SUN WAVES WIND HYDRO ELECTRIC BIO MASS NUCLEAR Single cell No nucleus TIDAL Single cell + nucleus GEO THERMAL FOSSIL FUELS (backboned) (NO backbone) Water Gills COLD BLOODED Water Land Land Gills Lungs Lungs WARM BLOODED Land Land Lungs Lungs Give birth to live young 3 main body parts 6 legs Usually wings 2 main body parts 8 legs No wings Wet scales Damp skin Dry scales Hair/fur Feed young with milk CARNIVORES Meat eaters HERBIVORES spinal nerve Plant eaters PRODUCER All plants are producers. They use the Sun’s energy to produce food energy HERBIVORE Animals which only eat plants Sedimentary or igneous rocks that have been altered by heat and/or pressure Cooled Magma CONSUMER All animals are consumers PRIMARY CONSUMER An animal which eats Producers (plants) SECONDARY CONSUMERS Eat primary consumers TERTIARY CONSUMERS Eat Secondary consumers CARNIVORES Eat only animals, never plants TOP CARNIVORE Is not eaten by anything else OMNIVORE eats both plants and animals GRANITE Cooled Inside earth’s crust BASALT Expelled from volcano and cooled SLATE LIMESTONE SANDSTONE Crumbly- may contain fossils MARBLE Planets orbit the Sun. Gravity keeps them in orbit. Planets reflect light Volcanic eruption makes IGNEOUS rocks Rocks crumble and move Magma cools and makes IGNEOUS rocks Rocks melt and make magma Small bits deposit and form SEDIMENTARY rocks Rocks get buried- heat & pressure change them into METAMORPHIC rocks My Very Efficient Memory Just Stores Up Nine Planets September 23rd Autumnal Equinox VARIATION North Pole Equator Different Species Earth’s Orbit Different genes Same Species Same genes DIFFERENCES Inherited Environmental December 22nd June 21st Winter solstice Summer Solstice 24 hours darkness at North Pole 24 hours daylight at South Pole April 21st Spring Equinox 24 hours daylight at North Pole 24 hours darkness at South Pole Continuous Variation Discontinuous Variation Range eg IQ Height, weight Few Options eg eye colour Blood groups Friction A HABITAT is the type of area where a plant/animal lives A POPULATION is the total number of the same species living in a particular habitat A COMMUNITY is all the different organisms living in that habitat How well adapted the species is to its environment Competition from other species for food water, shelter etc (2surfaces rub- friction gives grip) • Air Resistance • Water Resistance (makes it difficult to move in water/makes boats float) Magnetism (Invisible force, attracting/repelling) Gravity (force that makes things fall to the ground) Upthrust (occurs in air and water) (air resistance slows down falling items) How many Predators there are and whether they are successful If you remove one of these factors, the fire goes out Measure in Newtons Static Electricity Pure Soap Can Make A Zebra Into The Loveliest Horse Cows Scoff Grass Arrows show direction and strength of force (longer is stronger) POTASSIUM SODIUM CALCIUM MAGNESIUM ALUMINIUM ZINC IRON TIN LEAD HYDROGEN (Non Metal) COPPER SILVER GOLD Spread by people Flu,……. Chickenpox MICROBES SURVIVE Reproduces Uncooked/ decaying food WOMF Warmth Oxygen Moisture Food GROWTH Sun Rain CO2 NUCLEUS Controls activities of cell CYTOPLASM Chemical processes take place here CELL MEMBRANE Controls movement of mould yeast athletes foot substances in and out of the cell CELL WALL Strengthens the cell CHLOROPLAST Contains chlorophyll (for photosynthesis) VACUOLE Contains cell sap Can be useful! Break down food Bacteria for yoghurt Decomposes leaves POLLINATION Pollen carried between plants by Wind & Insects Insect FERTILISATION GERMINATION Warmth Oxygen Water SEED DISPERSAL Wind Animals Birds Explosion Pollen(from Anther) sticks to Sticky Stigma. Pollen joins ovules in ovary to become seeds ( and fruit) Blood in veins • • • Carries waste products away from cells Is de-oxygenated Under low pressure Arterial Blood • • • Carries oxygen/ nutrients to cells Is oxygenated Under high pressure Contains haemoglobin Carries oxygen round body Produces antibodies to fight disease 2 Tiny, but very mobile because of its tail In main body tubes (eg.throat/ nose) traps germs and dust) A bee sting is acid neutralises Carries impulses (messages) round body Contains massive food resources to develop embryo Baking soda A wasp sting is alkali use acid (Vasps Relights a glowing splint Soluble ---------can dissolve Insoluble -------can not dissolve Saturated ------nothing more can dissolve Suspension------some bits do not dissolve Lit splint Squeak Squeaky pop (eg muddy water) Turns lime water cloudy pH Scale Metal Hydroxide + Hydrogen STRONG ACID NEUTRAL STRONG ALKALI Metal Oxide Salt + Hydrogen HYDROCHLORIC ACID produces CHLORIDE SALTS SULFURIC ACID SULFATE SALTS NITRIC ACID NITRATE SALTS --- Movement --- Respiration --- Sensitivity --- Nutrition --- Excretion --- Reproduction ---Growth Getting rid of waste products Anther holds pollen Found in every cell Smaller than chloroplasts & nucleus DISTANCE SPEED TIME FORCE PRESSURE AREA Dad Speeded Today ÷ F P X MOMENT FORCE DISTANCE m=moment of force (turning effect) D Separates dyes A MASS DENSITY VOLUME My Fat Daddy M F Fat People Allowed Massive Dead Vampire M D V Separates liquids from solids that are soluble Separates liquids with different boiling points (RUST) Moment = Force X Distance from pivot 3 x 4 =12 6 5 4 3 2 3K 4 x 3 =12 1 0 1 5 3 4 3 2 4 5 6 4K This will balance 5 x 2 = 10 6 2 2 x 6 =12 1 0 1 2 6K 2K This will NOT balance balances 3 4 5 6 To absorb any water Turns food into Energy Self-pollination- pollen transferred from Stamen to stigma on same plant Wind pollination insect pollination Pollen sticky stigma ovary becomes fruit Sun Energy Heat Electricity Conductor Strong Shiny Oxides formed when metals react with oxygen Rain CO 2 WOW Warmth, Oxygen Water VERY REACTIVE FAIRLY REACTIVE Malleable/ Ductile Easy to shape Alarm m Metals make a ringing sound when hit- they are Metals are elements & in SONOROUS Periodic Table NOT VERY REACTIVE NOT AT ALL REACTIVE explosion animals Professor Smith Called Me A Zombie I Left Class Sucking Gum birds wind POTASSIUM SODIUM CALCIUM MAGNESIUM ALUMINIUM ZINC IRON LEAD COPPER SILVER GOLD BAA Energy cannot be made or destroyed, only transferred Sound Heat Electrical Elastic (mechanical potential) Potential (gravitational potential) Chemical Movement Light Nuclear PROTEIN CARBOHYDRATE FATS P S C M A Z I L C S G A metal higher in the series will displace a less reactive metal from its compound eg: Potassium + Copper Sulphate Potassium Sulphate + Copper Magnesium + Copper Oxide Magnesium Oxide + Copper BUT Sodium Oxide + Copper NO CHANGE Balanced Forces = no movement Unbalanced forces= change of speed/ direction FORCES MAKE OBJECTS: VITAMINS MINERALS Calcium teeth/bones Iron blood WATER 75% of our body. FIBRE Speed up Slow down Change direction Turn Change shape eg twisting Air resistance ee ee ee ee ee FREQUENCY (Hertz- Hz) lots of vibrations per second= high frequency – a high pitch sound Mooo few vibrations per second= low frequency - low pitch sound. AMPLITUDE (Amps) A tall wave is a loud sound A short wave is a soft sound NOTE: BASES are the OXIDES & HYDROXIDES of metals Sulfuric Acid Hydrochloric Acid Nitric Acid SULFATE salt CHLORIDE salt NITRATE salt Atom Element Mixture LAW OF REFLECTION Angle of Incidence= Angle of Reflection Compound LAW OF REFRACTION Light going to a more dense medium bends to the normal Light leaving it bends away from the normal Atom Element When 2 or more different atoms join together they form compounds Battery/cell Bulb Switch Ammeter WHITE CELLS Variable resistor Kill invading microbes Voltmeter PLASMA- liquid PLATELETS-form containing salt, sugar, proteins clots to stop bleeding Motor Smallest part of an element. Lots of the same atoms make an element. When atoms join together they form molecules A substance only made up of one type of atom A substance made up of two or more elements A mixture of different elements or compounds (can be separated) PARTICLES Tightly packed In fixed position Packed closely Move around (in liquid) Far apart Move around quickly (anywhere)