SPORTS AND COMMUNITY Sports - physical activity effort and skill driven games, competitions, or activities played according to rules, for entertainment, and/or for work or as a job (Cambridge Dictionary, 2022) Community - a group or a unit of people in one particular area. They are considered in a community for their common interests, social group, nationality, etc. (Cambridge Dictionary, 2022) SPORTS AND COMMUNITY HOW DO THEY RELATE? 01 Sports become an avenue for people to interact, communicate, and socialize; 02 Organized sporting activities promote fair play and sportsmanship values, which contributes to improving people's citizenship; 03 In terms of economics, funded sporting events can earn a considerable amount of money that can be reinvested in the local community, (Ellis, 2022). INTRAMURALS Intramural activities are defined as schoolsponsored physical/recreation activities that occur outside the student's instructional time and are not competitions against other outside teams/groups. They may include Sports Games and Sport Imitations, Low Organization Activities, and some Special Events and Clubs ONTARIO PHYSICAL ACTIVITY SAFETY STANDARDS IN EDUCATION. (2022). INTRAMURAL ACTIVITIES. RETRIEVED FROM HTTPS://SAFETY.OPHEA.NET/ABOUT/INTRAMURAL-ACTIVITIES SPORTS CLUBS Club sports-Club sports are a step up from intramurals. Club teams are more competitive, play against other schools and require tryouts to join. If you end up on a team, you’ll work with other skilled student athletes and a coach. Schools tend to sponsor club teams. If you want to continue your experience in organized sports after leaving high school, club sports are the best choice. CAPPEX. (2022). DIFFERENCES BETWEEN COLLEGE, CLUB, AND INTRAMURAL SPORTS. RETRIEVED FROM HTTPS://WWW.CAPPEX.COM/ARTICLES/COLLEGE-LIFE/COLLEGE-CLUBVS-INTRAMURAL-SPORTS? FBCLID=IWAR091BYQTJUCEUAGZNCBUSFBLH4HSTOA6RKWABS51IUPFVQZANNJ6H1VPI FITNESS CLUBS The Fitness club is a health, recreational, and social facility geared towards exercise, sports, and other physical activities. It may be a for-profit commercial facility or a community- or institutionally-supported center. It is an establishment used for the purpose of a gymnasium, sauna, swimming-pool and other sports-related recreational activities and services. MION, E.G. (2022). FITNESS CENTRERS. WHOLE BUILDING BUILDING DESIGN GUIDE. RETRIEVED FROM HTTPS://WWW.WBDG.ORG/BUILDINGTYPES/COMMUNITY-SERVICES/FITNESS-CENTERS? FBCLID=IWAR3GGZHMRHJT9LKEZTJAV2DFVVLMTYOXDTR4ZCEYA_7NZBMIQ BNU8ZCWQPW AIM Intramural programs and activity clubs allow students to experience a variety of physical activity and games that will contribute to an active and healthy lifestyle without the competitiveness that comes with traditional team sports. ACTION FOR HEAKTHY KIDS, 2019 HOW IT RUNS... INTRAMURALS 01 Program led 02 Staffed with referees and other sporting officials 03 Competition driven HOW IT RUNS... SPORTS CLUB 01 Membership service/offer driven 02 Staffed with coaches 03 Athlete-specific, structured programs HOW IT RUNS... FITNESS CLUBS 01 Membership service/offer driven 02 Staffed with coaches 03 Client-specific, goal oriented programs HOW THEY DIFFER... SUMMARY REFERENCES Cambridge Dictionary. (2022). Sport. Cambridge Dictionary. (2022). Community. Cappex. (2022). Differences between college, club, and intramural sports. Retrieved from fbclid=IwAR091byqTjUCEUaGZncBuSFBLh4hstOA6RkWabS51-IuPFvqZANnj6h1vPI Ellis, J. (2022). What is the relationship between sports and community development? Smart Capital Mind. Mion, E.G. (2022). Fitness centrers. Whole Building Design Guide. retrieved fbclid=IwAR3GGzHMrHJt9LKEZtJAv2dfVvLMtyoxdTR4zcEya_7NZbMIQBNu8zcwqpw from REFERENCES Ontario Physical Activity Safety Standards in Education. (2022). Intramural activities. Retrieved from