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MATH 104 Syllabus: Differential Calculus, UBC 2012

MATH 104 - Section 108
Differential Calculus with Applications to Commerce and Social Sciences
UBC Department of Mathematics
2012 Winter Term 1
Instructor: Cindy Blois
e-mail: cblois@math.ubc.ca
Lectures: Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, 11:00-12:00 in Buchanan A202.
Office Hours: Mon 12-1 pm, Wed 3-4 pm in LSK 300C.
Webpage: http://www.math.ubc.ca/~cblois/Cindy_Blois/Math_104.html
Textbook: Calculus: Early Transcendentals, Volume 1, Third Custom Edition for UBC, by William
Briggs and Lyle Cochran.
Final Exam
Midterm 1 (Oct. 4, 6:30-7:30pm)
Midterm 2 (Nov. 8, 6:30-7:30pm)
Webwork Homework
Weekly Quiz/Clicker Participation
• Your lowest quiz mark will be not be counted toward your final grade.
• Your clicker participation mark is worth the equivalent of three weekly quizzes. If you
answer at least 75% of clicker questions in at least 75% of classes, then you will receive
a 100% clicker participation grade. Otherwise, your clicker participation grade will
scale with the number of classes in which you answer at least 75% of clicker questions.
• There will be two course-wide surveys, one in September and one in November. If you
complete these surveys, the lowest 2 Webwork marks will be dropped from your grade
Exam Policy:
• If you miss a midterm or quiz with valid reason (e.g., illness with a doctor’s note), the
weight will be transferred to the final exam. Exams or quizzes missed without valid
reason will receive a grade of 0.
• No books, formula sheets, calculators or other electronic devices are permitted for use
during exams and quizzes.
• The Midterm and Final Exams are common to all sections of MATH 104/184. They
will be board marked (by all instructors together) and your grades will be scaled if
necessary, to ensure fairness and consistency across sections.
• UBC takes cheating incidents seriously. Please see the 2012/13 UBC Academic Calendar for details regarding the rules of student conduct and discipline.
Lesson Plan
Week 0 Introduction: Review of Exponentials, Logarithms, and Inverse Functions. Chapter
Week 1 A standard business problem from managerial economics (with supplementary notes).
An Introduction to Limits. Chapter 2.1, 2.2, and 2.3 (to the end of Quick Check 3 on
p. 70).
Week 2 Continuous Functions. Chapter 2.6 (to page 97 plus the Intermediate Value Theorem).
The Derivative. Chapter 3.1.
Week 3 Rules of Differentiation I. Chapter 3.2, 3.3. Chapter 3.4: only Theorem 3.13 on page
159. (We return to this section at the end of the course.)
Week 4 Derivatives as Rates of change. Chapter 3.5. The Chain Rule. Chapter 3.6.
Mid-term I (Thursday, October 4th, 6:30-7:30pm)
Week 5 Implicit Differentiation. Chapter 3.7 to the end of the section on Slopes of Tangent
Lines, plus material on the power rule with rational exponents. Derivatives of Logarithms and Exponentials I. Chapter 3.8.
Note: Thanksgiving holiday, Monday, October 8th.
Week 6 Derivatives of Logarithms and Exponentials II. Chapter 3.8. Applications: Elasticity
of Demand (Notes to be posted online). Exponential Growth and Compound Interest.
(Chapter 6.8 to the end of Example 3, plus online notes.)
Week 7 Related Rates. Chapter 3.10. Maxima and Minima. Chapter 4.1.
Week 8 Information in the First and Second Derivatives. Chapter 4.2. Asymptotes from
Chapter 2.5. Graphing Functions. Chapter 4.3.
Week 9 Optimization problems I. Chapter 4.4.
Mid-term II (Thursday, November 8th, 6:30-7:30pm)
Week 10 Optimization Problems II. Chapter 4.4. Linear Approximation. Chapter 4.5.
Note: Holiday in lieu of remembrance day, Monday, November 12th.
Week 11 Approximating Functions with Polynomials I. Chapter 9.1.
Week 12 Approximating Functions with Polynomials II. Chapter 9.1. Inverse Trigonometric