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Poem Analysis Table: Language & Themes

“Day Break”
“I rose, blessed by the sun”
Analysis of Language
The caesura created by the colon after “Daybreak:”
Childhood innocence-
suggests ab emphatic declaration or decision, creating the
the child is on a
sense that the speaker of the poem is on a mission.
secretive mission
The child, unaware of their malicious intentions, feels
Childhood innocence-
metaphorically “blessed” by the early morning light,
the child is oblivious
seeing this as a sign of approval.
to the potential
consequences of their
“A horny fiend”
The imagery of ‘horny fiend’ contradicts the “child/
Childhood innocence-
obedient,” in her father’s mind, highlighting the potential
the child is oblivious
for evil and violence.
to the potential
consequences of their
“Master of life and death, a “Master of life and death, a wisp-haired judge whose law
wisp-haired judge whose would punish beak and claw”, The whole idea of the child
law would punish beak and displaying herself as “a master of life and death” is a
complete contradiction to what she truly is- an immature
child who is only trying to win the attention of her father
by somewhat disappointing him.
“End what you have begun” The father, a symbol of authority and power teaches the
child a life lesson through his experience, “End what you
have begun”. The use of imperative and direct speech give
a presence to the father of authority and wisdom.
Power and authority