Uploaded by Abdelrahman Khaled

Grade 6 Science Project: Sun as Energy Source

Department of Science
Grade 6
Block 3
Outcome: Know that the main source of energy can be traced back to the Sun.
Learning objectives:
1. Identify the sun and the main source of energy.
2. Demonstrate how the wind, wave, biomass and fossil fuels energy is traced back to the Sun.
The student should derive a model that shows how the given energy resource (wind, wave & biomass) is traced back to the Sun. The model should
explain how the Sun is considered the main source of energy on Earth. The model could be two- or three- dimensional.
It is an individual project.
Project’s due date is January 16th 2021 and the deadline is January 26th 2021.
Success criteria:
1. Identifying the Sun as the main source of energy and how other resources are traced back to the Sun.
2. Creating clear objects/ components: the objects are clear, well-crafted/ drawn. The object are colored and appropriate proportions were
perfectly considered.
3. Labelling: All the objects/ components of the model are labelled.
4. Each student (individually) can answer a quiz about the “The energy resources”.
The Student can
identify the Sun as
the main source of
energy and justify
with evidence from
the model how the
source of energy
under study can be
traced back to the
The student used
sufficient scientific
language to explain
the model.
The student can
identify the Sun as
the main source of
energy and justify
with evidence from
the model how the
source of energy
under study can be
traced back to the
The student used
good scientific
language to explain
the model.
Clear objects
The objects used in
the model are clear
and wellcrafted/drawn. The
student used the
appropriate color.
proportions were
perfectly considered
to deliver a clear
All components are
arranged correctly
and labelled. The
The objects used in
the model are clear
and wellcrafted/drawn. The
students used
appropriate colors.
Proportions between
the components
were moderately
appropriate which
affected the clarity of
the model.
One of the
components is not
arranged correctly.
All the components
Achievement of the
learning outcome
The student can
identify the Sun as the
main source of energy
and justify with
evidence from the
model how the source
of energy under study
can be traced back to
the Sun.
The student used poor
scientific language to
explain the model.
The student can
identify the Sun as
the main source of
energy. The
student can
adequately use the
model to justify
how the source of
energy under study
can be traced back
to the Sun.
The student used
poor scientific
language to explain
the model.
The objects used in the The objects used in
model are clear and
the model are clear
well-crafted/ drawn.
but not wellThe students didn’t use crafted/drawn. The
appropriate colors of
student didn’t use
the objects.
any colors for the
Proportions between
the components of the Proportions
model were poorly
between the
considered which
components of the
affected the clarity of
model were
the model.
One of the of the
One or two
components is not
components are
arranged correctly. One not arranged
component is not
correctly. Two or
The student can
identify the Sun as
the main source of
energy. The model
poorly demonstrates
the relationship
between the source
of energy under
study and the Sun as
the main source of
energy. The student
can’t use scientific
terminology to
explain his model.
The objects were not
clear or some of the
objects were missing.
The student didn’t
use any color for the
objects. Proportions
between the
components were
More than two
components are not
labeled and the
Assessment sheet
pathway is clear and
easy to follow.
are labelled/ The
pathway is easy to
labelled but the rest of
the pathway is clear
and easy to follow.
The model is catchy.
The message is clear
and audiences from
different levels can
understand it.
The model is clear
and the message
from the model is
clear that most of the
students can
understand the
message with the
creator explanation.
The model is not clear
to audience not easy to
be interpreted by the
students from different
more components
are not labelled
correctly. The
Pathway is
The model is not
clear and can’t be
interpreted by
other audiences.
pathway is not easy
to follow.
The model is not
clear and can’t be