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Technology for Teaching and Learning Module 1

Bicol University
Educ. 10 (Technology for Teaching and Learning 1)
MODULE 1: Introduction to Technology for Teaching and Learning
• Define basic concepts in understanding ICT in education
• Familiarize one’s self with the roles and practices of educators in technology supported learning
• Identify viable, beneficial, and sustainable uses for technology in education under the “new normal”
Before we dive in to the essential theories and principles that will enable you to design and use
technology-driven lessons, let us first have an introduction to the fundamental concepts that you will repeatedly
encounter throughout the course. Moreover, let this lesson also help you become aware of the different roles and
practices of educators employing technology supported learning in their respective classrooms. This way, you can
have a firmer grasp of what it means to be a technology-empowered educator and be able to come up with viable,
beneficial, and sustainable instructional uses for technology most especially in the face of a global pandemic that
brought even the most powerful countries in the world to their knees.
Now, let us take a look at these concepts and the definitions provided by different authors and sources
for each and every one of them. Take a look at each of these without focusing too much on memorizing them.
Instead, channel your energy towards understanding them in the Philippine educational context where they
absolutely matter.
Definitions of Key Terms in TTL1
Technology- “the practical and purposeful application of knowledge (a traditional definition linked to the
etymology of the term from the Greek—techné, or skill, and logos, or reason); popular usage involves physical
things as in smartphones, tablet computers, interactive whiteboards, and so on; in the context of educational
technology and consistent with the AECT definition, it is the use and application of knowledge in the form of
technology, media, procedures, and resources to support various aspects of learning, instruction, and
performance that comprise the focus of educational technology” (Huang, Spector & Yang, 2019).
ICT- “Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs) are defined as ‘a diverse set of technological tools and
resources used to communicate, create, disseminate, store, and manage information’” (Blurton, 1999, p.1 cited
in Lou & Lei, 2012).
Technology/ ICT Tools
We can understand better what we mean by technology or ICT tools by looking at how they are classified with
corresponding examples.
Source: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/285964391_Emerging_technologies_for_interactive_learning_in_the_ICT_age/download
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Bicol University
Remember that while we are most of the time finding the ways to integrate emerging and more advanced
tools in education, this does not automatically mean the end for conventional and even non-digital indigenous
materials when it comes to classroom integration since they are still viable tools for teaching and learning.
Educational Technology - “the study and ethical practice of facilitating learning and improving performance by
creating, using and managing appropriate technological processes and resources’ (AECT definition; Januszewski &
Molenda, 2008, p. 1); the disciplined use of pedagogical approaches, instructional strategies, media, tools, and
technologies to consistently improve learning, instruction, and performance” (Huang, Spector & Yang, 2019).
Media- “a means of representing, presenting, disseminating, and storing information in a variety of formats, some
of which may be digital” (Huang, Spector & Yang, 2019).
This can also be viewed as ”the physical objects used to communicate with, or the mass communication through
physical objects such as radio, television, computers, film, etc. It also refers to any physical object used to
communicate messages” (Commission on Higher Education, 2016).
Instructional Design- “the theory and practice of design, development, utilization, management, and evaluation
of processes and resources for learning.” (Reiser, 2002, p. 1 cited in Kurt, 2017)
Instructional Technology- “includes practical techniques of instructional delivery that systematically aim for
effective learning, whether or not they involve the use of media. It is a basic purpose of the field of instructional
technology to promote and aid the application of these known and validated procedures in the design and delivery
of instruction.” (Gagne, 2013 as cited in Kurt, 2017)
So now that you have an concrete idea about what these essential terms and concepts mean, let us now
have a look at the various roles and practices of educators who are practitioners of technology-supported learning.
Roles and Practices of Educators in Technology-Supported Learning
The use of technology in teaching and learning can actualize the full meaning of the learner-centered
paradigm where both the teacher and student become learning partners who are actively involved in designing
the learning experience.
The roles of educators can indeed evolve and expand with the integration of technology. Here are some
reasons why as documented by the US Dept. of Education, Office of Educational Technology (2017):
Educators can collaborate far beyond the walls of their schools.
Educators can design highly engaging and relevant learning experiences through technology.
Educators can lead the evaluation and implementation of new technologies for learning.
Educators can be guides, facilitators, and motivators of learners.
Educators can be co-learners with students and peers.
Educators can become catalysts to serve the underserved. (Teachers can be more creative and flexible in
reaching out to students with different needs and learning resources. This will hopefully lessen the gap
brought by the digital divide or the issue on access to technology).
Without any doubt, one can deduce as a fact that 21st century is defined by the strong presence and
influence of technology. Its impact is especially evident in education with learners becoming more and more
immersed in its use in their daily lives. Technology is definitely going to be a crucial part of the teaching and
learning experience as it is here to stay. Therefore, teachers must be able to adopt principles and practices that
can maximize the integration and use of technology in their classes to make their lessons more relevant,
meaningful, and engaging.
As pre-service teachers, you are expected to develop and demonstrate skills on the positive use of
technology/ ICT for your future classroom. While ICT helps to facilitate teaching and learning with all its benefits
and promises, you must remember that it cannot replace your indispensable role as a teacher in the process.
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Bicol University
Before proceeding to the module activity and to further enrich if not expand your understanding of the
this lesson, please refer to the following topics/chapter/book/pages specified below. Since I have already amassed
a sizeable amount of resources for our course, you need not worry about finding these digital books as they are
already provided to you for free (They are all downloadable through a link in the Course Guide and Resources
announcement post). All I ask is for you to peruse them because in our current set-up, your ability to do
independent reading will determine the extent of your success in terms of learning in this course. The fact that
these resources are already made available to you means that you have no excuse not to get and read them. As
the cliché goes, “it pays to read.” Now more than ever, this holds true since the reading skills and reading
comprehension of students in the Philippines appear to be questionable at best. So, I shall require you to read
these books to effectively learn more since there is no substitute for this skill in all disciplines. As college students,
this will definitely put your reading comprehension skills to the test given our current situation. Should you have
any clarifications regarding this topic, feel free to ask them during our synchronous class sessions via Facebook
1. Chapter 7, A Pedagogical Continuum: The Journey from Face-to-Face
to Online Teaching 107 by Petrea Redmond, pp. 107-132
(Source: Educational Innovations and Contemporary Technologies Enhancing Teaching and Learning by Petrea
Redmond, Jennifer Lock, Patrick Alan Danaher (eds.) (z-lib.org).pdf)
2. Chapter 1, Maximizing the Affordances of Contemporary
Technologies in Education: Promises and Possibilities by Olusola O. Adesope and A. G. Rud, pp. 1-16
(Source: Contemporary Technologies in Education Maximizing Student Engagement, Motivation, and Learning by
Olusola O. Adesope, A.G. Rud (z-lib.org).pdf)
Let me also remind you that it would be beneficial for you in the long run to start making advanced
readings and develop it into a habit without being told since the resources are accessible to you 24/7. This way,
you are not only going to develop your reading skills, which matter particularly to teachers like us, but also your
deeper understanding of the course in no time.
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