 Stabilization counter on percent Presetting Values Comments on on Current-flow criterion recommended 5% primary 0…10 0 5.00 % 0.036 A 143 A 0 Threshold for current criterion Recommendation = 0 Ident-No. 0-76620-BB2284A-30 Sheet Blatt Revision Classification 24 / 70 B INT U< stage Address Parameter Setting Options .1 Mode .2 Operate & flt.rec. blocked yes .10 Blk. by meas.-volt. failure yes .9 Measured value .8 Method of measurement .101 Pickup mode .102 Pickup delay on off / test no no ph-gnd ph-ph fundamental RMS 1oo(3) 3oo(3) yes no percent .3 Threshold Presetting Values Comments on on U< stage must be activated no no If yes - U< stage has reporting effect only. yes yes If measuring-voltage failure detected U< stage will be blocked ph-ph ph-ph Phase - Phase voltage will be measured fundamental fundamental Harmonics or transient voltage peaks will be suppressed 1oo(3) 1oo(3) U< pickup if 1 out of 3 voltages are below Threshold. yes yes Pickup delay used for current-flow criterion if GCB opens. 80 % 70 % secondary 70.00 V primary 10.500 kV Threshold for U< criterion .4 Dropout ratio 1.01 …1.20 1.05 1.05 .6 Operate delay 0.00 … 60.00 s 3.00 s 6.00 Setting Options Presetting Values Comments on on U<< stage recommended no no If yes - U<< stage has reporting effect only. yes yes If measuring-voltage failure detected U<< stage will be blocked ph-ph ph-ph Phase - Phase voltage will be measured fundamental fundamental Harmonics or transient voltage peaks will be suppressed 1oo(3) 1oo(3) U<< pickup if 1 out of 3 voltages are below Threshold. yes yes Pickup delay used for current-flow criterion if GCB opens. U< Drop out ratio s T U< Time Delay U<< stage Address Parameter .1 Mode .2 Operate & flt.rec. blocked yes .10 Blk. by meas.-volt. failure yes .9 Measured value .8 Method of measurement .101 Pickup mode .102 Pickup delay .3 Threshold secondary .4 Dropout ratio 1.01 …1.20 1.05 1.05 .6 Operate delay 0.00 … 60.00 s 3.00 s 1.00 on off / test no no ph-gnd ph-ph fundamental RMS 1oo(3) 3oo(3) yes no percent 80 % primary 60 % 60.00 V 9.000 kV Threshold for U<< criterion U<< Drop out ratio s Ident-No. T U<< Time Delay 0-76620-BB2284A-30 Sheet Blatt Revision Classification 25 / 70 B INT Reverse Power Protection (ANSI32R) Reverse power protection is used to protect the turbine when the synchronous generator runs as a motor and drives the turbine taking motoring energy from the grid. This condition leads to overheating of the turbine blades and must be interrupted within a short time by opening the generator circuitbreaker. It is established operational practice to always shut down the steam turbine unit by using the reverse power protection function. As soon as active power is taken from the grid the disconnection is performed. This proves the ability of the steam valves to separate the turbine from its steam source completely. Functional Description The reverse power protection of the 7UM85 precisely calculates the active power from the symmetrical components of the fundamental waves of voltages and currents by averaging the values of the last 16 cycles. The evaluation of only the positive phase-sequence systems makes the reverse power determination independent of current and voltage asymmetries and corresponds to the actual load. Settings The level of the active power input is determined by the friction losses to be overcome and is in the following range: Steam turbines: PReverse/SNM ≈ 1 % to 3 % For the primary test, the reverse power should be measured during commissioning with the actual protection device. The pickup value P> REVERSE for the reverse power protection must be set to 50% of the measured value during test. The pickup value P> REVERSE paramerter .3 Threshold is set in percent of the secondary apparent power rating SNsec = √3 * UNsec * INsec . If the primary motoring energy is known, it must be converted to secondary quantities using the following formula: Setting = Psec SN sec = PM SNM * UNM INM * UN prim IN prim The parameter .102 Dropout delay - the pickup holding time serves to extend pulsed pickups to the parameterized minimum duration. A setting of 2 sec has proven to be suitable. If reverse power without emergency tripping is used, a corresponding time delay must be implemented to bridge any short reverse power states after synchronization or power swings subsequent to system faults (e.g. 3-pole short circuit). Usually the .6 Operate delay (without Stop Valve) is set to approx. 10 sec. Symbol INM Ratio CT UNM Ratio VT Comments Value 2854 Nominal machine current A A 1 15.00 kV Nominal machine voltage 100 V Ratio of voltage transformer 4000 15000 V A Ratio of current transformer Ident-No. 0-76620-BB2284A-30 Sheet Blatt Revision Classification 26 / 70 B INT Reverse Power Protection (ANSI 32R) Under emergency tripping conditions, the reverse power protection performs a short-time delayed trip subsequent to the emergency tripping via an oil-pressure switch or a position switch at the emergency trip valve. Before tripping, it must be ensured that the reverse power is only caused by the missing drive power at the turbine side. A time delay is necessary to bridge the active power swing in case of sudden valve closing. The parameter .103 Operate delay stop valve Time Delay Short (with Stop Valve) is usually set to 1 sec. General Address Parameter Setting Options .101 Rated current primary 2853.65 A Nominal machine current .102 Rated voltage primary 15.000 kV Nominal machine voltage .149 Power-sys. neutral point supressed coil grnd. .158 P,Q sign Presetting Values Comments grounded According power system neutral point grounded grounded not reversed not reversed Values isolated not reversed reversed In standard application the sign of P and Q ist not reversed. General Address Parameter Setting Options Presetting .101 Angel correction -10.00 … 10.00 ° 0.00 ° .3 Minimum voltage V1 percent secondary 5.00 V primary Comments 0.00 ° 10.00 % 5.77 V 0.866 kV Nominal machine voltage Threshold for minimum voltage. Stage 1 Address Parameter .1 Mode .2 Operate & flt.rec. blocked yes .3 Threshold percent 1) Setting Options on off / test no Presetting Values Comments on on Stage 1 must be activated no no If yes - stage 1 has reporting effect only. - 1.00 % -0.50 % Threshold for reverse power 1) .4 Dropout ratio 0.40 … 0.99 0.60 0.60 .102 Dropout delay 0.00 … 60.00 s 0.00 s 2.00 s Pickup Holding Time .6 Operate delay 0.00 … 60.00 s 10.00 s 10.00 s To bridge power swings .103 Operate delay stop valve 0.00 … 60.00 s 1.00 s 1.00 s Time Delay Short Stage 1 drop out ratio … the final pickup value has to be determined in primary tests during commissioning Ident-No. 0-76620-BB2284A-30 Sheet Blatt Revision Classification 27 / 70 B INT Turbine Overload Protection (ANSI 32T) The turbine overload protection protects the STG shaft train components from inadmissible overload. It is realized using a 2-stage forward power protection function connected with a CFC. Stage P> The first stage with a long time delay of 6 s uses a threshold that is 0.3% above rated active power. As the threshold is set in MVA, the PF must be considered. Stage P> Address Parameter .1 Mode .2 Operate & flt.rec. blocked .104 Meas. Value .3 Threshold Setting Options on off / test yes no Presetting Values Comments on on Stage must be activated no no If yes - stage has reporting effect only. pos. seq. power percent - 1.00 % 85.3 % Threshold related to apparent pow. .101 Dropout ratio 0.40 … 0.99 0.60 0.95 .103 Tilt power char. 0.00 … 60.00 s 0.0 ° 0.0 ° Tilt power char. for P> stage .7 Dropout delay 0.00 … 60.00 s 0.00 s 0.00 s P> stage dropout Time delay .6 Operate delay 0.00 … 60.00 s 10.00 s 6.00 s To bridge power swings Stage drop out ratio Stage P>> The 2nd stage with a short time delay of 1 s uses a threshold that is 8% above rated active power. As the threshold is set in MVA, the PF must be considered. Stage 2 is blocked by a CFC logic for 6s when the plant is falling into island operation to avoid tripping from power swings that may happen directly after Unit CB opening. Stage P>> Address Parameter Setting Options .1 Mode .2 Operate & flt.rec. blocked .104 Meas. Value .3 Threshold percent .101 Dropout ratio 0.40 … 0.99 0.60 0.95 .103 Tilt power char. 0.00 … 60.00 s 0.0 ° .7 Dropout delay 0.00 … 60.00 s .6 Operate delay 0.00 … 60.00 s on off / test yes no Presetting Values Comments on on Stage must be activated no no If yes - stage has reporting effect only. pos. seq. power 91.8 % Threshold related to apparent pow. 0.0 ° Tilt power char. for P>> stage 0.00 s 0.00 s P>> stage dropout Time delay 10.00 s 1.00 s To bridge power swings Stage drop out ratio Ident-No. 0-76620-BB2284A-30 Sheet Blatt Revision Classification Intern 28 / 70 B INT Underexcitation Protection (ANSI 40) The underexcitation protection protects a synchronous machine from asynchronous operation in the event of increasing grid voltage, faulty excitation or voltage regulation and prevents local overheating of the rotor. Functional Description The following figure shows the loading diagram of the synchronous machine in the admittance plane (P/U2; – Q/U2) with the static stability limit which crosses the reactive axis near 1/xd (reciprocal value of the synchronous direct reactance). The underexcitation protection in the 7UM85 makes available three independent, freely combinable characteristics. As illustrated in the following figure, it is possible for example to model static machine stability by means of two partial characteristics with the same time delays .6 Operate delay char. 1 and .8 Operate delay char. 2 . The partial characteristics are distinguished by the corresponding distance from the zero point .3 1/xd characteristic 1 and .6 1/xd characteristic 2 as well as the corresponding inclination .4 Angle characteristic 1 α1 and .7 Angle characteristic 2 α2. If the resulting characteristic (1/xd char.1)/α1; (1/xd char.2)/α2 is exceeded (in the following figure on the left), a delayed trip signal is transmitted. The delay is necessary to ensure that the underexcitation limiter function within the voltage regulator is given enough time to increase the excitation voltage and keep the generator in stable condition. Ident-No. 0-76620-BB2284A-30 Sheet Blatt Revision Classification 29 / 70 B INT Underexcitation Protection (ANSI 40) A further characteristic (1/xd char.3) /α3 can be matched to the dynamic stability characteristic of the synchronous machine. Since stable operation is impossible if this characteristic is exceeded, short time tripping is then required by parameter .11 Operate delay char. 3 . Settings Symbol UNM 15.00 Value kV Nominal machine voltage INM 2854 A Nominal machine current xd 1.89 p.u. Ratio VT 15000 V Ratio CT 4000 A 63 Uexcit. 0 VDratio 20 Comments Related machine synchronous direct reactance (unsaturated) 100 V Ratio of voltage transformer 1 A Ratio of current transformer V No-load excitation voltage : 1 Ratio of voltage divider xT 0.132 p.u. Transformer reactance on generator MVA base xGrid 0.030 p.u. Grid reactance on generator MVA base P1 / Q1 0.00 -0.49 p.u. from Generator capability diagram P2 / Q2 0.44 -0.49 p.u. from Generator capability diagram P3 / Q3 0.90 -0.44 p.u. from Generator capability diagram The trip characteristics of the underexcitation protection in the admittance value diagram are composed of straight segments which are respectively defined by their admittance 1/xd (=coordinate distance) and their inclination angle α. The straight segments (1/xd char.1)/α1 (characteristic 1) and (1/xd char.2)/α2 (characteristic 2) form the static underexcitation limit. The underexcitation limiter in the AVR is set 10% before the char.1- char.2 underexcitation protection curve, so that the AVR has enough time for raising the excitation. The primary setting values for char.1 and char.2 can be read out directly from the diagram below. The related secondary values must be converted for the protection setting by using the standard conversion formula. 1 xd sec = 1 I U * NM * N VT prim IN CT prim xd prim UNM The setting values for char.3 are recommended as below: 1 xd CHAR3 ≥ 1 Angle 3 = 80°…110°, typically 90° Ident-No. 0-76620-BB2284A-30 Sheet Blatt Revision Classification 30 / 70 B INT Underexcitation Protection (ANSI 40) Excitation voltage query (only relevant for static excitation) If static excitation is installed, the parameter .1 Mode V excitation< is set ON. In this case a short delay .5 Operate delay is selected. The excitation voltage is connected via measuring transducer TD3 and a voltage divider, so the protection can compare this voltage with the set value .4 Vexc< . As soon as the excitation voltage falls below this value short-time tripping is initiated. Vexc < ≈ 0.50 * Uexcit. 0 63 V = 0.50 * = 1.5 VDRatio 20 V Undervoltage Blocking The admittance calculation requires a minimum measurement voltage. During a severe collapse (shortcircuit) or failure of stator voltages, the protection is blocked by an integrated AC voltage monitor whose pickup threshold parameter .103 Threshold V1 min is set on delivery to 25 %. The parameter value is based on phase-to-phase voltages. V1 min = 0.25 * UNM * UN VT sec UN VT prim = 0.25 * 15.0 kV * 100 V V * √3 15000 = 14.4 V General Address Parameter Setting Options Presetting percent .103 Threshold V1 min secondary 15.00 V primary .10 Blk. by meas.-volt. failure yes no yes Values Comments 25.00 % 14.434 V 2.165 kV yes Ident-No. Threshold for V1 min If measuring-voltage failure detected stage will be blocked 0-76620-BB2284A-30 Sheet Blatt Revision Classification 31 / 70 B INT Underexcitation Protection (ANSI 40) 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00 0.00 P / SN -0.10 -0.20 0,975 -0.30 0,95 -0.40 0,90 -0.50 -0.60 0,85 -0.70 0,20 0,40 0,60 0,80 0,70 -0.80 Permanent operation range (generator approximation) practical SSSL (generator & xe) Protection setting (Char.1 & Char.2) Protection setting (Char.3) Limiter setting -0.90 -1.00 Q / SN Characteristic Address Parameter Setting Options .1 Mode .2 Operate & flt.rec. blocked yes .3 1/xd char. 1 0.10 .. 5.00 0.70 -0.56 80 ° s on off / test no Presetting Values Comments on on Stage must be activated no no If yes - stage has reporting effect only. .4 Angle char. 1 50 .. 120° 70° .5 Operate delay 1 0.00 .. 60.00 s 3.00 s 1,50 .6 1/xd char. 2 0.10 .. 5.00 0.45 -0.51 Suseptance Intersect Char. 1 1) Inclination Angle of Char. 1 Characteristic 1 Time Delay Suseptance Intersect Char. 2 1) .7 Angle char. 2 50 .. 120° 110° 90 ° Inclination Angle of Char. 2 .8 Operate delay 2 0.00 .. 60.00 s 3.00 s 1,50 s Characteristic 2 Time Delay .9 1/xd char. 3 0.10 .. 5.00 1.40 -1.00 Suseptance Intersect Char. 3 1) .10 Angle char. 3 50 .. 120° 90° 90 ° Inclination Angle of Char. 3 .11 Operate delay 3 0.00 .. 60.00 s 0.30 s 0.30 s Characteristic 3 Time Delay 1) … These settings are entered in Digsi as absolute values (without "-") Ident-No. 0-76620-BB2284A-30 Sheet Blatt Revision Classification 32 / 70 B INT Underexcitation Protection (ANSI 40) V excitation < Address Parameter .1 Mode .2 Operate & flt.rec. blocked yes .4 V exc< -10.000 .. 10.000 V 1.500 V .5 Operate delay 0.00 .. 60.00 s 0.50 s .101 Sensor Setting Options on off / test no Transducer. Uexc Transducer(2Hz)/ etc. Presetting Values Comments on off Stage must be activated for static excitation only no no If yes - stage has reporting effect only. 1.50 0.50 V s Operate delay for V exc< crit. Transducer. Uexc (ph-ph) Ident-No. Threshold for V exc< criterion Additional Sensor can be implemented 0-76620-BB2284A-30 Sheet Blatt Revision Classification 33 / 70 B INT Unbalanced Load Protection (ANSI 46) The unbalanced load protection detects asymmetrical loads of three-phase induction machines. Unbalanced loads create a counter-rotating field which acts on the rotor at double frequency. Eddy currents are induced on the rotor surface, leading to local overheating at the transition between the slot wedges and the winding bundles. Another effect of unbalanced loads is overheating of the damper winding. It is also useful for detecting 1-pole and 2-pole faults with magnitudes lower than the load currents. Functional Description Thermal Characteristic If the negative-sequence current I2 continuously exceeds the parameter .101 Max. continuously perm. I2 a warning message is issued after expiry of a set time .104 Warning delay . Limitation To avoid overfunctioning of the thermal tripping stage during asymmetrical short circuits, the input current I2 is restricted. This limit is 10 * perm I2. Above this current value the tripping time of the thermal function is constant. In addition the thermal memory is limited to 200% of .102 Unbalanced load factor K . This avoids prolonged cooling after a delayed short circuit tripping. Cool Down A cool-down time with adjustable parmeters starts as soon as the constantly permissible unbalanced load .101 Max. continuously perm. I2 is undershot. The tripping drops out on dropout of the pickup. However, the counter content is reset to zero with the cooling time parameterized at address .103 Cooling time therm. replica . Tripping Stages Ident-No. 0-76620-BB2284A-30 Sheet Blatt Revision Classification 34 / 70 B INT Unbalanced Load Protection (ANSI 46) Settings Symbol Kprim 10 I2 max prim 10.00 INM Ratio CT Value s Asymmetry factor (machine constant, primary side) % INM relative permissible long-term thermal inverse machine current (primary) A 2854 4000 Comments A Nominal machine current 1 A Ratio of current transformer It is important to note that the manufacturer's data relate to the primary values of the machine, for example, the maximum permissible permanent inverse current referring to the nominal machine current is indicated. The following applies: Pickup Threshold / Warning Stage I perm I2 = I2 max prim + 1 % = 10 % + 1 % = 11.0 % The factor K can be derived from the unbalanced load characteristic according to the figure below by reading the time corresponding to the FACTOR K at the point I2/IN = 1. The constant Kprimary determined in this way is valid for the machine side (primary side). Kprim The parameter .103 Cooling time therm. replica establishes the time required by the protection object to cool down under admissible unbalanced load I2> to the initial value. The setting value can be calculated by assuming an equal value for cooldown time and heatup time of the object to be protected. The machine manufacturer indicates the permissible unbalanced load by means of the following formula for the thermal characteristic: Cooling time therm. replica = tCooldown = Kprim I2 max prim ( )² INM = ( 10 0.10 Ident-No. s )² ≈ 1000 0-76620-BB2284A-30 s Sheet Blatt Revision Classification 35 / 70 B INT Unbalanced Load Protection (ANSI 46) Address Parameter .1 Mode .2 Operate & flt.rec. blocked Setting Options on off / test yes no Presetting Values Comments on on Thermal stage must be active. no no If yes - Thermal stage has reporting effect only. .101 max. Cont perm I2 percent 10.0 % 11.0 % Threshold for Continously I2perm .102 Unbal. load factor k 1.0 … 100.0 s 15.0 s 10.0 s Unbalanced load factor k .103 Cool. time th. replica 0 … 50000 s 1500 s 1000 s Cooling time therm. replica .104 Warming delay 0.00 … 60.00; ∞ s 15.0 s 4.0 s Time delay for warning stage Definite-Time Tripping Characteristic High negative phase sequence currents can only be caused by a two-pole power system short circuit which must be covered in accordance with the network grading plan. For this reason, the thermal characteristic is cut by a selectable, independent negative phase-sequence current stage of 10 x .101 Max. continuously perm. I2 . The heating up of the object to be protected is calculated in the device as soon as the permissible unbalanced load I2> is exceeded. In this context, the current-time-area is calculated constantly to ensure a correct consideration of various load cases. As soon as the current-time-area ((I2/IN)² * t) has reached the K asymmetry factor, the thermal characteristic is tripping. Asymmetrical faults also cause high negative phase-sequence currents. A definite-time negative phasesequence current stage characteristic .3 Threshold (Definite-Time) can thus detect asymmetrical power system short circuits. A setting at 30 % ensures that tripping always occurs in accordance with the thermal characteristic except in case of a single phase failure (I2 ~ 0,33 IN) or worse. The .6 Operate delay must be set slightly higher then I> protection delay time. General Address Parameter Setting Options .106 Reference value .107 Current limitation Imax yes 5.0 % .104 Release current secondary 0.036 A primary 143 A rated current pos. seq. Current no percent Presetting Values Comments rated current rated current Reference value to be selected no no Current limitation must be set to no 5.0 % Threshold for release current Definite-Time Address Parameter Setting Options .1 Mode .2 Operate & flt.rec. blocked yes .3 Threshold percent on off / test no Presetting Values Comments on on Definite-Time stage must be active. no no If yes - Definite-Timel stage has reporting effect only. 10.0 % 30.0 % Threshold for Definite-Time .4 Dropout ratio 0.40 … 0.99 0.95 0.95 .101 Dropout delay 0.00 … 60.00 s 0.00 s 0.00 s Definite-Time Dropout delay .6 Operate delay 0.00 … 60.00 s 4.00 s 4.00 s Definite-Time Operate delay Definite-Time Dropout ratio Ident-No. 0-76620-BB2284A-30 Sheet Blatt Revision Classification 36 / 70 B INT Thermal Over Load Protection (ANSI 49) The device is measuring the stator current and calculates the overtemperature in accordance with a single-body thermal model, based on the following differential equation. Functional Description The protection function models a thermal profile of the equipment being protected (overload protection with memory capability). Both the previous history of an overload and the heat loss to the environment are taken into account. Current influence of single body thermal model will be set to limitation via .114 Behav. at I>Imax therm. parameter. The overtemperature is calculated from the largest of the three phase currents. Since the calculation is based on RMS values of currents, harmonics which contribute to a temperature rise of the stator winding are also considered. The ambient temperature is not measured according parameter .44 Temperature sensor (= none) and set to 40°C with parameter .118 Default temperature . The .117 Minimal temperature limits the coupled ambient temperature. Settings Symbol Imax prim 2996 A INM 2854 A Ratio CT Tth Value 4000 418 A Comments 1 s Thermally continuous permissable current Nominal machine current A Ratio of current transformer Thermal time constant The maximum thermally permissible continuous current Imax is described as a multiple of the nominal current IN of the protected object: Imax = k * IN The overload protection is set with quantities per unit. The nominal current INM of the object to be protected (generator) is typically used as base current for overload detection. The thermally permissible continuous current Imax prim can be used to calculate a the parameter .106 K-factor : K-factor = Imax prim INM = 2996 2854 A A = 1.05 The overload protection tracks overtemperature progression, employing a thermal differential equation whose steady state solution is an exponential function. The .110 Thermal time constant is used in the calculation to determine the threshold of excess temperature and thus the tripping temperature. If the overload characteristic of the generator to be protected is pre-determined, the user must select the protection trip characteristic so that it largely corresponds to the overload characteristic, at least for small overloads. This is also the case if the admissible power-up time corresponding to a certain overload value is indicated. Ident-No. 0-76620-BB2284A-30 Sheet Blatt Revision Classification 37 / 70 B INT Thermal Over Load Protection (ANSI 49) By setting the thermal warning level .104 Threshold thermal warn. , a warning message can be issued before the tripping temperature is reached, thus avoiding tripping by promptly reducing load. The thermal alarm level is given in % of the tripping overtemperature level. Θ ΘTrip = 100% = (K-factor)² 100 % = 90.7 % 1.05 ² < ΘTrip = 91 % < .104 Thres. = 100 % Parameter .101 Threshold current warning results in the same setting as the K-factor in percent and secondary setting must be calculated as follows: Threshold Ther. Warn Threshold Ther. Warn = Imax prim INM ≤ K-factor * INM IN CT prim = * IN CT sec 2996 2854 ≤ A 2854 * A 4000 0.75 * 1 A A = 0.75 A A = 0.75 A The parameter .107 Imax thermal specifies up to which current value the trip times are calculated in accordance with the prescribed formula. In the trip characteristics, this limit value determines the transition to the horizontal part of the characteristics, where there is no further trip time reduction despite increasing current values. The selected limit value ensures that even for the highest possible short-circuit current, the trip times of the overload protection definitely exceed the trip times of the shortcircuit protection devices (impedance protection, time overcurrent protection). As a rule, a limitation to a secondary current corresponding to roughly three times the nominal machine current will be sufficient. Imax thermal = 3.00 * INM * IN CT sec IN CT prim = 3.00 * 2854 A * 1 4000 A A = 2.14 A The run-on time to be entered at address .112 Emerg. start Tovertravel must be sufficient to ensure that after an emergency startup and dropout of binary input „>Emer.Start O/L“ the trip command is blocked until the thermal replica is again below the dropout threshold. On slowing down or standstill, the machine cool down slowly. This behaviour can be modeled by the time constant .111 Cooling time constant . The automatic switchover to the .111 Cooling time constant can be set via .108 Imin cooling parameter. A default setting of Iminsec. = 0.5A will be used. The maximal allowed temperature rise above the set ambient temperature (.118 Default temperature ) can be set with .109 Temperature rise at Irated . A default setting of 70K will be recommended. The .105 Dropout threshold operate parameter is used to drop out pickup and tripping when the value drops below this threshold. Ident-No. 0-76620-BB2284A-30 Sheet Blatt Revision Classification 38 / 70 B INT Thermal Over Load Protection (ANSI 49) Address Parameter .1 Mode .2 Operate & flt.rec. blocked .101 Threshold thermal warn. Setting Options on off / test yes no Presetting Values Comments on on Stage must be active. no no If yes - stage has reporting effect only. percent secondary 105.0 5 primary % 0.75 A 2996 A Threshold for thermal warning .104 Thr. thermal warn. percent 10.0 % 90.0 % Threshold for thermal warning .105 Dropout thr. operate percent 10.0 % 90.0 % Dropout threshold for operate .112 Emerg.start Tover 0…15000 s 300 s 300 s Emergency start T-overtravel s Thermal time constant 3600 s Cooling time constant 300.0 % .106 K-factor 0.10 … 4.00 1.10 1.05 .110 Thr. time constant 10 … 60000 s 900 s 418 .111 Cooling time const. 10 … 60000 s 3600 s percent .107 .108 Imax thermal Imin cooling secondary 2.140 A primary 8561 A percent 70.1 % 0.500 A 2000.00 A 70 K secondary 2.5 A K-factor 0.5 A primary Below this value there is an automatic switchover to the cooling time constant T rise at Irated 40 … 200 K .113 Storage of thermal replica yes .114 Behav. at I> Imax therm. .144 Temperature sensor none .118 Default temperature -55°C … 55°C 40 °C 40.0 °C Default ambient temperature .117 Minimal temperature -55°C … 40°C -20°C -20.0 °C Only relevant with temp. sensor .109 no current limiting freeze therm. rep. … 70 K Theshold for Imax thermal current yes yes Storage of thermal replica must be selected current limiting current limiting Current limiting behaviour must be selected. none none Temeprature sensor is not implemented. Ident-No. 0-76620-BB2284A-30 Sheet Blatt Revision Classification 39 / 70 B INT Definite Time Overcurrent Protection (I>>, ANSI 50) The time-overcurrent protection is used as backup protection for the differential protection of the protected object. It also provides backup protection for downstream network components if faults there are not disconnected in time thus endangering the protected object. In order to ensure that pick-up always occurs even with internal faults, the protection - for generators is usually connected to the current transformer set in the neutral leads of the machine. Functional Description Each phase-current of side 2 is compared individually with the common pickup value .3 Threshold , and indicated on overshoot. A trip signal is transmitted to the matrix as soon as the corresponding time delay .6 operate delay has expired. Due to the higher pick-up setting this function is mainly important and in charge for internal faults within the generator area as a short time trip. External faults upstreams of transformer would be covered by the I> protection. Settings Symbol Value INM 2854 Ratio CT 4000 A Comments A Nominal machine current 1 A Ratio of current transformer A value of four times the nominal generator current has proven to be sufficient setting for Threshold I>>. The settings regarding pick-up current and time delay are usually accepted pre-settings for delivery. These settings have to be coordinated or adapted according the selectivity calculation of the plant. Threshold I>> = 4.00 * INM 2854 * IN CT sec = 4.00 * 4000 IN CT prim Address Parameter Setting Options .1 Mode .2 Operate & flt.rec. blocked yes .8 Method of measurement fundamental on off / test no RMS Threshold secondary Operate delay 0.00 … 100.00 s = 2.85 A Values Comments on on Stage I>> must be activated no no If yes - stage I>> has reporting effect only. fundamental fundamental Harmonics or transient voltage peaks will be suppressed 1.5 / 7.5 A primary .6 A Presetting percent .3 A * 1 A 0.30 s 400.00 % 2.854 A 11415 A 0.50 s Ident-No. Threshold for I>> overcurrent I>> Time Delay 0-76620-BB2284A-30 Sheet Blatt Revision Classification 40 / 70 B INT Inadvertent Energization (ANSI 50/27) The inadvertent energization protection has the task to limit damage caused by the accidental energization of the stationary or already started, but not yet synchronized generator by fast opening the generator circuit breaker. A grid connection to a stationary machine is equivalent to connecting to a lowohmic resistor. Due to the nominal voltage impressed by the power system, the generator starts up with a high slip as an asynchronous machine. Thereby inadmissibly high currents are induced in the rotor which could destroy it. Settings Symbol UNM Value Comments 15.00 kV Nominal machine voltage INM 2854 A Nominal machine current Ratio VT 15000 V 100 V Ratio of voltage transformer Ratio CT 4000 A 1 A Ratio of current transformer The inadvertent energizing protection may only be effective if the device is either in operational condition 0 or if no nominal conditions have been reached yet. Parameter .3 Threshold serves to specify the current pickup threshold of the inadvertent energization protection function. As a rule, this threshold value is set more sensitively than the threshold value of the time-over-current protection. The typical setting is 30% In. The parameter .101 V< Threshold serves to define these nominal conditions. The typical setting is about 50 % of the nominal voltage. The parameter .103 Pickup delay represents the time delay for the release of the tripping condition with undervoltage. The setting remains at the presetting of 5 sec, it must always be higher then the time delay of the overcurrent protection I>. The delay time to block the tripping conditions when the voltage is above the undervoltage threshold is set at .7 Dropout delay . The inadvertent energizing protection is blocked only after this time in order to enable a tripping subsequent to connection. I Threshold = V< Threshold = 0.30 * 2854 A * 30 % * INM * IN CT sec = 4000 IN CT prim 0.50 * UNM * UN VT sec UN VT prim Address Parameter Setting Options .1 Mode .2 Operate & flt.rec. blocked yes .10 Blk. by meas.-volt. failure yes .3 Threshold secondary on off / test no no percent = = 0.21 A 0.50 * 15.00 kV * 100 V = 50.0 V 15.00 kV Presetting Values Comments on on Stage 1 must be activated no no If yes - stage 1 has reporting effect only. yes yes If measuring-voltage failure detected U< stage will be blocked 30 % primary percent A A 1 50 % 30.0 % 0.214 A 856 A 50.000 % 50.000 V Threshold for I criterion .101 V< Threshold secondary 7.50 kV .103 Pickup delay 0.00 … 60.00 s 5.00 s 5.00 s Pickup Time Delay V< .7 Dropout delay 0.00 … 60.00 s 1.00 s 1.00 s Dropout time delay V< primary Ident-No. Threshold for V< criterion 0-76620-BB2284A-30 Sheet Blatt Revision Classification 41 / 70 B INT Breaker Failure Protection (ANSI 50BF) The breaker failure protection monitors whether the associated circuit breaker is opened correctly. In generator protection it concerns usually the generator circuit breaker. Functional Description If the circuit breaker has not opened after a programmable time delay (breaker failure), a higher-level circuit breaker must initiate disconnection (see the following example). Settings Symbol UNM Value 15.00 kV INM 2854 A Ratio VT 15000 V Ratio CT 4000 A Ik3~ 4300 Comments Nominal machine voltage Nominal machine current 100 V Ratio of voltage transformer 1 A Ratio of current transformer A Generator short circuit Ik3~ sustained The parameter .107 Start via binary input may be used to start the breaker failure function from an external source (e.g. a further protection relay). As default value this is not used and therefore set to no. The parameter .104 Dropout shows the dropout criteria for the breaker failure function, where as default the CB auxiliary contact and the current criteria are used. The parameters .102 Threshold phase current , .101 Threshold sensitive , .122 Threshold 3Io dir. release and .123 Threshold I2 dir. release will set to 50% of nominal machine current. Threshold ≈ 50 % * INM * IN CT sec 0.50 * 2854 A * = 4000 IN CT prim Ident-No. 1 A A = 0.36 0-76620-BB2284A-30 A Sheet Blatt Revision Classification 42 / 70 B INT Breaker Failure Protection (ANSI 50BF) Address Parameter Setting Options .1 Mode .105 Holding int. start signal yes .107 Start via binary input no .103 CB aux.cont. crit. allowed .104 Dropout .108 Retrip after T1 .102 Threshold phase current on off / test no 1channel/ 2 channel no w.CB pos. closed 3p. with effective crit. w.aux.c. and curr. crit. no parallel T2,T1/ T2 after T1 Presetting Values Comments on on ANSI50BF must be activated yes yes It is recommended to use this methode (yes) no no "No" if no external start is intended no w.CB pos. closed 3p. Aux contacts must be permitted as a further criterion. with effective crit. w.aux.c. and curr. crit. If current is not reliable criterion for detecting opening of CB no parallel start T2, T1 Parallel start of T1 and T2 will be used percent 50.0 % secondary 0.357 A primary 1427 A percent 50.0 % 0.357 A 1427 A 0.00 s Delay T1 for 3-pole retrip .101 Threshold sensitive secondary .109 Delay T1 for retrip 0.00 … 60.00 s primary 0.05 s Threshold for I phase criterion Threshold for I sensitive criterion .110 Delay T2 for trip 0.00 … 60.00 s 0.13 s 0.25 s Delay T2 for 3-pole trip .112 Minimum oper. time 0.00 … 60.00 s 0.10 s 1.00 s Minimum operate time .120 3 I0 criterion Direct release Plausibility check Plausibility check The ground current is only used to check the phase currents .108 I2 criterion Plausibility check Plausibility check The negative-sequence current is only used to check plausibility percent 50.0 % .122 Threshold 3 I0 dir. release secondary 0.357 A primary 1427 A Threshold I2 dir. release percent 50.0 % secondary 0.357 A primary 1427 A .154 Immediate dropout activated / deactivated activated CB BF drops out immediately .155 BI start ext. latch activated / deactivated activated BI supervision remains inactive .123 Plausibility check Direct release Plausibility check Ident-No. This parameter is only affective if 3 I0 critierion = direct release This parameter is only affective if I2 critierion = direct release 0-76620-BB2284A-30 Sheet Blatt Revision Classification 43 / 70 B INT Sensitive Earth Fault Protection (ANSI 51GN) The sensitive earth current protection detects earth faults in systems with earthed starpoint. This stage operates with the magnitudes of the earth current only. It is therefore useful in applications where the magnitude of the earth current is an indicator of the earth fault. This may be the case e.g. in electrical machines in a busbar configuration. The current can be measured using torroidal current transformers or Holmgreen connection. Functional Description The sensitive earth current protection can be used as a backup protection to detect earth faults in the stator, provided that the magnitude of the earth current alone is sufficient as a trip criterion. Settings Symbol UNM Value 15.00 UN NT prim UN NT sec 15.00 / √3 RLoad 200 kV Nominal machine voltage kV Nominal earthing transformer voltage (primary) (if applicable) V 500 Ratio CT Comments A 5.00 Nominal earthing transformer voltage (secondary) (if applicable) 5 Ω A Ratio of CTprim / CTsec on secondary side of earthing transformer (if applicable) Resistance of the load resistor (if applicable) General Comments Address Parameter Setting Options Presetting Values .103 Dropout delay 0.00 … 60.00s 1.00 s .104 Core balance CT1 0.10 … 160.00 % 5.00 % 5.00 % Core balance CT-current 1 .105 Core balance CT2 0.10 … 160.00 % 100.00 % 100.00 % Core balance CT-current 2 .106 CT angle error I1 0.0 … 5.0 ° 0.0 ° 0.0 ° CT angle error at I1 .107 CT angle error I2 0.0 … 5.0 ° 0.0 ° 0.0 ° CT angle error at I2 1.00 s Ident-No. To avoid chattering 0-76620-BB2284A-30 Sheet Blatt Revision Classification 44 / 70 B INT Sensitive Earth Fault Protection (ANSI 51GN) For the use as Stator Earth Fault Detection in busbar connection, the same settings as for the 90% SEF Protection 3I0> are used. For the use as Stator Earth Fault Detection in unit connection, the settings reflect 10% current through NGT (90% protection range). UN NT sec * 10% RLoad 3I0> = 3I0>% = 10.00 200 3I0> sec = 3I0> = / 500 V * 0.10 5.00 Ω = 0.05 CTprim CTsec = = 10.00 5 A / = 10.00 = 250.0 mA Calculation for unit connection A % 200 5 3I0>1 Address Parameter Setting Options .1 Mode .2 Operate & flt.rec. blocked yes .8 Method of measurement fundamental on off / test no RMS percent .3 Threshold Presetting Values Comments on on Stage 3I0> 1 must be activated no no If yes - stage 3I0> 1 has reporting effect only. fundamental fundamental Harmonics or transient voltage peaks will be suppressed 5.000 % 5.000 % secondary 0.25 A primary 10 A Threshold for 3I0> 1 criterion .102 Pickup delay 0.00 … 60.00s 0.00 s 0.00 s 3I0 > Stage Pickup delay time .6 Operate delay 0.00 … 100.00s 0.30 s 0.30 s 3I0 > Operate Time delay Ident-No. 0-76620-BB2284A-30 Sheet Blatt Revision Classification 45 / 70 B INT Definite Time Overcurrent Protection (I>, ANSI 51V) with Undervoltage Seal-In The time-overcurrent protection is used as backup protection for the differential protection at internal faults and the upstream OC protection devices at external faults of the protected object. It also provides backup protection for downstream network components if faults there are not disconnected in time thus endangering the protected object. Functional Description Each phase current of side 2 is compared individually with the common setting value .3 Threshold and on overshoot signaled individually. A trip signal is transmitted to the matrix as soon as the corresponding time delay .6 Operate delay has expired. Settings Symbol UNM Value Comments 15.00 kV Nominal machine voltage INM 2854 A Nominal machine current Ratio VT 15000 V 100 V Ratio of voltage transformer Ratio CT 4000 A 1 A Ratio of current transformer ΔUNM- 5 % Negative nominal machine voltage tolerance The settings regarding pick-up current and time delay are usually accepted pre-settings for delivery. These settings have to be coordinated or adapted according the selectivity calculation of the plant. The setting calculation of .3 Threshold is based on 120% of maximum permissible current at minimum continuous permissible voltage tolerance of generator. Threshold i> = 1.20 * Threshold i> = i> 105 100 = 1.26 1.26 * 2854 A * * INM * IN CT sec = 4000 IN CT prim 1 A A = 0.90 A 0.7 * 15.0 kV * 100 V 15000 √3 V = 40.4 V The setting of U< is based on 70% of nominal generator voltage. V-seal in Threshold = 0.7 * UNM * UN VT sec UN VT prim = Ident-No. 0-76620-BB2284A-30 Sheet Blatt Revision Classification 46 / 70 B INT Definite Time Overcurrent Protection (I>, ANSI 51V) with Undervoltage Seal-In Address Parameter .1 Mode .2 Operate & flt.rec. blocked yes percent 126.0 % .3 Threshold secondary 0.899 A primary 3596 A 3.00 s 1) Setting Options on off / test no Presetting Values Comments on on Stage 1 must be activated no no If yes - stage 1 has reporting effect only. .6 Operate delay 0.00 … 60.00 s .10 Blk. by meas.-volt. failure yes .101 State of V-seal-in V-seal-in Threshold percent 70.00 % .102 secondary 40.415 V 6.062 kV .104 V-seal-in time 0.00 … 60.00 s 4.00 s no on off 3.00 s Threshold for Definite time overcurrent with Undervoltage Sealin T I> Time Delay 1) yes yes If measuring-voltage failure detected U< stage will be blocked on on Undervoltage seal in must be activated primary 4.00 s Undervoltage Seal-In Pickup Threshold Duration of V< Seal-In (> "T I>") … depends on network time grading plan Ident-No. 0-76620-BB2284A-30 Sheet Blatt Revision Classification 47 / 70 B INT Inverse-Time Overcurrent Protection (ANSI 51V) The inverse-time overcurrent protection is used as back-up protection for the machine short-circuit protection (differential protection and/or impedance protection). It provides back-up protection for network faults that can not be cleared immediately and thus endanger the machine. Settings Symbol UNM Value 15.00 INM Comments kV 2854 A Nominal machine voltage Nominal machine current Ratio VT 15000 V 100 V Ratio of voltage transformer Ratio CT 4000 A 1 A Ratio of current transformer It must be considered that, for the inverse O/C time protection, a safety factor of about 1.1 has already been included between the pick-up value and the setting value. This means that a pickup is only performed if a current of about 1.1 times the setting value is present. The function will reset as soon as the value falls below 95 % of the pickup value (0.95 * 1.1 = 1.045). The current value is set at address .3 Threshold . The maximum operating current is of primary importance for the setting. A pickup caused by an overload must be excluded, as the device operates in this mode as fault protection with correspondingly short tripping times and not as overload protection. Threshold Ip = 1.1 * INM * IN CT sec = IN CT prim 1.1 * 2854 A * 4000 1 A A = 0.78 A Setting: 20% - 30% over the expected peak load With the .130 Type of character. curve parameter 7 ANSI curves and 4 IEC curves can be selected. The pickup current is set at address .3 Threshold , the corresponding time multiplier for configuration of IEC as well as ANSI characteristics is accessible at address .103 Time dial . With parameter .104 Undervoltage threshold serves to predefine the U< pick-up value for the undervoltage release of the Ip pickup value for voltage-controlled inverse overcurrent time protection. The parameter is set to a value just below the lowest phase-to-phase voltage admissible during operation, preferably 75 %. Undervoltage Threshold = 0.75 * UNM * UN VT sec UN VT prim = 0.75 * 15.0 kV * 100 V = 15 kV 75 V The .102 Reset parameter allows you to define whether the stage decreases acording to the dropout characteristic curve, behavior of a disk emulation = rotor disc or instantaneously. The usage of disk emulation is recommended. Ident-No. 0-76620-BB2284A-30 Sheet Blatt Revision Classification 48 / 70 B INT Inverse-Time Overcurrent Protection (ANSI 51V) The inverse overcurrent time protection is provided with a undervoltage detection that can be disabled. This function can influence overcurrent detection in two different ways: - Voltage controlled:If the value falls below a settable voltage threshold, an overcurrent stage is enabled. - Voltage restraint:The pickup threshold of the overcurrent stage depends on the voltage level. A lower voltage reduces the current pickup value. A linear, directly proportional dependency is realized in the zone between U/UNom = 1.00 to 0.25. Consequently, the following rule applies: Address Parameter .1 Mode .2 Operate & flt.rec. blocked yes .10 Blk. by meas.-volt. failure yes .8 Method of measurement fundamental .3 Threshold .101 Type of character. curve .102 Reset 103 .104 Setting Options on off / test no no RMS Presetting Values Comments on on Stage 1 must be activated no no If yes - stage 1 has reporting effect only. yes yes If measuring-voltage failure detected U< stage will be blocked fundamental fundamental Harmonics or transient voltage peaks will be suppressed percent 110.00 % secondary 0.785 A primary 3139 A ANSI IEC disk emulation Threshold for inverse time overcurrent ANSI long-time inv. 7 ANSI and 4 IEC curves can be selected disk emulation Disk emulation for reset parameter recommended instantaneous disk emulation Time dial 0.05 … 15.00 s 1.00 s Undervoltage Threshold percent 75.00 % secondary primary 11250 V 1.00 s 75.00 % 75.000 V Ident-No. TIME DIAL: TD Undervoltage Seal-In Pickup Threshold 0-76620-BB2284A-30 Sheet Blatt Revision Classification 49 / 70 B INT Overvoltage Protection (ANSI 59) Overvoltage protection serves to protect the electrical machine and connected electrical plant components from the effects of inadmissible voltage increases. Overvoltages can be caused by incorrect manual operation of the excitation system, faulty operation of the automatic voltage regulator, (full) load shedding of a generator, separation of the generator from the system or during island operation. Functional Description The overvoltage protection for medium voltage generators is monitoring the phase-to-phase voltages. In case of a high overvoltage, trip is performed with a short-time delay, whereas in case of less severe overvoltages, the trip is performed with a longer time delay. Voltage thresholds and time delays are set individually for both elements. Settings Symbol UNM Ratio VT Value 15.00 15000 ΔUNM+ V 5 Comments kV Nominal machine voltage 100 V Ratio of voltage transformer % Positive nominal machine voltage tolerance The setting of limit values and time delays of the overvoltage protection depends on the speed with which the voltage regulator can control voltage variations. The protection must not intervene in the regulation process of the faultlessly functioning voltage regulator. For this reason, the two-stage characteristic is set always above the voltage time characteristic of the regulation procedure. The long-time stage U> will be activated with .1 Mode and must intervene in case of steady-state overvoltages. Depending on the generator voltage tolerance it is set to a value between 115 % to 120 % UN at parameter .3 Threshold (U>) with a time delay of 3s at .6 Operate delay parameter. Threshold U> = 1.15 * UNM * UN VT sec UN VT prim = 1.15 * 15.00 kV * 100 V = 15 kV 115.0 V In case of a full-load rejection of the generator, the voltage increases first in relation to the transient voltage. Only then the voltage regulator reduces it again to its nominal value. The U>> stage is set generally as a short-time stage in a way that the transient procedure for a full-load rejection does not lead to a tripping. For example parameter .3 Threshold (U>>) about will be set 130 % to 135 % UN with a delay of 0.75s according .6 Operate delay parameter. U>> = 1.30 * UNM * UN VT sec UN VT prim = 1.30 * 15.00 kV * 100 V 15 V = 130.0 V The dropout ratio for U> and U>> stage can be adapted at the address .4 Dropout ratio in small stages to the operating conditions and used for highly precise signalizations. Ident-No. 0-76620-BB2284A-30 Sheet Blatt Revision Classification 50 / 70 B INT Overvoltage Protection (ANSI 59) Definite-T (U>) Address Parameter .1 Mode .2 Operate & flt.rec. blocked .9 Measured value .8 Method of measurement .101 Pickup mode Setting Options on off / test yes no ph-gnd ph-ph fundamental RMS 1oo(3) 3oo(3) percent .3 Threshold Presetting Values Comments on on Stage U> must be activated no no If yes - stage U> has reporting effect only. ph-ph ph-ph Phase - Phase voltage will be measured fundamental fundamental Harmonics or transient voltage peaks will be suppressed 1oo(3) 1oo(3) U> pickup if 1 out of 3 voltages are below Threshold. 110.00 % 115.000 % secondary 115.000 V primary 17.250 kV U> overvoltage threshold .4 Dropout ratio 0.90 … 0.99 0.95 0.95 .6 Operate delay 0.00 … 300.00 s 3.00 s 3.00 Setting Options Presetting Values Comments on on Stage U>> must be activated no no If yes - stage U>> has reporting effect only. ph-ph ph-ph Phase - Phase voltage will be measured fundamental fundamental Harmonics or transient voltage peaks will be suppressed 1oo(3) 1oo(3) U>> pickup if 1 out of 3 voltages are below Threshold. U > Stage drop out ratio s U > Operate Time delay Definite-T (U>>) Address Parameter .1 Mode .2 Operate & flt.rec. blocked .9 Measured value .8 Method of measurement .101 Pickup mode on off / test yes no ph-gnd ph-ph fundamental RMS 1oo(3) 3oo(3) percent .3 Threshold 130.00 % 130.000 % secondary 130.000 V primary 19.500 kV .4 Dropout ratio 0.90 … 0.99 0.95 0.95 .6 Operate delay 0.00 … 300.00 s 0.50 s 0.75 U>> overvoltage threshold U >> Stage drop out ratio s Ident-No. U >> Operate Time delay 0-76620-BB2284A-30 Sheet Blatt Revision Classification 51 / 70 B INT 90% Stator Earth Fault Protection (ANSI 59N) The stator earth fault protection detects earth faults in the stator windings of three-phase machines. The machine is operating in unit connection (via unit transformer). The criterion for the occurrence of an earth fault is mainly the emergence of a displacement voltage. This principle allows a protected zone of 90 % up to 95 % of the stator winding. Functional Description The displacement voltage UE can be measured either via the e-n winding (broken delta winding) of a voltage transformer set or at the machine starpoint via voltage transformers or neutral earthing transformers or the measurement winding of a line connected earthing transformer or the device can calculate the displacement voltage from the phase-to-earth voltages (standard). For safety reasons the calculated displacement voltage is used by default. Settings Symbol UNM Ratio VT Value 15.00 15000 V Comments kV Nominal machine voltage 100 V Ratio of voltage transformer A setting of 10% of the full displacement voltage is chosen to avoid pick up on normal operational asymmetries. U0> = 0.10 * UNM * UN VTsec UN VT prim * √3 0.10 = * 15.00 kV * 100 V = * √3 kV 15.00 5.8 V General Address Parameter Setting Options Presetting Values .103 Dropout delay 0.00 … 60.00 s 1.00 s Address Parameter Setting Options Presetting Values Comments .1 Mode on on Stage V0> must be activated .2 Operate & flt.rec. blocked yes no no If yes - stage V0> has reporting effect only. .10 Blk. by meas.-volt. failure yes yes yes If measuring-voltage failure detected V0> stage will be blocked .109 Detection of faulty phase yes yes no .8 Method of measurement fundamental comp. fundamental fundamental comp. .3 Threshold secondary 5.781 V primary 0.866 kV 1.00 Comments s To avoid chattering V0> on off / test no no no RMS percent 10 % 10.00 Harmonics or transient voltage peaks will be suppressed % V0> voltage threshold .4 Dropout ratio 0.90 … 0.99 0.95 0.95 .107 Pickup delay 0.00 … 300.00 s 0.00 s 0.00 s V0> Pickup time delay .6 Operate delay 0.00 … 300.00 s 0.30 s 0.30 s V0 > Operate Time delay V0> Stage drop out ratio Ident-No. 0-76620-BB2284A-30 Sheet Blatt Revision Classification 52 / 70 B INT 100% Stator Earth Fault Protection (ANSI 64G) The 100 % stator earth fault protection detects earth faults in the stator windings of generators which are connected with the network via a unit transformer. This protection function, which works with a 20 Hz injected voltage, is independent of the network frequency displacement voltage appearing in earth faults, and detects earthfaults in all windings including the generator starpoint. The measuring principle used is not influenced at all by the generator operating mode and would allow measurements even with the generator at standstill (for personal safety reasons the voltage injection and the 100% SEF are blocked if the turbine speed is below turning speed). The two measuring principles – measurement of the displacement voltage and evaluation of the measured quantities at an injected 20 Hz voltage – allow to implement reliable protection concepts that complement one another. If an earth fault in the generator starpoint or close to the starpoint is not detected, the generator would be operated as "earthed". A subsequent fault (e.g. a second earth fault) causes a single-pole shortcircuit that may have an extremely high fault current because the generator zero impedance is very small. The 100 % stator earth fault protection is for this reason a basic function for large generators in unit connection. Functional Description The basic principle is shown in the following figure. An external low frequency alternating voltage source (20 Hz) injects into the generator starpoint a voltage of max. 1 % of the rated generator voltage. If an earth fault occurs in the generator starpoint, the 20 Hz voltage drives a current through the fault resistance. From the driving voltage and the fault current, the protective relay determines the fault resistance. The protection principle described here also detects earth faults at the generator terminals, including connected components such as voltage transformers. To implement the above concept, some additional equipment is required. The following picture shows a 20 Hz generator creating a square-wave voltage with an amplitude of approx. 25 V. This squarewave voltage is fed via a bandpass into the loading resistor of the earthing or neutral transformer. The bandpass serves for smoothing the square-wave voltage and for storing energy. The 20 Hz resistance of the bandpass is approx. 8 Ω .The bandbass assumes also a protection function. If the load resistor carries the full 50/60 Hz displacement voltage during a terminal-to-earth fault, the higher series resistance of the bandpass protects the 20 Hz generator from excessive feedback currents. The driving 20 Hz voltage is taken directly at the loading resistor using a voltage divider. In addition the flowing 20 Hz current is measured using a miniature CT. Both values (USEF and ISEF) are fed to the protection device. Ident-No. 0-76620-BB2284A-30 Sheet Blatt Revision Classification 53 / 70 B INT 100% Stator Earth Fault Protection (ANSI 64G) Settings Symbol UNM Value 15.00 kV Nominal machine voltage SNM 74.14 MVA Nominal machine apparent power PNM 63.02 MW Nominal machine active power cosφ 0.85 UN NT prim 15.00 UN NT sec tNT 10 s Ratio VD 5 V Ratio CT / √3 500 100 Nominal earthing transformer voltage (primary) 2 Nominal earthing transformer voltage (secondary) A Overload capacitiy of the earthing transformer V Ratio of voltage divider 5 5 10 Power factor kV V 200 RLoad tLoad Comments Ratio of CTprim / CTsec on secondary side of earthing transformer Ω s 100 Resistance of the load resistor A Overload capacitiy of the load resitor ILoad max UN NT sec RLoad = = UN NT prim VDRatio = FACTOR R SES = TrRatio² * CTRatio UN NT sec R< SEF ALARM = 500 V 5.0 Ω = 100 A ² VDprim 15.0 kV ² VDsec √3 * = * CTprim 500 V CTsec 4 kΩ = FACTOR R SES V V 5 2 40 4 kΩ 18.75 ≈ 213.3 Ω 1.33 kΩ 1.33 kΩ = FACTOR R SES 18.75 ≈ 70.93 Ω = 18.75 Setting: standard fault resistance between 3 .. 6 kΩ R<< SEF TRIP = Setting: standard fault resistance between 0.75 .. 2 kΩ I(RMS)> = 0.20 * T I(RMS)> < tRLoad UN NT sec 1 500 V 5 * = 0.20 * * RLoad CTRatio 5.0 Ω 200 & < tNT = < 10 s & Ident-No. < 10 = 0.50 A s = 0-76620-BB2284A-30 < 5 Sheet Blatt Revision Classification s 54 / 70 B INT 100% Stator Earth Fault Protection (ANSI 64G) The Threshold value of .3 I(RMS)> stage acts as a backup function of the 20 Hz SEF detecting the 50/60 Hz component measured in the load resistor. General Address Parameter Setting Options Presetting Values Comments .106 I20< supervision 5…40 mA 10 mA 10 mA Superv. Threshold of 20Hz Cur. .107 V20< supervision 0.300…14.723 V 1.732 V 1.000 V Superv. Threshold of 20Hz Volt. Correction Angle I SEF 100% .101 Correction angle -60.00 … 60.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° .103 Transf. Resistance (sec) 0.000 … 700.000 Ω 0.000 Ω 0.00 Ω .110 Sec./Prim. factor R 1.00 … 200.00 37.00 18.75 .1 RL-parallel activate yes .104 RL-parallel (sec) 20.000 … 70.000 Ω 20.000 Ω 20.000 .15 Corr. factor RL -0.100 … 0.100 0.000 0.00 Setting Options Presetting Values Comments on on Stage must be activated no no If yes - stage has reporting effect only. no Resistance Rps (sec) 1) Sec./Prim. factor RSGF no no Parallel Load Resistance Ω 2) Parallel Load Resistance (sec) 2) Correction for RI-PARALLEL 2) R(20Hz) < Address Parameter .1 Mode .2 Operate & flt.rec. blocked on off / test yes no percent .3 .6 Threshold Operate delay 4.000 % secondary 213.333 Ω primary 4000.000 Ω 10.00 s Pickup Value Alarm Stage Rsef< 0.00 … 300.00 s 10.00 s Setting Options Presetting Values Comments on on Stage must be activated no no If yes - stage has reporting effect only. Delay of Alarm Stage Rsef< R(20Hz) << Address Parameter .1 Mode .2 Operate & flt.rec. blocked yes percent 1.330 % .3 Threshold secondary 70.933 Ω 1330.000 Ω .6 Operate delay 0.00 … 300.00 s 10.00 s on off / test no primary 10.00 s Ident-No. Pickup Value Trip Stage Rsef<< Delay of Trip Stage Rsef<< 0-76620-BB2284A-30 Sheet Blatt Revision Classification 55 / 70 B INT 100% Stator Earth Fault Protection (ANSI 64G) I (RMS) > Address Parameter .1 Mode .2 Operate & flt.rec. blocked 1) Setting Options on off / test yes no .3 Threshold secondary .6 Operate delay 0.00 … 300.00 s Presetting Values Comments on on Stage must be activated no no If yes - stage has reporting effect only. 1.00 s 0.50 A Pickup Value of I (RMS)> Stage 5.00 s Delay of Stage I(RMS)> ... the final pickup value has to be determined in primary tests during commissioning 2) ... For power units with 20 Hz source connected via the neutral transformer in the generator starpoint, the protection measures the loading resistance on the line side. If GCB is closed, some additional loading equipment on the LV-side of unit transformer may influence the measuring. This parameter allows an additional loading resistance to be set, so that this is not be mistaken for an earth resistance. The active power-dependent influence of the parallel load resistance can be taken into account with a correction factor. The value can be determined during commissioning only. Ident-No. 0-76620-BB2284A-30 Sheet Blatt Revision Classification 56 / 70 B INT Rotor Earth Fault Protection R, fn (ANSI 64R) Rotor earth fault protection is used to detect earth faults in the excitation circuit of the synchronous generator. One earth fault in the rotor winding does not cause immediate damage; however, if a second earth fault occurs, then this represents a winding short-circuit of the excitation coil. Magnetic unbalances can occur resulting in extreme mechanical forces (high vibrations), which can lead to the destruction of the machine. Functional Description The rotor earth fault protection in the 7UM85 uses an external system frequency auxiliary voltage of approximately 36 to 45 V AC, which can be taken e.g. from the voltage transformers via a coupling unit 7XR81 or 7XR61. This voltage is symmetrically coupled to the excitation circuit and simultaneously connected to the measurement input UE of the device provided for this purpose. The capacitors Ccoup of the 7XR81/ 7XR61 coupling unit are protected by series resistors Rpre. The rotor earth fault protection calculates the complex earth impedance from the auxiliary AC voltage URE and the current IRE. The earth resistance RE of the excitation circuit is then calculated from the earth impedance. The coupling capacitance of the coupling unit Ccoup, the series resistance Rpre including the brush resistance, and the earth capacitance of the excitation circuit CE are also considered. This method ensures that even relatively high-ohmic earth faults (up to 30 kΩ under ideal conditions) can be detected. Settings Symbol Value Comments UN VT sec 100 V Nominal voltage of voltage transformers (secondary) fN 50 Hz Nominal grid frequency Rpre 2x Ccoup 2x 99 Ω 4 µF Preresistance of 7XR61 (2 parallel connected series resistors) Coupling capacity Ident-No. 0-76620-BB2284A-30 Sheet Blatt Revision Classification 57 / 70 B INT Rotor Earth Fault Protection R, fn (ANSI 64R) R SERIES X COUPLING = R SERIES = I RE< = 1 2π * f * CCOUP Rpre = + Rbrush = 1 = 2π * 50 Hz * 8 µF 99 Ω 1 + 2 Ω = 397.9 Ω 50 Ω Umin X COUPLING + R SERIES + ZE Umin = X COUPLING + R SERIES + 1 1 1 2π * f * CE Rot + 1 RE Rot 25 V = = 1 397.9 Ω + 50.0 Ω + 1 1 + 2π * 50 Hz * 0.10 µF 1.964 mA 1 20 kΩ General Address Parameter .109 Supervision 1) Setting Options on off Presetting Values on on Comments .106 I< supervision 1.0…50.0 mA 2.0 mA 2.0 mA .101 Correction angle -1500 … 1500.00 ° 0.00 ° 0.00 ° Superv. Threshold of I< Correction angle for Ire 1) .103 X-coupling -100 … 800 Ω 398 Ω 398 Ω Coupling Reactance .104 R-coupling 0 … 999 Ω 50 Ω 50.00 Ω Series Resistance .108 V-RGF external source yes no no no If coupling unit 7XR81 / 7XR61 is used setting must be "no". … measuring of any angle errors of the input CTs of the device Ident-No. 0-76620-BB2284A-30 Sheet Blatt Revision Classification 58 / 70 B INT Rotor Earth Fault Protection R, fn (ANSI 64R) R< Setting Options Presetting Values Comments off on R< Stage must be activated yes no If yes - stage has reporting effect only. Address Parameter .1 Mode .2 Operate & flt.rec. blocked yes .3 Threshold 1.0 … 30.0 kΩ 10.0 kΩ 3.0 kΩ .6 Operate delay 0.00 … 60.00 s 10.00 s 1.00 s R< Operate Time delay .7 Dropout delay 0.00 … 60.00 s 0.00 s 0.00 s To avoid chattering Address Parameter Setting Options Presetting Values .1 Mode off on R<< Stage must be activated .2 Operate & flt.rec. blocked yes no no If yes - stage has reporting effect only. .3 Threshold 1.0 … 30.0 kΩ 2.0 kΩ 1.0 kΩ .6 Operate delay 0.00 … 60.00 s 0.50 s 1.00 s R<< Operate Time delay .7 Dropout delay 0.00 … 60.00 s 0.00 s 0.00 s To avoid chattering on off / test no Pickup Value Warn. Stage R< 2) R< < 2) on off / test no Comments Pickup Value Trip. Stage R<< 2) … values can be changed depending on the insulation resistance and the coolant Ident-No. 0-76620-BB2284A-30 Sheet Blatt Revision Classification 59 / 70 B INT Trip Circuit Supervision (ANSI 74TC) The 7UM85 multifunctional protection features an integrated trip circuit supervision. Monitoring is realized with the two binary inputs. Malfunctions in the trip circuit can be detected for all circuit breaker positions. Functional Description The conditions of the two binary inputs are checked periodically. A query takes place about every 600 ms. If three consecutive conditional checks detect an abnormality (after 1.8 s), an annunciation is reported. The repeated measurements determine the delay of the alarm message and avoid that an alarm is output during short transition periods. After the fault in the trip circuit is removed, the alarm is reset automatically after the same time. Monitoring with Two Binary Inputs When using two binary inputs, these are connected according to the figure below, parallel to the associated trip contact on one side, and parallel to the circuit breaker auxiliary contacts on the other. Monitoring with binary inputs not only detects interruptions in the trip circuit and loss of control voltage, it also monitors the response of the circuit breaker using the position of the circuit breaker auxiliary contacts. Address Parameter .1 Mode .100 Alarm delay Setting Options on off / test 1.00 … 30.00 s Presetting Values Comments on on Stage must be activated 2.00 s 2.00 s Ident-No. Delay of Alarm Stage 0-76620-BB2284A-30 Sheet Blatt Revision Classification 60 / 70 B INT Out-of-Step Protection (ANSI 78) Depending on power network conditions and feeding generators, dynamic occurrences such as load jumps, short-circuits not disconnected quickly enough, auto-reclosure or switching actions may cause system swings. Such power swings endanger power network stability. Stability problems often result from active power swings which can lead to pole-slipping and generator overloading. Functional Description The out-of-step protection is based on the well-proven impedance measurement and evaluation of the complex impedance vector trajectory. The decision whether or not to separate the generator from the network is made dependent on the course of the impedance vector and the location of the electrical centre of the power swing. δ is the phase shift angle between the generator voltage and the network equivalent voltage. Under normal conditions, this angle depends on the load situation and is largely constant. In the event of an out-of-step condition, however the angle fluctuates continually and can vary between 0° and 360°. The following figure shows the impedance vector trajectory at measurement location m. The coordinate system origin corresponds to the measurement location (voltage transformer set). When the ratio of the voltage magnitudes VNet/VG is kept constant and the load angle δ varies, then circular trajectories result. The centre and the radius of the circle are determined by the ratio VNet/VG. The centre points of the circles are all on an axis line which is determined by the direction of Ztot. Minimum and maximum of the measured impedance magnitude are at δ = 0° and δ = 180°. If the measurement location is at the electrical system centre, measured voltage and thus measured impedance become zero when δ = 180°. Ident-No. 0-76620-BB2284A-30 Sheet Blatt Revision Classification 61 / 70 B INT Out-of-Step Protection (ANSI 78) Settings Symbol UNM 15.00 Value INM xd' Comments kV Nominal machine voltage 2854 A Nominal machine current 24.9 % Transient machine reactance (unsaturated) Ratio CT 4000 A 1 A Ratio of current transformer Ratio VT 15000 V 100 V Ratio of voltage transformer UNT 15 kV SNT 73 MVA Nominal transformer apparent power uSC 0.132 pu Transformer reactance on generator MVA base xGrid 0.0303 pu Grid reactance on generator MVA base (R/X)Grid 0.125 pu Grid R/X ratio Nominal transformer voltage (generator side) As out-of-step conditions are symmetrical occurrences, unsymmetrical componets of current shoud block the out-of-step protection function. Thus if the positive sequence component of the current drops below this parameter .101 I1< threshold blocks zone out-of-step protection should be blocked. A threshold of approx. 20 % IN is recommended. If the negative sequence component of the current is above parameter .100 I2> threshold blocks zone out-of-step protection should also be blocked. A threshold of approx. 20 % IN is recommended. Xd'sec = = XTr sec = XGrid sec = CTRatio xd' * UNM = * VTRatio √3 * INM 0.249 * 15.00 kV 4000 A / 1 A * √3 * 2854 A 15000 V / 100 V = 20.15 Ω uSC * UNM CTRatio = * √3 * INM VTRatio 0.132 * 15.00 kV 4000 A / 1 A * √3 * 2854 A 15000 V / 100 V = 10.68 Ω 0.030 * 15.00 kV A 4000 A / 1 * 15000 V / 100 V √3 * 2854 A = 2.45 Ω xGrid * UNM CTRatio * = √3 * INM VTRatio As it is assumed that the generator is connected to the network via a unit transformer, the setting in the network direction is chosen such that the out-of-step protection measures with characteristic Zone 1 approximately 90 % of the transformer impedance, and with characteristic Zone 2 right into the network. Zone 1 parameters with: .104 Zone limit X top is set to 90 % of the short circuit impedance XTr of the transformer and .105 Zone limit X bottom is set to negative value of generator Xd`. Z1 .105 Zone limit X bottom ≈ Z1 .104 Zone limit X top = 0.90 * Xd'sec = 20.15 XTr sec Ω = 0.90 * 10.68 Ω = 9.61 Ω For Zone 2 .104 Zone limit X top is the remaining portion of the transformer short circuit impedance and the impedance of the grid is set (assuming that whole grid impedance is monitored). For very strong grids with very low impedance twice the transformer reactance shall be considered. For that reason twice of the transformer reactance (Zd1) is compared with the transformer reactance added by the grid reactance (Zd2) and the higher value is selected as Zd. Zd1 = XTr sec + XTr sec = 10.68 Ω + 10.68 Ω = 21.36 Ω Zd2 = Xgrid sec + XTr sec = 2.45 Ω + 10.68 Ω = 13.13 Ω MAX [Zd1 ; Zd2] = 9.61 Ω Z2 .104 Zone limit X top = 21.36 Z2 . 105 Zone limit X bottom = Z1 .104 Zone limit X top Ω = Ident-No. 0-76620-BB2284A-30 Sheet Blatt Revision Classification 62 / 70 B INT Out-of-Step Protection (ANSI 78) The angle .102 Rotation angle can be calculated as tan(φP)=Xges / Rges. In case the R/X ratio of the grid is not known the restistance will be neglected and thus the angle will be estimated with 90°. R/X = 2.45 Ω * 0.13 = Xgrid sec + XTr sec + Xd'sec = 2.45 Ω + 10.68 Ω + 20.2 Rges = Rgrid = Xges = tan(φP) = Xgrid sec * 0.31 Xges Rges Ω φP = Ω = 89.5 33.29 Ω ° The setting .103 Zone limit R effects the width of the power swing polygon. This setting value is determined by the total impedance Ztot and can be derived from the equation in the figure below. The default setting of address .103 Zone limit R corresponds to Ztot as the sum of generator xd` and Zd (power swing angle between generator, unit transformer and grid). For simplification, it is assumed that a power swing angle δ = 120° is strived for and since the generator voltage VG and the system voltage UN are quantatively the same: Z1 & Z2: .103 Zone limit R = ( 20.15 = Ω Ztot / 2 tan ( δ / 2) = ( xd` + Zd ) / 2 tan ( 120° / 2) + 21.36 Ω ) / 2 tan (60°) 11.98 Ω = General Address Parameter Setting Options Presetting .101 I1< threshold 10 … 400.0 % 20 % 20.0 % I1< threshold blocks zone .100 I2> threshold 5 … 500.0 % 20 % 20.0 % I2> threshold blocks zone Values Comments Zone 1 on .1 Mode .2 Operate & flt.rec. blocked yes .103 Zone limit R secondary off / test no on on Stage Zone 1 must be activated no no If yes - stage Zone 1 has reporting effect only. percent % 10.000 Ω primary 11.985 Ω 0.450 Ω percent .104 Zone limit X top secondary % 10.000 Ω primary .105 .102 9.614 Ω 0.361 Ω percent Zone limit X bottom secondary Rotation angle 60.0 … 90.0 ° Setpoint for the upper X value % -10.000 Ω primary exit Width of the power swing polygon 90.0 ° -20.151 Ω -0.757 Ω 89.5 ° Rotation Angle of Zone 1 This parameter defines when the counter is incremented. .108 Count at .107 Number of swings 1 … 20 1 1.0 - Number of swings before tripping .101 Re-entry time 0.00 … 60.00 s 20.00 s 20.00 s To define resetting condition .100 Signal time 0.00 … 60.00 s 0.05 s 0.05 s For binary indication purpose only axis, entry, etc. exit Setpoint for the lower X value exit Ident-No. 0-76620-BB2284A-30 Sheet Blatt Revision Classification 63 / 70 B INT Out-of-Step Protection (ANSI 78) Zone 2 Address Parameter .1 Mode .2 Operate & flt.rec. blocked Setting Options on off / test yes no Presetting Values Comments on on Stage Zone 2 must be activated no no If yes - stage Zone 2 has reporting effect only. percent .103 Zone limit R secondary % 10.000 Ω primary 11.985 Ω 0.450 Ω percent .104 Zone limit X top secondary % 10.000 Ω primary Zone limit X bottom secondary .102 Rotation angle 60.0 … 90.0 ° .108 Count at .107 Number of swings .101 .100 21.365 Ω 0.802 Ω percent .105 axis, entry, etc. Setpoint for the upper X value % -10.000 Ω primary exit Width of the power swing polygon 90.0 ° 9.614 Ω 0.361 Ω 89.5 ° exit Setpoint for the lower X value Rotation Angle of Zone 2 This parameter defines when the no. of swings is incremented. exit 1 … 20 1 4.0 - Re-entry time 0.00 … 60.00 s 20.00 s 20.00 s To define resetting condition Signal time 0.00 … 60.00 s 0.05 s 0.05 s For binary indication purpose only Ident-No. Number of swings before tripping 0-76620-BB2284A-30 Sheet Blatt Revision Classification 64 / 70 B INT Frequency Protection (ANSI 81) The frequency protection function detects abnormally high and low frequencies in the generator. If the frequency lies outside the permissible range, appropriate switching actions are initiated, e.g. separating the generator and the turbine from the system. Functional Description Frequency protection consists of the four frequency elements f< to f>. To make protection flexible for different power system conditions, theses stages can be used alternatively for frequency decrease or increase separately, and can be independently set to perform different control functions. The setting decides on the purpose of the individual frequency stage. Settings Symbol UNM Value 15.00 Ratio VT 15000 V Comments kV Nominal machine voltage 100 V Ratio of voltage transformer fN 50.00 Hz Nominal network frequency f<<< 47.0 Hz Threshold for shutdown f<< 47.4 Hz Threshold for disconnection from the network f< 49.5 Hz Threshold for warning f> 52.5 Hz Threshold for alarm or tripping T f< 10.00 s Time delay for warning T f<< 3.00 s Time delay for disconnection from the network T f<<< 5.00 s Time delay for shutdown T f> 10.00 s Time delay for alarm or tripping The frequency can be determined as long as at least one of the phase–to–phase voltages is present and of sufficient magnitude. If the measurement voltage drops below a settable value Umin .101 Minimum voltage, frequency protection is disabled because precise frequency values can no longer be calculated from the signal. Umin = 0.375 * UNM * UN VT sec UN VT prim = 0.375 * 15.00 kV * 100 V = 37.5 V 15.00 kV The following frequency pickup and time settings are coordinated with the generator and the turbine. For steam turbines the over frequency initiates ALARM only, under frequency is used for ALARM, load shedding and finally complete machine trip. Underfrequency General Address .101 .109 Parameter Minimum voltage Dropout differential Setting Options Presetting percent 37.50 % Values Comments 37.500 % secondary 37.500 V primary 5.625 kV 20 mHz 20 … 2000 mHz 20 mHz Ident-No. For undervoltage blocking, 37.5 % of rated voltage is recommended. Dropout differential frequency 0-76620-BB2284A-30 Sheet Blatt Revision Classification 65 / 70 B INT Frequency Protection (ANSI 81) f< Address Parameter Setting Options .1 Mode .2 Operate & flt.rec. blocked yes .3 Threshold 30.00 … 70.00 Hz 49.80 Hz 49.50 Hz f< Threshold Warning .6 Operate delay 0.00 … 600.00 s 10.00 s 10.00 s Time delay for f< Warning Address Parameter Setting Options Presetting Values Comments .1 Mode on on Stage f<< must be activated .2 Operate & flt.rec. blocked yes no no If yes - stage f<< has reporting effect only. .3 Threshold 30.00 … 70.00 Hz 47.50 Hz 47.40 Hz f<< Threshold disconnecting grid .6 Operate delay 0.00 … 600.00 s 10.00 s 3.00 s Time delay for f<< stage Address Parameter Setting Options Presetting Values Comments .1 Mode on on Stage f<<< must be activated .2 Operate & flt.rec. blocked yes no no If yes - stage f<<< has reporting effect only. .3 Threshold 30.00 … 70.00 Hz 47.50 Hz 47.00 Hz Gen.CB open, deexitation, trip .6 Operate delay 0.00 … 600.00 s 10.00 s 5.00 s Time delay for f<<< shut down on off / test no Presetting Values Comments on on Stage f< must be activated no no If yes - stage f< has reporting effect only. f << on off / test no f <<< on off / test no Overfrequency General Address Parameter Setting Options Presetting percent 37.50 % 37.500 % .101 Minimum voltage secondary 37.500 V primary 5.625 kV 20 mHz .109 Values Comments For undervoltage blocking, 37.5 % of rated voltage is recommended. Dropout differential 20 … 2000 mHz 20 mHz Address Parameter Setting Options Presetting Values Comments .1 Mode on on Stage f> must be activated .2 Operate & flt.rec. blocked yes no no If yes - stage f> has reporting effect only. .3 Threshold 30.00 … 70.00 Hz 49.80 Hz 52.50 Hz f> Threshold Warning .6 Operate delay 0.00 … 600.00 s 10.00 s 10.00 s Time delay for f> Warning Dropout differential frequency f> on off / test no Ident-No. 0-76620-BB2284A-30 Sheet Blatt Revision Classification 66 / 70 B INT Differential Protection (ANSI 87G) The numerical current differential protection of the 7UM85 is a high speed selective short-circuit protection for generators, motors and transformers. The protected zone is selectively limited by the CTs at its ends. Functional Description Since the current direction is normally defined as positive in the direction of the protected object, the definitions as illustrated in the following figure result. The protected zone is limited by the CTs in the neutral point of generator and the CTs at the terminal side. The differential protection feature of the 7UM85 refers all currents to the rated current of the protected object. Measured value matching is therefore limited to current quantity factors. Settings Symbol Value Comments UNM 15.00 kV Nominal machine voltage INM 2854 A Nominal machine current xd' 22.4 % Related transient machine reactance (saturated) Ident-No. 0-76620-BB2284A-30 Sheet Blatt Revision Classification 67 / 70 B INT Differential Protection (ANSI 87G) Tripping characteristic The parameters of the tripping characteristic are set in addresses .1 up to .130. The meaning of the parameters can be seen in the figure above. Address .3 Threshold (I-DIFF) is the pickup value for the differential current which is the total fault current flowing in the protection area. The pickup value is referred to the nominal current of the generator or motor. For generators, a setting of 0.2 is recommended. In addition to the pickup threshold I-DIFF>, a second pickup threshold is introduced. If this threshold .3 Threshold (I-DIFF fast) is exceeded, tripping is initiated regardless of the magnitude of the restraint current (unstabilized high-speed trip stage). This stage must be set higher than the I-DIFF> stage. Recommendation: Set a value above the steady-state value of the transient short-circuit current. I-DIFF fast = 1 xd' = 1 0.2240 ≈ 4.47 I IrObj The tripping characteristic forms two more branches (see the following figure). Address .100 Slope 1 determines the slope of the first branch, whose starting point is specified in the parameter .101 Intersection 1 Irest. This branch covers current-proportional error currents. These are mainly transformation errors of the main CTs and of the input CTs. The default setting of 0.67 has proven to be a good value. The second branch produces a higher restraint in the range of high currents which may lead to current transformer saturation. Its base point is set at address .103 Intersection 2 Irest and is referred to the rated power transformer current. The slope 2 is set at address .102 Slope 2 . The restraint during current transformer saturation can be influenced by this parameter branch. A higher gradient results in a higher restraint. The default setting of 0.70 has proven to be an adequate value. Add-On Stabilization During Current Transformer Saturation Where very high currents flow during an external short-circuit, an add-on stabilization takes effect that is set at address .128 Threshold add-on stabiliz. (saturation stabilization). Please note that the stabilizing current is the arithmetical sum of the currents entering and leaving the protected zone, i.e. that it is twice the actually flowing current. The default setting of 2.00 I/IrObj should therefore be kept. The maximum duration of the additional stabilization is set at address .129 Time of add-on stabiliz . This time is the maximum duration of blocking after leaving the additional stabilization area during heavy current external faults. The setting depends under certain circumstances on the disconnecting time of the upstream contact. The default setting 0.30 s is a practical value. Ident-No. 0-76620-BB2284A-30 Sheet Blatt Revision Classification 68 / 70 B INT Differential Protection (ANSI 87G) I-DIFF Address Parameter Setting Options .1 Mode .2 Operate & flt.rec. blocked .6 Operate delay 0.00 … 60.00 s 0.00 s 0.00 s Time delay of I-DIFF .3 Threshold 0.05 … 2.00 I/ IrObj 0.20 I/ IrObj 0.20 I/ IrObj Pickup Value of Diff. Value on off / test yes no Presetting Values Comments on on I-DIFF Stage must be activated no no If yes - stage has reporting effect only. .100 Slope 1 0.00 … 0.80 0.30 0.30 .101 Intersection 1 Irest 0.05 … 5.00 I/ IrObj 0.67 I/ IrObj 0.67 .102 Slope 2 0.25 … 0.95 0.70 0.70 .103 Intersection 2 Irest 1.00… 20.00 I/ IrObj 2.50 I/ IrObj 2.50 .106 Starting detection .107 Thresh.startup detec yes no 0.1 … 2.0 I/ IrObj yes 0.1 I/ IrObj Slope 1 of Tripping Characteristic I/ IrObj Slope 2 of Tripping Characteristic I/ IrObj Increased pick-up values at startup for motors only. no 0.1 .108 Factor incr. char. 1.0 … 5.0 2.0 2.0 .109 Max perm. start time 0.1 … 180.0 s 5.0 s 5.0 I/ IrObj I-Restraint for Start Detection s Max. permissable Starting Time Factor for Incr. Char. at Start .110 Factor incr. char DC 1.0 … 5.0 2.3 2.3 .128 Thresh.add-on stab 1.0 … 20.0 I/ IrObj 2.0 I/ IrObj 2.0 I/ IrObj Pickup for Add-on Stabilization .129 Time of add-on stab 0.00 … 5.00; ∞ s 0.30 s 0.30 s Duration of Add-on Stabilization .130 Max perm. start time 0.00 … 2.00; ∞ s 0.30 s 0.30 s T for Cross-blocking Addon Stab. Ident-No. 0-76620-BB2284A-30 Sheet Blatt Revision Classification 69 / 70 B INT Differential Protection (ANSI 87G) I-DIFF fast Address Parameter .1 Mode Setting Options on off / test Presetting Values Comments on on I-DIFF fast Stage must be activated .3 Threshold 0.5 … 35.0 I/ IrObj 7.5 I/ IrObj 4.5 I/ IrObj Pickup Value of Diff. fast Value .6 Operate delay 0.00 … 60.00 s 0.00 s 0.00 s Time delay of I-DIFF fast .100 Operate & flt.rec. blocked yes no no If yes - stage has reporting effect only. no Overview of different stages I-DIFF unrestrained detection: The main task of this function consists in switching off high-current internal short circuits in the shortest amount of time. Hight-current faults in the protection range can always be switched off immediately without consideration of the restraint currents if, due to the current magnitude, it is determined that external fault is not involved. This is the case if the parameter .3 Threshold I-DIFF unrestr is reached as shown in picture below. I-DIFF unrestr Address Parameter .1 Mode .3 Threshold 0.5 … 35.0 I/ IrObj 10.0 I/ IrObj 10.00 I/ IrObj Pickup Value of Diff. unrestr Value .6 Operate delay 0.00 … 60.00 s 0.00 s 0.00 s Time delay of I-DIFF unrestr Operate & flt.rec. blocked yes .100 Setting Options on off / test no Presetting Values Comments on on I-DIFF unrestr Stage must be activated no no Ident-No. If yes - stage has reporting effect only. 0-76620-BB2284A-30 Sheet Blatt Revision Classification 70 / 70 B INT