MICROWAVE COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS - 2. - radiowaves whose spectrum is considered to start at about 1 GHz and extending up to 30 GHz also known as Line-of-Sight Communications CLASSIFICATIONS OF MICROWAVE COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS 1. EFFECTS OF REFRACTION ON MICROWAVE SIGNAL - EFFECTIVE EARTH’S RADIUS FACTOR (K) Terrestrial Microwave Communications - earth station to another earth station Satellite Communications - earth station to space station - MICROWAVE FREQUENCY BANDS Wave Region Millimeter Microwave Region (30 cm to 8 mm) Region Band Designation L S C X Ku K Ka U V W Mm Frequency (GHz) 1-2 2-4 4-8 8-12 12-18 18-27 27-40 40-60 60-80 80-110 110-300 2. 3. Line-of-Sight Path - the straight path between the transmitting and receiving antenna unobstructed by the horizon Grazing Path - the microwave beam barely touches the obstruction Obstructed Path - the microwave beam is hindered by an obstruction the ratio of fictitious earth’s radius to the actual radius of the earth a numerical figure that considers the nonideal condition of the atmosphere resulting to atmospheric refraction that causes the microwave beam to bend toward the earth or away from the earth K EffectiveE arth' sRadius re TrueEarth' sRadius ro re ( km) ro 1 0.04665e ( 0.005577 N s ) where: Ns=surface refractivity ro=true earth radus (6370 km) N s N o xe 0.1057 hs TYPES OF MICROWAVE PATH 1. wave changes velocity as it travels from one medium of certain density to another medium of different density in a normal atmosphere, the density decreases with height (density gradient) where: No=sea level refractivity hs=height of potential site in km Sample Problem: Determine the surface refractivity for a potential microwave site 250 m above sea level with a sea level refractivity of 312 and also calculate the effective earth radius. CHARACTERISTICS OF MICROWAVE ATMOSPHERIC CONDITIONS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. microwaves behave similarly as light waves - it travels with the velocity of light it can be reflected, refracted and diffracted it can be absorbed by some of the particles in the atmosphere - due to the presence of molecules in the O2 layer - due to the presence of uncondensed water vapor - due to rain ( above 10 GHz ) it can be scattered - produces free space loss it can be polarized 1. 2. 3. Sub-standard atmosphere (K<1) - the microwave beam is bent away from the surface of the earth - produces a phenomenon known as “Earth Bulging Effect” Standard atmosphere (K=4/3) - the microwave beam is slightly bent towards the surface of the earth - normal atmospheric condition Super-standard atmosphere (K>4/3) - the microwave beam is bent towards the surface of the earth - produces a phenomenon known as ‘Earth Flattening Effect” 4. 5. Homogenous atmosphere (K=1) - no refractive effect on the microwave signal - no density gradient Infinity condition (K=) - the microwave beam tend to follow the curvature of the earth - results to zero curvature or “Flat Earth Condition” K = infinity K = 4/3 K=1 K = 1/2 true earth Site A Site B EARTH BULGE - change in vertical height of the earth’s surface from a horizontal reference line with respect to the distance eb d1 Site A d2 data point eb ( m) Site B d1( k m) d 2( k m) 12.75K where: eb=earth bulge in meters d1=distance from site 1 in km d2=distance from site 2 in km K=effective earth’s radius factor Sample Problems: 1. Calculate the earth bulge 8 km, 16 km, and 29 km away from a transmitter for a 32 km terrestrial microwave link, 2. Calculate the effective height of a 100 ft obstruction situated 10 mi from the receiving end of a 25 mi radio link for the following values of K; (a) 4/3 (b) ½ (c) 5/2. 3. Calculate the value of K-factor that will, as if effectively give an earth bulge of 200 ft for a 25 mi radio link system. 4. A microwave station has a transmitting antenna located 50 m above average terrain. Considering lineof-sight propagation, how far away could the signal be received if the receiving antenna is 12 m above the ground? 5. A boat is equipped with a line-of-sight communication system which it uses to contact nearby boats and shore stations. If the antenna on the boat is 2.3 m above the water, calculate the maximum distance for communication with: a. another similar boat b. a shore station with an antenna on a tower 22 m above the water level c. another boat, but using the shore station as a repeater 6. A taxi company uses a central dispatcher, with an antenna at the top of a 15 meter tower, to communicate with taxicabs. The taxi antennas are on the roof of the cars, approximately 1.5 meters above the ground. Calculate the maximum communication distance: a. between the dispatcher and a taxi b. between two taxis 7. An FM broadcast station has a transmitting antenna located 50 m above the average terrain. How far away could the signal be received: a. by a car radio with an antenna 1.5 m above the ground b. by a rooftop antenna 12 m above the ground 8. Suppose that the transmitter and the receiver towers have equal height. How high would they have to be to communicate over a distance of 40 km? FRESNEL ZONE -series of concentric ellipsoids surrounding the lineof-sight path. LINE-OF-SIGHT PROPAGATION The maximum distance between two stations depends on the height of the transmitting antennas as well as on the nature of the terrain between them. Fresnel Zone 𝑑 = √17ℎ𝑡 +√17ℎ𝑟 Site A where: d = maximum distance in kilometers ht = height of the transmitting antenna in meters hr = height of the receiving antenna in meters Site B First Fresnel Zone - a surface containing every point for which the sum of the distances from the point on the surface to both ends of the path is exactly ½ wavelength longer than the direct path F1 17.3 d1( km) d 2( km) f (GHz ) D( km) meters where: F1=First Fresnel Zone radius in m d1=distance from site 1 in km d2=distance from site 2 in km f=operating frequency in GHz D=path length in km Higher Fresnel Zones Second Fresnel Zone - a surface containing every point for which the sum of the distances from the point on the surface to both ends of the path is exactly 1 wavelength longer than the direct path Third Fresnel Zone - a surface containing every point for which the sum of the distances from the point on the surface to both ends of the path is exactly 1½ wavelengths longer than the direct path Fourth Fresnel Zone - a surface containing every point for which the sum of the distances from the point on the surface to both ends of the path is exactly 2 wavelengths longer than the direct path Fn F1 n where: n= nth Fresnel zone Fresnel Clearance - - the amount of additional clearance that must be allowed to avoid the degrading effects of diffraction it is the clearance or gap from the center of the beam to the tip of the considered obstruction 1st Fresnel Zone 60% of 1st Fresnel Zone Site A 60 of the 1st Fresnel Radius Site B - a situation where there is no net change in attenuation or “no gain, no loss” condition occurs when 60% of the 1 st Fresnel radius clears a path obstruction Fresnel Ratio F H F1 where: F = Fresnel ratio H = Fresnel clearance for line-of-sight condition F0.6 (no gain, no loss) Sample Problems 1. If the first Fresnel zone radius was computed to be equal to 25 meters, what should be the additional clearance, in meters, over an obstacle in a microwave radio path to eliminate the degrading effects of diffraction? 2. Solve for the total height in feet for an obstacle situated 27-mi away from a 35-mi microwave system. Assuming if tree growth exists, add 40 ft for the trees and 10 ft for additional growth. Use an operating frequency of 6 GHz and a Fresnel Ratio of 0.6. 3. Calculate the 5th Fresnel zone radius to clear a 35 mi radio link operating at 12 GHz if the 1 st Fresnel zone radius is 61.57 ft. 4. What is the first Fresnel zone radius of a 40-km microwave link operating at 10 GHz? 5. A system is 50 km in distance from Site A to Site B. An obstruction is sighted 20 km away from Site A. The obstruction was assumed to have a tree growth of 15 m. Other data is given below: Site A elevation 100 m Site A antenna height 20 m Site B elevation 90 m Site B antenna height 20 m obstruction elevation 40 m effective earth’s radius factor 1 Solve for the Fresnel clearance 6. A line-of-sight radio link operating at a frequency of 6 GHz has a separation of 40 km between antennas. A obstacle in the path is located 10 km from the transmitting antenna. By how much must the beam clear the obstacle? 7. If the first Fresnel zone radius was computed to be equal to 25 meters, what should be the additional clearance, in meters, over an obstacle in a microwave radio path to eliminate the degrading effects of diffraction? 8. A microwave link between site A, 23 m ASL, and site B, 45 mASL, uses an 10-meter tall flat billboard type metal reflector, 80 m ASL, located 24 km away from site A and 18 km away from site B. A possible obstruction between site A and the billboard was sighted 7.5 km away from site A and has an elevation of 40 m ASL while another obstruction was sighted between the billboard and site B which is 11 km away from the billboard and has an elevation of 53 m ASL. Considering a 15 m tree growth for all obstructions and a Fresnel ratio of 0.6 in a homogenous atmosphere, find the height of the antennas on both sites if the system is operating at 8 GHz. 9. A microwave communication link between site A, 20 m ASL, and site B, 50 m ASL, uses a 15 meter tall back-to-back passive repeater, 80 m ASL, located 23 km away from site A and 17 km away from site B. A possible obstruction between site A and the Repeater was sighted 8 km away from site A and is 40 m ASL, while another obstruction was sighted between Repeater and site B which is 12 km away from the Repeater and is 55 m ASL. Considering a 15 m tree growth for all obstructions and a Fresnel ratio of 1, find the height of the antenna on both sites. Assume K=1 and operating frequency of 6 GHz. 10. A microwave communications system operating at 6 GHz is to be set up to link a 55 km stretch from a town in Bataan up to Magalang in Pampanga. The particular town in Bataan is 65 m ASL while Magalang is 30 m ASL. It was found out that there are two possible obstructions upon inspecting the line of sight path. The first obstruction was sighted 10 km away from Magalang and is 40 m ASL while the other one is 30 km away from Bataan station and is 42 m ALS. Considering a tree growth of 15 m on each obstruction site and a homogenous atmosphere, compute for the antenna height of the two sites. direct pa th refle cted path Site A - Site B in some cases, the reflection point will be blocked naturally by terrain features direct signal refle l signa cted Site B Site A - if the reflecting surface falls on an odd Fresnel zone, signal addition occurs odd Fresnel zone signals will arrive in-phase direct path refle cted path Site A CONSIDERING PATH REFLECTIONS - - Site B 180 degrees phase inversion a point of reflection will exist somewhere along the length of the path where (with regard to the reflecting plane and antennas at both ends) the angle of incidence equals the angle of reflection if antennas at each end of the path are at the same height above a flat, reflecting surface, the reflection point will be located halfway between the two - if the reflecting surface falls on an even Fresnel zone, signal cancellation occurs even Fresnel zone signals will arrive out of phase direct path refle cted path Site A direct path refle cted Site B 180 degrees phase inversion path POWER BUDGET CALCULATIONS Site A Site B - if the antenna elevations are different, the reflection point will be closer to the lower antenna a path power budget is nothing but an itemized list of all system losses and gains (in decibels) from the transmitter on one end of the path to the receiver on the other end, and everything in between Transmitter 2. Receiver Gt Gr FSL Atmospheric Losses TLL TLL Pt Pr where: Pt = transmitter output power TLL = transmission line loss Gt = gain of the transmitting antenna FSL = free space loss Gr = gain of the receiving antenna RSL = receive signal level (received power) Transmitted Power Pt 10 log Po ( watts) Pref Transmission Line Loss 3. TLL = length x attenuation factor Antenna Gain for Parabolic Antenna G 7.5 20 log f GHZ 20 log D ft for Flat Billboard G 22.2 40 log FGHz 20 log A ft 2 20 log cos Free-Space Loss FSL 92.44 20 log f GHz 20 log Dkm Net Path Loss 4. NPL = total Losses – total Gains Received Signal Level RSL = Pt - NPL Sample Problems 1. A microwave system is given with the following specifications: Transmitter output 2 watts Operating frequency 1.86 GHz Path length 30 miles transmitter receiver waveguide 150 ft. 200 ft. length waveguide 3 dB/ 100 ft. 3 dB/ 100 ft. attenuation antenna diameter 6 ft. 6 ft. Find the signal strength at the receiver (RSL). 5. A certain cellular network intends to put-up a basetransceiver station in town A to improve their system capacity. The base-transceiver station is located 25 km away from the base station and the most economical mode of communication between the two stations is through the application of microwave link. Given an operating frequency of 7 GHz and Base-transceiver station antenna 18 m Base station antenna 21 m Elevation ASL of BTS 42 m Elevation ASL of BS 73 m Total fixed losses and cable attenuation at BTS 3.5 dB Total fixed losses and cable attenuation at BS 4.5 dB Parabolic dish at BTS 10 feet Transmitter output power 25 dBm Assuming that the received signal level of the system is -31.5 dBm, what is the required antenna diameter at the Base Station ? When a direct microwave path cannot be established between two points because of some geographical or man-made obstacles, it is sometimes possible to establish a path by way of passive repeater. The most common type of a passive repeater is a flat billboard type metal reflector which acts as a microwave mirror. Given the following data below: 6 GHz band 20 ft x 30 ft passive with an included angle of 102˚ 10 ft dishes at its end short leg of 0.5 mile long leg of 25 miles omit waveguide loss correction factor of -1.8 dB Find the Net Path Loss. A transmitter and a receiver operating at 6 GHz are separated by 40 km. How much power is delivered to the receiver if the transmitter has an output power of 2W, the transmitting antenna has a gain of 20 dBi, and the receiving antenna has a gain of 25 dBi? A microwave link operating at 7.5 GHz uses a flat billboard located 20 km from Site A and 1 km from Site B with an included angle of 105º.Transmission line and connector losses are set to 5 dB/site. If the transmitter output power is 2 watts and the antenna diameter on both sites is 8 ft., determine the required size of the flat billboard when the receive signal level is at -58 dBm. RECEIVER SENSITIVITY OR THRESHOLD - weakest signal the receiver can detect Receiver Thermal Noise - sometimes called “Detection Threshold” or “Absolute Noise Threshold” NT( dBm) 114 10 log BWMHz NFdB where: NT = receiver thermal noise BW = bandwidth Adjacent Channel Interference Fade Margin - accounts for receiver threshold degradation due to interference from adjacent channel transmitters in one’s own system Improvement Threshold Flat Fade Margin - this is the point at which the RF carrier-tonoise ratio is equal to10 dB the point at which the “capture effect” takes place at this point, the peaks of the signal begin to exceed the peaks of the noise and quieting begins IT( dBm) 104 10 log BWMHz NFdB Carrier-to-Noise Ratio - the ratio of the minimum wideband carrier power at the input of a receiver that will provide a usable baseband output to the wideband noise power present at the input of a receiver and the noise introduced within the receiver C RSLdBm NTdBm N dB FADE MARGIN - - the difference in dB between the normal unfaded signal and the Improvement Threshold a “safety margin” of excess signal that the path can fade before the receiver becomes unusable due to noise FM dB RSLdBm ITdBm Thermal Fade Margin - the difference between the receiver threshold value and the receive signal level (RSL) being applied to the receiver under normal path conditions Dispersive Fade Margin - defined by the radio manufacturer, and is determined by the type of modulation, effectiveness of any equalization in the receive path, and the multipath signal’s delay time Interference Fade Margin External Interference Fade Margin - is receiver threshold degradation due to interference from external systems FM FLAT 10 log[10 ( FM THERMAL ) 10 10 ( FM AIFM ) 10 10 ( FM EIFM ) 10 ] Composite Fade Margin FM COMPOSITE 10 log[10 ( FM FLAT ) 10 RD 10 ( FM DISPERSIVE ) 10 ] where: RD = Fade Occurrence Factor Rayleigh Distribution of Fading Propagation Reliability (%) 90 99 99.9 99.99 99.999 99.9999 Required Fade Margin (dB) 8 18 28 38 48 58 Sample Problems 1. An FM LOS microwave link operates at 6.15 GHz. The required receiver IF bandwidth is 20 MHz. The transmitter output power is 30 dBm. The receiver’s front end active stage is a mixer with a noise figure of 9 dB. The path length is 21 mi, the antennas at each end have a 35 dB gain and the transmission line losses at each end are 3 dB. If the FM Improvement threshold is used as the unfaded reference, what is the reliability of the radio link? 2. Compute for the required output power of the transmitter in a 99.999% reliable point-to-point communications system using a 10-feet parabolic dish on both ends with a transmission line and fixed losses of 3.5 dB per site. The system is operating at 8GHz with site separation of 45 km and using a receiver with an absolute noise threshold of -103 dBm. 3. Two towns 25 miles apart will be provided with a point-to-point microwave system operating at 7.5 GHz. The system will be used by a telephone company and it will be designed to carry 500 voice channels with a reliability of 99.99%. Considering a bandwidth of 4 KHz per voice channel, find the size of the antenna that will meet the required availability if: Transmitter output power 7.06 dBm Receiver noise figure 12 dB Connector loss per site 0.5 dB Radome loss per site 1 dB Waveguide attenuation 1.5 dB/100 feet Waveguide length per site ` 100 feet 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. A single hop microwave relay system has the following specifications: Operating frequency 4 GHz Rx/Tx antenna diameter 3 ft. Hop distance 20 miles Total waveguide loss 5 dB Transmitter output power 1 watt Receiver threshold -78 dBm Determine the fade margin and the estimated reliability. A certain radio station is transmitting at 0 dBW. The transmission line losses at the transmitting and receiving ends are both 2 dB. Total propagation loss is 138 dB and the receiver noise threshold is -124 dBW. Determine the gain of the receiving and transmitting antennas to obtain a carrier-to-noise ratio of 10 dB at the receiver front end. A microwave system operating at 6 GHz uses a transmitter with an output power of 1 W. Both sites uses a 6 ft parabolic dish antenna with a waveguide loss of 5 dB per site. If the distance between the two sites is 30 miles, determine the reliability of the system using Rayleigh Distribution of Fading. A microwave link operating at 7 GHz uses a back-toback repeater located 18 km from Site A and 17 km from Site B. Transmission line and connector losses are set to 4 dB/ site for Site A and Site B and 1.5 dB for the Repeater. The link uses 8-feet parabolic dishes on all sites. If the transmitter output power is at 4 watts and the Thermal Noise at the receiver is -126 dBm, determine the estimated reliability of the system. Compute the Noise Figure of the receiver in a 99.999% reliable point-to-point communications system using a 10-feet parabolic dish on both ends with transmission line and fixed losses of 3.5 dB per site. The system is operating at 6 GHz with site separation of 45 km using a transmitter with an output power of 15 dBm. The channel is carrying a signal having a bandwidth of 2.5 MHz. Given the following equipment and operating specifications: Transmitter power output 2 watts Operating frequency 2 GHz Attenuation factor 3 dB/ 100 ft. Antenna gain 18 dB Minimum receiver input 116 dB below the transmitter output Path A-B loss 142 dB Path A-C loss 124 dB A B C Antenna 100 ft. 100 ft. 100 ft. height Transmission 150 ft. 200 ft. 125 ft. line Determine which path is acceptable, path A-B or path A-C ? Support your answer. SYSTEM PERFORMANCE System Gain - the difference between the nominal output power of a transmitter and the minimum input power required by the receiver. GSYSTEM( dB) Po IT System Reliability - the percentage of time the system or link meets performance requirements R (1 Outage) x100% for milti-hop link R R1 xR2 xR3 ........ xRn where: Outage = probability that the system will not meet the requirements R1, R2, R3….Rn = individual reliability System Unavailability U U downtime total _ time MTTR x100% MTBF MTTR A (1 U ) x100% where: U = unavailability A = availability (reliability) MTTR = mean time to restore MTBF = mean time between failure Path Reliability - it represents the percentage of time the link is expected to operate without an outage caused by propagation conditions using the Vigants-Barnett Model 5 U NDP a * b * 6 *10 * f * D *10 3 R (1 U NDP ) x100% FM 10 where: UNDP = non-diversity annual outage probability due to multipath fading D = path length km f = frequency in GHz FM = fade margin in dB a = terrain factors 4 : very smooth terrain ( 1 : average terrain, with some roughness ¼ : mountainous, very rough, or very dry b = climatic factor ½ : hot, humid ¼ : normal, temperate 1/8 : mountainous or very dry Sample Problems 1. If the MTBF of a communication circuit is 20,000 hours and its MTTR is 3 hours, what is the availability? 2. What is the reliability of the equipment with a total downtime of 16 hours during the whole year? 3. A long distance telephone company employs five microwave radio hops over a single route to link two important cities. If each hop has an MTBF of 10,000 hours and an MTTR of 3 hours, what is the outage ratio of the entire system and the reliability of the system? 4. Determine the fade margin for a 60-km microwave hop. The RF carrier is 8 GHz, the terrain is very smooth and dry and the reliability objective is 99.95%. 5. Given a 25-mile path with average terrain but with some roughness in an inland temperate climate, and a link operating at a frequency of 6.7 GHz with a desired propagation reliability of 99.95%, what fade margin should be assigned to the link? 6. A point-to-point communications system operating at 7.5 GHz uses a transmitter with an output power of 0 dBW and a receiver with a Noise Figure of 5 dB at a bandwidth of 5 MHz. If the target reliability for the system is 99.995%, determine the necessary antenna diameter needed for a 61.67 km link considering a transmission line and connector loss of 3 dB per site. 7. A microwave communications system is being designed to operate at 7 GHz with a transmitter output power of 1W and a receiver Practical Noise Threshold of -127 dBm. The link uses 4 feet parabolic dishes with 2 dB transmission line and connector loss per site. An insurmountable obstruction was sighted between the sites and the only possible repeater site is located 15 km from Site A and 10 km from Site B. If the minimum required reliability for the system is 99.95%, kindly help the designer to decide on whether to use a back-to-back passive repeater with 4 feet parabolic dishes and transmission line and connector loss of 1 dB or an 8’x12’ flat billboard reflector with an included angle of 100º. Support your answer. 8. A point-to-point microwave system is to be established between two sites that is 30 miles apart. The system is operating at 5.9452 GHz and is capable of carrying 960 voice channels and to meet a propagation reliability of 99.9%. Consider a 52.2 KHz 9. bandwidth per voice channel. A waveguide length of 350 ft at both sites is needed. The microwave radio being considered has a transmitter output power of 562 mW with a receiver noise figure of 12 dB. Consider a connector loss of 1.5 dB per site and waveguide attenuation of 1.4 dB per 100 ft. Find the size of the antenna that will meet the required reliability. A full-duplex, 1+0 (non-redundant) microwave radio system comprises of three (3) hops. a. How many transmitters are used? b. How many receivers are used? c. How many antennas are used? d. What is the minimum number of frequencies used (or re-used) by the system? e. How many repeaters are required? INCREASING PATH RELIABILITY Space Diversity - addition of another receive antenna, separated in distance from the first - improvement in reliability comes from the reduced probability that both paths will be adversely affected by fading at the same time - more vertical spacing between antennas offers less path correlation and better path reliability Rx1 Tx Rx2 FM I SD (1.2 *10 3 * f * S 2 *10 10 ) D where: ISD = space diversity improvement factor f = frequency in GHz S = vertical antenna spacing, in meters, between centers D = path length in km FM = path fade margin (if one antenna's path has a smaller fade margin, use that figure). Frequency Diversity - microwave transmitters operating on two frequencies (with a typical in-band diversity spacing of about 2%), and sometimes in two frequency bands (called crossband diversity), - - are used to transmit the same information to separate receivers at the other end of the path reliability improvement comes from the reduced chances of fading occurring on both frequencies (or frequency bands) at the same time requires the use of more spectrum because it uses two sets of frequencies Tx1 f1 Rx1 f1 f1 X Tx2 how many receivers are used how many antennas are used how many frequencies are required REPEATERS FOR MICROWAVE SYSTEMS - used to extend a line-of-sight microwave system for several additional kilometers Active Repeaters - repeater receives a signal at frequency F1, amplifies it, translates the frequency to F2, and amplifies and radiates that signal X f2 f2 b. c. d. f2 Rx2 Baseband Repeater - fully demodulates the incoming RF signal to baseband - the demodulated baseband is used to modulate the transmitter used in the next section f 10 10 f 2D where: IFD = frequency diversity improvement factor f/f = frequency diversity spacing FM = fade margin MIXER 70 MHz Fin P AM DISCRIMINATOR P AM BASEBAND BASEBAND FM I FD 80.5 Fout TRANSMITTER Flo LOCAL OSCILLATOR Flo = Fin +/- 70 MHz 1. 2. 3. 4. Consider a 30-mile path with average terrain, with some roughness, in an inland temperate climate, operating at a frequency of 6.7 GHz with fade margin of 40 dB. Compute for the unavailability and reliability for: a. non-diversity path b. path with 2% frequency diversity c. path with 40-foot vertical space diversity Compute for the reliability for (a) non-diversity path (b) path with 5% frequency diversity (c) path with 28foot vertical space diversity of a microwave communication system with a 35-km path having a very smooth terrain in a hot and humid climate operating at 7 GHz with fade margin of 35 dB. In a one-hop, full-duplex microwave radio system, frequency diversity arrangement, determine: a. how many transmitters are used b. how many receivers are used c. how many antennas are used d. how many frequencies are required In a one-hop, full-duplex microwave radio system, space diversity arrangement, determine: a. how many transmitters are used Fin Fout MIXER Flor LOCAL OSCILLATOR Flor = Fin +/- 70 MHz P AM UPCONVERTER (MIXER) Fout Sample Problems IF Heterodyne Repeater - simply translates the incoming signal to IF with the appropriate local oscillator and a mixer, amplifies the derived IF, and then upconverts it to a new RF frequency 70 MHz U NDP I 70 MHz U DIV P AM Flot UPCONVERTER LOCAL OSCILLATOR Flot = Fout +/- 70 MHz RF Heterodyne Repeater - amplification is carried out directly at RF frequencies - incoming signal is amplified, up- or donconverted, and amplified again, and then reradiated P AM Fin Fin Fout Fout MIXER P AM P AM - the efficiency of back-to-back passive is approximately 30% compared to a 98% efficiency rating for the billboard Fco CONVERTER OSCILLATOR Fco = Fout - Fin or Fco = Fin - Fout Reflectors and Passive Repeaters - - - because radio waves bounce off reflective surfaces in much the same way light is reflected by a mirror, radio reflectors can be thought of as radio mirrors the use of radio mirrors is dictated essentially by topographical conditions where the ruggedness of intervening terrain either makes a direct path impossible or requires that the antenna towers be extremely high Generally speaking, radio mirrors fall into two categories – reflectors and passive repeaters. Those used in periscope antenna applications are referred to as reflectors. The large “billboards”, usually found on isolated hilltops, and certain “back-to-back” parabolic reflector are both classified as passive repeaters. Periscope Arrangement - economic studies reveal that when the waveguide run to the parabolic antenna approaches distances of 150 feet and beyond, it is usually less expensive to use the periscope arrangement and beam the signal from the ground to the reflector atop the tower Passive Repeaters - the two general types of passive repeaters in common use are the billboard and the backto-back passive which uses two standard antenna dishes directly joined by a short length of waveguide OLIVER R. MARIANO, MS ECE, PECE, ASEAN Engr. Electronics Engineering Bulacan State University