KurtGieck Reiner Gieck Engineering : : : iFormiilfll - 7th:EdililI : Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 http://archive.org/details/engineeringformu7thgiec 'CIVIC CENTER [ 3 111101810 4297 AREAS B SOLID BODIES C ARITHMETIC D CftfTfM] FUNCTIONS OF A CIRCLE E LIBRARY USE o:HANALYTICAL geometry f STATISTICS G DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS H INTEGRAL CALCULUS DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS I J STATICS K KINEMATICS L DYNAMICS M HYDRAULICS N HEAT O STRENGTH P MACHINE PARTS Q PRODUCTION ENGINEERING R ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING S CONTROL ENGINEERING T CHEMISTRY U RADIATION PHYSICS V TABLES Z 1 23456789 10 ENGINEERING FORMULAS by Kurt Gieck Reiner Gieck Seventh Edition McGraw-Hill New York St. Louis San Francisco Montreal Toronto Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Gieck, Kurt + Reiner Engineering formulas. Translation of: Technische Formelsammlung. Includes index. 1 . Engineering - Tables. I. Title. 620'.00212 TA151.G4713 1986 ISBN 0-07-024572-X 85-23153 English editions copyright © 1997,1990, 1986, 1982, 1979, 1974, 1967 by Gieck Publishing D-82110 Germering, Germany All rights reserved ISBN 0-07-024572-X First published in the English Language under the A COLLECTION OF TECHNICAL FORMULAE Seventh American edition published by McGraw-Hill, Inc. in 1997 English translation by J. Mech. E Sc, M. Sc. Walters B. Sc. (Eng.), M. R. Owen Printed B. in I. Germany title Preface The purpose of this collection of technical a brief, clear and handy guide to the and mathematical formulae. formulae is to provide more important technical Since the book has been printed on one side of the page only, the facing pages are available for additional notes. Each separate subject has been associated with a capital letter. The various formulae have been grouped under corresponding small letters and numbered serially. This method enables the formulae used in any particular calculation to be indicated. Preface to the enlarged A and revised 7 th edition section on CONTROL ENGINEERING has been included treated in in the new section T; RADIATION PHYSICS is section V. Approximate solutions of equations of any degree to determine zeros (roots) have been added to the ARITHMETIC section. The section MACHINE PARTS with regard has been revised and brought up to date. to the newest standards Kurt Gieck Reiner Gieck Reference to BS, DIN and BS • British Standards Institution (Address: 2 Park, St, DIN VDI • • VDE LONDON W 1 A 2 BS Deutsches Institut fur Normung e.V. (Address: D-10772 BERLIN) Verein Deutscher Ingenieure (Address: D-40001 DUESSELDORF, Postfach 10 10 Method of Presentation 54). and Use of Units Most of the equations clearly reveal the physical relationships which they describe and are valid regardless of the system of units employed, provided that they are consistent. Some of the equations are empirical in origin and the units quoted in the formula to obtain the correct result, these are mainly to be found in sections and R. must be used It is intended that the Stroud notation is used when evaluating the formulae i.e. both the quantity and the unit is substituted for a given symbol and the subsequent calculation involves manipulation of numbers and units together. For example, taking equation if = = s (distance) v (speed) then t = I 23: t s =- 2-8 metres 8 2-8 metres/second metres x second 8 metres hence t = 0-35 seconds (time) cancelling the unit 'metres' It is clear that t should have the units of time; if it does not, then it is obvious that an error has been made and the working should be checked. As a help, in many cases, the anticipated units are quoted using the abbreviation "EU", Example-Unit. When the numerical values and the units are included in the calculations, their equivalents or definitions are best written so that they are dimensionless and have the value of 1-0. In this form they are sometimes called "Unity Brackets" and their use can be illustrated three ways: in with consistent units, equation a 6 ~1 km = 1 10 3 m becomes 1 becomes 1 = km" m 10 3 equation a 62 " " 12 in = ft 1 ft 1 12 in equation a 90 778-6 ft Ibf = becomes Btu 1 1 778-6 = 1 for example, to convert 14-7 w in « = to lbf/ft 2 w [i^T 14 7 . ^22 lbf/in 2 in n2 Ibf 1ft i in- Ibf ft Btu ft -»«s 2 the conversion between different systems of units equation a 36 N = 0-102 kgf 1 becomes 0-102 kgf = 1 1 N 1 m equation a 65 1 m = 3-281 becomes ft 1 3-281 ft equation a 110 1 Btu/lb = 0-556 kcal/kg 0-556 kcal becomes 1 For example, to convert 1000kgf/cm 2 to S.I. kg Btu units, ~ 1000 kgf = 1000 kgf. cm = 98-1 2 MN m 2 ' 9-81 1 lb 1 N " "l0 kgf 1 _ 4 cm 2 m 2 "1 mn" 10 6 N in the use of definitions: 1 Ibf is Ibf 1 mass the force required to accelerate a rate of 32-174 ft/s 2 = 1 of 32-174 lb x % becomes = 1 32-174 s2 Similarly, the N = 1 Newton 1 kg 1 kgf = 1 kg which becomes = 1 1 1 — 9-81 x 2 lb ft Ibf defined by the equation is —- x s 1 s2 and the lb at 1 . becomes = 1 N S' kg m m 9-81 kg s* 1 2 kgf s For example, to find the force in S.I. units required to accelerate a mass of 3 lb at the rate of 2-5 ft/s 2 proceed as follows: , = m a, 3 equation m -5 lb 3x2-5 0-4536 1 1m 0-4536 kg = N "l_N_s£l 3-281 11b 1 -036 ft 1 kg mj N 3-281 which is a unit of force. Base Quantities and Base Units System of Measurement of the International base un it base quantity symbol symbol name name (italic letters) letters) length I m mass time t electric current I absolute temperature T amount light intensity Old units are put metre kilogram in ( ) m kg second s ampere A kelvin of substance (vertical n mole /v candela brackets K mol cd List of Space and time a. Q y angles solid angle /3, b, B d, D h, extension, strain G r, R t modulus of elasticity (Young's modulus) modulus of rigidity (shear modulus) radius distance covered, perimeter thickness u, U circumference A area, cross section A m generated surface A surface area V volume t £ length pitch direct stress shear stress normal pressure H L o p q, E /, t /, breadth diameter (diagonal) height p s symbols M bending moment S center of gravity T torsional moment, torque Z modulus Q shear force, shear load V vertical reaction W weight or load, work w uniformly distributed load time v velocity, linear co velocity, a acceleration, linear /p a acceleration, angular J g acceleration, gravi- Z tational jU / moment of section of inertia, second moment angular of area polar moment of inertia torsion constant modulus of*section coefficient of sliding friction Periodical and related Ho phenomens T period / n frequency A speed angular frequency wavelength c velocity of light co rotational coefficient of static friction ,Uq coefficient of friction of a radial bearing ;Ui coefficient of friction of a longitudinal bear- ing / coefficient of rolling friction Mechanics r\ dynamic mass v kinematic viscosity q density P power F force, direct force r\ efficiency m viscosity Heat T t a absolute temperature temperature 5 reluctance A linear coefficient S magnetic conductance length of air gap temperature coefficient of expansion a of resistance cubic coefficient y of expansion y conductivity g resistivity q heat current or flow density of heat flow quantity of heat per e absolute permittivity Q quantity of heat £r relative permittivity c specific heat at N number cp unit mass e permittivity, dielectric constant \i cv constant pressure specific heat at constant volume \x x of turns permeability absolute permeability relative permeability y ratio of c p number R A gas constant thermal conductivity z number a heat transfer Q quality, p p to c v ^o of pairs of poles conductors of figure of merit coefficient k coefficient of heat S loss angle Z impedance C transmission radiation constant X v specific Ps reactance apparent power fq reactive volume Electricity and magnetism / current current density J voltage V Vq source voltage Cm moment power constant Light and related electromagnetic radiations Ie radiant intensity R resistance /v G Q conductance <Pe luminous intensity radiant power, radiant luminous flux [flux radiant energy quantity of <P V electricity (charge) Qe Qy C capacitance D dielectric quantity of light irrediance displacement Ee £v electric field He radiant exposure strength // v light Le Lv radiance c velocity of light H magnetic flux magnetic induction inductance magn. field strength n refractive index F magnetomotiv force / focal length (magnetic potential) D refractive E <P B L illuminance exposure luminance power UNITS Ai Decimal multiples and fractions of units = = da h k = = = = = deca hecto kilo M = = = = = G T P E mega giga 1 10 10 2 10 3 10 6 10 9 10 12 10 15 10 18 = = = tera peta exa = d c m = = = u n P f a jeci = :enti = milli = -nicro = nano = Dico = emto = atto = 10" 10' 2 10" 3 10" 6 10- 9 1 10 12 10 15 10' 18 Units of length a 1 1 m a 2 1 urn a 3 1 mm a 4 1 cm a 5 1 dm a 6 1 km = = = = = = m u.m mm cm dm km 1 10 6 10 3 10- 3 10 2 10" 4 10- 10 10 5 10- 2 10- 3 10- 9 10" 6 10" 5 10" 4 10" 6 10" 3 1 10 3 10 4 10 5 10 9 icr 2 10" 1 10 3 1 1 10 10 2 10 6 1 10 1 10 10 5 1 10 4 1 Units of length (continue id) mm a 7 1 mm a 8 1 urn 1 nm a 9 a10 a 11 a 12 = = = = = = (1A) 1 Prn (1mA) \im nm (X) 3 6 7 10 1 1(T 3 10" 6 10" 7 10- 9 10 IO" 3 1 io- 4 IO" 6 -io io- 7 pm 1010" 3 10~ 4 (mX) 10 10 7 10 4 10 3 10 10 10 6 10 3 10 2 1 1 7) 10 9 10 10 4 10 10 10 3 1 ,J 10" 2 10" 3 10" cm 2 dm 2 1 1 1 Units of area m a 13 1 m a 14 1 fxm 1 mm a 15 a 16 a 17 a 18 1 1 1 " 2 2 2 cm 2 dm 2 km 2 = = = = = = |im 2 2 10 1 10" 12 1 6 mm 10 10 8 10 10 10 18 10 6 2 >1mA = 2 4 6 10 10" 6 6 io~ 10" 4 10" 2 X = Xngsl rom 12 10 10" 8 10" 2 1 10 2 10 4 10 12 1 XE = 2 10 10 -io 10" 4 10" 2 1 10 2 10 10 1 X-un 1 10 8 t km 2 10" 6 10 -18 10" 12 10 -io 10" 8 1 A UNITS 2 Units of m = 3 1 1 mm 1 cm 3 1 dm 3 1 km 3 10 1 = = = = 3 10" 9 10" 6 10" 3 9 10 volume mm 3 m3 9 1 10 3 10 6 10 18 Units of 1 kg 1 mg 1 9 = = = = dt 1 1 t = 1 10 6 1 10" 6 10- 3 1 10 10 3 Mg = km 3 > 10" 9 10" 18 10- 15 10" 12 10 10~ 6 10" 3 10 10- 3 1 10 3 10 15 1 10 12 1 mass g dt 10 3 10" 3 10- 2 10" 8 10- 5 10 3 10 8 10 9 2 1 3 6 mg kg dm 3 cm 3 1 10 5 10 6 t = Mg 10" 3 10" 9 10" 6 101 1 10 1 Units of time s 1 s 1 ns 1 us 1 ms 1 min 1 h = = = = = = 1 d = 1 10- 9 10" 6 10- 3 60 3600 ns ^s ms min 10 9 10 6 10- 3 10 3 10" 6 10' 3 16.66*10" 3 16.66*10" 12 16.66»10~ 9 16.66'10" 6 1 10 3 10 6 60* 10 9 3.6*10 12 86.4*10 3 864*10 12 Units of fo rce 2 N N = kN = MN = 1 1 1 dm = 3 11 1 » 1 10 3 10 6 1 l = 1 liter 1 10 3 60' 10 6 3.6«10 9 86.4* 10 9 1 60'10 3 1 3.6*10 6 86.4'10 6 60 1440 (gravitational force also) kN MN 10~ 3 10" 6 0.102 1 io~ 3 0.102*10 3 0.102*10 6 10 3 1 2) 1 (dyn) (kgf) N = 1 kg m/s 2 = 10 5 10 8 10 11 1 Newton UNITS A3 Units of pressure N/mm 2 Pa a 39 1 Pa = N/m 2 10 1 a 40 1 N/mm 2 = a 41 1 bar = a 42 (1 a 43 (1 torr) 10 6 10 5 (kgf/cm 10- 5 2 (torr) ) 1.02*10- 5 10 1 0.1 kgf/cm 2 = 1 at)= 98100 = 133 1 bar 6 0.0075 10.2 7.5 9.81*10- 2 0.981 1 0.133*10" 3 1.33*10- 3 1.36*10-3 > *10 3 750 736 1.02 1 1 Units of work kW J a 44 a 45 = 1 = 3.60>1 1J2) kWh 1 a 46 (1kgfm) a 47 (1 kcal) a 48 (1hph) = h (kgf 0.278*10" 6 6 1 2.72*10- 6 = 4186.8 1.16*10- 3 = 2.65*1 6 0.736 9.81 Units of a 49 a 50 1 W3 1 kW = = = = = > a 51 (1 kgf m/s) a 52 (1 kcal h) a 53 dhp) a 54 1 W kW 1 10- 3 1000 736 0.736 632 1 power (kgf m/s) (kcal/h) (hp) 0.102 0.860 1.36*10-3 102 860 1.36 1 8.43 13.3M0- 3 0.119 75 1 1.58*10-3 632 1 1 1.16 (hph) (kcal) 0.27*10 6 | 9.81X10" 3 1.16*10-3 9.81 m) 0.239*10-3 0.378*10" 6 0.102 367* 10 3 860 1.36 2.345*10- 3 3.70*10" 6 1 1.58*10-3 4269 1 Unit of mass for jewels carat = 200 mg = 0.2 x 10~ 3 kg = 1/5000 kg Unit of fineness for precious metals 24 carat £ 1 000 00 %o 18 carat * 750 00 %o 1 4 carat ^ 583 33 %o 8 carat ^ 333 33 %o a 55 a 56 . . . . Units of temperature a 57 a 58 a 59 * LB— k =(4 ) =fi^ank 7R = (^ + 459.67JRank = --Rank r +27315 K -5ft- °C boili ng point of , \ wa,e rat 760 torr/ J7J1b -32)°C=^- 273.1 100 273 , 5 . 'F Rank 212 671.67 32- 5j°C °F=(^B_- 459.67) °F / \Rank / am thn Q mn ro. + 32) a 60 T Tr, t anr 1 ft. tures in 1) = 1/760 atm = = N m = 1 W s 2> 1 1 torr J t abS0 ' Zer0 ° -273.15 -459.67 the scales for Kelvin, Rankine, Celsius, Fahrenheit. 1 .333 22 mbar =1 3 1 W= I > mm 1 Hg = J/s at 1 t = N m/s °C 491.67 UNITS Conversion, Anglo-American to metric units Units of length in ft yd mm 0.08333 0.02778 0.3333 25.4 304.8 914.4 1 in 1 ft 12 1 1 yd 36 3 1 mm 1 m 1 km 1 0.03937 39.37 39370 Units of area sq 1 1 1 sq in sqft sq yd in 1 144 1296 1 3281 *10~ 6 1094*10" 6 3.281 1.094 1094 3281 sqft 6.944x101 9 sqyd cm' 6.452 0.1111 1 cm 2 dm 2 0.155 15.5 0.1076 0.01196 1 m 1550 10.76 cuft 2 Units of 1 1 1 1 1 1.197x10~ 4 dm 2 9.29 83.61 in 1.196 100 cu yd cm 3 dm 3 1 kg lb 1 oz 16 1 lb 256 16 0.5643 564.3 564 3>10 3 0.03527 0002205 3527 2.205 1000 35270 2205 10 6 1 Mg 00929 08361 00001 0001 1 1 64*10" 5 0.0283 0.7646 10" 6 0.001 1 mass dram 1 nr 0.01 100 10000 dram g kg 1 0.06452 64.5*10- 929 1 1 1000 5.786X10" 4 2144x10- 5 16.39 cu in = 1 0.01639 cu ft = 1728 1 0.037 28316 28.32 = cu yd 46656 27 1 764555 764.55 3 cm = 0.06102 3532*10" 8 1.31*10- 6 1 0.001 dm 3 = 61.02 0.03532 0.00131 1 1000 3 m - 61023 35.32 1.307 10 6 1000 Units of 0.001 1 8361 1 10" 6 0.001 volume cu 1 1.076*10" 10 6 0.772*10- 3 1 1 1 1000 km 0.0254 0.3048 0.9144 1 0.0625 1 0003906 0.0625 1 1.772 2835 453.6 1 Mg 0.00177 1.77*10 0.02832 28.3-10 04531 0.001 1 1000 4.53*10 10" 6 0.001 1 continued A 5 UNITS As continued from A 4 Units of work lb 1 ft a 86 1 kgf a 87 1J = m kgf lb ft a 85 1 = 7.233 a 88 1 a 89 1 kcal a 90 1 Btu s kW kcal h Btu 0102 277.8*1 1 3 367.1*10 36*1 426.9 4187 6 0~ 9 239*1 0~ 6 948 4*10' 6 1 3413 3.968 0252 1 kcal/s Btu/s 860 1 1076 1055 hp kgf m/s J/S=W kW 1 76.04 power 1 hp a 92 1 kgf m/s= 13.1 5*1 a 93 1J/s=1W= a 94 1 kW a 95 1 kcal/s = a 96 1 Btu/s = a 91 3 =W 1356 376.8*10" 9 324*1 0' 6 1. 286*1 O 3 9807 2.725*10 6 2344*10~ 3 9.301*10" 3 1.163*10" 3 0" 6 293*1 3.087*1 778.6 Units of J 1 1Ws= 07376 kW h = 2.655*1 6 = m 0.1383 = 1.341*10- 3 0.102 745.7 0.7457 9 807 9.807*10 10" 3 1 1.341 102 426.9 107.6 1000 4187 1055 0" 3 5.614 1.415 1 3 0.7073 0.1782 2 344*10 3 9.296*10" 3 0" 6 948.4*10' 6 239*1 1 0.9484 3 968 0.252 1 0.239 1 4.187 1.055 Other units a 97 1 a 98 1 a 99 1 a100 1 a101 1 a102 a103 a104 a105 a106 a107 a108 a109 a110 a111 a112 a113 a114 a115 a116 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 mil = 10- 3 in sq mil = 10 _6 sq in yard = 3 ft English mile = 1760 yds Nautical mile Geographical mile long ton = 2240 lb short ton (US) = 2000 lb long ton = 2240 Ibf short ton (US) = 2000 Ibf Imp. gallon (Imperial gallon) US gallon BTU/ft 3 = 9.547 kcal/m 3 BTU/lb = 0.556 kcal/kg 2 = 4.882 kgf/m 2 lbf/in 2 (p.s.i.) = 0.0703 kgf/cm 2 chain = 22 yds Hundredweight (GB) (cwt) = 112 Quarter (GB) = 28 Ibf Stone (GB) = 14 Ibf , Ibf /ft 0.0254 mm 645.2 urn 2 0.914 m 1 609 m 1852 m 7420 m 1.016 Mg 0.9072 Mg 9.96 MN 9.00 MN 4.546 dm 3 3.785 dm 3 39.964 kJ/m 3 2.327 kJ/kg 47.8924 N/m 2 0.6896 N/cm 2 20.11 m 498 kN 124.5 kN Ibf = 62.3 kN AREAS B square A = a' a = \a~ d = a\Y A = a-b rectangle * ^-" Var + d V •- a parallelogram -. . = a : s - =-'-/> d- = \ ia - - = \ : (a ft cot :: af + - h cot a) 2 + trapezium = ^A - ^-h = m-A -S* £ I \5Cs-a)(s-ft)i$-c) i •: 2; 2 •: V 2 /» : AREAS B equilateral triangle 5^ b 14 b15 h = \F b16 A = |r 2 VlO b 17 a = \r \/lO-2\AT b 18 q - if v 6 1 + 2\/T + 2 v"^ construction AB = 0,5 BC = BD, CD = CE r, fa \^ b20 2a ^T>, 2 b21 b22 b23 hexagon 2 b 19 5 » 1.1555 d « 0.866J w 0.83 2 A b24 = 2as = 25 r octagon V^^ b25 a = 5-tan22.5° « 0.415 b26 ^ = d- cos 22.5° « 0.924 d b27 d " ^TTo cos 22.5 ^ 1083 5 5 polygon b28 b29 a-h-[ + b- h 2 2 + b h3 AREAS B circle A U 2 nr 2 = = J 4 = 0.785 d = 2nr = = 2 5 (o - d 2 nd annulus 2 <* > D-d 2 sector of a circle 360 fr= c 2 Jt 180° a a Jt 180° segment of a circle in radian in degree measure = 2r-sin| = ^(3*2 + 4*2 )«^(a-S na) = 2 8* r(1-cos§) a see formula b 39 ji a b = | tan^ SOLID BODIES c 1 c 2 c 3 c 4 a c 5 2 {ab + ac + be) c 6 cuboid d = be ya 2 + b 2 + c2 parallelepiped c 7 V - A! h (Cavalieri principle) pyramid A, h 3 frustum of pyramid c 9 c 10 = ^(At h +A 2 *l±A* + VA (for 1 -A 2 Al ) ~A 2) SOLID BODIES cylinder V = 2 h \d 4 Am = 2nrh Aa = 2jir(r + /i) hollow cylinder %h(D 2 -d 2 ) ^ V - f m = V/^ nr(r + m) ' + AgiA, = x 2 frustum of cone r 2 J : fc V = -^h(D 2 Am = -y m + (D + Dd + d 2 = </) VWsphere V = I^T 3 = i» = 4.189 r ^' ) 2jrpm SOLID BODIES zone c26 V = %h(3a 2 + 3b 2 + h 2 c27 Am = 2nrh n(2rh + a 2 + c 28 sphere 2 ft ) segment c29 c of a ) of a sphere 2jirA 30 2 2 + 4* f(' 4 c31 ) sector of a sphere c32 V = ^nr 2 h c33 A = ±r(4h+s) c34 V = £/i 3 c35 A = 2nh(R + r) c36 V « \nr 2 h c37 AQ = 2nr(h + \lr 2 -£) sphere with cylindrical boring sphere with conical boring SOLID BODIES torus Dd' TM- Dd A = n2 V = 2 %d 4 Am = 71 A = Ji r sliced cylinder h d h + h2 + /i 1 + r 2 2 ^r + {h,-h 2 ungula 2 V r 3 2 ) /A] h Am = A = Am + Zr 2 +£ r yJr 2 - ±h(2D 2 + d = Z{Ai+A 2 + 4A) + h2 barrel 2 ) prismoid V This formula may be used calculations involving shown in fig. thus spheres spheres. C1 and . . . for solids C3 and parts of ARITHMETIC Powers, Roots Rules for powers and roots general d 1 pa n numerical examples ±q-a" = [p a"<a" = a' d 2 ± q)a 3a 4 + 4a 4 = n a 8 /a d 3 m (a d 4 n ) = (a d 5 b P y/F ± (a 3 2 = ) (a = a8 ~2 2 3 = a2 ) n q ya = ±q)y/T (p = ae "3 = Ma 11 ^T = a6 1 V^-W 4^F+7\GT = ^16*81 ^16'V^ - iff d 9 \b & VT V2^ ^~ d10 = a' Va d11 d12 4 n tyTlT = d 8 _mn ) 1/a d 6 d 7 n m _ n\m = 2 7 a ^=T = iVa^; i * N0UP ScSSs Exponents of = a ) = ^^9^= \^T PeCial 3 •* = a V* i yj9 ' - VF^=V^=+2; (V^) 2 powers and roots have to \ 4 3 = "2 be non-dimensional quantities! Quadratic equation (equation of the second degree) d13 Normal form d14 Solutions d15 Vieta's rule x 2 + px + q » x-\ e 2 2 p - - ±VF« (jc-, V 4 + x 2 ); Iterative calculation of d16 When where x = YyT", then H<» an //-th D*c q = x v x2 root r n-1 the initially estimated value of x. Repeatedly inserting the obtained x as a new value of x gradually increases the accuracy of x. a- is ARITHMETIC Powers, Roots - D2 Binomial theorem Expansion of general algebraic expressions (a±b) 2 = a 2 ±2ab + b 2 (a±b) 3 = a 3 ± 3a 2 b + 3ab 2 ± b 3 d 17 d 18 d 19 (a + b) n - a n ^a n + -1 6 + ^f^a W (n-1)(/I-2) a 1-2-3 2 d 20 (a+fe + d 21 (a-b + cf c) 2 2 a - b 3 3 a + b 3 a 3 -b n n a - b d 22 d 23 d 24 d 25 n - 2 n-3 3 fe 6 2 I + + b n 2 2 2 a + 2ab + 2ac + b + 2bc + c 2 2 2 a -2afc + 2ac + b -2bc + c (a + b) (a - 6) = = = = = = - ab + b 2 ) + ab + b 2 ) n_1 + a n_2 fc + a n_3 b 2 + (a-6) (a n - 2 + fc n ... + a6 ) (a (a + - b) {a b) {a 2 2 ... 1 Binomial theorem (a + 6) d 26 = (n\ d 27 - - "3 (2)an +(^ )a n 6+(j)a n 2 & 2 +(£)a n n(n-1) (n-2) ... fn-Jk+1)* 1-2-3 ... * l 1 3 + fc .* . . J U/ •J d 28 n aj must be a whole number (a + fc/ - 1a 4 + - 4 a + ^a4 4a 3 " 1 b + *'\*~ 2 6a + -6 2 b 2 2 4a-6 + -fc "3 *a4 +* \ 3 * + 6 4 +6 4 3 Diagrammatic solution d 29 Coefficient - Pascal triangle (a (a (a (a (a (a (a + b)° + 6) + b) 2 + fe) 3 1 12 13 1 1 + b) 4 + 6) 5 + 6) 6 |5 1 1 Continue with each d 30 4 1 j 1 10 line starting 1 3 j 1 4| 1 10 1 20 15 6 6 1 5 15 and finishing with 1 6 1. 1 The second and penultimate numbers should be the exponents, the others the sum of those to the right and left immediately above them. Exponents: The sum of the exponents a and b in each separate term is equal to the binomial exponent n. As the power of a decreases the power of b increases. (a + b) (a - d 31 Signs: d 32 Examples: (a + bf (a - b) 5 is always positive b) is initially positive 5 a + 5a*b + = = + a 5 - 5a 4 b + and changes from term Wa 33 b Wa b 2 2 + - Wa 2 b 3 + 10aV + to term. Sab A 5ab 4 + b5 - b5 ARITHMETIC expansion of rational functions Partial fraction Proper fraction rational function y(x) P(x) a + Qix) + a,jc by + a 2 x< 2 x + b2 x + . . + bn . n>m r jc m n and whole numbers Coefficients a v 6^ can be real or complex. If n are the zeros of the denominator Q(x) the factorized form from y(x) is , y d 33 P(x) y(x) a is PM m a(x-n,)"-(x-n 2 )* 2 ...{x-n a Q(x) k * ) a constant factor. Partial fraction expansion For easy manipulation of y(x), e.g. for integration, pansion y(x) into partial fractions is often appropriate d 34 PM m y(x) the ex- Au (x-n,f Q(x) (x-n,Y A 22 A 2k2 x-n 2 (x-n 2 Y (x-n 2 y Ag-\ Ag 2 (x-rc q kq x-n q {x-n q 2 Complex zeros occunn pairs (conjugate complex numbers) when Q(x) has real coefficients. For expansion these pairs are combined to real partial fractions. If in d 33 the zeros az 2 = «i (fi2 is conjugate complex to n-\) and if due to the pairwise occurrence ) ) = k\ ^11 kz = k, the partial fractions of d 34 with the constants ^2k2 can be combined to the following partial fractions: B, 2 x + C 12 fl 1k x + C 1k ••• B u x + Cu d 35 2 2 2 k x + ax + b (x + ax + bf (x + ax + b) To obtain the constants A-\-\ to A^ q resp. Bn, C\\ to #ik, Cn< coefficients of equal power in x at the left side of the equation are compared with those at the right side after having converted to the Example: y[()' common denominator 2x^\ m Q(x). 2x-1 _ Bn*+Cn Q(x) x + 2 2 2jc 2x-1 = B u x(x+1)**C„(x+V 2 + A ,{x+V(x 2 + 2x + Q(x) 5) + (A^ + B u )x 2 + (3/l q1 + (7,4 q1 + 2/t q2 + Bu + +A q2 +2B U + C u )x2 2C n )x+5i4 q1 Comparison of coefficients between S„ = -1/2; C„ = 1/4; A q = , there (x+1) 2 A (i2 (x2 + 2x + 5) Q(x) 2x--\ = If { x+^ +5 <i A q2 >tgi t (x+1 -2i)(x+1 +2i)(x+1) are single zeros n\, the left + + 5>t q2 + and 1/2; A q2 constants equation d 34 can be obtained by: P(n 2 )/Q'(n 2 ); d 36 A^ = P{n,)IQ(n,) Cn right side: = -3/4 A-\\, A2\ PK)/Q'(n Q ^4qi ) of ARITHMETIC D4 Logarithms General log to system d 37 iog a d 38 logio d 39 log e d 40 log 2 terminology the base of a log to base a 'g 10 = In e - lb The symbols common log to base 2 2 x = b log a in log natural log are called: a base x antilogarithm b logarithm (log) Rules for logarithmic calculations d 41 d 42 d 43 d 44 !og a (xy) = log a * + log a y x-log a 'OQa f = log a log a xn = n iog a yr • >< log a x log a x Exponential equation d 45 d 46 = d = b* e xlnb hieraus: v log a 6 Conversion d 47 igoc lg e • d 48 In x lb x Base Key lg 0.01 d 51 lg 0.1 lg 1 lg 10 100 lg e= common to d 50 53 d 54 2.302 585 1.442 695- In* of the natural logs In • x Igjc e lg d of logarithms 0.434 294 ig_£ d 49 d 52 x In = = 3.321 928 2.718281828459... - logarithm of a or 8. ... -1 or 9. ... = 1 = 2 lg jc number -2 =0 - -10 -10 etc. Note: The antilogarithm always has to be a non-dimensional quantity. ARITHMETIC Permutations, combinations Permutations An ordered arrangement of r out "permutation" of the n things taken The number of these permutations is denoted by: is called selection Pn T r = n, this = n(n-1)(/i-2). becomes Pn = P r .(n-r+1), . /i(n-1)(n-2) ... 1 n of a d 55 If or n at > things a time. r =/i!* Example: The n = 3 things a, 6, c can be permutated with each other (i. e. at a time) in the following 6 ways: be bac cab acb bca cba. a P3 d 56 = Here r = n = 1-2-3 = 3! = 3. 6 Special case: The number of permutations of n things taken all together incorporating n-\ of one sort, n2 of another sort and n r of a rth sort is: «! = P d 57 ^1 • ! ttg! • Example: The n = 3 things a, following 3 ways: aab aba . . a, nr Here 1-2-3 2!-1! 1 \ 6 can be permutated the baa. 3! d 58 . -2-1 n = % 3, n-i = 2, n2 = 1, = 3 Combinations A selection of r out « things without regard to order is called "combination" of n things taken rata time. The number of these combinations is denoted by d 58 r r\(n-r)\ '\{n-r)\ \r) Example: The n = 3 things a, b, c taken together give only the one combination ab c. Here n = 3, Hence The table on (with *' *** <* 3 £) \3/ = ^fl 1-2-3 - = 3. 1. page D 6 compares combinations and permutations and without the things repeating). pronounced „n factorial" Symbol usual for binomial coefficient (see d27) n\ is r - ARITHMETIC 6 Combinations, permutations Combinations and Permutations (Explanations see D d 59 c c r o CO 11 (o C 1- CO ft, ^— 5) CO -o o *- £ o C\J co ft, i <o -Q cj CO a) „ II CO • « *"• co »B CL~ E™ * 5. tr *- co d 60 D t * ° <» co S= Q- C\J E ~~ «J ^D >> Q) CSJICNJ 0) -C — 5 ii * ii c ft, CD II cop d 61 2 o co *£ ~ *-* eg cnj + C 5 ^_ t- o o - o 0-03 cm co c —£ E.E « ° O) co CD C - o I I ^o .E « 5 CO Q. co c - CO "O »_ li d 62 sis CO CO co CO CO CO I co 05 05 C C 7 iji- — E E E 3 3 3 s: II CO Q. >, W I CO CO CM V i: M CNJ co C\J .0.0.0 coU ii CO o o o (D O o = a. \o § o I « .2 a> *- £ 35 3 c c ^ » O £ S8|dLUBX3 o Q. co .2 ~ JO ARITHMETIC Determinants and linear equations Second order determinants d 63 an • x + a?i • * + a22 a, 2 • D y y insert r a,, a 12 a ?1 a 22 - c column in a 12 d 64 D, a 22 r 2 r, • -r2 • ajj = an ri a 21 r 0^\ " a, 2 h -r, y + X &Q2 ' Oy column y = = ' place of column x r, Q\y • a,, • a21 2 + 5l y D Third order determinants (Sarrus rule) d 65 a„ -x + a 12 a 21 x + a22 a 31 x + a32 • • d 66 O = , + a 13 + a23 + a33 • • • z = r, = r2 z = r3 z 3 13 a ;i a12 3 i>? 2?3 a" a„ a 32 a 33 a 3l ^3? ar column a 12 ri 01 7 3 12 insert r = -y a,, a' d 67 -y for a a2 2 a 33 + • i 1 a, 2 + a 13 a21 a32 - a 13 • • - a, , • 3j 3 • • a23 s3 • a^ a 31 • a32 - a 12 a2 * • i ^33 x column: a 13 r, X.XX, a 22 a23 "32 rf a 12 °33 '22 . + an ' Tj '23 • T °12 a 32 "23 '3 ^3' a22' a32 a 12 '2 r3 a 33 33 determine £>2 and D3 similarly by replacing the y- and z-column by the r-columm d 68 D D ^ • z=& ' continued on D 8 ARITHMETIC Determinants and 8 equations linear Determinants of more than the 2nd order: (The Sarrus Rule, see D higher order than the 3rd). may be used 7, for determinants of By adding or subtracting suitable multiples of two rows or columns, endeavour to obtain zero values. Expand the determinant starting from the row or column containing most zeros. an Alternate the signs of terms, starting with as +. Example: ^23 d 69 a 34 Expand on 4th column: '12 d 70 »32 »42 dl3 a 33 a 43 '12 *13 '22 *23 '42. a 43 Further expand as: d 71 D = | | a32 a33 a 42 a43 a31 -a | °41 a* z d 43 +a 13 N | | a* 2 a 41 a42l \ To form the determinants D-\, Z>2. (see D 7l) substitute the r column for the first, second, column of D, and evaluate in the same way as for D. . . d 72 For determinant of the nth mulae: Di . . . . order, find w-i ... n f rorr the for- D2 D Note: For determinants of the nth order continue determinants of the 3rd order have been obtained. until ARITHMETIC Algebraic equation of any degree Definition of an algebraic equation An algebraic equation has the form: = a n x n + a n _T /nW d 71 n_1 + jc . . + a 2 x 2 + a^x + a . any terms whose coefficients a^ are equal be left out. for . < n n may The solution of an algebraic equation involves the finding of zeros (roots) of the equation for which fn (x) = 0. Characteristics "I.The algebraic equation fn (x) = of degree n has exactly n zeros (roots). 2. If all complex conjugate coefficients a v are real, only real or zeros exist as solutions. 3. If 4. If > coefficients a v are all part n is > is of whose there are no solutions real 0. odd one zero at least is real, assuming coeffi- all cients a v are real. 5. The relationships between the zeros x^ and the coefficients are: £*! = - a n _-|/a n for d73 Z*j-Xj = a n _ 2 /a n _-| for d 74 Zjtj = - a n _ 3 /a n _ 2 for d72 i i,j where • Xj • xn i i, j, x, 6. x2 -x 3 The number is . = j . n -x n = (-1) • i equal to the number an this value less , of sign . . n , 2, . . . n = k a /a,. changes a n _-|, a n _ 2 . j 1 of positive real roots of the equation d76 d77 . 1, 2, =*1,2, ... n = k = where d75 = in question of the coefficient series a2.aT.a0 or an even number (Descartes' theorem). Example: /3 (jc) = 2x 3 - 15x 2 + ^6x + 12 = has the signs + + + and due to the 2 sign changes has either 2 or positive real roots. continued on D 10 . ARITHMETIC 10 Algebraic equation of any degree Continued from D 9 7. The number question is of negative real roots equation the of in found by substitution x = -z: Here the number of sign changes of the coefficient series a n *, a n _-,*, a n _ 2 * a 2 *, a/, a * is equal to the number of negative real roots or this value less an even number. d78 Applied to the example on D 9, point 6: 3 2 /3 (z) = -2z - 15z - 16z + 12 = has the signs + and therefore equation d 77 due to only one sign change has only one d79 negative real root. General solution If /n to is x-i = 0, /n _i (x) (x) root of an algebraic equation of wth degree the degree of fn (x) can be reduced by one degree = when fn {x) is divided by {x - x y ). If another a is also known, the equation can be reduced by one degree further when divided by {x-x 2 ), and so on. root x 2 d80 /„(x) = a n x n + a n _i * n_1 + a n _ 2 x n d 81 /„/(*-*! ) = d82 n fn -i/(x-x 2 ) = /n _ 2 (x) = a n " x etc. /n _ 2 /(j:-X3) = / n _i (x) . d83 ^/(jf-JCn) = f . ~2 + = a n * n_1 + a n _i'x n ' ~2 + a n _2"x n + a2 x2 + a^x + a .. . -2 "3 + . . . + a2 x + ay + . . . + a2 "x + a," . (x) = a n ^. a special case where the roots are complex conjugates; after division the degree of the equation is reduced by 2 degrees. Division of the algebraic equation /„(*) by (x-XjJ is easily carried out by using the Horner method in D 1 1 There is Homer method The Horner method is a scheme for calculation which can be applied to the nth degree polynom P d84 P n (x) = an x n + a n _i -x n "1 + . . . + a 1 x + a to solve the following problems: * Calculation of the value of P n {x) for x = x * Calculation of the values of the derivatives P n '(x), P n "(x), etc. up toP n (0) (x)forjt =x * Reduction of the degree of P n (x) if there are known roots. * Finding of zeroes (roots). . . continued on D 11 ARITHMETIC Dn Algebraic equation of any degree Horner method (see scheme below): Set the coefficients a v to a v (0) and write the coefficients of the polynomial Pn \x) - starting with the coefficient which is related to the highest exponent - in the first line. Positions with no covered exponents have entries of 0. Scheme x an x (0) .(0) m _, (1) (0) (0) (1i x an V2 (2) x a n _2 m a2 *0 a n-2 x xQ a n _r *o a n-2 w x a n _ 2 *0 a n-1 < x a2 1 < > afl 4 1» ao ai aT W " J3) a•n-1 n- a2 < 3 > = fc 2 (1) xoai WW *0 a n an afl m xQ a3 ... 1 *0 0) a2 <°» m = b: = = b = Pn MM-P n (x = 1/2!-P n "(jt (x ) ) (n) (n) 1 fln^W-Vl-l/tl-l)!-^" '^) an = Example fc n = 1/n!-Pn ' n) U of the Horner 1 ) method: Calculation of the values P n (x), P n "'(x)forx = x x = 4: P n (x) = a: 3 - 6jc 2 + 11* - Pn ' {x), Pn " (x), and ; 6 <°> a 3 <°> a 2 <°> 1 -6 11 -6 4 -8 12 -2 3 8 6 x = A 4 a/°) 11 6 = 1 I 1 a - = P„(4) P„'(4) P n "(4)-1/2! P n "(4) = P n '"(4)-1/3!; ; = 1-2-6 = 12 P n '"(4) = 1-2-3-1 = 6 ) ' . . ARITHMETIC 12 Algebraic equation of any degree Explanation to the Horner method The value of a polynomial and point x = x is to be calculated. derivatives its a at fixed The with the multiplicants results of multiplications of x a n (1) a n-i (1) etc. given by the dotted lines are written in (1) (1) = x a n ). the 2nd line (e.g. x an . • d106 Line 3 shows the e.g. an-r results of the addition of lines .^ = a n _,™ + x = a n - 2 (D d107 ( This means d108 an ; < 1 jc 1 > = * <°> . same scheme - - with starting from line 3 additions leads to line 5 with and d109 ai (2) the value of the Pn = b, = multi- (x Q ) ' P n (x) derivative of first scheme can be repeated This < aJM+xo-a^-bo-Pnixo) = > the value of the polynomial at the point x = Using the 2. where a r > especially: a plications and 1 1 < x = x at the point . as a polynomial Ai-times, of degree n has exactly n derivatives. These calculations lead d110 P n {x) = a (1) to: r (n) (*-*o) (*-*o) = Pn d 112 + (x Q ) . . . + 1/1 + (x-x Q ) + a 2 (3) (x-x Q f + a/ ! • 1/(b-1)I P n '(x Pn • ) (x-x (n - 1) (jc ) • + 1/2! ) (x-x o r ] • Pn " (jc + 1//i! ix-xof + • ) • Pn {n) (x Q ) . . (x-x n ) Example 2 of the Horner method: Reduction of the degree if there i. e. Pn the finding of d114 P n (x)/(x-x = P n ^{x). P n (x) = x3 - 6X2 + 1 1 x - d 115 Given: d 116 Scheme: a3 a 6 with root x (root) x , ) ' 1 known zero is using: {x) _-| a2 = 1 " d 117 d 118 ^o=l d 119 ^n(1)- d120 F n (1) = shows, that x Then P n ^(x) = Ax2 - 5x + 6. Result: The roots of this last equation very easily using d 14. (x-, = = 2 1 is a root of and* 2 = 3) Fn (x). can be determined ARITHMETIC Approximate solution for any equations 13 General the analytical determination of zeroes (roots) from algebraic or even transcendental equations is only possible with restrictions, in D14 to D16 the following methods for approximate solutions are given: Since Newton's method Secant-method Linear interpolation (Regula Starting with an approximate can be reached by iteration. Example jc Example - 3X2 + 7x - 5 = 0. of a transcendental equation: jc-lgW- d123 value any degree of accuracy of an algebraic equation (polynomial): 4 d122 initial falsi). 1 =0. Procedure • Graphical determination of the initial approximation by drawing the curve from a table of known values. • Choice of one of the 3 afore mentioned methods. Please note that Linear interpolation is always convergent. For the other methods convergence is only guaranteed under conditions given in D14 und D15. The disadvantage of this additional examination usually will be compensated by considerably faster convergence. • Improved convergence can often be reached by starting with one method and continuing with another one; espe- when no improvement one method after several cially with in results iterations. has been reached . ARITHMETIC Approximate solution for 14 any equations Newton's approximation method The value x for the root The tangent the is n is approximation first of the equation f{x) = 0. made at f{x Q ); the inter- section of the tangent with the x-axis is a better value than the starting point x Calculation of jc-, is made by: . d125 =x -f{x x^ )/f'{x The improved value x 2 d126 ). calculated using is etc. *2-*i-/(*i)//'(*i) Multiple repetition of this method leads x-, a similar way: in to results of any desired accuracy. d127 General rule * k+ =*k-/(*k)//'(*k) Requirement for convergence • n is * = ; i of this o. 1.2. ... method: a single zero • between x und n maxima minima or of the function f(x) are not allowed. Convergence: Locally convergent. Comment: The values /(jc k ) and f'{x k ) which are necessary for Newton's method can be calculated very easily using the Horner method given in D 1 1 d128 d129 Example: 1st step: d130 f(x) = f(x) = x • \gx - *\. may be x The = starting value for a zero to fulfil 3. d125 requires the value of the derivative f'(x calculated: = lg(x) + lg(e) = \g(x) + 0.434 294. f'(x) ) to be d 131 2nd step: Determination of an improved value jc From d 125 the values x = 3, f(x ) = 0.431 364 and d132 3rd step: 1 /' (x ) = 0.91 1 : 41 5 lead to x, = 2.526 710. Determination of an improved x 2 = 2.526 710; f(x,) = 0.017141 Using the values and /' (jc-,) = 0.836 849 equation d 1 26 to x 2 = 2.506 227; error +0.000 036. Using x2 the zero has an error of 0.000 036. : ^ d133 4th step: If the accuracy with x 2 is not must be carried out. iterations sufficient further ARITHMETIC Approximate solution for D 15 any equations Secant approximation method The derivative /' {x) of Newton's approreplaced by the differential quotient: Two adjacent points f(x Q ) and y /(jc-,) are connected by a straight line. The value x 2 at the intersection of this line with the jc-axis has to be determined; x 2 is the first approximation for the required zero n Q ximation is '(*<>) . X-\-Xp X2 =*! d140 /(*i) /(*i)-/(*o) In the next step f(x^) is of this line with the jc-axis General iteration d 141 *k+1 ~x k ~/(*k) connected with f(x 2 ). The intersection is the next approximation. rule: *k ~ *k-1 fc« 1,2, /M-/dk-i) f(Xk ) * .. /(*„_!) Comment: An when especially fast convergence often can be reached the Secant and Newton approximation methods are used alternately. Convergence: Locally convergent. d142 Example: f(x) = x • Ig x 1; d143 1st approximation:^ = = x f(x ) 4; Xi - 3. = 1.408240; 3 - 0.431 364 (3 % f(xj = 0.431364. -4)/ (0.431 364-1.408240) 2.558425. d144 Error f(x 2 ) 0.043 768 2nd approximation calculated with *, , x2 , f{x^) and f{x2 ): d145 x 3 = 2.558 425 - 0.043 768 (2.558 425 - 3) / (0.043 768 - 0.431 364) d146 Error = 2.508 562 f(x 3 ) = 0.001 982. Instead of continuing with the Secant method, Newton's method can now be used: (x 2 ) has to be calculated: /' (x) = Ig x + Ig (e) f'(x 2 )= lg(2.558425) + 0.434294 = 0.842267 d147 d148 For this reason /' d149 *3* = *2 ~f(x 2 ) //' (x 2 ) = 2.558 425 - 0.043 768/0.842 267 = 2.506 460. Error: f(x 3 *) = 0.000 230. * 3 * leads to a smaller error d150 than x 3 which , was found by only using the Secant method. ARITHMETIC Approximate solution for 16 any equations Linear Interpolation (Regula falsi) approximation method values x and x are chosen so that '(*il and /to) have different signs. f(x Between these two points at least one zero n must exist. The intersection of the line through f{x Q and /to) with the Two : ) ) x-axis the is first approximation x 2 To determine the improved value x 3 a line through f{x 2 ) and one of the earlier used points /(x ) or /to) is made and the intersection of this line with the jc-axis has to be calculated. From the earlier points the last one with a different sign compared with/to) always has to be used! or d152 < must be satisfied. f(x 2 -f{x /to) 7to) < ) Generale ) rule: xw-Xt-fM- f,*)'**,^ d153 fc-1,2... Q^j^k-l /(*k)-/Uj) Here A*k) */(*,) the largest value smaller than k, for which is ;' /(*2)7Ui) < is valid. Convergence: Always convergent. d154 Exam pie :f(x) d155 \gx -1; choice of x Q = 1 with/(x ) = -1 x, = 3 with /to) = +0.431 364 = x here d156 x2 = f{x x^ x^ ) -x = -/to) -/to) < is d157 f(x 2 ) satisfied* 3-1 ntnMMA 3-0.431364 n 2.397269; 0.431364 + /(*i)-/(*o) and 1 = 2.397 269 lg 2.397 269 - 1 = - 0.089 71 7. This value represents the accuracy with which x 2 approaches the zero. • d158 As /to)*/to)<0 the line is made through f(x 2 and /to). The intersection of this line with the x-axis is: X 2 -*1 d159 x 3 =x 2 -/to): 2.501 044; f(x 3 = -0.004 281. ) ) d160 As /to) -/to) > f(x 3 ) /(* 2 )-/(*i) but /(x 3 )-/to) < and /to). The with the x-axis *4 = x 3 - /to) d161 d162 is intersection made through of this line is: /to)-/W /to) = -0.000197 the line = 2.505947 5. a further increase in accuracy the intersection of the line through /to) and /to) and the x-axis has to be calculated. Since /to) -/to) > the values and /to) -/to) > f(x 3 ) and/(x 2 ) cannot be used. For ARITHMETIC 17 Series Arithmetic series The sequence d17l 10 etc. is called an arithmetic series. (The difference d between two consecutive terms is constant). w Formulae: s n = | (a, + a n ) = a n + n ~ ' where d = a n -a n _i 1, 4, 7, ' y CJ172 an = + {n-A)d a-i Arithmetic mean: Each term of an arithmetic series is the arithmetic mean a m of its adjacent terms a m _-, and a m + -|. d173 Thus, the mth term (e.g. in the 3m-1 is above series 3m + i "*" for 1 < m <n 4 + 10 a3 7) Geometric series The sequence 1, 4, 2, 8 etc called a geometric series. is quotient q of two consecutive terms d174 Formulae: sn = a, ^^« " constant). ai is ga "~ = q = ~^- for ^^ <7" 1 1 (The d175 d176 Geometric mean: Each term of a geometric series is the geometric mean a m of its adjacent terms a m _., and a m+ v Thus, the mth term is am = Va m -1 a m + V for 1 < m < n ' (e.g. in the above series) - a3 For infinite geometric series statements apply = lim a n d177 V2 8 = 4) ' 30 (n-* |^|< ; = ; = sn following trie 1) Mm sn 1 = a! 1-9 Decimal-geometric series Application for calculation of standardized number-series Quotient of two consecutive terms is called ..progressive ratio q>". d178 qp = b y/\0. > integer. 1, b determines the number of terms or number of standardized numbers of a series within one decade. The values of the terms which should be rounded up, are calculated according to d 77: MVW d179 i(l0 10 Starting with Examples: 5, 10, 20, • an d : : a<\ E6, E12, E24, R5, R10, R20, term term initial n final sn : q : difference between two consecutive terms : = 100 or note designation 6, 12, 24, 1 '/b)n- or intern. E-series, number see Z22 DIN-series, see R1 terms sum to n terms quotient of two consecutive terms of ARITHMETIC Dl8 Series Binominal series d 180 /(,) a a (i±x)«- ,±(°)x + ( )x*±( )x> 2 - f . . . 3 a may be either positive or negative, a whole number Expansion a(a - /a\ \nl or a fraction. of the binomial coefficient: [a -2) (cr-3) 1) 1-2-3 ... ... (a-n+1) ai • for Examples: d 181 ^—- = (1 ± jc)~ d182 yr±7 = (1 ± x) v 1 ' 2 = 1 + x+ x 2 + x 3 = 1 ± 1 Ml r\~ (\JZXj - 1/2 1 — \ r ^ X 2 VT17 3 -r I n <1 ... l:rl <1 +... IjcI <1 - 16 8 1 T + Ixl ... ^x-^-x 2 ± ^-x 3 2 d183 + Xr 2 5 T + Xr 3 i 16 8 Taylor series d184 putting a = d185 m ^(*-a) + = /(a) /(*) + ^ (x-a) 2 + t gives the MacLaurin series: ./(o) m), + + n^ + ... for Examples: d186 e x = 1 + * + *! + 2! 1! d187 d188 a x Injc to <i + all X ... 3! x-lna (x-lna) 1! 2! 2 (x-lna) 3 all X 1 =2 [^zl i(£z|) + 3 \jc+i [x+1 d189 ^+ 3 + 3! l(^) 5 \x+^ / „., _£ + £-£ + £ 5 + ..l x -1 - > 1 ... < X x-S+ 1 d190 2 J 4 b continuec on D19 ' ARITHMETIC Dl9 Series Taylor series (continued) for Examples 3 d191 sin x = X — x- + x cos x = 7 x — X X2 + x 4 X6 — all 4! 6! 1-— d194 cot x = l_l x x d196 Arccosx = 1 x3 2 3 ? ^.^5 _ 3 1-3-5 x7 2-4-6 7 X X 5 7 Arctan x ? - . — 3! x = x + + — 5! 7 9 + X 1x121 9 1x121 + —7! + — all " + 9! X all cosh x = " 2! x + x d204 arcosh x - In9r d206 arcoth x = x 6! — x 15" + 1 1 2X2 3x3 5 1 3 x 2-4 5 • 2 3 8! - 45 * 3 3 2 d205 artanh x = x + 3 3 * 1 d203 arsinh x = 4! 3^x x = x * x = 1x121 1x121 5 d198 Arccot x = coth 0<lxl lxl<;r - Arcsin x X 3 tanh IxKf 945 1-3 x5 2-4 5 _ d197 Arctan x = x d202 — _ JL X 3 _ 45 3 d195 Arcsin x = d201 ... X — tan d200 + 7 - x3 + x = x x5 + x + * *+ 3 X 15 * 315 d193 sinh ... 7! 2! d199 all + 5! 3! d192 5 X ' — x 7 315* 945 * 5 1 • 3 5 x 7x 7 2 7 • 2-4-6 1*3 1 2-4 4x 4 IxKf 0<lxl lxl<jr 7 1-3-5 1 2-4-6 6x6 579" 5x 5 " + lxl<1 lxl>1 lxl<1 lxl>1 . ARITHMETIC 20 Fourier series Fourier series General: Each periodic function f(x) whose period - x < x < ji can be subdivided into a finite number of intervals in such a way that f(x) can be described by a continuous curve in each of these intervals, may be ex- panded in into interval this y\ convergent series of the following form {x = cot): 00 d207 y - fix) The various d208 ax = 2 + [a n cos {nx) + b n sin (nx)} coefficients can be calculated by: n j /W cos <**) d * 6k = ^ I /W sin (to) dx -K -It with the index fc = 0, 1, 2 . . Simplified calculation of coefficient for symmetr. waveforms: Even function: f(x) = f(-x) d209 d210 d211 d212 Odd-harmonic functions Even-harmonic functions d213 d214 fix) /(f+*) = f(-x) = and -fi^-x) give: fix) = -fi-x) 7l d215 d216 d217 ak = ak = &k - ^ /(x) cos (/ex) dx ^k = J for k = for k = = A: for 1, 3, 5, . . . 0, 2, 4, . . . 1, 2, 3, . . . and /(§ + *)- /(f-*) /2 ¥ { /w sin for ak = 6k = 9^: for for A: = k * - (/:J:) d* 1, 3, 5, . . . 0, 1, 2, . . . 2, 4, 6, . . . - ARITHMETIC 21 Fourier series Table of Fourier expansions d218 d219 y y - d220 d221 y = y = d222 for < for n < x M -|s,n* < < x n 1 2 n sinJ3x} sinjc + SiniSx] + 3 a for -a for 5 a < x < -a a. n + a < x < 2:t-a l rr. n y 31 r 2 .i a 1 3,1.1.1 : ! d226 y = 4a — + d224 d225 cosor cos g- (5 a) • — 1 x + cos (3a) > -/(2n + x) for -, S!niS=flQ cosx + - sin 3 d227 d228 d229 = ax/b = a (;t for Olx^i for b > - a(jl~X)/b ^ x • X L. I sin (3jc) X ^ -a) "171 ~i sl rl2 Jt -a ] CQS {3x ( N Id 3/1 x )cos(2x) " A — / rc-b 2/1 -1 wr \/i Tl-fc^AT^Jl^' 6 for 37t, i i ; 2^[«-o r = in 2^ O d226 \ sin (5x)+ a < x < 2it-a > = a sin • ' \ i — ! ! h Id ! /z* \3/t / n -b d230 >• = 4 — a r -r 1 1 ~2 sin 6 • sin x + -% + d231 y = ^r 2 Jl d232 > = f{2n + d233 < for x -j> sin (5ft) sin (3*) • • sin (5x) < 2x jc) a _ a fsinx sin (2*) ^l 2 2 sin {3b) 1 sin (3jc) 3 ""J continued on D22 ARITHMETIC 22 Fourier series Continuation of D21 d234 d235 d236 = 2ax/n for O^x^n/2 2a{n-x)/7i for tt/2 ^ yi\ ^ n x -f -f(n + x) £.[*,-M + iS^-...] d237 d238 d239 d240 axln for a(2n-x)/ji for 71 ^x ^ ^x ^ Ti \ /\F^ 2ji /(2k+x) k d241 d242 d243 d244 - „ 4a cosx a cos [" a sin* for O^^ji for ii 2a _ 4a n tt. F cos L 1 (2jc) • d246 for d247 for ^ + ^ jc - (4jc) 3 (5x) cos (6x) + 2 Am ^ ^ ti/2 3n ^ <- "2" = ^ = * /(2ji+x) d249 M Ji 7T [2 4 2 . d250 Jt d251 /(-*) = /(2n+x) for ^ x ^ 71 V d252 d253 d254 d255 _ 4 [cos* _ cos(2;r) + cos a*/7t ^ for x ^ a _ 2a [ cosjc 2 2 tt + L 1 cos 3 (3jc) a^ fsinx _ sin (2 jc) L 1 2 cos 2 Ti 2 K v^ re ti , 5rt (3jc) /(2ji+jc) 4 2/1 AAA/ -7t T^L 2£F cos(6x) 6^-1 cos (2x) _ cos (4jt) 2'-1 v-^ -ti K 2 2 2a + 5 7 5 ;c 7t 3* in. . WYY 2: cos 3 cos , -a sin* d245 d248 (3jc) (5jc) 5 2 sin (3x) 3 . ARITHMETIC D 23 Fourier-Transformation General The Fourier-Transformation F based on the Fourier {s(t)} inte- gral converts the time function sit) in a continuous spectrum (spectral density) S(co) in a way that frequency a» corresponds to the spectral density. must have the following charac- s(t) teristics: a) be smooth piecewise in number defined a of inter- finite vals d256 b) d257 have defined values at the jumps s(t + 0) and s(t-O), so that the value is equal to the average s(t) = 1/2 [s(t-O) + s(t + 0)] + 0C d258 c) )\s(t)\ 6t must be absolutely convergent. -» The inverse Fourier transformation F~ function 1 {S(co)} gives the time s(t). Definitions + 30 | d259 F{s(t)} d260 F-'{S((o)}= s(t) = S(co) = js(t) ^ 1 -6t J"S(co)-e itl,t i ; -dco; i = V1? = \CT = ]pf -00 + 00 d261 Spectral energy J 1 I s{t) 2 I • dr = oo +0° j- f\S{a>) ^ n -oo 2 I » • dw Calculation rules d262 Time translation _il0X F{s(t-t)} = 5(a»)-e + d263 Convolution *i i ; x (0*%(0- Jji(T)-5 2 (r-r)-dr = /^(^-^(r-Tj-dT d264 -oc d265 F{*i(0**2 (0} = 5 (w)-5 2 d266 F{5(0} = S(co) d267 F{s(at)} =^ 5 (f) d268 F{ 5l (0 + *2 (0} - 5 (w) + 5 2 (w) 1 (o;) areal>0 1 continued on D24 ARITHMETIC 24 Fourier-Transformation continued from D23 equation d 259 calculated spectral densities are given for some important time functions. Correspondence between time Using 1 ; function and SDectral density: °° 1 d269 iu,t -dw 5(0 = =L /s(<u)-e 2n^ |5(r)-e- A function Dirac-Pulse A 6 d272 2 (t) AT- sin (o)T)/((oT) S(u) (t) ,s(t) funct.l polarity A R J/2 R xu L^ • A (spectral density constant over is with change of = S((o) A6(t) d273 Rectangle ( v t +TI2) sin S(w) = d275 S{oj) 3T im .& mo sgxii to) (t-T/2)- . d274 d276 -dr Spectral density S((o) s(t) -R T sit) d271 iwt - 00 Time function d270 Rectangle = S(oj) ; = -\ 2 4AT AT ^ 2 oiT 2 cos(2a)T) sin (coT) (oT t S((o) = A Rw -(a)) aSM [Rectangle I function X d277 2n T wo' 2n U) t continued on D25 ARITHMETIC 25 Fourier-Transformation continued from D24 Time function Spectral density S(<o) s(t) d278 d279 Modulated rectangle d280 A R T (t)- cos (a) d281 d282 t) = TTA /\ ^ l %(t) ;A „ „ w with A o = ^: a ' A; ART (t) Gaussian-pulse a2 t S{(jo) = sinT(a; + A a; ) sin T{o)-a> ) a) +co 2 -«,2 S((o) d283 = £ v^ 1 2k d284 T •s(t) 9 d285 S(oj) \r°i i-'£-)' d286 cos 2 -pulse 4 2 -cos 2 (<y d287 f) with w = -=? sin 5(w) ;•*) • /I 4 (* - f) 1 r 2 •O) 1 1-6 :t d288 Exponential-pulse d289 /I S(io) )(0 + 2 2 ARITHMETIC 26 Laplace-Transformation General:TheLaplace-TransformationL{/M} based on thelntegral- x function d290 F(s) = j fit) e" st d/ o d291 converts the time function f(t), which has to be zero for t<0 and which must be given completely for t>0, into a picture function. The part e~ st in d290 is used as an attention factor to get convergency of the integral for as many time functions as possible; here is s = o+ito with o>0 a complex operation variable. In this picture-domain differential equations can be solved and unique, non periodical processes (e.g. oscillating) can be handled; the desired time behaviour is reached finally by inverse transformation in the f-domain (see D 28). Definitions 292/293 w L{f(t)} = F(s) = j f[t) e- di L- 1 {F(s)}=f(t)=£ \F(s)e at <is ri o abbreviated description: f{t)o— — abbreviated description: F(s) — •— F(s) o /(/) Calculation rules (operation rules) d294 Linearity d295 d296 L{Mt)+f2 (t)} - L{cf,(t)} Translation F,(s) + F2 (s) c-Fi(s) = L{f(t-T)} e- Js F(s) t d297 Convolution J/i(r-r) /2 (r)dr Mt)*f2 (t) t Sf:(r)f2 (t-T)dz d298 d299 d300 d301 /1 (0*/2 (0 Variable transform. *•'(*)) Differen- L{f'(t)} — -• F,(s) = F(a-s) = s F2 (s) s-F(s)-f(0+) tiation d302 Linn) d303 n L{f 5 (t)} 2 n F(s)-s-f(0 -F(5)-2 / k d304 Integration L{jf(t).6t\ = y^*) = (k) + )-f(0 + (0 )5 + ) n-k"1 ARITHMETIC 27 Laplace-Transformation Application of the /.-Transformation to differential equations Scheme r-domain d 205 Operation ! normal equations Differential equations for y(t) »J I + conditions start look at rules for derivations i i d 206 I i solution of normal equations for Y(s) i Inverse transform. referring to D28 | equations Difficulty of the solution of the differential d307 for Y(s) i i result of the solution of the differential equations i d 207 s-domain f is transferred can be simplified by expansion from Y(s) into partial fractions (see D3) or into such partial functions, for which in D28 conversions are given back in the time domain. to the inverse transformation. This Example: Ty' + y = f[t) y(0 d301| Ts Y(s)-Ty(0 d305/ d306 y(t) According to + r • M start — [Here f(t) • F{s) assumed case referring to d 313 F{s) = is are + _ 1 i + Ts solutions function. In step 1/^).] T 1 ) Ty(0< ^+Ts Ts) -VT -v. D28 Ms + Ty{V) different be to Ty(0 + 1 5(1 7>(0 there this after condition + Ts 1 y(t). I 2^ m - for Application \ _ Y(s) of D3 startfunction = ) + Y(s) = F(s) ) f(t)o is + y(t) 1 + e Application of the convolution rule to the /.-Transformation on linear networks The originate having passed function F2 (s). function f-\(t) is changed to a response y(t) after a network. The network s defined by its transfer F2 (s) has the inverse transformate/^Wi r-domain d308 d309 /i(0 S y(t) Network y(t) = /i(0*/2 (0 domain Y(s) F^(s} F2 -• Y(s) = (s) F,(s)- F2 (s) For a given network the response y(t) depends on f\(t). y(t) can be found by d 305. After having found Y(s) calculation is continued on line d 306. Comolete inverse transformation to the /-domain is possible when F2 {s) is given as proper fraction rational function in s and when L-Transformate F, {s) is given in D28. C3: ARITHMETIC D28 Laplace-Transformation Table o f correlation O DC d310 F(s = }/(/)-e- s, -d ) + ioo (V(s)-e s1 -ds 271 with O + O = £ + Laplace original- transf. F(s) function fit) transf. F(s) ^-domain d 311 \CD /-domain 6{t) 1 d312 d313 d314 d315 d316 d317 d318 d319 d320 d321 d322 d323 = 2ti/; = V^ ^-domain Laplace 5 £ i 1 for for 2 Ms 2 ^) (s 2 2a — -cos(a/) cos b for 1 (s-a)(s-b) (at) /•exp (at) 1 (5 a s{s-a) exp (at) - + 2 a) 1 + b2 — e~ 1 at d 329 + r-5 1 a S 2 ±exp(-t/T) 1 sinh (at) d333 d334 + a2 s s 2 + a2 1 d335 (s 2 +a 2 2 cosh (at) , sin (at) cos + a2 ) 2 +a a > e ^5 5 2 +6 s sin(ar)for / -cos (at) a /2) /2) 2 a c -a 4t 2/VttT 0: (see , sin(a/) 2 V^ + a 3 ^ 2vr erfc- 5 e 1 J2a 3 5 1//sin(af) 0: -avr > VI" f(.--.-) (at) 2a* (* 5 arctan (a Is) for 5 d 337/338 r-1 3/(4^T-/ In ) d336 -sin(b/) -1/(2V5T-f sy/sT a s' '2 vr -a* s'-a2 d331 d332 a: 1 / s d330 =t= b-a M(s-a) 2 1 d326 d327 d328 - e bt -e a1 d 324 d 325 (at) -ft-s\n(at) n-1 exp f(t) -s.n(ar.+ 3 Jf + (1-1)! M(s-a) 2 + | / r 1 Dt5 < t n original > o|?a| t s 1/s /-domain function s2 Dirac (s 1/5 -ioo i , . J o\ al ) G / \ 8) Bessel function 2 ARITHMETIC 29 Complex numbers Complex numbers General z = re'* = a + \b a = real part of z b = imaginary part of z r = absolute value of z = or modulus of z <p -*; 7 = argument of z a and b are real ^-T d339 d340 = -i d341 j-2 = -1 d342 j-3 = + i d343 :-4 = + 1 j-5 = -i ' i d344 _ ,5 etc. Note: In engineering to avoid confusion. In electrical z = d346 *1 + 22 = (a^ + a2 ) + d347 Zy ~ Z2 = (a^ - a2 ) + Zl • z2 = (a-, a 2 - by b 2 a-\ a 2 + by b 2 £l d349 a2 ^2 d350 letter j is used for the Cartesian coordinate system: d345 d348 the a 2 + b2 = ) a + \b i i + i , + ' + b (by + b2 ) (by - b2 ) (a-i b2 + a 2 by) -ay b 2 + a 2 b 2 a2 + T b{ \b)(a-\b) ( \fa^+b 2 d351 Where ay = a 2 and by = b 2 then , Zy = z2 continued on D30 ) ARITHMETIC 30 Complex numbers Complex numbers (continued) In the polar coordinate system: d353 z d354 r d355 r(cosg? + arctan V g? i a + \b cosg? r Zi-z 2 = r d357 Y = r2 d358 z n = r*[cos(ncp) + d359 ?nr yz = 2 = -sing?) b b sin d356 = r r2 (p 2 )] C0S (<Pi -V2) + i-sin(g? - g? 2 )] g? 2 1 [ + + [cos(gp + " ) •sin(g? 1 i 1 = k = sin (/?<p)] i — 2nk —^ 1r< \r(cos for k If tang? (p :tL + + this 1. the principal root, is k = 1,2 n-1 these are the adventigious roots (/i is an integer). if n VTare the rc-th unit-roots. The n-roots which d360 - z* d361 A; d362 i cosg? - e-'" i n = • 1, 2, n-'\ . (n d363 d364 Ie | cos d365 = 1 -sing? e Note: iq> g? + e + sin 2 g? Ty <p k In r = r2 + = i -sing? 1 -icp sing? g? Inz If y cos 2 an integer) is sing? cosg? + ±lcp are 1 n = 0, cosg? + z ..2nk cos^ for fulfil \(cp and + 2nk) cp^ = <p 2 (k = + 2nk, should be measured along the is any arbitrary integer. arc, 0, then 0) 0, integer) — - -sin i n - > * w+2nk, ±:—- . 2 0, 1, (n (z 2 ±1, ±2, z 1 = z2 . ..) ARITHMETIC 31 Application of geom. series Compound d366 interest calculation kn = k d367 20 9 '9 w Annuity interest calculation d368 d369 _ r -rq n k q (k -q n l9 d370 m n Where kn = 0, we *-1 -k n )(q-:) n -1)<7 (9 , -1 n <y r-g-k n (q-:) r-q-k (q-'i) get the "redemption formulae' Deposit calculation (savings bank formula) ; d371 k Q -q" {k n d372 -k n - n (q . d373 n -1 + r.q <7 )(?-1) -Dq k n (q-V Vkoiq-V '9 + r-q + r-q 9 Letters initial capital capital after n years number 1 of years +p annual pensions rate of interest (withdrawals) (e.g. 0.06 at 6%) 8 ARITHMETIC Geom. 32 construction of algebr. expressions b'C d374 d375 a:b x 4th proportional : d376 d377 a :b x : b:x = 3rd proportional d378 x = ya'b /^90°Z'^ I d379 a: x = x / b . / / / x : mean / Y — proportional d380 x 2 a 1 + b x / \ I 6 .- d V-a- + b' d381 x : hypothenuse of a right- angled triangle d382 V3^ t x : height of an equilateral // \-\ \ </ • 1 triangle d383 (V^-D d384 d385 a:x x : = = a -0.61 x:(a-x) larger section of a repeatedly subdivided line (golden section) K— "^ FUNCTIONS OF A CIRCLE Basic terms Circular Circular and angular measure of a plane angle measure measure is the ratio of the distance d measured along the arc to the radius r. Circular It is given the unit 'radian" which has no dimensions. e (rad) 1 Unit: rad Angular measure Angular measure the centre as "degrees". at Unit: is a of obtained by dividing the angle subtended circle into 360 equal divisions known ° e 2 A degree is e 3 a minute is divided into 60 minutes (unit: divided into 60 seconds (unit: Relation between circular and angular By considering a circle, e 4 e 5 or degrees e 6 0° it that 360° = 2 rad = 57. 2958° 1 15° 30° 12 6 0.26 0.52 CO c "). measure may be seen 7i * '), radians 45° 60° 75° 90° ji K 5n jt 4 3 12 2 0.79 1.05 1.31 1.57 180° K 270° 360° 3jt 2 2jt co 3.14 4.71 6.28 FUNCTIONS OF A CIRCLE General terms Right angled triangle opposite e 7 _ hypotenuse adjacent e 8 e 9 hypotenuse tan opposite = a a c = b_ c - _^_ b adjacent adjacent cot a opposite Functions of the more important angles e 10 angle a a cos a tan a 0° sin cot a 1 00 15° 30° 45° 60° 75° 90° 0.259 0.500 0.707 0.366 0.966 1 -1 -1 0.966 0.866 0.707 0.500 0.259 1.732 3.732 0.268 0.577 1.000 3.732 1.732 1.000 0.577 180° 270° 360° oo 1 oo oo 0.268 oo Relations between sine and cosine functions Basic equations e 13 Sine function e 14 Cosine function A sin (ka A cos (ka - y) cf) sine curve 1 sine curve 1.5 cosine curve 1 or sine curve with a phase shift of and and and k = 1 = 2 k = k 1 •jx/2 FUNCTIONS OF A CIRCLE p £ Quadrants e15 sin e 16 e 17 cos tan e18 cot e 19 sin (180° e20 cos e21 tan e22 cot e23 e24 e25 e26 sin e27 e28 e29 e30 sin ( - 90° [ " ) [ " ) - a) » ) " ) [ I - (270° a) cos tan cot i " i - (360° a) cos tan cot i e31 sin e32 e33 e34 tan ) _ a ( cos cot " ) i " ) ! " ) ! " ) + + cos a + sin a + cot a + tan a sin ( = = = cos ( " ) tan ( • ) cot ( » = = = + sin a - cos a - tan a sin (180° = - = = = = - cos a sin (270° + + sin cos ( " ) tan ( " ) cot ( " - sin a) = = cot a a cot a tan a 90° a) ) + a) cos ( - ) tan ( " j cot ( » ) sin (360° = = a + cos a - tan a - cot a = = = = - sin a + cos a - tan a - cot a sin (a cos ( tan ( cot ( + a) ) + = = = = + cos a - sin a - cot a - tan a = = = = - sin a - cos a + tan a + cot a = = = = - cos a + sin a - cot a - tan a a) = + ) = + cos a = = + + + sin a + cos a + tan a + cot a " ) - ) cos ( tan (a± n*180°) = = = cot ( ) = + y< o, 3 ± n*360°) " ) •• sin a tan a cot a ; \ • / \ \ / \ / y • s s X XX X N • s X • / X a a ' /\ / \o m; -y 0° / 90° | / \* 180° jt 270° s- \ 360° 2ji + FUNCTIONS OF A CIRCLE Trigonometric conversions Basic identities e 35 sin" e 36 a + cos* a = + tan 2 a = 1 1 ± sin (a e 38 cos(a±P) e 39 tor, tan /« (a ± -i- «\ /3) tan g , 1 Q» tan -r + Sum and -; difference of angles sin - = 1 - a cos p ± cos a sin p cos a cos p + sin g-sin/3 = fi) = + cot 2 a 1 cos 2 a Sum and e 37 tana -cot a 1 ± „ a tan P „£ to tan • . ; „ , cott (a ± , a+ sin p 2 -sin cos sin a - sin £ 2 -cos sin /S = cos a - cos £ = tan cot sin a± a ± cot a cos a • • = /S cos p = p = tan a tan p = cot a cot /3 cot a tan £ = = ± ± a) sin • <p<fi = a sin /S (g + 0) + <p = arctan J T J - p) sin (g + 2 cos (g - P) ^cos(a-p) - 2-cos(g + £) cos (g + g a cot g tan g cot g tan g tan cot (<ot + & cos and ^ p) + b cos g?-| 2 g^ P) + + + + + + tan cot + <p 2 _ cot tan . _ cot tan /S = q> 2 ) ; m fi rf T = arcsin cp tan cot tan ff cot p cot jg tan p harmonic oscillations a sin (of + with c 1 2 sin of 2 1 sin 2 a Sum g 2 cos p • sin 03 sin cos sin sin (a = sin - 2 -sin - cos g /S . , 2 cos cos 2 = p tan cot a cot P + 1 * „ ^ cot ± cot n a + = difference of functions of angles sin cos a + cos m p) of the , -\/ q>-\ " sin tan cot cot tan tan cot ^ - b sin / + ^2_ c2 - /S ff p ff p same frequency V c2 + ^ = a cos g g g g a g <j? + ^ 2 f^ Sf I c° n H must be satisfied FUNCTIONS OF A CIRCLE Trigonometric conversions Ratios between simple, double and a sin e 53 e 54 e 55 V^ 2 sin cos | | a sin | a - c os 2 a 2 1 - a) 2 \h V 1 a sin a cos a tan a cos a sin a sin sin 2 a' \£_ V cos a 1 + cos 2 a tan (90° - a) cot VT - a cot 1 a f angles = cot (90° - a) sin 2 t? - 2sin 2 half a tan a + cot 2 a Vi 2 = - cot ycos 2 a - cos V - cos 2 + tan 2 a 1 sin (90° V'l tan V1 e 58 cos a cos (90° - a) e 56 e 57 = a cos a - cos 2 a ?i \/-^2 1 2 V sin 2 5/1 - cos a a VT"- sin 2 a 2 1 e 59 V 1 + cot 2 a 2 V tan 1 + tan 2 1 + tan 2 a 1 - -tan 2 e 60 1 sin 2 e 61 2 sin a = a cos a + tan 2 cot 2 f | cos 2 a - tan 2 1 = tan 2 2 cos 2 a -sin 2 a 1 e 62 2cos 2 a-1 e 63 -2 sin a 1 sin - cos a V -~ cot a --p tana 1 + cos a cot 1 V a + cos a - cos a sina 1 e 66 cot 2 a- 1 2 cot a tana -tan 2 a a -tan a | cot 2 a tan 1 1 = cot 2 e 64 V a 2 cot cos 2 = e 65 2 | 1 - cos a + cos a sina 1 1 - cos a +cosa sina V 1 cos a - cos a FUNCTIONS OF A CIRCLE Acute angle 6 triangle Oblique angle triangle Sine Rule e 67 a sin e 68 a e 69 b : sin /? b = : sin y _ _ : sin/3 a = a sin sin/? a e 70 Cosine Rule b2 + c2 - e 71 b2 = e 72 c2 e 73 = 2b c cos a ' + a* 2ac cos a2 + 6 2 - 2ab cos • • obtuse angles the cosine (for is y negative) Tangent Rule e 74 a + tan a + b a- b tan tan a + c a - c 2 a - tan a + b + c 6 - c a - 2 Half-angle Rule e 75 tan^ = s Q - a idius of incircle e 76 A = 1 -j be -sin a - e 77 \A (^ e 78 V (5 2 sin e 79 e 80 tan tan a) (s a) (5 2 acsin - b){s- 6) (5 - c) /8 = -x = ps a + b + c 2 aZrsin y c) 1 a | and circumcircle sin 2 , ' c sin y tan ff+y tan £^ 2 5 ~ FUNCTIONS OF A CIRCLE Inverse trigonometric functions Inverse circular functions k 2 &° <H o > o \ \ Q. O < =^1 CL 1 H CO o a. < II ^1 1CL /7* V K -a - 1 X Definitions Funktion y identical e 81 with defined within e 82 e principal 83 arctan x arccot x x = sin y x - cos y x = tan y x = cot y -1^x^ 1 + 1 -oo ) y 2 Basic properties e 86 arccos x -1^x^ + 1 values e 85 arcs in x jt^y^O 2 = ? ~ Arcsin x Arcsin (-x) Arctan (-*) = = Arccos x = * * Arctan r x * Arctan v/i Arccot /5 — — vi-* * Arccot 1) 2) oo n>y>0 Arccos x = n - Arccot x 2) Arcsin Al CCOS 2 Arccot x * X * Arccot Arcsm ^f^2 ! X X 89 + Arctan x Arctan x = Arcsin \/l - * 2 ^ <x< n- = Arccos (-x) Arccot (-x) ~* 2 2 V1 -x , Arccot x - Arcsin x - Arctan x Arcsin x = \/1 -oo oo 1) Arccos x Arccos + -!<,<! Ratios between inverse circular functions e 87 <x < 1 r. 5- 2 V1 +x 1 X = 1 Vi~T^ — * Arrrnr Arccos rri * Arctan -1 X marked by capital letters The formulas marked with * apply for x > Principal values are Continued on E 8 1 FUNCTIONS OF A CIRCLE c l_ L. b inverse trigonometric functions Addition theorems T- T- T- ; r- % %\ r~ vi + +! vi 5v CO CM 0J ** c + ; 5v *J ; % % + + CM CO <N CO j 1 | j i i | ! • + t5 C C CO CO O Jr 1 1 A V ; wi «J ; ! Jr O "°J O; c C : CO : (0 O O V A ;. o * o * * O O yu i T1 : : ! • o o ^ v -Q -Q CQ CQ CO CCJ co CCI ?T~ oP i 1 co to O o c r: 1 > + > i • \ -Q -Q | * y- w > -Q CD > 5b i > Q C r « 1 s c;l^ 1 m <D 5 i it! I II II II | 8 < II | t V ; co co ; SI?! : 1 A a cc ; 1 -a V } # # «0 { <0 CQ | •Q: >l i i iUi <o: «0 > ci | «{ § 1 H H i i i K -Q S n^' 3; + >i 2 ? "2 + 1 73 ! ; < [ II 1 -Q *;< t»j II j 1 H 8; i- | +i q' i-Q Si ^ c *~ t \ < + is 5 + 1 : CO »- + 1 <> C to; Q 1 « c < <j< II « + 2£o CD K A i r- 8 ^ | i O < co o" i \ |S 1 U c 2 cc c \ >i s i 3b Q x \ i O o j I • ! ip 1 CO- 1 v t- 1 1 + CQ j ". o si '. 1 j 5b (Or V ! x» .o ' CO 1 i CD 09 CQ CO A A . ^AVi^AV|++iAIVi^ CO: c i j • CO c o CtJ ; ! .2 O «M T- a a a a; \ | co ; CO 1 ' 1 a < •Q + B } 1 5 + K ' : <C K | ii ii II II i ^5 C K ! ! : I | \ i < > 5 < < II II o x» o o o o < < "O c 1 _ 1 -a : , CO E 00 C 8 ; C • < is \< + | I co j «<J J i£W ! £W 8 < : j O 1 < O CO CO CO CO t- O is < i 5 i \ + * 8 O g < : O 18 |< 1 i ' * 8 1 O g \ < | 2 ; > ! £i ' j i ; i j • l| \< c M i ! • ; ! i <c { j J3 j ! c9 I ! + 1 to co O O ! ! > ! 1 J <c j <c j i u «s rr CO CO CO > u) a> © CD C> c9 CM j • j i 2. O O 2 < < CO O) N CO D (D t ANALYTICAL GEOMETRY Straight line, Triangle Straight line mx t 1 Equation y = f 2 Gradient m = y2 Interc. form y^ X2 — a for + b ~ * = b 0; =t= 3 f tana*) JC-j Gradient m\ of perpendicular — c /Ifi 1 m, = A?-Z Line joining two points P f 5 f 6 f 7 [x\, : vi) and P 2 yi) and gradient (x 2 >'2) , y-y\ = y2-yi Line through one point P\ y (jci, -y! = m(x - Distance between two points Mid point of a line joining m *i) J = y(.*2~ Jc i) 2 + (.>'2 2 .)'i) two points y™ = yi +y2 Point of intersection of two straight lines (see diagram triangle) t>2~ f 9 *3 f 10 £>1 V3 m2 — tri] Angle of intersection y of two straight lines tan cp - Triangle f 11 JCj +x2 +x3 y<\ +> 2 + >'3 s 3 Centroid 5 f 12 s = , 3 Area . f A 13 Where _ " x and y have scales (see also h 1). (*i y2~x 2 y^ + (X2y3-x 3 y2) + (x 3 y A -*i ys) 2 same dimension and are represented in equal ANALYTICAL GEOMETRY Circle, Parabola Circle Circle equation centre at the origin f 14 f 15 f 16 elsewhere | (x-x f + (y-y o y Basic equation x 2 Radius r + y 2 + ax + by + c of circle = 2 V*o + 2 - y c Coordinates of the centre f 17 f 18 M Tangent Tat point P-\ (xi, y-\) {x-x Q ){xi-x ) y^ >o - y Parabola Parabola equation (by converting to and parameter p may be ascertained) 2py -2py (x-x (x-x 2 = 2p(y-y ) 2 =-2p(y-y ) f 19 20 f 21 y = f 22 Vertex radius r f 23 Basic property PF f 24 ) ) Basic equation Tangent T L: directrix elsewhere ax2 + bx + equation the vertex F: focus vertex at the origin f this c at point Fi P PQ (x-i, y-\) 2{yi-y<>)(x-X'\) >'i ANALYTICAL GEOMETRY Hyperbola Hyperbola Hyperbolic equation point of intersection of asymptotes at the origin f x 25 2 elsewhere 2 v *— - (x-x = 1 a 2 2 (y-y ) ) „ n 2 2 ft Basic equation f 26 f 27 f 28 Ax 2 + By 2 + Cx + Dy + E = Basic property ^7 - F\P = 2a ^ Eccentricity e = 7 V* "° Gradient of asymptotes f 29 tan a = m = ± - *J — p = y a Vertex radius f 30 Tangent 7 at Ft to-x~ b 72 to, yi) )(x-x,) y\ " - y Rectangular hyperbola Explanation bola in a rectangular hyperthus a = b Gradient of asymptotes f 31 m= tana ± 1 (a = 45°) Equation (for asymptotes to x and y axes): parallel point of intersection of asymptotes at the origin 2 f 32 x-y = f 33 Vertex radius p = a c *' Conditions | elsewhere (x-x )(y-y ) = ci (parameter) according to note on page F 1 + , >1 _ ° " ANALYTICAL GEOMETRY Exponential curve Ellipse, Ellipse Ellipse equation point of intersection of axes at the origin f x2 34 —+ a b 2 Vertex f 35 f 36 2 v •*2 elsewhere 1=0° - (jc-xo) 2 . 1 (y-y 2 a b 2 ) 2 radii = ru — Eccentricity ^a 2 -b 2 = e Basic property 37 F^P + FJ~P Tangent T _bg f 38 2a at P^ (xm Ui . a2 Note: F-\ y<\) -Xp)^-^) yi - > and F2 are focal points Exponential curve Basic equation f 39 y = a x Here a constant is is 4= positive a 1, and x i a number. Note: exponential curves pass through the point All x = 0;y = 1. The derivative of the curve passing through this point with a gradient of 45° (tan a + ) = 1) is equal to the curve itself. The constant a now becomes e (Euler number) and is the base of the natural log. e = 2 .718281828459 + Conditions according to note on page ) F 1 1 ANALYTICAL GEOMETRY Hyperbolic functions Hyperbolic functions Definition x = f 40 sinh f 41 cosh x = 2 x x e + e" xk. f f tanh x = 42 coth x = 43 e x X -e" x e + e x e + e~ e -1 2x + e 2x + e -X x e~-e 2x - // V* v 2 2 >o 1 1 -3 -2 1 1 /' -1 1 3 2 1 , , ,— 1 e Basic properties f 7 2 cosh * - sinh 2 * = 44 coth x = f 45 tanh x f 46 tanh x = cosh* v 1 sinh x I ft 1 1 ^- -tanh 2 * = costr* I \ 7 V I 1 ~1 -coth 2 * = 9 sintr* I Ratios between hyperbolic functions cosh* = sinh * = 2 ±Vcosh *-l' \/sinh 2 tanh* 48 *+1 Vl-tanh * 49 Vcoth 50 f 51 f 52 f 53 f 2 I *-! coth* Vcoth 2 I *- I | Addition theorems sinh (a ± b) = sinh a -cosh b cosh (a ± b) = cosh a cosh b tanh 54 (a ± b) coth +) (a ± b) ~ 1 tanh * + cosh * - coth * cosha«sinh6 sinha'sinhfe • coth a coth b ± coth a ± coth b cosh* Vcosh 2 *-1 1 tanh a ± tanh b ± tanh a tanh b • 55 ± ± * _, coth * For the defined * values of f 58 sinh (-*) = -sinh* cosh (-*) tanh (-*) = -tanh* coth (-*) 1 f * cosh* Vl-tanh * * 1 f Vcosh 2 *-1 , 2 1 sinh* 2 Vsinh *+i 1 2 f Vsinh 2 * + sinh* * f coth * = tanh * = 1 Exponent x always has to be non-dimensional quantity * Sign + for x > 0; - for x < ) ANALYTICAL GEOMETRY 6 Inverse hyperbolic functions Inverse hyperbolic functions Definition = function y arsinh x identical f f 56 57 logarithmic equivalents ln(jt f 58 59 VJr+1) = ±ln(x + <x < + _ (X><y< + 00 within 1 ^ X _oo< y + < oo + 2 <1 <y< + oo x = coth y 1-x IjcI x ar coth x = tanh y yV-1) < x ar tanh 2 oo -co primary value + cosh x x = cosh y x = sinh y with defined f ar a> jc-1 IjcI >1 lyl >0 Ratios between inverse hyperbolic functions arcosh x = arsinh x = f 60 61 f 62 ±arcosh\/l +X2 artanh arcoth arsinhu?-1 artanh \T MZ artanh x arsinh arsinh V*2-1 iff ± arcosh-p= arcoshc VlT?~ arcoth arcoth For the defined x values of arsinh(-;t) f f f 65 arsinh a f 66 arcosh a ± arcosh b arcosh f 67 artanh a ± artanh b artanh f 68 artanh(-jt) = b arcoth(-;t) = -arcoth* arsinh (a\/^+T ± [aft arcoth a ± arcoth b * Sign + for x > 0; - for x arcoth ± ab ab ± a < b Va 2 + 1 ± V^a2 --!)^ 2 -"!)'] a ±fc 1 = -1 artanh- Addition theorems ± arsinh 2 58 = -arsinh* = - artanh x 63 64 f arcoth x = ± 1 b ANALYTICAL GEOMETRY Vectors Components, magnitude, direction cosines Vector: Quantity with magnitude and A: Coordinates of the origin x v y^,z^ x2 y2 z2 of the vector a: B: Coordinates of the end-point of the vector a Unit vectors along of vectors direction : , , OX, OY, OZ:7,J, k Components with magnitude and direction i\\oz i f 69 f 70 f 71 f 72 f 73 f 74 a x ay az , -; , a = a % +ay+az "OY = \i\ Magnitude or norm f 75 I a* I = Vax 2 + ay 2 of the vector: la + az (a. f 76 /3, y, ft. 77 f 78 = y cos^3 = Calculation of the a • I cos a -^ la cos 2 a + cos 2 I cos /?, =1 engineering notation. a always I > 0) cos y OVand OZ. 0° ... 180°). -z£-\ la where = a, = \k\ angles between the vector a and the axes OX, cos a = a„ in (I I f or a ' Direction cosines of vectors: cos a, I l/l ft ; cosy = + cos 2 y = components when — la I I 1 la I la l'Cos/3 a, ; ft, y are known: a z = la I -cos y Note: The components along OX, OY, OZ are used to determine the magnitude, direction cosines, sum of vectors and product of vectors. ANALYTICAL GEOMETRY 8 Vectors sum Vector Vector sum s of two vectors a f 79 s = a +b f 80 sx = ax + bx f 81 = sx 2 \T\ = s ; + yfsx 5 +s z -k +s y -j -i =a + b y y y 2 + y S (difference) and b b = az + b z sz ; 2 Vector difference s of two vectors a and b f 82 T = f 83 sx = ax f 84 \T\= -b x yjs x 2 85 f 86 cases for Is 87 f 88 f 89 s \ + S y 2 + y 7 s = az sz ; -b 2 \a\*\V\ 360° 0°; la*l 90° IM + ]/\a\ 2 180° + \~b\ 2 270° \a\-\~b\ Vlal 2 + I6l 2 I = l?l li*l Vector f ] = a -b y y ?£\£ Special f [-t)Ut* a+(-~b) sum = a* + b -c* + ax + bx i-V5 V 2\a\ s of vectors a, b + . . . = 5 x *i -cx + + 5W - , + ay \a\yJY Sy-j + la 1^2 c, etc.: + sz -k (Vector equations) b^ sz = a z + b z -cz + 5, Product of a scalar and a vector Scalar: Quantity with magnitude only Product of a scalar k and a vector a f 90 c =k-a f 91 cx =k-a x If /c (k ; > = fc-a y c y then c ; ft a = cz = is the vector c (Vector equation) 0) c = k-a z k < then c || a ie Example: Force Fa = mass m times a »- c *H o ie (c|0) JMi*l If f 92 m > 0; *) The symbol but opposite fatta"; ti in ^ = acceleration a m-a '; Fa = denotes that the vectors (-D^l and direction. m-a (£>*) are parallel — - ANALYTICAL GEOMETRY Vectors Vector Products of 2 vectors The scalar product Symbol f 93 k = a b f 94 k = ax -b x f 95 <P = b • + ay -b ccos y a — -b z the scalar is k. "•" a = a b-cos + az F and of 2 vectors a for Scalar Product: Dot 1* q> = {k = 1 -\b I I -cos q> 0) — + a v 'b v + a?'bz - x 'b x *-zf \a\-\b\ i^^\^> Special f Ii*l-I6 96 -cos I Example: Work done W, by f f 97 98 W W 360° 0°; 90° = force ^distance = F = F-s -cos qp (W F a force f 99 f 100 —* —* 7""* = axfc c = a-b lc*l = F,s^0) 0; -sin qo = a , c* 101 cx = a b z - a z by y f 102 cy a z' 6 x-a x -& z f 103 f 104 yfc + cS + cases 105 la*!-! I - sin qo f 107 r F sin<p >180°... 90° 360° 180° + \a*\-\V\ M of a force F = Radialvector x force = = 0) 060° -* ic 0°; around the point M M = s2 -> 106 (c b l-singp Example: Moment f ...180°-* £* Ir&^^JP Special f \~a\-\b form a basis f \c\ U =-(ixa) _L a and c*_L , the vector c is ~*\ i~T* c b over distance s s Cross "x" for Vector Product: 270° -\at\-\b\ Vector product of 2 vectors a and b Symbol 180° + li*l-l£l qo -\st\-\t\ Hi O r -> xF (M=0; = r, -(F * F^ 0) 270° -» 5 r )^ fj r^ STATISTICS Basic theory of probabilities g 1 Theoretical probability P(A) If £ is the set of outcomes of an experiment all of which are assumed to be equally likely and an events is satisfied by a subset A of them, then P(A) = n(A)/n(E). Experimental probability P(A) If an event A is satisfied by a certain outcome of an experiment and, when the experiment is repeated n times under exactly the same conditions, A occurs r times out of n, then g 2 g 3 P(A) = Axioms limit (r/n) to the probability A P(A) 0, number of events in which A occurs number of possible events g 4 h(A) g 5 ? P(A0 = g 6 P(AnB)*) g 7 P(A/B) g 8 g 9 = event relative has the probability P(A) frequency 10. The sum of the probabilities events A, taking place must be 1-0. of all possible P(A) + P(B) - P(AnB)*K If A and B cannot take place at once, then P(A) + P(B) and the events are said to be disjoint. P(AnB)/P(B)* is called the probability of A conditional on B (the probability of the event A, given that the event B has happened). the events are independent (if the knowledge that one event has occurred has no effect on*the probability assuming P(A) resp. P(B) 4= 0. and P(BIA) = P(B) P(A/B) = P(A), P(A) x P(B) if events are independent. P(A) x P(A) = 0, as A and A are mutually exclusive. If g 10 g 11 of the other occurring) P(AnB) P(AnA) ) Venn Diagrams The rectangle represents the sum of all events A The large circle represents the event A The small circle represents the event B Hatched area shows the conjunction of the different cases. A AvB A n B A n B ("not" A) (A "or" B) (A "and'B) (B "but not" A) STATISTICS General terms The random variable A The random variable A is a measurable quantity which can take any number x, or a range of values with a given probability distribution. The cumulative distribution function F(x) The cumulative distribution function F(x) shows the probability of the random variable being less than a specified value x. g 12 g 13 F(x) varies between and 1.0. o and F(x) increases with F(-x) = F(x) for an experimental F(x) for distribution x. continuous functions or theoretical distribution Fix) \Fix) The probability density function f(x) The probability density function f(x) shows the number of times one particular value p\ or range of values fix) of the random variable A occurs. F(x) = p\ for 2a F(x) = continuous functions or theoretical distribution an experimental fix) for distribution i f(x) dx fix) 1 i 0,3' 0,2I 1 0.1- 1 t Iff. 1 1 ( 5 6 7 8 X The hatched area under the probability density function curve shows the probability that the random variable A lies between x-\ and x 2 . g 16 a 17 P(x, <A<x 2) \f(x) dx F(x 2 )-F(x,) P(A <x 2 )-P(A <x,) 1 STATISTICS Gs General terms Mean Random variable discrete g 13 g 19 = x r p,+x 2 p 2 + x mean value x or expected • • E(x) or A variable A continuous +x nPn • + 00 n g 20 p. Random = \x-f(x) fi dx - 00 - i where p, and f(x) are probability densities. Variance o 2 Random variable discrete g 21 o2 = + g 22 g (xi-x) + ... 2 A (x n -x) -p 2 A + + 00 = \(x-n) 2 -f(x)-dx o2 pn = hx-,-X) 2 Pl 23 variable continuous 2 pi+(x 2 -x) 2 Random + oo = \x 2 -f{x)-6x-p. 2 g 24 - 00 g 25 where p\ and f(x) are probability densities and the "Standard Deviation". o is called Central limit theorem (addition law) When two or more random distributions and variances o 2 are combined g 26 A the random variable 2 = i = A with expected values A-. 1 n n mean g 27 the g 28 the variance g 29 If the value random n = 2 o = z, 0\ x) = = 2 *i) ', (^) the cumulative distribution is (x p.\ variables have normal distributions, then P(A < where \i function for the standard normal distribution. g 30 Example: If 10 batches of components, each batch having a standard deviation of 0.03 ^m, are mixed together, the standard deviation of the whole at, is given by: tf t 2 = 10 a2 ; a, == ± aVTfJ« ± 0.095 urn STATISTICS Special distributions STATISTICS Special distributions STATISTICS Standard deviation o Determination of a when discrete values are available By calculation Equation g 23 says: = Z(*,-Jc) g 41 i - 2 2 x = with -Pi Xj p\ 1 n = ZXi g 42 2 Pi-* 2 where x are measured values random of the K variable A and are the frequencies of their occurrance. p\ By graphics Standardise the distribution and choose four values of x\ spread across the range, say x 4 x 6 x 7 and x 9 shown in the drawing. , , For each of these plot the cumulative frequency against the value of x\ e. g. 10% to value x 4 38% to value xq and so on. , a straight line can be drawn through these points, the distribution is proved to be normal. The values of the mean x and the standard deviation o are obtained as shown in the diagram. If The mean value x is at 50%. The difference between the value A at 84% and the value A at 16% gives 2o. *^ ^ \ r\ Jj^"^ J 1 *4 If ' —T— 3 5 1 1 10 16 1 20 1 1 30 1 1 1 (cumulative distribution) 1 50 k0 % 1 1 60 — 1 1 1 80 70 less than x\ 1 8^ — 1 l-T-l 1 £ STATISTICS Normal distribution (Gaussian) Normal curve for probability density o 2 = 1 and fx = in g 39 leads to the standardized probability mean value A = 0. cp(k) density with g 43 cp(X) = _J \[2tz <p(A) is given in tables Z 26 and Z 27 be calculated from g 43. < for A < 1.99, but can also The connection between standardized probability density and the real probability density f(x) for \x * and a2 4= 1 is cp(X) (x-n) 2 y(A) g 44 2 a2 <7 where 0\[2jt To use the table, first find the value of the standardized probability density cf(k) corresponding to A. Divide by tf to get the real value of the probability density fix) for the value of x (see g 44). Normal probability curve(Probability o2 = and 1 /.i = in distribution function) g 39 leads to the standardized normal distribution g45 0(A) = \tp(t) As limit means g46 0(k) = df = 1 dt -^=J< for A -» «> and <pM is a symmetrical function that: &(-X) = 1-4>(A) The relation between the standardized <P(X) and the real distribution for u 4= and o 2 4= 47/48 F[x) <P(A) 1 /2^rJ o\[2k "^ e 6t distribution function 1 is where A = —o STATISTICS Probability distribution Gaussian or Error curve The curve based on the stan- is dardized normal distribution using g 45 for o 2 = 1 and u = 0. The area under the curve gives the value of the distribution function between -x and + x of the symmetrical density function (f(t). x _,2 6t g 49 g 50 @ (x) between 0<x<1.99 are given in tables Z 26 For greater values of x look at the approximation in the next paragraph. The connection between <P (x) and the error function is <P (x) = erf (x/\/2~). Values of and Z 27. Error function g 51 •D c.v2)--y erf(x) dt 2 2 g 52 Si" ... n -(2n + 1) Values of erf (x) between 0<x<1.99 are given in tables Z26 and Z27.For x>2 values of erff.vj can be found approximately using g 53 where erf(x) Area beneath the error curve when g 54 erfc(x) = 1 y - erf(x) _ _2 V5T. o (x) and [1-<P a;] in % whole area relation to the for special values g 55 <Pn(X)/% ± a 68.26 ±2o 9544 a 99 99.73 2.58 + 3(7 3.29 a 99.9 [1-4> M]/°/c a = 0.515 a = 0.535 for 2 3 a= 0.545 for 4 7 a = 0.56 for erUx) is subtracted: 6t for < x < <x < <x < 3 4 7 < x <a> STATISTICS Random sampling General: When each individual component is too expentest by random sampling is used. The samples must be chosen arbitrarily to give equal chances for or not sive all parts (i.e. The aim testing possible, good intermixing). the test by random sampling is to predict the probability of the real failure rate of the whole lot on the basis of measured failure or error numbers in a sample. of Hypergeometric distribution: A hypergeometric distribution occurs when the sampling takes place without replacement. The probability P(k) that in a lot of N using samples of n, without replacement, exactly k defective parts are found, is the assumed probability for a defective part (i.e. pN is the number of real defective parts in N and is a whole number). (pN\(N^-p)\ when p pN g 56 is a whole number (If The probability found not that more than k defective parts are is: k ZP(*) g 58 P(0) + P(1) + x - P(k) P N\/N(l-p) ( * \ n-x x )\ pN is a whole number Example: In maximum of 3 can be defective^ = 100, of n = 20 are taken. How many defective the sample? - The probabilities I P(x) are a batch of 100 screws, a pN = 3). Random samples parts are allowed in X P(x) 2P(jc) x = : 1 2 3 The table shows that for 508 508 0391 0.899 0094 0007 0.993 90% ! 1.000 probability one part may be de- fective. Further special distributions: Besides the hypergeometric distribution which takes much time for calculation there are other special distributions for defined assumptions and conditions. In tables G 4 and G 5 these are shown together with the hypergeometric distribution; special characteristics of these are explained. : STATISTICS G 10 Confidence statement; Operating characteristic The confidence statement P(x>k) From a lot N, a random sample of n is taken and k defective are found in it. If the probability of finding a defective part in the lot is p, the probability of finding more than k defective parts in the sample n can be derived from g 57. parts g 59 P(x> k) = P(k + 1 ) + P(k + 2) + . . . 2 + P(n) = P(x) x = k+1 If N is large which is true for most manufacturing processes, and ;;<0-1 the Poisson distribution may be used: R g 60 P( , <^., >M .Y<^.e---1-i X x x = x = k+1 and if the size of the sample k k (np) x 61 _. np = is small, then A 1 (npf L£ + (np)2 + 2! 1! '"' k\ . the confidence statement P(x>k) for the proportion defective in a lot N can be determined when there are k defective parts found in the sample n, or g 61 may be used to find the size of the sample required if with an error probability of p = kin, k defective parts are allowed for a given confidence statement P(x>k). Using g 61 , The Operating Characteristic (OC) A user needs to know whether a lot delivered by a producer meets his quality requirements. Assuming a proportion p defective in the whole batch (p<p he wants to know whether to accept or reject the whole lot if in a random sample of n parts, up to c are found to be defective. The probability ) that the lot will the sample g 62 be accepted on the basis of the evidence of is L(p, c) > 1 - a, where a is the producer risk or from g 57 g 63 L(p, c) = P(0) + P(1 )+.... +P(k - c) or using the Poisson distribution: g 64 L(p, ^(£Zl! e -np =e -np[1 + n c)=2 it! ^(^)! 2! (npY c! . continued on G11 STATISTICS 11 Operating characteristic; AQL-value continued from G 10 Using equation g 64 the operating characteristics may be plotted in two ways: L(p,c) , Type A constant; c: Type B parameter Example T=t 1 of c the 3 <. 5 6 operating 2 1 * p% parameter 3 l, proportion defective 5 *- p% Note: The bigger the value of n, the steeper is the operating characteristic; when n - N the curve is parallel to the ordinate and every article is tested. The steeper the curve the more stringent is the control, n must be > c. The smaller the value becomes, the nearer characteristic approaches p = c n: Example Cil00 1 2 proportion defective Note: constant; = 0. must be < n Acceptable Quality Level (A. Q. L): Agreement between the producer and the user leads to the most important point on the operating characteristic, the AQL-value. The manufacturer needs to be assured that the method of sampling will accurately predict the quality of the lot. If this has a probability of 90%, then the producer risk from g 62 L(p,c) > 1 - a = 1 -0-9 = 10%, but the method of sampling may increase the producer risk. To overcome it, the producer may decide to hold his failure rate well below the agreed value Upc)>> of the AQL to say p ^ which gives a permitted failure of c-i, in the sample as shown in the graph of L(p,c) against p, which is : less than c2 value the originally As a required. of result probability the success in the lot rises to , 99%. In practice, the AQL has a value of about 0-65. n number in random samples c number of the maximum admissible p* po proportion defective -»p% : : defective parts STATISTICS 12 Reliability General definitions g 65 Reliability R(t) Probability to failure F(t) JX(X) dT n(t) 1 -R(t) Failure density df t -fx(t)di e° A(f) g 68 A(0 = Failure rate fit) _ R(t) MTTF (mean 1 d/? R(t) 6t time to failure) 00 00 MTTF g 69 = \f{t)-t-6t = \R{t) -6t systems which can be repaired, MTTF is replaced by the mean time between two errors, the mean failure distance m = MTBF (mean time between failures). Values of MTTF and In MTBF are equal. MTTF g 70 Product rule When ments Ri 1 . MTBF for the reliability ... .. = n, Rn m = Rs = \R{t)-di : of the single elethe reliability of the whole system becomes: are Rs g 71 the reliabilities R2 = R^ . . • . Rn = n/?j i = 1 t (T)+X 2 (T)...X n (T)]dt _ e -J[X ~ p o g 72 1 Note Expressions for the reliability functions R(t) G 4 and G 5 distribution functions F(x) in tables culation use g 66). The exponential distribution, to calculate, usually fulfills the requirements (A n(t) : number number of of elements elements at the time at the beginning t are = the (for cal- const). simple . STATISTICS 13 Exponential distribution Reliability; Exponential distribution used as g 73 Reliability R(t) g 74 Probability to failure F(t) reliability e" function xt -xt g 75 Failure density fit) g 76 Failure rate »»-«-* k const. (Dimension: 1/time) g 77 (MTBF) Failure distance Product rule for the reliability Rs /?s= g 78 1 6t = -J : "^ e"^ - < • . . -(X1+ X 2 + ...+X n )1 g 79 g 80 Cumulative As = failure rate + A2 + A-| . . . * An = MTBF For small values the failure rate can be calculated approximately number g 81 number of elements /.-values are mostly related to g 82 Unit: 1 fit = IC-analog bipolar (OpAmp) Transistor-Si-Universal Transistor-Si-Power failure/10 9 hours 1 10 in fit: 0.2 Resistor-metal 10 Resistor-wire wound 5 Small transformer 100 HF-cool 10 5 1 10 3 Quartz Diode-Si Tantalum gl beginning x working time working hours Typical examples for failure rate A IC-digital bipolar (SSI) of defectives at the liquid L |ectro|yte capacitor ?! solid Alu-electrolytic capacitor 10 Light emitting diode (Aluminous intensity is reduced to 50%) 500 0.5 | 20 Soldered connection 0.5 Ceramic (multilayer) capacitor 10 Wrapped connection Paper capacitor 2 Crimped connection 0.0025 Vulcanite capacitor Resistor-carbon Resistor-carbon > < 100 kQ 100 kQ 0.26 1 plug-in contact 5 plug-in socket per used contact 0.4 0.5 0.3 5 ... 30 plug-in switch Note: Specifications for reliability see SN 29 500, Standard), DIN 40 040 and DIN 41 611. part 1 (SIEMENS- DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS Differential coefficient H Differential coefficients (or derivatives) Gradient of a curve The gradient of a curve y varies from point to point. = fix) By the gradient of a curve at point P we mean the gradient of the tangent at the point. If x and v have equal dimensions - which is not the case in most technical diagrams - and are presented at equal scales, the gradient may be expressed by the tangent of angle a between the tangent at point P and the horizontal axis: m Always applicate is gradient: = tan a rr Difference coefficient The difference coefficient or mean gradient of the function y = fix) between h 2 Ay Ax PP<\ is: + Ax)-fjx) m fjx Ax Differential coefficient Where Ax is infinitely small, i.e. where Ax approaches zero, the slope at P becomes the limiting value of the slope of one of the secants. This slope is the "derivative" or "differential of the coefficient" function at P. h 3 - y' £ = lim - /•« Ay oAx = lim f(x + Ax) -f(x) 6y Ax 6x fix) I DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS Meaning H of derivative Geometric meaning of derivative Gradient of a curve If, for each point x of a curve, we plot its corresponding gradient as an ordinate y\ we obtain the first gradient curve y' = f'(x) or the first derivative of the original curve y = f(x). If we now take the derivative of the first gradient y' = f'(x) we obtain y" = f"(x) or the second derivative of the original curve y = f(x) etc. minimum Radius Q = of curvature g at Vd-^y' 1 a = M M 3 2 ) Centre coordinates h 5 any point x for radius +y' is below the curve where g above the curve where g is is g 2 ^— x is y y h 6 u _ .. . ^y' 2 continued on H 3 DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS Meaning H of derivative Determination of minima, maxima and inflexions Minima and maxima The value x = a obtained h h h > for y' = is 7 For y"(a) 0, there is a minimum 8 For y"[a)<0, there is a maximum 9 For y"(a) =0 see h 19. The value x = a obtained for inserted at at x = x = in y". a. a. Inflexion h 10 For )* "(a \ there an inflexion is Shape Rise and y'{x) y'(x) > < o 13 y'(x) = o h 11 of the inserted is at = x curve y in y'". a. = f(x) fall h 12 h y" = increases as x increases decreases as x increases y(x) y(x) y{x) is tangentially parallel the x-axis at x » Curve h 14 y" (x) 15 /'(*) < > h 16 y"(x) = o h convex (viewed from above) concave (viewed from above) with a change of sign flexion withoutj /(jt)atxhasa jbottom point y{x) y(x) is is I ] Exceptional case Where at a point* = a h 17 h 18 ,(n-1) = y"(a) = /" (a) (a) = 0, ane of the 4 conditions is present: 0, y'(a) y n) n = even number h 19 {n) y (a) y\\™ but * (a) in > (n) y / | / (a) max. ' = uneven number // < {n) y (a) > y (n) (a) < \ ^ i ». I i te- DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS H Basic differentials Derivatives Basic rules function c-x h 21 h 23 y y h 25 y h 26 y + ± v(x) u(x) v(x) = al*l v(x) = V^ = u(x) n-1 en u(x) • derivative C = h 22 h 24 n jc u'(x) y' = u' ±v'(x) -v + u -v' v - u V2 u' • V 2y[7 v{x) M vf^ +U ,. |n ^ Derivative of a function of a function (chain rule) h 27 y = = /["(*)] f'(u)u'{x) dy _ dy du 6x 6n dx Parametric form of derivative h 28 y = fix) fit) dy.dj = fit) dt { = Derivative of inverse functions The equation v = f(x) solved for x tion x = (fly). 30 dx X = (p(y) gives the <p'(y) h 32 = arccos x y = fi x ) gives x = cpiy) = cos y x3 inverse func- /'(*)- Example: h 31 y_ x d 2 y _ x'y-yx dx 2 ~ h 29 h ' y-f(x) 1 \f'(x) s\ny ^|^-x2 DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS Hs Basic differentials Derivatives Exponential functions function h 33 y h 34 y h 35 y h 36 y h 37 h 38 h h 39 40 y y y y - e = e = e = x = = = = derivative x x y' - _x y' = -e ax y' = ae ax y' = e y' = e x Ve^ e x - (1 + *) In a 2 x x = a y = n-a nx y = a y y = cos x = -sin x tan x y = cot X y = {kx) y = cos (kx) y = -a k y y = n y = a a ... _x y a = = y" nx X? x • x2 In 2x • a In a Trigonometrical functions h 41 h 42 y y 43 y h 44 y h h 45 h 46 h 47 h 48 h 49 h 50 h 51 h 52 y y y y y y y y = = = = * sin cos X = a = a = sin = cos"* = tan = = • sin cot n n n * * * 1 sin* = 1 cos X ' — 5 1 I + i t* Ic n 2 * cos X = -=\- = sin x a k 2 -(1 + cot *) cos{kx) sin (kx) sin n_1 -n cos n_1 x- cos* x x sin x (1 +tan 2 y = -n- cot n_1 x (1 + cot 2 *) y = -cosx n sin y = sin tan 2 * * 2 cos * n~1 *) DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS He Basic differentials Derivatives Logarithmic functions : function h 53 y 54 y = derivative jc y log a x y In = 1 X 1 h h 55 h 56 h 57 y y y x a In • ±1 ± X y = y = y = y = coshx cosh x y = sinh x tanh x y coth x y = In (1 = lnx = InV? ± x) n 1 n X 1 2x Hyperbolic functions y = 59 y = h 60 y h 61 y h 58 h = sinh x 1 cosh 2 * = -1 sinh 2 * » Inverse trigonometrical funct ons 1 h 62 y arcsm x y h 63 y arccos x y h 64 y arctan x y ^|^-x 2 1 = 1 = 1 h 65 y = arccot x y = +x 2 1 1+JC 2 1 h 66 y arsinh x y arcosh x y yjx 2 + i 1 h 67 h 68 h 69 y y = = artanh x arcoth x y y y 2 V* -V = 1 1-jc = 2 1 1-x 2 INTEGRAL CALCULUS Integration Integration Integration, inverse of differentiation By integral tion equal to we mean calculus = Fix) given y f(x), the problem of finding a func- such that the derivate of F(x) is fix). Thus fw we hence, - «£*-/w define the indefinite integral i 2 F(x) Here C tiation, is an unknown constant which disappears on differensince the derivative of a constant equals zero. Geometric interpretation of the indefinite integral As this figure shows, there are an infinite number of curves y = F(x) with gradient y' = fix). All y = Fix) curves are the same shape, but intersect the x-axis at different points. The constant C, however, establishes a fixed curve. If the curve is to pass through the point x /y then , >'o F(x The definite integral The definite integral fix) is ) represented by dx F(x) = F(b) - F(a) takes place between the limits a and b. obtained by substituting b and a are subtracted causing the constant C to disappear. Here The integration results INTEGRAL CALCULUS h Integration rules I ntegration Basic formulae i i 5 n Jx dx = 6 /*- i 7 i 8 dx = f^dx u{x) - J[u(x)± V (x)] ——r + C, In + |jc| here n 4= -1 C Ju(x) dx ± Jv(x) dx In |u(jc)| + C + C J 2 i 9 Ju{x) u = \[u(x)} dx (x) Integration by parts i10 Ju (x) v' (x) dx = «(*) • v(x) - Ju'(x) • dx v(jc) Integration by substitution Jfix) i11 dx = //[?(*)] x = here and <p(z) dz <P» dx = dz g?' (z) Example: f i12 F{x) = Where Thus ]\j3x-5dx. 3x-5 dx = = z, — , the derivative expressed in terms z, is z' = the integral 3— = 3. becomes o F(A:).l/VFdz expression: = fz Yz"+ F(x) = C Insert value of z |(3jc-5) V3jc-5'+ C in above INTEGRAL CALCULUS Basic integrals Integrals (omitting integral constant 13 (1n J dx x n-1 a 1 a°*dx b 15 i Injcdjc 16 = x xf-dx = (In J x («=M) r 1 ln|a| In - x |jc| jc(ln 2 - 2x-ln |jc|) |jc| 17 i i i 18 !x 19 jx m i i \r\x-6x = • In xdx 20 J i In |jc| ax dx /<e 22 xe^dx Jxe^dx x 22! ]x e 3-3! 1 m+ {m + ^ '\)' (m * -1) = = ^-(ax-1) [x2 e ax dx = e ax a (In 1*1)3 t In |x| = xn J n In |*| 2 2a: |jc|) ln|(ln|jr|)| x\nx 21 23 + (ln|jc|)| In* y + 2 (In i Q *dx= ±x (- 4 + - ^f a2 a 23 \a n e ax t n a *-dx -jjx n-1 -'e^ax 25 (n* 26 27 i 1 dx A* a 11 fe ab 28 ./fc + c-e' + \r\\b + c-e ax | continued on I 4 INTEGRAL CALCULUS Basic integrals Integrals (omitting integral constant C) dx Jbb + In ac c e |e ax sin b + c e | ax | ax| dx bx dx (a sin a2 + b2 bx - b cos bx) * e3 bxdx je** cos -T ax + b dx = J(ax + b) n ./(ax-Z>) cos bx - b sin bx) l«*»l ln r i a(/i-1)(ax + l^" |n =i- ./ax ax-b (a a2 + b2 6 n_1 &) l * f (ax + 6) (ex + d) bc-ad /;{ax - b) (ex - d) ad-bc ./ cx + d \ax + b cx-rf xdx /* J 1 (ax + 6) (ex + fjcdx J = ax + b 6c-aJ d) In L_b a2 a * 0) (flrf-6c * 0) (bc-ad * 0) ' X J ax + b a4 2 3 L dx [ m Jx(ax + b) _± dx _ Jx2 (ax+b) _1 f (foc-aJ T6 a x dx - 2b(ax+ = J X(ax + bf ax + b a 12 , 1) \ax-b J / (»> a(n-1)(ax-&) n_1 n . In a + - x b b) 6x + a . -7? In 6 I £> a + - b)' + b2 In |ax + b\ J — INTEGRAL CALCULUS Basic integrals Integrals (omitting integral constant C) i i dx x J (ax + 45 (ax + 2 x i i 47 i i i 49 i i \(ax+ J ft) In |ax+ ft| a b) - 2b In \ax+ - b\ ax + b L dx + 58 59 60 a ft| + \ ' —7 \(ax+ bf dx x(ax + bf dx 'x^ax + - 3b b) -^- - ax + b In b 0/ 2 (ax+bf \« 3 'a^x2 f f a xdx +x 2 2 ^dx ax + 1 b 2 \ x I I ax + ft b 2 In 2 (ax+bf 3b< \ax + b\ l b'(ax + ft) dx f 56 57 [ln|ax + L 2(ax + bf ( 52 55 ax + b I 3 bf x 3 dx ( 51 54 2 X a x 50 53 ft) a ] i X a 2 ' i 2 a (ax+b) I(ax+bf /* i 2 (ax + ft) dx x 'x i 2a (ax + I 2x< 2 2 dx (ax + i ax + b 48 /i(ax i b) (ax + b)' (ax + i I (n dx x 46 J_ [ a 2 ft) b) ab'x b' , H a+ 2 (ax + £| ft)' ax ax+ft *^|} 3 2 1 4[ ft 3a m L .a *. + (ax+ft]! _ 3a(ax+ft) 1 |«±ft| + * 2x^ J ax+ft x I 4- arctan J a a ^-ln|a 2 x- +x2 a arctan | a x 3 dx ^+~7 dx dx ^_a2 to ^ -/. _ " = J_ J_ a '2 ln a+x |a-x| _l, n|a2_^ continued on I 6 INTEGRAL CALCULUS 16 Basic integrals Integrals Q (omitting integral constant 2 dx fx Ja2 -x2 fx 3 2 fx _ ox x + a— xt-a2 In 2 J: " dx JaZ-x2 r(aW) —^-^l x dx x arctan -~ 2a 3 a 2 ) dx 2 **2 ) X + x- arctan — 9 a 2(a2 + x2 ) 2a dx x (a — 2 2(a2 +x 2 ) tf+x2 3 + ) 1 tf+x2 2 p- 2a2 (a2 + x2 2 f^ + J_ln| 2(a2 +x2 ) 2 ) 2 2 a +JC | 2 2/1-3 Jtf+x2 )" 2a 2 (n-1)(a 2 +^) n -1 1 2a2 (a2 -x2 ) dx ( dx 2 2 /,(sf-x ) f 2 2 2 2a (n-1) J(a + x 2a 3 ln n -1 ) \a±x\ \a-x 2 dx Ha2 -*2 2 ~ 2{a2 ) f 2 x dx Jtf-x2 H ) x - b 1 2(a2 -x2 2 ) fyJTtx ax + -x2 ) 2a 2 |n '" fV? dx aYTFdx 'ax + b dx 3a = yjiax + bj* 2{3ax-2b)j/{ax + bf 2 2 2 (15a x -12afr;c + 105a° fe = + *| \a-x la 2VF 86 2 ) V(as+6) s (n*1) | ; INTEGRAL CALCULUS Basic integrals Integrals (omitting integral constant 78 79 [ dx J\Jax + b m 2y/(ax + bj a fxdx^ m 3a 2 2 2 [ x J m 2(3a x dx i 15a 3 = 2 J* J* | \/a 2 + x2 + IVc + x" dx fxV> 82 83 - 4abx + 8b 2 )\f(ax + b) ' ' 81 v 2 yfax+F 2 2 fyja + x dx i yT^T^ 2{ax-2b) J^/ax+b Q 2 2 -* 2 ± arsinh 3 ) Va 2 +x 2 dx - | Vfa + x 2 ) 3 - j- y^S dx - ^£±2?- ai^S Uy/a'+x1 '* 2 a arsinh " +x - a 84 85 i i 86 87 dx I* 13. dx /vfc - Va2 In 4 arsinh Va 2 + x 2 2x 2 2a 2 2 J_ m a + Va +x | I x | —J 89 90 Vjir+jr dx / i 91 J. n a i •'xVaV dx 92 2 >^z a+ | Va 2 +x2 x | VrW continued on I 8 INTEGRAL CALCULUS 8 Basic integrals Integrals (omitting integral constant dx f * x3 2' _v2+ = — 2X2 ia c Va 2 +* 2 /V?7? d* i = 2a jx 2 ^a 2 -x 2 dx x dx f x 2 dx f a yJ(a o 1 a : dx ^*? , '+W-* n x \ \ Va -* 2 a?* d* a+ / * 3 \4 2 2 dx = -a 2 dx -|- = = \*\Ptt*x - ^V^ 2 1 \J(x 2 2 f \/(* -a 2 -a 2 -a 2 arcosh 3 ) " a 2 ) 3 '+ ^Z^ 5 ya -x 2a J 2a' x' jx 2 yJx 2~^aT dx ^ 3 ) : 2 ^T^ \x\lx -x 2 3 ^%^-a^V^? ^ Jy^-a 2 5 vS^7 I ) 5 arcsin x3 dx VaT -x 2 f 2 5 V(a -x tV*" •/ 2 ) a'-jfdx f a 2 2 3 -fy(a -x ~^(x\f = 2 dx 2| [ a / Va 2 -x 2 In 3 yja^+ x Q V 2^ v |a + a 2 y (* V* " ^ - ^ arcosh V^a!g 2 3 INTEGRAL CALCULUS Basic integrals Integrals (omitting integral constant —— -a <x i i 109 i i i i dx = yx Y* ~a 2 113 114 115 sin* ax dx /sin 3 ax dx / sin " a2 a arccos r + arcosh - \ I I 2 Q 3 2 - a2 1 Vx a v o + <r- arccos -^ x 2x l 2a 111 112 Y a +r~2 4" %^d* 110 2 i , cos ax -g- x 1 2 4a 2ax sin 1 ax dx = cos ax 1 sin" • ax + rca ¥/*"" (a? i 116 J i i x sin 117 118 x 120 sin 2x ax dx = -^ sin ax dx fsinj 119 f sin a J x2 f sin sin ax dx ax dx ax sin Ix2 ax - .iixl i 0) sin g ax - sin c 1 i- £ cos i + iaxl_iaxl + 3-3! 1 . > 2 5-5! 7-7! ¥*•/' dx ax dx an integer x cos ax (Zx2 6 j 2 a ~ = ax is ax dx a . /" cos ax .„ 121 122 I cos ax dx 123 2 cos ax dx = 2 + 4^" 124 cos 3 ax dx = -=- a sin sin 2a * ax sin 3a 3 ax continued on I 10 INTEGRAL CALCULUS 10 Basic integrals Integrals Q (omitting integral constant — n n Jcos ax dx = na sinax-cos xv ™e cos I ov- Hv axdx —— cos5 ax + x = 2x x c cos ax dx = sin cos I* axdx 6 ~ : ax dx i ax 2 \ h] sin ar \a — = - i sr /3X2 2" n ^^fcos n J ax + 2 /x cos ax + -5- 1 sax + ^ ax i ^H 3 ( \a a sin ax i cos ax dx x2 f cos ax f x J / / ' r/i-1)x -— ax dx = 2 tan' axdx — = axdx tan tn = In | tan n~1 / cot ax dx = -j | = sm aax ; sin n-1 /" sin x i i axd. n-1 (n*U i ax( i tan" ' ax • dx J (*=M) sin ax\ 1 i 9°fl32L_L 0X »-2 ax . 6x (n*1) tan — dx = _ 128 i 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 2 cot ax Jsm n ax 127 L„„ ax ,„ In a /; i i cot ax — i cos ax| ax cor ax dx [cot°ax dx = /* In sinax-dx X a_ n"1 i(n-1) / /" J cos ax = . n tan tan cos ax _ X 126 J i J 125 1 139 cos ax r a(n-1)' sin "'ax + n-2 f dx rt-Wsin n_2 (n>1) 140 INTEGRAL CALCULUS 11 Basic integrals Integrals (omitting integral constant xdx 1 sin f i J i i i ax _* = 146 147 i i i i i i i 152 153 154 155 ri a(n-1) cos n tan ax dx dx - 1 - tan ax + -* = Itanf^-f 4 a In At dx ->(f-f T ^ j ax n J 2 a ax sin bx dx = sin (ax + bx) 2{a + - |- cos ax + x n cos axdx = |- sin ax + J —^ _dx X cos ax _dx /; ax n^ax cos ax - bx) (|a|*|6|) 2(a-b) (|a|*IH ^^*5^(i«i*i»i) = 156 _l sin (ax b) axdx ax dx f s]n ax (n _ cos(ax + fex) _ cos (ax - bx) 2(a + b) 2{a-b) cos bx dx ax sin +„„ 1 cot cosax cosbx6x , Jx («>D < \2 dx /sin J |cos ax| 1 tan^ ax n-1 ax dx cos ax sin sin ax\ t sin I* | ?)l fc 149 151 tan ln dx cos n ax 148 150 In a^ a sin i cot ax + dx cos^ ax x dx cos ax 145 t Q 1 -*- a 142 143 i 2 x - j Jx j- J n_1 xn cos ax dx ax dx ~ sin =l|n|tanax| |tanf^ + 4 ^ 2 contin. on 12 I INTEGRAL CALCULUS 12 Basic integrals Integrals (omitting integral constant sin 3 dx ax cos ax dx cos' ax 'in sin ax 2 cos n sin / J J / axdx 159 160 1 161 S[ " mTn J m ax cosn "2 axdx an odd number, solution for the Remainder-integral: is m ax dx = cos ax x dx = x arcsin arccos x dx = x arctan x dx = x arccot x dx = x sin" ,T arcsin x + • • • ax ' a (m + dx = sinh {ax) 2 2 y 1 -x arccos x - y -x 2 1 arctan x - — In arccot x + — In sinh J n x • dx = 1 + x2 — coshx • cosh (ax) 1 + x2 i 163 i 164 i i -| sinh dx = ^- sinh (ax) 162 n_1 165 166 I i -x */ sinhnx > • [n / i i — cosh (ax) dx = ^-sinh (2x) x (m*-1) 1 2 Jsinh 158 ax a(m + n) J J 2 cot lax cos 2 ax m ax-cos n i 1 + tan ax In I • + If cos a* I — 157 2s\n 2 ax \ tan^U 2 1 dx sin' tan ax | sinajc • dx = ax sin ax ," In a Q dx i 167 168 169 0) i 170 INTEGRAL CALCULUS 13 Basic integrals Integrals Q (omitting integral constant Jcosh J cosh 2 x dx = ysinh(2x) n x dx = in (ax) 7 2 tanh n 6x = /,sinh ax d.r .'sinhr f J ax dx cosh ax ( dx /;coshr x / J J — In = | cosh 4a (ax) x dx \ | sinh (ax) Jtanh n_2 * x dx (n x dx (n 4= 1) 1) | coth n_1 x + n "2 Jcoth ax In |t< 2 coth x 2 c arctan e a tanhx • arcosh x dx = x • artanh x In --|- x dx = x arsinh n_2 = x - coth x jcoth n x dx /- Dsh (n>0) dx - ^- coth 2 x dx / • 1 n_1 x + dx = - -|- tanh x coth (ax) J smh x cosh n_1 x + ^j— Jc n dx = x - tanh x /« nh x J dx = 1 -i- yx 2 + 1 2 arcosh x - \/x ~ 1 arsinh x - dx = x artanh x + Jarcoth x dx = x • • — In 1 - x2 1 arcoth x + -r-ln|x 2 -1 | INTEGRAL CALCULUS 14 Application of integration Arc differential Vd* 2 6s H 189 + 1 y' 2 moment static 1 1 + dx surface area where the curve rotates around the .v-axis arc length i + dy 2 xjyi dx 1 + y ,d dx of a curve y-axis .v-axis b b t i 190 Mx 2 =Jy^+y' dx A/ = +y' 2 J*Vl y \ a a coordinates of center of gravity A/v 191 ys s volume body where rotating A area rotates around the y dx 192 static V moment = 2 jv J y .v-axis dx of a curve in relation to the u dx 193 By- J xy dx coordinates of center of gravity 194 tfv of a body, the cross section .4f of which is a function of x V = j A, {x) dx — INTEGRAL CALCULUS 15 Application of integration Static moment 195 = Af yz body of a the y-z plane) (in relation to x yz 31 J dx Coordinates of center of gravity i 196 Myz — V = JC,. 5 Pappus theorems Surface area of a revolving body Am = arc length times 5 the covered distance by the center of gravity 2-JC-S -y a = 197 Volume V (see also formulae A 189 and i 191) body of a revolving = area i times distance the covered by center the of gravity = 2 A 31 (see also formulae y i 192 and i 194) Numerical integration Division of number area into an even n of strips of equal 199 . yn W^f £1^2 Then, according to the Trapezium ! t ^wIw^1v^^\J\\vnJs\ rule *>1 A 200 Simpson's 201 202 A = | (y + 2y, +2y 2 + ... + yn ) rule for three ordinates: ^1=| Simpson's - (yo + 4y! + y 2 ) rule for more than three ordinates: + + |[>- +>'n 2(y2+>'4+---+}'n-2) 4(yi+>'3+---+>'n-l) INTEGRAL CALCULUS 16 Application of integration Moment of inertia (Second moment of area) General By moment about an axis x or a point O, we mean the products of line-, area-, volume- or masselements and the squares of their distances from the jc-axis or point O. sum the i 203 of inertia of dm, 6A Moment Second moment of inertia of area /** Steiner's dm -1 x2 kg m' theorem (Parallel axis For every mass moment of following equation will apply: /„ = 204 / yy line, will area and volume theorem) inertia, kgm m/. Similar equations dA both axial and polar, the 2 apply for moments of inertia: 2 /^ + Al s Moment in of inertia of plane curves relation to the x-axis y-axis >n ,b 7 oy 205 = /** V 1+ J ,2d * a 7 XX : I m, / s : A : : moment moment about a general axis xx about the centre of gravity total length, area, volume, or mass distance of centre of gravity from axis or point of inertia of inertia J . INTEGRAL CALCULUS 17 Application of integration Moments of inertia, centrif. moments of plane surfaces By axial second moment of area of a plane surface in relation to an axis x or v within the plane we mean the sum of the products of the area-elements d.4 and the Kii squares of their distances from axis x or v, respectively: -/: 206 dA A given function y h 207 - r, cM j fix) yields: v-axis .v-axis i = \f * -j r y dx By polar second moment of area of a plane surface in relation to a point within the plane we mean the sum of the products of the area-elements dA and the y squares of i from point 0. their distances r r I dA 208 ot Where other, pole 209 ^ XU C* — — , X the relative axes of / x and / y are perpendicular to each the polar second moment of area in relation to the O (intersection ff dA - of axis f (/ x and y) jT) dA = is: /x + L By centrifugal moment (product of inertia) of a plane surface in relation to 2 axes within the plane we mean the sum of the products of the area-elements dA and the products of their distances x and v from the two axes: x-y 210 One of the -m dA axes being an axis of symmetry of the relative plane surface results in / xy = 0. to an inclined axis x'\ Where moments in relation to two perpendicular axes x yk and y are known, the second moment of Conversion area l u in relation to an axis inclined x' by an angle a with respect to the .v-axis can be calculated by: 211 Ix cos 2 a + / y -sin^a - / xy sin 2a /x , / y , and / xy INTEGRAL CALCULUS 18 Application ot integration Examples in moments conjunction to second on page 17 of area I Rectangle yM ,31 U' 212 i - -h J 3 Jo o i i 213 Z, 214 T i i bh 3 «w(f) b3 h y ///XX//// Vy.'Vf/^rV b^h r . y 3 " " ' bh 3 215 k 216 _,_ b 3 bh h _ h. ' ,, 2 f(b< + h 2 ); 217 -xy " ~2 /ps As x' and/or symmetry, / x y 2 . h b 2 ±J^ 12 ' 2 i y '\\ bh; = 6y y'-b b h {bh) = (~2~ dA \r 2 = ^(fcW) / are axes of is zero. Hence: . Circle i i i 218 frr 2 2K r 6r 219 220 £L£! = £L»! = Ze " 2 " 64 4 as x and _y are axes of symmetry. j y i = 221 Semicircle i i i 222 / = 223 224 / 7p A y -2JC R 2 2J> V^ 2^- A ~y 2^ dy = dy XR -r- jiR' = 2 0, as y Regular polygon i 225 is axis of symmetry. 8 y 'x V* 2 a 2 (6fl^ y 2 2-48 V -a') 48 /vw = r K : : radius of inscribed circle a: radius of circumscribed circle n: length of side number of sides INTEGRAL CALCULUS 19 Application of integration Second moment 'Moment of inertia' of a ^ Where ($£- + (see I ) volume of a solid cuboid is rM7\ the polar 12/ V12 moment of of inertia of a rectangle 18), the equation for the Z-axis: 226 ,z J Moment a -^(b 2 + h 2 dz \12 12 ) of inertia' of a circular cylinder for the axis Z: 227 /¥ A Jtr h dz h-~- \~~ for the axis X: 228 Dynamic moment of inertia (mass moment The mass moment of inertia / about a product of the second moment of volume the density i 230 /v is the about the axis and g. J 229 i of inertia) particular axis where Q e.g. for a cylinder = Jy g = y kg /vz For other mass N , kg m moments 4 m h 2 of inertia see r M 2 3 Kh s 2 , VA s 3 m~ 3 kg dm" 3 , about the axis Z: jtr 231 m2 mr 2 2 DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS 1 General terms Definition of the Differential Equation (DE) A DE an equation of unknown functions which contains deri- is vatives derivatives) (partial the of unknown independent variables. The different kinds Ordinary Equation Differential M unknown functions (ODE): the depend only on one independent and functions are: variable, e.g.: y = f(x) y" + 2x 2y = sin* Equation (PDE): the unknown functions depend on a number of independent variables, e.g.: Partial Differential 2v W *x„dx ]2 Partial sidered x=f(u,v,w) 9v 9w du 9v Equations will not be specially conas methods for Ordinary Differential Equations Differential here, can be applied. Ordinary Differential Equations J'3 Form: F Where y y(x), y'(x), (x, (x) n th derivatives; x J4 Example: y'" y<n)(x)) ... unknown the is = 0. function, y' ...yl n ) are the 1 + m(x) y'(x) + n(x)y 2 (x) + p(x)y = (x) st to the independent variable. is j5 Order: the highest derivative occuring the above example. J6 Degree: in the ODE»3 th q(x). order the highest exponent of the unknown function and 2 nd degree in the above example. in its derivatives; j7 Linear: ODE function is means, that the nighest exponent of the required i.e. an ODE of degree 1. one; ]8 Homogeneous ODE )9 Inhomogeneous ODE J10 Solution: y = y(x) Integration The general solution C2 ..., Cn . 0. = 0. ODE means, that this function 13 y '(x Q ) =>>; ... its yields the solution. of an « th order ODE contains n constants These constant are uniquely determined from n boundary conditions. J and ODE. ODE )11 J12 C,, = of an derivatives satisfy the of the q(x) implies the forcing function, q(x) implies the forcing function, y (»-V(x The particular integral ) =y m-u of the ODE is a special solution. DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS Linear Differential Equations Methods 1. ODE Transform the one into an to solve ODE of the standard forms listed in J 6, J 8 ... J 12. 2. Application of a special method (cf. J 8). Using this method ODE can often be reduced to a standard ODE of lower order or 3. Use transformations, of D18 cf. degree J 9 (cf. ... J 12). particularly of the Laplace-Transform D20. ... Linear Differential Equations Form: y<"> J 15 J 16 Here y = i 17 to /? + p x (x) y(«-V + ... + Pn _ (x) y' x + Pn (x) y = q(x). y(x) is the required function, y' ... >>(") the 1 st derivative of y(x) and P^(x) ... P n (x) are functions th of*. General solution of a linear inhomogeneous ODE. y = ^hom + Solution of the homogeneous ODE hom is C,...C n . Jhom = 20 Cy x x (x) + C2 y 2 (x) + 12 give solutions for Equations. J 9 ... J tial j 21 v hom determined by setting the forcing function q(x) = 0. Each linear homogeneous n-th order ODE has n linear independent solutions y-\,y~2---yn witn n independent constants _y 19 JVpart is determined to find solutions. J and ... 2 nd + Cn yn (x) order Linear Differen- inhomogeneous ODE v part * 0. J 3, J 6 and J 7 suggest how 9 and J 12 give solutions for 1 st and 2 nd Particular solution y pan 1 st of the for q(x) order Linear Differential Equations. DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS Linear Differential Equations Particular Solution Determination using "Variation of constants" when _y hom of a linear « th order ODE is well known (cf. J 2, 20), the following formulation always leads to a particular solution: j j 23 Method J24 to Form y P an = c iM y\ + ciM yi +•••+ determine Cj(x), C2 (x)...Cn (x): cnW y n - the simultaneous equations C{(x) y 1 + Ci(x) y 2 + + Ci(x) y 2 + C[(x) y[ + C'n {x) y n = + C'n (x) y'n = ... ... yx (*-V + Q(x) y 2 n 2 + ... + C'n (x) y n ("-V = + Ci(x) y2 ("-V + ... + C'n (x) yn (n-D = q(x) = 1, 2... n using the above equaDetermine C (x) for C[(x) < > C{(x) yi (n-D j 25 ' i : tion system. j 26 Integration of Cy (x) for = i 2... 1, rc yields the values of Cj fjcj for the solution. Example: Solution fory part of the „ 1 . .. 2x. J27 28 Ace. to j 29 j 30 let j 31 using -J»* dx + J* 121: ^hom C, C, Inbcl + C2 y 2 (x) Q and y 2 using y fjcj = In = C 3^1 + C2 (X) y 2 = 1 ODE: IjcI >>part j ^ \ C[(x) Nqw 24 1 Inlxl hence QY*; = Integration of C SO C A 2x2; (x) and C2 C2 = -2*2 !nW W = - Sx= = |*3 Jpart = 1*3* InW - |*3 ; = Ci(x)*l (xj gives: (x) t + - j\ flnlxl (Inbcl 3 ; 9 General solution: j 35 3Wt= C l* lnW + C2 + 9* 3 >'hc = Check: a: - £ + 1*2 jc2 3 (x) + Ci(x)^0 = 2x fcj J32 + C9 y x (x) Ci x2 x = 2x X = 1 DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS Linear Differential Equations 1 j 36 Form: st + p(x)y = y' The form corresponds here J 37 j 38 j Example: _y y = y hom + y pan sin x = I x = j 110 from j 109 the homogeneous solution ' = C1 .Vpar J sm xe = -sin ~. , Check: y + v' C 42 " , = e- = - r 0; is: £ Cx |o. with is e dx e ) sin x. Mxl = J(sin xx^i - cos x jc = 2- — Q x ,n d* ,nlxl y = y hom + y?an = J41 q(x) 110 the particular solution j m = 40 d C,e^ = 39 p(x) J(sin x e j j from from j y, + I = y' 15 for n = 1; the highest derivative hom and y pan are given in J 2 and J 9. to J 2, Solutions for is >•'. ODE Order Linear q(x). is Ci -j- sin \{C + sin x) X + , x cos - cos x- sin x + x. . sin x ^ x determined using the boundary condi- tion e.g. j 43 y(x j 44 Then: j 45 Gives ) = 1 = ^(q + sin f) - cosf = y- Cj : 1 for x = ji/2 1. 2 nd Order Linear j 46 y" Form: + p : (x) y'+p 2 (x) The form corresponds tive and is /'. J 12. v to J 2, Solutions for y, ODE = <?W j 15, for n = 2; the highest deriva- y hom and y part are given in J 11 DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS Linear Differential Equations Linear 2 nd order 47 j J48 Due the y" Form: + + lay' = b2 y i 50 y - si Overdamped j 52 j 53 J 54 .Vhom + j j 56 j 57 j 58 j 61 62 > . k2 Critically damped solution: Jhom = y pan Underdamped ^hom = ypan = a2 q(x) = b2 dx + x e-™ Je k2 solution: e-^lQ = a2 + C2 cos sm(o)x) \[b 2 -a 2 = e-"sin(ft«; | e « cos(w;cj = ^ b2 ^ 6x q(x) = A ' = arccot b + 4a 2 0) o 2 2 -0) 2 o _ *) s'\n(oj x) S n (°>oX-r), /4 y < J> sm(o)x) q(x) dx special case -Vpart where: oj - q(x) dx * (ax)] = and: - CiS-^+Cixe— = -e~ ax jx e™ \/(fc 2 -a> 2 ) 2 j : 6x Note: For the 60 15 r - e-»cos(o>r; j j k2 = a 2 - b 2 solution: with 59 to J 2, ^part a(-a+k)x ><-a+k)x 55 q(x). a and b are constants =t= 0, is a forcing function q(x) General solution, according j with constant coefficients great 49 j ODE importance of this ODE-type for oscillationproblems, special cases are considered. to is: DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS Linear Differential Equations ODE Linear n xh order j 63 a n -y< n > Form: 64 j 65 = cients <q(x) Let x + a ... y' x + a^ = ODE order q(x). with constant coeffi- 0). y = e"; = re rx y(n > = r"-e rx homogeneous ODE of 63 y' Substitution in the braic equation: j with constant-coefficients ~^ + -y( n homogeneous n xh Solution of the j + an _ . . leads to the alge- j a^ 66 . ; + an _ rn 1 ~1 + ... + a r x + a = 0. The roots r1( r2 ... r n can be determined. Depending the type of the roots, different solutions fory hom are found. j Case a) Case *> + - + Cn e ?hom = c e "* + Q-e' b): There are real single and multiple roots: 67 r1t r2 ... rn are : and real different: r" x 2 '* i = rx j all on = r2 ... = rm QrvX , rm+] , rm+2 rn , . qp+r* C + + + + Cm -x m -^e r r x + Cm+1 -e'™ + i* + ^hom - 68 C2 -x-en* i = + C2 x + ... + Cm -x m ~ + Cm+l -erm*vx + ... + c„er» x e'r* (C x l + + Cn -e r* ... ... ) x *> + . Case There are conjugate complex roots: c): = a + r-j J 70 r2 i/8; = a ~ P= X = C v e^+C2 -en-* •; = e^-fA-cos /3x + fl-sin y h0 m A = C + C2 x Particular solution of the ; 'T- fix) 5 = ifQ-C^ inhomogeneous n th order ODE with con- stant-coefficients y P an = The form given les are SiM + SiM + of the particular solution ». +s*to- depends on gfo). Some examp- in J 7. Using an appropriate form fory part the derivatives y'^, y"part etc. are found and substituted in the ODE. By comparison of the coefficients, the unknowns av and p can be determined (cf. , example on *) Cv C2 . . . Cn J 7). are arbitrary constants DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS J Linear Differential Equations ODE Linear n xh order for q(x) J74 AQ + A X X + A2X 2 + J 75 J 76 A cos J 77 B sin ]78 J79 J80 J81 J82 J83 ] 84 j 85 j 86 j 87 j 88 t a xm 73 J 89 90 i 91 j 92 j 93 A cos mx mx mx + D mx sin A e^ cos mx B e^ sin mx A e^ cos mx + B e** 94 =re n y' ; ODE the of example =0; r2 = 1; ei* + C2 &>* = C mx /te^ sin J 6, 65 j mx let: e rx 85 gives j = 1; r2 = -1 e* + C2 e- rx x % sin 2x = a cos 2x + = ~ 2a s\n2x + 2B cos 2x = -4a cos 2x - AB s\n2x /part Equations -5a cos 2x ; a = used sin 2x = cos 89 and j - 5/3 j 91 Check: y' = = ODE (line j 85) yield 2x. of terms yields: and therefore y pan = —| C x y" = Cj -y . in General solution: x = /horn Vl + ^Jv part.= C,1 e1 + C,2 e~ Jv y" sinh ft /part = ft of: y parX ft sin y"=r2 ; r2_i C, mx /? a e^ cos mx + + + according to form of rjc = 1 ... + + 2x; in mx + a cosh mx s\n Example: y"-y = cos y = e + a^ " + a^c m ... + + A cosh mx B sinh mx A cosh mx + B sinh mx y hom mx + a cos Comparison j x 1 A-e** Form j a + a x + a^x 2 + aQ + a x + c^x 2 + a-e^ A^" + ... Substitution j with constant coefficients Form of y par = A J72 7 Cj ~j cos 2x j -tcos 5 +y sin 2x 2**2 ex - C2 e~ ex + C2 e~ x + j 4 cos 2x ex + C2 4 cos 2x - C -C e2 + x e~ x + -j -i-cos 2x = cos 2x x ex - DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS J Reduction of order 8 Reduction of order by variable-substitution to solve an n th order ODE o <J E o E o 6 E E o o E o *> Sec c o O- 61x5 ^ £ W ^ .Z II -O 3 ft) (i, * | Q, ft. II II V, >s ft.-ol"o II + II V "ss "ft. II II + XX c o C/) 3 4- i i H <n <? <3 $ + J « ' CQ s + » ^ o t= & S £ c i -Q + >, W ci, J? y. u|cm ^ <d 1 * r'r «? tf II H ft. >s 1 0) ^ 1 ^ U * + + o ^7 ® r~ '-.HKiU H II ^ QJ II 1 ?sQ >% o> _>> OJ E 3 >> X ••1 CX ^ ii | II II + tf H Ol-D ol-D-ol-a II + 1 ft, CO c$$$ * ^ | loo coo coo c o ^ * .. -^ II ^ + — — !5 !5 — 8q.« X > ° <D :»! CO <-> co S-'l >, 0> CO = ^ > £ tv % co -2 ~ ra O > CO « (DO •^ -o c ? ® o „ 11 u U II jm „ • >< u • ° " 0) ,r ^ LU T O - Q .c o E o LL ^ « • c c X 5 <5 * o ^ a> ^ + E ;* to H II s 3s, "? X X ,„ S SS >> II Q. £ U U U U U oV ©JE^OOtflOUl -S? -,- II jj ^ ^ c ~ l -ii E 5 X^ II "ex, ftj II II a, ft. =N pn II 1 <P II II II II cxX >,V "K^ >s i; i V ok © ft. ^w ^ Uj O 000)000000 t- CM CO •<* lO DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS 1 st J order Differential Equations v 3 J into and "re — .2 5= equation. c c c.2 « x OJ E E o of c/> right separated and .1= 9 2, ~ ^>s of 109 03 j E o O^ J using §§ c ° particulary cf. cf- the Determination left of be variation - 2> W— C variables O Oi3F O .Q the CO side The solution ^hom o o* ™ x: oj constants the <n Q. can h~* 1 E o y .c J =^ * H** r- ,5. i Hh + c g D O H + D T3 n 0J H i 1 ii + '<D u CO g T3 0J Iq. 3 £ oj H 73 + ex y II 1 1 < PS T3 OJ "* ^-r § 0J « , II II ii ii 60 3 c o I ,-> s 31* II , or) .Q + SI H "Ol-D . oa, CO oItd ^ + a + + E -icq. II II ^ 2 H I e "ol-o II "* ^ oj V ii 2. St4<^ ^ u II V^ NX 'oj i ii ® II ii 4- E o 3B II oa. + II u_ ^7> a T31T3 <=; ii + ii + OJ "O -Q 03 — LU SlTO 18 IS <D OJ CO CO 901 >-LU ElQ wi50 ! zo K 0J ,_ O) 03 -f 63. F O PW o5 "P LU 03 11? 8 O— O "O LU ^ 601. f OU f OJ 1*8 H tn X 80 OJ II Ul f — » DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS st 1 c ft -£•i E E o i des 1 111 w° "or o _y. §?||» curv integr E <5o2o c ** £*~ and - w Q. o =Etj, w.E © arameter x T3 gular 0- ** •«- ~ rr 9. r. J one b solu known must in z; Inhomog. cular as in ~ ©*v nvelope ion UJ solu O C elimination .„ 10 J order Differential Equations least (0 (0 r X ^ 1 D>^ .£, 2. X n 5 ca- 1? s c o + a, H o > CO ^ s 1 ^tf ^® + II ft II H •^ HI ft dItd ft, 1 1 II II H c o 3 Pn a; ""P II |i- K) 1- <D <U If ^ + + x $ * jft, ' PN > ii >ii * >, HI ft, ft, ^ ft, CO II .o 3 CO II II II V V, "" II II N + E X «; R 3^ o II 1 Cf Ps H II Pn ?S > aoQ T *^ 3U c f siii U l ^ ^ iO Q.O Ej J= <° ei < fl 1 O HI ft £ + § + X ps to © = f . 0> 05 £ 3UJ-D 0)UJ OT3 o Eo © to x: CO ii N ^<~ + II .2 "2 uj (0 + *» t> H X -D c PS GO ii C V + o T3 iu *- II _^ £ ii 11 II PS o r^ u_ ,_ J f N II + " 5 ^ ^p- ii ^ft, | H I Pn S£: J=^ — ^ T 1 ^ t I ^-n -> ll i ll N 2? (0 OC UJ "D CJ)LU CO T3 "-"s; QU f 9U f s DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS J 2 nd order Differential Equations — CD c o E E o cd "frf^ c-Qc v — o ro 3 ro CD O ill "D « ~ * w + T *£-* > c o 3 O CO ii i H > ^i + ^ « II ^ + ^i * .E & a> * 7 7 * £ II •: * -Q > + f? "O 5! O ** C CD -H- CD H || ^|| 1 CD o ^U C% ^ o II S £ II II >% ?s II £ II >, ?s ro ,* p^ >* >s Q. ?s + S H a © ® is. x. CD v. ii ii II i + II T3 " 1 . CO " + ^ c &^ i. II or e I ** ^ II + Q. CO Ps H ^ ^U 3*3*S* ^ II O ii $ > <N c o 3 *. o + + ' K, -C o u H * ^0) +1 . E o « ^— C" + II + «* H + II o cs r <D 1" O O J T ^ OT II 1 5 > -a * 3.1 + -C _ o sz 1 V p^ £" II PS O CO sz X3 -£ —v ^ ii E i- <D -p £ O A n± + CO go 5 w t-O «}•»-:£ o " C « ii a- H Ocx> o — c if •i: , o 7 —® c O o 3 3 -^ • >, o + c + ~ ci ra co ' ^ c ^U CO 1*8 m * c - II II « *; en O J 1 11 E o a i: ""sL six tj|t3 ?s 3 ii CO ^ >s~X ps O II II II ^ II V Ps. ^ o o Gr- ?s o II ^o a + E o 5 X + PS + 2 + + ^ II ** V, "ps. clslsSi ?E C CO CO CO igliil 1 Uf v» cB £ 8LL f wO 6U ^ E c E 0j!0 F £-w ? x 1 + Ps a) ^co c T3 II <3 2 ^ + II X X ^ >^ " o o f 021- f ra 5s» t2Lf V DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS J 2 nd order Differential Equations W O c *" «— m— o) c CD > O o£.£ CO E E o OT c 3^3 ||,lfi i -^S-s" ^ O C °o ^ CcioroE^ ^2 b - o g ># (0 $o" o + = a) -S CT) — • 111 E (0 o raio a5 -> .H ^ .E -o r o *; „ ja o c o > c c5 CD ea 12 ,., T3 + + '"*" 3 c o 3 O + ^ T3 + 3 T3 « ii > "O — CO ^ > II 1$ II + 5 ,i 'cd , SI* f ^ "J? O, a3 ^ « II II >; p^ ?s -31^ 1 > v 3 X 5 'qj , ^ 31 3|X i3: ~r* IS ii ii fir a> ex, + 's § -* • o + II "° ex. 5 3 s 3 3 ii c 3 II o 31 PS 3^ T3|"0 i a. 3^ +oE CO 3 •- II II II "^ II II 3 3 II II K M VV V, V, s V^ Ls^ 3 ^ II II xv,v <*-, 3 -ol-O II U II II 3 Ps V, Vs II >. II — C* + II V 3 ^ II ll H ? > o -^ u. II II \\ <*-» >s ^H E o 53 33^; > Is < s 3"ofc> CO "3 o II II V V <*-, <*-, ex + + V >, = II X X + + V V 05 fe g § "D ~ k: E o i,« m E C X 11 ii 11 "2 JB -55 .cE 221 f §o> Eg E| E-a ®|ri V £ o yE E >S ^.2 .2 cnQ» 300 jepjo pu g O o3 j5 fe a) != en « oQ E eft ezt! 1 W ill 52 n| 921. o) "Ew f.E w <D .52 "V =^.<2 UJ ,_ Q mO"E C 0) O m ° s? I ° CM E f Z2t f 821 f STATICS K General terms General theory of equilibrium and with the of external forces acting on stationary solid bodies (e.g. support reactions). The contents of page K1 K14 are applicable only to forces acting in one plane. deals determination Statics with the . The most important quantities of statics and . . their units Length / Is a base quantity, see preface. Units: m; cm; km. Force F (see explanation on M 1) Being a vector a force is defined by its magnitude, direction, and point of application. G Gravitational force Definition: force of earth's attraction point of application; centre of grav. S line of action: vertical line intersec- ting centre of gravity, direction: downwards (towards perpendicular earth's centre) magnitude: determined by spring balance. k_* Support reaction FA Force applied to body by support A. Resultant force FR Force representing the T* T total action of several external forces. Moment Mot a force F about a point The perpendicular distance from point to the line called lever of arm action of force F is /. k 2 and F2 form a pair of forces. The moment may be represented by a vector. F2 = -F, F, = F k 3 Moment: F-i ; M = ± Fl Moment theorem: The moment of the resultant force the sum of the moments of the individual forces. is equal to STATICS K Forces composition Graphical composition of forces diagram of forces force polygon ^1/ A number and a common point of forces of application F3 k 5 k 6 ' link polygon A number link r of forces polygon^ n JF link w -3 beam pole and any random point of application beam ^sf ^ link Construction of the link polygon Draw force polygon and determine pole O so link rays running parallel. Draw pole polygon rays. pole beam beam as to avoid any Construct link such that link rays run parallel to corresponding Thereby each point of intersection in the link polygon corresponds to a triangle in the force polygon (e.g. triangle F-i-1-2 of force polygon corresponds to point of inpole rays. tersection F-i-1-2 of link polygon). STATICS K Forces composition Mathematical composition of forces Resolution of a force k 8 F cos a k 9 + Fv F F = a tan sin a Fx signs of trigonometrical functions of a see table k 16 to k 19) F (for M Moment (for of of a force ±F-l M, k 10 about a point Fu = X r*y signs of trigonometrical functions k 16 to k 19) a see table Resultant force FR of any random given forces XFX k 11 components FRx = k 12 magnitude FR = + k 13 direc- k T^ 14 distance k 15 Rv tana R = , / * |FR FR / R = sign of ; 2 + FRy sin k 16 . k 17 k . 90. 180 .. 270 .. . 18 k 19 FRx FRy , x a / , , , y aR / R : : : : r~\P^ [ F Fr — Rvv1 = ; R Frx cos»a R = -£= FrR (moment theorem) | sign of aR a, 2 aR ZM Signs of trigonometrical functions of Quadrant *)!*& IF = ^oi— = R y FRx F — angle of I FRy cos a x, y; Fx Fy tan , a x. ; FRx> F,Ry Rx r , Fv F , c 90 . c . 180 270° . 360° . components of FR coordinates of F angles Fand F R distances of Fand parallel to *-axis FR from and y-axis reference point >. *> FRy STATICS K Equilibrium A body Conditions of equilibrium when both said to be in equilibrium force and the sum of the moments of any random point are equal to zero. k 20 k 21 k 22 with is forces graphical common closed force point of application x force polygon vertical axis and link polygon closed arbitrary Simply supported Find reactions mathematical lF =0;lFy =0 polygon parallel to the resultant external forces about all beam R A and R B Graph, solution lution IFx =0;IFy =0; ZM = W and W2 with point loads : : : : Ra 1 1 s R* IV2 / -•— M b (z) k 23 k 24 k 25 mL mF H : : : mL H = v* - -m F kN m, N cm, N mm scale of length = true length/diagram length scale of forces = force/diagram length y* vertical distance between closing pole spacing line 5 and link polygon. : | Mathem. solution: R A = w^/l + W 2 l 2 ll\ RB = (W, + W 2 ) - RA Distributed loads are divided into small sections and considered as corresponding point forces acting through the centres of mass of the sections. Wall mounted crane problem (3 forces): Find reactions F, STATICS K Lattice girder member Mathematical determination of (Ritter method - Method loads of Sections) F, O upper U lower boom diagonal D boom member Determine the support reactions from K 4 (girder on two supDraw a line X X through the framework to the bar in question, but intersecting no more than 3 bars. Take tensile forces as positive, so that compressive forces are negative. ports). . . . moments Establish the equation of and internal forces taken section of two unknown forces. ternal Rule for moment Where Where turning turning Example (from problem : ZM = about with moments the point signs of of exinter- » moment moment is counter-clockwise the sign is clockwise the sign is is positive. negative. the above girder) to find force F^ 2 in bar solution Draw a line X and D 2 meet U2 . : . . . X at through C, 2 this is section selected so that the - D2 the - U 2 Since the . point relative moment 2 and lines () 2 of inter- D 2 may equal zero. Proceed as follows: k 26 + a-F U2 + b ZMq F2 -c(FA - F,) b F[j2 F2 + c(FA -Ftf STATICS K Lattice girder Graphical determination of forces 6 members in (Cremona method - Bow diagramm) k 27 Basic principles * Each bar is confined by two adjacent joints. forces only act through the joints. The external Procedure Establish a scale of forces and determine the support reactions. Since each force polygon must not contain more than two unknown forces, start at joint A. Establish identical order of forces (cw or ccw) for Joint A: Force polygon all joints(e. g. FA - a-b-c-d-a. F^ - FS - FS2 )i Keep a record of forces being tensile or compressional. Joint C: Force polygon d-c-e-f-d. etc. Check Forces acting through a single a polygon in the Bow diagram. joint Forces acting through a single point ces form a triangle in the framework. in in the framework form the diagram of for- STATICS K Centre of gravity Arc of circle k 28 k 29 k 30 k 31 sin r y a 180° r^_s n a y y = = >> = 0.6366 0.9003 0.9549 b r at 2 at 2 a a = r r at 2a = = c 180 c 90 c 60 Triangle k 31 5 is the point of intersection of the medians Sector of a circle 2r sing 180° k 32 y k 33 y y y .. 3-n-a = = = 0.4244 0.6002 0.6366 2r_s 3b at 2a 2a = = at 2 a = r at r r c 180 c 90 c 60 Trapezium k 36 a + 2b a + b A y 3 Sector of an annulus k 37 R 3_ r 3 sin a R 2 -r 2 area R 3 -r 3 s R 2 -r 2 b 2 y 3 2 k 38 3 Segment k 39 of a circle s y 12 fo 3 A r area A see B 3 For determination of centre of gravity 5. see also I 14 STATICS K Centre of gravity 8 Determination of center of gravity of any random surface area Graphical solution total area A into partial areas A-\, A 2 A n the centers of gravity of which are known. The size of each partial area is represented as a force applied to the centre of area of each partial area. Use the force polygon (see K 2) to determine the mean forces /1r x and A^ y operating in any two directions (preferably at right angles). The point of intersection of the lines of application will indicate the position of the centre of area A. Subdivide the . . . y , 11 fi_ h A3 *2 | W f * i # V.-J.—J-_.- h ! t .-, . 'S 3 st vr P A R* X 1 3^-s 1 a 2 1 *fi Mathematical solution Subdivide the above A2 . . A n we now ; di- stance in total area A ' V- into partial areas A-\, get general in A, A^ the above example x : >'1 + + A 2 x2 A A2 >'2 + A 3 x3 + ^3 • ^3 A >'s Note: i a In the above example the distances *i, y 2 and y 3 each equal zero. STATICS K Friction 9 Force acting parallel to a sliding plane static friction k 43 limiting friction = u sliding friction u = u > k 44 k 45 k 46 k 47 < A (variable)<p p-i FZ force from zero move, to until Fz-\ value rzo As soon as starts rest reaches the motion c = O u o . happens, the body Fz drops excessive force will this sliding, Any Gu. now in- the o k 48 to increasing compensated by an is FW1 without causing creasing body c gradually i '-= Fw whereby sliding friction accelerate the body. for oe acting Force applied obliquely The force F needed weight k 49 F G G = > g {a to set in ~ Vo a- [1q sin motion a body, ): cos a sin Q sin(a-po) to maintain the motion is ascertained by replacing // by //. No motion possible when result of F is negative (a < p ). The force needed ^Wl Fz, < ^v ^zo friction force • Fz ' traction force -, p-i , fi p , pi: , p: I friction coeff. ( angle of friction I see Z 7 1 STATICS K Friction 10 Inclined plane General The angle a clined plane is tan a k.50 which a body will the angle of friction p. at = tan g = move k 51 = n ^T* base tan g (horizontal) a < g Condition of automatic locking: Friction properties constant velocity maintained by tractive force F parallel to base inclined plane i ^ motion upwards k 52 G T F cosp < a< ^5>^ f g < " F a*: = / /^/. / v ^L G i sin(a- p) body F G- cosp static friction replace Titling angle } of F = G tan(p-a) cosp A. G Note: For sin(p-cr) G *//?<? */< / a < a* 54 tan(a + p) ^5r g 53 G = V downwards k sfv\\ g\ sin(a+p) downwards k ^Sf^ /s\ < a < a* pi by ,« in- A Application in the experimental determination of the angle of friction or the friction coefficient: H down an easily * md = p by - ' G /< r- tan(a-p) - STATICS K Friction 11 1 / v\'v\\\vvw tan (g-i + driving k 55 in k 57 1 loos- k 56 + tan (g 2 + gj) - tan g 3 x tan (a 2 + g 2 ) ening F2 m /7 ) g-\ a, locking ^ + a2 = F F2 = Ftan(a-2p) 1 tan(a 1 - g : ) + tan(a 2 - g 2 ) 1 + tan g 3 * tan (a 2 - g 2 ) automatic F tan(a + 2p) a ^ 2p p 0l + ^q 2 Screws U M M n^ ¥ ¥ h k 58 k 59 turning raising M-, = Fr tan (a moment when lowering M = F tan(a-p) 2 conditions of automatic locking when lowering k 60 k 61 raised efficiency of +p) M M2 1 = - " " tana + g) »? = f = ta r\(a tan (a - g) lowered ' moment lowering moment (tan a = r-^) 64 angle of friction (tan g = k 65 angle of friction (tan p' = fi) cos/3/2 r : mean radius of thread p' tana tan(a + p'] tana N m, N m, lead of thread k tan (a +p') tan(a-p') tan(a-p') tana raising k 63 Fr Fr a < a < p screw when k 62 r [kgf m] [kgf m] STATICS K Friction Bearing friction longitudinal bearing radial bearing P^§K k 66 A/ R t*q moment : ^l Mr F bearing (not constant values) radial h friction of a | ^ U— - ft of friction coefficient of I V. r2 -r-F = H q EB V^ V/7/7 / IfeJl' MR 12 longitudinal | determined experimentally as a function of ,u q and fi\ are bearing condition, bearing clearance, and lubrication. For run ~ ti L = ^q- Always use r-\ > to allow for luin condition: (a Note: k 67 k 68 brication. Rolling resistance Rolling of a cylinder k 69 k 70 F-£fn~£g Fw < Rolling condit.: F\fj\ / : // FN force of rolling resistance arm lever of rolling resi- stance - value on Z 7 (caused by deformation of cylinder and support) fi : coefficient of static friction Displacement k 71 F between 27 fl J k 72 k 73 where /1 = /2 = / and n G2 < G! 1; \\v M IB Gi F /t r , : G2 ~"1 weight of plate and one cylinder : : lever arms radius of cylinder of force of rolling resistance number of cylinders n I : F * Q£srf < tractive force and/2 : and support sh +nf2 G 2 )G 1 = (/i^/2 cylinder, supported by cylinders of a plate STATICS K Friction Rope 13 friction traction force an d friction force for lowering load raising load k 75 F, = e» FR k 76 s = (e" a -G F2 = e^ 5 G -1)G FR (1-e»a )G = • Formulae apply where cylinder is stationary and rope is moving constant velocity, or where rope is stationary and cylinder at is rotating at constant angular velocity. k 77 Condition of equilibrium: (F : force without F2 < F < F, | G e _t * • s < F< G • e * 1 5 friction) Belt drive k 78 k 79 k 80 wound-up^ k 81 k 82 Fy FR Ma a (x k : frictional force of : driving torque : : 83 v e tangential force of driving wheel : : rope angle of contact (radians). Always introduce lowest value into formula friction (value of experience for ciefficient sliding of leather belt on steel drum: \i = 0.22 + 0.012 v s/m belt velocity = 2.718 281 83 . . . (base of natural logs) STATICS K Rope operated machines 14 Rope operated machines The following bearing figures deal solely with rope rigidity, disregarding friction. unknown fixed free quantity sheave sheave '/////. pulley block ordinary differential '////s 1 '/////, ff£) QQ m> m GO go k 84 £ F^ • e G 1 + e 1 + e n Li (£-1) £ n -1 e + 1 -U--1 k F 85 k 86 k 87 k 88 2-h n-h force mechanical advantage F-, F F : : : £ = \e iH° i-« effort k 89 1+e -1 f_ " G force required to raise load, disregarding bearing friction force required to lower load, disregarding bearing friction force, disregarding both rope rigidity and bearing friction — ' : loss factor for rope rigidity (for wire ropes and chains « efficiency number of 1.05) s sheaves h : : path of load path of force KINEMATICS General terms General Kinematics deals with motions of bodies as a function of time. The most important quantities and their units of kinematics Length see K 1 Units: m; km /, Rotational angle Unit: rad Time , t a base quantity, see preface. Units: s; min; h Is Frequency/ The frequency of a harmonic or sinusoidal oscillation is the ratio of the number of periods (full cycles) and the corresponding time. number _ J Units: Hz (Hertz) = Period T The period T 1/s = of oscillations corresponding time cycle/s; 1/min % is the time required for one full cycle. It is the reciprocal of the frequency/. I "7 r 2 Units: s; min; h Rotational speed n Where an coupled with the rotation of a corresponds exactly to one full cycle of the oscillation, the rotational speed n of the shaft is equal to the frequency /of the oscillation. shaft, oscillation tightly is and one revolution of the shaft n min " Units: revolutions/second - /: / - lor (1/s) rev. /min. r.p.m. (1/min) continued on L 2 KINEMATICS L General terms continued from L Velocity v The velocity v is the respect to the time t: Where the velocity 5 1 1 derivative of the distance s with first = v 4 1 2 ds — dt = s constant, the following relation applies: is - • i Units: m/s; km/h Angular velocity The angular to, angular frequency velocity to the is to first derivative turned through q, with respect to the time 1 6 co = dw — - of the angle t: w * = dt Hence, for constant angular velocity: 1 7 ao = SL t Where/= n (see frequency 1 1 3), the angular velocity 8 = to Units: equal to the angular to is to. 2jzf = 2nn = <p 1/s; rad/s; 1°/s Acceleration a The acceleration a is the with respect to the time t: 1 dv — a 9 derivative first = = v dt Units: m/s 2 ; km/h 1 2 ; is the dco a 1/s dt first with respect to the time 10 Units: rad/s 2 d — 5 o 2 the = velocity v s 2 Angular acceleration a The angular acceleration a lar velocity to of 2 • ; 1°/s = 2 Tt • derivative of the angu- t: a d2 w " d? = " KINEMATICS General Distance, velocity, and acceleration of mass point in motion Distance-time curve An s-t curve is recorded for the motion. The first derivative of this curve is the instantaneous velocity i " 11 It -i ft slope the is v. % - • s(?) the 6t tangent to the s-t curve. Velocity-time curve The velocity-time history a v-t curve The curve. is first is expressed as u(u) derivative of this the instantaneous acceleration a. is the second de- Hence the acceleration rivative of the distance-time curve. 12 a 8 m Av Al a = %> = V dt the slope v-t curve. It is df the tangent to the The shaded area represents the distance travelled s (t). Acceleration-time curve The acceleration-time history is shown as (a) an a-t curve, which enables peak accelerations to be determined. a > 0: acceleration a < 0: retardation a = 0: (decreasing velocity) constant velocity (increasing velocity) EF Note to diagrams The letters in see L 4 and L 6). brackets apply to rotations (for explanation KINEMATICS The most important kinds of motion Linear motion Paths are straight lines. All points a of ^~Tv* Vr / J body cover congruent paths. i Special linear motions uniform uniform accelerated f | I 15 v = v Q = const, a = h u motion constant a. Rotational motion Paths are circles about the axis. Angle turned through <p, angular velocity to, and angular acceleration a are identical for all points of the body. Special rotational motions uniform accelerated uniform | motion I 16 (o = = const a = a co = constant | Distance velocity s, celeration a f are and tangential ac- v, proportional the to radius: I I = v = rco 17 s 18 centripetal acceleration rep ; ; a = r Harmonic a = a an = t co 2 r = oscillation pendulum—;-} \ /•2 i«' Paths are straight lines or circles. The body moves back and forth about a position of rest. The maximum deflection from this position is called "amplitude". Instantaneous position, velocity, and acceleration are harmonic functions of time. KINEMATICS Linear motion Uniform and uniform accelerated linear motion uniform accelerated retarded constant uniform a = a = u= const. EU un > ° = H, > 0) < 0) (a (a n t^r m I + vt 19 2a 2 I I I 25 V2^7=^ = 20 21 Vq. + V) = V Q u + a 2 - 2^ 23 a i> a _ 2s v j cm km + 2 as -2 at =yjv 2 -V0 2 V2 25 t 2s t + = \Au 2 t V - Vg _ 22 t m/s cm/s km/h v const. r I ar (v v -Vq 2s vQ + v a m/s' cm/h 2 km/h 2 mm h Note The shaded areas represent the distance time period The tangent s covered during the t. ft represents the linear acceleration a. KINEMATICS 6 Rotational motion Uniform and uniform accelerated rotation about a fixed axis uniform II a=0 co a = = const. COq = COq i > (a accelerated retarded constant uniform EU > w ^^ ^T 0) (a<0) t 3 rnssfZt t*J I f t m af_ m 2 co t 24 2 I m 25 (2 a.tp = 2(P f 2 co 2a at -f - -^(co Q +co) = co Q t + -at 2 rad COq + at = 2 y <y +2 a <p 1/s m/ms rad/s - at = const. 26 27 ft) _ f " 2^ 2 t _ Q) 2 2 \J(i) -2aq> 1/S CO 2cp -COq _ CO* -0)( ~ 2<p t Z mm/s 2 rad/s s 28 f = 2jp CO CO -COq a !£. O) + OJ min h Note The shaded areas represent the angle of rotation cp covered during a time period t. (Angle of rotation tp = 2 ji* number of rotations respective 360°* number of rotations). The tangent /3 represents the angular acceleration a. 2 KINEMATICS Oscillations Linear simple harmonic motion A body supported by a spring performs a linear harmonic oscillaFor this kind of motion, quantities s, v, and a as functions of time are equal to the projections s, v, and a n of a uniform tion. rotation of a point. uniform simple harmonic motion rotation position 29 I cp = cut+cp b=r{cot+cp ; s ) A -s\n (cot + cp v= = Acq -cos(aU + r- a) df 31 a= 0; cp ) acceleration-time curve acceleration I ) velocity-time curve velocity 30 = 2 ^7 - -Aco an = at Differential equation of simple • s\n(cot <Po) harmonic motion 2 d 5 = 2 a = ~ (OS 32 6? s displacement angular position at time r = A amplitude (max. displacement) angular position at timer <p r a n centripetal acceleration radius of circle r radius vector (origin: centre of circle; head: position of body) B, C extreme positions of oscillating point <P : : : : : : : : 1 ) KINEMATICS Free projection fall, Free free (without air resistance) and fall vertical projection fall u„ = vertical] upwards project.] downwards v v > < +h height initial h' 33/2 h=-g-t 2 /2=-vt/2=-v 2 /{2g) h=v -t-g-t 2 /2=(v + v)-t/2 = -2hlt = y/-2gh v=v -g-t = \fv 2 -2gh v=+g-t 33/3 t 133/1 I I height =-2hlv=y/-2hlg = + v/g =(v -v)/g t v Angled projection (upwards 34 I 135/1 I 36/2 I I I I 37 38 1- - cos = tan s v = \[v = \/v H W= cp -g s • -2gh' 2 + g2 2 - -sin v 2 -s\n2cp/g ^I a 1 v (2 2 • cos 2 s\n -t ? = v ^ax ° | 2 /g; H, = W,- tan cp- g-W, 2 / (2 v W, = -v cos Vq 2 cp (v • sin cp Hmn 2 v -v -cos 2 y/?/[2g); 2 ^-v.yfi/g t ± Vsin 2 cp-v 2 - 2gH\ Wi + £v Horizontal projection {cp = 0) 142/1 I 42/2 -g 42/3 v = y/v tH : : 8 + g2 -t 2 H time for height for distance w time f v t2 2 0) cp) (2H, J\--*2 V g-W, ! < cp' t 141/2 tang? = cp w = 2v -smcp/g 141/1 141/3 downwards g?/(2g) eS 45 2 -2 g -v 2 v -smcp/g; 40 0; + v) Vjg t hmax -gt 2 /2 = u 39 > = 2h/(v /2g; h± 2 2 cp cp h = v -t-s\r\cp 35/2 136/1 I = v s 2 W v v velocity : initial : trajectory velocity KINEMATICS 9 Motion on an inclined plane on an inclined plane Sliding motion excluding un- including | known friction param. 43 I a = li = g a sin (sin H > a - u cos a) — (a- g) cosg sin 44 I at 45 I a y r * \j2as t at' 46 I Ml yr 2 2a Qo Rolling motion on an inclined plane excluding un- known />0 /=0 I I gr 2 + k2 see above 49 see above 50 0. . . a 51 \ar\a = ^a ^ Li 52 * . I I + fc 2 45 46 tana r r r r2 max : p + k2 tan a. -f k2 pipe with low solid cylinder ball I r2 48 2 I cos a a - r sin flf-r- r2 I including | friction param. wall thickness *-£ k2 = r 1 2 + r2 2 2 ^ r 2 lever arm of rolling resistance see k 70 and Z 7 -2 acceleration due to gravity (g = 9.81 ms ) radius of gyration (see M2 and M3) tilting I I 53 54 angle, where center of gravity S vertically Z (see Z coefficient of sliding friction (see 7) coefficient of static friction 7) angle of sliding friction (/x = tan g) angle of static friction (^ = tan g ) above tilting [edge KINEMATICS 10 Mechanism Simple Conn-Rod mechanism I I I I 56 2 = r(1 - coscp) + jf rs\n = co r sin cp (1 + A cosg?) 57 = 58 = L 55 a) 2 (cos r cp 4 / I crank (A is called the 2<p) 6 " 2nnt = cot = 59 + A cos 11 cp ratio) Scotch-Yoke mechanism I I I I s = r sin 61 co = corcos(cot) 62 a = - co = 60 63 co (cot) 2 — v - r s\n (cot) 2xn (motion is simple harmonic) Cardan joint For uniform drive the oft-drive will be uniform due to auxiliary shaft non-uniform uniform drive /- T, H M fi -3— **k For being located cos 6 tan shafts all in one plane the following relations apply: I I 64 tan 65 co 2 cp 2 = CO) = tan — 1 I 66 cp, = tan cp3 cos 8 -sin 2 B<X2 C0 3 slrrcpi = 2 sin 2 /?- <Ui (1 = cp^ tan CO) cos 6- sin cp 3 = tan co 3 = <p-| co-. 2^ -sin^-sin 2 ^) 2 Both axes A of the auxiliary shaft be parallel to each other. joints must The more the angle of inclination p increases, the more the max. acceleration a and the accelerating moment M a become; therefore, in practice p < 45°. DYNAMICS M General terms 1 General Dynamics deals with the forces acting on bodies the terms "work, energy, and power". The most important quantities and their units m Mass (is of in motion and with dynamics a base quantity, see preface) Mg = t; g (see also A 2, A 3, A 4, A 5) mass of the international standard. A mass measured by means of a steelyard. Units: kg; kg 1 the is Force (gravitational force) F The force F is the product of mass m and acceleration F = ma The G gravitational force the force acting on a is is a. m mass due to the earth's acceleration g: m G 2 mg = Being a gravitational force the weight W is measured by means of a spring balance. Units: N;(kgf; N 1 m is = 1 m see also A 2) Ibf; when the force that, kg for s" 1 1 s, acting on a body of a accelerates this body to a accelerates this body at of 1 is the gravitational force acting on a (i. e. 1 m s~ 2 ). mass final 9.81 of t N mass velocity (= 1 kgf) kg due to the earth's attraction. W Work The mechanical work is the product of force F and distance s, where the constant force F acts on a body in linear motion in a direction parallel to the distance 5 covered (W = F s). Units: N m = Joule = J = W s; (kgf m; ft Ibf; see also A 3, A 5) Where a force of 1 N acts over a distance of 1 m, it produces the work (energy) of 1 N m (J). Power P The power P is the derivative of work with respect to Where work (energy) increases or decreases linearily with power is the quotient of work and time (P = Wit). Un i t s : W (Watt); Where (kgf m s" 1 ; a constant rate, H. P. ; see also A 3. an energy of the corresponding power for a period of s 1 1 W = 1 J/s A 1 is time. time, 5) J 1 is W. converted at DYNAMICS Mass, Mass moment of Definition of the mass moment The mass moment of inertia of inertia of a M inertia J body about an axis has been defined as the sum of the products of mass-elements and the squares of their distance from the axis. Ir 2 Am J = = Jr 2 dm kg m2 N m , s 2 Theorem (Parallel axis theorem) (see Where the mass moment of inertia of a body of mass m about an axis through its centre of gravity S-S is 7 the mass moment of SS Steiner's also J 9) , about inertia distance /s a axis parallel O-O at mL Radius a will be: kg m' of gyration k The radius of gyration k of a body mass of m and mass moment the radius of an imaginary cylinder of infinitely small wall thickness having the same mass and the same mass of inertia J moment is of inertia as the hence body in k Vf k2 mgk* question. m, cm, mm Flywheel effect G flywheel effect = g J (k Equivalent mass (for rolling 2 kg cm s *, N m^ formulae see M 3) bodies) kg Basic formulae linear moti on formulae m 9 m 10 m 11 Fa' m 12 m 13 W WK WP w m 14 p f -- ma = N Fs(F= const.) N = rotational ,(kgf) m,(kgf m) A* a = J a W = M (A/ = const.) WK = \ja> 2 (p = \mv = Gh J .(kgfm) (0 = jFAl J .(kgfm) W F = ±MA0 2 '3F-" J W .(kgfm) ,kW mot ion formulae units P = Inn m N m J s" t , (kgf m) , (kgf m) , (kgf m) , mirr , (kgf 1 Ws W = a units N , kW 1 m) DYNAMICS Mass, Mass moment of Mass moment axis of inertia M inertia about axis b-b a-a passing through centre of gravity 5 (turning axi type of body circular m = J 15 \mr 2 hoop b\ 2 m .2 16 _ 1-2 2 cylinder m 17 m 18 k m 19 J m 20 : m 21 J m 22 k m 23 m 24 m 25 J m 26 k m 27 2 = \m{R 2 + r 2 - ^(R 2 2 = r k ) w mr ^r 10 2 2 2 V 2 = R 2 + ^-r 2 short bar bar + y«*V 12 y = |r 2 + 2 — {3R - ^™(Ar 2 S = = J ) k 4/- + h = 2 2 + 3r (4ff =\mr k m(R 2 ^(3r 2 ) ; m 4/? 2 + 5r< ) b fcW + c torus b = -l(4/? 2 + 5r 2 ) - 2 \r 2 3 2 ) sphere 28 k 2 2 ^/ 2 d,c<zl + h + *' ) -§«* + «*) ] 2 + h 2 *.--;!• 2 hollow cylinder 2 = = ) J thin m + 2 2 ) UJ'-J short bar, thin bar DYNAMICS M4 Rotation Total kinetic energy of a m WK 29 = \mv* + body \j s co Kinetic energy of a rolling m m 30 31 W« = j (m + m vs = (o r red ) vs 2 body -- J, [kgfm] J, [kgfm] no sliding 2 m/s, km/h Rotational torque m 32 M m, [kgf m] 2 ;rn co Transmission ratios Transmission 33 Torque m ratio driving ^2 z2 "1 Q)-\ d\ Z-i rt Q> 2 Q ratio M moment of force moment of load 34 2 F Ml — / h it) 6% J Efficiency m v work produced work applied 35 output <>yy driven input Overall efficiency for a series of transmissions 36 V ™red = see V-\ • V2 • V3 • • • m 8 velocity of linear motion of centre of gravity accelerating force accelerating moment kinetic energy J, potential energy J, energy of helical spring under tension extension of helical spring J, angular defection of spiral spring m] m] [kgfm] [kgf m] [kgf m] N, [kgf N m, (in radians) [kgf — DYNAMICS Ms Centrifugal force Centrifugal force Fz 2 m 37 m 38 m 39 Fz = ma) 2 v = r = 4n 2 mn 2 r = 2jzrn ^f- Ni [ kg f] N, [kgf] tfr^L \^ -J m/s, km/h m 40 = (0 2n n 1/s, Stresses in rotation v r i \ 1/min bodies J (appr formulae) Disc (JO °z 2 r2 ' V2 Q Q 3 F*~ 3 N/m 2 , [kgf/cm 2 ] v „ Ring m a2 = 42 —^ (r^ + f!^ + r 2 N/m /s : e : Fz : Jq : J$ ' M^ : ^e : ' : i>f- Wke F z_ ) [kgf/cm 2 ] instantaneous pendulum swing centrifugal force N, [kgf, gf] mass moment of mass moment of moment required 1 inertia inertia kg kg rad = 57.3° E velocity at F kinetic energy m2 m2 , [kgf , [kgf m m s s 2 ] 2 N m, [kgf ] cm] N/m 2 kgf/cm 2 [kgf/mm 2 , period of oscillation {B to 5' and back) : about about S to deflect spiral spring tensile stress velocity at mm mm mm m, cm, m, cm, m, cm, maximum pendulum swing by oz T , 2 distance from centre of gravity : / 2 fTV< ^ l^ Wj , s, ] min m/s, cm/s, km/h at £ m/s, cm/s, km/h M m, [kgf m] I DYNAMICS Harmonic M oscillations 6 Mechanical oscillation General T= m 43 period m 44 stiffness 2jz\jf N/m, [kgf/m Al m 45 frequency / = m 46 angular velocity a> m 47 Critical speed = — \ min 1) s V— = 2nf s"\ min n c of shaft 2 m (see L 48 n = 300 m V 10cg mr V 9.81 iSfl N 2-bearing shaft, load symmetrical asymmetrical ^££S overhung (cantilever) shaft ,X- i m ^cz>X. c/ / m 3EI 48EI 49 2 a -b A / m I : : : c Cq ~ 2 3EI 3 / deflection or elongation second moment mass. When of area of shaft cross section calculating the critical assumed speed the mass m be concentrated at a single point. The mass of the shaft should be allowed for by (e. g. of a belt disc) is a slight increase c„ : stiffness for transverse oscillations to DYNAMICS Harmonic M oscillations Pendulum (Explanations see L 4) Conical pendulum m 50 m 51 - T-2„\Jf tan 2^'^ia a 9 m52 -if Simple pendulum The arm of a pendulum has no mass, the total mass is represented as a point. m 53 m 54 Ve -e'tff m 55 WKE = = 2 mg mm s, '>IF vF = m/s 2 2 Vf(e -/ N m, J, ) km/h [kgf cm] s, min 2/ Compound pe ndulu m m m m 56 N 57 58 m s Nms 7s=G/s(-^-^) 91 4 Jt 2 , 2 [kgf cm s ,[kgfcms 2 ] 2 ] \ body with centre of gravity S is suspended from O, distant /s from 5, and the period of swing determined the mass If a moment of inertia lated using m about O can be calcu- 58. J Torsional pendulum m 59 s, For explanation of symbols see M 5 min ft-? DYNAMICS M Impact 8 Impact m 60 m 61 When two bodies of mass m-\ and ni2 and velocities t'n and U21 collide, the total momentum p = m v will remain constant over the whole impact period (velocities become 1^2 and p = m-| • v-|i + m2 • L'22): m-| t>2i • m2 u 12 + • v22 Impact-direction direct and velocities parallel normal to surfaces at point of impact concentric impact oblique and concentric impact any random of any random normal velocities oblique and excentric impact Types normal to surfaces at point of impact through centre of gravity of both bodies to to surfaces at point of impact impact impact^ elastic velocity after m 62 m 63 concentric impact m 64 coeff. of restitution equals zero after impact impact Vn(mi -m2) + 2m 2 velocity after direct and V21 _w rri\ = 1 v 11 02 U2i(m2 -mi) + 2mi £ w » m (171) and +m 2 + m2 y2 i £ 1 = will vary after (172) impact: 65 E = tV2 here «r1 the tangential component has no effect on the impact. 0^ e^ ' normal to surface /at point of impact For an oblique, concentric, elastic impact the velocity vector v is split into a normal and a tangential component. The normal component 17, produces a direct impact (see above), 1 + WI2 Coefficient of restitution e This indicates by what factor the relative velocities before impact plastic equal, before and relative v t 1 HYDRAULICS N General General Hydraulics deals with the behaviour of liquids. With good approximation, liquids may be considered incompressible, which means that the influence of pressure changes on their densities is negligibly small. Quantities Pressure p see O 1 Density p see O 1 Dynamic viscosity The dynamic (Values see Z 5) >/ viscosity tion of pressure a material constant, which is a func- is and temperature: = n f(p,t) The dependence on pressure can often be neglected. Hence n 2 = 7] (for figures f(t) Kinematic viscosity v The kinematic and density g: EU: viscosity is m 2/s = 4 ( 1 St) = see Z 14) ( 1 6 cSt) the quotient of dynamic viscosity rj n 3 Hydrostatics Pressure distribution in a fluid n 4 P\ = Po + gQh n 5 Pi = Pi + gQ{h 2 -h^) = p^ + A gQAh ggjh — PiPz— / 'Pz-Py t -p<r\ — -c" _ -c - N P pressure ^ zL ta •c gradient 1 h ' continued on N 2 ~ HYDRAULICS N Hydrostatics Hydrostatic forces on plane surfaces Hydrostatic force is the acting on the component surface which is caused by the weight of the fluid alone, i.e. without taking into account the atmospheric pressure p . n 6 F = S G •D >'s A cos a = S Q hi r „ Q-C 2~ J _ _ v ~a^jr? _— : A \h fc* ~~/ / yQ^ r> y** Hydrostatic forces on curved surfaces The hydrostatic force act- ing on the curved surface 1, 2, resolved into the is horizontal component FH and the vertical component Fy. equal to the weight in (a) or the equivalent weight of fluid (b), above the surface 1,2. The line of action runs through the centre of Fy is of the fluid gravity of the volume V. gQ n 8 N, kN Fh is equal to the hydrostatic pressure force acting on the projection of the considered surface 1.2 on the plane perpendicular to FH Calculation is accomplished by n 6 and n 7. - centre of gravity of area A centre of pressure = point of action of force F second moment of area A in relation to axis x second moment of area A in relation to an axis running 17 parallel to axis x through the centre of gravity (see I and P 10) centrifugal (see I 17). moment of area A in relation to axes x and y HYDRAULICS N Hydrostatics Buoyancy The buoyancy FA is equal to the weight of the displaced fluids of densities and FA = gQV + gQ'V the fluid of density p' following formula is valid: If n FA 10 JTp — g o'. kN-=~-— N, is —— a gas, the 1? >~p ~ggV kN N, With g k being the density of the body, Q > Qk Q = Qk Q < QK n 11 n 12 n 13 the body will float ' " " " remain suspended } in the heavier fluid sink Determination of density g of solid and liquid bodies Solid body of smaller greater density than the fluid For fluids and a m first 1- Q= body known density g b This yields: fluid of used n 14 n 15 determine of a deliberate g= Qf F-i in . mg g n 16 mg 77#»7, ..V Q Qb m F : mass : equilibrium force necessary of the resp. "^^ body remaining suspended ^h: equilibrium force necessary auxiliary body alone Qf- density of the fluid used in M ,1 ^_— in the fluid the preliminary trial for the : HYDRAULICS N Hydrodynamics Hydrodynamics (of a steady flow) Continuity equation Rule of conservation of mass: Ai n 17 n 18 V-\ Q<\ = m = A A2 v g = v2 £>2 kg Vg g Rule of conservation of volume: n v 1! = m° cnr Hr,^ S S Av o ' 14 <j Bernoulli's equation (Rule of conservation of energy) No friction (ideal fluid): £ + gzi n 20 + -£- = ) £ + gz + -7- ^ = + gz 2 + -2- pressure energy per unit mass potential energy per unit mass kinetic energy per unit mass datum Including losses (real ?+™ n 21 v : line fluid): vy "g" " Pi + p" V 3*2 + ' 2 -y + WR1.2 velocity w r-\,2 '• resistance losses along path from (Calculation see N 6) 1 to 2 (per unit mass HYDRAULICS N Hydrodynamics Power P of an hydraulic machine P n 22 = m w t1,2 kW, W technical work per unit mass: J_ 2 2 + 9(^2-^1) + ^-(^2 -^i + 7r(P2-pO 2 9 *" '" «"-«-" n 23 ) n 24 for hydraulic n 25 for Momentum machines: pumps: u> t12 < u? t12 > wri,2 J/kg equation flowing through a stationary reference volume the following vector equation is valid: For a fluid IF the vector sum of the forces acting on the fluid contained in the reference volume. These can be: IF n 26 = m(yl - u|) N, kN is volume forces (e. g. weight) pressure forces friction forces. v2 is the exit velocity of the fluid leaving the reference volume is the entrance velocity of the rence volume. t>i fluid entering the refe- Angular-momentum equation M In a steady state rotational flow a torque is exerted on the fluid flowing through the reference volume, given by: M n 27 f2iU and u 1u city out of r2 and r-, m(v 2 are the circumferential and entrance velocity N v^,u^r^) components of exit velo- into the reference are the radii associated with v 2 and v v m volume. HYDRAULICS N Hydrodynamics 6 Friction losses in pipe flow n 28 Friction loss per unit n 29 hence mass Ap y Pressure loss = p-tu R1i2 Determination of coefficient of resistance £ and coefficient of shape a (Re: Reynolds' number): non circular pipes n 32 *±* = Re n 30 n 31 = Re Where Re < 2000, the flow is laminar. Where Re > 3000, the flow is turbulent. Where Re = 2000 ... 3000, the flow can be ^ circular pipes either laminar or turbulent. Flow laminar 64 n 33 a = n 35 1 — for fittings, unions and valves 1 I for straight pipes q 10 3 1.47 1.50 <P I 1.40 1.42 30 50 70 100 1.32 1.29 1.27 1.25 0.5 0.6 1.00 For rectangular cross sections: a/b\ (p | 0.1 0.2 0.3 1.50|l.34|1.20|1 1 I I 0.4 I 1 1.02 I 097 94 1.0 0.7 0.8 0.92 0.90 0.89 d internal diameter of pipes length / d h = 4 All] hydraulic diameter A cross section perpendicular to fluid flow U wetted circumference kid and k/d u relative roughness k mean roughness (see Z 9) rj dynamic viscosity (see N 1, values see Z 14) *)£ is taken from diagram Z 8 : n 38 a = pipes For annular cross sections: Dld\ n 37 f(Re, j~) Re for straight Determination of coefficient n 36 turbulent*' 64 f(Re,*) £ - Re n 34 Flow laminar turbulent*' : : : : : : : of pipe HYDRAULICS N Hydrodynamics Flow of liquids from containers Base apertures n 39 v = Cv yj2gH 40 V = C d A yj2gH n -2\m Small lateral apertures n 41 v = C^2gH 42 s = 2 \[~H~h n /' (ohne jegliche Reibwerte) n 43 V = Cd n 44 F = g Large v n 45 & A\2gH Vv lateral apertures = fc d 6v^(^-//^) Excess pressure on surface n 46 Cy \J2{gH+^L) V = C6 A\J2{gH+^) v n 48 = C 5^^ -<nnr = to 1 of liquid v Excess pressure applied T ~-~r, an outlet point ! Pex T' ?% ^-'-T' n 49 u /? ex Cd Cc Cv b F V : : : : : : : : m/s, km/h outlet velocity pressure in excess of atmosphere pressure discharge coeff. contraction coeff. velocity coeff. (for water width of aperture reaction force volume of outlet flow N/m 2 kgf/cm 2 , (Cd = Cc x C v ) (Cc = 0.62 for sharp edge aperture) (Cc = 0.97 for well rounded aperture) Cv = 0.97) m, cm N, kgf m 3 /s, m 3 /h HEAT Thermal variables of state Thermal variables of state are pressure p, temperature t, and density g or volume per unit mass (specific volume), respectively. Pressure p Pressure o N/m 2 = Pa; bar N/m2 =10- 5 bar =(7.5 force F and area A: EU: 1 is Pa= 1 the quotient of x 10-3 torr) >-f 1 The absolute pressure can be interpreted as the total result of the impacts of the molecules on the wall. The pressure measured with a pressure gauge is the pressure differential Ap in relation to the ambient pressure p u A state of pressure means Ap > 0, vacuum means zip < 0. Thus, the absolute pressure/? can . be expressed by: o 2 = P Temperature The T, t Pu + (Base quantity) see explanations unit of temperature T is at front of book. the Kelvin K, defined by equation -^ 1K o 3 where T Tr Ap 273.15 the temperature of pure water at the triple point. In addition to the Kelvin scale the centigrade scale is also used. The temperature of this scale has been internationally * defined by: O 4 = t is (-? - 273.15 K Density g Density is Vc o 5 ° Volume per Specific unit mass volume is (specific ' (£+ VC 273.15) K EU: kg/m 3 m - and volume V: v volume) v EU: the quotient of the volume „ o 6 T = ; ) (Values see Z 6) the quotient of mass , Molecular volume V m Molecular volume is the quotient contained in the volume: m 3/kg V and the mass m: z,±Q m EU: of m 3/mol volume Vand number of moles o 7 Amount book. of substance n (Base quantity) see explanations at front of HEAT Heating of solid and bodies liquid Heating of solid and liquid bodies Heat (thermal energy) Q EU: J Heat is energy exchanged between systems of different temperatures, where these systems interact with each other through diathermal walls. Heat per unit mass q The heat per unit mass EU: J/kg is the quotient of heat Q and mass m: m ^ Specific heat r p EU: J/(kg K) denotes the amount of heat Q to be supplied to or extracted from a substance of mass m to change its temper- The specif, heat r p ature by a difference At: cp The see Z specific 1 . . . Z heat is = -VmAt a function = ± At of temperature. For figures 5. Latent heats per unit mass / EU: J/kg - (values see Z 10) The supply or extraction of latent heat causes a bo%dy to change its state without changing its temperature. The following latent heats exist: o 10 solid fusion body of the fusing temperature into a fluid of the boiling vapourisation the heat is fluid temper- ature (dependent on pressure) into dry saturated vapour necessary to convert a sublimao 12 tion of the same body of a temperature temperature below its triple temper- solid ature at the sublimation temperature (dependent on pressure) directly into dry saturated vapour . HEAT Heating of solid and bodies liquid Expansion of solid bodies A solid body changes its dimensions due to temperature changes. With a being the coefficient of linear expansion (for figures see Z 1 1) the following formulae are valid for: o 13 Length: / o 15 » AA Volume / *i) [l+2a(^-^)] A 2 -A, = A^2a{t2 -ty) = AV -M] -/i «/i a(t 2 - 2 A, Vo~ o 18 [l+a(f2 I, A2 ~ Area: o 16 o 17 2 Al = o 14 = V 1+3afe-t|)] y2 - V, Vi m « ' V,3a(t 3a (fj,-^) K, 2 ><r^^ ^ ^'' 4 1 ^^ Expansion of liquid bodies With y being the coefficient of volume expansion see Z 1 1) the following formulae apply: V2 o 19 AV - ^-^ (for figures [1 +Y(h-t,)] V2 -Vi - JVy(*2 V, -fi) Mixture of liquids and liquids or/and solids When several substances with masses m u m 2 m 3 the corresponding temperatures ty t2 f3 and the specific ., heats cp1 cp2 c p3 are mixed - under the condition that no heat is transferred outwards, no heat is fed from outside and without change in the state of aggregation - the resulting temperature t m will be (if necessary the quantity of heat of the mixing tank has to be taken into consideration): =• , , , . , . , o 20 ' _ m = cp ^ + m2 m, c p1 + m 2 Z 5). mi • • i • (For c p values see Z 1 Bending due to heat A . . • c p2 • • t m 3 c p3 m 3 Cp3 + 2 + c p2 + • • • f3 + . . . . . Bimetallic strips are subject to bending due to heat. Bending occurs towards the side of the metal with the lower coefficient of expansion. With a b being the "specific thermal bending" the bending due to heat can be calculating by (a b approx. 14 x 10" 6 /K, for exact values see manufacturers catalogues): a b L 2 At i o 21 length at length at t volume volume at t at t thickness t = = = = r-i t 2 t^ t 2 area at area at t t = ^ = t2 temperature prior to heating temperature after heating temperature difference HEAT Thermodynamic states of gases and vapours General equation of state of ideal gases The state of ideal gas is determined by two thermal variables of state. Thus, the third variable can be calculated using the general equation of state. With R being the characteristic gas constant (different values for different gases, see Z12) the equation reads as follows: RT p v = 22 the gas constant reads is mRT p V = or If p = g or RT mole volume, the equation related to the o 23 where R m = 8314.3 J/(kmol K) is the universal gas constant (valid for all ideal gases). R and /? m are related by o 24 Rm where M Thermal state The thermal = mass the molecular is of real (non ideal) state of real gases MR (see Z 12). gases and vapours and vapours is calculated using special equations or diagrams. Changes of state Changes of state are caused by interactions of the system with the surroundings. These interactions are calculated using the 1st and the 2nd law: 1st o 25 o 26 + 91.2 «>1.2 " U2 2nd law for all systems law for open systems closed systems #1,2 + w \\.2 = ^2~ ^1 + Ae O 27 In these formulae, energy input is positive (i.e. 91,2, w\, 2. ^t 1. 2) and energy output negative. h : u : w : enthalpy per unit mass internal energy per unit 2 to,' Ae : entropy per unit mass done per unit mass (see = 7) continous external work done per unit mass (see changes in kinetic or potential energies ' : ': \s mass external work 7) ] HEAT Changes of state of gases Changes of state of ideal gases The table on page 6 shows the of state, relations for different changes which have been developed from formulae o 25 to o 27. The following explanations apply: Each change of state, may be represented by an equation o 28 P v n = const. The various exponents // are given in column 1. c pm and cvm are the mean specific heats for constant pressure and constant volume, respectively, in the temperature range between and t 2 There, the following relations apply (values for c pm see Z 13): Mi |<2 _ Cp m *2 t pm «2 t-\ o 29 - -pm o 30 o 31 = The change given by: = c '1 pm is o 32 Changes The 7r of entropy occurring , ln during the change of state ,. , T2\ . ^{P2\ KM? n [f- _ „ . T2 \ . In state, T as well as the propv, taken from appropriate diagrams. continuous external work const. quantity tf -i 2 w dv = - \p work external t i,2 = isobaric, p{v, - v 2 isothermal, (u 2 5 = const. [h 2 " *i) = - V{p 2 "Pi) p = const. isentropic, mass ?1.2 «2 " "1 v(p z ~P^ v = const const. heat per unit \v dp isochoric, o 36 In variables of state, p, change T = ,„fV2 gases and vapours below shows the relations for different changes of which have been developed from formulae o 25 to o 27. of state o 35 RD of state of real erties, u, h, s are generally o 34 , table The thermal o 33 , + T\ (h 2 T(s 2 ^s,) = -h,)-T(s 2 -s,)- -(p 2 v 2 -p, «2""1 {h 2 h 2 - h^ ) -uj- -h^-{p 2 v2 (h 2 -h,)-T(s 2 Ui) -p^ v h2 : ) -A 1 -s,) T{s 2 -Si) - HEAT Ideal T-s- gases in ^ diagram CO > c o~ 1 ° ° \. ;i: E 1 o ° ~o Q. I? — co ,r| /I CO Ci, to to CD ~ ^= than D) 1 06 open and closed systems T3 Q. -« isothermal steeper CD 1 c-T per mass trans- 3 sS fer E-? o <?1,2 7 unit heat E E J* E ^ Yl '— E ^JX i^3 f <£[£" dp v / system, O = reversible 2 3 s as - ^r ' * * open t1 II w f~> «a -SJ3 'cm 7 ^ •Ii Hi 1 as |T- l>~ ii ii Tic f~r f 2 system, C- *' 1* «. as closed '^m7~^' | 1 o reversible c *l el 1 cj &; ft; as i ii 3 and 1 2 II II £|^ S"|s E^|c4" between f^l^ ii ii ii relation state SI state 31 ci S £1 £ ii 39) a s|s o (o O <Sl|o~ 37) 38) (0 (o const. H ii II <S1| S| 1 oo details, isothermal isochoric process isobaric = = f n = = = = p n T n S CO " = ii ^ ~ sl^" 41) exponent process ^ (0 const. const. const. ii ii Sl| £X n HEAT Changes gases and vapour of state of p-v diagram '////. For reversible processes the area be- ^ J^ tween the curve of the variation of state and the t'-axis represents the external work per unit mass, the area between the curve and the p-axis represents the continuous external work per unit mass. n iy 12 «>M,2 .2 111 T-s diagram For reversible processes the area be- tween the curve and the s-axis represents the heat transfer per unit mass. Total transfer of heat The heat added to or removed from a closed system during a single variation of state is: o 42 01.2 - ™?1,2 The heat flow continuously added system to or #1,2 m is the = mass flow (EU: Total transfer of work The external work added to or single variation of state Wi o 44 01,2 = o 45 is mq^ 2 w kg/s). done by a closed system during a is: mu) 1(2 The external power continuously added system removed from an open is: o 43 where J to or done by an open given by: ?1, '«1.2 W 1 1 HEAT Os Mixtures of gases Mass m of a mixture of components m-\, ni2, . . i m 46 = m + y m2 + . . + ra n = . i Mass fractions §j 6 of - of a mixture 47 Number - n 21 m, moles n = and m of a mixture of j?"*i - components n-\, 1 n2 48 /i = n<t + n2 + . . . ip\ - of a mixture '" n n Vi = o 49 • • + n n = ^rtj i Mole fractions • . = n i X^i and 7^ = 1 Equivalent molecular mass A/ of a mixture For the molecular mass the following formulae apply: "i-7? 50 M and where the equivalent molecular mass ;V/ = g of the mixture can be calculated as follows: M o 51 = i^Mi-Vi) i=1 and -j- M = 'i?(^) i- \A/|/ 1 Conversion between mass- and mole-fractions 52 = *' M *' Pressure p of the mixture and partial pressures p\ of the components 53 p = 2 p, where p y = *p, • p continued on page 9 HEAT 9 Mixtures of gases Continuation of page Volume O 8 fractions n of a mixture o 54 JE and Vi r, V\ we mean the volume the component the temperature T and the total pressure p of the mixture. For ideal gases the following formulae apply: Here, by partial would occupy volume at m.R.T n-,R m P P o 55 Internal energy u and enthalpy h T ^ and u = n i: (£rui) 1 = V = of a mixture n o 56 Vi = h ; 1. i: = 1 (£r/zi) 1 Using these formulae, the temperature of the mixture can be determined, for real gases and vapours by using diagrams, and for ideal gases as follows: internal , o 57 c Vm1 ./ 1 m 1+ cVm2 -/2 m 2 + v o 58 enthalpy where the specific CP m 71 i m 1 + c cD heats of the »mn -/ n • + . t Wn'«n m mixture are determined o 59 ^.(*r«bJ ™n m +C Pm2^2m 2 follows: o 60 . energy as 1 HEAT 10 Heat transmission Due to the temperature difference between two points heat flows from the point of higher temperature towards the point of lower temperature. The following kinds of heat transmission must be distinguished: Conduction in in plane wall: the wall a pipe: Am = ji dm L A *w1 = <P = Q = X ^w2 S ~ *w2 plane wall pipe is: d a -d, where ; ^w1 Q The mean logarithmic area o 63 XA <P = d. length of the pipe lnl f. Convection By heat convection we mean the heat transfer in a fluid. Due to their flow the molecules as carriers of the mass are also the carriers of the heat. Where vection the flow originates by itself, the conis called natural convection. The convection taking place forced convection. o 64 in a flow = Q is called = <xA(t-t w ) Radiation This kind of heat transmission does not require mass as a carrier (e.g. the radiation of the sun through space). For calculations formula o 64 is used. Heat transfer By heat transfer we mean the combined result of the different processes con- tributing to the heat transmission: o 65 = Q = kA(t,-t2 ) The heat transfer coefficient k is given by (for approx. values see Z 11): 1 plane wall: o 66 k i - 1 o 67 pipe: k A « : : A «1 ^1 thermal conductivity (for heat transfer coefficient values see Z (for 1 . . . calculation see Z O 5) 12) HEAT 11 Heat transmission Heat exchanger A heat exchanger transmits heat from one heat flow may be fluid to another. The calculated by: = Q = k-A-At m Here, At m is the logarithmic mean temperature difference. The following formula applies for both parallel-flow and counter-flow heat exchangers: o 68 ^ 'smalU o 69 counterflow parallel-flow In counterflow operation Atg rea \ and At S ma\\< can occur on the opposite ends of the exchanger, to that shown in the figure. Symbols O used on page enveloped surface C-, 12: (A, enveloping surface J inside diameter of pipe outer diameter of pipe ,C 2 radiation constants : < A2 Grashof number Nusselt' number Gr ) Nu H height of plate length of plate L of the surfaces 8 2 ra- 4 ) o 70 exchanging values see Z 1 2) radiation constant of the black body C s = 5.67*1(T W/(m K values see Z 14) Pr Prandtl-Number Pr =(r/c p )/A (for At = \t absolute temperature difference between wal and fluid in the thermally not affected region ambient temperature (7^ = t^ + 273.15°) V kinematic viscosity (v = rj /g) (for values see Z 14) dynamic viscosity V (for diation : : ' : | dynamic viscosity dynamic viscosity at mean temperature at wall A thermal conductivity y volume expansion coefficient temperature factor of fluid temperature (for of fluid | values see Z 5, Z 6) and o 77) (see Z 11 v: velocity HEAT 12 Heat transmission Calculation of heat transfer coefficient a " For free convection (according to Grigull) o 71 Nu = on a o 72 NuX Nu vertical 0.55 \JGrPr = 0.13 $GrPr gyAtm plate Gr o 73 o 74 o 76 o 77 o 78 for , for 1700 g Y At q? < GrPr < 10 GrPr> 10 A/u horizon- = 0.41 YCr-Pr' GrPr< 10 for , 8 8 //3 on a WuA tal o 75 _ , D 5 3 plate Fluid properties must be related The expansion coefficient of to reference temp.: gases = tB = MTc. y is: fc SL+ x A/V - For forced convection inside pipes (according to Hausen) a = NuX/d 0.0668 RePr o 79 laminar Nu = 3.65 Re Pr + 0.045 1 dY'2 /?<?<2320 10 o 80 o 81 4 RePr^> U > 10 , Re = where ^4^ 7/ turbulent Re>2Z2Q 6 /?<? < 10 < L/d< oo 2320 < if 1 0.6 ; < Pr < 500; With the exception of ry w all material values are related to the mean temperature of the fluid. For gases factor (r/ F i/r;w) 14 must De omitted. For radiation (heat transfer coefficient: o 82 «Str o 84 o 85 c parallel o 83 4 sur- between enveloping orstr) 0*^1,2 = 7i faces i, q -72 4 h-h Ci, J_ + Q ')a in J/(m 2 s K) or W/(m 2 K) For explanation of symbols see O 11 Al >4 2 /J_ _ J_\ JC 2 Cj STRENGTH General terms Stress Stress is the ratio of applied force F and cross section A. Tensile and compressive stresses occur at right angles to the cross section. o p1 In or N/mm 2 f stresses are positive usually negative tensile calculations compressive Shear stresses act along to the cross section tot, P2 | N/mm' -jf Stress-strain diagrams (tensile test) Materials with yield point (e.g. mild steel) (e.g. plastic yield aluminium alloy) a *eH " 1/ TW^ - RP - Jf i r / : = tt-; \o B = jo L F —A J : ' ' ' ' ' eP € ' ' / A ' * ' ' ' / / Notation The standard symbols Rm ' / / €p P3 #m are from A BS tensile stress, e 18 and DIN 50145. where tensile force : s o> [A ] : original cross section (of Al p4 1 Lo AL; ; [lo] [Al] : : 00 % unloaded specimen) strain, where unloaded specimen) length of loaded specimen original length (of change in continued on P 2 STRENGTH General terms continued from P ReH> [^Sol (stress-strain 1 diagram) Proof stress or yield strength (offset) : The limit of proportionality is sometimes known as the elastic limit. [rj ep = 0.01 % => /? p0-01 p ] ; Yield point (ferrous metals) R eH> [o"so] : R eL [a Su : ; ] upper yield stress or upper yield point lower yield stress or lower yield point. Proof stress (non-ferrous metals) % ep = 0.2 R™ P5 1^ " 4L p6 I °b " R pQ2 => ^T* [o 02 ; ] tensile strength I 100 %; fa - percentage elonga- 100% &! tion after fracture. For specimens with circular cross sections, percentage elongations may be quoted, based on gauge lengths, e. g. A 5; [65] is based , on a gauge length of 5 y ^ mm * Permissible stress (allowable stress) Must be below the elastic limit R n thus p the permissible stress Rm v : : is: ' p = x Km — yield strength of material safety factor, always greater than Ultimate safety factor against fracture) 1. Proof safety factor (against yield or 0.2 proof) Loads type load diagram nature of stress a I dead - s —^ t a II undulating —^—— *" III alternating \ l *-f STRENGTH Tension, Compression Modulus of elasticity E: The relationship between a and e (Hooke's applicable to the elastic range, i.e. below the elastic (see Z 16/17 for values of £). £ is known as "Young's law) is limit modulus ". P 7 o E = • E e = Al E Olr ~ e ~ Tensile and compressive stresses ^l a and o7Cc iF, t f/ Fx P 8 ^U ^n Oc Pi Strain e under tension P 9 I- h Al = e °1 = E Compressive strain f c Ft "i± E A Fc p10 £ / $ under compression E E A • A fi = tensile or com- pressive stiffness Transverse contraction under tension (Poisson s ratio) For circular cross section —"« where e along P 11 along " /- /o For most metals Poisson's ratio can be P12 % expansion (see also o assumed to stress caused by is be \i ath = E is the temperature difference between the unstressed E-a-At original state = 0.3. re- 13/14): At - d UQ dn Thermal stresses: Tensile or compressive stricting thermal dp- _ and e /<, (£, h = a At) and the state considered. At >0 tensile stress, positive At < compressive stress For prestressed members subjected to thermal stress the total strain comprises: p13 «tot - + £ei fith - FI(E-A) + a-4f Tensile and compressive stresses in thin-wall ee ; = , FI(E-A) cylinders (boiler formula): Hoop p14 p15 o o o stress Tensile stress = p d I (2 s) = + p, 4 / (2 s) | vg|jd = -p a d a /(2s) ) Compressive stress internal and external pressures Pi and p a inside and outside diameters d and d a : : x wall thickness s = 0.5{d a - d ) Tensile stresses in rotating bodies: see : t M 5. da d x ^ 1 2 STRENGTH Tension, Compression Tensile stress in a shrunk-on ring (approximate formulae) Shrunk-on Fu ring on a rotating shaft: The shrinkage force Fh of the ring must be at least twice the centripj_ petal force Fq. p 16 Fh ^ 2 = 4n 2 m-y s -n' Fc P 17 Fc p 18 >'s p 19 Cross section p 20 Shrinkage allowance A = m-y s = - a) 2 • R3 R2 - 4 3ji r3 A = _Fh_ 2-Pt (A = outside diameter Shrunk-on ring Split, rotating Fc 1 of shaft n - inside diameter clamping for clamped of ring) Clamped parts parts. comprises: Centripetal force Centripetal force FC r FCM for ring for clamped parts, Ring or P 21 FH ^ 2(FCR + FCM ) then as p 19 and p 20 ; Energy of deformation U (Strain energy) The energy stored in a deformed component U = w- V where p 22 is: ; -i p 23 o- e i- 2£ V: volume of component Limit cross section for similar types of stress Where a tension (or compression) force is applied at a point within the dotted core area, only tension (or compression) forces will occur over the whole cross section. If applied at any other point, bending stress, i.e. simultaneous tension and compression stress will occur. -SW] p 24 5 : centre of D m mean : mass of half ring (see diameter (D m = R + r) K 7) STRENGTH Loads in beams Explanation external loads on a beam (including support reactions and weight) produce internal forces and moments which stress All its own the material. By taking a section through the beam at a point x it is possible to show the internal loads: Vertical shear for- ces V and bending moments M. End loads P and torsion Tare considered separately. [I y B r ^f=i«^ttt: (f Referring to the x-y plane Forces (z axis is at right angles): end loads P r-axis shear forces bending moments M x-axis torsion T .v-axis in direction of v-axis Moments about the produce Always consider the left-hand side P V of the section. each part of the beam there must be equilibrium between all external and internal forces and moments: Considered separaterly: In V + p 25/26 M p 27/28 Method 1. 2. ^L V; hi. =0 P + T + of calculation Calculate the reactions. Section the beam at the following places: 2.1 Points of action of point loads and beginning and end of distributed loads w. 2.2 Points where the beam axis changes direction or the cross section changes. 2.3 Any other convenient places. W continued on P 6 STRENGTH Loads in beams continued from P 5 3. 4. Find the forces and moments on the left hand side of the section as in p 25 ... p 28 Plot shear force and bending moment diagrams. Relations between h m p 29/30 , _ V and M at any dV v dx point x dx Rules: M is In sections with no loads a maximum when V = V = constant Example: Simply supported beam The reactions /? with end load. (Fixed at A) are: A = 2.5kN; Pa = 3 kN; RB = 1.5 kN *V=2kN r ——j—3kN />,» m w= 1 kN / m = const. XL 3m •|iv| Shear force V in kN 3.0 End load P in kN Calculations see P 7 ! 1 STRENGTH Loads in D IT 7 beams continued from P 6 c) <x < 1 from equation p 27 26 29 1 m < 27 26 x < 4 from equation p m x < 6 m from equation p ... m . . 25 ! 29 m < 4 27 25 * 26; 29 H 25 1 11 E| z. * "? "* = = kN kN 0.5 0.5 Z z in to H Z c o o to c o o z z cvj in in = -* co o 1 il " ii a? Z J* | CO ft? II * ft? II ^ E | cvj 1 i II *H + Z E ft, e" : i * i II a? 5 ^ i 1 CSJ H . , in 7'° H + E II e »- d i i z ii a. i -o|-3 o to d ' ii ii + H ^ 11 + in Z E" *~ in ,* + ^ + ft? ft? ^ ^ aight line + ft, i z .* CO z " * !S 1 1 if) ii ! + ^i E ° z _* I 8? 1 qT ft, ii i E z i" I s i 7 o II + ftT ' i i k ii o o CO ftT + a? ' CM 5 H " 1 H k E H CO o II ^ I ,— o «q i in O | jl ;II e CM Z in * CNJ E 1 ii i- ! ii -^ io ii -* ii cvj CNJ z i CVJ i cvj i o i 11 I i Til o ii ii Z II in d i he: 7 = 1 «£ i const. const. E i ' + + i o ft, 5 ai ^ o a. **' Parabola con inued on P8 — STRENGTH Analysis of forces continued from P 7 Example: Curved cantilever beam (r = const.) The limits are: o p 31 p 32 Bending moment: +F| -r (1 -cos M M = — + F-| At the section q>, F-| r • • ^ y^ 90° o^j^rj or: qp) r + F2 r-sin cos cp - F2 = cp • • r • sin cp F and F2 : are resolved into tangential and radial components. Shear force p 33 Fq + p 34 Fq = - p 35 Fq F-| (radial): sin cp • F-\ • sin dM = = 6s — p 36 + cp F2 - F2 cos • <p cos cp — -6M 1 = ; or from p 30: ,. (because • s 6<p r 1 d(-Fi-r+Fi •/••cosy-^-r-sincp) r 6<p = r • cp ^ F-, Normal force p 37 Fn - F-i • p 38 Fn • - jF, ; j = 6s r j x dcp) ^' sin^-Z^cosg? (tangential): cos cos g? + F2 • sin <p <p - F2 • sin <p For a graphical method of determining bending moment see K 4 STRENGTH 9 Bending Maximum bending p 39 _ u btmax stress A*->W _ , ^ 'xx M p 40 = Pb Values for p b see Z 16/17 >W (tension) distance from surface fibre to the x-axis passing through the centroid S or neutral (compression) 7 XX Second moment : neutral axis of area about S z or about plane of neutral axis. Bending stress p 41 Section modulus p 42 from the neutral axis Yy = °\> at distance y M Z mm = -i^max Z /_ Second moments of area second moment of area see Polar second moment of area see Axial Product moment Principal The see I I I 17 and table P 10 17 17 second moments of area and second moments of axes principal principal \ area h = to Anax and FH = Anm are applicable h A asymmetric sections, when the axes are rotated through ^ ^^ principal the angle p 43 *1 2 p 44 Anax -.mm cp - . o U'y * x )±|y(/y -/x )2 + 4 /xy 2 2/xv tan 2<p 7/ For calculations of The The 7 xy see 117/18. principal axes are always perpendicular to each other. axis of axis e.g. I-\ symmetry = 7X . of a symmetrical section is one principal STRENGTH 10 Bending Values of / and Z some common for sections (see p 41 and p 42) For position of centroid 5 (or neutral axis) see K 7 and /x / Z x and Z y b-h 3 P 45 Zx 12 h p 46 b -ft ft Cross section v h~ *.— 2 % 6 h-b 2 3 »> 12 p 47 32 zx /x = 4 -d 4 £(£> 64 = /'y y ) Jt , 32 = = 0.06014 = 0.5412 / y p 51 p 52 p 53 /x • RA 3 • b 7 ^•y p 56 24 62 -h -ft 24 48 p 57 a+6 36 h2 12 2a+b h 3 p 58 Z> 6-ft 2 36 b3 2 4 2 = jt-a 4 b-h 3 p 55 fc Z, = 4 -a zy 0.1203- j 3 0.6250 R 3 0.1042 -s 3 0.5413 R 3 -s A 3 = K-a-b jt p 54 10 P 4 -rf 4 _, fl 4 -<i 4 10£> D p 49 p 50 d3 K-d 3 n-d' 64 /v«/« p 48 M a + b (a+b) 2 +2ab 2a+& a+2b ft p 59 centroid axis Steiner's theorem (Parallel axis moments p 60 I JB -b = theorem of area). /x + ^-a 2 for second 1 I STRENGTH Deflection of Beams beams in 11 bending of uniform cross section Equation of the elastic curve The following ^S. apply to each section of the beam (see P 5, Method 9TV Y i\ of calculation, Item 2): p 61 d2 y _ El EI-y" p 62 ^M ± R -M = £./^= EI-V = -[Mdx + C, dX Ely = -JftJ M 6x dx + C, x + p 63 p 64 • R p 65 _M_ „ y dx 2 y' : • C2 radius of curvature of the elastic curve at point x. = tan q> inclination of the tangent to the elastic curve : at point x. v C, = deflection of beam at point x. and C2 are constants of integration and are determined from known factors, e. g. v Vj y' v'j = at the support. = y j+ i at junction between sections / and (/ + 1). = at the support of a cantilever beam and at the centre of a beam with symmetrical loading, = y' + 1 at the junction between sections i and (/ •+ i Strain energy For a p 66 U beam = due JE-J ~2 to bending U: of length I: 6x A beam uous with discontinloads may be divided into n length: p 67 "m-JMlIt* STRENGTH Deflection of beams + 12 bending in Tote. co IK *_ p 68 cnjIco CCCNJIcM ICO ii 6 - ^ -O ^ -C — !•© + + —I cc + *'* + , p 69 *'IcN >lcO >lcO II ^N or ^. Ico Ico II II II y- co CD 3 | CM col""" co II r- C\J C\J O< O CD ££ p 70 c §2 < ^ -C|^ CCS i P 71 CD s: «S o ££ o *T o . „ ii -o l < ll *? II < a: CM I %jTih Q-O II I £ £ ^ ^ OS ££ II 00 az i« i" £ 1 JW -* ^ 5 5 * * STRENGTH Deflection of «5 P 72 Uj ~ £ I « in P13 bending OcM * |S " beams II ^r 3 EH E 2^ >lco %\^, CVJ tfc CO + p 73 CO 2 co II II °xl^ CD ICO E » p 74 E.E 5 2 -ICVJ SjCNJ + p 75 II Q-o 3 CO CD <D t0|— v^H, * coioo n * * mioo t-ico ^ ^ £ ^ ii < cd as os *4m - < tn ^ ^ . STRENGTH beams Deflection of in 14 bending Mohr's analogy Graphical method 1. Determine the bending polygon (see also K 4). moment curve by constructing a Original Position diagram beam 1 2. Fig. 1 link beam Equivalent force diagram Fig. beam Deflection of the original y = /»' Slope tan P 77 Force diagram polygon as the equivalent distributed load w* on the "equivalent beam". Another link polygon will give the tangents to the elastic curve. Construct a Equivalent p 76 link at HH* m EI ... m A m L3 w F • 2 at point x: . • support A and B: yA = Rff-pr—; m F m A m L2 • resp. tan . H EI <p B rrip • mA • rri\_ . Mathematical method 1 p 78 2. p 79 Calculate the equivalent support reaction /? A * of the "equivalent beam" carrying the equivalent distributed load w* = A-i +... + A n (see fig. 2). Calculate the equivalent bending moment equivalent shear force V* at the point x: V* = R, M* = /? A*-2-A-z A ; 3. and the (see fig. 1 +2) Distance between center of gravity of equivalent distributed load A and the section x. Slope y = V*/E-I Deflection y = M*IEI\ xA p 80 M* : continued on P 15 STRENGTH Deflection of beams in Pl5 bending continued from P 14 (Mohr's analogy) Choice of equivalent beam The supports of the equivalent beam must be such that its maximum equivalent bending moment A/* max coincides with the point of maximum deflection in the original beam. Original Simple beam Cantilever A beam A Equivalent A A beam A A8 A % % D A . beam V Beam of varying cross section Fig. 1 Original beam e. g. shaft z I bending moment curve as the equivalent distributed load w*(z) on a uniform equivalent beam of cross section equal to the maximum second moment of area /x max of the original beam. (See P 14, item 1). Plot the Plot w*(z) according to the ratio /xmax . p 81 Fig. 2 Equivalent beam of the shaft in Fig. 1 J1 Then calculate according to P 14 (items 2 and I 3) or p 78 ... p 80. STRENGTH Beams maximum p 83 t bp SWl 6W-z h 2 PbX 3w/ V ft-Pbt 6 W( \ 2_wl 2 bl- PbX • V^p t 3 / V 32 W V ) • J_3jWi/ W v Ab Pm V I E\h 3vv / z 2 h 2 -l- Pbi ~hTp^ p 87 V I 2 b p 86 I b-E\h lwl( p 85 beam 8W( l\ bE\hl - yl type of /= bt h2 Pbt ' p 84 deflection 6W-z 6W-I V b-Pbx aI p 82 maximum typical dimension x = resp. v = section dimension P16 of uniform strength • / ^-Pbt 3 / 32 V n , 2 l W *</' 4z^\ 1 bt / • z 'Pb\ W point load w uniformly distributed load Pbt permissible bending stress / 64- 192_ 5 EI W-/ 3 'End* kN kNm N mm 2 (see Z 17) * | STRENGTH Statically indeterminate 17 beams Fig. 1 Convert beam a (fig. into a statically deter- 1) minate one (fig. 2) by replacing one support by its support reaction {R c in I ^ I F,9- Divide into two separate beams or subsystems. Determine the deflections at the point of the statically indeter- I I /[ | V A i /* * J fig- 2). ———— c I indeterminate statically I I I IcKI I ^ I. I A Wl /W 1s stt su subsystem bsystem minate support (see P 11 to P 15) from each subsystem, in terms of Rq. Since no deflection support C. p 88 >ci can occur 2nd subsystem A^ - ycz Hence, calculate the support force support reactions. Method at at C, R c and then the remaining of solution for simple statically indeterminate Statically in- beam determinate beam determinate w, — 2nd subsystem subsystem Rc ]%] w yC 2 \m c i B beams 1st Statically IV, 4 JV2 ^r 5& *»-~±^" e s J/?C 2 W; ^2 c ^Xt 4 I V\\C\ r I I I l'T™ ' l"I) 4 2 ^~ --*^ indeterminate support reactions and rf ffA g" rc\ 2 statically fr^- ^ l/? A ^3 *C ^S A V4 Ma moments J±Sn C| Mb STRENGTH 18 Shear Hooke's law p 89 shear stress G T = or q for y G: shear modulus y shear strain : Relation between shear modulus and modulus of elasticity or Young's modulus G p 90 = —— £ 2 (1 Mean shear p 91 q f or - 0.385 + • E ; correspond to P 3 with u = 0.3 A*) stress </ f or rf T, Permissible shear strength p q (values for dead type of load (see P 2) 92 Q guillotine cross cutting undulating alternating ^p0.2 /3.0 applied by shears (punch 1° -!°-j Q 1-2 9a - G- 2 tan a 1-2 <o i ^/-.v < L Theorem of related shear stresses The shear stresses on two perpendicular faces of an element are equal in magnitude, perpendicular to their common edge and act either towards it or away from it. tan a = 5//; p 94 q = q : q : / q' transverse shear stress (transverse to axis) resulting from shear forces Q axial shear stress (parallel to beam axis) "complementary shear" beam 0.8 /?„ cutting tools parallel cutting ^\-\\\\\v \\^\ p 93 16) ^P0.2 /1.5 ^p0.2 /2.2 Ultimate shear stress q £ for ductile metals _ vmax for cast iron: A Shearing force R p02 see Z . . .) STRENGTH 19 Shear Axial shear stress p 95 1 = QM TT p 96 A/= AA-y s q = q max due to shear forces " 1 for ab = abmax occurs when ab = 0, e. on neutral axis. . i. Max. shear stress for different <?max cross sections = q Ta 4 3 ' d a 2 + d a -dj + d 2 + d2 dj 2 p 97 for thin-wall tubes: 2 (<*a«4) Strain energy u due to shear 1 p 98 Shear deflection of a q-y = 2G beam x -pr—i + p 99 G C Determine the constant -A C K^+C £v4 from known factors, e.g. v = at the supports. p100 The factor »-*/[£ d/l allows for the form of cross (A) section. For H = examp ie: 1.2 ® I 80 1.1 2.4 I 240 I 500 2.1 2.0 shear force of point x of the beam bending moment at the section A second moment of area of the total cross section 5 AA : the z axis width of section at point y centre of area of section A A about STRENGTH 20 Torsion General T a < Tfmax — • p 101 p 102 Shear stress due torsion r t = = T - Torque p« t = 2-Ji-n CO power Fa Tfmax distance from surface fibre to centre of mass constant; formulae see P21 (attention: torsion constant is not the polar moment of inertia; only for circular cross section J = / a = D/2). p torsion ; Bars of circular cross section Angle p 104 <P of twist ! -G p Stepped u k shafts: T p 105 " i - l\ 1 'pi " T 180° p 106 polar 7-/ m 180/ III - (see e 5) (f moment of inertia / n p 107 32 P 108 32 Angle -^ 4 " ) Tl of twist <p Ix 180° -G Jt magnitude constant J in 1 Tt : C1 1 1.5 2 3 0.141 0.196 0.852 0.858 0.229 0.928 0.796 0.263 0.977 0.753 0.675 1.000 G cross section of rt K - Ttmax c2- Tt2 = c3 .Ttmax rt3 = in 3: = • C^h-b 2 in 2: '6 -| = c^h-b 3 p 110 T-l /t ' position and torsion /i D*-d 4 " ' of non-circular, solid or thin-wall hollow section Bars p 109 (D 4 Vi" 4 0.281 0990 0745 6 0.298 0.997 0.743 CO 0.307 0.999 10 0.312 1.000 0.333 1.000 0743 0743 743 8 continued on P 21 1 1 STRENGTH 21 Torsion position and magnitude of torsion constant J at 1 46.19 m 26 - r max 20 T ^ 13 T T : a4 p 111 t a p 113 at 0.1154-j4 0.0649 d A p 114 t i 1 3 h? T t2 = at 2: p 112 p 115 cross section = T t1 : T tmax ~~ = 5.297 -8.157 p 116 at 1: Tt1 _k_ 16 p 117 D 3 -d3 ' * D^d = 2 T at 2: n2 + 16 p 120 = n^ , --^r-i tmax - 7-d 5.1 n D/d = DJd = 2 r"t max - t at 1: Tt1 p 118 p 119 'tmax Dd 5.1 (rf 4 - 4 4 ) at 2: r, 2 1 with varying wall thickness: at 1: Tt1 = p 121 Ttmax 7 p 122 2/1 m 'mm at p 123 Tt2 - r p * with thin, uniform wall: AA p 124 /4 m ( i r 2-f 2 A, "imax J|n=3 M ["" _[_ rp 1.0 1.12 1 /4 5 t s m : : < 7; + n=3 < 1.3 the n=2 1.17 rectangular tion of ness b max sition sec- -§* max. thick1 (e. g. po- in the y?7?7Z I-JT sketch). area enclosed by the median line length of median line wall thickness, (min. wall thickness) ): part length of median line when wall thickness (f min : of long side h of the n=2 | «1.3 up rectangular cross sections r midway along Foppl's factor: p 125 profiles built T-b, 2>i 3 '*i t, = const. STRENGTH 22 Buckling Euler's formula Applies for elastic instability of struts. which buckling occurs: EI p 126 Minimum Pe load at r Pa lt+i p 127 L= p 128 Permissible working load F p 129 Slenderness W-'V^ 2- / Limit p 130 /ic = L / ratio = based on R pO.01 1 ,m L = 0.707-/ = 0.5-/ P e /v on R p02 Limit 2 based ^lim -"V^ * V* P « Tetmajer formula Valid in the range p0.01 Material of strut fails p 131 Px due = to =a A — A ~ ^P°- 2 bending and compression - b-k + C A 2 = P'V k Material a US:ASTM GB-Standard \ b Calculation method First mum determine area using mula: p 132 _ i/ min ~ *Vfk 2 the Euler the valid for /. = 80... 100 60... 100 0.053 5... 80 2. .100 0...100 material failure caused by buckling mini- moment second c N/mm 2 BS 970, 050 A20 A283Gr.C 289 0.818 BS970,080M30 A 440 589 3.918 BS 1452 -220 A 48 A 258 776 12000 timber 30 020 beech or oak 38 025 mild steel mild steel cast iron » \ of forffpO.01 - 2 r . ' - v p Pe k . Then select a suitable cross section, e.g. circular tube, solid rectangle, etc., and find / and A. 0.01 continued on P 23 STRENGTH P 23 Buckling Continued from P 22 vk = 3 vk = 4 s vk = 6 . . . 5 . . . 6 H 8 ... | in the Tetmajer range . , in _ — larae kfor for small , | the Euler range M 1 structures ,, | | | Present 1 slenderness ratio A A| im0 01 . | j 1 Limiting | and p 129 p 130 calculate from A| im0 -2 Determine buckling and compressive stress as follows: If Pe < F If • A > *«„ tun ^MmO.01 > ^ ^ < ^Iim0.2 vk use p 127 ^ ^limO.J > use p 131 use p 8. redesign with larger cross section. , Method of buckling coefficient co (DIN 4114) Specified for building and bridge construction, steelwork and cranes. Buckl in 9 1 = CO coeffic ientj & permissible compressive stress Pk buckling stress Oj^Pc mild steel BS A T3 050 A 20 CO mild steel U) A 283 Grade C c USA 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 1.04 1.14 1.30 1.55 1.90 2.43 3.31 4.32 5.47 6.75 where co = /(A) 3uckling coefficient io for BS970 alum, alloy cast iron 080 M 30 BS L 102 BS 1452-220 ASTMA440 alum, alloy 1.06 1.19 1.41 1.79 2.53 3.65 4.96 6.48 8.21 10.31 cast iron AA2017 ASTM-A48A25B 1.03 1.39 1.99 3.36 5.25 7.57 10.30 13.45 17.03 21.02 1.05 1.22 1.67 3.50 5.45 //////////// not valid in this range Calculation method: Estimate co and choose cross section calculate A, 7 mjn and A from p 134. Then from table read off co. Repeat the calculation initial with and appropriate new values are identical. the final value of co, until the 1 STRENGTH Combination 24 of stresses Combination of direct stresses Bending in two planes with end loads The stresses a arising from bending and end loads must be added together. p 135 FK = F- cos a p 136 Fy = F cos £ Fz = F- cos y p 137 p 138 where cos 2 a + cos 2 /3 + cos 2 y For any point P(x, y) on the cross section Bi B 2 B3 B 4 the resultant normal stress is in the z-direction: Fyl p 139 Fx-l A, Note the sign of x and w '" D © in functions see E 2. and y Long beams in Neutral axis of is y Xq Either in Fx for buckling. Fy x Fy A- / y at: Fz h 7y Fx 'Al With asymmetrical cross section the principal axes (see P 9). Bending is the straight line: which intercepts the axes p 141 If compression should be examined o = p 140 Fz a compressive force, a, (3 different quadrants. For the sign of cosine y. >'o F resolve in the directions of one axis with end load or Fy in formulae p 139 tension Bending with ... p 141 is zero displaces the compression neutral axis compression towards the tension - , STRENGTH Combination Stress The in 25 of stresses curved beams (R < 5 h) Fn and bending direct force moment A/ x (see P 8) act at the most highly stressed cross sec- a tion A. For the stress distribution over the cross section: p 142 o = t AR A The stresses C the at R+ y — and inner outer surfaces are: Fn p 143 A/x . M p 144 C = R+\e<i\ for coefficient b-R 3 X R \e 2 + In \ C d 2R d A. R 2R p 146 C = *Pt \ R-\e 2 ^Px C 1 p 145 Icil C M x AR Formulae Mx-R j VMi e 2 nR' : + p 147 a-b / f-(i) a e + b e2 K(a-fc) \ • 1 V fc 1 /' Position of the center of mass, see K 7 3 + p 148 3/j (»*«i) b_ b-h R 2R 2 2h To STRENGTH 26 Combination of stresses Combination of shear stresses The stresses arising from shear and must be added vectorially. The maximum shear A complementary shear it. Maximum torsional stress r res point in r 5.1 1.7/ ~ ~d 2 where T = F| d* 5.17D D 4 -d* , , n _ ' D + Dd + 2 T7 t p 152 d D2 + -\. f| 7 Pqt 2 PqX D*~^d* where T = F 4.244 Pqt : 4.244 p 150 cross section 1 p 149 p 151 : -d(D + d) Pqt D*-d* For thin wall tubes: 5.1 p 153 TD D A -d A 2.55 F- p 154 2.55-F D 2 -d 2 2D 2 + d 2 d4 Pqt Pqt T + 1.5F < ~ p« 2h^>) PqX ££ p 155 c,'b 2~h ~b~h where T p 156 p q{ t rq F T for 1 and acts in the acts perpendicular stress rres occurs at point cross sectional plane. to torsion at any cross section permissible shear stress (see Z 16) : shear stress : : : calculated maximum torsional sheat stress force producing torsion : c-, torque produced by and c 2 see P 20 F STRENGTH Combination Combination 27 of stresses and shear stresses of direct Material strength values can only be determined for single-axis stress to Therefore, conditions. multi-axis av single-axis equivalent stresses are stresses P (see converted The following 29). then applies, according to the type of load: <7V ^ P\ Pb\ Pc < Stresses in two dimensions An element is subject to shear stress direct stress az in ov in v z direction in direction y-z plane yz By rotating the element through the angle <p a the mixed stresses can be converted to tensile and compressure stresses only, which are called Principal stresses au o 2 p 157 0.5 Direction rotation the of az ov + ) highest ± 0.5 l/(az - 2r = The , T™ a-i + ki 1 at angle of is: *> (where the shear stress Rotating the element through the angle T max 2 ) is zero). Oz Maximum shear p 159 oy stress principal Uorw the original position (p tan 2 <po p 158 ( = ± tp T gives the stresses 0.5 ]/( 2 oz av ) +4r 0.5 (a, - o 7 ) 2 direct stresses act simultaneously: p 160 OM = 0.5 (C7Z + Direction of the Oy maximum ) = 0.5(O, + C7 2 ) shear stress r max is oz p 161 tan 2 The <p r Principal stresses 2r and Maximum shear stresses lie at 45 to each other. * } The solution gives 2 angles. It means that both the stresses and the Maximum shear stresses occur in ions at right angles. Principal 2 direct- STRENGTH Combination Stress The in 28 of stresses three dimensions stress pattern can be replaced by the Principal stresses o,, o2 o3 They are the 3 solutions of the , equation: p 162 o3 -Ro 2 + p 163 where So-T= R = ax + + <7 y ax ay oz p 164 S = p 165 T = ox oy az + 2 • + ay • <jz + oz -ox - rxy Ty.T^ - cr rxy x •yz Tyz 2 - o^zj - cr z Txy 2 Solve the cubic equation p 162 for a1t o2 and o3 as follows: Put equation p 162 = y (or substitute y for on the right side), then plot y = f(o). The points of intersection with the zero axis give the solution. Substitute these values in p 162 and obtain more accurate values by trial and interpola- hand tion. The case where o-\ > o2 > o3 gives the Maximum shear Tmax = 0.5 (ai - a3 stress ). Bending and torsion According in p 166 Equivalent stress p 167 Equivalent moment To find the diameter modulus Z from: P shafts of circular cross section to the theory of maximum strain energy: 2 oE = \jfbx + 3(a ME = yM b 2 -/qt ) 2 + 0.75(a - < p bt T) 2 of the shaft, determine the necessary section z I' =Mi Pbt due to bending shear stress due to torsion bending moment tensile stress torque according to P 29 n r 29 STRENGTH Combination ; N 1 co w b u 1 £ CO = = = tT b~ s 00 j? .CM + CO ^-~ in b 1 of stresses CD ? E CM + CO > 3 CD .^ w.E £ c •-._ c c CO O E ~ £ co 0.^ II 2 « CO c t: co co CD b* b* <S" b~ CM ipt 3 b 11 11 1? g b "co TO b CD 9 w 0) II 1 cB CL i2 d) CD b~ + E 3 CO c CO .E v x .3 + CNJ °-2w.E CX ^> o~ • 00 Q. - ' ?« 11 + CM c CO CM 3§ CM CM c E — + 0.0 a *- c fj + =' - = = ,- 2. co 5 E CO CO E 11 5 B CM 13 - 8 b C O b « E 0) CO CO 6 CO 11 .J b 1 1 CO b b 11 b 11 H z b z tr CD V b £? c J .2 Q. E 55 ~§ 1 * -<r "D £ CD C T3 O in f£ b" O -* + CM = = = = — =£ — = CM tT II E lr b 11 E Is 1 CM b c tf : 01 in Q. i c ° s II < + • CD O D) 00 3 O 0) CO 3 c O c O 3 O w * E - to "ro c J> -E O -— Cfl c O C Q) 2 ~ £ to S3 E to CO CO at > E "co 2 a 01 >^ , O W TO C 3 3 cr 3 »»! t. a) II ra 00 w to S CP £ g g <D co (D 0) a3 9 « c E CO a; *" 1 E m ° ^ CO £ « X! ro 0) | 5CO a + » is -%%%% SiSS . N fc OS „_ -2. II b cm b s «= W Cfl C -P S (- 2 A b *= - IS) CM CD A 0,-° woD E-o c c 3 C <D .2 O CO rC c° 11 + .. C/3 CD X 11 - to c cm l CM T3 to cm C7 <u Q- i: >^ 00 0) co C c - — O c TO (1) co oj C "D -0 03 ^ cyj 3 . X a> — co CD *" Jr ~ r> CD oj co •«— £ E > (5 « 1 to" ) MACHINE PARTS Screws and bolts Lead screws see k 11 Fixing bolts Bolted joints (approximate calculation) Prestressed axial working load Fa q Fmax = q 2 shear load Fs calculation for friction effect: Ao ~ A< 1 A3 « As FA (1.3... 1.6) Fc = see P q 3 = (0.25 Pi (allowing for /? p . 2 1 . . . v-Fs 0.5) /? p02 fere (U- and torsion factor) safety req (0.25... 0.5) (using load-extension diagram, (for values of m -w [/. see Z 7) High-stress bolted joints see VDI 2230 Bracket attachment (precise calculation not possiPle) Practical F assumption: \ F m p. / E T i that the centre pressure of ^ & tation, -0- ^ & O- a e. g. q 4 is the point of ro- For a F q 5 q 6 A1 rigid FA1 = / • « / \ h/A. - i ^> attachment: • b, A2 • + FA2 • FAn b2 + . . . FAn br • b^\ b 2 Allow for the extra shear load Fs = F There must be compressive stress over the whole attachment plane, when under load. A3 As core cross section r L4 S = stress cross section ^creq required clamping force : : Id "7'y^k —d 3 : m : no. of bolts w = 3;n = i e.g n v Rp p : : no. of joint faces 02 : : x I proof stress permissible stress | j I d2 d3 : : p- ' i safety factor against slipping [v = 1 .5 . . . m 1 = 3;n = 2 (2)] outside diameter of bolt core diameter of bolt MACHINE PARTS Axies and Shafts Axles and shafts (approximate Stability Axis 7 q 8 q 9 fixed 2 of circular modulus cross section bending bending stress 3 (Z^^/10) ' Qbtu M = Pbt ' m a/ 10-M V Pbt Pbt rotating (3... Q'bt Pbt (3 ... 5) torsional solid shaft stress 3 pure torsion P^ V torsion and bending Pqt 5) A permissible diameter for Shafts q 11 q 12 ' permissible ' Z q 10 1 solid axle required section for q calculation) n Pqx ' (3 ... 5) - TtU (10... 15) Bearing stress on shaft \ q 13 extension] F r /bm = d-b (Pb see Shear due / / > > Z ' 18) . for 325 h all shafts | ... 8iU with 2) M circular cross rectangular sections 6. For precise calculation see DIN 15017 (P 2) Formulae are restricted to load classes + and pqt allow for stress concentration-, roughness-, 15017), safety-factor and combined stresses I 3) | for fixed axles Deflection due to bending see P 12 due to torsion see P 20 Vibrations see 1) unnecessary when to lateral load: Calculation d/A II pbt size-, (see DIN arm of force F M, T bending moment, torque /bm (Pb) mean (permissible) bearing stress [see Z18) / : : /bmax see Obt d. 47 f° r hydrodynamically lubricated plain bearings, values see Z16. [other cases see Z18. MACHINE PARTS Shaft-hub joints Friction-locked joints Proprietary devices (e.g. annular spring, Doko clamping device, Spieth sleeve, etc.): see manufacturer's literature. For interference Clamped see DIN 7190 (graphical method). T- v q 14 fid Taper q 15 fits joint D-d a = Taper from tan For shaft I tapered extensions DIN 1448, 1449. Approximate formula for on the q 16 imaginary joint, not to stiff joint Fa see axial force FA nut: = tan -'& D q 17 + *) + d Specially machined joints Proprietary splined fittings, hub to shaft e.g. polygon: see manufacturer's literature. Plain key (approximate calculation) is based on the bearing pressure on the side of the the weaker material. Allowing for the curvature of the shaft and the chamfer r-\, the bearing height of the key can be Calculation keyway in taken approximately as The bearing length q U / is t2 . t to transmit a torque T: 2 T j t r77777%777777A ((^L^^ K^ I j - \^ x^ SV*±- d-h'Pb Dimensions fillets For to DIN 6885, preferably Sheet 1. Allowance for with form A. precise nigung calculations refer to Antriebstechnik e.V. heft 26, 1975. For symbols see Q Mielitzer, ForschungsvereiForschungs- Frankfurt/M., continued on 4 Q 4 MACHINE PARTS Shaft-hub joints continued from Q 3 Splined shaft Shaft - q 19 / q 20 dm = q 21 h = • 2 The load ~ 2 not shared equally between the splines so allowance for unequal bearing is made with the factor q?: is Type of location <P shaft located 0.75 hub located 0.9 For cross section dimensions refer to DIN 5462 . . . 5464. Hub dimensions Use diagram on page Q 5 to determine dimensions of hub. Example: Find the length L and radial thickness s of a hub needed to transmit a torque T of 3000 N m, made in cast steel fitted with a plain key. * 1. Determine the appropriate range "hub length L, CS/St, group e", follow the boundary lines to T = 3000 N m. Result: L = (110 ... 140) mm. 2. Determine the appropriate range "hub thickness s, CS/St, group I", follow the boundary lines to T = 3000 N m. Result: s = (43 . . . 56) mm. normal force of transmitting surface bearing length of joint no. of splines coefficient of sliding friction (see Z7) safety factor (see Q1) angle of friction (g = arctan /i) permissible bearing pressure. For approximate calculation material CI CS (gray cast iron) (cast steel), St (steel) [p^ in N/mm 2 50 100 /higher values possibl* \ in special cases — MACHINE PARTS Shaft-hub joints Diagram to obtain hub geometry for Q 4 These empirical values are for steel shafts made of ASTM A 572 Grade 42 - resp. to BS 4360 43 B - but not (such as high centrifugal force, etc.). Increase there are other forces or moments being carried. cases cial when u CD a o <D CL w ® JD -* c CO QC to for spe- steel £ CO X - LU o — en o ^ £en O . C/D c -Era "O *C -D (j) © C .C CD Q. ' - \ tarQ \\ \ \ \\ \ \ L MACHINE PARTS Springs R and Spring rate spring work W (Strain energy) Characteristic general const 6F q 22 6s q 23 /' 6 W* s JSfor J* R\ s^f/wwflww;V Rr. fh, / Ri q 24 5 tot q 25 ^tot = J, F2 + F, R tot q 26 = = S3 ... 52 /?! F3 + + Springs in + ... F 2 + R3 . . F2 F, . + S2 S; R + 53 + = F3 s i = F\ 1 R t : R2 ' R, tension and compression e.g. ring spring (Belleville spring) Springs bending in Rectangular, trapezoidal, triangular springs q 27 q 28 permissible load q 29 deflection -h 3 b bi/bA V | 1 1 > I 0.8 l 0.6 1.000 1.054 1.121 1 I 1 1 0.4 1.202 E 0.2 I 1 315 ' | 1.5 2) | Rectangular spring Triangular spring continued on Q 7 MACHINE PARTS Springs continued from Q 6 Laminated leaf springs Laminated leaf springs can be imagined as trapezoidal springs cut into strips and rearranged (spring in sketch can be replaced by two trapezoidal springs in parallel) of total spring width: bQ = q 30 z-b no. of leaves. Then (as q 28): b-h 2 F = q 31 6 - Pbx / leaves 1 and 2 are the same length (as in the sketch): If q 32 = 2b b, The calculation does not allow for friction. In practice, friction increases the carrying capacity by between 2 ... 12%. Precise calculation according to Sheet 394, 1st edition 1974 * Beratungsstelle fur Stahlverwendung, Dusseldorf. /= 1 Disc springs (Ring springs) characteristics Different /,=, can be obtained by combining n springs the same way and springs the opposite way: / ^r /' **'[/ = q 33 n-FB q 34 'single Deflection s DIN 2092: Precise calculation of single disc springs. DIN 2093: Dimensions and charact. of standard disc springs. Material properties: Hot-worked steels for springs to ASTM A 322 e.g. for leaf springs 9255; 6150 - resp. to BS 970/5 e.g. 250 A 53; 735 A 50 - (Modulus of elasticity: E = 200 000 N/mm 2 ). p bt : static 910 N/mm 2 oscillating (500 ± 225) N/mm 2 scale removed and tempered continued on Q 8 MACHINE PARTS 8 Springs continued from Q 7 Coiled torsion spring: The type shown in the sketch has both ends free and must be mounted on a guide post. Positively located arms are better. q 35 Perm, spring force FD « q 36 Angle of deflection a q 37 Spring / i F-r-l IE = Dm -i no. of coils. : f coil length —-^ (Additional correction is needed for deflection of long arms). For precise calculation, see DIN 2088. Springs in torsion Torsion bar spring Shear stress T q 38 Angle of twist d3 # d3 spring length as q 39 Torque shown : rA : lor-/s G-d 4 sketch. N/mm 2 Tf in static oscillating 2 preloaded rm Tls GI D Stress p qt and fatigue strength not preloaded Pqt in = | 700 1020 Tf = Tm ± TA d= d= 20mm 30mm * 500 ±350 500 ±240 mean stress alternating stress amplitude of fatigue strength Precise calculation see DIN 2091, especially for the spring length. 1 'Not allowing for the stress factor arising from the curvature of the wire. 2) Surface ground and shot-blasted, preloaded. continued on Q 9 MACHINE PARTS CN Springs continued from Q 8 Cylindrical helical spring (compression and tension) * Normal s Tension spring f Did = 5 coil ratio: Static stress: D ... 15; > /8 = (D D unknown d ^l/ 8 ^ctheor + £>j)/2 d > j/ QFn -D d > l/ r q 41 estimate Did q 42 max. perm, deflection q 43 sum D ^-Pqt 8 Fn P' 3A x-dn of min. distances between •; tension spring fctheoiH d -| without preload compression spring D known — f 3 q 40 Fn Fy ,*ith <-. Compr. spring s % Fb coils sA = with x ={0.21. 10.7 D/d=l 4 120 at q 44 no. of effective coils q 45 permissible shear stress I. n solid length G-d A s F Pqt=Pqtc = 0.56xfl see diagram ' r 8~D~5 p q = 0.45 x t /? n diagram x 0.8 For higher relaxation requirement see DIN 2089. Cold-wound compr. springs Theoretical spring i deflec-l iperm. f ,orce tion I when Istress ~1000 just solid (compression spring) *c Circ. spring steel wire |^ctheor| Pqtc ASTM- 1200 spring wire spring wire § ^ 8 °° 1600 Oscillating stress: ^ 500o u Include the coefficient k for curvature of the wire and use the fatigue (see DIN 2089) in the calculations. strength of spring steel 1 MACHINE PARTS 10 Bearings Rolling bearings Use the formulae from the manufacturer's literature which gives load capacities and dimensions, e.g. S.K.F., Timken. Journal bearings Hydrodynamically-lubricated plain journal bearing Bearing must be running at proper temperatures and 2£J£ without excessive wear, i.e. separation of the journal and bearing by a film of lubricant. Pressure distribution and Length/diameter e* = b/d ratio 0.5 fete^ *-B* 1.5 1.0 in transverse longitudinal sections 2.0 I vJ///////, Auto- Pumps mobile engines Machine '/>////////, Marine Grease bearings lubrication tools Aero engines Steam Gearing turbines General p roperties Short bearings Long bearings Large pressure drop therefore adequate Excellent good oil at each end, Small pressure drop cooling with high load at low rotational speeds. rotational speeds. Low each end, flow. Good for at therefore high load capacity Poor cooling capacity tational speeds. Symbols see Q 14 at low facilities. ro- Danger of edge loading. continued on Q 1 MACHINE PARTS Q11 Bearings Q continued from Bearing pressure p, p q 46 q 47 r F p bearing pressure 10 (journal bearings) D B sf*dF Pmax <7dF unknown, use R p02 Pmax depends mainly on the If minimum lative lubrication re- film thickness h* min (See Sommerfeld . number q 56). The adjacent diagram shows the ratio of maximum pressure mean bearing pressure to the thickness of the (According to relative lubrication to relation in film. 2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Bauer, VDI 2204). Bearing clearance DR - q 48 y> is ing relative bearing clearance C, y CID D, basically the operation relative (including bearing clearance established durthermal expansion and* elastic de- formation). q 49 Typical values y= (0.3 ... 1 ... 3) Criteria for the choice of 10~ 3 1) \p: Lower value q 50 phosphor) soft (e.g. white metal) hard (e.g. viscosity relatively low relatively high peripheral speed relatively low relatively high bearing pressure relatively high length/diameter ratio B* support self-aligning Minimum < 0.8 values for plastics q 51 q 52 Upper value bearing material sintered metals 1) Grease-lubricated plain bearings Symbols see Q 14 relatively B* > low 0.8 rigid 4)10" 3 2)10" 3 3) 10" 3 continued on Q 12 MACHINE PARTS Q 12 Bearings continued from Minimum permissible during operation h Um in Theoretical q 54 > + Q 11 (journal bearings) lubricant film thickness urn. Actual shaft deflexion hv , bearing distortion + *zj) l* _ mm "min C/2 _ special cases, U* some J crankshaft 2 i I J ^ Relative minimum lubricant film thickness //* min q 55 (15)] + sum of peak-to-valley heights. (*z.B 10... 3.5 [(D e.g. small- automobile bearings 1 large shaft diameters Relative eccentricity e AZmin V D • For statically loaded bearings: otherwise instability Sommerfeld number So (Dimensionless) q 56 So = PV2 V Qetf Nr. BID 1 1/1 2 3 4 5 6 1/2 1/3 1/4 1/6 1/8 So Inserting the adjacent diagram gives /i* min and therein fore also h min To a mate sity is first ?/ eff . esti- visco- based on mean temperature of bearing. A better mate 7" ef esti- is: f=o.5(ren +re: 0.002 0.1 Symbols see Q 14 0.2 continued on Q 1 3 MACHINE PARTS 13 Bearings continued from Q 12 (journal bearings) Lubricant flow rate to hydrodynamic pressure development Q 3 The q 57 e3 = 0.5 Rules: hydrodynamic flow rate required to maintain theoretical lubrication (exactly values see DIN 31652): is 5u(C-2A mln Oil inlet to the ) expanding part of the bearing. Oil velocity u: q 58 In supply q 59 In return lines: Oilbags, oil lines: v slots o = 2 m/s = 05 m/s; ; (depth = p p = 0.05 = 0. 2 C) never in ... 0.2 MPa loaded zones, no connection with the surface area of the bearings, of higher pressure only short oil slots or -bags; bigger bags only in special cases for greater heat removal. oil Heat removal Requirement: q 60 Friction power P = f-Fu = P th (rate of heat removal) /by the use of the following diagrams and So by q 56) f (Calculate 500 -I 0.01 0.02 0.05. 10 0, So Ah, amb k W/(m^K) 100 So Heat removal by convection q 61 50 20 _ k'A(Ts = 7+12 at the Tamb) Wamb tm s-1 200 1000 housing surface A. with empirical formula for k: (equation scaled\ { for units continued on Symbols see Q 14 500 * / Q 14 MACHINE PARTS 14 Bearings Q continued from area 13 (journal bearings) the heat removal surface approximate value for step-bearings: the If of is unknown, Bu + Sh n-H, q 68 A running oil temr\ is temperature-sensitive and the perature is initially unknown, use iteration method for preliminary and successively improved estimates of rB by q 61 Pth amb = P until, according to q 60, Since f Heat removed by lubricant P th if necessary with conduction are neglected): Oil circulation, q 69 q 70 c min k P> minimum : Ten) (1.6... 1.8) Z *10 6 Jm_3 K" 1 5) Z 7) lubricant film thickness during operation lubricant feed pressure : mean, max. bearing pressure Pmax u - heat transmission coefficient : p en .p« coefficient of friction (values see : /i D specific heat (values see . p cooler (convection, heat oil for simple calculations for mineral oils: c / . : L= QCpQiTex ^th, Guide values L peripheral speed of bearing journal : warnb : » velocity of air surrounding the bearing housing external width of bearing housing in axial direction C nominal clearance, concentration, chamfer nominal bearing diameter D bearing force (nominal load) F height of bearing housing H rotational frequency (revolutions per time unit /V Pth amb heat flow rate to the ambient H I : : : Q : lubricant flow rate, mean ^z.B J- am 7en> Tq r] rj p Od f rate average peak-to-valley height of bearing sliding surface ambient temperature Tex lubricant temperature at bearing entrance, exit bearing temperature dynamic viscosity of the lubricant (values see Z 14) effective dynamic viscosity of the lubricant : : : e ff volume flow value of surface finish C.L.A. of shaft mating surface : : density (val.s. Z 5) : crushing yield point I \p : co : relative bearing angular velocity clearance (val.s. Q11) (co = 2n \) MACHINE PARTS 15 Cross head guide, Clutches Crosshead guide Crosshead guide operate smoothly only will when L q 71 tan a < (2-h + the length ratio l_ q 72 F cos a is 2 n , h '////////////////A l)-fi Y////////////////A tana - n tana 1 If the above conditions for tan a are not satisfied a danger of tilting and jamming. there is Friction clutches Energy loss and slip time per operation Clutch Drive side II TMi w, /if Driven side Ji, TL o/ 2 , II A model with the following conditions is sufficent approximate calculation: to 102 = &>i, Acceleration of driven side from C02 = = const.; T\_ = const.; 7c = const. > T\_. Then, per a>i simplified for operation: q 73 energy loss q 74 slip W, h- (**Y&d 2 time Calculating the area of the friction surface flat single- twin- | cylin- multi-plate plate drical clutches clutches III! TTT ii i Number and size of friction surfaces /^r ^ depend on the permissible contact pressure p^ and the permissible thermal capacity per unit area q p continued on Q 16 . Symbols see Q 17 MACHINE PARTS 16 Clutches Q continued from 15 (friction clutches) Calculation of contact pressure (for values see Z 19) For all /» b types of friction surfaces: i-A q 75 Pb ^dyn ' q 76 R a3 R a2 2 where 3 ' ' ^m - /?j - R? 3 conical flat cylindrical friction surfaces q 77 operating Fa = A-p Fa Ap = sin a2 force (axial) q 78 to prevent for multiplate clutches usually: q 79 IT = 0,6. . .0,8 tan R\ = Km a> /i stat ^stat T Calculation for a shaft: «a = locking: x i"dyn Calculation permissible temperature rise In HEAVY-LOAD STARTING the maximum temperature is reached in one operation. It depends on the energy loss, slip time, heat conduction, specific heat and cooling. These relationships cannot be incorporated in a general formula. CONTINUOUS OPERATION constant temperature is only established after several operations. There are empirical values for permissible thermal capacity per unit area q p with continuous operation (see Z 19). With q 80 q 81 Friction power Condition Symbols see Q 17 PF = i-A > Wr z Wr z MACHINE PARTS Friction clutches 17 and brakes Friction brakes clutches can also be used as brakes. But there are also: All friction Disc brakes with caliper and pads. 6 Braking torque B : 2pF6 jr TB = q 82 7" n Expanding-shoe drum brakes (Drawing of simplex brake showing, simplified, the forces acting on the shoes). Leading | Trailing shoes Fm Fs-l = a- fx-r (Servoaction) Braking torque T&: TB = q 85 (Fn1 + Fn2 ) ii Leading r Band brakes see K shoe 13 Notation for friction clutches and brakes (Q15 A Trailing shoe . . . Q17) area of friction surface radius of friction surfaces : R R m R a /?, mean, outside, operating torque 7C : , , : inside radius of friction surface : TL TM T t W, load torque : motor torque : transfer : i : / : z of clutch no. of friction surface no. of calipers on a disc brake operating frequency : fx, nd co : (for moment energy loss per operation : fx sXaX : (EU: s"\ h _1 ) friction-, sliding friction-, static coefficient of friction angular velocity properties of friction materials see Z19) MACHINE PARTS Q 18 Involute-tooth gears Involute-tooth gears Spur gears, geometry q 86 Gear q 87 Transmission ratio na ratio 0) b Transmission ratio of multi-stage gearing: q 88 = q 89 invor = i, • • /„ • ;„, tana — a Showing the transverse path of contact (see ISO Active flank area of wheell R 1 122) ^&\°jS Drive If A and E do not fall between Tt and 7"2 interference will occur and "modified" gears as in Q 20 , should be used. ^Negative for external gears because rotation is opposite. Positive for internal gears. The sign can normally be disregarded. Standard gear > with g« iaring according to DIN 867 spur q 90 q 91 normal pitch q 92 circular pitch q 93 q 94 q 95 normal module q 96 P = circular — *- module helical = m • = Pi ~ cos ji z " cos < m m h a = h aP = q 97 addendum dedendum q 98 bottom clearance ht = c = /j |8 m « =2i = mn m = d s m a -K m n -n Po f p (0.1 = . . J-cos/8 _ d z j8 + c 0.4) m « 0.2 -m continued on For symbols see Q 29, suffixes see Q 23 Q 19 :• MACHINE PARTS 19 Involute-tooth gears Q continu 3d from 18 (spur gears) Standard gears spur q 99/100 reference diameter helical m-z = d d = tip q 102 root diameter q 103 pressure angle d f -z d-2-hf = a = a n = a = ap On = «p t a tan q 104 q 107 x d a = d + 2-h a diameter q 101 q 105/106 m = cos pc dcos db = base diameter = t 1 a?n tan cos p d b = d- cos a a t 1 equivalent no. of teeth "cos 2 /3b -cos/3 3960 table see DIN z q 108 cos 3 /? min. no. of teeth q 109 2 to avoid theory sm 2 a 9 (undercut) ~ ' 17- cos 3 p a P = 20° for when produced z gs ^ by toothed q 110/111 q 112 rack tool practice zg ' ~ 1 4 *- -* m M-cos 3 /3 Zgs' gp = 6 tan spread - | /8 | Stands ird gearing spur q 113/114 + do d\ 36 9a= length of path of contact (total length) I 116/117 + Zl centre distance , q 115 helical l\ '" n 2 r 2-cosi3 . ^V^1 -^1 2 2 + V<*a2 2 -4>2 2 - Wbi + d b 2) -tan a x )\ transverse contact ratio ea - 9« p cosa 9a ^ q 118 overlap ratio to q 119 contact e p ratic ) Y p — • t cos a t fc-sinl/Sl m n -Jt ' = e a + ep continued on For symbols see '- Q 29, suffixes see Q 23 Q 20 MACHINE PARTS 20 Involute-tooth gears continued from Q 19 (gearing) modified gears spur p, m, q 120/121 Pn Px , mn , rrii, , z, zr d, dy helical I see standard gears profile offset q 122/123 -"-mm to avoid interference , frao-paoO -sin a) 14-z a wt calculated from 17 * 1 + X2 ~ cos a, (z : +Z2)-('nvaw t-invat ) (z-i + 2-tanan - invot + centre distance q 129 addendum q 130 zo) 2-a invawt or modifica- mn= k* a- q 131 addendum h a = h aP + q 132 dedendum hf = h iP a6 q 133 outside diameter d a = d + 2-h a root diameter d< q 135 length of path of x 2-f COSOft " i ^ -m n + {x - 2 9a = -2-[V^1 (d b1 e a = 9a'(P + • rf rf 2 b1 '+ £a = £p contact ratio £y = tool data unknown take ap = Q 29, suffixes 2) 2 2 V d a2 -^2 '- 9jiP\ -cos at) -jc) ea + £p 20°. Note the sign. With external gears k x modification can often be avoided For symbols see + x2 ) = ft-sin|/j|/(w n overlap ratio If x b2 )-tana wt J cosa) q 139 1) -tana n k*-m n q 138 2) 2 d-2-hf = - transverse contact ratio • x-m n x-m n - q 134 contact —m C0S at a, 3d COS Owt a 9 tion coefficient ) mm ^ 14-(z/cos 3 ff) (total) q 128 • 17 centre distance q 127 2 to 0.17 ' to give a specific q 126 t + COS fi /iao-paoC -sin gn + can be up ditto 1 _ z-sin2g *min - p see Q mn < 23 0! When k < 0.1 addendum MACHINE PARTS Q Involute-tooth gears 21 Spur gears, design The dimensions are derived from load-carrying capacity of the tooth root load-carrying capacity of the tooth flank, which must be maintained independently. Gearing design is checked in accordance with DIN 3990. By conversion and rough grouping of various factors it is possible to derive some approximate formulae from DIN 3990. Load capacity Safety factor q 140 .S> against fatigue failure of tooth root: ^Flim^ST ^NT' _ c of tooth (approximate calculation) m b ^SrelT' ^RrelT • ^X ^ st K.K, • r Using the simplification: {KFa 'YB 'Y$~V, (^fcrelT' ^RrelT" ^x) *t q 141 ' ^Fg • Y Fs • = 2; Ym ~ 1; Sf min 2-o> lim b FFS q 142 (^A ^v) • . Y ST ~ 1 tooth form factor for external gearing (see diagram) : KA -Ky = 1 ... 3, rarerly 5.2- more, (allowing for external shock and torque, exthe rated additional internal dynamic irregularitis ceeding forces arising from and tooth errors circumferential velocity). q 143 5 Fmin = 1.7 (guide value) q 144 <7Flim guide values see table on Q 22 continued on For symbols see Q 29, suffixes see Q 23 Q 22 | MACHINE PARTS Q 22 Involute-tooth gears Q continued from Load capacity 21 (spur gears, design) of tooth flank (approximate calculation) Safety factor 5 H against pitting: q 145 °H lim Znt _ c ' • V^ Zy Zp) {Z\.- ' -Zw Zx *Sl Zh 2 E Z z Zp y^A ^v Ky • ' • • " For metals the factor of elasticity ZE where £ VO-175 q 146 is simplified to: 2 • E E2 y Ei Therefore, the approximate formula becomes: * q 147 > d fe,!^ 0175 , £ g,' , z cos =1 q 151 only valid for a n s Appr oxima te values for strength (D/a grams in DIN 3990 part 5) Sp Mat. scification to Norm 6 - N/mm 2 A 48-50 B 80 360 4 ASTM A 536-20-90-02 230 560 A 572 cs AS 200 400 3 - 1064 220 620 2 - SAE 4140 290 670 Gr. 65 20° 7 2.5CI = 28 ^liml^lim Grade 1 H^E'V^'V^'V% ,SHp —^\0 h**,v\\\ .^^^S^nN Crts"^****^. \ \ ^ \ \ ^ \\ v jSw 1 ASCH 500 1630 3240 CS: carbon steel alloy steel O.l^"" "*-*-"^ 1 8 ASCH: case hardened _ __ continued on Q 23 K A Ky - 5 Hmi n q 148 q 149 q 150 q 151 a H iim ZH : (Z L • : - ^^S^, 0.08 9 AS: ^^**s^S 0.05 2.0cast iron CI: I I alloy steel ZH 1.7 - J J skew angle for see load capacity for helical gears \ ) (pitch cylinder) a n = 20° a P ~* of tooth root (q 142) 1.2 (guide value) guide values see table : zone factor (see diagram) Z v Z R ) « 0.85 for hobbed or planed gearing » 0.92 for ground or shaved teeth with average peak to valley height R z -[qo ^ 4 pirn • For symbols see Q 29, for suffixes see Q 23 MACHINE PARTS f VjC 23 Involute-tooth gears continued from Q 22, (spur gears, design) In q 141, q 145 and q 147 b or b and d must be known. The following ratios are for estimating purposes and should be used for the initial calculation: Pinion dimensions Either: Or: ^shaft q 152 q 153 pinion integral with shaft 1.2 pinion free to turn on shaft ... from gear ratio i and a specified centre distance a (seeq 113-114-129) 1 1.5 2 Tooth width ratios Tooth- and bearing-quality q 154 teeth smoothly cast or flame cut 6 b_ b m dt ... 10 teeth machined; bearings supported each q 155 q 156 on overhung side steel construction pinion (6) ... 10... 15 teeth well machined; bearings supported each side in gear casing teeth precision machined; q 157 or each side and lubrication < «1 50 s- overhung gearwheel fully m n : : : : , : v : 1 : 2 : 20 ... 40 good bearings in gear casing: Q 18 ... 25 driving wheel driven wheel tooth middle for bevel gears normal tool tangential on back cone (or virtual cylindrical gear) small wheel or pinion large wheel or wheel For symbols see £ 0.7 $ 1.5 supported Suffixes for b 25 . q 158 : ... 1 q 159 a 15 Q 29 MACHINE PARTS 24 Bevel gears Bevel gears Bevel gears, geometry Equations q 86... q 88 are applicable and also: cone angle q 160 q 161 q 162 q 163 tan (5-, d: sin I cos I + u I = 90° tan 6 => tan 61 sin I cos I + 1/w (I = 90° => tan 6 2 angle between q 164 q 165 shafts I y z Only the axial and radial forces acting on mesh wheel 1 are shown J external pitch cone distance } *e = 2 -sin Y 6 Development of the back cone to examine the meshing conditions and for determination of the load capacity gives, the virtual cylindrical gear (suffix „v" = virtual) with the values: q 167 straight bevel gear cos 6 dm cos (5 ^v1 Formulae q 92, q 95 ... q 100 are also applicable back cone (suffix "e"). to the surface of the Bevel gears, design The design (suffix referred is to the MID-POINT OF THE WIDTH b "m") with the values: dm - 169/170 Re 171/172 2-fl, z sin 2-T <5 dm continued on For symbols see Q 29, for suffixes see Q 23 Q 25 MACHINE PARTS 25 Bevel gears Q continued from and Axial 24 mesh = Fmt -tan a sin 6 = Fmt -tan a cos <5 radial forces in q 173 axial force Fa q 174 radial force F, Load capacity • • of tooth root (approx. calculation) Safety factor 5 F against fatigue failure of tooth root: q 175 °F _ c b ef -m lim ^ST ^6 ' ' ^FS rel T ' ^R rel T ' ^X _ Y E' Y K' (^A K v K Fa ' * r With the exception of YSJ the factors substitute spur gears (index „v"). Y , Giving the approximate formula: FmX are determined for ... ^•y s-*WWY q 176 Sfi K -(KA .tfv)tf F|r F ^ST (^6 " * 0.85-6 Y FS Substitute the : * ' ^ T ^R rel number rel " T ^x) ' aF I T1 2 of teeth of the complementary spur gear z v The graph for spur gears on page applicable to bevel gears. For all other data see q 142, q 143 and q 144. . Load capacity S Fl A" F p) • Q 21 is then also of tooth flank (approximate calculation) Safety factor 5 H against pitting of tooth surface. q 177 OH Sh • ( ZL ~b \ ' ZE = Yo.175 E ZE is with Giving the approx. formula: 2- <mi^V Ty cosd] M v + Kh 0.85 q 180 ' 2 H ^E Z e Z K For metals the factor q 179 Zy Zr) • ' -^X KH $ = ~ « * " " V-^A ' -^v " * ^H a * -^H c ^H min f simplified to: E 2 = • y E2 =1=1 s.q181 1 E E,+E 2 s q 180 ^H Zk ZeV ^Ha V^A ^v V^Hg ^H min ' 0,175-E ' ' • (Z L "v • ' Z v Z R Zx • • ) sTqTSI fe ' = H im | 1 supported pinion and wheel 1 .88 for fully supported and overhung V 2.25 for overhung pinion and wheel Z H see diagram for Z H (page Q 22), but only valid for = m to + x 2 ) (zi + z 2 with Z H = 2.495 for a = 20° and standard or modified gearing. For all other data see q 148 ... q 151. A" Fp 1.65 for fully : ) q 181 ^ — . * V:^ q 178 lim For symbols see Q 29, for suffixes . see Q 23 MACHINE PARTS Epicyclic gearing 26 Velocity diagram and angular velocities (referred to fixed space) q 182 q 183 q 184 MACHINE PARTS Worm Worm 27 gearing gearing, geometry (Cylindricalworm gear- normal module ing, BS axial section, angle between I= in 2519, shafts 90°). Drive worm All the ing on the teeth mesh forces are the three F and F r x In actin shown by arrows Fa , . the example: z-i = 2, right-hand helix. Gear tooth ratio and transmission q 185 module q 186 pitch q 187 mean diameter (free to rf 1 ... 88 Worm | wheel, suffix 2 = p 2 = d2 nl z 2 = m1 2-r m1 chose, for normal values see DIN 3976) form factor q 189 centre helix angle q 190 pitch diameter q 191 q 192 addendum dedendum q 193 tip q 194 outside diameter q 195 tip q 196 tooth width b^ q 197 root diameter rffi q = d my tany = = m a1 hu clearance factor Profile offset factor otherwise x = mm » j _ ii 0. Q +0 = m(1 cf = (0.167 4n = groove radius For symbols see lm ^ <*mi . . . m = d2 /i centre distance '> suffix m-n q 188 q 198 as q 86 ratio Worm, • 22 h a2 = m(1 /if 2 0.2 +x) 1 = m(1 -jc+c2*) . . * 3) = c 2 . + 2/i a1 d a2 = d 2 + 2- h a2 = a - d a2 /2 rk W " d22 b2 « = d m1 - 2 /z f1 rff2 = a = (</ m1 + d 2 )/2 + 0,9-d m1 f/2 — ^ xm -2m ^f2 1 > x for check of a pre-set centre distance, continued on Q 28 29, for suffixes see Q 23 > MACHINE PARTS Worm 28 gearing Q continued from Worm 27 gearing, design (worm driving) Worm q 199 peripheral force Worm *"» "ml q 200 q 201 q 202 axial force Fn *.i * tan (y+p) cosptana p Fr1 radial force 1 ,1 (y+p) sin rubbing speed wheel Fx2 = Fm Fa2 = ^t1 = *"r2 - Ft i 0>! V9 cos y m 2 Efficiency Worm tan ym q 203 / Worm driving tan (ym + p) (7m Coefficient of friction (typical values) vg worm « teeth hardened and ground teeth tempered and machine cut wheel driving = tan (ym - p) / tan yn 77' <?)==> = \i 1 self-locking! tan p m/s ~ vg 10 m/s 0.04 0.02 0.08 »0.05 worm worm For calculation of Calculation of module Load capacity are combined q 204 Fx2 = Cb 2 -i£ in and flanks and temperature rise the approximate formula: where b 2 ~0.8 d m1 p 2 = m-n. • P2 ; ; ' q * 2 T2 /d2 = 2 T2 /(m z 2 ) 10 for i = 10,20, 40 9 » 17 for Fx2 = .8-7-2 CpernVtf m of teeth root q 205 q 206 shaft deflection see P 12 22 • • • = 80, self-locking 1 for normal, naturally-cooled worm gears ground steel, worm wheel of bronze): Assumed values hardened and v9 Cperm When cooling is adequate m I | N For all symbols see Q - 8 N 29, for suffixes I 1 | 8 2 this value Cnerm q 207 s~ 1 mm I 2 I 5 I can be used for mm ~ 2 see Q 10 3.5 23 all I (worm 15 2.4 I 20 2.2 speeds: MACHINE PARTS 29 Gears, Gearings Notation for Q 18 ... Q 28 (suffixes see Q 23) centre distance (a d standard centre distance) facewidth eH effective facewidth (root /flank) for bevel gears : b ef I fe : addendum addendum dedendum change of cutting tool of reference profile of reference profile of addendum factor (e. g. DIN 867) no. of teeth z Fx *A K Fa / K Ha / *e peripheral force on pitch cylinder (plane section) application factor dynamic factor (with regard to additional dynamic forces caused by deviat. of the gearing and tooth bending vibrat.) transverse load- /face load factor (root stress) Kf$ K H a transverse load- /face load factor (contact stress) total pitch cone length (bevel gears) mean pitch cone length (bevel gears) : : T torque tooth form factor (force applied at the tooth form factor for external gearing »s tip of a tooth) stress correction factor (applied at the tip of the tooth) stress correction factor life factor index "T": for standard^R rel T relative surface factor conditions Ybre\J relative sensitivity factor YK /Y /Y E size- /helix-angle- /contact ratio factor ior tooth root z E /z H /z L elasticity- / zone- / lubricant factor Znj/ Za I Z. life under standard conditions- / roughness- / speed factor Zw work hardening factor Z K /Z X bevel gear- /size factor Z$/Z z helix-angle/contact ratio factor for flank >Sa >'ST ] : : fi : : : an aP aw : yS : /3 b : g p a0 <7FM normal pressure angle : : : : m CTHMm : : reference profile angle (DIN 867: a p = 20°) operating angle skew angle for helical pitch cylinder skew angle for helical gears base cylinder sliding friction angle (tan g = ji). tip edge radius of tool fatigue strength Hertz pressure (contact pressure) Precise calculations for spur and bevel gears: DIN 3990. DIN 3960 spur gear and gearing Terms and or DIN 3971 bevel gears and gearing definitions for DIN 3975 straight worm gearing ] I BS 2519 PRODUCTION ENGINEERING Machining Machine tool design: general considerations Components of machine tools which are subjected to working stresses (frames with mating and guide surfaces, slides and tables, work spindles with bearings) are designed to give high accuracy over long periods of time. They are made with generous bearing areas and the means to readjust or replace worn surfaces should become necessary. The maximum permissible deflection at the cutting edge (point approximately 0.03 mm. For spindle deflection refer to formula P13 and for cutting forces see r 4. of chip formation) Cutting is (main drives with drives) v = const, over the entire working range (max. and min. workpiece or tool-diameter) are obtainable with output speeds in geometric progression: = nk The progressive ratio cp n1 <pk-i speeds for the n k with k number n-\ output speeds r 2 are calculated by: <P and the preferred series is Standardized progressive selected. ratio cp: 1.12-1.25-1.4-1.6-2.0 20 / — Speed basic series R20 where cp = yiO =1.12: .100-112-125-140-160-180-200-224-250-280-315-355-400. . -450-500-560-630-710-800-900-1000-.. . rpm. Cutting gears are designated by the number of shafts and steps. Example: A III/6 gear drive incorporates 3 shafts and provides 6 output speeds. Representation of gear unit as = 180; « k = 1000): shown (for k = 6; cp =1.4; m Network of scales (symmetrical) Gear arrangement Speed diagram / 1 A > to <- jf-JH in CM /^ m m CO < < L \y $^$ Jj AJ &\ %\' 3 3 - 1 3 8 <* For explanation of symbols refer to R 5 1 n PRODUCTION ENGINEERING Machining Cutting power r 3 Cutting Pc power General Fc Pc = *?mech r 4 Cutting force Fc = - ' Drilling Fc {D + v 2 7?electr ' d) ^mech 1 - mC ' b, h, ze (/c -mc 1 c see Z °«- 5 I o = 7 O 1 . 2e 7) 0Q w O O <N • mm ^•*c,,*( 4) i Tables of values for K, n n *?electr I i- NO ffl'c "5 *C 6 E CO <o B- fc>|CM o x ^ ^ X x t- -CO t- x \i ^ I J^& en »- — E S o = r "° £ in o }no-dn pue jno-u/v\op BujHjuj 8UB|d For explanation or symbols refer to R 5 PU3 1 PRODUCTION ENGINEERING Machining m o o d CD c o Wo TD O) c jz , 1 eg o o d CO Q) O 5° Q.CVJ x: o ai §H* 1 co CO Qlcsj ^m m oo en en co co in <d cd * C CO , O) 1 O "* CD r» CO -^ CO CD CD <J> CD > o o en in -* rt- CVJ CO CD * CO t00 o ico * •* m -5J" cvj -<i- <*• cvj o>o =3 o ,_ OC h- in oo c\j -<^ co cd co O c o Tlcvj d CM co CO CD 00 Om in m -<3- 9ZIS UIBJ6 9|qei 2 % -4 <* o o if o in co co cvj CO CO CO cvj CVJ 2 O O O ° c CO 1 .2 O 2 Q>;z "D '» CD - ~C o C azis uibj6 Q) "•*- o t- in 't c\i in -<fr <* co co co "O For explanation or symbols refer to R 5 * cvj o O C £: Cvi CO O) CD OO CD ^J- CO CO CO Cvj CM* 8 o d 2 o 5 o d C o in evi oo co Tt co co cvi cvi CO CVJ cvj *• I aiqei PRODUCTION ENGINEERING FU Machining Feed drives Feeds in geometrical progression with progressive ratio q> Feed = 1.12- 1.25-1.4-1.6-2.0. rate Method Feed Turning, longitudinal 15 r (external and internal) u = n-sz -z s Drilling 16 r Notes rate u = n-s for twist drills Ze = 2 S = 2 sz = 0.5 5 u = V Planing, shaping 17 r Milling, plane milling 18 r and end Cutting times r = n-s z -z s u milling tc where 19 f, = / + /' calculating the cycle and machining times for each workand infeed travels and also the lengths covered during non-cutting motions, divided by the corresponding When piece, the feed speeds, must be taken into account. Feed power P v r20 Feed power r21 Feed force r22 Friction force u(FR + rV ^mech Fv « 0.2 = rn b ^R * Fv ) V alectr Fc ; (Fc from r 4) -g-n where m b is the mass moved, e.g. in the case of machines the sum of the table and workpiece masses. milling must be determined whether the feed power as calculated under r 20 is sufficient to accelerate the moving components to rapid motion speed ue within a given time t b (in production machines «e ~ 0-2 m/s). Otherwise the following applies: It r23 Pv = uE -m b \ For explanation or symbols refer to R 5 L- (fi.g + !^.\ f b / '/mech H electr PRODUCTION ENGINEERING Machining Explanation of symbols used on pages R infeed / K 1 . R 4 see table 2 effective width speed 5 S /1. b w = B s /3 rough plane grind. b w = smooth grinding minimum output speed maximum output speed milling width : . effective grain distance : width of chip B2 . power cutting milling width measured feed power from tool centre feed width of the buffing disk diameter of pre-drilled hole acceleration time feed per cutting edge working-part - outside, inside diameter resp. cutting time u tool diameter uE friction force v cutting force ze : : : : feed force feed rate rapid traverse speed cutting speed number in slenderness gravitational acceleration £s chip thickness *?eiectr number j: of output speeds basic cutting force related ^mech x : H to area method : cutting travel (p work <p s travel overrun travel : o factor at : : ' both ends of cutting : 1 ratio (e s number of cutting edges = a Is) electrical efficiency mechanical efficiency setting angle friction coefficient, drill tip see Z 7 angle progressive ratio incident angle for milling, cutting or grinding resp. with feed rate u per tool edges action HM Ihss carbide tip high-speed tip PRODUCTION ENGINEERING Metalworking Cold working of sheet Deep drawing Initial blank diameter w °- r24 Am D 4 D LA, are the surface areas of the finished item which can be calculated from the following formulae b 30, c 12, c 16, c 21, c 25, c 27 or c 30. The surface areas at the transition radii for both drawing and stamping dies are calculated as follows: \ * + r25 Am = ±[2nd,r z + 4(K-2)r z Example: (assume D r26 = }Jd 4 2 + d 6 2 rs -d 5 2 = + rz /L = f r) fl 2 zd and 2nd stages r27 ft r28 I r29 -7 «1 02 '<*1 0.001 FD1 =nd^skim ^q>^ ftmax = r31 r32 r33 <p<i = In FD2 = 2 \/0-6^i -0.4 (p2 without 37" =^00 + 0.1-^-0.001 *7ei r30 1 -<*,!• cf, max = 0100 + 0-1 *" 5 2nd stage 1st stage — ^d 4 2 (27td 4 + 8rs )r s + 4d^ + 2nr(di + d 4 )+4nr 1st m = ~2~ + red 2 s ktm2<P2-rf- = In I V0-6^2 2 _ inter- -0.4' frl + fc f2 mediate' with annealing "fm2 - g)2 continued on R7 PRODUCTION ENGINEERING R Metalworking continued from The work 7 R6 volume and the w, related to the yield strength k f is obtained from the deformation curves for the appropriate value of logarithmic deformation ratio cp (see Z 20). Blank holding forces FB and FB2 i 2nd stage 1st stage r34 *--tf-tf!&[<*Bottom tearing occurs r35 r36 Maximum drawing Material _ F D2 conditions (3 Specification to U.S.A. 619-75 steel 620-75 ]~ o> -* * 283 Gr. C Stainless steel (18% Cr; 9% Ni) SAE 3310 AA 6004 AIMgSi soft soft /?100 BS Grade 366-79 Carbon 1490 0.1 FB2 without] with intermediate annealing & max - S20 2.0 1.2 1.8 600 LM 2.05 1.4 1.9 150 1.7 1.2 1.5 4 1.8 1.2 1.6 3 1.9 1.25 1.65 2 2.0 1.3 1.7 - 1.7 321 5 * : '• : : : : : ! ; forminged volume drawing ratio, 1st and 2nd stage fa, fa = ratio for 1 mm and d = 100 mm max. drawing s fa 00 fa maxmax max drawing ratio, 1st and 2nd stage process efficiency, 1st and 2nd stage *7ei. *7e2 logarithmnic deforma tion -a No, 1 st a nd 2nd st age <Pi, qp 2 ' : & : : : - ^m N/mm 2 390 360 350 340 410 15 1 970 + Notation for R6 and R 7 A mx surface area ^bi. FD2 drawing force in 1st and 2nd stage A: fm i or k mean yield strength, 1st and 2nd im2 yield strength for g?-, and q>2 *fii ^f2 r radius rs radius of stamping die rd radius of drawing die WQrk f deformation ; w work per unit volume = — : f] and R m - Sheet metal ^ H CO < + if _ F D1 +0.1 FB1 „ i )2 PRODUCTION ENGINEERING 8 Metalworking Extrusion r37 Remodel F force, pressure force r38 Remodel work r39 Mean strength for deformation = A'k 1m -<pA ± w i <Pa full Extrusion forward hollow body Extrusion body backward '"^S<^ ~S^ <P\do .^i*.' * I 7TA '** . r40 A A d = f(d 2 -d, 2 ) ^0 VI % r 41 <Pa= r42 In 4 r43 r/ F ^ d? "o -'o = 0.7 .. . 0.8 V = T] = 0.6 F Jh {d Q . . . 2 -d logarithmic ratio of deformation without intermediate annealing AI99.5 methoa\ AIMgSi soft 3.9 3.0 backward 4.5 40 1.2 : r] <p F = 0.5 low : : : alloyed 1.2 0.9 0.8 0.7 1.1 1.1 0.95 0.8 used area logarithmic deformation ratio deformation efficiency V remodelled volume w volume related remodel-work according to curves Z 20 Ah: depth of stroke 7/ F 0.6 Amax alloyed forward <pA fdo 2 h ) C<0.1% C<0.15% 00.15% 1.4 : do 2 d^l? Steel "^material A , 2 0.7 Maximum =ln ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING General terms The most important electrical quantities and their units. - Basic rules Note regarding capital and small letters used as symbols engineering quantities that are independent of time are mainly denoted by capital letters. Quantities that vary with time are denoted by small letters or by capital letters provided with the subscript t Electrical Examples: formulae s 8, s 9, s 13 Exceptions: PFeio Electrical /, a), i, v, work W work W W is equivalent to mechanical work as explained Energy conversion, however, is subject to losses. Units: J; Ws (wattsecond); kW h; MW h; see also A 3, A 5) Electrical on M 1. 1 Further the following plained on S1 and S2: relation Ws W s 2 power P Electrical power P = 1 applies, = Joule using J 1 = 1 quantities N m ex- 2 = I-V-t = ¥-t = I2 Rt Electrical explained on M power P, as is equivalent to mechanical Energy conversion, however, is subject to 1. losses. Units: W (Watt); MW kW; ; see also A 3, A 5) 1W Further the following plained on S1 and S2: relation applies, see L 1 Period T see L 1 Angular frequency co, _ P s 3 Frequency/ = using 1 ±s = 1*LS1 quantities Yl s ex- 2d (T=1//) angular velocity to see L 1 Current / Is a base quantity (see preface and instructions) Units: A (ampere); mA; kA The current of 1 A has been defined by means of the attracting force which two parallel current-carrying conductors exert on each other. continued on S 2 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING s General terms continued from S 2 1 Current density J S 4 -i > Applicable only where over cross section A. Units: A/m 2 A/mm 2 distribution of current / uniform is ; V Potential difference v-i s 5 Units: V (volt); Where mV; kV 1 A through a conductor converts energy W, the voltage across this conductor is 1 V. a direct current of a rate of 1 IV - 1$ 1^ - 1AO - - at ,${. Resistance R R - s 6 Units: Q Where (ohm); kQ; a voltage of the flow through Conductance G Conductance G is (Ohm's law) j MQ it, 1 V across a conductor causes a current is 1 Q. = J_V = 1 A 1 resistance W = A2 1 _W_» = s A2 of 1 A to _Nm_ 2 s A the reciprocal of resistance R. G = 1/Q = s 7 MR Unit: 1/Q Quantity of electricity, charge s 8 Mho] [1 Q q = fi'dt Q = It C = 1 (see s1) For direct current: s 9 Unit: C (coulomb): 1 As continued on S 3 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING General terms continued from S 2 Capacitance C The capacitance C electricity Q stored of a capacitor in it s 10 C Units: F Where of 1 capacitance F = C. 1 Magnetic C 1 to be charged to a voltage is 1 F. = < A2 As 1 _ s tf_£ = 1 W '" V V s V a capacitor requires a charge of 1 it: pF (farad); jxF; nF; V, its the ratio of quantity of is and voltage V across J A2 1 s 2 Nm flux 11 <P = X jj u df f (seesl) Here N is the number of turns of a coil and u the voltage induced, when the magnetic flux <Pt linked with the coil varies with time. 1 Wb (weber) = Vs = 10 8 M (maxwell) Wb is the magnetic flux which, linking a circuit it a voltage of Units: 1 V as it is reduced to zero Magnetic induction (flux density) B The magnetic induction in a cross section A B s 12 of 1 turn, induces uniform rate in 1 s. at a is: & ~ A Here A is the cross-sectional area traversed by the homogeneous magnetic flux <P. Units: T (tesla); nT; 1T = Where a 1 nT; ; homogeneous magnetic ses an area of 1 m2 , perpendicularly V s/m 2 G (gauss) = 10- 4 -Vs = V-f- in its [ 10 4 G flux of 1 = Wb magnetic induction 1Q 4_M, perpendicularly traver- is 1 T. continued on S 4 1 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING General terms continued from S 3 Inductance L Ny L = s 13 N = 1 (seesl) -j Here / is the current flowing through a the magnetic flux linked with this coil. Units: H (henry); coil of N turns and <P mH H is the inductance of a closed loop of one turn which, positioned in vacuum and passed through by a current of 1 A, enclosed a magnetic flux of 1 Wb. Vs. = 1 1H = A A 1 iM Magnetic S field strength H jr 14 B _ Units: A/m; A/cm; A/mm; (Ampere Turn/m) Magnetomotive force F s F = NI 15 Units: A; kA; mA; (Ampere Turn) Magnetomotive force s F\ in the 16 f-th Fj here l\ is section of a magnetic circuit: - Hv - F 2>i s 17 i Reluctance S of a - homogeneous section of a magnetic circuit: „ s S = 18 Units: 1/H; = A/V s; symbols see S 16 / (Ampere Turn/Wb) equivalent to Ohm's law -£- <P for l\ the length of this section. \ \ for magnetic circuits/ ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Electric circuits Basic properties of electric circuits s 20 s 21 Directions of currents, voltages, arrows representing them Direction of the current and of arrows generator --» + +-*representing positive currents in load I I Direction of the potential difference and of arrows representing positive voltages always s 22 I ( Directions of arrows representing currents or voltages where calculation results where function of element determine (generator or load) as well as polarity is directions as stated s 23 known s 24 unknown arrows of in a negative value, direction with respect to arrow of current or voltage is positive above at random — — equal opposite Special rule Arrows representing voltage drop across a resistor and current causing it, should always be determined in same direction (as R > 0). Ohm's Law RI Current through a resistor: s 25 s 26 I = Resistance R V of El (see also s 6) R conductor / A Y-A Resistance R of conductor (in degrees centigrade) S R 27 = Vl-t-7] a : Y g = temperature mass m c-m-A& temperature coefficient (s. conductivity (s. : resitivity c : specific heat rj : efficiency & /?2o[l+a(0-2O°C)] Electric heating of a s 28 at (s. (s. Z1 ... Z Z Z 21) 21) 21) Z4 and 02) A&: t /?2o : : temperature change time resistance at # = 20°C continued on S 6 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Resistor combinations continued from S 5 Law The algebraic sum 1st Kirchhoff of all currents entering a branch point (node) is zero. s II 29 = /_/, _/ 2 _/ 3 into Here currents the node are considered out of positive Ratio of currents Where several resistors are connected total current and partial currents are inversely proportional to their respective resistances. in parallel, ,. J 1 /1 ' 30 . * j /z . * _ , " /3 1 1 . R 1 . R, ' 1 . R2 R3 Current division Partial currents of 2 resistors ed s 31 h G + : G2 Ri 2nd Kirchhoff Law The algebraic sum of all a closed mesh (loop) is s connect- in parallel: IV 32 = voltages around zero. 0. Here voltages traversed in accordance with (opposite to) direction of arrow are considered positive (negative). Ratio of voltages Where in ages s 33 several resistors are connected the ratio of partial voltequal to the ratio of the re- series, is spective resistances. V, V2 V3 = : : ^ : R2 : r,i /?,; R3 Voltage divider Partial voltages connected s 34 v, = <^2 v Gi across 2 resistors in series: , = TV- #1 R2 rS5n ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Combination of resistances Series connection R s (according Total resistance to s 26) generally: s 35 s 36 Rs = R2 + R3 + R) + . for n equal resistances R: nR = R, Parallel connection Total resistance R p (according to s 30) generally: s 1.1.1 1 37 s Gp 38 R, R^ Rr = j*1 tyl Gt + G; for 3 for 2 for 39 R,R 2 + R2 Rp /?! s R-\ P /?1 /?2 G, + « equal "*" R] R3 R G2 G-j - £ 1 1 1 40 R 2 /?3 "2 "3 "*" -^^p resistances several resistances s ft* nG + G2 + G3 Multiple connection A multiple connection of several known resistances is subdivided and series connections, proceeding outwards. These are separately converted as to be conveniently combined again, into parallel e.g.: s 41 s 42 s 43 / '3 R2 + R3 = Ri R 2 + R-\ R 3 + R 2 R 3 R-\ R2 + = I\-\ = R 2 + R-\ /?3 + R 2 R% V Gl (G2 + G3) + G 2 + G3 G1 G3 G-j + G2 + G3 G^ G-| + G2 + G3 G-\ A3 + R 2 R 3 R2R3 R-\ y = V ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 8 Networks Solutions of Linear Networks General: There are special methods which allow the calculation of unknown voltages and currents in a network more easily than mesh or node analysis, e.g.: Use of the Superposition Theorem: In a general network, let all voltage and current 2 sources be successively applied to the network, compute the voltages and currents caused by each source acting alone. 1 ' ' • The remaining • The remaining The complete voltage sources are short-circuited. current sources are open-circuited. solution the is sum of these partial solutions. General procedure to compute Vx in a general network with voltage sources V ... Vx and current sources I ... / S 44 S45 V r x = a r -V + a -V +... + a v -V v + 1 ^xaO+^xal ^xbO+^xbl Computation S46 S47 \X |^ , |P^ xbn where / . . . Vy = 1^ =0, with 0, with Vq * 0, / 0, q 4= and and / V V +b -I VX a0+^xa1+^xbO a -V + a : : Equivalent networks for computation of each partial solution: V 4=0; V-i = 0; I = V = 0; VA * 0; 7 = V = 0; V, = 0; 7 4= s50 /n* R R< Ro S51 ; of the partial solut. S48 S49 , 1 Required (Cf. voltage V, - s 48) Explanations cf. S9 (£ + £ 7 > . ^^ i\1 /\2 R /R continued on S 9 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Networks Use of Thevenin's theorem: Consider a general network convoltage and current 2 sources. It is required to compute the voltage Vx across resistance R in branch AA'. This may be achieved by replacing the rest of the network by an equivalent voltage-source V, and resistance R.. taining 1 ' ' , «j5 'jSjlcV » Produce to compute R and V Q|* : x t Remove is /?i V\ is Note: the branch AA' from the network. the resistance between A and A'. the voltage at AA'. If /?, is known, V may be computed using V[ = /sc R r which flows when A and A' are connected. Isc is the current Hence: s52 /<=,/?; sc R + Ri Computation i//?i + 1//? Computation of /S( Ri of R ft 4 rf Equivalent circuit " *. A -$ + £ + < Hence: V s53 Using V s52:Kx = (-^ + , V - /? 1 1 1/^ + 4c «i cf. 1 /o) 1//?! + 1/^2 UR 2 + MR of result S8, s51. Explanations: ap-ay ' 2 ' coefficients voltages of currents voltage source current source with internal resistance which are determined by the resistors in the network R\ ft = { ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 10 Resistor combinations Transformation of a delta to a star-circuit ^10 ^20 + ^10 ^30 + ^20 ^30 ^30 • S s 54 i? 12 - ' *10 *20 + 55 and vice versa /?irj- R,o-Ri ' R30 + 10 R 20 #30 ^20 R23' R-\2 R23 + R^2 + R^3 30 R23' R-\3 #23 + #12 + ^13 ^10 ^20 + ^10 ^30 + R20 R30 56 l R-\o R-\3 120 ' s + R)2 + /?23 Potential divider Potential dividers are used to provide reduced voltages. — I #V #1 Ry #2#\ /?2 s 57 ,/?l/?2 s 58 "*" "*" For applications, where Vy has to be approximately proportional to s. the condition R y > 10 (R + R 2 ) has to be A satisfied. s: distance of sliding contact from zero position voltage divider ¥x ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 11 Resistor combinations Applications in electrical measurements Extending the range of a voltmeter - RM = s 59 1 £& Extending the range of an ammeter A. s 60 max 'Mmax CD- Wheatstone bridge for measuring an unknown resistance R x A slide-wire Wheatstone bridge may be used for measuring resistances of between 0.1 and 10 6 ohms. The calibrated slide wire is provided with a scale reading a/ (I- a). The sliding contact is adjusted, until the detector current /b is zero. Then s _a_ R* 61 R s 62 l-a Rx and hence = R ~— l-a Wheatstone bridge used as a primary element In many types of measuring equipment Wheatstone bridges serve as comparators for evaluating voltage differences. R A sensor : riation resistor, of portional which to the vais pro- the quanti- ty x to be measured (e. g temperature, distance, angle etc.) R 2 zero value of /?i Approx. the relation applies : s 63 vM ~ AR~ x. internal resistance of the measurement « ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 12 Electric field Capacitance C of a capacitor S f a £ C 64 • r A Quantity of electricity Q (see s Electrical work Wc Capacitors connected Where capacitors C = Where capacitors field C in parallel, C increases. + C3 in C3 series are added the total capacitance 67 i< in parallel C2 Ci + Capacitors connected s an electric are added the total capacitance 66 in cv Wc 65 stored — 8) C c2 c3 C3 C2 1 in series, decreases. Capacitance of two coaxial cylinders V o s 68 s 69 2 £r £ '• : A : a : r-[ : r2 : / : • Jt • £o -r r2 relative permittivity absolute permittivity plate area (one side) thickness of dielectric radius of inner cylinder radius of outer cylinder length of cylinders Z 22) As/(Vm) (see £ Q = 8.85 x 10" 12 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 13 Electro-magnetic rules s Deflection of a magnetic needle 70 The N-pole of a magnetic needle is and repelled by a magnetic N-pole. attracted by a magnetic S-pole Fixed conductors and coils Magnetic flux about a current-carrying conductor Assuming a corkscrew were screwed in the direction of the current, its direction of rotation would indicate the direction of the lines of magnetic flux. s 72 Magnetic flux within a current-carrying coil Assuming a corkscrew were rotated in the direction the current through the of the direction of its axial motion would indicate the direction of the lines of magnetic flux through the coil. coil, Movable conductors and 73 ^ — "Z- ~ N coils Parallel conductors Two parallel conductors carrying currents of the same direction attract. Two carrying currents of opposite -)(- direction repel each other. S 74 Two coils facing each other J^l Where two coils positioned face to face carry currents of the same direction, they attract, where they carry currents of opposite directions, they repel each t^. s **c^-i J^~f Machines 75 Hand Rule (generator) Where the thumb points in Right the direction of the and the middle finger mag- the direction of motion, the index finger indicates the direction of current flow. netic flux S 76 Hand Rule (motor) Where the thumb points in Left the direction of the magin the direction of current flow, the middle finger indicates the direction of motion. netic flux N t=J-S other. S N in and the index finger r?i ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Magnetic field S 14 Quantities of magnetic circuits Magnetic s flux NI 77 (see also s 11) S Magnetic induction (flux density) R s 78 H T B H li (see also s 12) Inductance L s L 79 Nf = *A = - f (see also s 13) For calculation of L see also s150 through s 156 Magnetic s 80 strength field // -»- = (Magnetising force) // = (see also s 14) t*rt*o Magnetomotive force / n F s 81 ; NI - Magnetomotive force s 2 = (see also s 15) F; F\ 82 (see also s 16) Reluctance S s S 83 -^ = I = (see also s 18) H H A r Energy s Wm stored in a magnetic field W m = 1 ^/0 = ±LI 2 85 Leakage flux L Part of the total is thus ful flux s 86 lost <V Hence coefficient flux <P leaks through the air and desired effect. &\_ is related to the use- magnetic for the the leakage is: j total flux _ <p u For symbols see S 18 useful flux (1.15... 1.25) ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Magnetic 15 field The magnetic field and forces its Force F m acting between magnetic poles In the direction of the magnetic flux Fm a tensile force occurs: B2 A 1 fm 2" ' Mo Forces F\ acting on a current-carrying conductor A conductor carrying a current / encounters force over F| magnetic s its length / perpendicular a transverse the lines of to flux: 89 Bl = F, I When applied to the armature of a DCmachine, the moment is: s 90 Af j 1 ^-0 2 = I Jt £z a / (p Induced voltage (induction law) V\ N turns and resistance magnetic flux <P that varies with time, an open-circuit voltage Where s a coil of 92 V, : flux per pole : = N -ry1 R\ is threaded by a (see also s 11) induced across its terminals. This voltage causes a current through an is external load resistor Ru. voltage induced by motion duction dicular to flux s conductor loop erator armature in magnetic field (p V s 93 { = (D<Pn sin cot IdB 94 s 95 rotation of gen- rotation of conperpen- of Voltage V\ due to self-induction: Continued on page S 18 V; = L-6i/6t For symbols see S 11 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 16 Alternating current General terms relating Sense of to alternating-current circuit phase angles In vector diagrams arrows are sometimes used to represent phase angles. Here counter-clockwise arrows are taken positive, clockwise arrows negative. Example: sense of phase angles A-- 96 s 97 s <P\- \ Peak values Current (see also s = 360° = = <?2 1) and voltage i <Pz <Pi v of an alternating current vary with time t, periodically usually sinusoidally. maximum are s The and v angular co = 2 ed in ,-r / the angle cover- time t is: 98 a = Hence 3 i peak values. At frequency called an s values at this to t = 2nft time 99 the current is = 100 the voltage is = 6-sin i- sin (cot) (cot) Root-mean-square (rms) values These are used for practical i • sin calculations indicated by meters generally s 101 / = /eff - 102 V = veff -Vi/w s 103 Vt/'-« a v-sin a and for sine 7 = v = With these values the relation P = V I ternating current, if cos cp = 1 (see s 115). are usually waves = /eff vM V? = ^ also applies for al- continued on S 17 / ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 17 Alternating current continued from S 16 Phase shift, phase angle Where different kinds q> of load (resistance, inductance and/or capacitance) are present in an alternating-current circuit, a phase shift between current and voltage occurs. vector diagram waveforms S 104 i Q factor, The s Q damping factor tan (p) loss angle S factor of a circuit has been defined by: Q 106 Here 6, - s\n(o)t w is ^** = the peak value of the energy stored loss energy dissipated in one period. in the circuit and VVyp the The reciprocal s Q of 106 factor called is damping tan <5= 1/(2 For a choke combination (s (s 125 and s 128) 126 and s 129) factor ((5 is and this for a the loss angle) capacitor-resistor definition results in the simple relations: s 107 Q= s 108 6 = 90° - ltan<pl I tan 6 \q>\ s 109 For formulae regarding tan Formulae s 138 and s 139 not so simple. MQ = = = = 1/ltan IVw /V b I cp 7W / b l l <p\ (for series connection) connection) (for parallel see S 19 and S20. applicable for resonant circuits are B ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 18 Alternating current Basic equations for single phase alternating current Impedance Admittance Z Y see s 110 = 1/Z s 111 Voltage across impedance V = IZ s 112 Current through impedance / s 113 Apparent power Reactance S = VI s 114 X = Zsin<p s 115 Active power P = s 116 Reactive power Q = VI -cos q> VI -sin cp S 117 s 118 Power cos factor Alternating magnetic 1 flux in a coil J cp ^ S19 and S20 V z P_ = )2 ^/p^+ = = I'Z I'R = 2 I X P_ VI S AAA Nf s 95 continued (V\ due to self-induction) Where the current i flowing through a coil changes with time, the magnetic field caused by this current also changes. Thereby a voltage V\ is induced in the coil. Its direction is such that it counteracts the instantaneous change" of current (Lenz's law). Symbols used on page S 15 119 absolute permeability permeability relative for for (fi = Anx 10" 7 vacuum, gases, fluids and most solids: magnetic materials take \i from Z23 t number of parallel paths through winding length of magnetic circuit number of turns of coil number of pole pairs number of conductors resistance series in parallel inductance equivalent circuit of in parallel choke Vs/Am) n, c 19 W ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING . Alternating current Components, and series- parallel connections carrying alternating current e- o c 8 Ha 8 1 — " o Ha 3 Q£ D -~ T3 3 9 >< N E -t- x° OS N N NJ o 8II V C ^o <B °- co a — CO ^ to ^ ^ o CO >« .a ^ JO a> V** I**-/ * ^ .^ ^/ 2± Ix, i^ 1 i. H 1 % lit- v° = r S 4I i. *r :». ^|, — <D c c ° > O i E o o No. V OJ I I D S _ o c CO CO §! "I 120 3 S? ~> > > cd S 8 Q. Jo o S 121 Oc-E.* A r- co CD co C a) -l° '3 -i° 'a O) =5 V- S o 22 si? 3 a> *• £ Q) I s il||l sii>3 1-, 1 ^ ^nt^ -C — - -| *ft* •U> co n 1 -A -1 1 O a. 8 >* -° ^r \V ^ °* 8, J5 i^ rsT -A c a> c o (0°O CO "O O) i-. CO CO 8- o --. 2 E V ov o o CO &8 CO ?J & ^ 8- 8- o 8- o II CO o o CD ov D) C - E 2 o °o o o _0> Q. 3 C C O o a: ii N CD CO CO CD + ii Q. o ""J i ii <D CNJ r« '"la I^J -J o Ik 3 —c w OJ > o " s€|i 5 l» 124 CO <0 CD 5r CD o > o ° 3 CD "O '^ —C CD *- co ! S125 I ^ ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 20 Alternating current continued from S 19 1 ^ 8 re oc c o T3 CO 0) — o —<D C >. i3 ^ J5 re i_ a © £* ^ "o to a> re| <» ° „> c ^ „ 9 o o re *£ sz — CO c g> ^o <K ro .E E re 5 $ Jrexo X3 re .:= g |S.2 *~ ^ re ° 852 -r, V *'5 _ o _ ore re ra © > a £ ore o. w £ — ."K re c 5 & re 2 3 OT 0) S126 ^ re a. .re + a ° c © c <d .E c S128 n 1 o > $ re .1 *1 o 3 ^ o eg '5 ro O .Q i -o *- Q. > S127 re s129 s 130 131 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 21 Alternating current Resonant circuits series- parallel- | resonant circuit symbol and see s123 general vector see s127 diagram Ac vector V'VR diagram resonance at Wc I = Io k resonance condition co r a) r resonant frequency 2 LH C = 2ji where (o r Lc C wfLpC 1 yL R C 2k V l p c , current at It Vb (p Q factor loss angle 6 from Qr = tan <5 KL = = - Rr R Vc (o r J_ = Gr = CR R R* co L R c_ /r resonant period s 141 Tank 2it at = QP 7C = /b = (O r tan St RP CR P (D r Lf J_ 0p r wavelength s 140 1 frequency/ = /r resonance occurs line resonance at = 300-10 6 (O r CR r m frS V^r C 2ji V^p C Circuit resonant circuit has its maximum impedance Z max at resonant frequency. Therefore it acts as a rejector for currents of this frequency. A parallel its 142 RR C for symbols see S 18 and current ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 22 Alternating current Alternating-current bridge AC bridges are used to determine capacitances and inductances. For balancing the bridge variable capacitor C2 and resistor R 2 are adjusted until the sound in the low resistance headphone K reaches its minimum or vanishes. The following circuits are independent of frequency. measurement of capacitance inductance EH R* ^3 Cx C2 Rz R* R tan 6* Rx<oCx Determination of an unknown impedance by measuring the voltages across this impedance and an auxiliary resistor: R S 146 Pwz s 147 cos<pz s 148 « s 149 " = -CZh V 2 -Vn 2 -Vz 2 2R — Vr e A/vz z h© -4 select auxiliary resistor R such unknown capacitance unknown inductance unknown resistance of that I | coil or 6 V R « Vz I <5 X R2 : &4 I S17 known resistances loss angle, see . a- capacitor calibrated adjustable capacitance unknown impedance (inductive or capacitive) ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 23 Alternating current Inductance L from impedance and resistance Calculating s 150 /. from impedance and resistance Pass an alternating current (J = I/A « 3 A/mm 2 through a ) measure the terminal voltage s 151 Z impedance Calculating s /. current = L- s 152 V, /, active power resistance ±^*-W for a toroidal coil 153 2:r L Calculating for a square r. coil armatures must be circular D s 154 S s 155 156 < > £ inductance 1.05 1 1.05 1 3 values m V 2 ^/V m become HH \u V (-) \u V ^H ' unreliable 1 |iH = ^ 10" 6 thickness of winding cross section of wire width of coil external diameter of wire and insulation mean diameter of coil internal length of 157 circumference of ratio a s 158 armature winding mean length of armature winding number of turns degree : coil (/ m = + / cross section b of loosing of turns (/3 = ab . jra) coil P: and ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 24 Alternating current Non-magnetic coils with specified inductance L High frequency coils D formula u here: s 159 s 160 ,j <1 ep--igf) w-** >1 ©*«" - Low frequency Assuming 2VA^ 4d + «) Vf[ coils that D s 161 - s 162 V - 975^ s 163 a i.±V? and 1 Calculation of number = u, then of turns \ of a coil From cross section s 164 TV « ab Ar « RA From resistance s 165 Using reference Position coil unknown coil of Nx turns and reference coil of turns at short distance on closed iron core. Magnetize core by alternating voltage Ve applied to magnetizing voltages coil Ne Vx and V . Measure using high impedance voltmeter. Then s 166 «.£ For explanation of symbols see S 23 separation gap N lrcn core rt SB. ^ **> ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 25 Alternating current Hysteresis Remanent-flux density B A residual magnetism of flux density B remains in the iron core, after the external magnetic field strength H has been removed. r T Coercive force Hc The coercive force reduce the Hc has to be applied to flux density B to zero. W Hysteresis work H The energy H dissipated during a single cycle of the hysteresis loop is equal to the product of area of the hysteresis loop w H and core volume V Fe w : Hysteresis power PV h WH f W H V F ef = Eddy currents According to the induction law alternating voltages are also induced inside an iron. core. Depending on the resistivity of the core iron these voltages cause induction currents called eddy currents. They are kept small by lamination (making up the core of thin metal sheets, which are insulated from each other). Core losses (iron losses) Core losses per unit mass pp e They are the combined hysteresis and eddy-current losses per unit mass. They are measured at a peak induction B = 1 T = 10 kG or 1.5 T = 15 kG and at a frequency / = 50 Hz and are then denoted? 1.0 or P 1.5 respectively. For values see Z 24. Total core losses P Fe = m Fe : mass of core I x : F1.0 B L. T 50 Hz m Fe (1 addition for punching ridges etc. + x) (0.1 ... 1.0) ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 26 Alternating current Choke Choke coil used in to a value Vv impedance of It is coil used as a dropping impedance an ac circuit to reduce the S 170 S 171 voltage line minimum for a restitive load with choke Z D -y]R* 2 + (coL R total circut z /? v ) - - - V down losses. V(Rr + 2 *-±V(l-VPl f + (a >L R f -(^v + ^r) a rough calculation of Lr neglect the unknown resistance Rr of the choke. After dimensioning the choke 7?r is known, and Z In may be determined exactly. Check Vv by s 173 V„ = and repeat procedure, if VRr Z necessary. Choke of constant inductance without core t Dimension according to S 23. Make preliminary assumptions regarding values r2 /n (toroid coil) or D/u (straight coil). case of unfavourable results repeat procedure. Determine resistance of choke according to s 26. In Choke The coil of constant inductance with iron core core essentially serves for guiding the magnetic flux and should incorporate as many single air gaps 6^ as possible. These should be filled with insulating layers and should not exceed 1 cm iron in length. The m.m.f. required inductance The gaps to magnetize the core is neglected. Peak values of H and B are used for calculations. air variation of winding to be distributed on both legs L R my be expressed continued on S 27 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 27 Alternating current continued from S 26 terms of the of inductance in S 174 _ _ gL maximum current-depending variation relative I^Rtot --^r . — 1 1 . ( ^R A — fe = H Fe gL l fi fe fe ti d + AL If repeat dimensioning with greater gL > gL requ smaller B Fe at unchanged product Af e x B Fe 1 and Af e , . Dimensioning. Given: Lr, /, g Lre qu. ^Leff or /effl then the preliminary final dimensions are S 175 s 176 effective A F e= cross section of core with VK VLe „' VLe „ / ef( - I eU 2ji/Lr number s 177 V of turns of air s 179 gap length total of air s 180 gap single s 181 Ai= ab by cm of wire Choke + s [A L= ab + 5{a + b)6A = nL B -5N 2 < d'/n 1 cm (5, to = din < 2 n n {a + b) cm 1 Use next standard values for d a including insulation d, Aw l b) u cross section of winding length of limb (a abnN = 6 + 5 '•^ diameter s 182 ^Lefl . 4A4f8 Fe A Fe cross section s 178 take AfQ from standards or determine a and b by \A Fe = 0.9 a b ~ A F e I = 1.12 da 2 N % determined from dimensions of core section and Aw current-depending inductance This type of choke employs an iron core without an air gap. is used only for special purposes, e. g. as a magnetic amplifier. coil of power coefficient of » cm 4 /VA 0.24 sb 0. 15 for k c |a o| choke chokes core section see S 26 /VA for oil chokes increase values by 75% core section m for air-cooled 4 preliminary current density for air-cooled choke 2 for oil choke /'— 3 ... 4 A/mm core induction (take approx. 1 ... 1.2 T) strength in core corr. to according to material employed field It flFe t0 be J' = 2 from taken number of single air gaps, increase reduces stray flux resistance of winding according to s 26 resistance of choke includ. core losses (Kr ~ 1.3 Rc u mean length of magnetic path through iron A/mm^ ) Z 23 N ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 28 Alternating current Transformer Designation of windings distinction by function nominal voltages winding with higher | input lower low-end winding 183 s 184 rated primary (index | Nominal values (index s power nominal transformation ratio transfer) output winding nominal voltage high-end in circuit power (direction of secondary (index winding 1) | 2) n) 5N 1 = = V 1N ^1 N -/ 1N = ^20 = ' ^ N -/2N 1 2 N / ^1 By the rated secondary voltage V2 h we mean the open-circuit secondary voltage (V2 n = ^20). not the one at nominal load. Core losses Pf e and open-circuit measurements In. The core losses /Ye only depend on primary voltage V-\ and frequency/, not on the kind of load. s 185 ^10 = ^Fe Core losses Pf e and nominal transformation ratio ii are determined by open-circuit measurements (see circuit diagram: secondary open, values provided with index o). The primary current's resistive component /RFe covers the core losses, its reactive component is the magnetizing current 7 m The copper losses are negligibly small. The core losses Pf e a r © required for calculating operational power dissipation and efficiency. . continued on S 29 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 29 Alternating current continued from S 28 Copper losses Pqu and short-circuit measurements 1.2 7.2 Pcu depends only on the primary current /i and is determined by short-circuit measurements (see circuit diagram, values provided with index k). With the secondary shorted, the primary voltage is adjusted to a value V-ik, which causes the rated currents to flow. V-|« is so small that /RFe and I m are negligible. Then the short-circuit primary power Pi« is equal to the rated copper losses PcuN of the transformer at rated currents. P-|« total power dissipation and ing operational s 186 " ^1 K The values measured are used is required for calculat- efficiency. ^Cu N for calculating the relative short- voltage v^, which, for bigger transformers, indicated on the name plate: = 100(V 1K /V 1N )%. circuit s 187 The following s 188 may be determined quantities diagram: ^Cu = ^r/^1 N L = V L /co/ 1N Operating conditions For calculating the operational secondary voltage V2 for a given load all secondary quantities are first computed into those of an equivalent transformer having a transfor- mer s 189 ratio of Vo = i-V \ i = 1 U (index = hn _/ cos ; i'« simplified Rv L Vrv Vl ' I 1 > of V£ = 4%) s 191 K 1K -(cos<p 1K Jl '): « V 1K -COS(g?iK-<P2 )-/2/^2N Secondary voltage V2 V2 = V, - AV VR /Vi vector diagram Vi AV = using the vector simplified 1^. s 190 always equivalent circuit Load-dependent variation AV (approximation for = <p 1K is cos<p2 + sin<p 1K -sin<p2) / 2 //2n V9 '/i J ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 30 Three-phase current Basic connections Star VD s 192 ^ uW ^M? *— 1=1 s 193 \v . v, Ph ^Y 1 f Delta S 194 V - s 195 / V,P h 1 = V3 / Bhh P Measuring three-phase power Load balanced with neutral point (star connected) —•- from mains rr\ v conn< sction without neutral point (delta connected) -*- I I L\ to from . L2 load mains ^s5i_l L3 196 total to '° ad 3 {c power h . JLJl "1 N s »£i (w) x \r "" simulated neutral V3V-/-cos(p 3/ly Load unbalanced (Two wattmeter method) For delta connected without neutral point. (Also for from /., ~^ balanced load without neutral V\ point). s 197 total / ph / L N , L2 L3 , : outer conductors neutral conductor Fwph : active power l3 P2 yph V line current : : P, + power phase current : ^=^r of one phase : phase voltage : line voltage ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 31 Three-phase current Reactive and active power, power factor (for reactive s 199 active power 200 power factor s symmetrical load) power s 198 q = y/2'v-I-s\x\ p = <p y/3V-l-cosq) P V3V-/ Power factor correction consumers) (for inductive General to power factor according to current rate, usually cos q> = 0.8 ... 0.9. Adjust large consumers separately and directly and small consumers centrally to main or subdistributors. Adjust Calculating the required capacitor power Calculate power factor cos cp as above, use wattmeter (see connection in S30) or a current meter to determine P. capacitor power Q = (tan inherent consumption of condenser Pc « 0.003 - tan q>, q> 2 ) P Q Table (numerical) cos q tan cos q q tan q) cos q tan q 062 1 265 0.81 0724 cos q tan q 0.44 2.041 0.64 1.201 0.82 0.698 92 456 426 0.46 1.930 1.138 83 0.672 0.93 0395 0.48 1.828 066 068 078 0.84 0.646 0.94 0.363 0.50 1.732 70 1.020 0.85 0620 0.95 0.329 0.52 1.643 0.72 0.964 0.86 0.593 0.96 0.292 0.42 2.161 1 91 0.54 1.559 0.74 0.909 0.87 0567 0.97 0.251 0.56 1.479 0.76 0.855 0.88 0.540 98 0.203 0.58 1.405 0.78 0.802 0.89 0.512 0.99 0.142 0.60 1.333 0.80 0.750 0.90 0.484 1 0.000 can be calculated from the above table, cos q-\ representing the required power factor and cos q- 2 the consumer tan <pi or tan power factor. q) 2 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 32 Motors Direct-current machine (motor and generator) General 203 moment constant s 204 rotational s 205 torque s 206 armature current s 207 terminal voltage s s 208 speed s 209 internal c --fh CM source voltage <Pa> = 2nC M 0n c M <Pia ± (V ~ Vq) K,±'aKa V+ /a 2jrC M power to generator *' **' <*> = M; m = Pi s 210 Ra *» Vq Pa = /a v/,, mechanical power supplied by motor s 211 Shunt motor Easy (for circuit speed starting, r)Vl x diagram see S33) % is fairly independent of load and, within certain limits, easy to regulate. Series motor (for circuit diagram see S33) Easy starting with powerful starting torque. Speed depends greatly on load. When running free may become unstable. Compound wound motor (for circuit diagram see S33) Operates almost like a shunt motor. Main circuit winding ensures a powerful starting torque. number number of magnetic *' armature pairs of pole pairs 2 : Ra : number of conductors armature resistance flue + motor - generator ") - motor + generator \ ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING D. C. 33 machines with commutating poles motors generators counter- counter- clockwise clockwise S202 — 1 L id! S203 ^ II (I [] J t@ S204 Id II I ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 34 Motors Three-phase motor Speed At a given frequency / the speed of pole pairs p. s 215 is determined by the number speed ns = J- = ™l-sp p . -U mm Switching Where both terminals of each winding are accessible on the switchboard, the three-phase motor can be connected either in star or in delta. phase voltage in star s in delta 216 A 400/230 volt motor operates with its nominal values of current, torque and power, when connected to s 217 V = 230 V in s 218 V = 400 V in star, delta, meaning Vph = V meaning Vph - 77=; = 230 V V_ m 400 V = .)i, = 230 V3" VS V Star-delta connection Higher powered motors usually operate in delta. Yo avoid excessive inrush currents, particularly in relatively low current networks, the motor is started in star and then switched over into delta. If, for instance, a 400/230 volt motor is connected in star to a 230/135 volt network, it is supplied with only 1/|/3 times its nominal voltage. Induction motor The rotating field of the stator causes voltage and current to be induced in the armature winding. Due to slip the rotational speed of the armature is about 3 to 5% lower than that of the rotating field; it remains almost constant under load. Synchronous motor Requires direct current for excitation and is synchronized with the speed of the rotating field by means of an auxiliary squirrel-cage armature. Can be used directly as a generator. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 35 Transformer switch groups Switch groups generally used for transformers type sign key- switch numb group switch diagram PV SV PV ratio SV Threephase-output transformers s 219 M3 D d IV s 220 s 221 s 222 s 223 W^iw D n/-^iw X IV IW 2V IU IV IW l^2V X W^-^IW z IU 2U /^-2W 2W-{ d 5| IU 224 s 225 IV IW iu^iw 2V» N2 £A?3 m ?>N2 2U2V2W urn 2W^2U iu*-^iw IV s 226 Y y 6 2V 2W*^2U iu^iw 2V IV s 227 D z 6 s 228 D y 11 s 229 D d 11 s 230 Y 11 2W~^j2U lU^IW *2V \—2W iu^Aiw r V?N2 Yin, N2 2N, YJN2 s2 6 1l 111 iu-^ IW D d AN 2 2U 2V 2H 2U2V2W IV s 1/1/1 2 IV IV LU 2U 2V IU IV IW y/j IU IV IW IV IW LU IU ri/i/i M/3 2U 2V 2W 3 2W 2U 2V jW 2V JL N2 L Wn 2 IV 11 \>2W w^^iw 2U 2V IV z 2W *V2W lUy^lW N2 2N< Single phase-output transformers 1 i 1.2 Key numbers (= key \ i * 2.2 1.2 2.2 1 PV: pri nary voltage SV: sec ondary voltage number x 2.1 2.1 ;.; 1 s 231 D |Y| star dSlta d N2 | |y| zig-zag 1 z used to calculate the phase angle are 30°) between the primary and secondary voltage, e. g. for Dy5 the phase angle is 5 x 30 = 150°. Note: Use the framed switch groups for preference. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING S 36 Measuring instruments The most important measuring instruments * ~?1 o.§ CO CO il l 1 co CD w -1 1 c o ~<" 1 i 1 2 « 3 CO E i 1 2 « 3 CO £ n i CO 11 ^8 O o co kJ- to to CO CD CO > co co *l 1 Si™** ^ CO (D i_ O —5 x_S ~c >.- 2- CO co ~l 1 o l| CO ! o c CO CD CD E E 2 To "co~ c -3 CO O" .2 -a CO CO " CD *- co > &o o Q> o E £ co CO a) a3 "° 0> . © 2 5 4* E CD o « 2 o w |o o o X b § 2 X o- Soco co CO "CO "O o CO 3 C c c O N of b mov- « CO fixed contact springs tension h- O) permanent current feeds c o for O of other 2 b a of instruments leads moment magnet. in to coil in current and fixed coil non-uniform 2 a bo en c or o>£ E 1 o E E CO 5 o o o co co o o o O i. CD £Q- Q. O O) uniform magnetic c '> O E in counter spiral -o c coil leads, ffl in c o b CO V ^ CO — E c o with co moment springs CO CD co 2 '> magnet X °8 CO moving as -o c i iS °b> bands coil, CO in b '> O E o 2 moving screen c£ heater. Thermocouple coils o o and fc ing permanent moment <o © O c T3 O 3 c o CO-D O T- CO or field Thermocouple field tension .— Q. close each — *l| o x application uniform of Q. CO thermal without serve bands Q. °.E moving spiral radial to current counter counter field c o > CO c 3 > E o § CO C 3 2 5 E CO is E O CD & CO CD E F Tl CO c o || 2 -g" | 2 .2 b "co « 3 T3 O o t co O -Q E CO o Qj cs cH c # OT o -Ih °7o «- CO ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 37 Installation Current rating PVC / z unburied copper conductors including overload protection devices at an ambient temperature of 30 °C 1) insulation, Nominal cross section Group 7 Z in 1 / n in 7 Z in Group 2 7 n in Group 7Z in 3 1.5 mm 2 7 n in A A A A A A Group mm, 1 : 2: 3: approx. 16 25 18 26 10 2 20 108 135 168 80 100 125 > 80 1.1 1.4 1.8 50 35 103 132 80 100 50 Nominal Cu-wire diam. 10 2.5 2.3 multiwire 3.6 2.8 129 158 198 100 125 160 One or more single core cables laid in a conduit Multi-core cables (including ribbon conductor) Single-core cables in free space (spaced at least one wire- diameter apart). 1 >The value decreases (increases) by about increase (-decrease). 50 °C should not be exceeded! 2) 7Z 7% per 5 °C temperature For cables with only two current carrying conductors an over-load protection device. (L) or (gl_) with 7n = 16 A should be used. Switches single pole switch two pole and cross-over switch 2 loads 1 switch 1 load 3 switches*) PE N 1- ._ XX Nominal current rating of type gL fuses and type L automatic circuit-breakers. Current rating of the cable. Also the overload protection devices of type B, Live *) N: Neutral maximum C or K (for PE: each additional switch requires an extra cross-over allowed value of / n iz ). Earth CONTROL ENGINEERING Control engineering terms Control Control a process by which a quantity called the controlled variable (the quantity which has to be controlled) is recorded. This controlled variable is then compared with another quantity, the reference variable. The controlled variable is then influenced in such a way that it equals the reference variable. The main characteristic of control is the closed action path in which the controlled variable is continously influencing itself (for action flow see below). is Preliminary note: Names and definitions follow those given in of the the following terms very strongly norm DIN 19226, version 2/1994. Functions, Quantities and Symbols to describe the behaviour of transfer elements and systems Input variable u The input variable u is a quantity acting upon the considered system without being influenced by it. Output variable v The output variable v is a quantity be influenced only by itself or its input of a system variables. Delay time T, time constant T The P-Tj element, the first order delay element, which can is a func- tional unit with the transfer behaviour: v(t) where T + Tv(t) = Kp u(t) also called time constant. the solution of this differential equation see J 4, J 9). is the delay time, (For Characteristic angular frequency co damping ratio # The P-T2 element, the second order delay element is a functional unit with the transfer behaviour: , t2 v(t) Here (1/a) 2 ) v (t) = K P u(t) the characteristic angular frequency and ration. (For the solution of this differential (o is damping tion + (20/a>o) Ht) + see J # the equa- 5, J 11). Eigen angular frequency cod The eigen angular frequency co d is given by the formula below in which the characteristic angular frequency to and the damping t3 ration & are used. a> d - aJo-Vl-fl 2 Explanation of the symbols see T35 CONTROL ENGINEERING Control engineering terms Step response The step response (see Steady Tu 1 J>7 is Tg build up time intersection of with \l Tu Tg f \ Trise Settling time Fig. 1 k Step response of a transfer element fig. 1). Build up time of Step response v Step function u defined as the time between t and the point of intersection the of first inflexion of the step response with the x-axis The te/^TX / / Tu The equivalent dead (see stc value fig. 1). Equivalent dead time time Transient value \ tolerance 0\ ^ershoot u,v progress in time of the output variable of a transfer element when a step function is used input variable as the is the Tc ,s the and x-axis defined as the time between the point inflexion of the step response first the point when this first inflexion reaches the steady state value. Overshoot vm The overshoot vm is the widest deviation of the step response from the steady state value. Ramp response The ramp response is the progress in time able when a ramp function with given rate of the output variof change is used as input variable (ramp generation). '<i MO ik Fig. r(t) 2 T t 4 t 5 r H e(t)dt Ramp T r is the ramp £{t) te(t) generation time, e = C/q (t) / Ofor I 1 for the unit step generation: t r < ^ Unit step response A step response related to the step amplitude of the input variable leads to the related step response, called unit step response h (f). continued on T3 t6 CONTROL ENGINEERING Control engineering terms (t) characterises the dynamic behaviour of the transfer element. For unit step responses for the most important transelements see T 14 to T 17. h fer Transfer Function F(s) The transfer function F(s) is the ratio of the Laplace Transthe output variable and the Laplace Transform u(s) of the input variable of a transfer element. For transfer functions for the most important transfer elements see T 14 form v(s) of toT17. Frequency Response F(jco) The frequency response F(\co) is the ratio of the pointer of the sinusoidal output variable and the pointer of the applied sinusoidal input variable of the transfer element in its periodic steady behaviour in dependence or co or /. Amplitude response F(co) The amplitude response F{(o) is the magnitude of the frequency response F{]co) in dependence of the angular frequency co. Phase response arc F(jcu) The phase response is the argument arc F(\(o) of the frequency response F(\co) in dependence of the angular frequency co. Frequency response characteristics, Bode diagram The frequency response characteristics (Bode diagram) are obtained when the absolute value (logarithmic or in dB) and phase response (proportional) are plotted together in dependence of co or the standardized angular frequenoy oo/oo^. Corner angular frequency co n The corner angular frequency (o n {n = 1, 2, 3 is that angular frequency co, where the asymptote line of the absolute up or downwards - by value in the Bode diagram breaks off an integer multiple of 20 dB per decade. . . .) The action diagram The action diagram tions in symbolic is the a considered system. illustration of all opera- Elements of the action diagram Elements of the action diagram are the action line, the functional block, the addition and the branching point. Fig. Functional block Action line u, w-i, u 2 input stimuli : Addition = ± u 1 ± u2 v v : output result T 3 Branching point CONTROL ENGINEERING Control engineering terms Basic structures of the action diagram The basic structures of the action diagram are the series-, parallel- and circle structure. Rule for the addition in an action diagram An addition has only one single leaving action line (output variable). Rules for the representation of a system by an action diagram Each equation of the system is shown only once in the action diagram. A negation (change of sign, reversion of polarity) must be at an existing or at an extra summation point; it is not allowed to hide in the coefficient of a block. shown In the action diagram of a passive system no positive feed- back occurs. To have a clear form of the final drawing of the action diagram the shortest path (forward path) between input variable (upper left side) and output variable (upper right side) should be a horizontal line. Derivative elements should be avoided. tions of the loop should be reordered. Components Fig. trol 4 To achieve this, equa- of the control loop and its quantities typical action diagram of a closed loop con- shows a system including its functional units. Typical action diagram of a closed loop control system Controlled system The controlled system is to be influenced. is that part of the control loop p- * which CONTROL ENGINEERING Control engineering terms Point of measurement of the controlled variable, controlled variable x The point of measurement of the controlled variable is the location in the controlled system where the value of the controlled variable x is obtained (see fig. 4). The controlled variable x is the variable of the controlled system which is recorded for controlling and is fed to the controlling system via the measuring equipment, x is the output variable of the controlled system and input variable of the measuring equipment. Formation of the final controlled variable, final controlled variable xA final controlled variable x A is a quantity which it is the task of the closed loop control to influence. If easy to obtain by measurement, then jca is identical to the controlled variable x and will be fed back via the measurement equipment to the comparing element. Only if it is not possible or only possible with great difficulty to obtain xA will it occur as an independent quantity beside the controlled variable*. The In fig. 4 - typical action diagram of a closed loop control system - the formation of the final controlled variable a:a is made by the controlled variable x, usually by attachment to the controlled system. Here the final controlled variable appears outside the control loop, the control of influencing disturbance variables during the formation Example: is not possible. Temp, of the contents of a pot. Temp, of the hotplate. The final controlled variable *A can also occur within the controlled system, that means within the control loop, m this case the controlled variable is formed via the final controlled variable; influencing disturbance variables can be controlled. Example: Final controlled variable: Mixing ratio of two liquids. Final controll. variable: Controlled variable: Specific resistance. Controlled variable: Measuring equipment, feedback variable r The measuring equipment is the sum total of all the funcrecording, transferring, for determined elements tional adapting and distributing the variables (see fig. 4). The feedback variable r is the variable which results from the measurement of the controlled variable x. The reference variable adjuster, reference variable w The reference variable adjuster outputs a reference variable w is a functional unit which derived from a user defined target variable w* (see fig. 4). The reference variable w is not influenced by the related closed loop control; the output variable of the closed loop control shall follow the reference variable in the given dependence. Note: Goal and reference variable are very often identical. CONTROL ENGINEERING Control engineering terms Forming device for the reference variable, target variable w* The forming device for the reference variable builds from a target variable *• - applied at the input - an output reference variable w. This forming process ensures that the reference variable w, or time derivatives of it will not exceed critical values (see fig. 4). The target variable w* is externally defined and is not influenced by the considered closed loop system; the final controlled variable w of the closed loop system should follow the target variable in the given dependence. Comparator, error variable e The comparator produces the error variable e depending on reference variable w and feedback variable r (see fig. 4). e = w - r. Controlling element, controller, controller output variable \ R The controlling element produces the output variable y R of the controller using the error variable e from the comparator. The process ensures that the controlled variable x in the control loop - even at the occurrence of disturbance variables - follows the reference variable w as quickly and precisely as possible. The controller consists of the comparator and the controlling element (see fig. 4). Actuator The actuator is a functional unit which uses the controller output variable y R to form y. The variable y is necessary for modulation of the final controlling element (see fig. 4). Final controlling element, manipulated variable j The final controlling element is located at the input of the controlled system and influences the energy flow. Its input variable is the manipulated variable y (see fig. 4). y transmits the controlling result of the system to the controlled system. Final controlling The equipment controlling equipment consists of the actuator final controlling element. final and Controlling system The has controlling system is that part of the action path which to influence the controlled system via the final con- trolling element. Manipulating point The manipulating point is the point of application of the manipulated variable y. Point of disturbance, disturbance variable z The point of disturbance is where the externally applied disturbance variable z affects the intended influence closed loop control (see fig. 4). in the CONTROL ENGINEERING Quantities and functions Quantities and functions to describe the dynamic behaviour of control loops transfer function F (s) transfer function F {s) is the product of transfer functions serial of a control loop or a loop. Open loop The open loop al Example: u(s) : 9 ^ D y t F{ ' 1 M (W F2 (s) 1 "« . F (5) = F,(5) -F2 (j) *J gain V The open loop gain V is the value of the open loop transfer function F {s) in the case when the Laplace variable 5 = 0. This term is only applicable for control loops and loops without behaviour. The higher the open loop again the more precise the closed loop control. Open loop I Control factor The control 1 H F (0) factor 10 F F (0) is R F (0) given by = 1/(1 + V Gain crossover angular frequency The gain crossover angular frequency co D is the open „, a loop frequency where the | £ absolute value (amplitude) of the open control loop is equal to 1. co ) D H 8. <»o Phase crossover angular frequency co The phase crossover angular frequency coK is the open loop frequency when the phase response of the open controlled loop is -180°. Phase margin <5 The phase margin 5 is the angular difference between the phase response of the open control loop at the angular crossover gain frequency (Dq and -180°. The necessary sign change in the control loop is not taken in consideration. Gain crossover angular frequency c^ : Phase crossover angular frequency Fig. Diagram of absolute value and phase response (not logarithmic) of an open controlled loop 5 CONTROL ENGINEERING 8 Quantities and functions Gain margin e The gain margin e is the reciprocal value of the absolute value (amplitude) of the open control loop at the phase crossover angular frequency (o n . Time to reach lower tolerance r8tart ^start is tne time duration which begins when the value of the controlled variable x - after applying a step function of the reference variable w or a step function of the disturbance variable z - leaves a given tolerance field of the controlled variable and ends when it enters this field for the first time Steady state Overshoot (see fig. 6 and 7). „ | esired value deviation Desired value Steady state value t Tstart- Agreed tolerance field Variation in time of the controlled variable after applying a step function of the reference variable w 7j dead time A step function of the reference variable also produces a step in the tolerance field of the controlled variable. Overshoot xm of the controlled variable The overshoot x m of the controlled variable x is the maximum (interim) deviation from the desired value during the transition from one steady state to another when a step function of the reference variable w or of a disturbance variable z (see Steady state fig. 7) is applied Overshoot desired value deviation / Step response Fig. 7 i Tstart Variation in time of the controlled variable after a step function of the disturbance variable z t t 3 Time to reach steady state 7 end Tend is the time duration which begins when the value of the controlled variable x - after applying a step function of the reference variable w or a step function of the disturbance variable z - leaves a given tolerance field of the controlled variable and ends when it enters this field permanently (s. fig. 6 + 7). CONTROL ENGINEERING 9 Rules Rules to determine the transfer function of the whole control loop The complete transfer function transfer element. is built by using each individual Series combination U(S) ^(S) t11 Parallel u(s) 1 12 — -^ v(s) F2 (S) - F(s) = F,(s)-F2 (s) combination — — Feedback *(s) -Zl I .. v(s) F{s) = F2 (S) —I Fi(s)+F2 (s) rule u(s) ,(s) K(s) 1 13 F^(s) F(s) 1+F,(s)-F2 F2 (s) (s) - Note: The sign of the denominator of F{s) is the opposite of the sign at the addition point in the action diagram. "+" A sign at the addition point means positive feedback. A "-" sign at the addition point means negative feedback. If F-i (s) and/or F2 (s) contain sign changes, then negative (positive) feedback will result when the number of sign changes in the whole loop is odd (even). Special case: u(s) ~-\ p_ » * F2 {s) = 1 (direct feedback). V(SJ /"-, ' 1 /c) (S) F^{s) I 1 14 F(s) 1 + F< (s) CONTROL ENGINEERING 10 Rules Extended feedback rule there are no addition points between the branches of an action diagram, then the transfer function Fres (s) can be determined very easily using the following formula: If 1 ^w-44--^^ +XF 15 u(s) 1 F0i means oi with FVre8 (j) = IlFv (s) loop transfer function of the single conloops in the applied action diagram; please bear in mind that with positive feedback loops F0i is written with a negative sign in the sum of the denominator of Fres trol (s) loops the or . m 1 16 ^Vres( 5 ) = n FVk k - is the product of all transfer functions of the 1 transfer elements which lie in the forward path. The overlapping of action lines does not affect the application of the extended feedback rule. Example: u(s) kH f vi (s) r^9 HF v2 (s) F R ,(s) F R2 (S) t 17 F (s)= Jd^l tres(S) u(s) ^ Fw(s)-Fv 2 (s)-Fy3 (s) 1+F,7V2(^) •Fm (s) + F}n (s)-Fyn (s)-1FV3(S)-FR2(S) _ Determination of the transfer function using the back annotation method Using this method start at the output v(s) and follow the action diagram in the direction of the input variable or of the reference addition point B. Determine and note the Laplace Transform of each respective time function before and after every transfer element. Finally at the reference addition point B the transfer function Fres (s) can be determined using the known Laplace Transform at this location. CONTROL ENGINEERING T11 Rules Example: To describe the back annotation method the Laplace Transform of the 1 1 18 to 6 respective time functions are determined at the points the following example: in X;(S) =X${S)+X2(S) = xm (s) v{s); FV2 FV3 v(s) Fv F\j9 ^V3 • v(s) Fw(S) L^QJ^Fy 2 (s)--Y^Fyz(s) Fr,(s) <f 1 19 xs (s) = FR2 (s) FH2 xz -v(s) xi(s)_ t20 (s) = 1 ^-v(s) ^ F + 1 FV2 (s)-Fsj 3 *V1 (s) (s) li£)l v(s) V; lis)} At the reference addition point B there is the following rela- tionship: t u 21 (s) - x® (s) = x% (s) for ; xs (s) and x t (s) use the values obtained above: u(s)-FR2 t22 The solution Fres found t23 in t Fresis) = 1 -v(s) (s) FV i(*) I^V2(^)-^V3(^) of this equation is ^R1 (5) + Fv3 same as the V(s) (s) that already 17: Fyi (s)-Fv 2 {s)-Fy 3 {s) v(s) u(s) 1 + Fv2 (s) FR1 (s) + FV1 (5) • FV2 (5) • FV3 (s) • FR2 (5) CONTROL ENGINEERING 12 Rules Rules for the normalized form of the transfer function F(s) If the normalized form of the transfer function is used, the type and characteristics of the transfer element can readily be seen. To transform a transfer function into its normalized form, well judged expansion, bracket removal and combining are necessary to ensure that nominator and deminator of the transfer function are polynomials of the Laplace variable sor products of polynomials of s in which: a) no negative powers nominator b) c) of s occur (meaning that neither de- nominator of the transfer function contain a fraction where s occurs in the denominator). the lowest power of s has a coefficient of 1 and there is no polynomial common factor. nor may Example: t24 v{s) m F:(s) Exception: a If + ajS + a 2 s 2 + + fc s + & 2 *2 (1 + ° (1 u{s) PI 1 . . .) (1 +c,s+c 2 s 2 + - • •) +<M + d2 or PID factor occurs, F2 t25 (s) vis± = 1/(Tn s) + „ p u{s) 1 1 + _ + Ts ..)(.. . still in which remains, KP ^+Tn s Tn s 1 From the table showing the most important + Ts transfer elements the following type can be found for this equation: (PI ) _T ^|-(PD)-T 1 1 . The following table shows Type of the normalized form Product normalized form Sum normalized form different types of Representation denominator and nominator are factorized form denominator and nominator are in written in normalized form: Application Bode diagram and series stabilization of control loops Hurwitz criterium sum denominator as Mixed far as possible divided into Determination of the step Nominator in and ramp response in the form of a sum The product normalized form has precedence over the other representations as the others can be determined when the single factors of the product normalized form are multiplied. To make reductions possible later on, terms in brackets should be multiplied as late as possible - if at all. normalized form factors. .) ..)( ) . another form + 1 in the example] an approved normalized form. this factor [\/(T„s) is 2 .y CONTROL ENGINEERING 13 Rules Example of the determination of the normalized form of a transfer function For the following action diagram the relationship: F(s)-b(s)/Fk (s) t26 is to be determined B B Fk b Fk >B bR tys) P -bqR mm o -% (s) fys) 1/(nB) Fjs) -6 F^(s) 1/(rm) step by step t27 t28 t29 F,(s) = F„ B (s)/b QR (s) = b qR (s)/F k (s) = b R (s)/F k (s) F2 (s) and F3 (s) are determined; then F(s) = t30 t 31 ^1 (s) = Fns(s) 1/(1 A+M{nB)-M{rms 2 b qR (s) t32 F2 (s) _ B + F2 (s) + F3 (s) M(qRs) b q R(s) fkW qRs + nrmBs 2 1 _ F, (s) 1 ) q Rs + ^1 W ?#* 1 + nrmBs 2 2 t33 qRs t34 t35 + bn(s) F3 (s) F(s) [1 nrmBs nrmBs2 + rmsl[qR Fk ($; = 2? 1 M(ms) +R/{ms) 1 s /?5 1 + [1+mj/R] + nrmBs 2 qRs-[l + rms/(qR) + nrmBs2 Rs["\+ms/R] This description of F(s) shows that the system which leads diagram is a parallel combination built action this to from a P element (B), a -T-, element (first fraction) and a l-(PD)-T 2 element (second fraction). I CONTROL ENGINEERING 14 Primitive transfer elements First I order delay element dent if[er Symbol in the in Structure Equation the time domain Examples action diagram Kp KP v = u • Proportional element v= = K, fudt K Ju dt+ { v = Kr v(0) u Intergral M& V = Kn = KD fvdt • — L^— U u -u Derivative element -M^ i v[t)-u(t-T t ) ^cn^ 5 Dead time element KP P-Ti v + KP element T v = KP u 1/r r^p^rr T P-T, element Explanation of the symbols see T35 CONTROL ENGINEERING Tl4 Primitive transfer elements First order delay element Unit step response Equation h(t) = Transfer function F(s) diagram KP "(t)| KP K ([h] = Unit of • t • 6 t h) KD (t) "W'l Kn-S for t < T x ; 1 for t > T x /»(t)4 -T,s 1 K 9 ^-e' n ) a rt(t) 0.95Kp' 1 + Ts 0.63KP - OT 37 Explanation of the symbols see T 35 CONTROL ENGINEERING 15 Second order delay element Parallel combinational element PI Identifier Symbol in the action diagram in Structure Equation the time domai Examples % Kp ^o P-Tp 79 '^v = + tgL) 2 *- Kp-u P-T, KP 1/72 1/7i t±ft±r K\judt + Kp-u MJ^ pi 1/Tn df + u Kp Kf Tn with rn = a:p /a:. Kp/rn Explanation of the symbols see T 35 o* i ^_ CONTROL ENGINEERING Second order delay element Parallel 15 combinational element PI Unit step response Equation h{t) = Transfer function F{s) = diagram *p[1 "^e^'-cos^ /-©)]; <od &2 # =a>Q \j\ - = Arcsin <6>< 90° KP KP (l+e"'rtanC:') + 'con + s bi \a)r < #<1 a: p Kp + (1 7, *) (1 + T2 n+20 3ti+20 5n+20 2<y<j 2£Dd 2wd - [T,e^-T2 1- e^ s) i 1 IW) 9> l Kp = ^1,2 V^-D JC^ .1 - K i ,/ xf J" > * 1 7 lnK Ks^/r, 1 tf,f Kp ^7^ Kp Tn -s (1 + + Kp = KP K-1 (1 T 1 InK K-1 - |T +7 2 ' +=r) W) +1 V*) Explanation of the symbols see T35 CONTROL ENGINEERING Tie | ce~:'e- S.-rc = :: z-" z Eca: :- « :-e aran " v -1— - = KP = k p (ii = ^i • u + Kq - u + r„ u) • * —- — rlt— -— . -& f r LjLa = : lit - hP^ —3^—1 — r l-T, -ZZ- -^—^— D-T. - -~ZrExr ="= z~ z~ e : • - - s see ~ 2 r / CONTROL ENGINEERING T16 combinational elements PD, PID Parallel Series combinational elements and I-T-, D-T-, Unit step response Equation h(t) = Transfer function F{s) = diagram *P + a: d<5(0 i Kp + Kq KP 1 • s + T^-s) (1 - ~^0 K^+ K P + KD -s K,f + KP for < KD + —< <5(0 = oo KP \jr + l + Tv r 6(t)} ; 1 *Pk I jnk '* hjnk ^nk ^vk -5)(i + rvk -5) = V = ^r (i-Vi-4rv /rn \ * « n *Pk ~ *, • ) 'o -Tn f 7nk A-,(f-r+ r-e~' /T i I ) W) K\ s(1 + 7-5) 37K|TN *~ f 7 ^D KD Kd-s (1/7-)e-' /T im . T 1+7-5 0.37^ ~^0 7- " f Explanation of the symbols see T 35 CONTROL ENGINEERING Series combinational element 17 Group combinational elements (PD)-"^ and Identifier Symbol in Structure Equation the in (PID)-T., the time domain Examples action diagram -/w D-T5 v+ 2 Kp (PD)-l, KP = u + j rv 1 r¥ u • Kp T,,T Kp TnTv v + 7 v = AT| J u I" 1 dJ - + Kp K P u + Kp • li (PIDM, Kp 7-,rn ,rv X r. + u + rv u • r = — Explanation of the symbols see T 35 ^ i r CONTROL ENGINEERING Series combinational element Group combinational elements (PD)-Ti and 17 (PID)-T-) Unit step response Equation h(t) = Transfer function F(s) diagram Mo -0O) "" 0, of , ^Dag--e -sinfi\ J ATd-5 6) + Kp + *p „ #2 5< * u 2 ,|o_^j e-; = a 2<u d 2<y d ^^^-iJeT Kp7,/r 7V -J 1 + 1 + r-5 T 1 Kp v K + rv = - 5 (7* KP a> \/l + T'S 1 = = = Arcsin 2<yd • o) d ; Q_ rt(t) 1+2^5+,, r r - - 7) 1 + = rv -5 r-j + 0.377v /r) * Kp- Ts + \ KP (0.63 ,''(t) KpTv /7 KJ+ K^+ \KJ- KP + KD j TTT^ "(t)A ' 7- n rv -7Tn« 7"n Kp[l+— ln(1--^ + , rn (i + r-5) rn = Xp /K, r* =Tn -T ; 'n 7V = Xq , Kp [0.37(^-+-k)+0.63] 7"nV ' //Cp Explanation of the symbols see T35 CONTROL ENGINEERING Methods 18 determining stability for Stability of the control loop and calculation for a controller (for linear control loops) Definition of stability Stability is attained after the alteration of the reference variable or the occurrence of a disturbance variable, when the controlled variable reaches a steady value. Comment: When a controlled variable reaches its limiting values directly after switch on, the cause is very often a wrong polarity connection of the feedback variable at the comparing element (comparator). Methods for checking the control loop for stability Assumptions: * The reference or disturbance transfer function of the closed control loop or unit step function are known. * The loop 1. transfer function of the open control loop is known. Hurwitz criterium Only when the reference or disturbance transfer function of the closed control loop is known in the form of a polynomial can stability be determined using the Hurwitz criterium. Stability is attained when the coefficients of the characteristic equation (when the polynomial of the denominator of the transfer function = 0) t a + 118 a-i s + a 2 s* + . . . + a n sn = satisfy the following conditions: (see also D 9) must be > The coefficients themselves have to fulfil special depend- • All coefficients a v * encies. The conditions for Equation 1st degree 2nddegree a a 3rd degree 4th degree a-\ 5th degree A a-| , equations up to degree 5: coefficient conditions and a^ a-|, a2 > > > a2 - a3 a 2 a 2 a 3 - a3 a - a* a4 > = a a 2 a 3 a 4 + a a-i a 4 a 5 - a-, a 2 a 5 B — 3q d-\ a 4 85 + 3q a 2 a 3 a§ — ag a 3 a 4 D n _! = - 1 A-B>0 -- a?a A 2 >0 2 2 a5 > a For polynomials of higher degree see „Ebel, Tjark, Regelungstechnik, 6. Aufl. Stuttgart Teubner 1991, S. 38 ff." continued on T 19 CONTROL ENGINEERING Methods for determining stability Advantage: The method statement concerning the 19 leads to a swift and accurate a given control loop. stability of Disadvantage: The Hurwitz criterium gives neither a stateto the resilience of the control loop to instability nor to the result of changes of its characteristics nor to its dynamic behaviour; for these reasons other methods are usually preferred. ment as 2. Reduction into single Transform the polynomials reference or disturbance transfer function into a sum of single polynomials of 2nd order maximum (see partial fraction expansion D 3): In a stable control loop there are only stable transfer elements. These are usually pure P or delayed P elements and delayed PD elements. If a I , I-T-, or l-(PD) element occurs the control loop will become unstable. Advantages: In the stable and the unstable cases the evaluation of the transformed reference or disturbance transfer function leads to a conclusion as to the degree of stability or instability of the control loop. To gain this information the transfer functions of all single ele- ments have to be superimposed. Disadvantages: The effect of the introduction of a defined control element and the knowledge as to which of the characteristics must be changed to meet the required behaviour of a control loop cannot be seen. After each change to the controlling element a new calculation for the arithmetical transition from the open control loop to the closed control loop must be made. 3. Nyquist criterium Nyquist criterium states that the (closed) control loop is stable when the frequence response locus F [\(d) of the open control loop - in the sense of higher values of the angular frequency a> - always has on its left the plane. The greater the in the complex critical point -1 distance between the frequence response locus and the the control loop is more robust -1, the point critical under the effects of unexpected variations in the charac- The teristic data. of how close the system given by two characteristic values: A measure is is to becoming unstable continued on T 20 CONTROL ENGINEERING 20 Stability Choice of the controlling element type The phase margin <5 (see (T 7) and the gain margin e (see T The determination of the actual J*lmF Recommended Recommended Re F Ga>) Fig. 8 values for the phase margin <5: 30° values for the gain margin e: 8 dB (corresponds to the factors 2.5 Advantages: Examination 8). (jco) n values for both of these characteristics and the realization of their required values by insertion of a suitable controlling element is usually made via the Bode diagram. 60° 16 dB .. . 6.3). the transfer function F (s) of the open control loop - especially the related frequency response F (\(o) (replacement of s by jw) leads very easily to a statement of stability and shows the resilience to instability - particularly when there are unexpected changes to the characteristics of the control loop. Also the effects of changes to the type and characteristics of the controlling element - using a simple series insertion in the control loop - together with the resulting dynamic behaviour of the control loop can be seen very easily when this method is used. of Choice of the type of the controlling element General In most control loops the controlled system and the measuring equipment are together of type (PD)-T n meaning a series connection of a number of PD elements and delayed elements. The rate times Tv = K D / Kp of the PD elements are always essentially < than the delay times of the delay elements: In real systems by a factor > 10. The most important controlling elements PI loops only the P (PD)-^ and control In linear (PID)-^ elements are of real importance. Characteristics of a control loop with a P or (PD)-^ controlling element ; , When , is an influence of disturbance variables applied controlling Point of element and point of measurement u Controlled ps. Controlling there between measurement finite only accuracy a is This accuracy is given by the of the value control factor R F (0). possible. """ _ "T^T element system Comparator Measunng element continued on T 21 CONTROL ENGINEERING Graphical determination of a controller Characteristics of a control loop with a PI controlling element 21 or (PID)-T 1 Complete compensation for the influence of disturbance between controlling element and point of measurement is possible. If the controlled system contains an element with no negative feedback disturbance variables applied between the element output in the controlled system and the point of measurement, there will be complete compensation even when there is no factor. Note: Disturbance variables applied between the point of measurement and the output of the controlling element can never be compensated for. applied variables I I I Graphical determination of a linear controller based on the Nyquist criterium General The procedure is carried out via the Bode diagram. For this one Bode diagram both the construction of the series connection of the controlled system and measuring equipment and also construction of the controlling element are necessary. The Bode diagram of the whole circuit is found by the addition (multiplication) of the amplitude and phase responses of the single series transfer elements (see T 22 and T 23). This is possible due to the logarithmic nature of the amplitude response after the conversion to dB. For the graphical illustration semi-logarithmic paper with 4 decades on the x-axis should be used. Procedure: * Determination of the area of the angular frequency w, for which the Bode diagram should be made; plotting of all break points of interest. Only factors of the frequency response of type I, P, D, P-T 1( PD and P-T 2 with attenuation # < 1 are permitted t (see T 22 and T 23). * After extraction of the factor, PI elements are converted into an l-PD structure and PID elements with T n /T v > 4 are converted into an l-PD-PD structure. •All the serially occuring Integral - (K,), Proportional-(Kp) * T , I or Derivative (K D ) action coefficients single action coefficient. are summarized into one « Representation of amplitude response. phase response. Completion by the controlling element. The tables on pages T 22 and T 23 show the Bode diagrams for P-T 1t P-T 2 and PD elements. These diagrams are used P, I, D, T for the' determination of the amplitude and phase responses. * Representation of * t , CONTROL ENGINEERING Bode diagrams 22 for basic elements and P-Ti elements Amplitude response F(co) = Phase response Arc F{\o)) = q> = Symbol Diagram (Ampl. logarithm.) Diagram (Phase linear) KP | -oo F |dB < < n +oo, integer 1Q K 40 n 1Q n+1 10 n^2 10 n^3 1Q , n+4 >{oA 20 10 n 10 n+1 10 n+2 10 n+3 10 n+4 M <i F ldB -oo < < n <n < -oo Kr M(D -90 +oo, integer n <p/1° 10 dB/decade n 10 n+1 10 -oo < 10 n+3 10 n 4 l ,„ < +oo, integer < +oo, integer n -90" < n n+2 < -oo Kn-O) n F ldB +oo, integer c +oo, integer < -oo 10 n 10 n+ 1 10 n n+2 1Q n +3 1Q n+4 \co\ io7io n+1 1/K D =(o +2 io i(f n+3 io n+4 D " " 10- 2 10" 1 10" 2 10- 1 10° 10 1 10 P-T. 40 Xp|dB 20 ~^f "V/ ~¥+ * lO^IO'^ H i- " \o°/l0 1 lO 2 ^ - Arctan {Toy) ,.,. F |dB~" "iv. x n ;4 2 Kp/\/l +_{T0)f l -0) -T " " " "p/~i» F l V dB/dec. 20 dB/d« Tto /2 10° /2 1Q 1 W 2 ^ CONTROL ENGINEERING Bode diagrams 23 for P-T2 and PD element Amplitude response F((o) = Phase response Arc F(\(o) = <p Symbol Diagram (Ampl. logarithm.) Diagram (Phase < 0<1 (*)' Arctan KP i V[ -(*)T linear) 90 20%+ " c , (*)' < #< co 1 > P-T; Kp 1 I (T V P dB Vl-2 9 yKP 2 = + (K D -cof 2 V1 + (rv w) KP with 2 Tv = Arctan (Tv w) /Cd/A'p PD i^ldB 1 40 20 dB/dec. L<P/1° 90 45 7> 10" 2 10" 1 | 10° Iff io IO" 2 -90 2 1 IO" 10° 10 1 10 5 <*>/ wn CONTROL ENGINEERING 24 Bode diagrams and for (PD)-"^ (PID)-"^ element Amplitude response F(co) = Phase response Arc F[]co) = cp = Symbol Diagram (Ampl. logarithm.) KP2 V Diagram (Phase + (K D o)) 2 + (Tea) 2 1 linear) Arctan {Tw co) - Arctan (Tco) (T,coy (Tea)' Kpyl 1Q- 2/p- 1 ip° -20dB/dec (PD)-L l 10 1 lO 2 ^^ T>TV >-j \<plf 1 45 T. 10 -2 10' 1 io 0/ io ' I — —71 1 1 10 T<T, ^^^ 10" 2 10' 1 2 7-v* 10° 10 TJT 1 \10 2 TJT Arctan 7> —— ]- Arctan (To) Tn w>o o<r /r <oo - KP2 + (KpCD- KJco) 2 1 gP _ + (Tco) 2 Wi*P>-i /(7»r V 1 idBi (PIDJ-T, / V K|_ i 1 _J _ , 2 - Arctan (7a) r k >7 ^) K ldB/7 7>-i/(7» Vl+[7>-1/(7»] + (To; r>4r v = Arcsin o F co\ L n 1_ < rn / r„ < °° w>o CONTROL ENGINEERING 25 Amplitude response Method for the depiction of the amplitude response for the whole circuit Preliminary note: the break points of the amplitude response are marked by arrows at the top of the paper. An arrow with one head pointing down characterizes an incline of -20 dB/decade which is made by a P-Ti factor (see T14) at point 1/7. An arrow with two heads pointing down characterizes an incline of -40 dB/decade which is made by a P-T2 factor (see T15) with # < P-T-, factors. 1, P-T 2 factors with $ > are divided into 1 two PD-factors (+ 20 dB/decade at point 1/TV ) with positive incline are characterized by upper-pointing arrowheads. After estimation of the variation of the amplitude response within the 4 decades of the angular frequency ca, the scaling should be chosen so that the area of interest is shown with maximum possible resolution; the expected maximum value of the amplitude response will define the origin. Next is the determination of the value of the amplitude response at the left margin of the drawing. If the series connection to be illustrated contains an or D factor, the starting value and starting incline is determined by or D, otherwise by the P factor. The starting value is found when using Fl dB = 20 Ig (K^co) (I factor), F| dB = 20 Ig (K D (v) (D factor) or Fl dB = 20 Ig K P (P factor) see T22 and T23. I I Comment: The omitted here physical and units of K it KD or KP should be added afterwards when evaluation is carried out. of the amplitude response up to the first - 20 dB/dec. (I factor), + 20 dB/dec. (D factor) or (P factor). The asymptotic curve of the amplitude response drawn from one break point to the next; for this the is above changes corresponding to the entered arrows have to be considered. The Tt factor has no influence on the amplitude response. Finally, corrections are made at the break points: when the P-T-, factor is used the asymptotic curve is corrected at the points co E /2 and 2 co E by -1 dB and at the corner angular frequency co E by -3 dB. The gradient break is the PD factor (inverse to the P-T factor) is used the corresponding corrections have to be made at the breakpoint o) E = 1/TV upwards (i.e. + 3 dB)! When 1 of a P-T 2 factor with & 2 corrected by -10 Ig [1 - ((o/co ) + Around the break point totic curve is < (2 1 the dw/(o asymp2 ) ]. CONTROL ENGINEERING 26 Phase response Representation of phase response The phase response of the whole circuit is determined by the addition of the single phase responses of the serially connected transfer elements or frequency response factors. The single factors contribute the following values (see also T22 and T 23). Factor Phase response 0° P - 90° + 90° I D Tt -T P-Ti -Arctan t PD = A (Tco) Arctan (Tv co) P-T2 with # < PI Table (o I - PD Comment: 1 - 90° + Arctan {Tn to) whilst Tt factor has a creases with co. the P factor results in no effect, the very significant contribution which in- Remark: after drawing up the constituent factors into a sum, the values of the phase response are then determined e.g. by using the memory of a pocket calculator. Usually the phase response of the Tt factor must be replaced with the factor 180 /n in order to obtain a common result io degrees. Finally the scale and the origin for the illustration of the phase response have to be chosen so that the area of greatest interest is shown with the maximum possible resolution. The phase response is drawn on the same diagram as the amplitude response. The scaling of the y-axis is made on the right hand margin of the drawing. Determination of the controlling element Problem: The result must be such that the requirements phase margin <5 and gain margin e are satisfied. of Referring to T 20, figure 8, this means that the frequency response pointer of the final open control loop around the point -1 has to satisfy two requirements: at the critical angular frequency with an amplitude of 1 (gain crossover angular frequency) the phase distance to the negative part of the real axis must be at least <5 and at the angular frequency where the phase is -180° (the phase crossover angular frequency) the amplitude has to be at most Me. continued on T 27 CONTROL ENGINEERING 26 Phase response Representation of phase response The phase response of the whole circuit is determined by the addition of the single phase responses of the serially connected transfer elements or frequency response factors. The single factors contribute the following values (see also T22 andT23). Factor Phase response 0° P D - 90° + 90° Tt -T P-Ti -Arctan {Toy) + Arctan (Tv co) I x PD P-T 2 with PI = I #<1 - PD Comment: t A co "-"(t^S 2 -"-) - 90° + Arctan (Tn (o) whilst factor has a creases with a). T Table the P factor results in no effect, the very significant contribution which in- Remark: after drawing up the constituent factors into a sum, the values of the phase response are then determined e.g. by using the memory of a pocket calculator. Usually the phase response of the Tt factor must be replaced with the factor 180 /ji in order to obtain a common result in degrees. Finally the scale and the origin for the illustration of the phase response have to be chosen so that the area of greatest interest is shown with the maximum possible resolution. The phase response is drawn on the same diagram as the amplitude response. The scaling of the y-ax\s is made on the right hand margin of the drawing. Determination of the controlling element Problem: The result must be such that the requirements of phase margin 6 and gain margin e are satisfied. Referring to T 20, figure 8, this means that the frequency response pointer of the final open control loop around the has to satisfy two requirements: at the critical point -1 angular frequency with an amplitude of 1 (gain crossover angular frequency) the phase distance to the negative part of the real axis must be at least 6 and at the angular frequency where the phase is -180° (the phase crossover angular frequency) the amplitude has to be at most Me. continued on T 27 CONTROL ENGINEERING 29 Gain margin condition Realization of the Gain margin condition Determ. is very similar to that of the phase margin condition: - Determination of the phase (pt = -<jp r * - 180 j . - Determ. phase crossover angular frequ. a)ne where in the phase response q> ((o)*) of the series connection of v the controlled syst. and measuring equipm. the phase <pe is reached; at this frequ. the phase response (p(a>) of the final determ. open control loop goes through the -180° line. - Determ. of the position of the break points when the above mentioned ratios are applied to the value of the phase crossover angular frequency determined from the diagram. - Determ. of the incline m F of the inverse amplit. response Fr^) -1 *) of the controlling element around the phase crossof the , over angular frequ. (onE An asymptotic section with this incline is laid through the point of the amplit. response . Fy {(o)*) controlled system and measuring phase crossover angular frequency a>nt - In the distance f| dB - above this asymptotic section - the of the controlling inverse amplitude response FR (<y)~ element is plotted and evaluated in the same way as done before for the realization of the phase margin. value of equipment of the at the . 1 - In element, the case of a (PID)-T| controlling follow the same method as (D. Remark: It is recommended in addition to determine the gain crossover angular frequency <w De This frequency lies at the intersection point of Fyico)^ of the series connection of the controlled system and the measuring equipment -1 and the inverse amplitude response Fr^o)) ** of the controlling element. . Choice for one of the two determined controlling elements Not only the realization of the phase - but also of the gain margin condition leads to the determination of a controlling element. The element with the smaller proportional - or integration action coefficients will be chosen. Disregarding some rare exceptions, by this choice the controlling element also meets the other determinaton requirement. Comparison between controlling elements determined by the choice of different ratios Using the choice of different ratios the best behaviour of the determined controlling element is given for the element with the maximal value of the gain crossover angular frequency (o D This angular frequency - determined for the open control loop - is a quantity indicating the speed by which loop control .^. .^^ is .w«w..«n. reached. closed ^^.. mc umaou vaiue in the K .w trie final nnai value the . t *> Explanation for index R and index y see footnote on T 28 CONTROL ENGINEERING 30 Examples w 3 CONTROL ENGINEERING T31 Examples Example 1: Determination of a PI or P controlling element Problem: A PI controlling element with given Tn = 10/ a> D Tn = ; has to be determined for a control loop with the series connection of controlled system and measuring equipment of P-T 3 behaviour (P-T r T2 ). The phase margin 6 shall be at least 40°, the gain margin e at least 3.16 (corresponds to 10 dB). "lO/toji F i 4 = rlA = 5) (1+10sec-s)[l+0.8/(5sec)s + 1/(25sec y(s) Solution: According T13 T17 2 2 )5 l the character= 5 sec istic data K Py = 4; T = 10 sec; (o are read out of the transfer function F(s) of the series connection; next according to T 22 the amplitude response Fy and the phase response <p of the series connection have to be constructed. to to first -1 y for determination are given as numbers (in These step the left margin on T27...T29. numbers are also plotted in the Bode diagram on T30 at the corresponding positions. The following results are found at the step numbers: The next steps circles) at 6° <p R (o) D ) = (p R (io n ) = - 90° + Arctan [(10/eo D ) w D ] « 3 q> b = -180° + 40° + 6° = -134° -1 4 a) D6 = 3.4 sec 5 Due to the given Tn = 10/ D -> 1/rn6 = 0.34 sec" -» Tnb = 2.94 sec 1 8 K PR& in dB = 16.5 -> /C PR& = 6.68 -> K IR6 = 2.23 sec" 11 <p e = -180° + 6° = -174° 1 12 o) ne = 4.8 sec" -1 1 Due to the given rn = 1 0/o) n -» 1 / Tne = co ne /1 - 0.48 sec -* 7nE = 2.08 sec = 14 F 1 16 K PRe in dB = 9 -> A: PRe = 2.82 -> ^| Re = 1.32 sec" 1 18 (D Dz = 1.2 sec" 21 AT PRe < K PRi) -> K PR = 2.82 2 • 1 m from this data: K PR list the required controller has the characteristic Tn = 2.08 sec. = 2.82; The speed by which the controlled loop using reaches values its final is characterized by cj d this controller = 1.2 sec -1 . The determination of a P controlling element is done in a similar way compared with that for the Pl-controlling element: The result at the step numbers: = -180 o + 40° = -140° 3 <p 6 4 8 = 3.4 sec K PR6 indB = -16.5-»K PR8 11 1 == 6.7 <pt = -180° 1 = 5 sec" 16 /Cp RE indB = -10^K PRE = 3.16 12 o) Db a»j, E continued on T 33 CONTROL ENGINEERING 32 Examples o 1 o CM O CO 1 o "aI o in 7 CONTROL ENGINEERING 33 Examples 18 ci> 1 De = 1.3 sec ^PRe < ^PR6 ~~* ^PR " 3.16; V = K PR -K Py = 3.16-4 = 12.6->K F (0) = 1/(1 + V = 7.3%. The steps 1, 2, 5, 6, 9, 13, 14 are not applicable for the determination. Steps 7 and 15 are only made within the Bode diagram! Comment: The control factor /? F (0) is the factor which reduces a disturbance applied between the output of the controlling element and the measuring point. With a P-controlling element disturbances are not fully compen- 21 ) in the cases of a Pl-controlling element. Determination of a (PID)-T., controlling element Problem: For a control loop with the same series connection as in example 1 a (PID)-T-i controlling element shall be determined when the following values are given. i/r6 = 6w D6 i/rvk6 = (» D6 /4 i/r„ M =o) D6 /i2 i/re 6a>„ e i/rvkE = <o ne /4 ^/Tnke =Q) ne /^2 Phase and gain margin shall have the same values as in example 1. sated as Example 2: Solution: Amplitude and phase response can be taken from example 1. The single determination steps following the numbers (in circles) at the left margin on T 27 ... T 29 must be carried out; these step numbers are also plotted on T32. The results at the step numbers are: 2 <p R6 = -90° + Arctan (12 co D /co D ) + Arctan (4 coq/wq) - Arctan [(1/6) (a) D /a?D )] = 62° 3 <p b = -180° + <5- <p R = -180° + 40°- 62° = -202° • -1 4 co D6 = 6.0 sec -1 Tnkb = 2 sec; 5 1/Tnk6 = a> D6 /12 = 6/(12 sec) = 0.5 sec 1/7" = coq/4 = 6/(4 sec) = 1,5 sec 1 7vk6 = 0.67 sec; vk6 -1 = -» Tb 28 msec 1/r6 = 6 w D = 36 sec 8 AT PkR6 indB = 12^ AT PkR6 = 4 = 5.34 9 AT PR6 = (4/2) -2.67 ; ; 7n6 = 11 <p e (2 + 0.67) sec = 2.67 sec; =-180 o -<p R1 =-242° 7" v6 = 2 0.67 sec/2.67 = 0.5 sec • 12 £Djt e = 10 sec =0.83 sec" 1 7nk£ = 1.2 sec. 13 1/rnke = ft>nE /12 = 10/12 sec 1 1 1/7vke = (onz /A = 10/4 sec" = 2.5 sec" 7"vkE = 0.4 sec; 1 Tt = 17 msec 1/7e = 6 (onz = 60 sec" = -20 dB/Dek. 14 F 16 AT PkRe indB= 17^ K PkRE = 7.1 1 A- PRE = 7.1/1 .2 (1 .2 + 0.4) =9.47; 7nE = (1.2 + 0.4) sec - 1 .6 sec; 7VE = 1.2-0.4/(1.2 + 0.4) sec = 0.3 sec. n 18 ct) DE = 6. 2 sec continued on T 34 21 K PRb < Kp Re -> K> R = 5.34 ; ; ; m • ^^HBBCU* CONTROL ENGINEERING 34 Setting rules Continued from T 33 The desired teristic data: (PID)-Ti controlling element has the PR = 5.34; Th = 2.67 sec; T = 0.5 sec. charac- K The speed value is for the desired control loop to reach the -1 characterized by co D = 6.0 sec final . Proven setting rules for P PI and PID controlling elements For controlled systems with one first order delay element and a dead time element - that means controlled systems without part or factors ZIEGLER and NICHOLS recommend the following characteristic data for the above mentioned , I I controlling element types. AT Py , 7y and 7* ty of the controlled system are known: C Table con- Ty ^PR troller TV P K Py n n °J PI • Tty Ty 3.3 AV Py T lty . - 1" PID ^ A'py • rty 2 7\ y Tty q.5 rty Characteristic data of the controlled system are unknown: Table con- K PR troller P 0.5 A'pRc-jt* PI 0.45 tfPRcrK*> 0.83 PID 0.6 KpRcrit* 0.5 •'A'pRcrit ,)7 crit : : D Tn 7crit **) 7crit "> K PR value when the control loop. permanent Oscillation period in tion. rv 0.125 oscillation rcrit "> occurs in the case of permanent oscilla- 1 CONTROL ENGINEERING 35 Abbreviations and formulas Types of transfer elements D element: Derivative element D-T 2 Derivative element with : 2nd order delay l-T t Integral : PID element: Proport. integral derivat. elem. P-T, element: 1st order delay element P-T 2 element: 2nd order delay element element: Integral element I element: Proportional integral element PI D-T,: Derivative element with 1st order delay element with 1st order delay (PD)-T, element: PD elem. with 1st order delay P element: Proportional element (PIDJ-T, elem.: PD T element: Dead time element element: Proportional derivative element List of Error variable : Incline of the r : Bode diagram Feedback variable u : mF v : vm : t symbols for Control engineering terms : e Tu Equivalent dead time r¥ Rate time rnk ,(ryk ): Reset time (rate : amplitude response in the : Input variable Overshoot of the w ries representation with Tn > 4 rv Tnkb>(TrtbY- Rese ' Output variable unit step function of ries a transfer element with : Reference variable : Target variable : Controlled variable ries xA : Final controlled variable with xm iv* x PID elem. with 1st order delay time) the of in the time ^e ra te time ) in ( representation the of to the phase requirement Reset time 7n > 4 time) (rate representation rv of the the se- in PID element determined according to the gain margin requirement : Overshoot of the controlled variable : Manipulated variable e z : Disturbance variable 6 : Gain margin : Phase margin - F(\(o) : Frequency response F(s) : Transfer function led system, F((o) : Amplitude response the gain crossover angular frequency Frequ. response of the open contr. loop and meeting the phase ip : Transfer fund, of the open contr. loop : Ampl. response of the open contr. loop : Ampl. response of the controllg. elem. Ampl. response of the series connec- : tion of the controlled system and the KD : Derivative action coefficient : Integral action coefficient K P Proportional action coefficient Control factor R F (Q) K Pk (a>): Proport. act. coeff. in the Phase : 8 <p e Phase : KPR series re- (o coefficient Proportional : Tg > 4 Tv a) of the co of the 7" n Th Tn Tend b c> E Damping frequency : Angular frequency : Characteristic angular frequency : : : w D6 : (i) : : Build : Half-life : Reset time u) x Time to reach o) Time to reach lower tolerance : 7,,,,,: Eigen angular frequency Gain crossover angular frequency Corner angular frequency Gain crossover angular frequency when realizing the up time D( phase margin condition Gain crossover angular frequency when realizing the gain period steady state at the equipment : Delay time : control- : <y D coefficient controlled element T - measuring equipment - : % uring controlled element action at a> 6 phase crossover angular frequency wn Phase response <p(a)) Phase response of the open control loop ((o) i? present, of the PID elem. with action njargin (a)): : Integral control- measuring equipment - of the series connection led system, : Km (o)): of the series connection Phase response of the controlling elem. qk %[(o): Phase response of the series connection of the controlled system and the meas- measuring equipment K, se- PID element Tn > 4 Tv determined according rnk£1 (Tvke): > F (jw): FQ (s) F ((o) Fn (w) Fy (o) se- PID element . nt : : margin condition Phase crossover angular frequency Phase crossover angular frequency when the gain margin e is met. CHEMISTRY Ui Elements atomic element in element antimony argon Ar 39.948 As Ba Be 137.34 bismuth boron bromine Bi 208.980 cadmium Cd 112.40 caesium Cs Ca 132.905 barium beryllium calcium carbon cerium 26.9815 neodymium 144.240 neon Nd Ne nickel Ni 58.71 74.9216 niobium Nb 92.906 nitrogen osmium N Os 121.75 9.0122 B Br O palladium 106.4 79.909 phosphorus Pd P platinum Pt 195.09 potassium K praseodymium Pr 140.907 226.04 150.35 chlorine CI 35.453 rubidium chromium Cr 51.996 ruthenium cobalt Co Cu 58.9332 samarium Sm 63.54 copper erbium Er 12.0112 radium rhodium 140.12 scandium selenium 167.26 18.9984 silicon fluorine F gadolinium Gd Ga Ge 157.25 Au He H 196.967 In 114.82 gallium germanium gold helium hydrogen indium iodine 1 14.0067 190.2 oxygen Ra Rh Rb Ru Ce 20.183 10.811 40.08 C mass in u Al arsenic symbol u aluminum Sb atomic mass symbol 15.9994 30.9738 39.102 102.905 85.47 101.07 Sc Se 44.956 78.96 28.086 Si 69.72 sodium Ag Na 72.59 strontium Sr 87.62 sulfur 180-948 tellurium S Ta Te thallium Tl 204.37 Th 232.038 Tm 168.934 118 69 silver 4.0026 tantalum 1.008 126.9044 thorium thulium 192.2 107.870 * 22.9898 32.064 1276 iridium Ir iron Fe 55.847 tin Sn krypton Kr 83.80 titanium Ti 47.90 lanthanum La 138.91 tungsten W 183.85 lead Pb 207.19 Li magnesium manganese Mg Mn uranium vanadium xenon mercury Hg 200.59 zinc U V Xe Y Zn 238.03 lithium molybdenum Mo 95.94 zirconium Zr 91.22 u : atomic mass unit 6.939 24.312 54.9381 yttrium (1 U = 1. 66 x 10~ 27 kg) 50.942 131.30 88905 65.37 CHEMISTRY U2 Chemicals Chemical terms chemical trade chemical formula name acetone acetone acetylene acetylene (CH 3 C2H2 ammonia ammonia ammonium (hydroxide of) ammonium ) CO • 2 NH 3 NH4OH hydroxide C6 H 5 NH 2 aniline aniline bauxite hydrated aluminium oxides Al 2 3 2 H 2 calcium hypochlorite CaCI (OCI) • • bleaching powder blue vitriol copper sulfate CuS0 4 sodium tetraborate Na 2 B 4 butter of zinc zinc chloride ZnCI 2 cadmium cadmium CdS0 4 borax sulfate sulfate 5 • 7 H2 3 • H2 10 H 2 • calcium chloride calcium chloride CaCI 2 carbide calcium carbide phenol carbon dioxide silicon carbide CaC 2 C 6 H 5 OH KOH NaOH CaC0 3 cinnabar potassium hydroxide sodium hydroxide calcium carbonate mercuric sulfide ether di-ethyl ether (C 2 H 5 ) 2 glauber's salt sodium thiosulfate sodium sulfate glycerine or glycerol glycerine Na 2 S 2 3 -5 H 2 Na 2 S0 4 10 H 2 C 3 H 5 (OH) 3 graphite crystaline carbon green ferrous sulfate C FeS0 4 gypsum calcium sulfate CaS0 4 heating gas propane C3 H8 hydrochloric acid hydrochlorid acid HCI hydrofluoric acid hydrofluoric acid HF hydrogen sulfide hydrogen sulfide H 2S iron chloride ferrous chloride FeCI 2 iron sulfide ferrous sulfide laughing gas nitrous oxide FeS N2 lead sulfide lead sulfide carbolic acid carbon dioxide carborundum caustic potash caustic soda chalk fixing salt or hypo vitriol C0 2 SiC HgS • 7 • • 2 H2 H2 4 H2 PbS < continued on U 3 CHEMISTRY Us Chemicals continued from U 2 chemical trade chemical formula name limestone magnesia marsh gas minimum or red lead calcium carbonate magnesium oxide CaC0 3 methane CH 4 2 PbO Pb0 2 plumbate MgO • phosphoric acid potash potassium bromide ortho phosphoric acid HNO3 H 3 P0 4 potassium carbonate potassium bromide KBr potassium potassium potassium potassium potassium potassium potassium potassium nitric acid nitric chlorate chloride chromate cyanide potassium dichromate potassium iodide acid K 2 C0 3 chlorate KCIO3 chloride KCI chromate K 2 Cr0 4 cyanide KCN prussic acid potassium dichromate potassium iodide hydrogen cyanide pyrolusite manganese dioxide Mn0 2 quicklime calcium monoxide potassium ferrocyan. CaO red prussiate of potassium K 2 Cr 2 7 Kl HCN K 3 Fe(CN) 6 NH4CI % salammoniac silver bromide ammonium silver nitrate silver nitrate AgN0 3 slaked lime Ca(OH) 2 soda ash sodium monoxide calcium hydroxide hydrated sodium carb. sodium oxide soot amorphous carbon C stannous chloride stannous chloride SnCI 2 sulphuric acid sulphuric acid H 2 S0 4 table salt sodium chloride NaCI tinstone, tin putty stannic oxide trilene trichlorethylene urea urea white lead basic lead carbonate Sn0 2 C 2 HCI 3 CO(NH 2 2 2 PbC0 3 Pb white zinc sulphate ZnS0 4 vitriol silver chloride bromide AgBr Na 2 C0 3 Na 2 10 H 2 2 • H2 ) • 7 yellow prussiate of potass. potass, ferrocyanide K 4 Fe(CN) 6 zinc blende zinc sulphide ZnS zinc or Chinese white zink oxide ZnO (OH) 2 H2 • 3 H2 CHEMISTRY U II 4 A Acids, Bases pH The negative pH values log of the hydrogen-ion-concentration c H - indicates its value: pH cH + 10"' 1 = 10" 2 -log c H - 10- 7 u |io- 12 |io- 13 1fJ -14 { pH-y a\ue 2 1 7 | 1 - _ " .. - nnirt 13 | 14 neutral 1 Establishing 12 /?// values by using suitable indicators. Acid-base-indicators Indicator Coiour change pHRange from to thymol blue [benz. p-dimethylamino-azo- 1.2... 2.8 red yellow 2.9. .4.0 red orange-yellow bromophenolblue 3.0... 4.6 yellow red-violet congo 3.0... 4.2 blue-violet methyl orange brom cresol green 3.1. ..4.4 red yellow red-orange yellow-(orange) blue methyl red 4.4.. .6.2 red litmus 5.0... 8.0 red bromocresol purple 5.2. ..68 yellow brom phenol red bromothymol blue 5.2. .6.8 orange 6.0...7.6 yellow phenol red 6.4. .8.2 red .80 .88 neutral red 6.4.. cresol red 7 meta cresol purple 7.4.. .9.0 thymol b lue phenolpl ital 8.0. .96 alizarin > ellc 82.9.8 Bin w 0. 66 (orange)-yellow blue purple yell. purple blue yellow red (blue)-red orange-yellow purple purple yellow yellow yellow colourless 100. .12.1 light-yellow blue red-violet light brown-yellow 1 CHEMISTRY u5 Reagents, Equations, Freezing mixtures Reagents reagent indicator colouration blue litmus paper red phenolphthalein yellow methylorange acids red colourless red blue red yellow red litmus paper bases colourless phenolphthalein red methylorange ozone potassium-iodide starch paper blue-black lead iodide paper brown-black hydrochloric acid white fumes calcium hydroxide sediment H 2S ammonia solution carbonic acid Preparation of chemicals use reaction to prepare -2NH hydrogen hydrogen sulfide CO(NH 2 2 + H 2 NH 4 OH + HCI + H2 NH 3 CdS0 4 +H 2 S CaC0 3 + 2 HC CaOCI 2 + 2 HC + Zn H 2 S0 4 + 2 HC FeS H2 S + lead sulfic ie Pb(N0 3 -*PbS oxygen sodium 2 KCIO3 + + ammonia ) ammoniur n chloride ammoniur n hydroxide cadmium sulfide carbon di Dxide chlorine )2 Na 2 h) 'droxide ZnS0 4 zinc sulfic e H2 — --Cds + -*C0 2 + H 2 S0 4 CaCI 2 + H 2 + CaCI 2 + H 2 -*CI 2 ^H — + H 2S + + co 2 + 3 -* NH 4 CI + NH4OH + 2 —>3 — 2 ZnS0 4 % FeCI 2 2 2 KCI NaOH + -*ZnS H2 H 2S HN0 3 2 H 2 S0 4 Freezing mixtures Drope from °C + + 10 10 + 8 + 15 in t< Mixture jmperature (The figures stand for proportions by mass) to °C - 12 - 15 - 24 4 H2 - 21 3-0 ice (crushed) - 39 - 55 - 78 1-2 ice (crushed) 1 1 H2 H2 1-4 ice 1 + + + 1 1 1 KCI NH 4 NO NaN0 3 (crushed) methyl alcohol c + + + + + - 1 1 NH 4 CI NACI 2CaCI 2 • 2 CaCI 2 • 1 C0 2 6 H? 6 H2 solid CHEMISTRY u Moisture, Drying agents, Water-hardness Atmospheric relative humidity closed containers in Relative humidity above the solution (%) 20°C Supersaturated = 65°F aqueous solution 92 86 80 76 Na 2 C0 3 63 55 45 35 NH4NO3 Ca(N0 3 2 • 10 H2 KCI (NH 4 2 S0 4 NaCI ) ) K2CO3 • CaCI 2 • 4 H2 2 H2 6H 2 Drying agents (desiccants) for desiccators water remaining desiccant after drying at 25°C (77°F), g/m 3 name air 1.4 copper 0.8 zinc chloride calcium chloride 0.14 ... 0.25 0.16 0.008 formula CuS0 4 dehydrated ZnCI 2 CaCI 2 NaOH sodium hydroxide magnesium oxide MgO 0.005 0.003 0.002 calcium sulfate, dehydrated hydrated aluminum potassium hydroxide CaS0 4 Al 2 0.001 silica gel (Si0 2 0.000025 phosphorus pentoxide P2O5 Hardness 1 sulfate, German hardness Vd = water mg MgO 7.19 water 1.25° English hardness = 1.78° French hardness 17.8 American hardness (1.00 ppm CaC0 3 1 1°d water mg CaO of a 10 I 1 I ) Classification of hardness 4°d 8°d 12°d 12 18 very soft soft slightly hard ... 18 d ... 30°d above 30°d rather hard hard very hard Mixture rule for fluids (mixture cross) capa- in mixed of the admixture for water Example: I" starting city is b = fluid weight-% 0. a = 54%; b = 92%; c shall One should mix become 62%. thus 30 weight-sharings of a with 8 of 3 KOH b. ) x RADIATION PHYSICS V Photometry and Optics General For every photometric quantity there same physical quantity and the Photometry Symbol candela radiant cd intensity 'v luminous 4> v flux lumen Im = cd = fi-/ v radiant power sr lumensecond quantity of light, Gv=<V' luminous energy They and e for Radia tion physic s Quantity Symbol Units Units luminous intensity a corresponding radiation- by different suffixes, v for visual are differentiated energy. Quantity is relationships apply to both. Im sr *,-fl-/. W Q e =4>*t J quantity radiance m2 A^ COS e. sr lx= light ff v exposure = £v Definition of the The luminous a black body — m^ Im irradiance radiant • Ixs t base unit exposure "candela" A = Ee 2 -t m2 Ws m2 (cd) intensity of a surface of 1/600000 at a W Ee He m' £f lux illuminance Ws = W cd /v A, -cos J/s of radiation Lv = luminance = radiant energy, s, also Im h W U temperature of 2042 m2 (= 1% mm 2 )of K. Photometric radiation equivalent A = 555 nm. 1 watt = 680 Im for wavelength Luminous A flux surface A Z 25) require a luminous consumption for lighting(values see to an Ev lit illumination flux of Z<Py For symbols see T 2 A-Ey will RADIATION PHYSICS Distance law, Refraction of light Optical distance law The illumination of a surface is inversely proportional to the square of its distance from the light source: £y1 A, £v2 Where two sources produce equal illumination of a surface, of the squares of their distances from the surface is the ratio equal to light the of ratio their / _ .. surface ( luminous intensities: t=; hi /V 2 Light refraction np sin a n a ~ sin /? = const, for Where sin fi ^ —?- \>-~i \* all angles. total reflection dense oc ' urs | in relation to fluid 1.49 water quartz 1.54 alcohol crown glass diamond 2.41 A-\ : A2 '• benzol in relation to vacuum hydrogen 1.36 oxygen 1.47 atmosphere 1.000292 1.000271 1.50 nitrogen 1.000297 1.33 1.000292 area of radiating surface area of illuminated or irradiated surface projection of the radiating surface cos £^ A-i 1.56 glycerine = 589.3 nm gasous matter matter atmosphere plexiglas |\ medium ft\ Refractive index for yellow sodium ligh tning A solid matter thin medium : A<\ perpendicular to the direction of radiation n a< (n b) refractive index of thin (dense) medium angle between emergent beam and normal to radiating surface A-\ £1 Q solid angle Q is the ratio of the area M k intercepted on a sphere 2 of radius r k to the square of the radius: Q = -4 k /r k 2 2 unit sr = m /m The solid angle of a point is Q = 4 x sr = 12.56 sr : : : ; . n : luminous efficacy (see table Z 25) . RADIATION PHYSICS Wavelengths, Mirror Wavelengths Type v16 atmosphere) (in Wavelength A = of radiation X-rays hard 0.0057 soft ultra-soft 0.08 nm nm 2.0 nm.. UV-C UV-C UV-B UV-A optical radiation ultra-violet radiation ... nm nm nm nm 380 nm 420 nm 490 nm 530 nm 650 nm 780 nm 1.4 nm 3.0 nm 100 280 315 violet blue visible radiation, green light yellow red IR-A IR-B IR-C infra-red radiation 2.0 . 37.5 nm nm nm mm 100 IR-C elf 0.08 . 280 315 380 420 490 530 650 780 nm nm nm nm nm nm nm nm Mirrors Plane mirrors The image at the is same dis- tance behind the mirror as the object is in u = v17 front of it: -v Concave mirrors i.i v18 i + v u f Depending upon the position of object, the image will be real or virtual: u v 00 f >2/ f<v<2f 2/ 2/ 2/ >u > f >2/ 00 f negative <f at focal point real, inverted, smaller real, inverted, of equal size real, inverted, larger no image virtual, larger Convex mirrors Produce only virtual and smaller images. Similar to concave mirror where: v19 /= -r/2 « 0.3 x 10 9 m/s (velocity of light) For explanation of symbols for mirrors refer to V4 •)c = 299 792 458 m/s | /: frequency 1/s RADIATION PHYSICS V Lenses Lenses Refraction D of a lens Unit: v20 Lens equation 1 dpt = 1 dioptrics (thin lenses only) v21 '>£ + t8 v22 5 v23 Where two diately lenses with focal depths /1 and /2 are placed immeother, the equivalent focal length/, is given one behind the 11^1 by v24 /i Magnifying lens ._ _ object where object general is in m v25 = -j focus j+-\ Microscope total h & magnification * § j m v26 t-s fvh v27 v28 Macro photograpy camera extension v29 a = f(m + distance of object B F / G : : size of n^-k) image focus n : r : : focal length t : size of object m range of vision 1) (= 25 cm for : : refractive index (see V2) radius of curvature optical length of tube magnification factor normal vision) RADIATION PHYSICS Ionizing radiation Ionizing radiation Ionizing radiation any is which causes direct or permanent gas. Accumulated radiation indirect of As absorbed energy (measured kg v30 value) particles excitation rate of 258^ R J t kg kg m absorbed absorbed dose dose, 1 gy_ *-?-£m D-f.J = vv " s v33 a Units absorbing energy kg v31 v32 of rontgen 1 1 or time rate values Units values amount charged of ionization kg 31.56X10 6 i kg a W m kg 6.242 dose 1 equivalent = v35 H=D 1 ^y 0.01 sv dose VAs Ws equivalent, kg kg -rate sievert 1 (theoretical value) v34 x10 1 w gy kg = q-. q [100 rem 1 sv] = = q-f-J Ionization current and a voltage is /; When air q-D molecules are ionized by radiation applied, an ionization current / flows. (Instrument: the ionization chamber). Charge Q: When an duces a charge ionization current / flows for a time Q v36 Units in ( ) = t it pro- It are earlier units continued on T 6 RADIATION PHYSICS V Ionizing radiation Dose J: Dose / is mass m, a value related to W Radiation energy W: e.g. J = Q/m. the radiation energy necessary for ionization. Each pair of ions in the air molecule requires the energy = 33.7 eV L (Charge of one electron: 1 e = 1 .602 x 10~ 19 As) 19 As x 1 V = 1 .602 x 10~ 19 J) (1 electron volt: 1 eV = 1 .602 x 10" is W The Activity A: activity A number the is substance that disintegrates per of atoms of a radioactive unit time. A = -dN/dt = \N. Units: bq (becquerel) [1 curie = 1 ci = 37 x 1 9 bq] 1 bq is 1 disintegration of a radioactive atom per second. Decay The X: = X half life is Ty2 In 2/Ty2 mass the time taken for one half of the radioactive to decay. Units: s~ 1 min -1 , Half lives of h~ 1 d , , some _1 , a -1 and natural . artificial isotopes relative atomic 1 number ' Z Element atomic 2 > mass potassium cobalt strontium Symbols used mass (base N q / : : : : number number : mass caesium caesium 5.3a thorium 29 a uranium unit) Plutonium | (3 Ty2 half life FA 2.1a 30 a 1600 a 14xi0 9 a 4.5 x I0 9 a 24000 a life atoms y - und X-rays for other radiation ionization constant for tissue quality factor for half > Ar 134 137 226 232 238 239 radium 8.0d of radioactive atomic 2 Element 12a 12.4 h = q = -, for fL Z 1.3xl0 9 a 131 iodine 1> life Ar 3 40 42 60 90 tritium m half atomic <7 1 1 ... 20 /-/l /=(1 ...4)/L bone WL/e fL = ionization constant for air = 33.7 V) Notation of units used A: ampere | C: coulomb J: | joule a: annum (1 J I d: dies (1 annum = 1 = 1 31.56x 10 6 s) 86 400 s) 1991 the average person dies Exposure to radiation (dose equivalent): In the Federal Republic of Germany would have been exposed follwing radiation: h Type msv from natural sources for medical reasons other artificial <2.4 < t <0.1 radiation < *permitted by law ') number of protons 2) I 0.5 number of protons 0.3 and neutrons r in [m rem] 240 50 < < in to the 10 30 TABLES Zi Properties of solids Reference conditions Density pat = 20° point Boiling i.e. t t: C The values direct transition in brackets Thermal conductivity A at t 9 t t kg/dm 3 °C °C 1600 1040 658 658 300 2600 2300 2200 2200 630 815 1440 2.6 aluminum bronze aluminum cast 2.6 aluminum, 2.7 rolled 7.7 amber 1.0 antimony 6.67 arsenic 5.72 artificial wool 2.5 1300 704 3.59 4.5 1.85 bismuth 9.8 271 boiler scale 2.5 borax 1.72 1200 740 brass, cast 8.4 brass, rolled 8.5 brick 1.8 bromine bronce (Cu Sn 3.14 6) iron ore 321 1.55 3.51 cast iron 7.25 850 3600 1200 cerium 6.77 630 chalk 127.9 209.4 209.4 22.53 1100 1100 165 = 0.858 9 kcal/(h K) 1.2. ..3.5 113 113 » 0.80 0.436 0.904 0.904 0.209 0.348 1.357 0.816 0.29 0.80 0.996 0.385 0.385 0.92 63 2300 64 0.37 0.58 765 1439 92.1 2500 58 8.9 2> | kJ/(kg K) 2 1.02 1 kJ/(kg K) = 0.67 0.234 0.63 0.854 0.532 0.92 rr » 0.13 8.1 1.8 K) cp 1 10.89 1570 5.1 864 W/(m k) 1.0 8.83 heat 0.46 2970 1560 2800 -7.3 910 calcium carbon 1 W/(m specific A tivity 0.17 900 900 cadmium » 100 1700 1580 1280 barytes beryllium 1 o<r< 1.5 asbestos barium brown state. meltinglboiling thermal point conduc- density agate sublimation, to = 20° C Specific heat c p for the temperature range andp = 1.0132 bar. Substance refer from the solid to the gaseous 0.84 0.2: 188 kcal (kg K) TABLES z2 Properl ties of solids meltingj boiling thermal specific po int conduc- heat density Substance charcoal P t t kg/dm 3 °C °C chromium 1800 1600 1490 7.1 1.8. ..2.1 cobalt 8.8 coke 1.4 concrete reinforce constantan copper, cast copper, rolled cork 2.4 diamond 1 2700 2980 3100 69 1 69.4 0.8. ..1.7 1600 1083 1083 8 89 8.8 8.9 2400 2500 2500 23.3 384 384 0.05 0.2... 0.3 650 350 2000 129.1 40. ..50 2.8 > kJ/(kg K) 2 0.84 0.452 0.88 0435 0.84 0.88 0.41 0.394 0394 2.0 0.52 [3540] 0.9. ..1.0 duralium ebonite K) 0.184 3.5 dripping, beef W/(m A 0.084 0.4 clay tivity 0.88 0.92 0.17 1.2. ..1.8 electron 1.8 650 1500 162.8 1.00 emery 4.0 2200 2000 700 3000 2900 11.6 0.96 brick fire glass, 1.8. ..2.2 window 2.5 glass-wool gold 0.15 0.47 0.88 0.81 0.84 0.04 0.84 19.29 1063 2700 310 0.130 graphite 2.24 3800 168 0.71 ice 0.92 ingot iron 7.9 1460 iodine 4.95 113.5 4200 100 2500 184 4800 iridium iron, 7.25 forged 7.8 iron-oxide 5.1 lead 11.3 leather 09. limestone lithium 3.2. magnesium 2) 1 W/(m 1 kJ/(kg K) K) 2500 327.4 1740 : = 59.3 58 0.58 179 1372 657 650 1110 1500 34.7 2.09 0.49 0.218 0.134 0.532 0.461 0.67 0.130 0.15 1.5 2.2 0.909 301.2 0.36 157 1.05 70. ..145 1.01 .3.6 1.74 alloy 0.44 46. ..58 ..1.0 0.53 magnesium, 1200 1200 1570 2.6 magnesia ') 2450 22.5 iron, cast 2.3 47. ..58 1.8 0.3598 kcal/ (h m K) 2388 kcal (kgK) > TABLES zs Properties of solids melting boiling thermal specific po int conduc- heat density Substance Q kg/dm manganese t 3 7.43 marble mica 2.0... 2.8 molybdenum 10.2 °C °C 1221 2150 2.8 nickel 8.9 osmium 22.48 oxide of chrom palladium 12.0 paper 0.7. ..1.1 5.21 paraffin 2600 1452 5500 2730 2500 2300 1552 5300 52 0.9 peat 0.2 phosphorbronce phosphorus 8.8 pig iron, white 1.82 8.65 pitch 1.25 coal 21.5 porcelain 2.2... 2.5 potassium 0.86 quartz 2.5 radium 2930 300 280 2500 1300 0.381 0.14 88 0.24 0.95 125 39 1550 1.52 1500 220 1420 4.4 2.33 W/(m 1 kJ/(kg K)= 0.2: $88 960 kcal/(h kcal/( m K) <gK) 1 0.92 0.32 * 1 1.30 700 2230 688 2600 3.12 105 K) 1.02 0.13 70 71 rubber, raw 1 0.38 0.092 • 2> 0.80 0.54 52.3 159 0.7 100... 300 = 0.8598 1.9 0.36 127.9 1.07 1) 3.26 2300 5500 rosin silver 1.336 0.26 0.80 2500 carbide 0.24 0.14 9.9 1960 silicon, 70.9 2230 1140 12.3 silicon 0.130 075 1470 960 rhodium 2.1. ..2.5 0.272 0.461 0.8... 1.0 762-2 21.4 sandstone selenium 0.87 145 59 4400 rhenium 1.4. ..1.6 0.84 1770 1650 63 950 3175 rubidium 0.46 2.8 0.35 0.24 8.8 sand, dry kJ/(kg K) 2 » 110 8.6. ..9.1 red metal K) 1 0.13 5 red lead W/(m cp A 0.42 1.35 platinum tivity 0.08 900 44 1560 1000 7.0. ..7.8 pinchbeck pit t 2170 58 0.33 0.58 0.80 2.3 0.71 0.20 0.33 83 0.75 15.2 0.67 407 0.234 > TABLES z4 Properties of solids meltinglboiling thermal specific point conduc- heat density Substance Q t t kg/dm 3 °C °c slate 2.6. ..2.7 2000 snow 0.1 sodium 97.5 0.98 soot 1.6... 1.7 steatite 2.6. .2.7 7.85 steel sulfur, cryst. 2.0 tantalum 16.6 tar 1.2 tellurium 6.25 thorium - 15 455 1800 11 7 timber, alder " , ash , birch , larch " " 0.49 0.70 0.138 0.19 4.9 38 0.201 0.14 1.3 2.5 1.4 1.6 1.9 1.4 , red beech 0.8 0.19 0.14 , red pine 0.65 0.15 1.5 white pine walnut 0.75 0.65 0.15 0.15 1.5 , tin, cast 7.2 tin, rolled 7.28 232 232 2500 2500 64 64 3200 5900 3800 3300 130 28 2500 2100 906 1000 906 wax 0.96 1670 3410 1133 1890 60 welding iron white metal 7.8 1600 7.5. ..10 300 .400 titanium 4.5 tungsten 19.2 uranium vanadium 19.1 6.1 zinc, cast 6.86 zinc, die-cast 6.8 zinc, rolled 1 0.20 54 2.4 1.28 , 1 0.83 0.17 pockwood " » 2 47. .58 0.14 , " 1 1.26 0.84 1.6 0.85 0.75 " 2> 0.07 0.16 pitchpine " 0.76 4.187 0.75 , " 4000 kJ/(kg K) 2 0.17 0.16 0.14 0.12 , , 2500 445 4100 300 1300 126 > 0.55 0.75 0.65 0.75 maple oak " K) 1 0.5 100 880 1600 1460 115 2990 W/(m cp A tivity W/(m K) kJ/(kg K) 419 393 419 7.15 = - 0.85 98 kcal/(h 0.23 88 m K) kcal/(kc JK) 0.47 0.13 31.4 0.084 54.7 35. 1.4 0.24 0.24 15.5 110 140 110 1.3 .70 0.117 0.50 3.43 0.515 0.147 0.38 0.38 0.38 > T_ TABLES £m 5 Properties of liquids Reference conditions Density g at t = 20°C and p = 1.0132 bar. Melting point and boiling point I at p = 1.0132 bar. Thermal conductivity A at t = 20°C. For other temperatures see Z 15. Specific heat c p for the temperature range < t < 100°C and p = 1.0132 bar. melting| boiling thermal specific point conduc- heat density Substance Q t kg/dm 3 acetic acid 1.08 acetone 0.79 alcohol benzene 0.79 0.89 benzine 0.7 chloroform 1.53 diesel °C °C 16.8 118 -95 -130 5.4 -150 0.88 -70 -5 ether 0.73 117 gas 0.86 oil oil glycerine 1.27 heating oil f 10% hydrochlor acid 1 40% hydrofluoric acid 0.92 linseed 1.05 nitric 3 1.56 0.94 of turpentine perchlor ethylene 0.87 petroleum petroleum ether 0.80 0.67 1.84 sulfuric acid 50% 1.49 trichlor ethylene water > 2» 1 W/(m 1 kJ/(kg K) K) 78.4 80 50.. .200 2.43 1.80 0.17.. .0.2 0.137 0.16 2.1 61 175 35 200... 300 290 0.13 175.. .350 0.12 102 0.50 0.14 2.26 0.15 0.29 2.43 19.5 3.14 316 -5 380... 400 -41 357 66 86 -20 150. ..300 -10 -20 -70 -160 -10 160 119 2.33 0.15 2.09 0.126 1.68 8.4 0.138 2.51 0.26 0.15 1.72 0.10 1.80 150.300 0.159 0.905 2.09 40. ..70 0.14 1.76 0.5 1.38 0.14 1.59 338 1.40 sulfurus acid toluene > 1.62 sulfuric acid cone. kJ/(kg K) 2 > 56.1 -38.9 -98 0.8 acid oil 1 -20 13.6 of resin K) 3 W/(m cp A » -92.5 0.91 oil methyl alcohol oil -5 -14 1.20 0.99 0.96 oil machine mercury -30 -20 3> tivity / 4' 0.88 1.47 4° 1 at = 0.8598 - 0.23JJ8 kcal/(h -73 -10 -94.5 110 87 100 -^86 m K) 1.34 0.16 1.30 0.58 4.183 4 kcal/(k JK) at t = 'at t = 3) 0°C -20°C > TABLES Ze Properties of gases Reference conditions Density g at t = 0°C and p = 1.0132 bar For perfect gases g can be calculated for other pressures and/or temperatures from: g = p/(R x T). Melting point and boiling point at p = 1.0132 bar. Thermal conductivity A at t = C and p = 1.0132 bar. For other temperatures see Z 15. Specific heat c p and c v at t = 0°Cand/7 = 1.0132 bar. c p at other temperatures see Z 13. / Substances melting|boiling thermal point conduc- density 9 kg/m 3 acetylene tivity t I °C °c 1.17 - 83 1.293 -213 - 81 ammonia 0.77 argon 1.78 -192.3 - 77.9 - 33.4 -189.3 -185.9 air, atmosphere cp 1 K) cv | kJ/(kg K) 2 ' 0.018 > 1.616 1.300 1.005 0.718 0.02454 0.022 0.016 0.02 1.25 - 78.2 - 56.6 -111.5 46.3 -205.0 -191.6 0.015 0.0069 0.023 0.816 0.627 0.582 0.473 1.038 0.741 3.17 -100.5 - 34.0 0.0081 0473 0.58 -230 1.26 -169.3 -103.7 - 270.7 - 268.9 -111.2 - 84.8 0.017 0.143 0.013 0.171 1.28 -210 -170 2.67 -145 -135 - carbon disulfide carbon monoxide 3.40 chlorine coal gas ethylene helium hydrochlor acid 0.18 hydrogen hydrogen sulfide 0.09 gas heat A 2.056 1.568 0.52 0.312 1.05 0.75 butane, isobutane, ncarbon di-oxide blast furnace W/(m specific 2.70 1.97 1.63 10 1 -210 2.14 0.36 1.59 1.47 1.173 5.20 3.121 0.795 0.567 krypton 3.74 methane neon 0.72 -2592 -252.8 - 85.6 - 60.4 -157.2 -153.2 -182.5 -161.5 0.90 -2486 nitrogen 1.25 oxigen 1.43 -210.5 -195.7 -218.8 -182.9 ozone propane 2.14 -251 2.01 -187.7 - 42.1 0.015 1.549 1.360 sulfur dioxide 2.92 - 75.5 - 10.0 water vapor3 0.77 0.0086 0.016 0.0051 0.586 0.456 1.842 1.381 0.16 0.097 ' xenon > 2> 5.86 1 W/(m 1 kJ/(kg K) 1 1.54 K) = 0.8598 kcal/(h = 02 388 0.00 -246.1 m K) 14.05 9.934 0.992 0.748 151 0.25 2.19 1.672 1.03 0.618 0.024 0.024 1.038 0.741 0.909 0.649 -112 100 00 -111.9 -108.0 kcal/(k gK) 0.013 0.0088 0.030 0.046 3) at t -- = 100°C TABLES numbers Friction Coefficients of sliding and sliding friction static friction static friction \x \i on material material -Q bronze bronze 0.20 0.18 0.18 cast iron steel oak oak rubber hemp 0.20. ..0.40 0.15. ..0.35 || oakf cast iron rope cast iron steel 0.17. ..0.24 asphalt 0.50 0.60 concrete belt cast iron PTFE POM W 0.18 031 0.16 0.10 0.10 0.02. ..0.05 0.18. ..0.24 0.30 0.50 0.40 0.20. ..0.50 ice 0.014 steel 0.10. ..0-30 PE-W 0.20 0.30 0.50 0.40 1 » 0.40. ..0.50 PTFE PA 66 2 ) 0.03. ..0.05 3 > 0.30. ..0.50 POM 4 > 0.35... 0.45 PTFE 2 ) 0.035. ..0.055 POM 4> PE-W 0.2. ..0.7 0.11 0.02. ..0.08 0.15. ..0.30 0.10 0.10 0.50. ..0.70 0.40. ..( Rolling friction K 12 and L 9) arm / of f rictional force in mm lever material on material 0.10 0.15 0.50 rubber on asphalt rubber on concrete lignum vitae on lignum vitae on steel (hard: on steel (soft) elm on lignum vitae steel steel : -H-: ball 0.05 0.8 movement with grain of both materials movement perpendicular to grain of sliding body polyethylene with plasticizer 2) polytetrafluorethylene 4) 0005. ..0.01 bearing) 1) 3) 0.50 0.12 0.26 0.02. ..0.10 0.50. ..0.60 0.027 (for section II 0.10 0.19 0.10 0.05. ..0.15 0.40. ..0.60 0.50 0.08 0.04. ..0.12 0.40 wood PE-W 0.11 0.50 oak 1) 0.06 0.08 0.07 timber leather steel 0.10 polyamide polyoxymethylene from BASF) 126 from Dupont) CA from BASF) Hostaflon C 2520 from Hoechst) (e.g. Lupolen (e.g. Teflon C (e.g. Ultramit (e.g. TABLES 8 Friction factors for flow in pipes £ fi-e'r-wtb H== gffioo K 10 f (Re, $) TABLES 9 Water pipes, Hydrodynamics values Galvanized Steel Tubes, suitable for Screwing to B.S. 21 Pipe Threads (Approximate values for Medium pipes, colour code - blue, to B. S. 1389) Nominal bore (inches) % '/a 19 14 Vb Threads per inch 28 19 14 % V/a 1 11 11 11 11 Outside diam. of pipe (mm) 10.2 13.5 17.2 21.3 26.9 33.7 42.4 48.3 60.3 Inside diam. of pipe (mm) 6.2 12.3 16 21.6 27.2 35.9 41.8 53 Flow area (mm 2 ) 30 119 201 581 1012 1371 2206 2 Ration of flow area (mm to nominal bore (inches) ) 242 243 317 402 488 581 810 914 1103 Roughness k (according to Richter, Hydraulics of Pipes) Material and kind of pipe new seamless rolled or steel pipes cast iron pipes pipes folded and riveted of sheet steel k in mm 0.02. .0.06 typical rolled finish drawn pickled (commercial) steel pipes used Condition of pipe » cleanly galvanized (dipping process) 0.03. ..0.04 0.07.. .0.10 commercial galvanized 0.10. ..0.16 uniform corrosion about 0.15 pits medium medium corrosion, light incrustation incrustation heavy incrustation cleaned after long use new, typical cast finish new, bituminized used, corroded 0.15. .0.4 about 1.5 2. ..4 0.15. ..0.20 0.6 0.2 .. 0.1 ...0.13 1 ...1.5 incrusted 1.5 cleaned after several years of use mean value in urban sewerage installations heavily corroded 0.3 new, folded new, depending on kind and quality about 0.15 ...4 ...1.5 1.2 4.5 of riveting light riveting about heavy riveting to 9 25 years old, heavily incrusted, riveted pipe 12.5 1 TABLES Zio Heat values Latent heat of fusion per unit kJ material material kg aluminum 377 164 168 46 126 134 243 172 113 antimony brass cadmium cast iron chromium cobalt copper ethyl ether mass kJ glycerine gold kg 176 paraffin 147 67 phenol 109 manganese 335 platinium 205 potassium 23 silver 155 sulfur mercury 11.7 tin naphthaline 151 nickel 234 zinc ice iron lead kJ alcohol 59 109 38 33.5 alloy 117 mass /d kJ kg material kg 503 oxygen 88C hydrogen ) ammonia 113 59 Wood's kJ material kg kJ material kg Latent heat of evaporation per unit at 101.32 kN/m 2 (= 760 torr) material /.< 141C mercury 281 carbon dioxide 59J methyl chloride chlorine 29C nitrogen 214 402 sulfur dioxide 406 toluene 201 water Calorific value 365 2250 Hu (average values) Hu MJ Solids Hu MJ Liquids Gases Hu MJ kg kg kg Hu MJ anthracite 33.4 alcohol 26.9 acethylen 48.2 bituminous coal 31.0 benzene 40.2 butane 45.3 122.3 brown coal 42.1 coal gas furnace coke 30.1 gasoline 42.5 hydrogen gas coke 29.2 heating 41.8 non coking coal 31.0 methyl alcohol 19.5 peat, dry 14.6 methylspirit (95%) 25.0 wood, dry 13.3 petroleum 40.8 9.6 Diesel fuel oil oil 4.1 5.2 119.9 10.8 methane 50.0 36.0 municipial gas 18.3 11.3 natural gas, dry* 43.9 39.0 propane 46.3 93.1 •Provenance: USA (Panhandle) 3 For Great Britain (Leman Bank): 48.7 MJ/kg resp. 37.0 MJ/m 1 kWh = 3.6 MJ (Cf. i K3) 56.4 TABLES 7 £m 11 Heat values -inear coefficient of expansion i = at/ a/10 material -6 ... material aluminium bismuth 23.8 German 13.5 brass 18.5 a/10 -6 porcelain gold 14.2 quartz glass ead 29.0 silver bronze 17.5 molybdenum 30.0 nickel 5.2 cast iron 10.5 nickel steel 15.2 = copper 16.5 platinum Ni steel, 8.5 mild 12.0 23.0 ungsten 1.5 material 4.5 line 9.0 Cubic coefficient of expansion at/ = 15°C y/lQ-z 0.5 19.7 in 36% Invar 4.0 steatite 13.0 constantan a/10- 6 material 18.0 silver cadmium material 1/K in 100°C ) y/10~ 3 in 30.0 1/K y/10-3 material alcohol 1.1 glycerine 0.5 Detroleum benzene 1.0 mercury 0.18 oluene 1.08 ether 1.6 oil 1.0 water 0.18 of turpentine 1.0 Coefficient of heat transfer k in W/(m 2 K) (Approx. values, natural convection on both sides) thiol* material 3 10 ness of in sula ing lc iyer i mrr 20 50 100 120 250 380 510 i reinforced concrete 4.3 3.7 3.5 2.4 1.2 0.7 0.5 1.6 0.9 0.7 1.7 1.0 0.7 3.1 2.2 1.7 1.4 3.4 2.3 foam mortar % (e.g. thermalite) ac = ac = ac = 2.45 4.90 7.35 N/mm 2 N/mm 2 N/mm 2 glass 5.8 5.3 4.1 2.4 glass-, mineral- wool, hard foam timber wall 1.5 0.7 0.4 3.8 2.4 1.8 chalky sandstone gravel concrete 4.1 3.6 1.7 slag concrete 2.7 1.7 1.4 1.0 brick 2.9 2.0 1.5 1.3 double or treble glazing single window, puttied double window, 20 mm spacing, puttied*' double window, 120 mm spacing, puttied* tiled roof without/with joint packing *' also for wind ows wit i seal< ?d air gaps 2.6 or 1.9 5.8 2.9 2.3 11.6 5.8 TABLES "7 <,„ £- 12 Heat values Gas constant material acetylene air ammonia carbonic acid carbon monoxide and molecular mass A' R M J kg kg K kmol 319 287 488 189 297 26 29 hydrogen material 17 oxygen 44 sulfuric acid 28 water vapor C C W/(m 2 K 4 R M J kg kgK kmol 4124 297 260 130 462 nitrogen Radiation constant material M 2 28 32 64 18 C at 20 C material W/(m 2 K 4 ) ) 0.17 x 10~ 8 copper, oxidated 3.60 x 10~ 8 aluminum, polished 0.23 x 10" 8 water 3.70 x 10 -8 copper, polished 0.28 x 10~ 8 timber, planed 4.40 x 10 -8 brass, polished 0.28 x 10" 8 porcelain, glaz 5.22 x 10 -8 zinc, polished 0.28 x 10~ 8 glass 8 5.30 x 10" polished 0.34 x 10" 8 0.34 x 10" 8 soot, aluminum, unpolished 0.40 x 10~ 8 nickel, polished 0.40 x 10 brass, unpolished 8 1.25 x 10" absolutely ice 3.60 x 10" 8 black surface silver, iron, tin, polished polished Dynamic / in r\ N s/m 2 = 5.30 x 10" 8 5.30 x 10~ zinc, unpolished 8 5.30 x 10~ iron, unpolished 5.40 x 10 motor of °C SAE 1 viscosity -8 8 smooth brickwork oils in 5.67 x 10 N s/m 2 x 0-5*> 1 20 50 100 10 0.31 0.079 0.020 0.005 0.007 20 0.72 0.170 0.033 30 40 1.53 0.310 0.061 0.010 2.61 0.430 0.072 0.012 50 382 0.630 0.097 0.015 1 kg/(m s) = 1 Pa s - 1000 cP -8 -8 TABLES z 13 Heat values Mean in t °c specific heat c pm of various gases kJ/(kg K) as a function of temperature CO C0 2 H2 H2 N2 1 > pure N2 2 > o2 so 2 air 1.039 0.8205 14.38 1.858 1.039 1.026 0.9084 0.607 1.004 100 1.041 0.8689 14.40 1.874 1.041 1.031 0.9218 0.637 1.007 200 300 400 1.046 0.9122 14.42 1.894 1.044 1.035 0.9355 0.663 1.013 1.054 0.9510 14.45 1.918 1.049 1.041 0.9500 0687 1.020 1.064 0.9852 14.48 1.946 1.057 1.048 0.9646 0.707 1.029 500 600 700 800 900 1.075 1.016 14.51 1.976 1066 1.057 0.9791 0.721 1.039 1.087 1.043 14.55 2.008 1.076 1.067 0.9926 0.740 1.050 1.099 1.067 14.59 2.041 1.087 1.078 1.005 0.754 1.061 1.110 1.089 14.64 2.074 1.098 1.088 1.016 0.765 1.072 1.121 1.109 14.71 2.108 1.108 1.099 1.026 0.776 1.082 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1.131 1.126 14.78 2.142 1.118 1.108 1.035 0.784 1.092 1.141 1.143 14.85 2.175 1.128 1.117 1.043 0.791 1.100 1.150 1.157 14.94 2.208 1.137 1.126 1.051 0.798 1.109 1.158 1.170 15.03 2.240 1.145 1.134 1.058 0.804 1.117 1.166 1.183 15.12 2.271 1.153 1.142 1.065 0.810 1.124 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 1.173 1.195 15.21 2.302 1.160 1.150 1.071 0.815 1.132 1.180 1.206 15.30 2.331 1.168 1.157 1.077 0.820 1.138 1.186 1.216 15.39 2.359 1.174 1.163 1.083 0.824 1.145 1.193 1.225 15.48 2.386 1.181 1.169 1.089 0.829 1.151 1.198 1.233 15.56 2.412 1.186 1.175 1.094 0.834 1.156 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 1.204 1.241 15.65 2.437 1.192 1.180 1.099 0.837 1.162 1.209 1.249 15.74 2.461 1.197 1.186 1.10.4 1.167 1.214 1.256 15.82 2.485 1.202 1.191 1.109 1.172 1.218 1.263 15.91 2.508 1.207 1.195 1.114 1.176 1.222 1.269 15.99 2.530 1.211 1.200 1.118 1.181 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 3000 1.226 1.275 16.07 2.552 1.215 1.204 1.123 1.185 1.230 1.281 16.14 2.573 1.219 1.207 1.127 1.189 1.234 1.286 16.22 2.594 1.223 1.211 1.131 1.193 1.237 1.292 16.28 2.614 1.227 1.215 1.135 1.196 1.240 1.296 16.35 2.633 1.230 1.218 1.139 1.200 1.243 1.301 16.42 2.652 1.233 1.221 1.143 1.203 1) at low presj >ures 2 >d jrived fr om air Calculated f 'om figi jres gi /en in E. Schn -lidt: Einfuhrun g in die Techni scheTflermod ynamik, Got tingen Heidelt erg: S pringer 1975. I 11. Ai iflage. Berlin/ TABLES Zl4 Heat values Liquids*) t C Q Substance °C water octane C 8 H 18 ethane C 2 H 5 OH toluene oil *) Explanation of the s 1791.8 1002.6 4.181 864-7 4.215 4.494 -25 738 719 0.144 0.137 1020 714 14.62 2.131 2093 2232 0.183 0.177 3241 1786 1201 701 3707 2.064 20 50 100 806 789 763 716 20 50 100 879 847 793 200 661 20 50 100 200 885 867 839 793 672 1435 1383 1296 1.33 20 50 695 636 609 4.45 0173 0.165 0.152 547.1 281.7 134.6 22.52 16.63 11.90 7.41 649 436 7.79 5.93 4.04 0.144 0.136 0.128 0.108 773 586 419 269 133 8.65 7.14 5.55 4.14 3.22 0.212 0.199 0.177 368 304 234 2.09 4.61 0547 0540 4.74 5.08 0477 317 169 138 103 2.58 1.44 1.26 1.10 0.144 0.143 0.139 13060 5490 2000 168 79 32 31609 7325 3108 482 125 60 1821 1.968 1.612 1.717 1.800 1.968 2.617 137 1.48 185 2.06 2.19 20 60 100 866 842 818 2.09 0.141 0521 261 113 229 0.124 0.122 0.119 13546 0.139 9.304 1558 1260 2.366 0.286 1.5*10 6 11 11.11 326 871 Cf. 13.44 6.99 3.57 1.75 0.90 0.144 0.134 0.127 0.108 1.729 852 820 5 06685 2.801 20 50 100 ymbol. 0.5620 0.5996 0.6405 0.6803 2.395 3.454 561 20 3 - 988.1 958.1 mercury Hg C3H8 Pa S 200 -50 spindle-oil Pr 4.217 4.182 20 50 glycerine kgK 10 6 *7 999.8 998.3 S0 2 ammonia NH 3 insulating m3 A W mK 20 50 100 C7H8 sulfur dioxide kJ -25 benzene C 6 H 6 P kg 2.31 196 0.02 1.24x10" TABLES Z Heat values Gases (at t Substance °C air, -20 dry carbon dioxide C0 1000 mbar)*) Q C kg kJ m3 kg K 20 100 200 400 1.006 1.006 1.007 1.012 1.026 1.069 -30 2.199 0.013 0.015 0.016 0.022 0.030 12.28 13.75 14.98 18.59 26.02 078 0.70 0.70 0.69 0.68 0.66 0.0081 0.0093 0.012 12.3 13.4 16.8 0.72 0.69 0.69 25 100 200 0.76 0.70 0.56 0.44 2.056 2.093 2.219 2.366 0.022 0.024 0.033 0.047 9.30 10.0 12.8 16.5 0.87 0.87 0.86 0.83 -50 1.73 1.41 0.903 0.909 16.3 19.2 0.73 29 0913 1.03 0.81 0.934 0.963 0.024 0,026 0.032 0.039 0.586 0.607 0.662 1.038 1.038 1.038 1.047 1 2.88 2.64 2.11 nitrogen N 2 1.23 1.13 0.90 25 100 200 0.71 -50 0.11 25 100 200 0.09 0.08 0.07 0.05 50 100 200 300 0.0049 0.0830 0.5974 7.865 46.255 water vapour tr ie 0.71 0.473 0.477 0.494 25 100 *) Explanation of 16.15 17.10 17.98 21,60 25.70 32.55 3.13 2.87 2.29 S0 2 saturation) s 25 100 25 100 200 (at Pa Pr 1.784 1.422 1.120 ammonia NH 3 hydrogen H 2 0.023 0.025 0.026 0.032 0.039 0.053 10 6 r? 25 100 200 chlorine CI sulfur dioxide A W mK 0.800 0.827 0.850 0.919 0.997 2 2 P 1.377 1.275 1.188 0.933 0.736 0.517 1,951 oxygen 15 symt )OlS cf . 011 13.50 14.05 14.34 14.41 14.41 1.864 1.907 2.034 2.883 6.144 - 0.78 0.78 0.77 0.76 - 24.3 28.8 0.71 0.71 0.71 0.0086 0.0099 0.014 11.7 12.8 16.3 0.80 0.78 0.77 0.024 0.026 16.6 17.8 20.9 24.7 0.031 0.037 0.141 0.171 0.181 0.211 0.249 0.0165 0.0203 0.0248 0.0391 0.0718 2J3.3 7.34 8.41 8.92 10.4 12.2 9.22 10.62 12.28 15.78 19.74 0,72 0.71 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.69 0.71 0.71 0.71 1.041 0.999 1.007 1.163 1.688 TABLES Z16 Strength values in N/mm 2 CO CD 28 o o oo "3- VI VI -I — o> co 3 V| Vj d CD cb T- d * co T- ft A A A A A o CM CM CM CO o CM o o CD o O O O O ^ O O O O o O o 3 o, O) W t- s CO CM CM CO "* in in in < O O O O o o o 1^ O "* CO iCO m < 1 iCM CM CM CO CO CO m m in in o o co CD o) co en m o CO o o « CM CO o o O O O E. CD CO S O CM CM ^~ ^ "K i= O O O O CO o _0) 1^ co m co ^j o o i— O O CO in m in o O ia. s •^- I CM ci. •<* c © d) VI "tf £ -a £ vj o o o o o o o CD - O) 3 -> C o Vj r*» CM CM CM CO -o o CO m m m s o o CO 1^ CO <t CO o CO CO -i- CM CO CO cd JS o o in in 130 180 210 250 380 440 «> Jfi reat for heat-1 f- CO 18) <«• E co ._ o o o o Ev. o CO CM 00 CM CO CO CD p o o o o he t actor o O iO O O o o co h- r^ m co -t -t m CD CO CO strength elasticity CO <D C\J i Tensile of o o o in o o o o o o S m co t- in o o en 00 a < ^ t- i- CM CM CO CM CM Q-cvj t? Modulus CO in in CO Is- CJ> CO CM CM CM CO > o en CO CO CO 2 <J CM 210000 210000 210000 210000 C D 55 65 Grade Grade o o o o o o o o o in o in o o CM CM CM o o CD o o o o CM o o o en o o o o o in o CM o o o m o CM /vith P 400 600 700 safety and a 2 F specially Allow 165000 170000 es (see 185000 ameter, *) d the Grade Grade CO Material A-Standard 283 3 IUOJJ SUOI} -BOjjpads aterial dard ^ 572 572 A A A A o 5 LU H < CO CO < o 20 22 30 40 in A A M M o co o 050 § 284 060 080 080 * o in CM CM 60-40-18 80-55-06 O 5 100-70-03 pends de LU < CO 1^ < o 00 o LU CO < CO o CO < § 1- < o CM 536 ASTM A 2 CO CM oo * in seeP2 igth ^-^2 O 0)0) to S .E .= CD DOS * £2 H CD o WOJJ SUOjJ -BOjjpads •<> ;s CO Jj co on O Alter CO CM CO <J> CO o en U:Undi BS 2789 Note: A: TABLES 17 Strength and Machining values Allowable bending and torsional stresses; for elastic materials in Modulus Material of elasticity Type 1 ' A 210000 1000 750 500 Yellow Brass ASTM-B 134(274) CDA-419 HV190 of Pqt 650 500 350 120 100 80 200 180 150 80000 42000 142000 55000 110000 200 100 150 100 50 42000 120 100 80 117000 300 220 150 45000 200 180 150 Phosphor Bronze CDA-529 G 300 250 200 ASTM-B 122(752) Tin Bronze rigidity B 200 100 150 100 50 Nickel Silver HV160 Pbt 110000 HV150 65-18 moduli Modulus of loading E Spring Steel SAE1078; hard. + temp. E and G N/mm 2 HV190 for simple springs for bent and shaped springs for springs with no hysteresis effect (safety factor ( ( v For explanation refer to P 1. For cylindrical helical springs use diagram on page 2) Q — 1-5) - " - " " ^10) 3) 9. Characteristic quantities for machining (for turning outside longitudinally) Material ASTM - A572iGrade UNS - K 04600 SAE SAE SAE SAE SAE SAE SAE - 1045 1060 5120 3140 4135 4140 6150 SAE - L6 annealed SAE - L6 tempered Mehanite A Chilled cast iron ASTM - A 48-40 B Strength in N/mm 2 mc or hardness 520 720 670 770 770 630 600 730 600 940 ASTME18-74-HRD54 360 ASTME18-74-HRD60 ASTME18-74-HRD33 1 - mc 0-26 0-30 0-14 0-74 0-70 0-86 0-18 0-26 0-30 0-82 0-74 0-70 0-21 0-26 0-26 0-79 0-74 0-74 0-24 0-24 0-26 0-76 0-76 0-74 0-19 0-26 0-81 fcci.1 N/mm 2 0-74 Specified values apply directly for turning with carbide tip Cutting speed v = 90 ... 125 m/min < h < 2-5 Ratio of slenderness Chip thickness h = 005 Normal side-rake angle y = 6° for steel, 2° for cast iron mm mm | 1990 2260 2220 2130 2100 2260 2240 2500 2220 1740 1920 1270 2060 1160 TABLES 18 Strength values in Permissible contact pressure p b N/mm 2 in N/mm 2 Bearing pressure of joint bolts (Building construction DIN 1050) Load characteristic material material pb pb | | main load main and additional load | ASTM- 206 A 283 Grade C 235 ASTMA440 304 343 Journals and bearings, bearing plates (see q 13) Hydrodynamic lubrication see q 47. Mixed hardened and ground: 1)2) lubrication, shaft m s Material Pb m 8. .12 Leaded (836) j. 20 3) Red Brass Leaded (938) Tin Bronze sintered iron Pz m/s Cast Tin Bronze CDA90I gray cast iron 3 15 3 grease lubrication quality bearings PA66 4. ..12 6G ^0 (polyamide) > 15 009 dry ...1 grease lubrication <1 5 0-35 ' HDPE 2. ..4 (high-density sintered iron with copper 002 polyethylene) PTFE 12 sintered bronze (polytetra- -*0 30 fluorethylene 006 enclosed) PTFE - lead + bronze 20 tin-bronze graphite (DEVA metal) 90 4 (GLACIER-DU) > <0005 0-5. 1404) .5 General, non-sliding surfaces: Max. values are possible up to the compressive yield point at the material (o6f R e ). But normal values for good p b are lower. : — Normal values of p b under shock load undulating load dead load Material bronze cast iron gunmetal 10 20 .. 8 .. 20 30 malleable iron steel .. .. .. 15 30 12 30 50 11 (p x L')p e rm are closely related to heat dissipation, load, bearing pressure, type of lubrication. 21 Sometimes a much higher load capacity with hydrodynamic is lubrication possible 3) Limited 41 Specially developed metals life (wearing parts). 5) I For shell thickness 1 mm TABLES 2:i9 Data for clutches and brakes Properties of friction materials (Q 15 "CO ... Q 17) CO ^~ CO CM cvj CO CO C\J in CVJ iri CVJ in CO in O) iri CM CVj C\j o 2 Contact pressure o tn «- O _ Q) CO CVJ - Pb - o c CO c 'c c B - c N/mm in d d T3 oo CO CD o O o ° T (O X °C transient o o o o perature ten Max. o o CO o m CO o o o m o m O w *O CO 1 o ° co -r 1- in * CO °C continuous o o o o CD CD o m CD O o O o in in o m O O o o CO CVJ ' 4 coefficient Sliding m CD d d CVJ m CO d /"slide friction d "to II m o m o CO o o CVJ o o o CVJ cvj CO CD d d CVJ CO d d co o d d* d UO i> c H CO o o o m d d in -Q 6 d _3 C o 0> CD iron _c CO cast Q. CO E 3 Q) * 5 friction a) Q. CD o E o en CO CD general lining/steel organic ll | CO a or £ 2 c CD O C o o en 0) 0) C -Q Q) O CO 5? o CD 0) a3 a> J5 o E o D up cvi ~CD N C o -D n o TJ T3 CD CD to C C CO CO C ; co cq o c o 1 75 w II II = 0) CO 03 o / N C o m o - £ to "CD a) CO 00 (9^ JM CO ^ ^ =L 3. ~ ST « Qco m TABLES 20 Work w and 0,5 1,0 yield strength kf 2,0 1,5 SAE3310 0,25 <p : 0,50 0,75 • 1,00 0,5 logarithmic deformation ratio | w energy per unit volume For other materials see VDI 3200 : strain 1,0 1,5 <P Af : yield strength 2,0, TABLES Z21 Electrical properties and Electrical specific resistance g conductance y of conductors at specific Q material aluminium antimony brass - 58% Cu brass - 63% Cu cadmium m m Q mm 36 iron (pure) 0.417 2.4 lead 0.059 17 0.071 14 magnesium manganese cast iron chromium-Ni-Fe constantan copper silver gold graphite 13.1 40 0.025 1 1 = 20 C y Q mm 2 m m Q mm 2 material 2 0.0278 0.076 carbon German Q mm 2 / 9 Y mercury mild steel nickel 0.10 10 0.208 4.8 0.0435 23 0.423 2.37 0.941 1.063 013 7.7 0.087 11.5 2.0 0.10 10 nickeline 0.5 0.48 2.08 platinum 0.111 9 0.0172 58 silver 0.016 62.5 0.12 8.3 0.369 2.71 0.0222 45 8.00 0.125 tin tungsten 0.059 17 zinc 0.061 16.5 Electrical resistance g of insulators material 9 14 baskelite 10 glass 10 15 marble mica 10 10 paraffin oil paraffin wax (pure) Electric materia Q cm plexiglass aluminium brass carbon constantan copper German silver graphite manganese 10 15 polystyrene 10 18 10 porcelain 10 14 17 pressed amber 10 18 10 18 vulcanite 10 10 18 water, distilled 10 temperature coefficient « 2 o at material 1/Kor 1/°C + 0.00390 + 0.00150 mercury - 0.00030 - 0.00003 nickel + 0.00380 + 0.00070 -0.00020 ±0. 00001 / 16 7 = 20°C O20 a20 material Q cm » mild steel nickeline platinum silver tin zinc 1/Kor 1/°C + 0.00090 + 0.00660 + 000400 + 0.00023 + 0.00390 + 0.00377 + 0.00420 + 00370 TABLES 7, £- 2i Electrical properties Dielectric constant e r insulant insulant Er 36 araldite atmosphere 1 bakelite casting 3.6 insulant quartz micanite nylon 5 5 shellac 4.5 3.5 slate 4 paper 4 3 soft 25 olive oil rubber 4.7 paper 25 paper, glass 5 guttapercha hard paper 4 paraffin paraffin (laminated) insulation of high voltage cables| insulation of telephone cables 4.5 petroleum phenolic resin 1.5 plexiglass polystyrene porcelain 4.4 water marble 8 pressed board 4 oil 1 | impregnated 4.2 6 2.3 sulfur teflon 5 8 transformer mineral transformer vegetable turpentine 3.2 vulcanised fibres 3 vulcanite oil 2.2 wax 2.2 El ectro-motive 2.5 steatite ebonite caster £< 6 oil compound £r mica 2.2 3.5 2 oil 2.2 oil 2.5 2.2 2.5 80 series (potential difference 3 with respect to hydro gen electrode) material V V material volt potassium calcium -2.93 -2.87 sodium -2.71 iron magnesium -2.37 -1.85 -1.66 -1.19 -0.76 cadmium beryllium aluminum manganese zinc chromium -0.74 -0.58 -0.41 -0.40 -0.28 -0.23 -0.14 -0.13 tungsten cobalt nickel tin lead V material volt volt hydrogen antimony cooper 0.00 + 0.10 + 0.34 + 0.80 + 0.85 + 1.20 + 1.50 + 2.87 silver mercury platinum gold fluorine Standardize! J numbers using progi ession ratio according to E-series Shown for E 6 ... E 24 ( 24 / 1 E 6 series (« |/l0) 1.0 2.2 4.7 E 1 2 series (= ^10) 1.0 2.2 4.7 E 24 series (~ l/i0) 1.0 1.1 1.2 2.7 5.6 1.2 2.0 3.0 3.3 3.6 3.9 4.3 10 22 1.3 1.5 3.3 6.8 1.5 3.3 6.8 1.5 1.6 1.8 10 22 etc 47 10 3.9 22 etc. 82 47 2.2 2.4 2.7 1.8 etc. 4.7 5.1 5.6 6.2 6.8 7.5 8.2 9.1 47 TABLES 23 Magnetic properties Magnetic strength H and relative as a function of induction B field permeability // r steel casting cast ron T.34 m 2 tesla 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0-5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.3 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 - H B G [ [gauss A/m Mr - dynamo | allow sheet and strips steel P1.0 induction alloyed i and dynamo = H P1.0 = 1.3* 3.6^ kg kg H Mr A/m - Ur A/m - I 1000 2000 3000 440 740 980 4000 5000 6000 1250 1650 2100 7000 8000 9000 3600 5300 7400 97 230 10000 11000 12000 10300 14000 19500 77 63 295 370 49 520 2690 2360 1830 13000 14000 15000 29000 42000 65000 36 750 1250 2000 1380 890 600 16000 17000 18000 3500 7900 12000 363 19000 20000 21000 19100 30500 50700 79 22000 23000 130000 218000 practica limit 181 215 243 2650 2650 2980 8,5 4180 3310 3410 65 90 125 4900 4420 3810 3280 3350 3110 170 220 280 3280 2900 2550 355 460 660 2240 1900 1445 820 1260 495 265 254 100 241 120 227 140 154 170 120 190 29 18 9390 6350 5970 30 60 80 171 119 52 25 40 * 2250 4500 8500 13100 21500 150 103 39000 115000 39 67 14 33 13 4 Note P1.0 s eeZ24 TABLES Z24 Magnetic properties D ynamo sheet properties mild sheet type and allow sheet and strips steel strips steel power T in W/kg low medium 3.0 2.3 high stray at 1:0 thickness 3.6 mm density kg/dm 1.3 1.5 0.35 0.5 3 7.8 7.75 7.65 7.6 core losses per unit P 1.0 3.6 3.0 2.3 1.5 1.3 P 1.5 8.6 7.2 5.6 3.7 3.3 at/= 50Hz W/kg (max.) #25 induc- #50 tion (min.) #100 #300 Vs/m 2 1.53 1.50 1.47 1.43 [gauss] [15300] [15000] [14700] [14300] Vs/m 2 1.63 1.60 1.57 1.55 [gauss] [16300] [16000] [15700] [15500] Vs/m 2 1.73 1.71 1.69 1.65 [gauss] [17300] [17100] [16900] [16500] Vs/m 2 1.98 1.95 1.93 1.85 [gauss] [19800] [19500] [19300] [18500] Explanations 2 fl 2 5 = 1-53 Vs/m 2 indicates that a minimum induction of 1.53 Vs/m 15300 gauss] is reached with a field strength of 25 A/cm. Thus a flux length of e.g. 5 cm requires a circulation of 5 x 25 A = 125 A. [or P 1.0 P 1.5 describes the core losses per unit mass at / = 50 Hz and an induction of 1.0 Vs/m 2 = [10000 G] 1.5 Vs/rr 2 \ = [15000 G] TABLES Z 25 Lighting values Guide values Type for il lumination Es/ in Ix of establishment lighting or location lighting bench only rough workshops to work done precise very precise normal offices medium lighting streets and 20 50 100 light medium traffic heavy factory yards light with traffic heavy 200 500 1000 1500 200 500 bright squares with general 50 100 200 300 500 750 open rooms, living 100 200 300 500 medium according = lm/m 2 General and spec. General 20 50 Lumin ous efficac Type of Colour o f illuminated surface medium dark ighting light direct 0.60 0.45 indirect 0.35 0.25 street 0.30 0.15 deep bowl and widespread reflector 0.40 0.4 5 Lum inoui Standard lamps Pel with single coiled filament (at operating voltage) <P V i flu: ( w V 40 60 75 100 0.43 0.73 0.96 1.39 150 200 300 500 1000 2000 klm 2.22 3.15 5.0 8.4 18.8 W <Z> V mps 0.23 klm 0.12 Pel of la 25 15 40.0 tubular Fluorescent lamps values for diameter 26 mm Pe\ V 'Warmwhite' 'Daylight' 38 mm Pel V High-pressure lamps filled with mercury vapour Pel </> v | W 18 36 58 klm 1.45 3.47 5.4 W 15 klm 0.59 W 125 klm 6.5 20 40 65 1.20 3.1 5.0 250 400 700 24 42 1 4 1000 2000 60 125 TABLES 26 — Statistics 1 <p(x) , I 0-398 942 0398 922 0398 862 0.398 763 0398 623 0398 444 398 225 0.397 966 0.397 668 0.397 330 0.396 953 0.396 536 396 080 0.395 585 0.395 052 0.394 479 0.393 868 0.393 219 0.392 531 0.391 806 0.391 043 0.390 0.389 0.388 0.387 0.386 0.385 0384 0.383 0.382 0.381 0.380 242 404 529 617 668 683 663 606 515 388 226 *oW erf (x) A cp(x) 0000 000 0007 979 0.000 000 0.50 0352 065 0011 283 051 350 292 0.022 565 0.033 841 0.045 111 0.52 0.348 493 0.346 668 0.344 818 0.056 372 0.55 0.56 015 957 0.023 933 0.031 907 0.039 878 0047 845 0.055 806 0.063 763 0.071 713 0079 656 691 0.211 519 332 129 908 670 413 136 840 522 184 823 439 032 600 143 0.222 0.233 0.244 379 389 0.181 0.189 0.197 0.205 0.212 0220 228 0.235 0.243 0.258 0.266 0.273 661 0.281 153 0.288 617 0.296 054 0.303 463 0.310 843 0.318 194 366 782 263 714 135 527 890 225 533 812 0.60 0.167 0.179 0.189 0.200 0.375 240 373 911 0.372 548 0.365 0.363 0.362 0.360 0.358 0.357 0.355 0.353 463 623 758 867 947 996 012 992 936 840 702 522 296 022 700 326 900 418 880 283 627 908 126 279 365 382 330 206 009 739 392 969 468 887 225 482 656 745 750 668 235 119 990 847 0.377 801 0.376 537 0.368 270 057 058 0.111 340 0.119 0.127 0.134 0.142 0.150 0.158 0.166 0.174 325 514 0.332 804 0.340 063 0347 290 0.354 484 0.361 645 0.368 773 0.375 866 0.54 0.078 858 0.090 078 0.101 281 0.112 0.123 134 0.145 0.156 0.087 591 0.095 517 103 434 0.251 0.369 728 0067 622 053 255 0.265 0276 0.286 0.297 0307 0.318 0.328 0338 0.349 359 0369 0.399 0.409 0.418 0-428 0.437 0.447 0.456 0.466 0.475 0.484 0.493 0.502 0.511 0.59 0.61 0.62 0.63 064 0.65 0.66 0.67 0.68 0.69 0.70 0.71 0.72 073 0.74 0.75 0.76 0.77 £K- erf(x) = $oW 379 031 0.371 154 df; e 0.342 944 341 046 339 124 0.337 180 335 213 333 225 0.331 215 0.329 184 0327 133 0.325 062 0.322 972 320 864 0.318 737 0.316 593 0.314 432 0.312 254 0.310 060 0.307 851 0.305 627 0.303 389 0.301 137 0298 872 0.296 595 o (x) erf (x) 382 925 0.389 949 0.396 936 0.403 888 0.410 803 417 681 0.520 0.529 0.537 0.546 0.554 0.424 521 0.571 0.431 322 0.579 0.438 085 0.444 809 0.595 0.451 494 0.458 138 0.464 742 0.471 306 0.477 828 0.484 308 0.490 746 497 142 0.503 496 0.509 806 0.516 073 0.522 296 0.528 475 0.534 610 0.540 700 0.546 745 0.552 746 0.558 700 0.564 609 0.570 472 0.563 587 603 500 244 899 464 939 323 616 816 923 937 856 0.611 681 0.619 412 0.627 047 0.634 586 0642 029 0.649 377 656 628 0.663 782 670 840 0.677 801 0.684 666 0.691 433 698 104 704 678 0.711 156 0.717 537 723 822 0.730 010 736 103 078 294 305 0.79 0.292 004 0.80 0.289 692 0.287 369 0.576 289 582 060 748 003 285 036 0.282 694 0.280 344 0.277 985 0.275 618 0.273 244 0.270 864 0.268 477 266 085 263 688 0.261 286 0587 784 0.753 811 0.759 524 0.765 143 0.81 0.82 0.83 0.84 0.85 0.86 0.87 0.88 0.89 0.90 091 0.92 0.93 0.94 0.95 0.96 0.97 0.98 0.99 0.258 881 0.256 471 0.254 059 0.251 644 0.249 228 0.246 809 0.244 390 0.593 461 0.742 101 599 092 604 675 610 211 0.615 700 0.770 668 0.776 100 0.621 141 0.786 687 0.626 534 0.791 843 0.631 880 0.796 908 178 427 629 782 888 945 954 914 826 0.801 883 0.637 0.642 0.647 0.652 0.657 0.662 0.667 0.672 0.677 0.781 440 0806 768 0.811 563 0.816 271 0.820 891 825 424 0.829 870 0.834 231 0.838 508 TABLES f 2I 27 Statistics 2 X 1.00 1.01 1 02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1 08 109 1.10 1.11 112 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.17 1.18 1.19 <p(x) 0.241 971 551 0.239 0.237 0.234 0.232 0.229 0.227 0.225 0.222 0.220 0.217 0.215 0.213 0.210 0.208 0.205 0.203 132 714 297 882 470 060 653 251 852 458 069 686 308 936 571 0.201 214 0.198 863 0.196 520 1.20 0.194 186 1.21 0.191 860 1.22 1.23 1.24 1.25 1.26 1.27 1.28 1.29 0.189 0.187 0.184 0.182 0.180 0.178 0.175 0.173 1.30 0.171 1.31 0.169 0.166 0.164 0.162 0.160 0.158 0.156 0.153 1.32 1.33 1.34 1.35 1.36 1.37 1.38 1.39 1.40 1.41 1.42 1.43 1.44 1.45 1.46 1.47 1.48 1 .49 543 235 937 649 371 <Po(x) 0842 701 150 0.846 0.850 0.854 0.858 810 838 784 650 436 144 773 326 803 205 533 788 1.51 0-701 660 0.706 0.710 0.715 0.719 0.724 282 855 381 858 287 0.728 668 0866 0.869 0.873 0.876 0.880 0.883 0.886 0.741 524 0889 0.745 714 0.749 0.753 0.757 0.762 0.765 856 951 999 000 953 971 0.893 082 0.896 124 0.899 096 0.902 000 0.904 837 0.907 608 152 1.53 1.54 1.60 1.61 1.62 1.63 1.64 165 166 1.67 1.68 1.69 0915 534 0.781 303 0.918 050 0.920 505 1.72 1.73 1.74 700 331 727 639 564 505 0.141 460 0844 392 0.806 0.809 0.813 0.816 0.819 0822 0826 0.838 487 0.841 460 0.847 283 0.850 133 0.852 941 0.855 710 0.858 438 0.861 127 0.863 776 0.922 0.925 0.927 0.929 0.931 0.934 0.936 0.938 0.940 0941 0.943 0.945 0947 949 950 0.952 0.953 0.955 0.956 0.958 0.959 0.961 0.962 0.963 0.964 900 236 514 734 899 008 063 065 015 914 762 562 313 016 673 285 853 376 857 297 695 054 373 654 898 <f(x) 0.129 0.127 0.125 0.123 0.121 118 0.116 0.114 0.112 0.110 0.109 107 0.105 103 0.102 0.100 0.098 0.097 0.095 0.094 0.092 0.090 0.089 0.087 1.57 1.58 1.59 1.71 1.75 1.76 1.77 1.78 1.79 0086 1.80 0.078 0.077 0.076 0.074 0.073 1.81 1.82 1.83 1.84 1.85 186 1.87 1.88 189 1 90 1.91 1.92 1.93 1.94 195 1.96 1.97 1.98 1 99 = -im V'.d, V>T. 56 1 1.70 0.788 0.792 0.795 0.799 0.802 erf(jc) 0120 0.910 314 0.912 956 0.785 024 df; 1.55 0.769 861 0.773 721 0.777 535 471 417 418 435 0.131 468 0.862 0.733 001 0.737 286 0835 431 X erf (x) 682 689 0.151 831 0.139 0.137 0.135 0.133 - 0.687 505 0.692 272 0.696 990 0.829 0.832 0.149 0.147 0.145 0.143 f --JU fe" 2 V2FJ 915 455 949 399 804 165 482 755 984 170 313 413 104 847 602 369 147 937 740 555 383 225 080 948 2 * fW-^yi* 0.084 0.083 0.081 0080 0.072 0.070 0.069 0.068 518 583 665 763 878 009 157 323 505 704 921 155 406 675 961 265 586 925 282 657 049 459 887 333 796 277 776 293 828 380 950 538 143 766 407 065 740 433 144 066 871 0.065 616 0.064 378 0.063 157 0.061 952 0.060 765 0.059 595 0.058 0.057 0.056 0.055 441 304 183 079 <P (x) erf (x) 0.866 336 0.868 957 0966 105 0.871 489 0.967 277 0.968 414 0.873 983 0.876 440 0969 516 0.878 858 0.971 623 0.881 240 0972 628 0.883 0.885 0.888 0.890 0.892 585 893 165 401 602 0894 768 0896 899 0.970 586 0.973 0.974 0.975 0.976 0.977 0.898 995 0978 0978 0979 901 057 0.980 903 086 0.981 0.981 0.905 081 907 043 0.908 972 0.910 0.912 0.914 0.916 869 734 568 370 0918 141 0.919 882 0.921 592 0.923 273 924 924 0.926 546 928 139 0.929 704 931 241 0932 750 934 232 0.935 687 937 115 0.938 516 0.939 892 0941 242 0.942 567 0.943 867 0.945 142 946 393 0.947 620 948 824 0.950 004 951 162 952 297 0.953 409 0.982 0.983 0.983 0.984 0.985 0.985 0.986 0.986 0.987 0.987 0.988 0.988 0.989 603 547 462 348 207 038 843 622 376 105 810 493 153 790 407 003 578 135 672 190 691 174 641 090 0989 524 0989 943 0.990 347 0.990 736 991 111 0991 472 991 821 0992 156 0992 479 0.992 790 993 090 993 378 993 656 0.993 922 994 179 0.994 426 0.994 664 0.994 892 0.995 111 . INDEX acceleration - angular , - due to gravity time curve Acceptable Quality Level L 3 , , acid-base-indicators action diagram basic structures - - rule for addition , , - line active 11 U T T T T 4 3 4 4 3 9 7 S 18 D 9 D 10 , relationship 6 Q20 18 algebraic equation, definition general solution between D D D zeros and coefficients of any degree - expressions D alternating current S 9 9 9 .D 12 solution zeros, roots , G T Q addendum admittance , 2 2 S29 power actuator , L L L L 9. 2 D21 16. ..S29 S22 bridge , angle of twist angular frequency annuity interest calculation annulus apparent power A.Q.L. arc differential - length - of circle Archimedes principle area expansion , units of arithmetic mean - series asymptote atmospheric axial I relative humidity shear stress P20 S16 D25 K13 belt drive P 9 P 10 bending - in one axis P24 P28 P24 shafts D American hardness U 6 T 3 amplitude response for the whole circuit T24 P 5, P 6 P 7 analysis of forces A 1 Angstrom - bars of circular cross section P20 non-circular cross section P 20 basic differentials H 4 H 5 - integrals 3 ...I 13 beam of uniform strength P 16 - of varying cross section P 15 beams P 11. ..P 16 - of uniform cross section P 11 bearings Q 10. .Q 14 bearing clearance Q11 - friction K 12 bearing journal Q10 - pressure Q11 bearing rolling Q 10 - stress Q 2 Becquerel V 6 Belleville spring Q 6 two planes - moment - of uniform beams - stress Bernoulli Differential Bernoulli's theorem bevel gears K P 2 .P 13 1 1 P 9 Z 17 Equation J 10 , N Q 4 Q25 O 3 24 bimetallic strips binomial series D 18 B 3 S 18 - theorem D 4 - Bode diagram T3, T22.T23, T 29 T31 boiling point Z 1. ..Z 6 G 11 bolted joints 14 14 bolts Q Q boring R bottom clear - tearing Bow diagram bracket attachment brakes Q18 I I K N A D D 7 3 3 1 17 17 F 3 U 6 P 19 , R K Q Q build up time axiomes to the probability G 1 axles Q 2 band brakes K 13 bankholder forces R 7 calculation for a controller calculation of module calorific value barrel C 4 candela buoyancy 1 7 6 1 17 Z 19 Q17 brake torque branching point buckling 1 2 T P 22 3 P23 T N 2 3 T18 Q28 Z10 V 1 S3 capacitance S 12 S 12 - of coaxial cylinders capacitor power S31 A 3 carat Cardan L 10 joint D23 Cartesian coordinate system Cavalieri principle center of gravity 14, central limit theorem centrifugal force changes of state of ideal 1 C K 15 I G M gases 1 8 3 5 5 characteristic angular frequency charge chemical elements - terms choke U , . . 2 B 3 arc of B3 B3 sector of segment of circumcircle Clairaut' Differential equation clamped 1 2 1 joint Q , F 2 7 7 7 E 6 J 11 Q 3 K K K Q 16 Z 19 coaxial cylinders, capac. of S 12 P 2 Z 7 Z 11 clutches 15 coeff. of elongation friction Q28 - - heat transmission M restitution Z Z Z rolling friction - - sliding static friction non-magnetic cold working of sheet combination of stresses combinations comparator T 6 D30 4 2 G conductance S 2 1. ..Z 10 6 Z 7 list of symbols control factor control loop, rules to determine the transfer function control loops, components quantities and functions to describe the 1 T34 T 7 T T 9 4 , dynamic behaviour T T T T T controlled system - variable , - - overshoot point of measurement controller - output variable controlling element . , , , T T T setting rules for P-, PI- 7 4 5 8 5 6 6 6 T20 ,T26 choice of the type determinations T 25 proved and T33 T20 (PID)-types the most important , - system T 6 10 4 3 convex mirrors 14 Q 13 Q cooling D 18 coordinate system. Cartes. D 19 polar copper losses S29 core losses S 25 S28 T 3 corner angular frequency E 6 cosine rule convection of heat conversion of logarithms D V , , coulomb S counterflow exchanger Cremona method critical speed by vibrations cumulative distribution P 7 conditional probability conduction of heat conductivity, thermal 10 M P M P3 2 G conical pendulum control engineering terms, S32 4 D 12 interest 2 15 confidence statement crosshead guide cross section, nominal - switch cube cubic coeff. of expansion cuboid T loop - pendulum - wound motor compression compressive stress 7 R 6 P24. .P29 D 5 D 6 complex numbers D29 components of the control compound 7 S25 S24 S24 Q 8 S24 coercive force coil, high frequency - low frequency coiled spring coils, 8 7 C Q C , 3 S26 S27 coil circle - T S U U cone - clutch - frustum function current - density current rating - source 2 11 K M 6 6 10 15 Q Q S37 S37 C 1 Z 11 C G G 9 S S 1 2 1 2 S37 S 9 curved beams P25 cutting drives force R R R R R R - gears power - round times C C C cylinder - , hollow , sliced 1 2 1 2 3 3 2 2 dynamo sheet Q18 Q20 dedendum deep drawing R P 12 deflection deformation efficiency 1, Z 1 .. , 6 P20 , R R T .Z N 8 8 1 6 3 D25 H 4 H H .. D Descartes theorem desiccants determinants determination of o U D7 D G 3 6 9 6 8 6 a (PID) -T, controlling T31 ..T33 a PI- or P-controlling element (example) diagram-hub geometry diameter, base - , ..T32 Q 5 Q 19 Q 19 Q20 Q19 root • tip Q 19 Z H H dielectric constant difference coefficient differential coefficient - equations , order - - ,2 nd order th n order , , - - , 1 . . definition st , J 1 1 J 12 J , . . . . reduction of order with constant J 5 coefficients D 17 DIN-Series dioptrics direct-current machine 1 1 J 10 J 4, J 9, J 4, J 5, J 11 J 5 J 2 linear partial solution 2 J 12 J J J J , . . , R V 4 1 S32 T R 6 3 U I N 1 6 18 ,Z 12 Z23 properties Eigenangular frequency T elastic curve electric circuits P 11 - S measurements S8 ,S S8 S - networks calculation , - , 9 9 S specific resistance temperature coefficient Z21 Z21 work S work in S13 Z22 B3 , English hardness U 1 F 4 U 6 4 4 enthalpy entropy epicyclic gearing equations of any degree, approximate solutions D 13 .. equilateral triangle B2 equilibrium equivalent beam - dead time Q26 . D 16 D26 K 4 P 15 T 2 G G 8 8 8 6 - molecular mass error curve equation expansion, area differential , linear of gases of liquid bodies of solid bodies , volume 1 S 12 electro-magnetic rules -motive series elements, chemical - 1 an electric field - 5 power electrical - 1 S12 S11 field electrical Euler formula 7 3 eddy currents 7 J 1 L Q 12 S25 8 , V Q27 eccentricity, relative function variable 3 8 , inertia ellipse T30 reference , R2 drilling dynamic moment of dynamic viscosity S33 element (example) 7 1 D 17 derivative derivatives 9 F Q17 Q 7 4 decimal-geometric series - ratio, logarithmic delay time density N - determination of deposit calculation T disc brakes - springs distance law, optical - -time curve disturbance variable drive worm drying agents for diseccators damping ratio D.C. machines with commutating poles T direct feedback direction cosines of vectors T P22 J 11 3 3 4 3 3 3 G G expected mean experimental probability exponential curve - equation - functions extended feedback 3 1 F 4 D 4 H 5 T 10 rule S 3 R 4 R 4 R 4 T 9 T 10 T 5 T 5 farad feed drives power rate feedback rule - rule, extended - variable controlled variable - controlled variable, final formation - controlling element - controlling equipment first order delay element T 1 , T 5 T 6 T 6 T 14 fixing bolts Q flow, equation friction loss N 5 N 6 N 6 N 6 N 4 N 4 S 3 S 12 , - , , laminar turbulent fluid, ideal - , flux, - , real density magnetic M flywheel effect focal point F F focus Foelmer formula Q force between magn. poles - 2 4 2 2 S 15 M M moment polygon K K units of A 2 2 K 3 T 5 1 T 6 D 22 D 25 D 20 - transformation D 23 - - calculation rules D23 - - convolution D23 correspondence D 16 D25 .. .. time translation free fall freezing mixtures frequency - angular - resonant D23 L U . 15 Q K9 ,Z Q N 6 , for fluids K frustrum of cone C C pyramid functional block functions, exponential - , , , , 7 3 K13 rope sliding of 17 Z 8 Z 19 Z 15 , - 3 3 K13 , hyperbolic inverse trigonometrical logarithmic trigonometrical 9 2 1 T H H H H H 6 5 T 7 3 5 6 6 gain crossover angular frequency margin condition, - , gain margin , S21 5 5 12 9 Z14 gases, tables laws O S gauss Gaussian curve G Q 18 .. general equation of state generators Q29 Q 5 4 - series D 17 D31 application of German hardness golden section gradient of a curve H graphical determination of a T 21 linear controller 4 3 8 S33 D17 geometric mean U 6 D32 1 .. H 2 .T32 Grashof number group combinational elements (PD)-T, and (PID)-!", 012 gravitational force K 1 N 2 V 5 R 3 - pressure grinding 1 2 A A 04 ,Z 08 , gray L S , - United States gas constant - mixtures 8 5 , T28 T8 T20 realization - gallon, Imperial , forming device for the referFourier series Q locked joints losses in pipe flow materials, properties numbers T T . K 12 bearing clutches coefficient gearing, epicyclic , ence variable , gears , , - 1 , trolled variable <9 5 centrifugal gravitational forces composition K 2 formation of the final con- response characteristics response 1 , , - friction T17 half-angle rule E hardness of water harmonic oscillation U - L M oscillations M 6 heat conduction - latent of sublimation radiation , removal by lubricant transfer coeff. 10, - transmission values helical spring henry 7 integral, definite O 11 O 7 O 2 O 2 O 10 Q13 Q 14 O 10 flow - involute toothing 10 10 exchange exchanger , 6 6 4 Z 14 11 11 10,0 Z 10 .. 012 .Z13 Q 9 S S - indefinite - , 1 D 10 D 12 .. Hurwitz criterium hydrodynamics hydrodynamics values N4 .. hydrostatics N .. 1 N Z N hyperbola F F 5, F6 hypergeometric distribution H hyperbolic functions - power - work 9 9 E F - elastic - plastic impedance M M M , , S 19 , 5 5 5 5 5 5 Johnson formula Kelvin A 9 3 3 6 9 key joints 3 6 6 Q S Kirchhoff laws N laminar flow laminated leaf spring Laplace transformation Q D26 E inclined plane independent events induced voltage inductance induction motor inertia, dynamic moment K 10 L , G S moment of inhomogeneous differential equation 4 , of correlation-table 16, 1 variable transf. 02 ,Z lattice girder K5 1 K 10 6 S14 hand S 13 A 1 V 4 V 4 V 2 length, units of lens equation J , leakage flux S14 S34 I D27 D26 D26 latent heat left 19 19 T 10 Laplace Transform Laplace transformation differential equations - - translation S 15 I I 6 9 6 7 D28 D26 D26 D28 .. calculation rules 4 8 8 8 1 % S20 , incircle 6 V5 V 6 S25 ionizing radiation 7 , impact 7 D23 8 V1 Z21 illumination 2 , convolution N ideal fluid 15 P S G S25 S25 S25 hysteresis 2 2 joule Q 4 T12 ,T18 hub dimensions 19 D 17 Z22 - hyperbolic functions isothermal state isentropic isobare isochore isothermal 2 I - enthalpy of a mixture International E-series inverse circular functions - Fourier transformation isentropic J I I iron losses differential I I 1 equation Horner method .. energy of a mixture 2 homogeneous 1 numerical 4 P 18 1 I rules L S24 14 1 , internal 6 I 11,12 integration - application of - by parts - by substitution B C Q23 .. S37 hexagon Hooke's law hollow cylinder 18 instruments, electrical hertz high frequency coil Q installation rule lenses light refraction lighting values linear coefficient of Z25 expansion Z 11 measuring instruments linear controller, graphical determination T 21 ... T32 - differential equations J 2 ... J 7 - equations D 7, D 8 - expansion O 3 - interpolation approximation rule D 16 - networks, calculation S 8, S 9 methods S 8, S 9 , O liquid bodies, heating of - pressing backward , 2 R 8 R 8 R 8 Z 14 , forward liquids, tables P H D flux of lamps - intensity - quantity Mac V V field - strength S - flux - induction magnetomotive force 4, S 14, S 14, S 3. S 3. S4. magnifying lens manipulated variable manipulating point , S 15 Z23 S 14 S 14 S 14 V 4 V R2 R V2 V mirror , units of maximum Q Q module, circular - normal P 18 Z of elastic ty P 3. Z P rigidity Mohr's analogy - stress circle molecular volume - mole fraction moment 1 8 K of a force inertia I 16 . - theorem rolling , rotational , simple harmonic , sliding 18, M2, M 3 A 2 P27 S 3 P 18 maxwell mean shear stress - specific heat of various gases - value mechanical oscillation mechanisms meaning of derivative measure of plane angle L L L L L L4 , , , , , S32 multi plate clutch switch 13, M 2, 1 5 9 6 7 9 density - distribution - probability curve G 8, D 14 S 24 G G G 3 6 L 10 H 3 E 1 T 5 7 7 7 normalized form of the transfer T 12 function, type mixed - product T 12 - sum T 12 15 numerical integration Nusselt' number O 12 T 19, T 21 Nyquist criterium , Z 13 G H 1 19 S32 S32 S34 S32 S34 S34 S34 Q 15 S37 compound wound - direct current - induction - shunt - synchronous - three phase motors D shear stresses I L4 , motor, . K motion, linear - 4 4 3 6 6 18 18 17 17 14 P13 non-magnetic coils normal curve for probability of inertia measuring equipment U U ds equivalent moment T18 control loop for stability milling flu 7 P23 microscope mixture rule for - cross 6 9 Newton's approximation method 1, fraction , I - 1 Z S R .. method of bucklinc coefficient methods for check ng the circuit M mass - 1 D 18 V 4 Laurin series macro photography magnetic 4 S22 Q 12 Q 13 Z25 V1, Z25 Z25 lubrication film lubricant flow rate luminous efficacy - 8 6 1 S8 R6 metalworking Q21, Q22, Q24, Q25 loads in beams logarithmic functions logarithms low frequency coils Z mesh-work modulus load capacity of tooth S36 electr. melting point , I oblique angle triangle octagon S2 Ohm's law , bags - slots open loop gain oil transfer function operating characteristic optical distance law optics 5 13 13 T T 7 7 11 2 G 3 10 V V ordinary differential equat on harmonic mechanical overshoot - of the controlled variable oscillation, - S Q Q , 1 (PID)-^ controlling element, characteristics of a control loop PI- or - normal , Q plain key plane, inclined - J 1 L 4 mirrors planing M 6 2 8 plastic yield point of disturbance Poisson distribution T T T20 Q23 Q18 Q18 pinion, dimensions pitch, circular , R2 G4 G , P T - second moment T20 Pappus theorems I parabola parallel combination - combinational element elements PD, PID F 2 T 9 T15 T16 PI C parallelepiped parallel-flow-exchanger - resistances - resonance 6 S21 B partial fraction differential D 3 expansion equation particular 1 J 1 , J 1 J 2 D 4 of area I 17 polygon B 2 polytropic state potential difference - divider S S 6 2 8 M 1 power - active - factor S31 S31 S31 S31 A3 A 5 , correction 1 11 S parallelogram - 15 1 6 10 D30 polar coordinate system P- or (PD)-"^ controlling element, characteristics of a control loop 3 K 10 V 3 R 4 - reactive - units of powers Prandtl-number , , , D 1 12 ,Z 15 U 5 11, preparation of chemicals pressure - hydrostatic - in a fluid N 1 N 1 1 , N N 1 Pascal-triangle pendulum - compound - conical - simple - torsional M M M M M 7 7 7 7 7 primitive transfer elements principal stresses T14 P28 prismoid pentagon B 2 period permissible stresses L 1 progressive ratio proof stress projection, angled C G G D , , , , P2, P 18, Z 16 . . permittivity, absolute - , Z22 relative permutations phase crossover angular frequency - margin condition, realization - margin - response Z 18 S 12 D5 , D 6 T 7 T27 T7 ,T20 T 3 representation T25 - shift photometric radiation S 17 , equivalent photometry pH-values V 1 V 1 U 4 , * probability density function - distribution - , horizontal , vertical P L L L properties of gases liquids solids Z1 : Z Z .Z - ,4th - mean pyramid - frustrum , C C , factor quadratic equation quantity of electricity 4 2 2 17 2 8 8 8 6 5 4 D32 D32 D32 proportional, 3rd Q 2 1 1 S 17 S21 D 1 S 2 , radians E radiation 10 Z 12 - constant radius of gyration M ramp response random variable range of an ammeter - - a voltmeter T G 2 1 2 2 G 3 S S 11 11 ratio of slenderness reactance Z 17 S 18 reactive power reagents, chemical S31 U N B T T V real fluid rectangle reference variable - - adjuster refractive index Regula falsi related step response relative - eccentricity S4 reluctance rem remanent - , moment , rolling in 5 5 2 S2 of S6 S6 series - parallel resisting moment resistor combinations , 7 S S 5 5 7 P K 12 S 7 S 7 11 S21 S21 restitution, coefficient of M reversible processes 8 7 6 2 Reynolds' number right angled triangle N - hand rule method Rontgen - unit S 13 K 5 V 5 E A 1 12 Z 7 rolling friction coefficient L9 K root diameter roots K 12 S 16 Q 19, rotation rotational motion rough plane roughness in pipes Q20 D 1 K 13 rope friction - operated machines K 14 L7, M L R Z 4 4 3 9 , B3 B3 circle sphere self-induction series D 17 - arithmetic series combination series combinational element .. , , , P 2 D 7 9 8 F F K 11 Q 1 D 15 P 9 19 T 15 P 9 I , K K K 7 7 7 C 3 S 15 D 19 D 17 T 9 T 17 geometric T16 D17 Mac D 18 and D-T, I-T, - 9 L10 I 12 S 14 V 5 S 10 S - resistance root-mean-square - product Scotch-Yoke mechanism screws - and bolts secant approximation method second moment of area 19 - - - volume - order delay element T 1 section modulus - - circle segment of a 1 resonant circuits - frequency Ritter F8 scalar sector of an annulus 2 P20 P21 S6, S Sarrus rule T S25 flux density resistance - of a conductor resistances 1 T12 T safety factor D 16 G Q frequency 5 4 rules for the normalized form of the transfer function - to determine the transfer function Laurin S32 motor resonance S21 D 18 D 19 Taylor shaft-hub joints shafts , Q .. Q Q 5 2 R 4 P 18 P 19 P 18 P 1 - modulus - stress due torsion P20 shearing force - deflection of a beam shrinkage allowance shrunk-on ring shunt motor side-rake angle Simpson's 3 R2 shaping shear rule P 18 P 19 P 4 P 4 S32 Z 17 I 15 6 sine rule single phase-output E transformers slenderness S35 P22 sliced cylinder slider crank chain sliding friction coefficient C - motion smoothing 4 L 10 Z 7 L 9 3 R solid bodies, heating of 2 Q Sommerfeld number G special distributions spectral energy specific conductance - heat - heat, liquids 12 9 D23 2,0 Z Z .Z 1 6 - , P compressive in , , - heat of various gases - lighting - resistance speed diagram - rational Z15 Z 17 stresses sphere C C C C Z14 , spread .. spring, coiled spring, disc - , helical , laminated leaf , leaf , torsion-bar rate Q spur gears square - 1 L 1 2 3 3 3 4 19 9 8 6 9 Q Q Q Q Q Q Q 7 Q 7 Q 6 Q 8 Q21 splined shaft 3 6 R 18 B 1 S23 coil of the control loop T 18 T 18 standard deviation standerdized numbers G 3 Z22 - number series star-delta connection state and variations of state of D 17 stability, definition - S32 gases 4 statically indeterminate beams P 17 - moment of a body statistic-tables Steiner's theorem stiffness steel tubes , M 2 , S34 tangent rule taper joint Q target variable Taylor series D 6 3 6 8 A 3 - stress tension P theorem , , shear stresses Tetmajer formula - stresses of rel. P 1 P 3 P 4 S 3 P 18 P22 theoretical probability P 3 G 1 thermal conduction 10, Z 1 . . Z6 ,Z15 - energy * - state of real gases - stresses - variables of state thermodynamic diagrams Thevenin's theorem 2 P 4 3 S 6 9 1 time, units of , tonne A A tooth width ratios Q23 toroidal coil 1 torque torsion P 4 P 11 ,Z20 Z 16 .Z 18 P 1 P3 Z 17 , 1 P3 tesla 1 bending 1 , 3 , T - units of tensile force F - E temperature P . 2 8 S synchronous motor straight line strain - energy I superposition Stokes strength values stress 5 Q 2 P27 two dimensions substitution method in Z T N step response M 6 9 2 Q 14 14 9 Z26 ,Z27 16 P25 curved beams rotating bodies shafts - 9 P 1 P 3 Z 17 P 10 I 1 , M I a curve - stress in 1 threephase current S30 S31 - motors S34 - output transformers S35 - power, measurement S30 T 8 time to reach lower tolerance steady state T 8 Z20 static friction coefficient Q P , Z21 - with conical boring cylindrical - zone of a springs - 3 P 2 P 18 static strain diagram tensile stress, torsional .. P Q 9 P28 three dimensions 9 1 , permissible shearing specific heat of a mixture 7, 1 oscillating - bar - in shafts - stress torsional pendulum 2 2 S23 P20 P20 P21 Q 9 P28 P20 Z 17 , , M 7 torus C total reflexion V T transfer function - 4 2 3 determination using the back annotation T 10 ,T 11 T 12 normalized form determination T12 T 12 rules T12 type transformation of a delta to a S 10 star-circuit - of a star to a delta-circuit transformer - phase output switch groups threephase output transmissions ratios transverse contraction trapezium , single , - rule triangle - , centroid , equilateral , 1 - angular - of light - time curve Venn diagram P 3 vibrations viscosity, 1 K 7 I 15 K 7 E F 6 1 B2 D32 , turbulent flow turning two coils facing each other types of transfer elements R2 F F F7, F F F L L vertex radius V L3, L G F2 ... , - divider - source S voltmeter volume expansion T34 water pipes - fraction - per unit 1 1 1 S 2 wavelengths A1,V 3 wave wedges T F 2 7 Wheatstone bridge work - units of Z 9 S 3 K11 S11 A A A A 2 .. A A3 A A A A2 A 4 2 4 4 5 3 2 4 power pressure time volume 1 . , , , worm 2 S21 trap 4 3 1 , N 1 S 2 S 7 S 9 S 36 3 9 watt P 18 A 6 A C A A 4 units of , ungula - step response - vectors 1 F M mass ultimate shear stress unit of fineness 6 5 9 8 8 9 8 2 2 3 7 N1.Z16 dynamic - kinematic voltage weber mass 3 F8, F 7, , 6 6 6 2 5 N 6 Z 17 S 13 E E E E E circum circle right angled trigonometric conversions force length G gases - product - sum S28 S35 S35 S35 M 4 1 , real velocity F oblique angle radius of incircle units of area 5 2 gases vectors vector difference - equation S 10 B acute angle , , B T variations of state of deal method , A3, A work - ramp response variances , - - units of gearing Q 27, M 1 A 5 Q 28 X-rays V 3 yield point P 1 Young's modulus Z20 Z16 zone C - strength of a sphere 3 McGraw-Hill \ / Hvision ol The McGraw-Hill gg ( AMpames ISBN 0-07-024572-X