SDK introduction Contents 1. SDK Introduction 2. SDK Registration 3. Check SDK version 4. Development manual 5. Demo 1. SDK Introduction )K So"t#are )K Device SDK likes ridge !he communication protocol SDK is an inter"ace "or data communication #ith standalone devices$ #hich could e used to convenientl% manage user information and ngerprints$ download/upload&attendance records$ operation records$ user in"ormation$ 'ngerprint templates$ and "ace templates($ set up devices$ and con'gure access control 2. SDK Registration *indo#s +, I. 32it II. 4it *indo#s - *indo#s / Server 200/ I. 32it II. 4it *indo#s +,32it 1 2 3 Closing all the related )K so"t#ares and servers Cop%ing all ++.dll 'les to C:\WINDOWS\system32 pening and inputting regsvr32.exe %windir %\system32\zkemkeeper.dll *indo#s +,4it 1 2 3 Closing all the related )K so"t#ares and servers Cop%ing all ++.dll 'les to C:\!"#$\sys$&' pening and inputting %windir%\syswow&'\regsvr32.exe %windir%\syswow&'\zkemkeeper.dll *indo#s -*indo#s / Server 200/32it 1 Closing all the related )K so"t#ares and servers 2 Cop%ing all ++.dll 'les to C:\WINDOWS\system32 3 Running as dministrator and inputting regsvr32.exe %windir%\system32\zkemkeeper.dll then 6nt * n o#s -* n o#s erver 200/4it 1 Closing all the related )K so"t#ares and servers all ++.dll 'les to 2 Cop%ing C:\!"#$\sys$&' 3 Running as dministrator and inputting %windir%\syswow&'\regsvr32.exe %windir%\syswow&'\zkemk 6nter 3 Check the SDK version !he SDK version could e checked through )K so"t#are$ such as ()* or () attendan+e management software " ot e Since SDK is the communication tool "or Special Devices and corresponding So"t#are$ #e divide it into t#o groups. 1. ll the ++.dll 'les$ the tool "or )K devices and )K So"t#ares 2. !he SDK Development 8anual$ the tool "or developing %our o#n so"t#are to communicate #ith )K devices I" %ou use )K devices #ith )K so"t#ares$ please register the SDK 'les&++.dll( I" %ou #ant to develop %our o#n so"t#are to communicate #ith )K devices$ please check the elo# detailed in"ormation7 #evelopment ,anual *e provide three t%pes o" Development 8anual "or di9erent )K devices$ please check %our devices and select the correct one #emo ,lease re"er to our Demo #hen %ou "ace #ith mistake during the development process 4 Development manual !:! Series ,anual :or eample$ Iclock30$=400$I>0 1 ;<* Series :or eample$ :/$!:1-00 :ace Series :or eample$ I"ace302$8ultiio-0 0 "ote ;ecause the related "unctions are di9erent$ please select the corresponding development manual "or the real devices e"ore developing 5 D68 ,rogram Aanguage ?;.ne t C@ !%pes o" Demo !:! serie ;lack<*hite I:ace During the process o" developing$ please kindl% re"er to our Demo$ #hich includes most o" the asic "unctions$ to avoid the unnecessar% mistakes. "ote: Demo is the simple and asic so"t#are$ #hich sho#s %ou the original "unction o" ground Boor. ()*e+o !n+. )K 8ansion$ *uhe Rd$ Fangtou$ ;antian$ ;uGi !o#n$ Aonggang District$ ShenEhen China 51/12 /-55/0234544- et.10/ Copyrig-t 20'1 ()*e+o !n+. ll rig-ts reserved. )K!eco ma%$ at an% time and #ithout notice$ make changes or improvements to the products and services o9ered andor cease p roducing or commercialiEing them. !he )K!eco logo and trademark are the propert% o" )K!eco Inc.