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Karl Hough Job Offer General Conditions of Employment

Hough, Karl Anthony
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3rd August 2022
Palace International Limited trading as SPECTRO | JET-CARE.
This is a no-smoking Company.
Reporting to the OPERATIONS MANAGER – Richard Medhurst, or nominee.
The position is based at Hatchwood Place, Odiham and may require nights spent away from
The starting salary for this position is £18,525 gross per annum, with effect from 15th August
2022. The salary will be reviewed after successful completion of the probationary period.
Thereafter the salary shall be reviewed annually from September 2023, normally September
Whilst working the very late shift hours (see HOURS below), an allowance equivalent to an
additional five hours per week shall be paid.
The first salary payment and any shift allowance will normally be made by cheque on the last
working day of the month. NB All new employees starting after the 20th of the month will
receive their first salary payment at the end of the following calendar month.
After the first month of employment, your salary and any shift allowance will be paid monthly
in arrears, (normally on the last day of the month) by credit transfer into a UK bank account of
your choice after deductions of PAYE Income Tax and National Insurance Contributions.
The Company may, from time to time and depending on its performance and profitability, and
your overall performance and conduct, pay you a bonus calculated on such basis as the
Company may determine. The payment or otherwise of any bonus will be wholly at the
discretion of the Company. There is no contractual entitlement for you to receive a bonus at
any time even if a bonus has been paid to you or to other employees on previous occasions. If
a bonus is paid, the amount will also be wholly at the discretion of the Company.
On termination of employment, the final salary payment will normally be made by cheque on
the last working day of the month.
Where over 42½ hours have been worked in a week, authorised overtime shall be paid at 1½
times your standard rate of pay Monday to Friday. Overtime between 37½ and 42½ hours shall
be paid at the standard hourly rate. Weekend overtime shall be paid at 1½ times your
standard rate of pay. Bank Holiday overtime is paid at 2 times your standard rate of pay with
time worked to be taken off in lieu during the week or the following week. Overtime on
weekend days attached to Bank Holidays is paid at 2 times your standard rate of pay.
Authorised overtime shall be paid in units of 15 minutes and shall be rounded down to the
nearest 15 minutes.
Monday to Friday, 37½ hours per week, 7½ hours per day, working the very late shift 3:30 pm
to 0:00 am (midnight), including a daily one-hour unpaid lunch break as arranged with your
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NB: Two 15-minute breaks, to be taken pre and post lunch, are available for laboratory staff if
they are confined to an area where they cannot eat or drink.
You may be required to work such additional hours as necessary for the full and effective
performance of your duties as the Company may reasonably require.
The Company’s holiday year runs from January to December. Holiday is calculated pro-rata in
your first and last year of employment, and for part-time or fixed-term employees.
The annual holiday entitlement is 28 days in the first year of employment, inclusive of the eight
bank and public holidays. After one year’s service one additional day is added for each full year
of employment up to a maximum total of 33 days inclusive of the eight bank and public
holidays. Such additional days will be calculated pro-rata. A full day will be allocated for more
than nine months full time employment or half a day for more than three months full time
employment in the year. Employment of three or less months in the year will not qualify.
Holiday is to be divided, with the major holiday being no longer than two calendar weeks.
Paid Holiday (excluding the eight bank and public holidays) is not normally available during the
first three months of the probationary period.
Your entitlement to paid annual leave on bank and public holidays is calculated on a pro-rata
basis according to the days/hours you work in the year. If, due to the particular days of the
week that you work, you take more bank and public holidays than your pro-rata entitlement,
any additional days or part-days taken will be deducted from your annual holiday entitlement.
You must endeavour to use all of your holiday entitlement in the holiday year in which it
accrues. Depending on the circumstances, untaken leave may not be carried over into the
following holiday year and may be lost.
In the event an employee leaves the Company’s employment the Company reserves the right
to require an employee to use earned but untaken holiday during a notice period. Likewise,
the Company reserves the right to deduct holiday taken in excess of an employee’s pro-rata
entitlement from the employee’s final salary payment together with any other expenses or
payments due.
One day’s Holiday is calculated on the basis of Gross Salary / 260.
You are eligible for other paid leave in accordance with statutory requirements, which may
include maternity leave, adoption leave, paternity leave, shared parental leave, and parental
bereavement leave, subject to your complying with the relevant statutory and other conditions
and requirements in order to be entitled to the leave and pay.
The Company may provide you with any necessary in-house training, for example, induction
training when you start work for the Company, health & safety, and on-the-job training.
Where such training is provided by the Company, it is compulsory, and you will be required to
complete it. The cost of any such in-house training will be met by the Company.
A work-related pension scheme in accordance with statutory legislation is operated by the
Company. Further details are available from the Financial Controller - Director.
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Your employment with the Company prevents you from undertaking any other gainful
employment unless you obtain prior written permission from the Managing Director.
The Company reserves its rights to intellectual property as laid down in Section 39(1) Patents
Act 1977.
You may not at any time during your employment by the Company, or at any time thereafter
except as authorised by the Company, divulge to any person, firm, or company, at any time,
secret, or confidential information in the nature of a trade secret concerning the Company, its
business, customers or employees or third party for which the Company is responsible, or in
respect of which the Company has an obligation not to disclose, which may have come to your
knowledge during your employment.
You may not at any time during your employment by the Company, or after its termination,
without the Company’s prior written consent, directly, or indirectly, divulge to any person, or
use, confidential information of the Company, or of any third party for which the Company is
responsible, or in respect of which the Company has an obligation not to disclose which may
have come to your knowledge during your employment.
It is a condition of your employment contract that you sign the Intellectual Property and
Confidentiality Agreement as provided to you.
You are entitled to Statutory Sick Pay (SSP), during periods of properly certified sickness
absence provided you meet the qualifying conditions. Any Company Sick Pay (CSP), (payment
over and above SSP rates), will be paid at the absolute discretion of the Financial Controller Director. CSP is in line with arrangements for SSP whereby there is a waiting period of 3 days
before any discretionary payment of CSP may be made. CSP is not paid during the
probationary period for any sickness absence.
Any day's sick leave which has not been notified to the Company in line with Company
procedures will be treated as unauthorised absence, and sick pay may not be paid for that day.
The Company may require you to undergo health surveillance assessments and/or medical
examinations, by such medical practitioner or competent person, as the Company shall
nominate, at any stage of your employment. These may include, but are not limited to:
a) Occupational Health checks.
b) Drug and Alcohol testing.
The person(s) responsible shall prepare and maintain records and reports of such
examination/surveillance, and if express written permission is gained from you on each
occasion, for such information to be provided to the Company. The cost of any such
examination/surveillance will be met by the Company.
The Company may require you to undergo background checks at any stage of your
employment. These may include, but are not limited to:
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a) Identity checks.
b) Academic and Professional Qualifications checks.
c) Criminal Records checks.
You must comply with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation and the Data
Protection Act 2018, at all times when handling or processing personal data on the Company’s
behalf in the proper performance of your work during your employment. In accordance with
Company Data Protection procedures, the Company shall process your personal data in order
to carry out the contract of employment between you and the Company, and for legitimate
personnel and business management purposes. These include but are not limited to complying
with the Company’s legal, regulatory, and corporate governance requirements, to processing
salary and other payments, for your health & safety, and capability, in accordance with
statutory requirements.
The position is subject to satisfactory completion of a minimum six-month probationary period.
During the probationary period, unless otherwise stipulated, notice required for either party to
terminate employment is one week.
During probation, you will be required to demonstrate your suitability for the position in which
you are employed. To this end, your progress will be assessed on a regular basis. The
probation period may be extended at the Company’s discretion and this is without prejudice to
the Company’s right to terminate your employment before the expiry of the probation period.
An extension may be implemented in circumstances where your performance or conduct
during probation has not been entirely satisfactory but it is thought that an extension to the
probation period may lead to improvement, or where you have been absent from work for any
reason for a significant period during probation.
The minimum period of notice required from employees to terminate employment is the same
as the period of Notice the Company would give in the case of dismissal. Where possible,
termination of employment should coincide with the end of a calendar month.
a) After the probationary period but less than five years’ service, one month.
b) At five or more years’ service, but less than twelve years, one week for each completed
year of continuous employment with the Company.
c) At 12 years’ service or more, 12 weeks’ notice.
The above notice periods are subject always to the Company’s right to dismiss summarily in
cases of gross misconduct, gross negligence, or any other fundamental breach of contract.
Should you fail to give proper notice to terminate your employment or take unauthorised
absence, and have already received your full month's salary, the Company reserves the right to
deduct the amount of pay which has been overpaid (taking the last day at work as the last day
for which pay becomes due), from the following month's salary or from any other sums due to
you on termination of your employment.
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If, either during or on the termination of your employment, you owe the Company money as a
result of any overpayment, default on your part, or any other reason whatsoever, the
Company shall be entitled to deduct the amount of your indebtedness to it from any payment
or final payment of salary which it may be due to make to you. Such deductions may include,
but are not limited to:
a) An overpayment of, salary, bonus, commission, or expenses, whether made by mistake or
b) Any fines, charges, penalties, or other monies paid or payable by the Company to any third
party for any act or omission on your part for which the Company may be held vicariously
liable (for example, speeding fines, parking tickets and congestion charges).
c) The market value of any unreturned Company property.
d) The repayment of any contractual or discretionary sick pay where the reporting
requirements have not been followed or the absence is unauthorised.
e) The payment of any sum received from the court as loss of earnings for undertaking jury
service where your salary has been paid by the Company during your absence.
Any payment required by law, e.g. child support maintenance order.
If, on the termination of your employment, your final payment is not sufficient to meet any
debt due to the Company, you agree that you will repay the outstanding balance to the
Company within one calendar month of the date of termination of your employment, such
payment to be made as agreed with the Company.
I have read and understand the above General Conditions of Employment and fully accept
these Conditions.
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