LECTURE LITERATURE REVIEW Lecturer: Mr. Maluleka B.Ed., B.Ed. Hons., M.Ed with Distinction (Wits) PhD Candidate (Wits) WHAT HAS BEEN COVERED SO FAR: 1. Basic concepts in educational research 2. What is research? 3. Why research? 4. Introduction to meta-theory 5. Research problem 6. Formulating a research question and/or topic WHAT THIS LECTURE WILL FOCUS ON: Literature Review 1. What is Literature Review? 2. What is the purpose of doing a Literature Review? 3. What are the characteristics of an effective Literature Review? 4. What are the steps for writing an effective Literature Review? Goals of the lecture: • To help you understand the purpose and basic requirements of an effective literature review. • To help you critically assess, engage, and critique research discourses/debates relating to your research subject. • To develop strategies for inventing, organizing, and drafting a literature review. What is Literature Review? • A critical analysis of existing research in your field of study; it highlights both the strengths and weaknesses (knowledge gap) of existing research. • Literature Review allows you as a researcher to gain a critical understanding of your field of study. • It is also an opportunity to think about what has been done in your field; opportunity to think about the similarities, patterns, trends and also differences across the existing research. • By identifying strengths and weakness, you will be able to think about what has not/needs to be done in your field of study. • The gap in the literature is your justification for your research!!!!! CONTI….. • A literature review is also a process as well as an outcome! • Literature review as an outcome: appears in the final draft of your research report as part of your introduction or as a separate chapter. • Literature review as a process: critical engagement (thinking, reading and writing) with relevant research on your topic. It is a crucial and formative stage of your thesis journey. What is the purpose of doing a Literature Review? • To provide background information relating to your research. • To establish importance of your research. • To demonstrate familiarity with the discipline you are researching in. • To “carve out a space” for further research, i.e., knowledge gap to be filled. What are the characteristics of an effective Literature Review? • Outlining important research trends in your field/discipline. • Assessing the strengths and weaknesses of existing research in your field/discipline. • Identifying potential gaps in knowledge • Establishing a need for current and/or future research projects What are the steps for writing an effective Literature Review? • Planning • Reading and Research • Analysing Planning 1. • In your planning you need to first start by answering the following questions: What is the specific thesis, problem, or research question that my literature review helps to define? What is the existing knowledge gap in the literature? By so doing, this will allow you to: • Sort and categorize information • Eliminate irrelevant information 2. You will also need to think about the SCOPE of your Literature Review. That is, the types of sources you will use and the limit of those sources. Reading and Research • • Collect and read material. Select only relevant books and academic articles. • Engage and critique your sources using the following questions: Who is the author? What is the author's main purpose? What is the author’s theoretical perspective? Research methodology? Who is the intended audience? What is the principal point, conclusion, thesis, contention, or question? How is the author’s position supported? How does this study relate to other studies of the problem or topic? What does this study add to your project? Analysing A literature review is never just a list of studies—it always offers an argument about a body of research Analysis occurs on two levels: Individual sources Body of research. Four Analysis Tasks of the Literature Review TASKS OF LITERATURE REVIEW SUMMARIZE SYNTHESIZE CRITIQUE COMPARE End of Lecture! Any questions?