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a situation in which men and women, people of different races, religions, etc. are all treated fairly and have
the same opportunities
the right of different groups of people to have a similar social position and receive the same treatment
the state of being equal, especially in status, rights, or opportunities.
Equality is when things are the same (equal) in some particular way. You had to rethink your campaign for equality in the
household when you realized this meant doing your own laundry and sharing the remote control.
Equality means "the state of being equal." It's one of the ideals a democratic society, and so the fight to attain different kinds of equality, like racial equality, gender
equality, or equality of opportunity between rich and poor, is often associated with progress toward that ideal of everyone being truly equal. Equality doesn't have to be
used only for social ideals, though. There can be equality in weight between two barrels of apples, or between two molecules.
Equality is the same status, rights, and responsibilities for all the members of a society, group, or family. ...equality of the sexes.
What is equality?
Equality is about ensuring that every individual has an equal opportunity to make the most of their lives and talents.
It is also the belief that no one should have poorer life chances because of the way they were born, where they come from, what
they believe, or whether they have a disability.
Equality recognises that historically certain groups of people with protected characteristics such as race, disability, sex and sexual
orientation have experienced discrimination.
Equality is the state of being equal, especially in status, rights and opportunities. Equality means each individual or
group of people is given the same resources and opportunities, regardless of their circumstances. In social and racial
justice movements, equality can actually increase inequities in communities as not every group of people needs the
same resources or opportunities allocated to them in order to thrive.
Why is equality and diversity important?
Equality and diversity are essential components of health and social care. Good equality and diversity practices make sure that
the services provided to people are fair and accessible to everyone. They ensure that people are treated as equals, that peop le
get the dignity and respect they deserve and that their differences are celebrated.
This is particularly important for adults in need who, because of a disability, illness or their age, are unable to take adeq uate care
of themselves and keep themselves from harm.
What is equality and diversity?
Equality means ensuring everyone in your setting has equal opportunities, regardless of their abilities, their background or their
Diversity means appreciating the differences between people and treating people’s values, beliefs, cultures and lifestyles with
Equality means that all men are equal and should be entitled equal, opportunity and treatment.
Equality means all things that are equal when measured by society’s standards
Everyone or everything is on the same level in rank, quality, quantity or social standing,
Fairness is an essential feature of equality.
The objective is for all people to receive fair treatment regardless of their background r social status .
Government services are one measure of how equality works in everyday life.
For example, when applying for a driver’s license, everyone is given the same written and vehicle operation test.
Equality plays a role in both the public and private sectors on issue of employment.
Workplaces commonly have non-discrimination policies based on the principle of equality. Ideally, employees are treated
equally while on the job.
Equality can also be applied to anything that is uniform in nature.
Why is Equality Important
It is basic human right.
It helps ensuring wholesome development of every individual without any biases.
For a democratic and secular country, like India, it is all the more important.
Gender Equality
we should stop trying to achieve equal numbers of men and women in everything else too, and aim for equal
opportunities instead.
Just because there are more women in nursing, it doesn't mean men are being discriminated against in that
profession. And just because there are more men in construction, it doesn't mean women are being
discriminated against there.
What are the disadvantages of gender equality?
Only one.
Say a person is weak. He or she cannot lift something heavy. This is a particularly valid point in case of women. Now,
if she asks for help with that job from a man, he could simply refuse to help her with the excuse that since men and
women are equal, women should be capable of doing everything a man can do.
This is basically a misuse of the term gender equality. This needs to be clarified to the public so that such misuse of an
obviously good thing does not occur.
Men and women may not be equal physically. They may not be capable of doing all the things the other gender can. A
woman cannot generally do as much physical labour as a man (generally). Neither can a man take care of a baby as a
woman can. Each gender has a function of its own, some jobs which each can perform better than the other.
The point is that the term gender equality is not a licence to expect the same kind of performance by a man and a
woman in all aspects of life. It is the licence to expect the same level of humanity from both, and to expect equal
respect for both genders, respect for doing their own duties in society, and not the belittling of one gender because the
jobs they do are less physically demanding. In many cases, women do work which is quite as physically demanding
and more than the work done by men.