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Thank You Letter to a Friend: Gratitude and Personal Growth

Courtney Ernst
Dr. Gallagher
9. Feb. 2022
Homework Assignment #2 Thank You Letter
Dear Cody,
You were a very close friend of mine, and you were always different from everyone else.
I can be 100% me and not feel judged. You were always there for me when I was sad, and you
made me feel heard. You also taught me that you never know what anyone is going through.
Always be nice even if the person wasn't the nicest to you. I still remember in middle school us
walking each other to each other's classes. I am a lot better than the last time you saw me and a
lot older, and I am getting more comfortable in my skin and accepting my flaws. I am learning to
take small steps when changing my negative perspective on life. I just got a new job that will
give me experience on what I want to do in the future. It lets me enjoy what I am being paid for
and not just working at fast food because I like the money. I hope I did the same for you that you
did for you me. Thank you for everything.