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DCRIM Design & Modeling: Dual Cage Rotor Induction Motor

Ekum, A. Eyam1, Akisot, E. Etetim.2 and Akpama, E.J3
Department of Elect/Elect Engineering-Cross River University of Technology, Calabar/Nigeria
ekumawunaeyam079@gmail.com, akisote@yahoo.com and ekoakpama2004@yahoo.com
Modeling Engineering systems is becoming more interesting following the development of
modeling software. Modeling with/without assumptions proves helps to validate results and reduce
waste of time and resources during construction. It is on this premise that, the idea of induction
machine circuit design and modeling is conceived. For sustainable engineering design and
fabrication, modeling and simulation of systems become imperative. The aim of this paper
therefore, is to look at the development and expected test outcomes of dual fixed rotor induction
machine (DCRIM). Among different strategies, the limited components method is utilized to carry
it out. The distinctive reference frames are to be utilized to dissect the presentation of the machine
at different rated speeds and the comparing speed – torque qualities under its consistent (Steady)
state. Models, for example, dq0 model, electrical model and the mechanical model are to be
utilized. At the rated power of 15KW is the circuit modeled. Boundaries will be determined and
chosen from an ideal standard induction motor with poles pairs of 2p=4. Maxwell 2D and RMxprt
instruments are utilized for the simulation. The simulation result of the ordinary induction motor
model and that of the double cage rotor model was compared, and these show that there is
consistency between the introduced model and the selected motor parameters with respect to the
results findings in the operating torque rose from 0-1860N-m and fell uniformly over the range to
1680N-m, the phase current maintained stability in rising and the dropping completely; the output
power performance increased uniformly from 1KW to 15KW all through the motor running
process, the RMxprt current windings decreased from 12.7A to 6.7A during the process and across
phase A, B and C. Simulating induction motors especially the double cage rotor type of motor is
more precise with the use of the Ansys (Analysis System) Maxwell two dimensional (2-D) and
RMxprt tools due to their electromagnetic influence.
Keywords: Dual cage, RMxprt, Maxwell 2-D, Induction motor, induction modeling
Every industry thrives at its best affordable technology with low cost and easy maintenance but
with the current failures or limitations of the ordinary (simple) induction motors in our industries,
hence, the urgent need for its replacement with the double caged rotor induction motor (DCRIM)
[13][17]. Thus, waste of time, money and other resources are avoided or drastically reduced while
constant production and availability of machinery is actualized [17][20]. As the demand for more
production is on the daily growth, hence the need for more reliable and efficient machining process
[9]. Considering the Induction Machine (IM) as a very common but robust machine used in our
industries, though it is very rugged and strong, hence, other circumstances like rotor breakage and
flux leakage have made it most time to become inefficient, hence production and other forms of
output are affected. [1] Trying to fix this problem commonly faced by the single rotor induction
motor has resulted to the design and used of the Doubled caged Rotor Induction Motor (DCRIM),
[2][4][12]. The design of this motor is to solve the problem or limitations inherent with the single
Induction Motor (IM)[19]. The Maxwell two dimensional (2-D) and RMxprt tools are used to run
this simulation [17]. The results are presented in plots. Computer modeling tools are very useful in
simulation cases as this [12][17][20].
Table 1. ComputerSpecifications for simulation
The computer
platform or
8.0 Pro
2.00 GB Intel core i4
64 Bit operating system
1600 MHz
Table 2:Mesh Elements of the Simulated Motor
Standard motor
Double cage rotor
motor simulated
Meshed elements
of the motor
Simulation time
in h/m/s
While the second table shows the pattern with which the elements are being meshed together. The
figure 1 shows an RMxprt interface indicating the stator windings of a two fold (dual rotor)
induction motor with the three phase coils not being connected.
Figure 1: RMxprt modeler with unconnected phase coils
From figure 1, the total number of slots selected for the simulation is 36 and the modeled and
simulated slots is shown in the figure 2 with its specifications. From the figure 2, the following
parameters with all dimensions in millimeters (mm) represents the modeled slot.
Hs0 = 2mm
Bs1= 5mm
Hs1 =0mm
Figure 2: Modeled slot
Bs0 = 1.5mm
Bs2 =5mm
Hs2 = 0mm
Figure 3: RMxprt modeler with connected phase coils
From the figure 3, the three phase A, B and C are connected systematically as described in the
nested part of figure 3. Each connection showing the turns and the slots in outer and inner position.
This is done to achieve flux linkages among the three phase of the motor.
2.0 Induction motor design model in Ansys and RMxprt
The tools frequently used at commercial value by simulation field engineers for the electromagnetic
designing and analyzing 2-D and 3-D for transformers, motors, coils, actuators etc is the Ansys
(Analysis System) Maxwell software [7][17][19][20]. RMxprt is another commercial tool
developed by ANSYS which is embedded with the capacity to design and simulate electrical
machines. It provides fast D and 3-D, analytical calculations of machine performance.
Transformation of induction machine (IM) 2-D and 3-D geometry creation for detailed finite
element calculations in ANSYS Maxwell is possible [1][2][4]. Sometimes the auto transfer of 2-D
to 3-D and vice versa may be very difficult but with the aid of RMxprt, this can automatically
generate a complete transfer of the 3-D or 2-D geometry, including all properties, to Maxwell for
indept analysis finite element calculations. Widely used are the RMxprt and Maxwell software
[8][16]. This has become an industrially acceptable standard [10][2].
2.1 Double Cage Rotor Induction Motor Design with RMxprt
Dual rotor cage induction motors have found its wide application in the industry globally and
commercially due to its high starting torque and low current as well as its ability to operate
maximally under variable and unstable load conditions [11][14]. By using RMxprt, a frame
standard by IEC 60072-1 is defined; and a 7.5kW three-phase squirrel-cage induction motor is
designed[15]. The parameters of the motor is given at Table 3.
Table 3. Motor Design Parameter
Outer Diameter of Stator
Inner Diameter of Stator
Number of Slots
Outer Diameter of Rotor
Inner Diameter of Rotor
Number of Rotor Slots
Rated Voltage
Length of the motor
Number of poles pair
Figure 4: Ansys Maxwell geometry interface
The modeled double cage rotor induction motor Ansys(Analysis System) Maxwell geometry work
interface is clearly represented in figure 4. Figure 4, shows the Ansys(Analysis System)Maxwell
interface during the design, simulation and rendering of the dual rotor cage induction motor from
its original ordinary induction motor form. The figure 4 shows the cross sectional area of the
modeled stator, rotor and its associated windings across the three phase A, B and C respectively.
Induction motors are of great value to the global industry whose function cannot be ignored. Going
into details to talk about the sample induction motor will be of no value if we do not consider the
fundamentals of the induction motor. One of these fundamentals is the equivalent circuit and its
associated parameters. Figure 5, shows the equivalent circuit of the induction motor.
Fig. 5: An equivalent circuit of an induction motor
Where 𝐼1
is Stator current, 𝐼21 the Rotor current referred to stator, 𝑋1 is the Stator reactance,
Variable load output 𝑋21 =
Rotor reactance referred to stator
Initial current
Magnetizing current
Electromagnetic current
π‘‹π‘œ = Initial reactance
Initial resistance
Bound measurements are possible with RMxprt. In itself, RMxprt is a tool or a template base tool,
hence seconds are used as time bound measurements. Table 4 below shows the RMxprt results for
the modeled double cage rotor induction motor.
Electrical supply
Table 3 RMxprt machine parameters
Number of Revolutions
Stator Phase Current
Stator Resistance
Total losses
Output Power
Motor Bearings
Figure 6: Double cage rotor induction motor (DCRIM)
3.0 Analyzing the Double Cage Rotor Induction Motor Parameters
Accurate depiction of the parametric components of an induction motor can be obtained through
simulation [20][17][10]. The transient and steady state of the double cage rotor induction motor
behaviour are made possible by simulating the properties of that motor. Once a change in reference
frame is done, computational simulation by Ansys (Analysis System) Maxwell 2D and RMxprt
software becomes easy [10][15]. The authors work shared that the Ansys(Analysis System)
Maxwell 2-D software has the capability of modeling and simulating induction motors up to six
phase. [5]. They showed that induction machines properly modeled can even have more than six
phase yet the speed, torque and other characteristics are still accurately accounted for. Modeling
induction motors as a pre-requisite for industrial recommendation is a necessity [6]. The figure 6
shows a typical block diagram of a double cage rotor induction motor.From the figure (6)above, the
equivalent circuit for double cage rotor induction motor can be represented in the figure 7
jXir, i
Figure 7: Equivalent circuit for double cage rotor induction motor
3.1RMxprt graphic plots and Results with Discussions
After the simulation with the RMxprt tool, the following results were obtained graphically
Figure 8: Torque performance for DCRIM
Figure 9: Phase current performance of DCRIM
From figure 8, the torque performance graph shows how the starting torque was high and then dies
down and finally maintains stability across the plots and it can be seen in practical use of the
sample induction motor. This result confirms the characteristics of the sampled induction motor as
being consistent with the simulated model.
According to the results plotted in figure 9, the phase current ranging from phase A, phase B and
phase C maintained stability after being propagated across the performance plots during the running
of the machine but at a point corresponding to the parameters variation it drops down and finally
diminishes. This also validates the established characteristics performance of a double cage rotor
induction motor in practice.
Figure 10: Output power performance of DCRIM
Figure 11: RMxprt interface for the moving torque
As shown in figure 10, the output performance of the sampled induction motor as presented in the
plots validates the performance index of real life situation of the double cage rotor motor. The aim
of designing double cage rotor induction motor (DCRIM) is to surpass the limitations of the single
cage which is to yield high performance with stable but improved conditions. This gives rise to
reliability and dependability of the motor in question.
4.0 RMxprt interface of the simulated parameters
In this process of modeling and simulation using the Maxwell 2-D with the imbedded RMxprt tool,
it is therefore necessary to have a view of the interface use for the simulation of the various
parameters and the results produced. From figure 11, the moving torque becomes high at starting
then drops and rises again then it finally maintain stability across the simulated plots during the
running of the machine with the RMxprt tool. This is with reference to the time variation with a
uniform step-size of 0.001.
Figure 12: The moving torque (Nm) of DCRIM against time (S)
Figure 13: RMxprt interface in flux linkages in
From the figure 14, the flux linkage for phase A, phase B and phase C of the dual rotor cage
induction motor (DCRIM) with its transient set ups. The flux; were evenly distributed across the
three phases with a uniform linkage. This result is in consistency with the design motor parameters
as well as the performance parameters of the modeled dual rotor cage induction motor in practice.
Figure 15: RMxprt interface for the current windings Figure 14: Flux linkage in phase A, B and C in DCRIM
Figure 16: Current windings for DCRIM
According to the figure 16, the current windings for phase A, phase B and phase C was high at the
starting and began to stabilized at 10s (ten seconds) and finally maintain uniform distribution from
t=25s to t=200s. These results further ascertain the facts that dual cage rotor induction motor is
more reliable than the single phase motor for its operations and functions in situations where high
magnitude of current is needed for a start up.
This research paper was made possible with simulations tools like Ansys(Analysis System)
Maxwell and the RMxprt. It covers a concept, a circuit model, a construction and expected
experimental results of the sampled induction machine (DCRIM). The finite elements analysis
method was used to implement it. The simulation result of the ordinary induction motor model and
that of the double cage rotor model was compared, and these show that there is consistency
between the introduced model and the selected motor parameters with respect to the results findings
in torque rising from 0-1860N-m and fell uniformly over the range to 1680N-m, the phase current
maintained stability in rising and the dropping completely; the output power performance increased
uniformly from 1KW to 15KW all through the motor running process, the RMxprt current
windings decreased from 12.7A to 6.7A during the process and across phase A, B and C.
Simulating induction motors especially the double cage rotor type of motor is more precise with the
use of the Ansys (Analysis System) Maxwell two dimensional (2-D) and RMxprt tools due to their
electromagnetic influence. From the available results presented, it can be certain that simulating
induction motors especially the double cage rotor type of motor is more precise with the use of the
Ansys(Analysis System) Maxwell and RMxprt tools due to its electromagnetic influence. This
shows that all parameters of the sampled induction motor can actually be modeled, simulated and
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